Young Sentence Examples
The young girl ran off without a word.
I was young and finally free.
She felt some young lions.
The young man ran his fingers through his beard.
The two young men got down their bows and arrows, and all were busy making plans for the next day.
A young girl was taken from her bed as she slept.
In all the time I spent in the woods as a young girl, that's the first time I've seen a bear.
Girls and boys and young women generally seemed glad to be in the woods.
The young boy was frightened and groggy but appeared unharmed.
We would meet the young girl on Saturday.
AdvertisementGo ahead and help the young man.
I understand, young man.
Among the watchers at Charlestown was a brave young man named Paul Revere.
So this prince grew up to be a young man, tall and fair and graceful.
The young Princess Bolkonskaya had brought some work in a gold- embroidered velvet bag.
AdvertisementThen, these near silent sobs would have turned to shrieks of anguish while I made the young beauty my own.
I served my time, all twelve years, three months and sixteen days of it, but it pales in the face of suffering I poured on these young ladies.
Annie was a beautiful young girl who lived in our Santa Barbara neighborhood.
Instead, he sat down across from him, his penetrating gaze on the young vamp.
He was far too young!
AdvertisementOn the research team of the eminent virologist Dr. Thomas Francis, who was working on a flu vaccine, was a young physician named Jonas Salk.
I don't know what I should have done, had some of the young people not learned to talk with her.
Three others were romping with a young bear, one pulling him by the chain and trying to set him at the others.
One fair-haired young soldier of the third company, whom Prince Andrew knew and who had a strap round the calf of one leg, crossed himself, stepped back to get a good run, and plunged into the water; another, a dark noncommissioned officer who was always shaggy, stood up to his waist in the water joyfully wriggling his muscular figure and snorted with satisfaction as he poured the water over his head with hands blackened to the wrists.
Yes, I've sinned as I'm sure you know but I never ever harmed any young lady the way poor Annie was mutilated.
AdvertisementI think my wife, a friend and a young girl are shopping at your mall and I believe they're in danger!
The woman in there was with my wife and a young child!
I think the man who did it may have taken my wife and a young girl.
He abducts, rapes and murders young girls and has killed parents on occasions to get to the child.
My dear, do I have the honor of finally meeting the famous psychic tipster or were you but the helper of the young mother who died so suddenly in that delightful New Hampshire town?
She has begun seeing someone; a young man who does grounds keeping work at the Country Club and is a half dozen years her junior.
A young man cowers and cries, perhaps in memory long after his sister is gone.
They thought her too young to understand words like coma and deteriorating, and they accused her of lying when she said she could help him.
The young man's face paled even more, until he was as white as his bleached hair.
She wasn't sure what she expected when she faced him, but it wasn't the gangly young man with large, uncertain brown eyes.
The young man rose and stormed to the library door.
The young woman motioned to the sitting area, and Bianca went, relieved.
He turned to see the young man's face flushed this time with anger, his eyes glittering.
The young man drew away from the table.
He was young and scared.
Furious his order had been disobeyed, Damian started for the young Guardian.
The demons remaining were all young and loyal, trained by him over the years.
The Deans were devastated and knew when Fred O'Connor returned and learned the news, he too would be crushed that his young pal was leaving.
He went to the sink and began attacking the pile of dirty dishes as he pondered how they would tell the young girl her world was about to flip upside down.
Mrs. Lincoln, the Deans' cat, strolled into the room and rubbed the young girl's leg as if to ask what was the problem.
The young girl bowed her head but said nothing.
The Deans had feared the long Colorado winter might slow down frisky Fred but, if anything, the opposite occurred, due in no small measure to his young pal and junk sale cohort, Martha Boyd.
That's where we're concentrating, 'cause half the young people don't vote anyhow.
Sprinkled in the assortment of oldies were a few exceptions—two couples both named Dawkins, and Pumpkin Green, a young man taking a break from his cross country hike to California in support of the homeless, or so he claimed.
He alone had interviewed and recommended the young woman, who was located by one of his lady friends.
Cynthia came to the rescue, taking the young girl's arm, and led her to the kitchen.
Cynthia was startled by the young girl's unusual tone and immediately regretted not being forthcoming.
The young girl rose.
Dean cautioned Pumpkin to keep his hand on his wallet, but the young hiker dismissed the advice with a wave of his hand.
Martha eventually slipped into a troubled sleep when Cynthia, with Dean by his side, again convinced the child they believed her, and promised to see the young girl's discovery reach daylight.
He's a personable young man and a whale of a basketball player.
The young man sulked in, humbled in hoops by high school star Billy Langstrom.
There's a young girl who's been staying with us.
Boston was a tad rowdy back then and we were kind of young and frisky ourselves.
He wanted to warn the young man to wear a bulletproof vest and keep his hands in his lap for protection.
Isn't any young man capable of restraint—responsibility?
They did the same thing when she was young.
Dean wondered if the young man knew the girl's condition.
But he's far too young to have had any involvement with the Dawkinses, the mine, or the skeleton.
So they told some young child about their find, assuming he'd report it and get them off the hook.
He should be in the know about what's going on with Ouray's young people.
He, too, could visualize the two young people headed for wedded bliss, a six-pack between them.
It was the same when I was young, David thought.
As he began to ramble on about Mrs. Langstrom's cooking, Mrs. Lincoln jumped down and stood on hind legs, stretching up the young man's pant leg.
Josh the cad got sweet young Edith pregnant and skipped.
Leaving a young widow.
If your bones belong to someone who impregnated a young girl years ago, why do you care now?
He wanted to make sure he had time to hook up with Billy Langstrom and question the young man, whom he knew would be there.
A delicious smell mixing with giggles and laughter wafted from a sidewalk table where a group of young girls were peddling baked goodies.
She pointed to the two young men, almost unrecognizable in their ponderous gear of boots, rubber coat, and visored helmet.
It was a young man's—or woman's—game, although Dean doubted he'd have joined the contest, at least not willingly, even in his careless years.
It's sure a test for the young.
A young girl—not Melissa—rushed up to Billy and hugged him like a war bride.
She patted the young woman's arm.
Toby stood beside a plainly pregnant young woman with blue eyes and a tattoo across her neck that resembled the one on Deidre's back in color and otherworldly script.
Even at such a young age, Rhyn.s features were troubled and somber, as if he knew what kind of a life awaited him.
Two of the cats, young and small enough to be kittens or perfectly sized adult tarantulas, detangled and darted from her pillow to the table.
The woman looked half frightened to death and the young boy with her never said a word.
Dean asked the young girl.
I used to pretend when I was young.
I used to believe in ghosts when I was young.
Gladys Turnbull was pounding away on a lap top computer in a corner of the parlor while young Martha and Donnie played a game of Old Maid on the sofa.
The young girl thought a moment and agreed.
As Dean and his young passenger neared Bird Song, Edith Shipton drove up the street, parked, and entered the inn ahead of them.
Dean asked, surprised at the young girl's unusual candor.
Dean was startled by her sharpness, chastising himself for underestimating the young girl.
He lost his beautiful wife and died so young himself.
Aunt Rachael lived with us when we were young.
It was a gift from a young lady whom he'd helped when Bird Song first opened.
The young girl hesitated but he took her hand and didn't give her time to decline.
The young girl looked up at Dean.
Was she perhaps, as he had speculated, covering for young Donnie Ryland?
