Year-old Sentence Examples
I was enthralled—an eighteen year old at the time, but I never forgot him.
For working quarters we secured a thirty year old building, recently vacated, on the beautiful main street of Keene.
Joshua is a 15 year-old boy who has hemiplegia.
During the interim we learned the sad news of the death of the Alabama Deputy Sheriff who was shot multiple times after stopping the kidnapper of eight year old Jennifer Morley.
She was quiet and reserved for a two year old.
So, we're staying put until the kid is a year old.
Frankie Lloyd Cummings was a fifty year old drifter who killed teenage runaways.
She's Julie's nine year old daughter.
The eight year old son of a popular rapper named Buzz-Cousin was abducted for a million dollar ransom.
Howie drove down and picked up his beloved, along with Molly O'Malley, her nine year old daughter.
AdvertisementBetsy lined up two likely abductions and she was anxious to get started, Quinn had already performed his part, setting his apparatus appropriately for a rural Iowa location where a twelve year old boy had gone missing.
Randy Byrne was Cynthia's twenty year-old son from her first marriage.
The Buen, as everyone referred to it, was located in a hundred year old structure previously known as the Scott-Humphries Building, which had remained vacant for over twenty-five years.
At least you live here in Ouray and have a business, even if Bird Song is only a year old.
She didn't care if she left a five- year-old kid home alone, not when he was a four-hundred-thousand-year-old angel!
AdvertisementI been trying to find out some poop about that guy on the Internet but it's a whole lot easier checking out hundred year old folks than living ones.
Connor's 22 year old sister Deborah immediately displayed her attraction to Jackson.
They had badgered the parents of their thirteen year old member into getting him a cell phone and then had started on Carmen.
She didn't want to imagine a ten year old living in the slums, knowing his mother was reduced to prostitution to keep them alive.
In selecting young pear trees for walls or espaliers, some persons prefer plants one year old from the graft, but trees two or three years trained are equally good.
AdvertisementThe fruit of the pear is produced on spurs, which appear on shoots more than one year old.
When he was a year old his parents removed to Howard (Family)|Howard county, Missouri, then a frontier settlement, and the boy was early trained in the hardships and requirements of pioneer life.
Fosterage began when the child was a year old and ended when the marriageable age was reached, unless previously terminated by death or crime.
Brennan spoke of a Missouri case where a pedophile Howie had watched kill an eleven year old boy seemed to have a perfect alibi.
Jude Bryce and his brother Owen, apparently drunk from their earlier success, attempted to abduct a ten year old boy.
AdvertisementI was sixteen and pregnant and my mother tossed me out of the house and then I was a street smart seventeen year old mother without a pot to piss in and no options to get one then if I screw this guy I can maybe get a million dollars and feed my baby and not listen to gun shots outside my door and I been standing here at the window a long, long time, begging for a ticket to fly out of here and no one has handed me anything but shit and now this guy is holding this first class pass and all I have to do is reach out and grab it but I know I might hate myself for tacking it because this ticket clerk is kind of a jerk sometimes but an okay guy most of the time and he's nice to me and he listens to me, and he loves me and I know if I take it and fly it will kill him.
I was enthralled—an eighteen year old at the time, but I never forgot him.
How does a hundred-fifty year old vampire know so little about werewolves?
He abdicated the Portuguese crown in favor of his seven year old daughter, Maria da Glória of Portugal.
The pipes are carried on a 100 year old multi-span bridge, consisting of an elaborate steel superstructure on masonry abutments and piers.
The brave airman was a 29 year old Halifax navigator with ' B ' Flight with 298 Squadron whose motto was Silent We Strike!
Anyway, I can imagine nothing more absurd than the sight of a 53 year old standing publicly bleating songs of adolescent angst.
He lived there with his 13 year old apprentice Andrew Morton, originally from Louth.
A 38 year old Asian lady presented with persistant itching in the left areola of 2 years duration.
For instance, a fourteen year old child should have a different bedtime from an eleven year old.
This article on an Internet startup company run by a billionaire 17 year-old is, in fact, pretty funny.
I plumped for the Dumbarton which was nine year old and very pleasant indeed, being an obvious prize for whiskey blenders.
A five year old teaching the adults how to tie a bowline is a sight to behold!
A few years ago a three year old boy called Benny wandered off alone onto an electric railroad line.
Then they sued a 78 year old woman for the crime of bringing a bread pudding to the eco-warriors.
Nuts is a 5 year old bull terrier x collie girl who came into us when her owner was made homeless.
The third victim of bogus callers on February 8 was a 69 year old man living at Bucks Hill.
Nobody ever stopped us, an incredible fact these days when a 6 year old can be removed from school for kissing a cheek.
This is Madonna, a tiny, five year old chimp who had been poached and taken to Qatar for the pet trade.
A man like Roy Ayers defines the very word, tho not something always associated with a 65 year old former choirboy.
The operation on the palate, if the baby has a cleft palate, usually takes place between 6 months and a year old.
A year-old male restaurant world is me a couple hillary rodham Clinton.
Paddy is a 1 1/2 year old cocker spaniel.
Some boys brought in a mare, her nine week old foal and a 2 year old colt for treatment and assessment.
American congressman Gary Condit has broken his silence over the disappearance of 24 year old intern Chandra Levy.
Regards from a suddenly ancient feeling 42 year old ex corporal.
Looks like Hyundai's new head of design is three year-old kid with a red crayon.
Ian (Pro back in the day early 80's) can still gate yet his 40plus year old bones are a little creaky.
