Yes Sentence Examples
Yes, but I don't have time.
Yes, mother, I will read and then I will know.
Yes, she did love him.
So what do you say, yes or no?
Yes, and Jonathan is at school.
Yes, I think I did.
Yes, and I ordered a computer for you too.
Yes, wanting more money.
Yes, Davis will be worried.
Yes. It's all on the table.
AdvertisementDad asked me if I was hungry and I said yes.
Yes. I don't think so.
Yes, I want to marry you, and no, not now.
And yes, maybe I did set today up.
Well yes, but you don't have to kill people to get blood.
AdvertisementThe answer is yes.
Yes, I think we may risk it.
No. Well yes, but so were other people.
Is that a yes?
Yes. I have no other option, Deidre.
AdvertisementYes, Alex did have kind eyes, though she had never actually thought of it that way before.
Yes. I'll probably travel some, but I'll be back home before night.
Yes, Xander is right.
Yes, there is a light on North Street.
When he said yes, I gave him the name Annie Abbott.
AdvertisementAnd yes, I took your door.
Yes, I see the cost of food falling a thousandfold.
Ah, yes! said the little girl.
Yes, one would have to search far to find another as smart.
That would show me, yes?
Yes. He thinks the world of you, by the way.
Yes, Ethel confesses to appointment as the tipster's public representative and seems to be accepted as sorts, in the eyes of her growing public of readers.
And yes, I'll have this alleged killer checked out.
She was saving lives, yes, but she wished there was a different way to do it.
Yes, you talk, but try it yourself!
You had a dislocated shoulder – and yes, they already put it back into place.
We were gone so long, yes?
Yes. I was surprised when he invited me to this party.
Yes. The girl is Angela and the boy is Nick...
Ah yes ' Eating It Up ' quite simply the most cringe making program ever.
A. Yes, there's a bath-tub scene where I was sitting in it all crooked for an entire day.
Yes, I know it is a potentially dangerous thing to do.
Yes The law protects individuals from having unauthorized deductions made from their wages, including complete non-payment.
Yes, it could be a fact and may be even scientifically demonstrable in the near future.
You'll get a confirmation dialog, click yes in this.
Yes; there was land below them; and not so very far away, either.
Yes, my dear; I am Oz, the Great and Terrible.
Yes, and he was quite tall.
If you'll come back to my house, you shall have the best room in it--yes, all the rooms if you wish.
Yes, I think so, said Jacquot.
Yes, I know this sounds like one of those bad infomercials.
Yes, there it was, all quivering in the warm sunshine, its blossom-laden branches almost touching the long grass.
Yes, I am taking the regular college course for a degree.
I think "no" and "yes," conveyed by a shake or a nod of my head, have become facts as apparent to her as hot and cold or as the difference between pain and pleasure.
We shall speak, yes, and sing, too, as God intended we should speak and sing.
Yes, it is a tomb in which hope, joy and the power of acting nobly lie buried.
Len colored and glanced at Connie, who dimpled and firmly stated, "Yes."
She slipped her arms around his neck and whispered against his lips, "yes."
Wear this above your left ear if the answer is no - right if the answer is yes.
Yes, we were as frightened as a kid on a high board, looking at the water below.
Consider I've been duly warned and, yes, I will take precautions.
Yes. They just got started but they're doing good work.
Yes, Howie was pleased as a kid with a new toy.
She mumbled a yes.
Yes. He's registered here but no one is tracking him.
Yes, he professed a desire to know what happened but actually seeing it was another matter.
Kiss, yes, he ordered.
Yes, ikir called earlier and said you'd be in today.
Yes, of course you did.
Yes, I feel it.
Yes, ikir, I think we did.
And yes, go see kiri.
Yes. It didn't hurt he's old enough that he's had time to build his power as well.
If you can move your head, nod for yes, and shake for no.
The way he had rescued her from the dogs, and from the fox in the chicken house - yes, there were a lot of wonderful memories on this farm.
Yes even tho it brought about My premature demise, All this I'd do and more for just One fondle of your thighs.