Dean was sure the young woman's promise of a platonic night was already forgotten.
The young boy scampered back to Ryland's side, still smiling.
She covertly accepted the copied transcriptions of the young woman's notebook that Cynthia presented to her.
Dean smiled at the young lady's perception.
He remembered the young man mentioning he had a sister in Parkside.
He had spent extra time wording the young woman's remarks.
The young insect resembles its parent in most points, but the head is disproportionately large; the anterior abdominal spiracles are on the second segment instead of on the first, and the foot has only a single segment.
During the first weeks of the queen's sorrow after the battle, Gavin, with one or two colleagues of the council, acted as personal adviser, and it may be taken for granted that he supported the pretensions of the young earl.
The breach between the queen's party and Albany's had widened, and the queen's advisers had begun an intrigue with England, to the end that the royal widow and her young son should be removed to Henry's court.
The young tsar married the boyarinya Lopukhina at his mother's command.
The young Alexius was ignored by his father till he was nine years old.
Thus unfortunate in his birth, young Hastings received the elements of education at a charity school in his native village.
The duties of a young "writer" were then such as are implied in the name.
In 1756 the old nawab died, and was succeeded by his grandson Surajud-Dowlah, a young madman of 19, whose name is indelibly associated with the tragedy of the Black Hole.
When that passionate young prince, in revenge for a fancied wrong, resolved to drive the English out of Bengal, his first step was to occupy the fortified factory at Cossimbazar, and make prisoners of Hastings and his companions.
There is now no doubt that William Gascoigne, a young gentleman of Yorkshire, was the first 1 Gran, History of Physical Astronomy, p. 449.
In 1451 the emperor Frederick III., as guardian of the young king Ladislas, entrusted Podébrad with the administration of Bohemia.
Meanwhile the enthusiastic reception accorded to the young German emperor on the occasion of his visit to Rome in October 1888, and the cordiality shown towards King Humbert and Crispi at Berlin in May 1889, increased the tension of FrancoItalian relations; nor was it until after the fall of Prince Bismarck in March 1890 that Crispi adopted towards the Republic a more friendly attitude by sending an Italian squadron to salute President Carnot at Toulon.
On the 12th of November 12 t 6 the regent William Marshal, earl of Pembroke, reissued the charter in the name of the young king Henry III.
It grows in small rings, which give it the appearance of growing in tufts, though it is really closely and evenly distributed over the whole scalp. The figures of the men are muscular and well-formed and generally pleasing; a straight, well-formed nose and jaw are by no means rare, and the young men are often distinctly good-looking.
The young are deferential to their elders.
A, colony of but grow in all planes Lar;B and C, young and adult medusae.
A strong opposition was quickly aroused, and when Theophano and Adelaide, widow of the emperor Otto the Great, appeared in Germany, Henry was compelled to hand over the young king to his mother.
In this well-known variety the young shoots are but slightly angled, and the branches in the second year become round; the deltoid short-pointed leaves are usually straight or even rounded at the base, but sometimes are slightly cordate; the capsules ripen in Britain about the middle of May.
When a young man I ran away from home and joined a circus.
Fancy me carrying a turkey along the street! said the young gentleman; and he began to grow very angry.
Sometimes she tries to spell very short words on her small [fingers] but she is too young to remember hard words.
My Dear Young Friend--I was very glad to have such a pleasant letter on my birthday.
On the first of October Miss Keller entered the Cambridge School for Young Ladies, of which Mr. Arthur Gilman is Principal.
She said the poor young girl talked and acted exactly like a little child.
Now that she has grown up, nobody thinks of being less frank with her than with any other intelligent young woman.
She is large, strong, and ruddy, and as unrestrained in her movements as a young colt.
Not my or thy great-grandfather's, but our great-grandmother Nature's universal, vegetable, botanic medicines, by which she has kept herself young always, outlived so many old Parrs in her day, and fed her health with their decaying fatness.
The mass of men are still and always young in this respect.
The snow lying deep on the earth dotted with young pines, and the very slope of the hill on which my house is placed, seemed to say, Forward!
Everyone brightened at the sight of this pretty young woman, so soon to become a mother, so full of life and health, and carrying her burden so lightly.
He wished to say something more, but at that moment Prince Vasili and his daughter got up to go and the two young men rose to let them pass.
The only young people remaining in the drawing room, not counting the young lady visitor and the countess' eldest daughter (who was four years older than her sister and behaved already like a grown-up person), were Nicholas and Sonya, the niece.
You are young, you are rich, you are clever, you are well educated.
She, seeing herself surrounded by such brilliant and polite young men, beamed with satisfaction, try as she might to hide it, and perturbed as she evidently was each time her husband moved in his sleep behind her.
He felt young, bright, adroit, and resolute.
For this purpose she arranged a meeting between the young people at the bishop's house before Mass.
Maria crushed Martha in her happy embrace, although what she'd perceived of the young girl's absence through the veil of her linguistic limitations was anyone's guess.
Added to the group were various newcomers, ignorant until now of the young girl's recent odyssey.
Cynthia held her young charge tightly about the shoulders.
He said he told a young lad about them in hopes the boy would 'find' them and eliminate Billy from being accused.
They're too young to get along on their own.
They're too young to take care of humans yet, so humans have to take care of them.
Deidre wanted to flee and never return, but she nodded at the young woman who almost seemed normal.
Katie Young looked at the speedometer, which read thirty-seven when the blue lights flared up behind her, jarring her out of the pre-coffee morning stupor.
Ms. Young, I need a blood sample.
Ms. Young, I'm David Kingsly, from Kingsly Enterprises.
The human was a female, and a young one.
The only brother not to declare outright war on him, Kiki was a distant second to Andre in his tepid support of their black sheep of a young brother.
Iliana was a relatively young Immortal who had been at his side for only a few decades, having caught his attention with her fighting skill and fierce loyalty.
He was cast out of the Immortal world fairly young.
Donnie Ryland is a very intelligent young boy, with a disability.
They were a well-traveled group for their uniformly young ages.
The glossy color photo displayed a concentrated young woman, hand-climbing upside down, across a rock face that looked devoid of any hint of a hand hold.
The young boy snuggled close to his father.
Young Donnie vigorously shook his head no.
I sure wish this young lady wrote a date on her writings.
She was obviously a very intelligent young lady.
I'd guess she left home quite young, perhaps as a mid-teenager, with little or no dough.
Two of the young ice climber descended the stairs and began gathering their suitcases and gear piled by the door.
One must wonder if the young ladies realize the ordeal that lies before them.
Young Donnie helped me do these.
Young Donnie munched on his fourth or fifth muffin, ignored by and ignoring his stepfather.
He was surprised to spot young Donnie Ryland, recognizable by his small stature and familiar jacket, running down the end of the trail.
She talks forward of the spring; seeing the flowers and the young people riding on these new wheels called bicycles, but I think to myself she'll not last the winter.
Dean managed to whistle down a young boy who agreed to use his snow blower on Dean's unfinished sidewalk, for an amount Dean considered ridiculous, but he knew he needed to get up to snuff on Shipton's fall before he was totally on the defensive.
I suppose we have to list young Donnie.
None of us is as young as he used to be.
The remaining possible suspects were young Donnie and Cynthia.
The young boy would be the only person Dean could think of who Cynthia would care enough to at least consider protecting.
No wonder the young man feared her!
