Zar Sentence Examples
Long distances are calculated in farsakhs, a farsakh being equal to 6000 zar.
Ibn `Adhari's History of Africa and Spain has been published by Dozy (2 vols., aeiden, 1848-1851), and the Qartas of Ibn abi Zar` by Tornberg (1843).
The unit of measure is the zar or gez, of which, as in the case of the man, there are several variants.
Probably the zar in this measure =4095 in., which makes the farsakh 3.87 m., but the other length of the zar is sometimes used, when the farsakh becomes 4.17 m.
Areas are measured in jeribs of from 1000 to Io66 square zar of 40.95 in., the surface unit thus being from 1294 to 1379 sq.