Yen Sentence Examples
A new law, passed by both houses and confirmed by the emperor, took from the executive all power over journals, except in cases of lse majest, and nothing now remains of the former arbitrary system except that any periodical having a political complexion is required to deposit security varying from 175 to 1000 yen.
It turns out that this coin can be easily counterfeited using a 500 won (Korean currency) coin worth only 50 yen.
Rising star and martial artist Donnie Yen plays the third assassin, Sky.
Should you have a yen to look at the sea there are seven miles of sandy beach at Burnham-on-Sea.
It is based on the original manga by Ishikawa Masaru, with each of the four volumes selling for 2800 Yen apiece.
The answer as far as I 'm concerned is definitely yes and the yen for next year is starting to be unbearable already.
An optional AC adaptor will cost 945 yen, and a desktop holder will cost 630 yen.
Goldman sold 45 billion yen of shares in Japan's first hotel REIT in February.
Las Vegas Elvis Weddings got a yen for Elvis?
But Gen and Ryuta are being paid 10 yen a day to look after the cantankerous fool.
AdvertisementThe pound firmed against the Japanese yen, reaching a new five hear high at 224 yen in March.
Analysts said the improvement had come because of a weaker yen and more optimism about company earnings.
There were 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen, 3,000 yen, 2,000 yen, and 1,000 yen cards.
But pari passu with the extraordinary impetus given to its trade by the successful conclusion of the war with China, the national expenditure enormously increased, rising within a few years from 80 to 250 million yen.
The cost of a videophone call will be 54 yen per 10 seconds (324 yen per minute) to both destinations.
AdvertisementGoldman sold 45 billion yen of shares in Japan 's first hotel REIT in February.
The rise in interest rates on government bonds has also contributed to a rise in the yen against the dollar further squeezing Japanese exports.
More importantly, they estimate 112 trillion yen worth of damage will be caused.
But rather than choosing a product, the crooks in this case press for coin return and the machine returns a 500 yen coin.
Still, an overseas acquisition spree could follow a yuan strengthening, just as it did the yen depreciation.
AdvertisementIt would also be offset by greater U.S. dollar and yen trading against the Euro.
Last week, a German official said the yen 's weakness against the euro would be brought up at the meeting.
Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland infected by bacteria that decreases milk production and costs 69 billion yen per year in Japan.
Footprint baby shower invitations can satisfy an expectant couple's yen for something sweet but a little more unusual.
For example, in the first round, you need to make 800 yen and keep the reputation level high.
AdvertisementIf you have a yen for spicy food, this is your cooking style.
Among the most noteworthy workers at the problems involved in the question of the influence of soil in the production of disease we find yen Foder, Pettenkofer, Levy, Fleck, von Naegeli, Schleesing, Muntz and Warrington.
When he resigned office in the early 'eighties he established the Semmon Gako, or school for special studies, at the cost of the 30,000 yen which had been voted him when he received the title of count, and subsequently he was instrumental in founding other schools and colleges.
The new regulations require the amount of the notes to be expressed in yen, not to be payable in old nickel coins or cash.
It is one of the undesigned coincidences which confirm the credibility of Confucius's history, that his favourite disciple was a scion of the Yen clan.
The death of his favourite disciple, Yen Hwui, in 481 B.C., was more trying to him.
In 1604 Ricci completed the Erh-shih-wu yen, a series of short articles of moral bearing, but exhibiting little of the essential doctrines of Christianity.
Then they change their cry to " wee yen!
Then they change their cry to wee yen !
In the game you play Mickey, who inadvertently activates Cartoon Wasteland, a theme-park designed by sorcerer Yen Sid to hide all this bad and rejected cartoons.
That officer, when over seventy years, and having already nine daughters and one son, because that son was a cripple, sought an alliance with a gentleman of the Yen clan, who had three daughters.