Gladys and Edith are both upstairs, the Quincys are at the library and young Donnie and his dad are still out someplace.
Dean thanked the personable young lady but passed on the invitation.
It looked like young Donnie had a chance at life, in a home where love was in residence, instead of hatred and desperation.
The young girl explained Cynthia had just left for Duckett's Market to pick up a few items but Fred was up in his room, working on his computer.
Cowering in the opposite corner, sat a young lady rocking, with her face in her hands.
She should be with someone as young and vibrant as she is.
A girl that young didn't usually have much common sense.
The doorbell demanded his attention and he answered the door to find a tall young man standing in the hallway.
Old enough to think you should have accumulated more by now, and young enough to feel challenged to do something about it while you have the time.
I made up my mind when I was a young girl.
Men and women worked over large cauldrons of food in one building while young men and women focused on making blankets, clothes, and other textiles in another.
The dream seemed so short, but the sky had begun to lighten on the horizon. The dream faded as he sat up. Toby stood nearby, his young face solemn.
You have to protect him, Rhyn. He's too young to get himself out of things.
Rhyn stopped in front of Toby's cell and saw the young angel bouncing around.
If Toby can't find that answer, it's not something any of the angels know. Or he's too young to tap into it fully.
The young angel's face was streaked with blood from where branches had struck him. He was pale and terrified – and staring in shock at Deidre.
Rhyn saw the young man he assumed was Gabriel fighting demons.
As the man turned from his room, a young man emerged from the main entrance several yards away and stepped outside.
The first picture was of a young man dressed in a suit, looking as if he'd rather be anywhere else.
Dean felt a movement behind him and looked up to see a young man in his early twenties looking down at him.
Dean shrugged his shoulders and perused the reports, hoping the young man would take a hint and leave.
Someone behind them laughed out loud and Dean turned to see a young man cover his mouth and apologize.
The young attorney was always well prepared, and the police appreciated how tenaciously he pursued his cases.
Randy Byrne was in his usual place at shortstop, but the young man was much more subdued than the last time Dean had seen him play.
I know you want to discuss your trip to Norfolk and I hated to see the poor young man delayed.
On an impulse, Dean drove back in behind it and strolled over to meet the young man who stepped from the vehicle.
It wasn't that they didn't do the same stuff when Dean was young, but at least back then the girl stayed in the car.
After the young couple took their key and fairly skipped away, the old man retreated to the back room, leaving Dean alone with the stack of registration forms.
Harry Turnball was a young and energetic truck driver who delivered the Parkside Sentinel.
He assumed the young man occupied the room for the same purposes as Randy's friend, Bobby Ridner.
Just then, Dean noticed a sign for Delbart Regional High School, which serviced the township where young "Mr. Jones," the third guest at Whitney's Motel, was attending school.
The only exception to the lonely customers was a young family of four, husband, wife, girl about nine and boy about six.
A young man in a tan jacket waited at the foot of the stairs looking ill at ease.
Dean explained about his visit from Byrne's fellow employee and the young man's story about the possible girl friend.
There was a sad but determined look about the young lady.
Normally Dean wouldn't have considered for a minute betraying a confidence, but somehow he felt this young girl deserved to know.
He was sitting there a few moments later with Cynthia Byrne still unconscious when the attendant reappeared with Mr. Cole, a young intern, in tow.
He rose and, taking the arm of the attendant, steered the young man out to the slab where Wassermann was unaware of the turmoil he'd created.
Dean stood aside while they talked quietly, then walked around the car and shook the young man's hand.
He recognized Edwin Mayer and a few of the other employees of World Wide, although he didn't see Jackie Rudman, the young man who had squealed on Cece Baldwin.
He did mention his interview with Cece Baldwin, describing Byrne's relationship with the young lady as that of a compassionate mentor.
Randy's young girlfriend, Jenny, a bright and quiet little thing, arrived just after Dean and the four chatted easily before dinner.
It was heartening to see two young people who obviously cared for one another.
It seemed to Dean it was the young man's way of telling his mother that he was comfortable with her allowing Dean to peek into the corners of their life.
The young man looked ill at ease, as if something was on his mind.
He had nearly forgotten the young lady, the recipient of Jeffrey Byrne's kindness.
One more piece of unfinished business was put to rest when Dean arranged for two young friends of DeLeo to ferry Fred's rental car back to Scranton.
The police arrived, in the form of Jenny Nachman and a young Hispanic named Alverez and it was suggested that Dean and Fred go to the station.
Randy cut the call short, telling the young lady his mother hadn't returned and he was awaiting her call.
The young man said he understood but sounded confused at Dean's sudden absence from their lives, though he didn't press for an explanation.
Nearly all the riders were young, good looking and in fantastic shape.
Later that evening, while Dean and his stepfather were filling their faces with apple pie and ice cream and feeling sorry for themselves about their lack of progress in finding Byrne, a young man strolled up to them with a smile on his face.
Dean and the young man whose name was Lou Gibbons chatted about the day's ride.
He took his time strolling down row after row of tents, pausing briefly to answer a young man's question about directions.
He felt a new breath, a new strength, as if he were just beginning his ride in a young and fit body.
But then, I was so young.
He sure likes to pick them young.
Your marriage is young.
They were a conservative family, and Mums said Lori's behavior when she was young was forgivable.
You're a very special young man, you know that?
Two young lives wasted because they fell in love with the wrong person.
They reached the beach, and Darian saw his young brother wielding a sword in complex weapons forms.
His young brother's face fell.
He couldn't tell if his brother heard or not; the young man was deep in battle with a particularly skillful invisible vamp.
You're young to be here, aren't you?
Dustin ran up to the young man Jenn assumed was his master, and the golden eyes at once told her who this Damian was.
Shifting her attention from the tattooed man, Jenn rested her eyes on the young man, who glanced at her after Dustin spoke.
In less than two weeks, he'd aged, transforming from the lost youth she'd tried to take care of into a young immortal exploring his dark powers.
Jenn carefully positioned the young woman's body and rolled her in one of the sheets.
As she hacked at a young tree, she thought of Xander's words.
Jonny's voice was young and raw again.
The young god seemed in a good humor, though his gaze flickered nervously to the vamps awaiting him.
The women were of all ages while the men were either young or elderly, their numbers gutted by war.
Being petite helped, but she still had the smooth lines of a young girl.
There had always been a loaded gun in their house when she was young.
Natalie and Matthew were probably too young to understand, but Jonathan did.
Later Carmen and Alex had explained to Jonathan that he was too young for the responsibility of a cell phone.
In fact, a young single girl might be exactly what they needed to inject more interest in the tour – and Felipa was an excellent rider.
This one seems like a nice young man.
This young man – he loves you.
The hallway was so charged with emotional electricity that even the young mother noticed.
I was like a young school boy when Denton walked in.
No one took pity on a young man in a mask the way they did a cute little boy with dirty hands and huge, innocent eyes.
Xander saw brown hair and a young face.
He didn't need to read Jonny's mind to know the young Black God was reliving something.
I was too young to understand why she sought out my mother and me.
The young woman on the balcony was whining in a way that reminded Jessi of Ashley.
Young Indian elephants are hairy, thus showing affinity with the mammoth.
He was the young tsar Peter's chief supporter when, in 1689, Peter resisted the usurpations of his elder sister Sophia, and the head of the loyal council which assembled at the Troitsa monastery during the crisis of the struggle.
