Youths Sentence Examples
A senior cadet corps is formed of youths between sixteen and twenty.
To avenge the death of his son, Minos demanded that seven Athenian youths and seven maidens should be sent every ninth year to be devoured by the Minotaur.
In Roman imperial times several new officials were introduced, one of special importance being the director of the Diogeneion, where youths under age were trained for the ephebia.
Where they have from early years enjoyed the advantages of a good education, Polynesian youths have proved themselves to possess intellectual powers of no mean order.
How could youths better learn to live than by at once trying the experiment of living?
Attached to the mosque is a college attended by several hundreds of Moslem youths.
English youths who spend their time at Eton between athletic sports and Latin verses, and who take an Ireland with a first class in "Greats" at Oxford, are pursuing the same course of physical and mental discipline as the princes of Gonzaga or Montefeltro in the 15th century.
At the Dutch university, where he matriculated on the 27th of October 1745, he associated with a small knot of English youths, afterwards well known in various circles of life, among whom were Dowdeswell, his subsequent rival in politics, Wilkes, the witty and unprincipled reformer, and Alexander Carlyle, the genial Scotchman, who devotes some of the pages of his Autobiography to chronicling their sayings and their doings.
These plays were all acted by schoolboys and university youths, and when they went out of fashion among these classes the drama in Sweden almost entirely ceased to exist.
The population generally were, however, distinctly antagonistic to Balmaceda; and this feeling had become accentuated since the 17th of August 1891, on which date he had ordered the execution of a number of youths belonging to the military college at San Lorenzo on a charge of seditious practices.
AdvertisementThe lower orders generally, have the hair over the temporal bone long, and brought in two long locks turning backwards behind the ear, termed zulf; the beaux and youths are constantly twisting and combing these.
On the same bench of a Calcutta college sit youths trained up in the strictest theism, others indoctrinated in the mysteries of the Hindu trinity and pantheon, with representatives of every link in the chain of superstition - from the harmless offering of flowers before the family god to the cruel rites of Kali, whose altars in the most civilized districts of Bengal, as lately as the famine of 1866, were stained with human blood.
Like a great many other youths with an eminent destiny before them, Burke conceived a strong distaste for the profession of the law.
Here he took vengeance for the bitter sarcasms of the inhabitants against himself and his mother by ordering a general massacre of the youths capable of bearing arms. In 216 he ravaged Mesopotamia because Artabanus, the Parthian king, refused to give him his daughter in marriage.
The custom of flogging youths at the altar of Artemis Orthia 1 at Limnaeum in Laconia, and the legend of Iphigeneia, herself another form of Artemis, connected with Artemis Taurica of the Tauric Chersonese, are usually supposed to point to early human sacrifice (but see Farnell).
AdvertisementFor company, rowdy youths sometimes play football near my feet and I have had a drunken tramp or two sit on my head.
The priests and people besought Heliodorus to leave this sacred treasure untouched, but he persisted and - in answer to their prayers - was overthrown by a horse with a terrible rider and scourged by two youths.
For the children of the chief native families he provided a school at Osca (Huesca), where they received a Roman education and even adopted the dress of Roman youths.
During the politico-religious agitation which preceded the establishment of the Bulgarian exarchate in 1870, a number of Bulgarian youths were sent to Russia to be educated at the expense of the Imperial government; among them was Stambolov, who was entered at the seminary of Odessa in order to prepare for the priesthood.
It was unfortunate the cheerful youths would turn into unsmiling, frozen warriors one day.
AdvertisementDean and Andy Sackler, his partner on the variety store hold up, methodically checked leads until they arrested two youths ages 14 and 12 who admitted to the robbery.
In some cases the police confiscated alcohol from the youths before moving them away from Metro property.
Participants will include youths, adults and key workers with ethnic minority backgrounds from groups, organizations and networks throughout Edinburgh.
It appears that the police were detaining all students or youths whose identity papers showed a birthplace in the south-eastern, mainly Kurdish provinces.
Under the light of a large candlestick several youths pursued the amusement of the popular game of drafts.
AdvertisementThey then transferred the youths ashore, at one point the lifeboat being almost capsized by breaking surf.
Another resident reported that youths congregate in the old cowshed near the Ferry Loch.
He was a local despot, with great appeal to Arab youths.
There are some youths outside playing football in a 'No Ball Zone ' .
They found 3 youths in a small toy inflatable around 100 meters offshore.
In some villages women were raped by gangs of youths and a growing number were murdered, often by their own kin.
Two years ago youths nonprofits survive more than motor home insurance us they his failure to.
Police are also following up reports from the public of two other town center off-licences selling alcohol to under-age youths.