Strange how Eddie went for a 35 year old crock rather than young Liam who had such a good game agaisnt Chelsea.
Twenty two year old Weeks ' directorial debut is an inspired work, adding a new slant on the famous tale.
Healthy appearing decrepit 69 year old male, mentally alert but forgetful.
The little five year old on the right is very deft.
Velvet is a 4 year old otter rex doe and she has been at Kirkby Pet Welfare since she was very young.
She bought her five year old Dutch Warmblood unbacked and is now competing at Novice level unaffiliated dressage.
Napster was created by Shawn Fanning, a 19 year old college dropout with no formal computer training.
Another ecstasy death A nineteen year old girl died this week having taken ecstasy death A nineteen year old girl died this week having taken ecstasy.
A 6 year old known epileptic was admitted in status epilepticus following an extended period of poor compliance.
I am a twelve year old who suffers from multiple hereditary exostosis.
A 34 year old man sustained an open fracture of the distal femur with bone loss.
The procedure may have restored the fertility of a 34 year old woman in China.
These are lung fibroblasts derived from a 14 week male fetus of a 27 year old woman aborted in 1966 for 'psychiatric reasons ' .
However, if the registration is less than a year old you can change the baby's first name.
I'm an eight year old lady with a very fluffy tail!
The most popular Chinese wind instrument is probably the 2000 year old di (Chinese transverse flute ).
The first Billroth I partial gastrectomy was performed on a 43 year old woman in 1881 for a pyloric gastric cancer.
It says FOR SALE above this three year-old bay gelding.
Barney is a 7 year old bay gelding owned by Katie Barnsley.
My 5 year old golden retriever, Gabe, has just been diagnosed with AIHA.
My seven year old granddaughter asked me where all my wrinkles were going!
The Mighty Celt is a gutsy story about a 14 year old boy who adopts an awkward greyhound his boss has no time for.
A 24 year-old male comes to me with pain and a lump in his left groin.
At least one child, a ten year-old girl, was killed by heartless gunfire.
The 24 year old wore nothing but a huge diamond necklace and showed off her new black hairdo.
Case 8 A 24 year old with sudden hemiplegia This 24 year old female collapsed suddenly while playing squash.
Close by, a circular mound is believed to be the remains of a 4000 year old homestead.
As of the third race, however, the results of the 19 year old Spanish hothead took a nosedive.
The 700 year old harbor had been extensively used by the sailing hoys which regularly plied their trade from London.
He is, after all, an emotionally immature eight year old boy, or at least programmed to act like one.
Roman Polanski had pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13 year old girl in 1977.
The paper by Dr. Sagar Saha and Dr. Clare Dollery describe the case of a 33 year old man who used khat heavily.
A 40 year old lady was transferred from another hospital following laparotomy for suspected perforated appendix.
Josh Eaton's Home Page A 7 year old who has had a bone marrow transplant for Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
David Morley was killed, brutally, for the entertainment of a barely literate fourteen year old girl, the daughter of heroin addicts.
I have a twelve year old female llama with a bad abscess in the bone of her jaw.
In a 53 year old patient FDG-PET was performed after chemotherapy of an abdominal Non-Hodgkin lymphoma for evaluation of persistent tumor vitality.
Add 1/2 inch one year old composted sheep manure.
With dazzling full-coloured artwork, they make an irresistable set of activity books for the mathematical, or not so mathematical 7-11 year old.
At about half past midnight on the morning of Friday 23 April a 68 year old man robbed by two young men.
You can't pay for a 16 year old and it would go to a tribunal and prbably get 1.5-2 mil.
Warning was not a big horse but very neat and as a three year old he proved to be a top miler.
I am a 35 year old full time mommy.. .
A year-old male i'll be at have no moral.
Picture the 32 year old soldier sat on his 13 year old mule.
English speaking live-in nanny / au pair required for 4 year old boy.
I know nowt about the place, is there anyone who would like to show a 33 year old Mancunian the good bits?
Thank heavens then for Cecile my 9 year old who is without doubt one of my most supportive but sternest critics.
Third, there is a 90 year old woman upstairs who's never had an orgasm in her life.
This is a 1200 year old pagoda on top of a hill in the south of Suzhou.
When we were going to make paperweight to hold year-old wrote the.
In round 9, I won a pawn against the fifteen year-old Indian girl, only to blunder it back.
If you would like some eight year old pen pals, Laura would like to write to you, I'm sure.
Terry Lawton My name is John Williams and I am a 42 year old war pensioner living in Germany.
The recipient (58 year old male) suffered fatal septic shock after transfusion with a 2-day old unit of pooled platelets.
In 1941, on the assumption that he would prove suitably pliable, the French installed 19 year-old Prince Sihanouk on the Cambodian throne.
In attendance was his widow Sue, a former policewoman, their ten year old son David and Bill's parents.
Toward the end of that period, a 21 year-old girl named Flora Timms became assistant postmistress in the nearby village of Grayshott.
Years ago I remember on holiday taking my three year old son to watch a potter throwing pots.
Humane Society officials say Kenneth Thomas, 62, choked, punched and threw a two-and-a-half year old pug out a second story window.
It starts with the horrific rape and near murder of a ten year old black girl by two racist redneck white men.
A revived 3000 year old Princess meets her reincarnated lover, but they are pursued by the reincarnated lover, but they are pursued by the reincarnated son of a sheik.
The 33 year old saboteur from Essex may need to undergo surgery.
In the case of one 63 year old woman this included learning to use a 13 ' mobile sawmill.