At Delaware, also, are the state industrial school for girls, a Carnegie library, the Edwards Young Men's Christian Association building and a city hospital.
During some months young Garfield served as bowsman, deck-hand and driver of a canal boat.
Jules Sandeau was a clever and attractive young lawyer.
But with a strange want of delicacy, to use the mildest term, she made love at the same time to a young Venetian doctor whom she had called in, by name Pagello.
George Sand not only forgave the elopement and hushed up the scandal by a private marriage, but she settled the young couple in Paris and made over to them nearly one-half of her available property.
The struggle of the Bohemians against Rome continued uninterruptedly, and the position of Podébrad became a very difficult one when the young king Ladislas, who was crowned in 1453, expressed his sympathies for the Roman Church, though he had recognized the compacts and the ancient privileges of Bohemia.
Young, brave and handsome, he won the love and devotion of his people, and guided them through the long years of storm and stress with wisdom and ability.
He was young and eager to exercise his new power.
He claimed to be recognized as guardian of his young son Philip and as regent of the Netherlands, but some of the states refused to agree to his demands and disorder was general.
It is an unfinished autobiography containing an account of the achievements of Maximilian, who is called "the young white king."
The favourite haunts of the wild cat are mountain forests where masses or rocks or cliffs are interspersed with trees, the crevices in these rocks or the hollow trunks of trees affording sites for the wild cat's lair, where its young are produced and reared.
In the Spanish plains, however, the young are often produced in nests built in trees, or among tall bamboos in FIG.
The most remarkable feature about the breed is that the young are white.
The head of the college, the abbe Antoine Faure, who was from the same part of the country as himself, befriended the lad, and continued to do so for many years after he had finished his course, finding him pupils and ultimately obtaining for him the post of tutor to the young duke of Chartres, afterwards the regent duke of Orleans.
He has alluded to a childish fancy for a young girl with a slight obliquity of vision; but he only mentions it 1 Ouvres, x.
Their influence upon the young tsar was profoundly beneficial, and the period of their administration coincides with the most glorious period of Ivan's reign - the period of the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan.
In the course of 1551 one of the factions of Kazan offered the whole khanate to the young tsar, and on the 20th of August 1552 he stood before its walls with an army of 150,000 men and 50 guns.
Nothing could now retard the natural advance of the young Russian state towards the east and the south-east.
Guy and Sibylla were married in 1180; and Guy thus became heir presumptive of the kingdom, if the young Baldwin V., Sibylla's son by her first marriage to William of Montferrat, should die without issue.
Epiphanius (Vitae prophetarum) says that he came up from Babylon while still young, prophesied the return, witnessed the building of the temple and received an honoured burial near the priests.
After 1390 - but whilst he was still a young man - he made the acquaintance of Geoffrey Chaucer, with whose son Thomas he was on terms of considerable intimacy.
The work which the young Frenchman did for his countrymen was immense.3 The year 1555 may be taken as the date when French Protestantism began to be organized.
A refugee Pole, Zamosz, taught him mathematics, and a young Jewish physician was his tutor in Latin.
Mendelssohn soon won the confidence of Bernhard, who made the young student successively his book-keeper and his partner.
It may be compared in some degree to such European societies as the Carbonara, Young Italy, the Tugendbund, the Confreries of France, the Freemasons in Catholic countries, and the Vehmgericht.
The former began in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, as a social club of young men.
Compulsory attendance of young men at national guard drills is enforced for at least two months of the year, under penalty of enforced service in the Line.
The Roman priests are drawn from the seminaries, established by the church for the education of young men intending to join its ranks, and divided into lower and higher seminaries (grands et petits sminaires), the latter giving the same class of instruction as the tyces.
Each year there is drawn up in every commune a list of the young men who attained the age of twenty during the previous year.
These young men are then examined by a revising body (Conseil de revision cantonal) composed of civil and military officials.
The active army, then, at a given moment, say November 1, 1908, is composed of all the young men, not legally exempted, who have reached the age of twenty in the years 1906 and 1907.
Examples of such bodies are the Society for Elementary Instruction the Polytechnic Association, the Philotechnic Association and the French Union of the Young at Paris; the Philomathic Society of Bordeaux; the Popular Education Society at Havre; the Rhone Society of Pro-, fessional Instruction at Lyons; the Industrial Society of Amiens and others.
On the death of William Longsword, duke of Normandy, who had been assassinated by Arnulf, count of Flanders, in December 942, Louis endeavoured to obtain possession of the person of Richard, the young son and heir of the late duke.
All three must have been addressed to the same individual, a young man, probably the son of this Lollius.
Marsupials may be defined as viviparous (that is non-egglaying) mammals, in which the young are born in an imperfect condition, and almost immediately attached to the teats of the mammary glands; the latter being generally enclosed in a pouch, and the front edge of the pelvis being always furnished with epipubic or "marsupial" bones.
Whether a pouch is present or not, the young are born in an exceedingly imperfect state of development, after a very short period of gestation, and are immediately transferred by the female parent to the teats, where they remain firmly attached for a considerable time; the milk being injected into their mouths at intervals by means of a special muscle which compresses the glands.
Female without pouch, the young when attached to the nipples being concealed by the long hair of the abdomen.
In December 1797 he joined his brother and some others in the formation of the "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel at Home," in building chapels or "tabernacles" for congregations, in supporting missionaries, and in maintaining institutions for the education of young men to carry on the work of evangelization.
It is the well-known peculiarity of this order that the female has a pouch or fold of skin upon her abdomen, in which she can place the young for suckling within reach of her teats.
Their abdominal bones are like those of the marsupials; and they are furnished with pouches for their young, but have no teats, the milk being distilled into their pouches from the mammary glands.
Even in casual amours these class laws were invariably observed, and the young man or woman who defied them was punished, he with death, she with spearing or beating.
Young children are often not buried for months, but are carried about by their mothers.
While young Rousseau went to Rome, where he spent some years in painting the ancient ruins, together with the surrounding landscapes.
Amidst universal anarchy, the young king, barely twenty years of age, inexperienced, ill-served, snatching at every expedient, worked day and night in his newly-formed camp in Scania (Skane) to arm the nation for its mortal struggle.
In 1855 he published a memoir of Thomas Young, and about the same time there appeared Young's collected works in three volumes, for the first two of which Peacock was responsible.
In vain the fiery young soldier strove to break loose from the shackles which hampered him.
In ancient sculptures and coins he is represented as a young man, habited like a shepherd, and sometimes carrying a sheep on his shoulders.
He took a leading part in the negotiation of 1890 for the Bohemian settlement, but the elections of 1891, in which the young Czechs who were opposed to the feudal party gained a decisive victory, made his position a very difficult one.
Young advised them to call their state Vermont, and he also sent through them a circular letter, dated the nth of April 1777, urging the people to adopt a state constitution on the Pennsylvania model.
Young crossed the frontier from Canada and raided the town of St Albans.
Both he and Gardiner had in fact sought fresh licences to exercise their ecclesiastical jurisdiction from the young king; and, if he was supreme enough to confer jurisdiction, he was supreme enough to issue the injunctions and order the visitation to which Bonner objected.
Haedo sets forth that a young Arab who had embraced Christianity and had been baptized with the name of Geronimo was captured by a Moorish corsair in 1569 and taken to Algiers.
