Zap Sentence Examples
She was surprised to feel a strange zap of energy, different than Gabriel's warmth but not unpleasant.
The function Zap 1 a 2 P2 n being as above denoted by a partition of the weight, viz.
Like I said on Fit Club I've spent my whole life waiting for a pill that would just zap the weight away.
He did n't zap Jeremiah for claiming God had tricked Him.
It may also be necessary to zap the PRAM of your Macintosh in order for the SpigotPower AV card to be recognized.
We had to zap the system and completely rebuild from backups.
You make use of a special gun to manipulate the environment and zap the little electrifying Elebits which are needed to power our appliances.
With repeated use, the laser is able to "zap" the hair's underlying follicles.
Zap & Learn WHY Writer features two interactive learning modes that teach word reading and comprehension, vocabulary and how to follow directions, with options to change the game as the child's skills develop.
If you want to gain some insight then zap down to your local video store and hire the film ' The Wedding Singer ' .
AdvertisementZap the shuffling aliens, dodging their laser missiles, using the bases for cover to achieve the highest score.
Electrical blasts, to zap people from afar or to wreck havoc with machinery?
Their own focus groups often tell them that viewers zap away from foreign news.
If you want to gain some insight then zap down to your local video store and hire the film ' The Wedding Singer '.
Like I said on Fit Club I 've spent my whole life waiting for a pill that would just zap the weight away.
AdvertisementZip zap bop All players sit in a circle, passing a clap around.
He wanted to find more work, zap up his showreel and broaden his knowledge of the business.
There are 1200 slots a week available so zap over now to fill in the Busking Application Form and get Busking !
Stress can zap your energy, but when your body releases pent up adrenaline during exercise or excitement, your body releases oxygen and gives you a natural boost.
Momentary stimulation is just a small quick zap that immediately signals your dog to respond.
AdvertisementStatic shock style collars deliver a zap that is similar to touching metal after you've walked on carpet--uncomfortable, but not really life threatening.
Zap is a cleaning concentrate that works well and is easy to use.
Stun guns will zap a would be attacker with a high-voltage, low-amp electrical volt that will disable him temporarily but not cause permanent damage.
Guests will feel as if they stepped inside a video game as they are invited to zap Emperor Zurg and his accomplices, able to spin their car around in two directions to shoot and score extra points.
Zinfandel lovers have ZAP, and Pinot Noir lovers have World of Pinot Noir.
AdvertisementElectronics are one of the first things to zap the energy right out of your love life.
The offerings are similar to those of Zap French, but this site is for downloading the sound files so that you can listen and learn anywhere you can use an mp3 player.