Yourself Sentence Examples
I wish you could hear yourself talking.
Give yourself a break and get some rest.
Make yourself at home.
Maybe a little time to yourself is a good idea.
Why do you want to cover yourself so much?
You take care of yourself and come visit us sometime.
We'll talk when you cool off and get yourself together.
You said yourself I need it.
Take care of yourself, and if you have any problems, call me.
You will soon see for yourself, and you will understand everything.
AdvertisementCome on, I think you've seen enough to convince yourself that I have a valid point when I say it's dangerous to wander in the woods.
You yourself told him to come.
You seemed pretty sure of yourself a while ago.
Don't you think you're setting yourself up for a disappointment?
You landed yourself in it.
AdvertisementHere, get yourself together and we'll go in and get a marriage license.
You forget yourself, Colonel.
You're of the gentry yourself, aren't you?
Yeah, you could get to it, but it would take a while, and you'd be subjecting yourself to thorns, ticks, snakes and about ten miles of the roughest country you can imagine.
I trust you had enough time to yourself today?
AdvertisementThey'll be announcing that the gentlemen are in the drawing room and we shall have to go down, and you have not smartened yourself up at all!
Give yourself a break.
Your excellency, you gave him leave yourself, on the march.
The Austrians let themselves be tricked at the crossing of the Vienna bridge, you are letting yourself be tricked by an aide-de-camp of the Emperor.
Get on in there and set yourself a place - or do I have to do that?
AdvertisementJust take care of yourself.
If that's all they give you, count yourself lucky.
You can yourself imagine the effect this news has had on me, and your silence increases my astonishment.
How can you torture me and yourself like that, for a mere fancy? said Nicholas taking her hand.
Why wouldn't you want to see yourself growing up, what your childhood was like?
Rissa, go and take care of yourself.
I understand that you could not, and cannot, think of yourself, but with my love for you I must do so....
You'll only get yourself into a mess!
You must live within yourself, and depend upon yourself always tucked up and ready for a start, and not have many affairs.
And take care of yourself, too.
You're going to make yourself sick.
You lived for yourself and say you nearly ruined your life and only found happiness when you began living for others.
In marrying her without loving her; in deceiving yourself and her.
You said yourself that we have a hundred thousand rubles' worth of things in the house.
Why did you push yourself in there by daylight?
What's the point of living to a ripe old age if you can't enjoy yourself?
So stop blaming yourself.
Yes, what she did early on was despicable in our minds, but put yourself in her position.
You'll always carry that pain, if you don't let yourself become whole again.
Take time to learn the new things and try not be so frustrated with yourself.
Please tell me, Mr. Wizard, whether you called yourself Oz after this great country, or whether you believe my country is called Oz after you.
Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.
Are you content with yourself and with your life?
Because he is young, because he is poor, because he is a relation... and because you yourself don't love him.
It's not fair; you are going by yourself, are having the horses saddled and said nothing to us about it.
It's about time you spent some money on yourself.
You'd better get some rest... and take care of yourself.
What were you trying to do, kill yourself?
You always did have a high opinion of yourself.
I keep warning you about the wild life, but you have to learn for yourself, don't you?
You set yourself up for that, boy.
If you love somebody, my charmer, that is not a reason to shut yourself up.
I know you've been shorting yourself.
You can't blame yourself for your father's death.
Ask yourself about the range at which attacks commonly take place, and at what range are the majority of sport karate techniques practiced?
But you will see everything for yourself when you get to Petersburg.
Cover yourself with your pistol! ejaculated Nesvitski.
Calm yourself, said Rostov.
I couldn't hold them in, my hands grew numb in the sharp frost so that I threw down the reins--'Catch hold yourself, your excellency!' says I, and I just tumbled on the bottom of the sleigh and sprawled there.
And don't go to any meeting yourself, do you hear?
Suit yourself, but personally, I think it would be good for you to get out a little.
I think you're the one who is placing the blame on yourself.