The catkins appear soon after the young leaves, usually in England towards the end of May; the acorns, oblong in form, are in shallow cups with short, scarcely projecting scales; the fruit is shed the first autumn, often before the foliage changes.
The distance between the oaks depends upon the growth intended before thinning the young wood; usually they are placed from 8 to 12 ft.
The most valuable kind is that obtained from young trees of twenty to thirty years' growth, but the trunks and boughs of timber trees also furnish a large supply; it is separated from the tree most easily when the sap is rising in the spring.
The bark of young oak branches has been employed in medicine from the days of Dioscorides, but is not used in modern practice.
According to Neubauer, the bark of young oaks contains from 7 to Io% of this principle; in old trees the proportion is much less.
The young trees require protection from storms and late frosts even more than in England; the red pine of the north-eastern states, Pinus resinosa, answers well as a nurse, but the pitch pine and other species may be employed.
The comparatively rapid growth of the tree is its great recommendation to the planter; it is best raised from acorns sown on the spot, as they are very bitter and little liable to the attacks of vermin; the tree sends down a long tap-root, which should be curtailed by cutting or early transplanting, if the young trees are to be removed.
Irish in a league against the supporters of the parliament, and only a few scattered forts held out for the Commonwealth, while the young king was every day expected to land and complete the conquest of the island.
By the marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine with Henry Plantagenet, the countship passed under the suzerainty of the kings of England, but at the same time it was divided, William VII., called the Young (1145-1168), having been despoiled of a portion of his domain by his uncle William VIII.,called the Old,who was supported by Henry II.
The worm inhabits the lung of the frog and toad, and is hermaphrodite (Schneider) or parthenogenetic (Leuckart); the embryos hatched from the eggs find their way through the lungs into the alimentary canal and thence to the exterior; in a few days they develop into a sexual larva, called a Rhabditiform larva, in which the sexes are distinct; the eggs remain within the uterus, and the young when hatched break through its walls and live free in the perivisceral cavity of the mother, devouring the organs of the body until only the outer cuticle is left; this eventually breaks and sets free the young, which are without teeth, and have therefore lost the typical Rhabditis form.
The female is viviparous, and the young, which, unlike the parent, are provided with a long tail, live free in water; it was formerly believed from the frequency with which the legs and feet were attacked by this parasite that the embryo entered the skin directly from the water, but it has been shown by Fedschenko, and confirmed by Manson, Leiper and others, that the larva bores its way into the body of a Cyclops and there undergoes further development.
The adult worm, which is of extremely minute size, the male being only Fi l sth and the female s of an inch in length inhabits the alimentary canal of man and many other carnivorous mammalia; the young bore their way into the tissues and become encysted in the muscles - within the muscle-bundles according to Leuckart, but in the connective tissue between them according to Chatin and others.
The eggs of the female give rise to embryos within the body of the mother; her other organs undergo a retrogressive change and serve as food for the young, until the body-wall only of the mother remains as a brown capsule.
From this the young escape and make their way through the earth to new roots.
The marriage of young people was usually arranged between the relatives, the bridegroom's father providing the bride-price, which with other presents the suitor ceremonially presented to the bride's father.
Highton and his brother Edward Highton, and ' See Arthur Young, Travels in France, p. 3.
The cavity of the pitcher is in some species lined throughout with a smooth glistening surface over which glands are uniformly distributed; these glands secrete a liquid which is found in the pitcher even in the young state while it is still hermetically closed by the lid.
The female carries her young for fully eleven months, and produces only one calf at a time, which she suckles for a year.
Eight days after birth the young Arabian camel stands 3 ft.
Throughout 1458 the struggle between the young king and the magnates, reinforced by Matthias's own uncle and guardian Szilagyi, was acute.
Similarly, the number of goats, which are reared only in hilly regions, is decreasing, especially on account of the existing forest laws, as they are the chief enemies of young plantations.
Thus a large all-round increase in secondary and higher education is shownsatisfactory in many respects, but showing that more young men devote themselves to the learned professions (especially to the law) than the economic condition of the country will justify.
His predecessor in the kingdom, Lothar, had left a young and beautiful widow, Adelheid.
Three years afterwards he died, leaving a son, Frederick, to the care of Constance, who in her turn died in 1198, bequeathing the young prince, already crowned king of Germany, to the guardianship of Innocent III.
By marrying her daughter, Maria Amelia, to the young duke of Parma, and another daughter, Maria Carolina, to Ferdinand of Naples, Maria Theresa consolidated Habsburg influence in the north and south of the peninsula.
Venice not only paid the costs of the war to the two chief belligerents, but her naval resources also helped to launch the young general on his career of eastern adventure.
Her former rival, Genoa, bad also been compelled, in June 1797, to bow before the young conqueror, and had undergone at his hands a remodelling on the lines already followed at Milan.
Further, at the close of 1798 they virtually compelled the young king of Sardinia, Charles Emmanuel IV., to abdicate at Turin.
A month later the ambitious young general, Joubert, who took over Moreaus command and raffled part of Macdonalds following, was utterly routed by the Austro-Russian army at Novi (August 15) with the loss of 12,000 men.
Shortly afterwards he received Mazzini a letter from an unknown person, in which he was and exhorted with fiery eloquence to place himself at the Young head of the movement for liberating and uniting italY.
The author was Giuseppe Mazzini, then a young man of twenty-six years, who, though in theory a republican, was ready to accept the leadership of a prince of the house of Savoy if he would guide the nation to freedom.
Young Italy spread to all centres of Italian exiles, and by means of literature carried on an active propaganda in Italy itself, where the party came to be called Ghibellini, as though reviving the traditions of medieval anti-Papalism.
The Roman army (20,000 men) was commanded by General Rosselli, and included, besides Garibaldis red-shirted legionaries, volunteers from all parts of Italy, mostly very young men, many of them wealthy and of noble family.
The policy of Italy in the congress, he added, would be to support the interests of the young Balkan nations.
During this reign the work of the Reformation made rapid progress, the sympathies both of the Protector and of the young king being decidedly Protestant.
A son of William Thistlewood, and born at Tupholme in Lincolnshire, young Thistlewood passed his early years in a desultory fashion; he became a soldier and visited France and America, imbibing republican opinions abroad and running into debt at home.
Its fragrant shoots and the fine yellow green of the young leaves recommend it to the ornamental planter.
Thus passed several years; he was still young, but his new mode of life produced its effects on a man of his imagination and saintly piety.
The cortex of a young stem is usually green, and plays a more or less important part in the assimilative function.
In the larger veins of the leaf especially in the midrib, in the petiole, and in the young stem, a1 extremely frequent type of mechanical tissue is collenchyma.
Throughout the Angiosperms the epidermis of the shoot originates from separate initials, which never divide tangentially, so that the young shoot is covered by a single layer of dividing cells, the dermatogen.
In some cases where there is apparently a well-marked plerome at the apex, this is really the young pith, the distinction between the stelar and cortical initials, if it exists, being, as is so often the case, impossible to make out.
The young tissue of the stelar cylinder, in the case of the modified siphonostele characteristic of the dicotyledonous stem, differs from the adjoining pith and cortex in its narrow elongated cells, a difference produced by the stopping of transverse and the increased frequency of longitudinal divisions.
This is especially the case in the young vascular bundles themselves (desmogen strands).
The protoxylems and the phloem strands are developed alternately, just within the outer limit of the young cylinder.