Paul Anderson managed to claim the scalp of their dangerous 22 year old female number 4 batsman.
The motability scooter was in collision with a Black Suzuki Alto driven by a 73 year old woman from Stoney Stanton, Leics.
He has a 7 year old son and his hobbies include scuba diving, skiing and DIY as he was previously a carpenter.
Our seed taken from ornamental plants exhibits bright scarlet seed pods on two year old or more plants.
Developing wolf ranch years because of year-old sergeant serves nothing less than.
In which case their abolition will not necessarily abolish our 1,000 year old shires.
George Swift was a nineteen year old shoemaker in 1819.
During the night a twenty six year old man was killed by shrapnel from a grenade - the first death of the events.
God my 13 year old sis can understand LOTRs.
The house is a large airy 200 year old former smithy on the edge of a small hamlet.
In the background, the Liberator's scanners have detected a 700 year old Earth ' Wanderer ' class spaceship drifting toward the planet.
The 33 year-old is the elder statesman for Season II of The Ultimate Fighter.
The Welsh Mirror type is a 45 year old redundant steelworker from Splott.
Wrapped up in her decadent world, she is excited to have her 20 year old stepdaughter Natalie home from boarding school.
He is a 3 year old grayish brown short haired tabby with some white under his chin.
No, you may not have a glass of my 20 year old tawny.
In los angeles the early s they're betting said a year-old Tennessean.
Toby is a 6 year old fox terrier cross.
Arthur's best friend is a beautiful 21 year old thoroughbred called Alibi who has been at the center for 3 years.
Then I was introduced to Alibi, a 17 year old dark bay thoroughbred.
We have a 7 year old bearded tit still going strong.
Case 5 This 77 year-old, previously transfused female presented with gastro-intestinal bleeding and required an urgent transfusion of 2 units of red cells.
In 2002 he was once again on year-old machinery, riding an out-classed 500cc two-stroke against the new breed of 990cc four-strokes.
Produced from 50 year-old vines it offers real complexity.
One hundred percent Syrah from 45 year old vines, with traditional vinification and 15 months barrel aging.
I am still looking for a home for Bryn, my 7 year old wire-haired vizsla.
Six weeks later she married the 41 year old widower.
The incident outside the Grammar School on Priory Road where a 45 year old woman was making her way home.
More information 3rd February 2003 300 year old yew saved from the chop!
They tell me I walked the day I was a year old.
Another lately added sorrow arose from the lessons she gave her six year-old nephew.
Through a gap in the broken wall he could see, beside the wooden fence, a row of thirty year-old birches with their lower branches lopped off, a field on which shocks of oats were standing, and some bushes near which rose the smoke of campfires-- the soldiers' kitchens.
In October 2004 a 15 year old girl was bitten by a rabid bat, she received no PEP.
A sledgehammer was applied with no dent; hardly paper backed foil radar reflector easily torn by a 4 year old.
There is one Surah (Chapter 112) which even a seven year old child would recite by heart.
A revived 3000 year old Princess meets her reincarnated lover, but they are pursued by the reincarnated son of a sheik.
The three masted Sea Jade was back in port on crewed by eccentric 66 year old salty seadog, John Victor Grierson.
Star of the show was William a 14 year old lad who played a saxophone solo.
I am a 54 year-old single-handed small animal practitioner.
Fudge is a lovely 14.1hh seven year old skewbald filly with wonderful markings and the potential to make someone a really good PC pony.
This is a very skillful manipulation of narrative mode in a twenty-five year old writer just embarking on his literary career.
There 's a picture of the inn 's 100 year old skittle alley.
Nearby six year old Jewish boys wearing religious skullcaps played with toy rifles.
Went through Marsh Lock with a three year old boat that was a replica of the Andrews slipper launches.
His answer was to inform me that the target audience was 38 year-old Christian soccer moms !
In the background, the Liberator 's scanners have detected a 700 year old Earth ' Wanderer ' class spaceship drifting toward the planet.
Robbie is a three and a half year old spaniel cross, and was donated to Hearing Dogs along with his littermates.
I would like to adopt Cookie Boo Boo Boo Boo is a 3 year old spayed female.
The 22 year old is a slow left arm spin bowler who it is hoped will add depth to next season 's squad.
And the lady in question was an eighty year old spinster of the parish !
A 24 year old man had been stabbed with a kitchen knife.
In los angeles the early s they 're betting said a year-old tennessean.
As a chaplain, I was asked to testify as a character witness for a forty year old man on remand.
Arthur 's best friend is a beautiful 21 year old thoroughbred called Alibi who has been at the center for 3 years.
Case 34 This 56 year-old female was transfused with a single unit of red cells during elective surgery.
Trigon 190 black fish tank 05/09/06 No I have a blank trigon corner fish tank with stand, just over a year old.
Date 1 Two fifteen year old Liverpool truants rediscover school and pin their hopes on a trip to the school summer camp.
The two-time world champion lost 5-1 to 16 year old Darren Dornan in front of just 49 people.
I hope I was able to deliver a delightful and ever so typical sixteen year old 's response.
Maybe what you 're whining about in your own 12 year old girls way IS our dress code.
Clutching both, tightly, in my eight year old hands, I shuffled shyly toward the wiry figure waiting for his executive cases.
Other features include a 150 year old feature fire place, beamed ceilings and wood paneling to dining room.
No trainer can train thoroughbred yearling and two year old 's with learner riders.
More information 3rd February 2003 300 year old yew saved from the chop !