The French officers have donned inline skates to patrol the streets where many of the youths are skating.
May their men meet death by pestilence, their youths be slain by the sword in battle.
A severely disabled man was beaten unconscious on his way home from a pub by three youths.
Is it poorly educated youths, texters, lack of education, intelligence, or what?
Think the understatement of low and the textures of Sonic youths more experimental side.
The cops chased a red Jaguar (Inspector Morse's pride) Off toward Wood Farm with four spotty youths inside.
Besides the celebrated school of the Palace, where Alcuin had among his hearers the members of the imperial family and the dignitaries of the empire as well as talented youths of humbler origin, we hear of the episcopal schools of Lyons, Orleans and St Denis, the cloister schools of St Martin of Tours, of Fulda, Corbie, Fontenelle and many others, besides the older monasteries of St Gall and Reichenau.
There are insane asylums at Austin (the State Lunatic Asylum), San Antonio (the Southwestern Insane Asylum), and Terrell (North Texas Hospital for the Insane); the Texas School for the Deaf (1857), an institution for deaf, dumb and blind coloured youths (1889), a School for the Blind (1856), and a home for dependent Confederate soldiers, at Austin, a state orphan home (1889) at Corsicana, an epileptic colony at Abilene, and a state reformatory (1889) for boys under seventeen years at Gatesville.
Besides the appearance of the hair, the raised cicatrices, the belief in omens and sorcery, the practices for testing the courage of youths, &c., they are equally rude, merry and boisterous, but amenable to discipline, and with decided artistic tastes and faculty.
Heavitree Urban District Council opened the Pleasure Ground in 1906, " to clear rowdy youths " from Fore Street in the evenings.
Youths climb to rock them, spatter with mud.
In more recent times unemployed youths from Jarrow were engaged on reclamation work along the coast during the early 1930's.
The cops chased a red Jaguar (Inspector Morse 's pride) Off toward Wood Farm with four spotty youths inside.
Another popular type of Christian t shirt for youths is interest based Christian shirts.
A chance to get together with other youths and take a young approach to the Bible.
Ask them questions like what parts the Bible are their favorite (be sure to ask why!), what verses have helped them through difficult times and the role they think youths should have with the Bible.
It's true that youths as young as 12 years old are using and abusing alcohol.
Inhalants were used by 1.1. percent of youths.
Keeping a close eye on eBay's inventory will occasionally reveal an authentic vintage Grateful Dead shirt that is sized for youths.
The Eagle Scouts program, created to keep boys engaged in the scouts after they reached Eagle Scout, challenges youths and young men to mentor others, provide community service and work to improve the quality of life in their areas.
In a 2001 study of youths ages 15 to 21, researchers found 33 to 50 percent of youth said it was important for the condom to fit tightly, leaving no air space at the tip, and that petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, is a good lubricant.
In 2003, the study found the rate of substance dependence or abuse was 8.9 percent for youths aged 12 to 17 and 21 percent for persons aged 18 to 25.
Among persons with substance dependence or abuse, illicit drugs accounted for 58.1 percent of youths and 37.2 percent of persons aged 18 to 25.
Among youths aged 12 to 17, however, the rate of substance dependence or abuse among females (9.1%) was similar to the rate among males (8.7%).
For example, in 2003, 3.8 percent of youths aged 12 to 13 reported current illicit drug use compared with 10.9 percent of youths aged 14 to 15 and 19.2 percent of youths aged 16 to 17.
Among youths aged 12 to 17, an estimated 17.7 percent used alcohol in the month prior to the survey interview.
Of all youths, 10.6 percent were binge drinkers, and 2.6 percent were heavy drinkers, similar to the 2002 numbers.
Past month cigarette use rates among youths in 2002 and 2003 were 13 percent and 12.2 percent, respectively, not a statistically significant change.
However, there were significant declines in past year (from 20.3% to 19%) and lifetime (from 33.3% to 31%) cigarette use among youths aged 12mto 17 between 2002 and 2003.
Among youths aged 12 to 17, however, girls (12.5%) were as likely as boys (11.9%) to smoke in the past month.
Youths who are habitually truant may need school counseling.
Youths ages 15-18 group may become focused on establishing their independence and on social and school activities, and they may become intolerant of their parents' problems.
The rate of illicit drug use among youths aged 12-17 did not change significantly between 2002 (11.6%) and 2003 (11.2%), and there were no changes for any specific drug.
The rate of current marijuana use among youths was 8.2 percent in 2002 and 7.9 percent in 2003.
There was a significant decline in lifetime marijuana use among youths, from 20.6 percent in 2002 to 19.6 percent in 2003.