Wood thus altered is known as heart-wood, or duramen, as distinguished from the young sap-wood, or alburnum, which, forming a cylinder next the cambium, remains alive and carries on the active functions of the xylem, particularly the conduction of water.
The new work largely centred round a discussion of the nature and origin of vessels, conspicuous features in young plant tissues which thus acquired an importance in the contemporary literature out of proportion to their real significance in the construction of the vascular plant.
This system of channels is in communication with the outer atmosphere through numerous small apertures, known as stomata, which are abundant upon the leaves and young twigs, and gaseous interchange between the plant and the air is by their assistance rendered constant and safe.
The water of the soil, which in well-drained soil is met with in the form of delicate films surrounding the particles of solid matter, is absorbed into the plant by the delicate hairs borne by the young roots, the entry being effected by a process of modified osmosis.
This pressure leads to the filling of the vessels of the wood of both root and stem in the early part of the year, before the leaves have expanded, and gives rise to the exudation of fluid known as bleeding when young stems are cut in early spring.
When the young sporophyte first begins its independent lifewhen, that is, it exists in the form of the embryo in the seedits living substance has no power of utilizing the simple inorganic compounds spoken of.
If we examine the seat of active growth in a young root or twig, we find that the cells in which the organic substance, the protoplasm, of the plant is being formed and increased, are not supplied with carbon dioxide and mineral matter, but with such elaborated material as sugar and proteid substances, or others closely allied to them.
These bodies, known technically as chioroplaIts, are found embedded in the protoplasm of the cells of the mesophyll of foliage leaves, of certain of the cells of some of the leaves of the flower, and of the cortex of the young twigs and petioles.
If we consider a leaf of the common fern we find that in its young condition it is closely rolled up, the upper or ventral surface being quite concealed.
This is due to the fact that while young the turgidity and consequent growth are greater in the dorsal side of the leaf, so that it becomes rolled up. As it develops the maximum turgidity and growth change to its upper side, and so it becomes unfolded or expanded.
When a root comes in contact at its tip with scme hard body, such as might impede its progress, a curvature of the growing part is set up, which takes the young tip away from the stone, or what-not, with which it is in contact.
The young roots grow vertically downwards, the young stems vertically upwards.
The power of response is seen most easily in the case of young growing organs, and the parts which show the motor mechanism are mainly the young growing cells.
The Vertebrata come within the scope of our subject, chiefly as destructive agents which cause wounds or devour young shoots and foliage, &c. Rabbits and other burrowing animals injure roots, squirrels and birds snip off buds, horned cattle strip off bark, and so forth.
Various local hypertrophies, including galls, result from the increased growth of young tissues irritated by the punctures of insects, or by the presence of eggs or larvae left behind.
Ustilago, and filling a greenhouse with hydrocyanic acid gas when young insects are commencing their ravages, e.g.
False etiolation may occur from too low a temperature, often seen in young wheat in cold springs.
They are due to hypertrophy of young tissues, which may undergo profound alterations subsequently, and occur on all parts of the plants.
Young cells ar full of cytoplasm, old cells generally contain a large vacuole or vacuoles, containing cell-sap, and with only a thin, almost invisible layer of cytoplasm on their walls.
In young cells the chromatophores are small, colorless, highly refractive bodies, principally located around the nucleus.
The rows of cells from which the laticiferous vessels are formed can be distinguished in many cases in the young embryo while still in the dry seed (Scott), but the latex vessels in process of formation are more easily seen when germination has begun.
According to Lecointe, the young wall consists partly of cellulose and partly of a substance which is not cellulose, the latter existing in the form of slight depressions, which mark the position of the future pores.
The recital of their travels fired the youthful imagination of young Marco Polo, son of Nicolo, and he set out for the court of Kublai Khan, with his father and uncle, in 1265.
His young widow took command of the survivors and brought them safely to Manila.
The royal family, especially the queen and the infanta Isabella, often stayed at Segovia, and Torquemada became confessor to the infanta, who was then very young.
In Bothwell also, "the glorious, rash and hazardous young man," romantic, handsome, charming even in his guilt, Mary gained what she lacked in her husband, a lover.
According to Melville he had designs on the life of the young prince.
His father, Edward Wakefield (1774-1854), author of Ireland, Statistical and Political (1812), was a surveyor and land agent in extensive practice; his grandmother, Priscilla Wakefield (1751-1832), was a popular author for the young, and one of the introducers of savings banks.
The young lady's relatives ultimately became reconciled to the match, and procured him an appointment as attache to the British legation at Turin.
The iris is in most young birds at first brown or dull-coloured, but with maturity attains often very bright tints which add considerably to the charm of the bird; sexual dimorphism is in this respect of common occurrence.
During the embryonic stage the lids are fused together, and either become separated shortly before the bird is hatched, as is the case with most Nidifugae, or else the blind condition prevails for some time, in the young Nidicolae.
Should the young die or be removed during this period, the parents are liable to die, suffering severely from the turgid congestion of the hypertrophied walls of the crop.
It is most developed in the young of both sexes, is of unknown function, and becomes more or less obliterated in the adult.
In young birds both oviducts are almost equal in size, but the right soon degenerates into an insignificant strand.
It is to the marriage of this young knight that the house of Howard owes the tragedy of its greatness.
The young duchess died in her seventeenth year after giving birth to a son, and the duke took a second wife from a humble stock, newly enriched and honoured, the daughter of Henry VIII.'s subservient chancellor, the Lord Audley of Walden.
She survived her marriage but a few months and her husband then obtained the wardship of her Dacre offspring, a son who died young, and three daughters whom the duke, with the true Howard eye for a rich inheritance, gave as brides to three of his sons.
In the first year of James I., Thomas, the young son of Earl Philip, was restored in blood and given the titles of Arundel and Surrey.
After the death of his mother in 1463, and of her principal supporter, James Kennedy, bishop of St Andrews, two years later, the person of the young king, and with it the chief authority in the kingdom, were seized by Sir Alexander Boyd and his brother Lord Boyd, while the latter's son, Thomas, was created earl of Arran and married to the king's sister, Mary.
He grouped around him all the leading writers, publicists and progressive young men of the day; declaimed against prejudices; stimulated the timid; inspired the lukewarm with enthusiasm; and never rested till the constitution of the 3rd of May 1791 had been carried through.
The young corm, at first about the diameter of the flower-stalk, grows continuously, till in the following July it attains the size of a small apricot.
An attempt made by his uncles to dislodge him proved unsuccessful, and no sooner was the young sovereign firmly settled than he began to meditate an extension of his own dominions.
In1564-1566he accompanied the young king on an extended tour through France; and in 1566 he was instrumental in the promulgation of an important edict for the reform of abuses in the administration of justice.
In consequence of this outbreak of patriotic enthusiasm, the school was soon after closed by Louis XVIII., and the young student was compelled to seek some other career instead of that of the soldier.
The arrangement of the conducting tissue in the stem is characteristic; a transverse section of the very young stem shows a nunber of distinct conducting strands - vascular bundles - arranged in a ring round the pith; these soon become united to form a closed ring of bast and wood, separated by a layer of formative tissue (cambium).
Pushkin in one of his poems described young Gorchakov as "Fortune's favoured son," and predicted his success.
Moreover, if anything like the needful accommodation be afforded, it will build a nest and therein lay its eggs; but it rarely succeeds in bringing up its young in confinement.