Kristin's rambunctious 3 year old is known for climbing any tall surfaces when you're not watching!
These sleep habits should continue until he is about one year old.
Many pediatricians encourage parents to wean their babies off of the bottle by the time they are one year old.
Home is the place that your child feels most comfortable, and a party with guests, toys, and noise can be somewhat overwhelming for a one year old.
Your one year old probably takes two naps a day, and you'll need to consider this when planning for the big day.
In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers breastfeed their infants until they reach at least one year old.
I look at my two year old and then my older children, and find myself reminiscing about them as toddlers.
I also cherish every moment with my two year old because I know that in the blink of an eye, he'll be grown.
She is mother of a 4 1/2 year old daughter and a 3 1/2 year old son.
So many 5-6 year old children live alone on the streets, begging for food, without anyone to care for them, and it breaks your heart.
Musical toys and dolls are also an enjoyable part of play for the one to two year old set.
Your one year old may actually be fascinated with the computer simply because she observes you using it so often.
A high back chair is good for a three to ten year old because it helps position the seat belt.
I am the proud mom of a feisty two year old little girl, and I balance my time between her and my private practice in Westchester County, NY.
You can often find a sound deal on a year-old model and negotiate the price down further.
Consider the child's age - Toddlers will enjoy a talking stuffed animal, but will an eight year old?
You can't hand an authentic guitar to a two year old and not expect the toddler to rip it apart.
Even though the older cars are already considered a year old as soon as you drive away from the dealer, you can usually get a great discount on them.
My four year old cat Juliet has started kneading excessively.
By the end of its second year, a cat's maturity level is basically relative to that of a 25 year old person.
Kittens need to start out on a good quality kitten food, and you should feed your kitten the kitten food until she is one year old.
Diseases such as Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), Chlamydia and Feline Leukemia (FeLV) are often given to animals that are at least one year old and delivered on an annual or every third year basis thereafter.
Once they reach the year old mark, feedings can slowly be reduced to one or two times a day over the course of a few months.
This is a story about a ten year old boy who is abandoned at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.
Those bright pink walls might be very appealing to a six year old but a ten year old may feel the color isn't grown-up enough.
It all started out peacefully, while I sat playing with my five year old daughter.
Hi Dana,I would like to know the best make-up for a 55 year old.
That means I can wear it to work without looking like a thirteen year old.
Can you picture those same knee-highs on a thirty-two year old?
What makes this book a bit unusual is that it is narrated by seventeen year old Matt in the form of a letter to his youngest sister, Emmy.
A lot of 13 year old boys really aren't mature enough for dating.
Of those 15 to 20 year old drivers who were killed in a vehicular accident, 28 percent had been drinking.
St. Lucia Sandals Resort-This British Colonial styled resort features the 200 year old Fort Rodney, and the resort has been awarded the 5-Star Diamond Award.
The Dora the Explorer bedding lines - sheets, pillowcases, comforters, rugs, and blankets - are a hit with the toddler to eight year old crowd.
The patient, a 19 year old girl at the time, was employed by Dr. Phil at the same time he was treating her.
Bobby Brown, however, stood in front of the velvet rope like an eager 12 year old hoping to get chosen at a b-ball pick-up game.
The couple has a year-old son, Sean Preston, and a new baby who was born on September 12th.
Kanye and Donda's strong mother-son bond began when the future hip-hop star was around one year old after Kanye's father, Ray, left the home.
What is a shock is that it isn't Britney who is pregnant, it's 16 year old Jamie Lynn Spears.
Sean Preston was put in the bodyguard's vehicle by Spears' court-appointed supervisor and returned to the house to get one year old Jayden.
The 17 year old boy died as a result of his injuries when Garrison's SUV struck a tree and one of the 15 year old female passengers suffered a broken pelvis and arm.
Allegedly, the 80's star, with the help of someone else, handcuffed a 28 year old man to a hook in his home.
In later interviews, he claimed his tantrums like screaming at Tracy Bingham or having a fit a two year old would be proud of when his celebrity status was rated lower than other cast members, was all just for show.
Electra has denied being pregnant, but the 36 year old has expressed the desire to have children with Patterson, stating, "I have pictured myself as a mother for years and look forward to fulfilling that strong desire."
When the rumors that 38-year old Mariah and 27 year old Nick secretly wed at her home in the Bahamas surfaced a day or so ago, no one believed it to be true.
While tooling around in a local Houston mall, a scout for Playboy magazine saw the then 18 year old Tila and approached her to do a test shoot.
Granted, it isn't like he's going to San Quentin or anything and county jails have a supposed less violent atmosphere then say, a prison - still, it has got to be scary for the baby faced 18 year old.
If you're old enough to remember the Annie craze, Jessica was just like every other eight year old girl and longed to be the red-headed orphan adopted by "Daddy Warbucks."
After her stints on stage in Annie, The Sound of Music and Beauty and the Beast, her talent agency encouraged the now 11 year old to attend a convention held in Los Angeles by the International Modeling and Talent Association.
Nick may not agree, but apparently, the 17 year old boy that went into jail is now a better man.
The 40 year old actor can sing, he can dance and he can play the role of a mutant wolverine with retractable claws, canine teeth and body hair and still look fantastic doing it.
Jett Travolta, the 16 year old son of John Travolta and Kelly Preston, has passed away.
It seems that shortly after the birth of their now six year old son James, Sarah and Matthew have been making failed attempts to have more children.
The plot of the movie centers around Lovato's character, Mitchie Torres, a 14 year old girl who dreams of becoming a singer.