Yes, he's a dear, but very absurd.
Yes. I was spanked.
Yes. We just wanted to see it for ourselves.
Yes. She sounded a bit sad—resigned, I guess, but she said everything was fine.
Yes, she was fine, though her tone sounded nervous and tentative.
Yes, I'm nervous and jealous when you're around her, but I do trust you.
To answer your question, yes, he was supposed to be up on the mountain.
Hell, yes, you should have known!
And yes, he had seen her revolver.
Yes, Pumpkin had been there and Westlake had spoken to him briefly.
Her name is Martha, and yes, in a minute.
Yes, there is a way to kick you out of your position.
Yes. She went to him for him to save her life.
Yes, I think so.
A simple yes or no would suffice.
Yes, and then I spoke for you - again.
Oh yes, he started that last night.
Yes, it was a dream, but I wasn't dreaming.
Yes, well, I guess he is.
My son, he likes to say how things will be, yes?
Yes, but he has not suggested it.
It wasn't a no, but it wasn't a yes either.
I'll take that as a yes.
Yes. We tested them.
Yes. I don't know who he was and will never, ever, ever see him again.
Yes. I plan on moving in a month or so.
Yes. Didn't say why.
Yes, but I don't understand how to use them yet.
Yes. He's the only one who seems like he'd tell me what's going on.
From what I know, yes.
Yes, well, I won't be breaking that mold.
I took a sleeping aid last night, yes.
Yes, it was his picture and yes, his clinic had been located in the same place it was now.
She cleared her throat and said simply, "Yes."
I'm his guardian, yes.
Yes, I am used to giving orders, orders that everyone follows.
Suspecting you're in the women's wing to get something other than sleep, yes.
Only have to say yes once.
Just say yes, you'll do anything for your friend, and I'll spare him a little longer.
Then say yes, Gabriel.
Kiki wheezed for a long moment, then said, Yes, fine.
Yes. Our healer did what we could.
Yes, but I have to object to Immortal business being carried out in the Sanctuary.
Yes, that'd be cool.
Yes, I'll go for a week.
She searched his gaze and responded with irritation, "If coercion is willing, then yes."
Yes. We must warn our battle commanders about the possibility of war with Qatwal.
Yes, he had named three conditions, and yes, she remembered agreeing after that fantastic kiss.
Yes, Father, I do.
But yes, she is.
Yes, there are about three billion.
Yes, uncle, she's safe.
Yes. You don't have to do anything else.
Yes. It was a platinum card.
But, yes, he answered.
Donnie nodded yes, his eyes bright with excitement.
Yes. I can even remember most of the common letter substitutions.
Yes, but think of the sleigh bells and the sound of the train coming in from Ridgway, clanking and hooting, and billowing its black smoke.
Yes, as soon as I have the time.
Yes, I think I could kill someone, given the right circumstances.
Yes. It's quite tender.
Yes,' Dean said.
Yes, I was up at the ice park when he fell, but no, there's no one to alibi me—I was off alone on the upper trail.
Yes, I did try to punch his lights out in front of half the town.
Yes, it's my knife Weller found up there and no, I don't have any idea how it got there.
Yes, I despised the son of a bitch, especially after he grabbed my wife's breast ten feet away from me.
No, I don't have any information on who killed him, but yes, there's a pretty damn long list.
Yes, Shipton whispered the name Dean to Jake Weller, but perhaps he didn't mean David Dean!
Yes. I promised to give them your Indiana address tomorrow morning—this morning.
There, at the top, in tightly bundled robe and, yes, a Mother Goose stocking cap, stood Claire Quincy!
Yes, her mother is much better and sleeping.
Fred shook his head yes.
Yes. But Weller told me in the hospital that in the confusion of getting Shipton out of the gorge, no one examined the bottom of the cliff, where he landed.
Yes that's it, Karen.
Claudia swallowed hard and whispered, "Oh yes."
He turned, looking over the back of the sofa and there she stood in a plush white robe with a towel on her head and yes, she definitely had a waddle to her walk.