On this theory the yellowbird or NorthAmerican "goldfinch," C. tristis, would seem, with its immediate allies, to rank among the highest forms of the group, and the pinegoldfinch, C. pinus, of the same country, to be one of the lowest the cock of the former being generally of a bright yellow hue, with black crown, tail and wings - the last conspicuously barred with white, while neither hens nor young exhibit any striations.
There again his proficiency, especially in physical science, was marked, and he was one of the young Russians chosen to complete their education in foreign countries.
Boetius was consul in sio, and his sons, while still young, held the same honour together (522).
Fabre states that the mother-insect carefully arranges the food-supply so that the most nutritious and easily digested portion is nearest the egg, to form the first meal of the young larva.
Riley, who finds that the young larva, hatched from the egg laid on the pod, has three pairs of legs, and that these are lost after the moult that occurs when the grub has bored its way into the seed.
The grubs, when hatched, start galleries nearly at right angles to this, and when fully grown form oval cells in which they pupate; from these the young beetles emerge by making circular holes directly outward through the bark.
The deeper tints are, however, peculiar to the nuptial plumage, or are only to be faintly traced at other times, so that in winter the adults - and the young always - have a much plainer appearance, ashy-grey and white being almost the only hues observable.
Only once during this period did the young tsar come forward and assert his authority.
In a short time the invaders were expelled, and a Grand National Assembly elected as tsar Michael Romanov, the young son of the metropolitan Philaret, who was connected by marriage with the late dynasty.
Peter, and that Sophia should act as regent during the (IL), minority of the two young sovereigns.
As Sweden was known to be exhausted by the long wars of Gustavus Adolphus and his successors, and weakened by internal dissensions, the dismemberment seemed an easy matter, and Peter embarked on the scheme with a light heart; but his illusions were quickly dispelled by the eccentric young Swedish king, Charles XII., who arrived suddenly in Esthonia and completely routed the Russian army before Narva.
On the other hand the great nobles of more conservative tendencies wished to get the young son of the cesarevich Alexius made emperor under their own control.
This naturally caused profound disappointment and dissatisfaction in the liberal section of the educated classes and especially among the young officers of the regiments which had spent some years in western Europe.
Finding that the walls of autocracy could not be overturned by blasts of revolutionary trumpets in the periodical press and in clandestinely printed seditious proclamations, the young enthusiasts determined to seek the support of the masses, or, as they termed it, " to go in among the people " (idti v narod).
Though resembling his father in the main points of his character, the young tsar was of a more humane disposition, and he was much less of a doctrinaire.
A plot to carry off the young Mortimers was defeated; but Mowbray, the earl marshal, who had been privy to it, raised a rebellion in the north supported by Archbishop Scrope of York.
As a young man Henry had been chivalrous and adventurous, and in politics anxious for good government and justice.
Francisco de Valenzuela having died young, his son was placed by his mother as a page in the household of the duke of Infantado.
Ceremonies of initiation are the means by which the alliance is established between the deity and the young man, when the latter enters upon the rights of manhood; and the supposed bond of kinship is thus regarded as an artificial union from the outset, so far as the individual is concerned, although Robertson Smith still maintains the theory of the fatherhood of the god, where it is a question of the origin of the totem-kin.
In July he was also elected Master of Pembroke Hall in succession to the recusant Dr Thomas Young (1514-1580) and Bishop of London in succession to Bonner.
In the climate of the south of England its rate of growth when young is between 1 and 12 ft.
Pavilliard appears to have known little of English, and young Gibbon knew practically nothing of French.
In 1757 Voltaire came to reside at Lausanne; and although he took but little notice of the young Englishman of twenty, who eagerly sought and easily obtained an introduction, the establishment of the theatre at Monrepos, where the brilliant versifier himself declaimed before select audiences his own productions on the stage, had no small influence in fortifying Gibbon's taste for the French theatre, and in at the same time abating that "idolatry for the gigantic genius of Shakespeare which is inculcated from our infancy as the first duty of an Englishman."
Deyverdun, a young Swiss with whom he had formed a close and intimate friendship during his first residence at Lausanne, and finally decided in favour of the land which was his " friend's by birth " and " his own by adoption."
His moderation, good sense, wisdom, temper, firmness and erudition made him as successful in this position as he had been when professor of theology, and he speedily surrounded himself with a band of scholarly young men.
A young senator (ab actis senatus) was chosen to draw up these Acta, which were kept in the imperial archives and public libraries.
The severe forms of intermittent are most apt to occur in the very young, or in the aged, or in debilitated persons generally.
In the tropics "no European house should be located nearer to a native village than half a mile" (Manson), and, since children are almost universally infected, "the presence of young natives in the house should be absolutely interdicted" (Manson).
He became a member of the Young Ireland Party in 1845, and in 1847 was one of the founders of the Irish Confederation.
Ferdinand, now that the young archduke was of age, was able to carry out the abdication which he and his wife had long desired.
The young emperor was during the first years of his reign completely in the hands of Prince Felix Schwarzenberg, to whom, with Windischgratz and Radetzky, he owed it that Austria had emerged from the revolution apparently stronger than it had been before.
The young Saul was chosen by lot and gained unanimous recognition by delivering Jabesh in Gilead from the Ammonites.
When the narratives describe the life of the young David at the court of the first king of the northern kingdom, when the scenes cover the district which he took with the sword, and when the brave Saul is represented in an unfavourable light, one must allow for the popular tendency to idealize great figures, and for the Judaean origin of the compilation.
The view that the seeds of Yahwism were planted in the young Israelite nation in the days of the " exodus " conflicts with the belief that the worship of Yahweh began in the pre-Mosaic age.
The throne of David was then occupied by the young Ahaz, Jotham's son.
His young son Jehoiachin surrendered after a three months' reign, with his mother and the court; they were taken away to Babylonia, together with a number of the artisan class (596).
According to the Jewish legend Heliodorus was attacked when he entered the Temple by a horse with a terrible rider and by two young men.
The priests deserted the Temple for the palaestra and the young nobles wore the Greek cap. The Jews of Jerusalem were enrolled as citizens of Antioch.
Claudius intended that Agrippa's young son should succeed to the kingdom; but he was overruled by his advisers, and Judaea was taken over once more by Roman procurators.
His miracles were reported and eagerly believed everywhere; " from Poland, Hamburg and Amsterdam treasures poured into his court; in the Levant young men and maidens prophesied before him; the Persian Jews refused to till the fields.
The principal wealth of the island is derived from its olive groves; notwithstanding the destruction of many thousands of trees during each successive insurrection, the production is apparently undiminished, and will probably increase very considerably owing to the planting of young trees and the improved methods of cultivation which the Government is endeavouring to promote.
Indeed, the Cretan system, like that of Sparta, appears to have aimed at training up the young, and controlling them, as well as the citizens of more mature age, in all their habits and relations of life.
The efforts of diplomacy were directed to allaying the resentment of the " Young Turks " on the one hand and the ardour of the Greek unionists on the other; and meanwhile the Cretan administration was carried on peaceably in the name of King George.
In that war the young king perished and a still younger brother, Ptolemy XiII.
In the second, which took place in the Church of St John and St Paul, and lasted three days, he undertook to refute innumerable errors in Aristotelians, mathematicians and schoolmen, to conduct his dispute either logically or by the secret doctrine of numbers, &c. According to Aldus, who attended the debate and published an account of it in his dedication to Crichton prefixed to Cicero's "Paradoxa" (1581), the young Scotsman was completely successful.