In 2006, the then 20 year old was arrested a number of times in four different states for alcohol related incidents.
In 2001, Gayheart struck and killed a nine year old boy, who was crossing the street on his way home from school.
With 17 year old Frances now in the care of her paternal grandmother and auntie, what do they have to say about all of this?
No surprise seeing as how the nearly 30 year old can barely take care of herself.
The 38 year old collapsed and was rushed to an L.A. hospital where he was pronounced dead in the early morning hours of March 10, 2010.
It will be a hit at any get together, and can buy you some time too when you're looking for an inexpensive activity to keep the 6 to 12 year old crowd occupied.
Whether you have a toddler that doesn't mind what you dress him in or you have a four year-old daughter who loves a specific dinosaur, there are numerous casual shirts featuring dinos.
A younger child might appreciate a Barney tee shirt, but a nine year-old likely will not.
Tiny vests, collared shirts, tailored slacks and loafers are more than adorable on a four year old.
Locating medieval princess apparel for a six year old can pose a bit of a challenge for most parents.
I have a two and a half year old spayed Chow mix, and she is on Frontline.
We have a 2 1/2 year old Jack Russel Terrier.
By 8pm that night we found out Charley is a very healthy, fat, 9 year old black lab, with a double ear infection so severe it displayed itself as a seizure.
I have an 18-month-old Chihuahua and a year old Corgi that both seem to have lost interest in food.
Hello, We have a four year old Rottweiler that just had puppies in March of this year.
I have a four-year-old German Shepherd/Saint Bernard mix that was diagnosed with Valley Fever in the joint of his right leg when he was just a year old.
Dogs must be at least one year old and able to pass a basic temperament test administered by TDI.
Training typically begins when the dog is a year old.
Plant year-old seedlings where disturbance is unnecessary.
Be sure to learn about the growing habit and maximum mature height and width and plan accordingly when planting - you don't want a beautiful, 20 year old camelia crushed up against some other tree or plant.
And while 78% AFUE is a significant improvement over a 20 year old furnace you may have in your home, it's not classified as high efficiency by the DOE.
Choosing jewelry for 11 year old girls can sometimes be challenging.
Your 11 year old daughter may be ready for her first grown up jewelry.
Special occasion jewelry that marks the rite of passage from childhood to adolescence is appropriate for 11 and 12 year old girls.
The best way to select the right jewelry for 11 year old girls is to get an idea of the girl's specific interests.
With a little research, you can find perfect jewelry for 11 year old girls.
When 40-something year-old men start wearing them, it can look out of place.
We recently relocated our business due to the flood of 2008 and were faced with the choice of new construction or going back to the 100 year old building we previously occupied.
There is also a confidence factor; you can sleep comfortably knowing that if a two year old climbs into your bed and throws up, the mattress will not be affected.
Malaysia instituted their alert system for missing children called the Nurin Alert, named after an eight year old child who was abducted.
What causes night terrors can vary from the stress felt by a three year old during a family divorce to a medication-induced night terror in an adult.
The lenses still have to be in the catalog, though, so don't fish around your glove box for some ten year old Rudy lenses.
In 2001, Billabong bought Von Zipper which at that point was just about a year old.
Any prescription that is less than a year old is considered to be current, though if you feel that your vision has changed since you last visited the optometrist, you may want to go in for another exam before placing an order.
Taking its cue from Alien obviously, much of Doom 3 takes place within the confines of a dreary industrial research facility, but it's still quite amazing to look at as the technology is still less than a year old.
The circuitry in my 3 year old pad has held up nicely and believe me when I say it has taken some abuse.
When you pick it up, you realize that this isn't for your five year old.
She is an 18 year old German Karate master who wants to prove that her fighting skills are just as good as her father's.
Before I knew it, this little 3 year old was able to race the car.
While Cabernet Sauvignon is known for its ability to age, a 17 plus year old wine from a good but not great vintage may be past its prime.
The information and data can be as much as a year old by the time it's published, so you can expect some inaccuracies.
The couple live on Rue Planteligone at the top of Gevrey and just outside their back door are some of the 50 year old vines that are the base for one of their top wines called the cuvee Coeur du Roi.
He picked instead a work done by his incredibly talented three year old son, Jack, and named the wine after him as well.
Take the example of the 72 year old antique and collectibles dealer from Fresno, California, Bernice Gallego who discovered a 139 year old baseball card of the "Red Stocking B.B.
Dentists often recommend that children see the dentist for the first time before they are one year old.
Regular grocery-store cow's milk, which cannot be adequately digested by infants and can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, should not be introduced until a child is a year old.
Several studies show that infants can discriminate between male and female faces and associate faces and voices according to gender by the time they reach one year old.
Even if no underlying cause is found, late apnea is usually outgrown by the time the baby turns one year old.
Sex differences in toy play have been found in children as young as one year old.
Parents should call a doctor if the child does not seem to use one hand at all or has a strong hand preference before he or she is one year old.
There is evidence that infants make categorical distinctions between males and females and between adults and children before they are a year old.
Year-old infants are interested in and attracted to other infants-including those they have never met before-at an age when they are wary of strange adults.
Children less than one year old are particularly vulnerable to injury from shaken baby syndrome.
The symptoms of hyper-IgM syndrome usually become noticeable after the baby is six months to a year old.
The peak incidence of RMSF occurs in five to nine year old children, with boys more likely to be infected than girls.
Physical therapy is continued until the child is at least one year old before surgery is considered.