Yes way, call me Maestro.
If that's what you want, yes.
Yes, but I won't do that either, for the same reason.
Actually, yes it is.
She barely whispered, "Yes."
Yes, you could say that.
Yes, would you like to come?
Yes, I want you to have one.
Yes, I'm a bit of a shoeaholic.
Yes, we are a long line of art lovers.
Oh, yes I do.
Yes, I'm with Jackson.
Yes, but you've never felt this way about anyone before.
Yes, I've never colored my hair.
Yes, I'm fine, why?
Yes, I would have to go away at the full moon.
Yes. You know it isn't polite to ask a lady her age.
Yes, my metabolism is a lot faster than a human, so my temperature runs about a hundred and two degrees.
Yes, I take it I'm spending the night again?
Yes, I am going to need a lot of scotch, please.
Yes, we've decided I will be spending the night in your five-star dungeon.
Yes, you have a right to see me in wolf form.
I'm going to take that as a yes.
Yes, but only after you assured me I could trust you.
Yes, I can't believe it's one o'clock.
Jackson looked apologetically at Connor who rolled his eyes, and said, Yes Sarah, he knew.
Yes, I already spoke with him about it.
Yes, I do… when you told me you planned to marry Sarah; my foremost concern was how difficult your death would be for her.
Yes, if we live that long.
Yes, and you better not embarrass them when they come down, or you and I won't be making noise for quite some time.
Yes Elisabeth, do tell.
Yes, but I have had a hundred and fifty-eight years to sow my wild oats.
Yes. He's my brother.
Yes, I need to convince her to accept me.
Yes. She'll be by in a few hours.
Can I take that as a yes?
Yes, it means a lot to me.
Yes, and he is going to be thrilled she won't be anymore.
Yes, he definitely wanted to meet her.
Oh yes, with all the emergency supplies they had gathered for this occasion.
Yes, but don't worry about it.
Yes, and I didn't believe you then, either.
If the kiss was any indication, yes.
Yes, there was where the goat had entered, but how long ago, and where was Tessa now?
Before Alex came on the scene, marriage was only a yes down the road.
Yes you do, and I might be the only man who could ruin it.
Yes, she knew it, but this was one time she wasn't going to spill her guts.
Yes, he took his horse for a ride.
Yes, she had crossed that last hurdle of doubt.
Yes, but I don't think Penny is going to be a very good milk goat.
Yes, do you have your medical equipment with you?
Saying yes would be setting him up for further hurt.
Yes. I'm not sure how long it'll be.
Yes. And how they got divorced, my grandfather four times over.
And yes, I do care for you, more than I want to.
Yes. I rerouted the ops to my micro.
And yes, everything and everyone in my life has a function and purpose.
Yes. Not sure how, but we're going straight out of the forest.
Formerly indebted to him for my life, yes.
Yes. And the man in black who used to visit you.
Yes, my lord. She quit and appointed Gabriel in her stead.
Yes. It's in the suitcase.
Yes, money was a problem and she hadn't any idea how to tackle the matter.
Yes, he'd noticed the new padlock, but didn't see it being installed.
Yes, I cared for him.
Yes. I didn't see him but he tell me he was finished with the apartment.
He added, "You said yes when I asked if he came back but you didn't see him?"
Yes, those city bad boys might continue to kill one another but the innocents of this fair city had little to fear for their own.
Yes, you should have come and yes, it is your business.
Yes, she would come by the station with the names of all Arthur's known friends, all the little fairies, as she called them, and the addresses of his favorite haunts.
Yes. I don't want to be home tomorrow when that man calls.
Oh yes, that would make Lori a member of the Reynolds family too – technically.
Yes Carmen, let's limit it to his face.
Yes, but you could see it then.
Yes, but I don't know if it covers floods.
Yes, but I thought you might take it wrong.
Yes, but what made you think that?
Yes. Do you want to know all the details?
Yes he would have.
Yes, I have a contact in Texas.