Urquhart states that he went to Mantua, became the tutor of the young prince of Mantua, Vincenzo di Gonzaga, and was killed by the latter in a street quarrel in 1582.
The panegyrics of Aldus Manutius require to be received with some caution, since he was given to exaggerating the merits of his friend, and uses almost the same language about a young Pole named Stanilaus Niegosevski; see John Black's Life of Torquato Tasso, ii.
He was arrested on a charge of indecent assault upon a young woman in a railway carriage, and was sentenced to a year's imprisonment and a fine.
Nero thereupon murdered the young prince and decided to get rid of his mother.
Of the Physostomi, the siluroids are abundant in the estuaries and muddy waters; the habits of some of these fishes are remarkable, such as that of the males carrying the ova in their mouths till the young are hatched.
Saul's daughter Michal loved him; and her father, whose jealousy continued to increase, resolved to put the young captain on a perilous enterprise, promising him the hand of Michal as a reward of success, but secretly hoping that he would perish in the attempt.
Young Rainy was intended for his father's profession, but he was caught by the evangelical fervour of the Disruption movement, and after studying for the Free Church he became a minister, first in Aberdeenshire and then in Edinburgh, till in 1862 he was elected professor of Church history in the theological seminary, New College, a post he only resigned in 1900.
The young Ampere, however, soon resumed his Latin lessons, to enable him to master the works of Euler and Bernouilli.
The young involucre surrounds the female flower and the stalk supporting the spike of male flowers, and when ripe has the appearance of bluish-white porcelain.
He at once began love-making, and in spite of his ugliness succeeded in winning the heart of the lady to whom his colonel was attached; this led to such scandal that his father obtained a lettre de cachet, and the young scapegrace was imprisoned in the isle of Re.
On being released, the young count obtained leave to accompany as a volunteer the French expedition to Corsica.
He found that his Sophie was an idealized version of a rather common and ill-educated woman, and she consoled herself with the affection of a young officer, after whose death she committed suicide.
As an orator his eloquence has been likened to that of both Bossuet and Vergniaud, but it had neither the polish of the old 17th century bishop nor the flashes of genius of the young Girondin.
The young king took little pains with the government, and the control of affairs was shared between the clerical and peace party led by Richard Fox and Archbishop Warham, and the secular and war party led by Surrey.
Archbishop Laud sent for Taylor to preach before him at Lambeth, and took the young man under his special protection.
Still no explanation of this singular fact was forthcoming, and it was reserved for the young chemist from FrancheComte to solve a problem which had baffled the greatest chemists and physicists of the time.
Turgot's best known work, Reflexions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses, was written early in the period of his intendancy for the benefit of two young Chinese students.
His father, who was a wealthy man and possessed at any rate a smattering of Greek, Latin and French, was thought to have demeaned himself by marrying the daughter of an Andover tradesman, who afterwards retired to a country house near Reading, where young Jeremy spent many happy days.
Derby, however, was always royalist in sympathy, and did not finally surrender till 1646; in 1659 it rebelled against Richard Cromwell, and in 1745 entertained the young Pretender.
Strong, talented and ambitious, Gaveston gained great influence over young Edward, and early in 1307 he was banished from England by the king; but he returned after the death of Edward I.
In selecting young pear trees for walls or espaliers, some persons prefer plants one year old from the graft, but trees two or three years trained are equally good.
In fan-training the subordinate branches must be regulated, the spurs thinned out, and the young laterals finally established in their places.
This stage in the life-history was formerly regarded as a distinct fungus with the name Roestelia cancellata; it is now known, however, that the spores germinate on young juniper leaves, in which they give rise to this other stage in the plant's history known as Gymnosporangium.
The young crop was hoed, reaping was performed with a sickle, and a high stubble left on the ground as manure.
The spread of these principles in Norfolk made it, according to Arthur Young (writing in 1770), one of the best cultivated counties in England.
The writings of Arthur Young, secretary to the Board of Agriculture, describe the transition from the old to the new agriculture.
The young classes for bullocks were established in 1880.
In 899, when Arnulf died, Hatto became regent of Germany, and guardian of the young king, Louis the Child, whose authority he compelled Zwentibold, king of Lorraine, an illegitimate son of Arnulf, to recognize.
His father was reserved, undemonstrative even to the pitch of chilling sternness, and among young Mill's comrades contempt of feeling was almost a watchword.
Seleucus, as a young man of about twenty-three, accompanied Alexander into Asia in 333, and won distinction in the Indian campaign of 326.
The young king was in the hands of the bad minister Hermeias, and was induced to make an attack on Palestine instead of going in person to face the rebels.
In 143 Tryphon murdered the young Antiochus and assumed the diadem himself.
A B In Great Britain the flea beetles (Halticidae) are one of the most serious enemies; one of these, the turnip flea (Phyllotreta nemorum), has in some years, notably 1881, caused more than 500,00o loss in England and Scotland alone by eating the young seedling turnips, cabbage and other Cruciferae.
These beetles, characterized by their skipping movements and enlarged hind femora, also attack the hop (Haltica concinna), the vine in America (Graptodera chalybea, Illig.), and numerous other species of plants, being specially harmful to seedlings and young growth.
Aphides are born, as a rule, alive, and the young soon commence to reproduce again.
Reproduction is mainly asexual, the females producing living young without the agency of a male.
His last years were chiefly spent at the castle of Cardross on the Clyde, which he acquired in 1326, and the conduct of war, as well as the negotiations for peace, had been left to the young leaders, Moray and Sir James Douglas, whose training was one of Bruce's services to his country.
The bark and young cones afford a tanning material, inferior indeed to oakbark, and hardly equal to that of the larch, but of value in countries where substances more rich in tannin are not abundant.
The young shoots are also given to oxen in the long winters of those northern latitudes, when other green fodder is hard to obtain.
A decoction of the buds in milk or whey is a common household remedy for scurvy; and the young shoots or green cones form an essential ingredient in the spruce-beer drank with a similar object, or as an occasional beverage.
Its great value to the English forester is as a "nurse" for other trees, for which its dense leafage and tapering form render it admirably fitted, as it protects, without overshading, the young saplings, and yields saleable stakes and small poles when cut out.
When young its spreading boughs form good cover for game.
A, Branch bearing (a) young female cones, (b) ripe cones, reduced.
The cones, produced in great abundance, are short and oval in shape, the scales with rugged indented edges; they are deep purple when young, but become brown as they ripen.
The spruce-beer of America is generally made from the young shoots of this tree.
The large branches droop, like those of the Norway spruce, but the sprays are much lighter and more slender, rendering the tree one of the most elegant of the conifers, especially when young.
When the tree is young the bark is of a silvery grey, but gets rough with age.
In the more southern parts of the island it often reaches a height of 90 ft., and specimens exist considerably above that size; but the young shoots are apt to be injured in severe winters, and the tree on light soils is also hurt by long droughts, so that it usually presents a ragged appearance; though, in the distance, the lofty top and horizontal boughs sometimes stand out in most picturesque relief above the rounded summits of the neighbouring trees.
The Scottish parliament agreed to the marriage of the young queen with the dauphin of France, and, on the plea of securing her safety from English designs, she set sail from Dumbarton in August 1548 to complete her education at the French court.