Yugoslavia Sentence Examples
But its place was taken more and more by Yugoslavia, which, it should be remarked, was then still used to denote all the territories inhabited by any southern Slav tribe, and so to include the Bulgars no less than the Serbo-Croats and Slovenes.
It may however be regarded as the birth certificate of the future Yugoslavia, and as fixing the lines of future development.
Montenegrins voted May 21 to end their 88-year-old union with Serbia, becoming the Fifth Republic to gain independence from the former Yugoslavia.
Inspiration comes from his neighbors, teachers, and collecting folk songs in Yugoslavia.
The only holdout has been what is today the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Then there was its commitment to Yugoslavia, whose resuscitation was repeatedly invoked in the West.
The experiences of China and Yugoslavia only presage more far-reaching developments to come.
This decision (passed with only one dissentient voice, but that unhappily Stephen Radic, the peasant leader) took formal effect on Dec. 1, when Prince Alexander, at the formal request of 24 delegates from Zagreb, proclaimed the union and repeated their cry " Long live free and united Yugoslavia."
Fiume, he declared, must be the outlet, not of Italy, but " of Hungary, Bohemia, Rumania and Yugoslavia."
Thus the proposal entirely failed of its effect, and as Italy, Yugoslavia and America each adhered to its standpoint, and the two western Powers shrank from any constructive policy, a fresh deadlock ensued.
AdvertisementTardieu suggested a compromise by which the port and district of Fiume with most of eastern Istria and a total population of over 200,000 (mainly Yugosla y s) would form a small buffer state between Italy and Yugoslavia, under the guarantee of the League of Nations.
The corpus separatum became an independent unit under the League of Nations, the Croat suburb of Susak remaining in Yugoslavia and the Baros port being added as an outlet for Yugoslav trade.
One practical result of the treaty was that Italy tacitly abandoned the cause of King Nicholas and accepted as inevitable Montenegro's incorporation in Yugoslavia.
These claims were regarded by the Peace Conference as excessive, and under the Treaty of Neuilly only the two first were allowed, though in place of the third the town and district of Tsaribrod were assigned to Yugoslavia, and thereby the main strategic key to Sofia.
Thus the advocates of an unscrupulous " deal " on the lines of " Skutari for Fiume " failed to assert themselves, and Yugoslavia pronounced in favour of an independent Albania, merely reserving her right to share the spoils if it came to a general partition.
AdvertisementYugoslavia's relations with Albania, though simplified by this decision, have been affected by the Albanian counterclaim to Pee, Djakovo and the plain of Kosovo, where since the middle of last century the Albanian element had grown steadily stronger at the expense of the Serbs.
The Treaty of Trianon satisfied the most essential claims of Yugoslavia, by dividing the whole Banat (save a small Magyar triangle opposite the city of Szeged) between her and Rumania, and by assigning to her the whole Backa (except Baja and district), part of the Baranya (forming the angle between Drave and Danube) and the Medjumurje (between Drava and Mur).
On the other hand there are some 500,000 Czechoslovaks in Austria, 450,000 in Hungary, more than 200,000 in Yugoslavia and Rumania, and over 800,000 in America.
In respect of Hungary Czechoslovakia was at one with Yugoslavia and Rumania in holding that a Habsburg restoration would be a casus belli.
The collapse of the former Yugoslavia has been aided and abetted by the various western powers using incredibly cynical maneuvers.
AdvertisementWe all deplore the inhuman acts in Yugoslavia that preceded NATO action.
In Yugoslavia and Iraq the problem has been brutal and selfish leadership rather than ethnic or economic desperation.
Yugoslavia was economically dispensable neither a rich market nor a strategic oilfield.
His gallery, once famous throughout the former Yugoslavia, was destroyed along with many of his paintings.
Yugoslavia, too, has owed its relative longevity more to Western liberal well-wishers that to the true consensus of its disparate peoples.
AdvertisementBasic also said 14,500 Serb refugees from Yugoslavia had arrived in Bosnia, most of them in the Serb republic.
Yasushi Akashi has been appointed the secretary-general 's special representative in charge of the former Yugoslavia.
The case of Yugoslavia should encourage us to redefine our traditional notions of language and language typology.
Yugoslavia consists of the former independent Kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro; the triune Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia-Dalmatia (of which the first two enjoyed special autonomy under the Kingdom of Hungary, and sent 40 delegates from their own Parliament in Zagreb to that of Budapest, while the third was one of the 17 provinces of the Austrian Empire, with a local diet at Zara); parts of the Banat, Backa and Baranja (which were integral portions of Hungary proper); Slovenia (consisting of portions of Carniola, Carinthia, Styria and Istria, each holding a position in Austria analogous to Dalmatia); and Bosnia-Herzegovina (which was from 1878 to 1918 under the joint administration of Austria and Hungary and had its own diet since 1910).
Italy in her reply (Dec. io) insisted on continuity (the real if unavowed motive of which was to control the port of Fiume in the interests of Trieste and Venice, and so retain some hold over Yugoslavia's commercial development), demanded the island of Cherso and the neutralization of the Yugoslav coast, and suggested a triple division - the corpus separatum of Fiume to Italy, the port to the League of Nations, and the rest of the buffer state to Yugoslavia.
At this stage the Yugoslav delegation committed a grave tactical blunder, * Trumbic's views being overridden by the Balkan imperialistic aims of Pasic., While pleading for a plebiscite against Italy and doing lip service to an independent Albania within the frontiers of 1913, it added that in the event of any revision of those frontiers Yugoslavia would claim Skutari and all territory north of the river Drin (Drim).
Yugoslavia's economic recovery had been surprisingly rapid, and the chief problems which confronted her in the autumn of 1921 were how best to exploit her vast undeveloped mineral and agricultural resources, improve her very faulty communications, and root out the illiteracy which was a legacy of alien rule.
Some have questioned whether Friedman's thesis is 100 percent true, mentioning NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia as a potential exception.
Such economic reductionism can, of course, explain neither the collapse of Yugoslavia nor the outbreak of war.
If Turkey falls apart, all hell will break loose between Muslim separatists and Slavic nationalists in what 's left of Yugoslavia and Albania.
They underscored the necessity for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to accept the international community 's demands.
A former member of the military, Beck escaped from Communist Yugoslavia as a young adult.
The fact that many Slovenes voted against Yugoslavia was largely due to a desire to escape from all military service.