Yes. I couldn't find anything in here to snack on.
Yes, she liked it.
Yes, her breasts were sore.
Yes Heidi, and you're an Arkie.
Yes, but when he comes home, I practically attack him.
She was born about an hour ago, and yes, I was here when it happened.
Yes, but you were here.
Yes. It's still raining, but it isn't lightning any more.
Yes, the first time they met, there had been electricity between them.
Yes. Why don't we set you up for some more tests?
Yes. The test was negative.
Oh yes, she had pneumonia.
Oh yes you did.
Yes, but she doesn't hurt now.
Yes you should have.
Yes, we have so much to be thankful for — so much to look forward to.
Oh, yes, I'll kill as many as I can.
Yes, love, that was all.
Yes, you'll come with us.
Yes, you can, but a woman like Jenn would choose death over what you'd do to her.
Is that a yes, go ahead?
Yes, if you've been there a day and until you get back to your own world for a full day.
Just say yes, no more secrets about this mission, we'll work together from here on out, yadda yadda, and we can move on.
Compared to a normal day, yes.
Yes, it was a woman's shape, her body clad in dark breeches and boots, her sleeveless tunic held in place beneath a leather belt.
Yes, Taran would claim Tiyan, for Taran would kill her to get it.
Yes, she admitted sadly, she had always trusted and loved Sirian.
Yes, she could understand why she would walk gladly into death's arms.
Yes, you do, the beast responded.
Yes, it was possible to love a man she barely knew.
If he's quick, yes.
Yes. You would wait to seal him in the city?
Yes, it's my truck, but you're the one who had it restored.
Yes, I suppose for those who knew of it when they met you.
Yes, I remember you.
Yes. You helped me with my homework a lot.
Yes. I don't know what time we'll be arriving because we still have to make flight arrangements.
Yes, I know the land, but it will ease his mind to know where I'll be.
Yes, we have 80 acres fenced in now.
Yes, but I think Gerald is a little worse for wear.
Yes, but we're not joined at the hip.
Yes. I'll let you handle the rest.
Yes, I believe he is a bit of a clown.
Yes, he was joking, and she had referred to him as a Texan many times.
Yes, I understand why Alex doesn't want me to come up here alone.
Yes. It's my shoulder.
Yes, she was being unreasonable under the circumstances.
I'm not sure where you're going with this, but yes, he knows she's a Medena.
This is good, yes?
Yes. Felipa is going to take the children to town this morning while I work for a change.
Yes. I got your message.
Yes, mommy was very bad.
Alex is happy now, yes?
Yes, he tells me every day in the way he treats me.
Yes. It's amazing how fast they can work on that brush.
Yes, but I didn't idolize them the way you do yours.
Yes, she'd made it clear enough alright.
Yes. God rest her soul, she was a wonderful wife.
Yes, they would talk later, but this time he would have to listen.
Yes, I came from California, but I haven't met the Foreman's.
If we answer " Yes " to that question, we pass on from intuitionalism to idealism - an idealism not on the lines of Berkeley (matter does not exist) but of Plato (things A obey an ascertainable rational necessity).
It was agreed that one rap should mean "no" and three "yes," while more complicated messages were - and are - obtained in other ways, such as calling over or pointing to letters of the alphabet, when raps occur at the required letters.
His Bohemian subjects had long since dubbed him " King All Right " because he said yes to everything.
Yes, though you may smile, the emotion would easily stir me to tears if I were not carefully on my guard."
Abelard, too, started from tradition; but he discovered that the statements of the various authorities are very often in the relation of sic et non, yes and no.
The Aristotelian answer is - " Yes, all things are substances, but not all supernatural, nor all mental; for some are natural substances, or bodies "; and by that answer Aristotelianism stands or falls.
Yes, rejoins Lange, but Kant has proved that material are merely mental phenomena; so that the more the materialist proves his case the more surely he is playing into the hands of the idealist - an answer which would be complete if it did not turn on the equivocation of the word " phenomenon," which in science means any positive fact, and not a mere appearance, much less a mental appearance, to sense and sensory experience.