Symptoms develop early in life (often before five years of age) in cases of MEN 2B and the medullary thyroid cancer is much more aggressive and may develop in patients who are one year old.
Children are the most frequent victims of dog bites, with five to nine year-old boys having the highest incidence.
Trichotillomania usually begins in the preteens but has been reported in children as young as one year old and has been seen first in adults over 50 years old.
Twenty year old Sabra Johnson of Utah, the third winner, received $250,000 and had only been dancing for four years when she claimed the prize and first-place honors.
The four remaining members included Kelsey Bourg, a 20 year old from Louisiana; Phillip Bernier, a 24 year old from Virginia; Lacey Mason, a 22 year old from Tennessee; and Zack Wilson, a 25 year old from Utah.
Matt is self-described as a "32 year old deadbeat from Connecticut," but any visitor to his site knows that he really is a creative internet presence who knows how to keep the clicks coming.
The first individual to pass through Ellis Island was a 15 year old Irish girl named Annie Moore.
Hannah Montana is the superstar alter ego of Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus, the daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus), a fictional 14 year old girl and talented teen pop sensation.
The 22 year old often wears his hair longer on the top, a bit shorter on the bottom, and swept to the side; a look that's made even more attractive by his hair's rich brown hue.
Whether your child is a six year old building a wall with Lego blocks or a sixteen year old designing a website, he is learning and using valuable skills.
There are many ways to find jobs as a 15 year old.
It should be noted that it can be difficult to find employment as a 15 year old due to restrictions placed on the types of jobs you can do.
These loans are used as a primary source of funding for the repair and rehabilitation of homes with up to four units, and more than a year old.
It can take time for anyone to master folding paper, let alone a four or eight year old.
In 2005, an 11 year-old student at Amber Terrace Intermediate School in the Texas Desoto Independent School District was suspended and sentenced to 30 days of alternative school for folding a sheet of paper into an origami gun.
There was also a case that year of a 9 year-old boy being suspended for drawing a gun in his art class.
Your lunar age is also calculated differently, because you are thought to be one year old at the time of your birth according to the Chinese calendar.
The National Resource Center for Health, Child Care, and Early Education recommends having only three children under a year old and four children to every caregiver for kids aged 13 months two year in licensed daycare centers.
While many women are familiar with waxing as a hair removal technique, a lot of men have no knowledge of it outside of that hilarious (if not painful) scene in the film The 40 Year-Old Virgin with Steve Carrell.
Kara DioGuardi bikini pictures reveal that the thirty-eight year old has plenty of style to go along with her well documented substance!
While it might not be as big of an issue with a 17 year-old, compared to a 13 year-old, parents of younger teens should find something here that they like.
If it says for children 8 to 12, then you can assume that a four year old won't be able to play with it without frustration.
In the late spring of 2009, the Webkinz Jr. line was released to appeal to the 3 to 6 year old age range.
You can get Power Wheels for children as young as one year-old, but they are ideal for children four and up.
Kids under a year old and up to 10 years-old can find a fun way to play with blocks.
Infants are generally given extra vitamin K between birth and one year old to prevent a rare but serious and irreversible blood clotting problem.
The first place you should always look to find replacement parts for your small appliances is through the manufacturer, especially if the small appliance in question is less than one year old.
They say 60 is the new 30. . .or something like that but no one thinks of a 60 year old as too old for service.
Don't shop in the juniors department for a 40 year old and stay away from the misses department when looking for items for a teenager.
I am 15 years old and have a crush on an 18 year-old girl at my school.
This simple fact of chemistry can make a relationship between a 15 and 18 year old difficult to achieve.
Hi Lori,I am a 54 year old female and recently I met a 58 year old gentleman on a dating site I am a member of.
I am a 22 year old virgin whose mother told her not to have any boyfriends in both school and college; not only that, no guys have even asked me out.
Dear Lori,I am a 19 year old college student who is both hateful and still in love with a boy I was with in high school.
He is 21 years old and began to see an older woman who is 31 with a 4 year old son right after the break up the day before Valentines Day.
I am 20 year old female college student.
I'm a fifteen year old girl in search of some help.
As a single divorced mother with a 12 year old living at home with me, I feel that I am cheating my daughter and I out of time well spent at home at least every other weekend, at my home.
I have three teenage boys from my first marriage and a 3 year old with my husband.
If you are a 50 year old man with an OK Cupid profile that specifies wanting to date a woman under 25, the site will only suggest women to you who are also looking for men your age.
As little as twenty years ago, the idea of sitting a three or four year-old child in front of a computer and expecting her to be able to operate it was virtually unheard of.
Five to eight year old kids are really at the best age to enjoy birthday parties.
I have a seven year old daughter who has started to lie more recently.
The museum is specifically designed for kids from birth to age 10, although the age range which receives the most benefit would be the three to six year old set.
Alicia Bayer writes on this subject in her wonderful article What Should a 4 Year Old Know?.
A project intended for 10 or 12-year-old children may not be appropriate or safe for a 7 year old to do on his/her own.
I live in Oakland with my 11 and 15 year-old daughters and my husband.
Assign speeches according to age; two to four lines is enough for a three- or four year-old, while an older child will probably do fine with a 10- to 12-line speech.
For instance, a teenager could probably use an inexpensive version of an adult digital camera, while a five year old might need one made especially for children that features large buttons, a sturdy exterior, and easy to use controls.
A five year-old may be able to spread peanut butter on bread, while a ten year-old might be able to stir the contents of a pot.
And the story of Ryan Hreljac who began Ryan's Well Foundation to bring clean water wells to poor countries around the world, with his first donation as a seven year-old.