You can take care of yourself.
You're making a spectacle of yourself.
Well, make yourself at home.
I meant don't over work yourself.
Why don't you go in by yourself?
Don't be so hard on yourself.
You can't keep this to yourself!
Perhaps you should exercise caution yourself, Mr. Cooms.
Watch yourself; you're public and he might very well target you or your people.
Get yourself to the range and learn to shoot.
I mean, it's one thing to hurt yourself but to hurt someone else is just wrong!
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
Whatever you found, keep it to yourself.
You tried to kill yourself!
Agreed. Jake, prepare yourself.
You might as well withdraw before you embarrass yourself.
You're a little light on free time yourself.
Only this time, drink them yourself.
You said so yourself.
How did you hurt yourself?
And now I'll help you fix everything, since you can't do it yourself.
You've never been able to control yourself.
You hurt me to protect yourself, Deidre said with emotion that made her face flush.
I thought you might enjoy a day to yourself afterward.
She asked if I ever let you talk for yourself.
When next the door was opened you ran out and hid yourself--and the piglet was gone.
Maybe so, but I've seen the way you look at him when you forget yourself.
You've always thought yourself soooo much better than the rest of us, and I'm sick of your attitude.
What's the purpose of starving yourself?
You had no control over yourself.
You're driving yourself into the grave.
You don't want to give yourself a second chance to think it over.
Are you still calling yourself Deidre?
You'll find it hard to kill yourself when I'm the one who determines who lives and dies.
Keep telling yourself that.
It takes a lot to prepare yourself to die, Gabriel, which you of all people should appreciate.
This child, who is from the crust of the earth, like yourself, called you a Wizard.
But... in short, the fact is... you know yourself that last winter the count made a will by which he left all his property, not to us his direct heirs, but to Pierre.
Go away yourself, alone... came from various sides of the crowd.
There's no point in pushing yourself until you drop.
In the old days there was a hand pump in the kitchen and no hot water you didn't boil yourself.
You hurt me to protect yourself, Deidre pushed forward with what she needed to say.
I cannot be certain what the result might be if you tried to kill yourself or if you died of unnatural causes.
Now is not the time to doubt yourself.
As he refilled the human's glass he continued, Why don't you have a few more drinks, make yourself some food; I'm sure Sarah stocked the fridge with all your favorites.
And I don't mean feel sorry for yourself while whimpering " I've tried, but the situation is too deep-rooted... " .
Thus, your main challenge is to be certain that you are being scrupulously honest with yourself as well as with others.
Nowadays the host does not admit you to his hearth, but has got the mason to build one for yourself somewhere in his alley, and hospitality is the art of keeping you at the greatest distance.
Find yourself another sitter to boss and holler at!
You know how to defend yourself, and you can turn even a man into a rock with your magic.
You're not starving yourself, are you?
And … take care of yourself.
You landed yourself a good one, Katherine.
Please, go take care of yourself, Kris said, not unkindly.
You might have the house to yourself, Evelyn said.
Don't overextend yourself for me, she said, her face warm once again.
And I think you best keep your thoughts to yourself.
You can rest up here at Bird Song—give yourself time enough to make logical decisions.
You just had a vivid dream yourself!
If you don't have anyone to tell you how smart you are, it's about time you start doing it yourself.
I know Fred means well, but you said it yourself.
It's down a cup or so, and you haven't poured any for yourself yet.
Fred, it looks like you've got yourself a real mystery this time.
If you have a problem, just wait a little while and ask Annie yourself.
The teeth enable the climber to scale a vertical wall by holding to the ice while pulling yourself upward.
Go in the parlor and pour yourself a glass of sherry and put your feet up.
Just clean yourself up.
You were a police officer yourself.
I might could buy the Annie Quincy look-alike scenario but to me, it's a hard sell to do something horrible like strangling yourself when you have a bottle of perfectly good sleeping pills a hand's reach away.
You can't keep blaming yourself for that, David.