When this is put to the mufti, the answer will be simply "Yes," and from this decision there is no appeal, so that the mufti is supreme judge in his own district.
To this question there is no simple answer, yes or no.
The largest granite boss gives relief to the wild upland of Dartmoor, culminating in High Willhays and Yes Tor.
And their best-known position in regard to the points most discussed in philosophy is Syad-vada, the doctrine that you may say "Yes" and at the same time "No" to everything.
From this illuminating passage it is clear (a) that by means of the Urim and Thummim the guilt or innocence of the suspected parties was determined; (b) that this was effected by a series of categorical questions implying the simple alternative of "yes" or "no," or something positive or negative.
Yes, it was an accident.
Yes. I hope you don't mind.
Yes. I will show you.
Yes, she came in with Señor Medena a little while ago.
I admit I don't know exactly how this is happening but I'm sure it's not my equipment; yes, it's a catalyst but it's mainly Howie's scrambled brain.
Yes. I won't explain it but please believe the accuracy of what I'm saying.
Yes. With whom am I speaking?
Yes. However, such an encounter causes me no concern.
Yes, I'm willing to admit, my last venture was a foolish mistake.
Yes, and that's a coincidence that bothers me but me might learn something if Howie and Quinn manage to go back there.
Yes, I considered we might die here but it was a relief to take action, no matter how perilous.
And yes, I'll make you a demigod, not because you deserve it, but because you did something useful for the first time in your life!
Yes. The Others were attempting to influence the outcome of who won the Black God mantle by using me.
Yes, Guardian, it is.
Yes. She sounded a bit sad—resigned, I guess, but she said everything was fine.
It's all pretty complicated, but bottom line—yes to the litigation question, no to the serial killer.
Here was this guy—yes, an old married guy— who listened when I said something.
Yes. I kept my maiden name because of my business—it's less confusing.
Yes, we're fortunate and I'm grateful for what we have.
Yes, that neat little trinket is a source of constant magic that traps us.
Yes, but I don.t trust you, Rhyn.
Yes, I was up at the ice park when he fell, but no, there's no one to alibi me—I was off alone on the upper trail.
Yes. I promised to give them your Indiana address tomorrow morning—this morning.
Yes, Marie is a vampire, been together going on two hundred years now.
Yes, she may be a vampire and she may be a spoiled brat, but she has the purest soul I have ever known.
Yes, I do… when you told me you planned to marry Sarah; my foremost concern was how difficult your death would be for her.
Yes. I'll arm its perimeter as soon as you're in.
Yes, he'd noticed the new padlock, but did-n't see it being installed.
Oh yes, that would make Lori a member of the Reynolds family too – technically.
Yes, we have so much to be thankful for — so much to look forward to.
You had a dislocated shoulder – and yes, they already put it back into place.
Yes, but I thought that was south of here - in the more remote regions.
Desire and hunger, yes, but never the compulsion to be inside a particular woman.
Yes, you could, but there are obvious caveats.
Yes, people may correctly infer that praise for my batting is unlikely.
Yes that won him a 20 wager from the film crew who had a bet with him about making the biggest possible sexual innuendo.
I reminded him of the fact. Yes, yes, I am a little absent-minded in such matters.
Yes, there are situations that may affect your kidneys or liver function and thus put you at risk for developing lactic acidosis.
Well, yes, and they openly admit it.
Yes, a travel advisory against going to the free new world.
Yes, low cost airlines are now starting to fly to Croatia!
Altum angels 23/11/05 Yes I have two altum angels for sale.
Neil and Ann - Yes I agree there is totally justifiable anger within us as individuals and our community.
Yes, I do not want to go on with anything that God has not anointed.
Yes, but that's what we call anthropomorphisms.
It seemed appropriate, however, to say yes.
Yes they can but we provide plastic table clothes and protective aprons for the children.
Yes your mental arithmetic is correct we had a turnout of nineteen, a record for the Mountain Biking Section.