In this video, a three year old girl explains how she views the Star Wars megadrama.
Differing from the original feature, Michael Myers is a ten year old disturbed boy.
One general rule of thumb is to give $1 for each year of your child's age, so a 10 year old child would receive $10 per week.
Iams ProActive Health Large Breed - for large-breed dogs that are 51-to-90 lbs. and are a year old or more; and also for giant-breed dogs over 90 lbs. that are 2-years-old or older.
Iams ProActive Health Weight Control Large Breed - for large and giant breeds that are overweight and a year old or more.
Kids a year-old and younger are admitted for free.
Working as a cobbler, the then 17 year old opened up a shop near the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.
However smashingly dressed the average 20 year old may appear in Diesel clothing is nothing compared to the endearing effect of a toddler wearing the very same styles.
When Gilmore Girls began, 15 year old Rory received admission to the exclusive Chilton Prep School.
In Maria la Del Barrio, Thalia portrays a 15 year old scavenger who is taken in by the wealthy de la Vega family.
The 72 year old soap opera shuttered in 2009 after earning multiple awards and accolades throughout its record-breaking run.
The series follows the life of Jane Bingum, a successful attorney with the soul of a 24 year old model named Deb Dobkins.
Second Chances - Grayson begins to come to grips with Deb's loss while Deb/Jane takes on guest start Jorja Fox's soccer mom case after the woman turns herself in for a 20 year old crime.
In addition to Elena, Dobrev also portrays Katherine Pierce, a five hundred year old vampire and maker of Elena's suitors Damon (Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley).
During one storyline it was revealed that Christian's father Albert abandoned his family and Victor's mother was forced to put a seven year old Christian into an orphanage because she could not care for him.
It was revealed that a 13 year old Erica had been raped and gave birth to Kendall.
The boy's got some real talent, but it's his inability to get serious that keeps getting in his way.Can a slightly goofy twenty-something year old guy with a good heart really find happiness as a rappin' tattoo artist?
Maya Ying Lin, at the time a 21 year old Ohio University student, was unanimously selected from a field of over 1400 entries.
Booklets are available for seven through twelve year old children that explain the history of this American icon in age appropriate text, helping to make learning fun.
Keep in mind that your seven year old may want to go to Disney World every year, and your husband may not care where you go as long as there are a few golf courses in the area.
In 1875 a 23 year old immigrant from Bohemia, Joseph Bulova, stepped onto North American soil.
The sounds replicate the noise that takes place as Ben is transformed from a 10 year-old boy into an alien superhero.
In this way, proper yoga is introduced, but in such a way that even 3-5 year old children can have a blast and burn energy.
Plus your two year old won't get them and color all over them.
The dishes are towered precariously in the sink and the two year old thinks he's going to wash them.
They can do the chores that are best suited to their abilities, everything gets done and you can help your two year old with the dishes without worrying that it will end in disaster.
When shopping for car insurance for a 17 year old you will undoubtedly notice the higher cost for this coverage than the cost of coverage for a seasoned driver.
Most seventeen year old drivers do not have a long driving history, and this makes potential auto insurance companies nervous.
Searching for car insurance for a 17 year old will be different than searching for car insurance for a person with years of driving experience.
On the bright side, a seventeen year old with one year of driving experience may pay less for car insurance coverage than a sixteen year old who just obtained a license.
Parents may have success in simply adding the seventeen year old to their existing auto insurance policy.
Most insurance companies will charge less for a seventeen year old added to an existing policy as opposed to an entirely new policy solely for the teen.
A seventeen year old driving a tiny sports car with very little safety features will pay more than a seventeen year old with comparable driving history and a safer vehicle.
Look to larger insurers like Progressive or Geico for car insurance coverage for your seventeen year old driver.
Klein, already well known for his sexually provocative advertising, particularly one featuring a nearly nude 15 year old Brooke Shields, took that same sexually provocative route for his underwear advertising campaign.
Def Jam records sat up and took notice, and after an audition in front of Def Jam head honcho Jay-Z, the then 16 year old Rihanna was signed on the spot.
A 1958 UK tour ended in scandal for Jerry Lee, when the British press discovered that wife, Myra Gale Brown, who was accompanying him on tour, was both his wife and his 13 year old cousin.
Jerry Lee's whole rocky past came to light during the fallout of this revelation, and the public was equally horrified to discover that Myra was the 23 year old his third wife.
The auditions went on for quite some time, until 1993, when a 19 year old guitarist named Bryan Reilly got hold of a tape and called about the guitarist position.
Believe it or not, the story of The Jonas Brothers starts with an album by a 6 year old in 1995.
During these trips, a 12 year old Swift began writing songs with local songwriters at Nashville's lauded Bluebird Café.
He was stationed in Germany, where he developed an addiction to amphetamines and met 14 year old Priscilla Beaulieu, whom he would later marry.
Baby Bop, a three year old Triceratops, sings a song titled My Yellow Blankie, since she always carries a yellow blanket with her, and her older brother, B.J., has a theme song called B.J.'s Song.
Try coming up with adult birthday party ideas with a twist for the fifty year old in your life.
Play hit songs from the birth year of the 50 year old.
Jerry, on the other hand, is a 75 year old from Texas and is a retired marketing executive.
Jessie is a 22 year old professional body builder from southern California.
Memphis is a 25 year old L.A. boy who works in a field called Mixology, which is similar to bartending.
The 28 year old weighed 339 pounds at the beginning of the season.