Before Dean could comment, she asked, You going to try ice climbing yourself?
I can't see why the fact that he used a pen would send you dashing up to the ice park and half kill yourself.
Can't think for yourself?
When was the last time you had to use a gun to defend yourself on our land?
Well, try to pull yourself together.
You do not hide yourself when you pay your respects.
The French governor, Boufflers, made a glorious defence, and Eugene paid a flattering tribute to his valour in inviting him to prepare the articles of capitulation himself, with the words "I subscribe to everything beforehand, well persuaded that you will not insert anything unworthy of yourself or of me."
Health and safety are absolutely paramount in this area to protect cast, crew and yourself.
Hence you crawl out from under the safety of a particularly large boulder to find yourself at the base of the skittle alley.
Lose yourself in a snowy forest, toast the occasion by a log fire, go cross-country skiing to work up an appetite.
Read our reports, educate yourself and help us expose the cruelty and suffering behind these ' exotic meats ' .
You have to ask yourself " Do I really want to be this man's crutch for the rest of my life?
Please don't try flint-knapping yourself unless you have a grown-up helping you out, you can get a very sharp edge!
If you have a toy gyroscope at home, you can easily observe this effect yourself.
Just brace yourself for the next few weeks of the tabloid hacks digging up as much dirt as possible on the Gaydamak family.
Spend a little on yourself, a massage, facial or new hairdo perhaps.
Learn the basics so you can feel confident about your own abilities and to be able to rely on yourself when situations become hairy.
The place is a natural lunch halt for walkers and it's very unlikely that you will have it to yourself.
There's a replaceable mech hanger, so pack yourself a spare one when you go traveling.
Give yourself plenty of time to reach the church or registrar and always allow for the last minute hiccup.
You can research the history of your house yourself, or you can employ professional architectural historians.
For the rest of us, surrounding yourself with invoices, receipts and statements sounds horrendous.
And if you want to spoil yourself why not install a hot tub, sauna or snooker table?
If you are practicing traditional karate then your training will be geared toward defending yourself from a violent and untrained attacker at close range.
Prepare Yourself But awakening the kundalini is not always going to be helpful to you if your mind is not clean.
You can also amuse yourself watching the local fishermen shining bright lights on the waters to attract squid.
It's the same with motherhood, so stop beating yourself up for not being naturally maternal.
And so at an early age, you took a wife, started having children, and supported yourself by farming.
And if anybody asks you, or if you ask yourself what God is, answer, "God is Love."
I do wish you could come and see for yourself what a beautiful school it is!
Put yourself into a full blown depression?
Shake my hand, introduce yourself and I'll leave you alone if that's what you want.
After about a half hour of walking around trying to take everything in, Elisabeth said, "Pick one for yourself."
I thought you could use this, unless you're trying to starve yourself.
Because you are so hard on yourself.
Being left in charge of your kid sister when you're not much more than a kid yourself isn't a fair test.
Ninety-five, and you're no heavyweight, yourself.
From now on, I'll thank you to keep your hands to yourself.
So you can work yourself back in here again?
Don't lose faith in yourself.
I didn't realize you were feeling pushed - you always seem so sure of yourself.
You want the man to wear the pants, but you're determined to do everything yourself.
You carry yourself like you were.
So you'd give yourself to me indefinitely in exchange for your tech toys? he asked.
You'll want to find a place to sleep where you can protect yourself.
It has nothing to do with living in Andre's shadow your whole life and now having the chance to prove yourself, she said with a faint smile.
I know you don't go for a midnight swim on a dark beach by yourself, especially in the Chesapeake Bay.
You got yourself a little tin badge.
The cards probably ain't in order, but help yourself.
Get yourself a good woman, David.
You don't have a thing to prove to anyone except yourself.
But you should have seen yourself!
You could ask Arthur yourself if he were here, but he's out on Fire Island with his latest bimboy and all their little friends.
It's a wonder you didn't kill yourself!