In 2003, the rate of substance dependence or abuse was 8.9 percent for youths aged 12-17 and 21 percent for persons aged 18-25.
Among persons with substance dependence or abuse, illicit drugs accounted for 58.1 percent of youths and 37.2 percent of persons aged 18-25.
Among youths aged 12-17, however, the rate of substance dependence or abuse among females (9.1%) was similar to the rate among males (8.7%).
For example, in 2003, some 3.8 percent of youths aged 12 to 13 reported current illicit drug use compared with 10.9 percent of youths aged 14 to 15 and 19.2 percent of youths aged 16 or 17.
However, there were significant declines in past year (from 20.3% to 19%) and lifetime (from 33.3% to 31%) cigarette use among youths aged 12 to 17 between 2002 and 2003.
In the 1960s, with the growth of the hippie counter-culture and the associated "youth rebellion," the number of teen runaways increased dramatically, drawing attention to the risks these youths faced on the streets.
Sertraline (Zoloft) was also found in studies to be effective with youths, slightly more so for adolescents than younger children.
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) does not recommend TCAs as a first-line treatment for youths requiring medicine for depressive disorders.
Youngstrom, Eric A., et al. "Comparing the Diagnostic Accuracy of Six Potential Screening Instruments for Bipolar Disorder in Youths Aged 5 to 17 Years."
However, if you're looking for top of the line water sportswear for youths, then you may have to run an online search for stores that carry children's water athletic apparel.
Both Alina and Yamilia spent their youths admiring the charm of historical fashion icons such as Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn.
Numerous stings by television news crews and law enforcement agencies have revealed adults-- both men and women-- who prey on youths in chat rooms and online communities.
In designing shoes and apparel for hobbies such as skateboarding, snowboarding, and stunt BMX biking, this company is as much a brand as it is a trendsetting name for the wild youths of America.
The show mimics the look and speech of everyday youths than those of precocious teens found in most Hollywood film and TV shows.
Piazza di Spagna with the famous Spanish Steps is a popular meeting place for Roman youths when night begins to fall.
The Chinese government, still a dictatorship based on an agrarian society of low-tech simple-tooled muscle, cracks the whip to get the wayward youths and the growing China business market under control.
He corrected one other movement and slowed their pace until it resembled that of the youths being trained a short distance away.
These youths assumed the style of princes, and it was against their lives that the Pazzi, with the sanction of Sixtus IV., aimed their blow.
But the government of Milan remaned in the hands of this youths uncle, Lodovico, surnamed II Moro.
It is difficult, moreover, not to connect the repeated wall-paintings and reliefs of the palace illustrating the cruel bull sports of the Minoan arena, in which girls as well as youths took part, with the legend of the Minotaur, or bull of Minos, for whose grisly meals Athens was forced to pay annual tribute of her sons and daughters.
Cathbu (Cathbad), the Druid connected with Conchobar, king of Ulster, in the older cycle is accompanied by a number of youths (Ioo according to the oldest version) who are desirous of learning his art, though what this consisted in we are not told.
In theory, the twelve plebeian centuries were open to all freeborn youths of the age of seventeen, although in practice preference was given to the members of the older families.
A year later they strangled fifty youths of the dead man's servants (all Scyths born) and fifty of the best horses, stuffed them and mounted them in a circle about the tomb.
Youths, when engaged in horsemanship and other exercises, wore a chlamys round the shoulders, which, however, was semicircular in cut, and was fastened on the breast by buttons and a loop, or tied in a knot, whereas the Greek chlamys was oblong and fastened on the shoulder by a brooch.
According to Plutarch, he attempted to break the power of Corinth, by requesting the Corinthians to send him 1000 of their picked youths, ostensibly to aid him in war, his real intention being to put them to death; but the plot was revealed.
The youths were to be allowed to marry as they came to man's estate, and the regiments were not to be called up except with the consent of the council of the nation and also of the British government.
Five hundred youths then came to him for enlistment from the Manjha, Doab and Malwa districts.
The Hartungen are probably identical with the divine youths (mentioned in Tacitus as worshipped by the Vandal Naharvali or Nahanarvali), from whom the Vandal royal family, the Asdingi, claimed descent.
Exceptional to this general rule, however, is a mood of pessimism which sometimes overtakes youths on the threshold of manhood.
Youths and maidens maintain towards each other a demeanour of reserve and even indifference, from which it has been confidently affirmed that love does not exist in Japan.
Melanchthon gave him (1547) an introduction to his son-in-law, Georg Sabinus, at Konigsberg, where he was tutor to some Polish youths, and rector (1548) of the Kneiphof school.
One explanation has been sought in the legend of St Nicholas miraculously restoring to life three rich youths, who had been murdered, cut up and concealed in a salting tub by a thievish innkeeper or butcher, in whose house they had taken lodging.