The 40 year old weighed 164 pounds when he won the $250,000 prize money.
The first season's winner was Bianca Ryan, an 11 year old singer.
The 32 year old sang opera and charmed the judges and the nation.
Anthony - This 40 year old left his native England on vacation nearly 20 years ago and never returned.
Nicole - This 24 year old had only been cutting hair for four years when filming of the show began.
Shortly after filing for divorce, Linda began a very public relationship with a 19 year old who was a former high school classmate of her children and it emerged that Hulk had cheated on Linda with a friend of Brooke's.
Shortly after filing for divorce, Linda began a relationship with a 19 year old former high school classmate of her children.
Greg - 15 year old Greg was noted for his bad temper and his skills as a PVC pipe layer and butcher.
Sophia - This 14 year old was a viewer favorite throughout the show.
Jared - Fun, cute and quirky 11 year old Jared became a favorite among the kids.
Kandice Hutchinson, a 22 year old contestant from Texas, was eliminated in the second episode of the show.
Twenty-nine year-old Megan loves french fries.
Trey is a 15 year old from a small town in Georgia who was beginning to dabble in gang activity.
Anthony is an 18 year old member of the Crips.
Cynthia is a 15 year old Californian who is involved in gang activity in the hopes of avenging her brother's death.
David, the father of two year old Ava, is involved in every step of her pageant prep from beading her gown to helping develop a talent routine for her.
Eleven year old Jeremiah is the opposite of Booby in terms of behavior and attitude.
Four year old Sammy is the youngest member of the family and definitely the center of attention.
Amanda - 5'10", 235 lbs. Amanda is a 23 year old waitress and college student from Los Angeles, California.
Arriane - 5'10", 190 lbs. Arriane is a 37 year old cabaret entertainer from Wichita, Kansas.
Christina - 5'6", 206 lbs. Christina is a 23 year old student from Brighton, Michigan.
Kristian - 5'5", 225 lbs. Kristian is a 26 year old substitute teacher from Wallington, New Jersey.
Malissa - 5'4", 170 lbs. Malissa is a 26 year old waitress from Los Angeles, California.
Michelle - 5'5", 230 lbs. Michelle is a 32 year old production coordinator from Orange County, California.
Natalia - 5'10", 279 lbs. Natalia is a 28 year old makeup artist from Dallas, Texas.
Sandy - 5'8", 200 lbs. Sandy is a 30 year old dancer from New York City, New York.
Tali - 5'4", 190 lbs. Tali is a 26 year old artist and motivational speaker from New York City.
Sarah Haeussler, a 28 year old student from New Jersey, had a middle of the night breakdown in the second episode.
Penoyer is a single mother of an eight year old son and is working toward a degree in public administration.
The press attention became more negative for Jon when it emerged that Glassman was the 22 year old daughter of the surgeon who had performed a tummy tuck operation for Kate.
Ruben, a 43 year old contractor based in Las Vegas, was none too popular with 19 year old Yazel's parents, who didn't want to see the wedding happen.
Alexis Neiers - Eighteen year old Alexis became the focal point of the show thanks to her legal troubles.
Gabby Neiers - Sixteen year old Gabby shies away from the spotlight and cringes at many of the decisions her sisters make.
Perhaps best remembered in the first season for the ridiculously lavish birthday party she threw for her four year old daughter, Taylor is affectionately dubbed "Fish Lips" as a result of her allegedly surgically enhanced lips.
Heene might have just remained a prominent figure in Wife Swap lore if not for a certain incident involving a weather balloon, his six year old son Falcon and a reality show proposal.
Soon, Heene learned firsthand the dangers of counting a six year old among your co-conspirators in a hoax.
When the then 43 year old Michelle announced she was pregnant for the 19th time she faced a backlash from some corners.
Shocked, though, is everyone when the enchanted object announces four names as champions instead of three, and the fourth is none other than fourteen year old Harry Potter.
Being held away from Lord Voldemort news during his summer holidays, fifteen year old Harry Potter finds himself, again, frustrated and stuck at the home of his aunt and uncle.
Not only does Harry have the usual problems with homework, tests and getting to class on time that every eleven year old boy has, but he is famous; he is the "Boy Who Lived".
The Wizard of Oz was the star-making role for sixteen year old Judy Garland, who was under contract with MGM.
Of course, a ten year old probably could not have handled the songs.
Look at my latest trilogy Wake, Watch and Wonder, which are about a 15 year old girl who is passionate about mathematics.
Whether you're writing a character who is a Civil Rights attorney or a 15 year old kid who just thinks that fractals and prime numbers are the coolest thing ever - it is having passion that makes a character engaging.
Shampooing regularly is not very necessary until the child is about one year old.
The 12 year old girl that a youngster is 'chatting' to could turn out to me a middle aged man.
I have a mare; and we have a five-year-old mare with a colt, a four year-old filly, and a two-year-old filly... oh, and my mare is going to foal again in January.
I mean, he's a twenty eight year old man, for heavens' sake.
How many seventeen year old virgins do you know?
In another case, a missing twelve year old boy turned out to be a runaway.
The child, an eight year old girl named Marcia Stonehurst, was still in bed at one o'clock.
It took place in Cleveland where seven year old Eric Campbell was abducted from his Karate class.
This case was a twelve year old girl, shot in cold blood as she sat alone at the poolside of her California home.
The perpetrator proved to be a thirteen year old girl, scarcely known to the victim, jealous of an older boy's changing affections.
Eric was a seven year old who was abducted by a couple and held for ransom.
She's almost a year old.