You just look out for yourself and I'll do likewise.
You'll be working yourself ragged trying to get up them mountains, tailing behind 2,000 people.
You saved yourself for a man who would crawl into bed with a woman on the first date.
Anyway, you don't think he's killing deer or you'd do something about it yourself.
You've been struggling for so long to take care of yourself.
Just don't put stress on yourself trying to be frugal.
I hate to see you building yourself up for a let down like this.
I don't want you working down there by yourself.
You'll love the baby if you give yourself a chance.
You will find yourself short on time, ikir.
You came here running from yourself and said it's about Darian, Dusty summarized.
You still blame yourself for their deaths.
Keep telling yourself that, Jenn.
Then you're deluding yourself.
You can't run from me, Jenn, any more than you can run from yourself.
They leave you alone here to fend for yourself against Others?
How can you consider yourself acting in the greater good? he snapped, moving to Dusty's body next.
You must release me in order to be free yourself!
It would not be wise to tire yourself, Sirian informed her.
You yourself have seen this.
Why don't you rest yourself.
Do not convince yourself or any other that I am here as her - -or Tiyan's - -guardian!
You wanted to make the arrangements yourself?
Don't put yourself down like that.
I know that, but you set yourself up for it.
It's nice to have someone to bounce things off of, but don't lose yourself in her identity.
I meant thinking only about yourself didn't sound like you.
I left because I wanted you to learn to take care of things yourself.
Well, whatever you do, don't push yourself too hard.
I just hate to see you restrict yourself because that's the way your parents lived.
All this time you haven't allowed yourself to have a pet simply because your father thought every animal on the place should earn its keep.
Have a little faith in yourself.
You've been pushing yourself too hard and it's all catching up with you.
You take care of yourself and call me any time - even if it's in the middle of the night.
You came here to test yourself, and here's the first challenge.
Or talk to yourself, either.
You'll wear yourself out that way.
Are you enjoying yourself?
No, but you were going to stick it out by yourself.
You didn't have to put yourself out, though.
Girl, how can you get yourself into these messes?
You've got a little too much pride, yourself.
You haven't yet learned how to cloak yourself.
It's clear Toni makes you uncomfortable about yourself.
If you don't plan on sticking around long, you're going to find yourself in a bind.
Whoever you lost, you're just as scared you'll lose Jessi, if you let yourself fall for her.
You're welcome to make yourself at home.
We are planning to let all links go to the correct meaning directly, but for now you will have to search it out from the list below by yourself.
Dr Phillimore's patent had a grant of the "place or office of judge official and commissary of the court of admiralty of the Cinque Ports, and their members and appurtenances, and to be assistant to my lieutenant of Dover castle in all such affairs and business concerning the said court of admiralty wherein yourself and assistance shall be requisite and necessary."
Outvoting Franklin, they decided to break their instructions, which required them to ` make the, most candid confidential communications on all subjects to the ministers of our generous ally, the king of France; to undertake nothing in the negotiations for peace or truce without their knowledge or concurrence; and ultimately to govern yourself by their advice and opinion "; and, instead,.
It was a work of so much expectation, by yourself, by your friends, and by the public, that I trembled for its appearance, but am now much relieved.
Abi `Amir proposed to confiscate a religious foundation and the assembled ulema refused to approve the act, and were threatened by his vizier, one of them replied, "All the evil you say of us applies to yourself; you seek unjust gains and support your injustice by threats; you take bribes and practise ungodliness in the world.
Deem this a sufficient answer to your question and deem yourself on the way to be blessed, if you have not been scandalized in me."
For it is against a solid rock, the foundation-stone of the Church, that you have opposed yourself in opposing me.
It would add to my satisfaction if you would be pleased to let me know the long diameters of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, assigned by yourself and Mr Halley in your new tables, that I may see how the sesquialteral proportion fills the heavens, together with another small proportion which must be allowed for."
Suit yourself, but I hope you're not using your absence as a ploy to make your parents worry.
