Yon Sentence Examples
Night at the encourages yon to demand for its.
When ye 've feenished wi yon buik, pit it past.
For all you gadabouts and tourists used to driving hither and yon, a weekend trip to New England is a piece of cake.
Use 1. see that yon do not make an ill use of it.
As a neighbor said, yon lad and wench of Johnson 's have n't been brought up, they 've been dragged up.
I'll say yon 's Mack or Sammy Orr or Hopeless.
Richard de Saint Yon was master of the butchers of the Grande Boucherie in 1460.
Can yon imagine the ferocious resistance which must have arisen to abolishing the old numbered regiments and replacing them by territorial designations?
Or look at yon fallen woman drinking the dregs of her bitter, damning cup!
So it was the train, bus and post bus got me up yon glen in the first place.
AdvertisementWhy do yon not ask whither he is going?
When ye've feenished WI yon buik, pit it past.
One here can view yon playing field, Which doth to youngsters pleasure yield.
There, as soon as his fingers were thawed, he took his revenge in Dweller in yon dungeon dark.
The chief, the Sawbwa Hkun Yon, held charge through the reigns of four Burmese kings, and submitted early in 1887 on the first arrival of British troops.
AdvertisementThe primitive application of O€oX6 yon to the poets and myth-fanciers meets us again in Church writers; but there is also a tendency to use the name for a philosophical theology based on the doctrine of the Logos.
Guillaume de Saint Yon is cited as the richest butcher of the Grande Boucherie in the 14th century.
Gamier de Saint Yon was echevin of Paris in 1413 and 1419; Jean de Saint Yon, his brother, was valet de chambre of the dauphin Louis, son of King Charles VI.