Zo Sentence Examples
The pulleys, which are made as large as possible up to zo ft.
A hybrid between the yak and Indian cattle, called zo, is commonly reared in Tibet and the Himalaya.
When a solution of the strength of about i in zo is applied to the skin it produces a local anaesthesia which lasts for many hours.
Notably it traced the upper Cavalla, proving that that river was not connected either with the Nuon on the west or the Ko or Zo on the east.
About 1875 their average capacity differed little from that of British wagons of the present day, but by 1885 it had grown to zo or 22 short tons (z000 ib) and now it is probably at least three times that of European wagons.
The kingdom of Ossory was founded in the 2nd century A.D., and its kings maintained their position until 11 zo.
The submarine slopes are steep, and within zo m.
The sum and product of two quaternions are defined by the formulae mi ase + F+lases = (a s + 133) es 2arer X ZO,es = Fiarfseres, where the products e,e, are further reduced according to the following multiplication table, in which, for example, the eo e1 e2 e3 second line is to be read eieo = e1, e 1 2 = - eo, e i e 2 = es, eie3 = - e2.
He wrote various philosophical works, also a treatise on grammar which is quoted by the later grammarian, John bar Zo`bi.
Other important contributors to this sphere of literature were Isho' bar Nan (t827/8), John bar Zo`bi (beginning of the 13th century), Jacob bar Shakko (f1241), and the great Nestorian scholar `Abadisho' (f 1318).
AdvertisementThe French losses were about zo,000, or a little over zo%, those of the Allies 38,000 killed, wounded and prisoners (the latter 23,000) or z9%.
Scale of Metres o co 20 30 40 5 Scale of Yards 0 i p zo g o 40 ?o climbing plants with slender herbaceous or shrubby shoots, to which belong the yam and the British black bryony, Tamus communis.
In these the horizontal branches are placed wider, 18 to zo in.
A Swedish return of1896-1900shows that the annual births per thousand wives of 20-25 are fewer by nearly 17% than those of wives under zo.
If x' is the potential energy of unit of mass of the substance in vapour, then at a distance z from the plane surface of the liquid X = X' - 22 7rp 7rpe e ((zo)) ..
AdvertisementThere are 26 other churches and io mission rooms belonging to the Church of England, besides 2 Roman Catholic churches, a synagogue and 84 Nonconformist chapels (31 Welsh and 53 English) and zo mission rooms, but all are modern buildings.
There are two public parks - Broad Meadow (zo acres), part of ground reclaimed in 1859, and Levengrove (32 acres), presented to the corporation in 1885 by Peter Denny and John McMillan, two shipbuilders who helped lay the foundation of the town's present prosperity.
Dauphine was one of the first of the provinces to feel the excitement of the coming revolution; and Barnave was foremost to give voice to the general feeling, in a pamphlet entitled Esprit des edits enregistres militairement le zo mai 1788.
She told Le Clerc that after Locke's return from exile, " by some considerably long visits, he had made trial of the air of Otes, which is some zo m.
It was provided that where more than zo% of the population of a county lived in electoral divisions of which the total rateable value, when divided by the number of the population, gave a sum of less than LI, Ios.
AdvertisementFive equilateral triangles covertically placed would stand on a pentagonal base, and it was found that, by forming several sets of such pyramids, a solid could be obtained which had zo triangular faces, which met in pairs to form 30 edges, and in fives to form 12 vertices.
These constellations were arranged in three concentric annuli, the northern ones in an inner annulus subdivided into 60 degrees, the zodiacal ones into a medial annulus of 1 zo degrees, and the southern ones into an outer annulus of 240 degrees.
A purely empirical allowance for impact stresses has been proposed, amounting to zo% of the live load stresses for floor stringers; 15 for floor cross girders; and for main girders, io% for 40-ft.
Worsley, and the island was reached in 16 days on May zo after a voyage of over Boo m., but on the side farthest from the whaling stations.
Froude reports that he "received a large sum from a private hand for his Life of Lord George Bentinck" (published in 1852), "while a Conservative millionaire took upon himself the debts to the usurers; the 3% with which he was content being exchanged for the zo% under which Disraeli had been staggering."