Nonsense. You're a lovely girl, and I won't permit you to put yourself down at my table.
They're questions you're going to have to answer for yourself.
You got yourself in a real pile of shit, didn't you?
If he didn't bind you, you'd be bound to Czerno, and then you'd really want to kill yourself, he said.
It means you're in a category all by yourself, but if it gets my point across, sure.
At the end of it, if you've not bound yourself to me, then the deal expires.
Unless you don't plan on going after your blood-bound mate yourself.
And … take care of yourself.
You endanger yourself, dhjan A'Ran.
You can rest up here at Bird Song—give yourself time enough to make logical decisions.
You should be ashamed of yourself!
It's a wonder you did-n't kill yourself!
Since you choose to deliver the magic waters yourself, we can't risk losing Oceanan's support as you did Nilian last night.
Well the author and publisher seem so confident they have gone to great lengths to let you try for yourself with absolutely no risk.
You can rationalize, trying to justify yourself in your own mind, but a violated conscience will not be easily convinced.
Apply those same principles when writing yourself, by using a monolingual dictionary or creating phrases in a similar way.
With proper training you can levitate just about anything, including yourself.
The most unique wedding ringis the one which you design yourself.
I am very far from surprised that " you have not committed yourself to full acceptation " of the evolution of man.
A nominee management agreement is a contract between yourself the beneficial owner of your offshore company and your company\ 's nominee administrator.
You could find yourself working at a busy military aerodrome, either in the UK or overseas.
Here you find yourself in a small, very quiet and rather airless room.
Give yourself a Viking name, learn the runic alphabet and get a certificate signed by Chief God, Odin.
You may be prescribed an antidepressant which could help you to help yourself by giving you some power to make changes in your life.
Best mates are often antithetical to yourself I've found.
Do take care of yourself my darling - I feel awfully anxious about you.
Before you know it, you have yourself a whole armful of vinyl, as they we most prolific.
You may choose an avatar for yourself from your profile page.
It is easy to fall into the trap of calling the calls when you are yourself just pulling the backstroke.
To dry yourself, it may be easier to put a toweling bathrobe on, which will help to dry your un-operated arm.
Then all you need is a big, fluffy towel, a cozy bathrobe to snuggle into ' and the bathroom to yourself.
Alternatively, you can relax in a soothing warm bath or refresh yourself in the shower in our large, luxurious main bathroom.
Durabak - Do It Yourself truck Bedliners Uses include truck bed liner and concrete floor coating.
Do n't berate yourself, as such symptoms are a common part of re-entry.
I think you've caught yourself out with your own bigotry there judge.
Is money really worth turning yourself into a walking billboard?
If you have a binge and feel a disaster, don't beat yourself up.
Along with your article, you will include a short bio about yourself where you can place your website URL.
Do you see yourself getting into the film biz at some point?
You need not in imagination adopt the hairy garments, or smear yourself with oil, or eat raw blubber.
If you like a proper boozer and a chat with friends go there Mother Red Cap - big up yourself " "
Do you rush to join them or content yourself with a leisurely breakfast followed by a ride along the beautiful wild coast roads.
If you have chronic bronchitis, you're not expected to look after yourself.
Treat yourself, have a lovely bubbly soak with your favorite soap.
If your partner becomes too burdensome, mention my work and release yourself from guilt.
More about butler service suites with butler service suites with butler service List of butler duties Personalize your butler service Relax, unwind and pamper yourself.
His friend carl pace yourself i'd been hoping.
How to buy Yourself all The Largo you gripe By dangling a carrot.
If you find yourself being seduced by lotions and potions claiming to reduce cellulite, err on the side of caution.
You could find yourself at odds with someone whose work appears chaotic.
You may have flashbacks of stressful memories and you may become almost childlike in accepting ideas or suggestions about yourself.
Hope you enjoy it, have a great new year, and have yourself a merry little Christmas.. .