Two men, Miles Forest and John Dighton, then smothered the youths under pillows while they were asleep. The murder was committed most probably in August or September 1483.
Government scholarships enable youths to be educated for competition in the Rhodes scholarships to Oxford University.
Oaths and hostages were exacted; and many Saxon youths were educated in the land of the Franks as Christians, and sent back into Saxony to spread Christianity and Frankish influence.
At the Ecole Militaire youths are trained nominally for the army, but many go there who intend to enter one of the professions or the public service.
Catherine was so favourably impressed by the youths that she restored them part of their estates, and in the beginning of 1796 made them gentlemen in waiting.
Adam had already met the grand duke Alexander at a ball at the princess Golitsuin's, and the youths at once conceived a strong "intellectual friendship" for each other.
Cornwall is at this time in subjection to the king of Ireland, Gormond, and every third year must pay tribute; the Irish champion, Morolt, brother to the queen, arrives to claim his toll of thirty youths and as many maidens.
In Attic tradition and on the Athenian stage Minos is a cruel tyrant, the heartless exactor of the tribute of Athenian youths to feed the Minotaur.
At the same time many of the Central-American customs differed from the Mexican; thus in Yucatan we find the custom of the youths sleeping in a great bachelor's house, an arrangement common in various parts of the world, but not in Mexico; the same remark applies to the.
After two years as tutor to two youths of noble family, Schelling was called as extraordinary professor of philosophy to Jena in midsummer 1798.
Further, Tribal it was here that the principes were chosen, serious charges brought against members of the tribe and youths admitted to the rights of warriors.
A year later the family returned to Moscow, where Hertzen passed his youth - remaining there, after completing his studies at the university, till 1834, when he was arrested and tried on a charge of having assisted, with some other youths, at a festival during which verses by Sokolovsky, of a nature uncomplimentary to the emperor, were sung.
They did an immense amount of preparatory work along evangelistic, medical and educational lines, and skilfully gathered the youths of the country around them.
As programme Tisza brought with him a number of concessions from the crown to Magyar nationalist feeling in regard to military matters, particularly in regard to military badges, penal procedure, the transfer of officers of Hungarian origin from Austrian to Hungarian regiments, the establishment of military scholarships for Magyar youths and the introduction of the two years' service system.
An appropriation of $2500 per annum was made for training ten idiot children under Dr Howe's supervision, and by degrees the value of his School for Idiotic and Feeble-minded Youths, which, starting in South Boston, was in 1890 removed to Waltham, was generally appreciated.
As early as 1730-1740, the great English public schools and universities began to attract the Scottish youths of the wealthier classes, and now good Scots is seldom heard in conversation and is not always written in popular Scottish novels.
While a boy he was adopted by his uncle, Maurice O'Connell of Derrynane, and sent to a school at Queenstown, one of the first which the state in those days allowed to be opened for Catholic teaching; and a few years afterwards he became a student, as was customary with Irish youths of his class, in the English colleges of St Omer and Douai in France.
Onias, fearful of the consequences, offered a sacrifice for his restoration, and the two youths appeared to him with the message that he was restored for the sake of Onias.
These stages are applicable to females except as regards the plank bed; youths under sixteen and old men above sixty are also allowed mattresses.
The chief actors in the ceremony were Augustus himself and his colleague Agrippa, - while, as the extant record tells us, the processional hymn, chanted by youths and maidens first before the new temple of Apollo on the Palatine and then before the temple of Jupiter on the Capitol, was composed by Horace.
Police are hunting three white youths in connection with a racially aggravated assault on an Asian man in Leamington.
The play was also delivered to youths serving a custodial sentence in a Regional Secure Unit.
Like the other members of this minority, he stoically endured the taunts of unemployed Polish youths in his neighborhood.
Rostov was horrified to hear later that of all that mass of huge and handsome men, of all those brilliant, rich youths, officers and cadets, who had galloped past him on their thousand-ruble horses, only eighteen were left after the charge.
So said the mothers as they watched their young people executing their newly learned steps, and so said the youths and maidens themselves as they danced till they were ready to drop, and so said the grown-up young men and women who came to these balls with an air of condescension and found them most enjoyable.
They are youths aged from twelve to sixteen, selected by the sovereign in person, to attend on him at state ceremonies, when two of them, arrayed in an antique costume, assist the groom of the stole in carrying the royal train.
Public schools and universities conformed to the modern methods of study; nor were there wanting opportunities for youths of humble origin to obtain an education which placed them on a level with Italian scholars.
He smiled, and she gazed at him, wondering when he and her brother had grown from youths into handsome young men.