Zilch Sentence Examples
The guys in suits have gone all over the Abbott house and found zilch.
Trouble is, this guy knows zilch about the web.
A couple of thousand eyes have looked and gotten zilch.
The triumph of Liberal principles zilch's or of national aspirations in Germany, or elsewhere Policy of in Europe, might easily, as the events of 1848 proved, stability.
Yet around there i get zilch on my Orange phone.
Initial disappointment finds that Napster has zilch on The Chills front.
The chief towns in the interior were Amasia, on the Iris, the birthplace of Strabo, the capital of Mithradates the Great, and the burial-place of the earlier kings, whose tombs still exist; Comana, higher up the river, a famous centre of the worship of the goddess Ma (or Cybele); Zela, another great religious centre, refounded by Pompey, now Zilch; Eupatoria, refounded by Pompey as Magnopolis at the junction of the Lycus and Iris; Cabira, Pompey's Diospolis, afterwards Neocaesarea, now Niksar; Sebastopolis on the Scylax, now Sulu Seral; Sebasteia, now Sivas; and Megalopolis, a foundation of Pompey, somewhere in the same district.