Make up a timetable allowing yourself to deal with each item in a ' bite-sized chunk ' .
Needless to say, you'll also probably have treated yourself to a few fine wines and after-dinner cognacs!
Or, you might be a lover of the Antique, and want, before you die, to see the Colosseum for yourself.
Just be yourself, dress in what you feel comfy with.
Whether you play during a short break or a long commute, you'll find yourself amused for hours!
And what if you find yourself getting overly concerned about your weight and preoccupied with food?
You should not attempt to remove even tarnish from these yourself if you value them, but trust them to a specialist metals conservator.
They're also really good for hand/eye coordination etc - so you could convice yourself it was ' educational ' too!
Wouldn't it be great if you could learn all the insider secrets of top web copywriters for you to use yourself?
You have just shown yourself for what you are, a complete and utter cretin.
Take care that you express yourself in a way that will not be deemed defamatory.
Being a man is seen as uplifting yourself and being a woman is seen as degrading yourself.
When you feel little or no inward devotion, you should especially humiliate yourself, but do not become too dejected or unreasonably sad.
You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even tho you yourself are totally depraved.
To issue a command " to pull yourself together " to a deeply depressed, inactive patient is an obscenity.
I bet someone who has suffered severe depression can tell you The thing is, you have to work it out for yourself.
Then the vehicle begins the descent, you feel yourself slipping downwards, falling into the abyss.
Give yourself a well deserved pat on the back.
That's what's required and a dogged determination to believe in yourself and your project.
In this long diatribe, you begin to reveal yourself to me.
Also, the digestive system needs some space to operate in, so stuffing yourself to the maximum will actually inhibit digestion.
You can also disassociate yourself financially from someone else's bad record.
You might want to even keep yourself slightly distracted.
A preoccupation with comparing yourself to others can only be an unwanted distraction.
The absences that you've been training yourself to recognize fall on the rhythmic counterparts of the backbeats, called the downbeats.
It also gives you the edge over other candidates with similar qualifications as yourself, so do n't downplay its importance.
Your theology must have doxology if it is going to be a help to yourself and to others.
You can sit on a sofa and play the guitars on display, or just drool quietly to yourself.
You may find yourself gathering camel dung to put on the fire.
Have you ever thought about writing an emulator yourself?
Complacency, satisfaction with yourself, is your soul's most deadly enemy.
You will have made films at school, at college or just by yourself for the sheer enjoyment of it.
You haven't endeared yourself to The Prime Minister and his immediate entourage, how do you feel about this?
At the very low prices now charged, it'd be a shame not to indulge yourself in a bit of sheer escapism.
You can use an estate agent or you can sell your home yourself, advertising in the local free press.
If you set out to discuss etymology, you are likely to find yourself also discussing semantics.
Rub thine eyes, and behold the image of the heart. ' Ã Make yourself free from self at one stroke!
Do not make excuses for yourself or your perceived failings.
Stand back and ask yourself, " How do I represent falconry to the onlooker?
If you still find yourself completely flummoxed, pay someone else to do the work for you.
Before getting too flustered ask yourself some questions and see if you can figure out why this is happening.
You obviously have a disregard for democracy after allowing yourself to be used as lobby fodder for Tony Blair.
Do not try to put anything into the back of the refuse freighter yourself.
Eleanor, you take care of yourself too, sounds frightful.
If you must have a fry-up, limit the damage by asking for bacon to be grilled and cut the rind off yourself.
At the presentation introduce yourself by name make eye contact speak understandably - do n't gabble.
Indulge yourself in the heart of Italian gastronomy in Bologna, a beautifully preserved medieval city laced with porticoes, piazzas and palaces.
Bodywork Ask yourself the following questions Does the car appear genuine; what are your general impressions?
When yu buy sneakers from a catalog and they're shoddy and have glue globs on the rubber, you don't berate yourself.
Food is limited, but if you don't have their renowned Hungarian goulash, you will kick yourself!