Year Sentence Examples
Each year a payment is made to each resident of Alaska.
She's Julie's nine year old daughter.
It's been a year since I found out you were married and we split!
Every year I come out here and try to convince him to get with the times, but it's to no avail.
In another case, a missing twelve year old boy turned out to be a runaway.
I gave him the year.
In a year you will learn to know yourself....
He had been taking care of her for nearly a year now.
It's been hard for him this past year.
Roughly speaking, if you look at the poorest forty nations in the world, who have an average income per person of about $1,500 a year, their effective tax rates are about 20 percent.
AdvertisementThe eight year old son of a popular rapper named Buzz-Cousin was abducted for a million dollar ransom.
Our dad died last year, and I moved-- " "Age."
The same year, a technique for treating diabetes, insulin therapy, was developed.
The laborer's day ends with the going down of the sun, and he is then free to devote himself to his chosen pursuit, independent of his labor; but his employer, who speculates from month to month, has no respite from one end of the year to the other.
I mean, he's a twenty eight year old man, for heavens' sake.
AdvertisementIt was that time of year.
Howie drove down and picked up his beloved, along with Molly O'Malley, her nine year old daughter.
Then I read about this other murder, maybe after I was in a year or so.
Now, he could deliver what he'd always promised-- a life together-- yet she didn't feel like leaping for joy like she would've a year ago.
My dad died last year.
AdvertisementShe'd known Jake since her junior year of college.
Charlie nodded and added, "It's too remote to build anything there and snowed in most of the year."
All the surgeries the third year" he shook his head "desperate attempts by me to undo what I'd done."
All male citizens above twenty-one years of age have the right of suffrage, subject to a residence of one year in the state and sixty days in the county in which they offer to vote.
A new election must be called to fill the vacancy unless the unexpired term is less than one year.
AdvertisementA senator must be twenty-five years of age, and must have been a citizen of the state for five years and a resident of the district for one year preceding his election.
A law enacted in 1908 requires that children between eight and fifteen years of age shall attend school twenty-four weeks each year, provided the public school in their district is in session that length of time.
For the year ending on the 30th of September 1908 the receipts were $3,382,131.66 and the disbursements $3,482,317.03.
The same year German settlers from Pennsylvania founded New Mecklenburg, the present Shepherdstown, on the Potomac, and others soon followed.
Vansittart sought to check this, and in 1762 he made a treaty with Mir Kasim, but the majority of his council were against him and in the following year this was repudiated.
He remained president till 1908, in which year he was chosen to succeed the 8th duke of Devonshire as chancellor of Cambridge University.
Next year Cromwell penetrated into Munster.
On the 12th of September 1651 Cromwell made his triumphal entry into London at the conclusion of his victorious campaigns; and parliament granted him Hampton Court as a residence with £4000 a year.
Although the idol of his victorious army, and in a position enabling him to exercise autocratic power, he laboured unostentatiously for more than a year and a half as a member of the parliament, whose authority he supported to the best of his ability.
In 1651 the Dutch completed a treaty with Denmark to injure English trade in the Baltic; to which England replied the same year by the Navigation Act, which suppressed the Dutch trade with the English colonies and the Dutch fish trade with England, and struck at the Dutch carrying trade.
The religious element, however, which predominated in Cromwell's foreign policy inclined him to peace, and in April of that year terms were arranged by which England on the whole was decidedly the gainer.
Cromwell wisely inclined towards France, for Spain was then a greater menace than France alike to the Protestant cause and to the growth of British trade in the western hemisphere; but as no concessions could be gained from either France or Spain, the year 1654 closed without a treaty being made with either.
Conde's fame Crom= was established in his twenty-second year, Gustavus was twenty-seven and Turenne thirty-three at the military beginning of their careers as commanders-in-chief, Cromwell, on the other hand, was forty-three when he fought in his first battle.
Upon Andrew Jackson's election to the presidency, the Telegraph became the principal mouthpiece of the administration, and received printing patronage estimated in value at $50,000 a year, while Green became one of the coterie of unofficial advisers of Jackson known as the "Kitchen Cabinet."
There is no reason to doubt that some such visit was made about the year 315, when the death of Maximin Daza left Constantine supreme.
Gregory is related to have added a clause to the creed which Aristaces brought back; he became a hermit on Mount Sebuh about the year 332, and died there.
The tropical belt of high pressure persists all the year tion of ture.
The most remarkable inundations were those of 1537 and 1740; in the former year the water rose to 8 ft.
In his tenth year, his father, a tax-gatherer, sent him to an uncle at Pontarlier, under whom he commenced his classical studies.
Next year he was returned to parlement by the arrondissement of Pontarlier; but the work of legislation was ill-suited to him.
In 1853 he was appointed assistant, and in the following year won a doctor's degree with his treatise Nova elementa Thetidis.
He died in the same year on the scaffold.
In the middle ages Plautus was little regarded, and twelve of his plays (Bacchides - Truculentus) disappeared from view until they were discovered (in the MS. called D) by Nicholas of Troves in the year 1429.
The next year, as Hermione in Racine's Andromaque, she had a great success at the Hotel de Bourgogne.
Bela died on the 3rd of May 1270 in his sixty-fourth year.
He emerged again in the following year, and took part in the events of the 10th of June and the 10th of August 1792, when he led the people of the faubourg St Antoine to the assault of the Tuileries.
St Francis, the first child of this union, was born in August 1567 when his mother was in her fifteenth year.
After a year of zealous work as preacher and director he was sent by the bishop, Claude de Granier, to try and win back the province of Chablais, which had embraced Calvinism when usurped by Bern in 1535, and had retained it even after its restitution to Savoy in 1564.
An illness brought on by toil and privation forced him to leave his work to others for nearly a year, but in August 1598 he returned to his field of labour, and in October of that year practically the whole country was Catholic again.
In October of this last year, however, the duke of Savoy, who came then to assist in person at the great religious feasts which celebrated the return of the country to unity of faith, expatriated such of the leading men as obstinately refused even to listen to the Catholic arguments.
It took, however, an important part in the rebellion of 295, and was reduced, with Vulsinii and Arretium, to seek for peace in the following year.
The same year he offended the court by a Whig sermon, but in 1779 became archdeacon of Ely.
His advice to the government in 1787 is said to have saved the country £ioo,000 a year in gunpowder.
The date of this famous letter was 1767, but after Alceste Gluck was still able to use material from earlier work; and the overture to Armide is adapted from that of Telemacco, written in the year of Bach's death (1750).
He was chosen emperor in his forty-third year by the officers of the army at Nicaea in Bithynia in 364, and shortly afterwards named his brother Valens colleague with him in the empire.
In 387 Magnus Maximus, who had commanded a Roman army in Britain, and had in 383 (the year of Gratian's death) made himself master of the northern provinces, crossed the Alps into the valley of the Po and threatened Milan.
As the city grew, the right to so many days a year atone or other shrine (or its " gate ") descended in certain families and became a species of property which could be pledged, rented or shared within the family, but not alienated.
Waste land was let to reclaim, the tenant being rent-free for three years and paying a stipulated rent in the fourth year.
Houses were let usually for the year, but also for longer terms, rent being paid in advance, half-yearly.
If the crop failed, payment was deferred and no interest could be charged for that year.
The Code fixes the price for building and insists on the builder's giving a year's guarantee of seaworthiness.
The boat-builder had to make good any defect of construction or damage due to it for a year's warranty.
Steinheil communicated to the Göttingen Academy of Sciences in September 1838 an account of his telegraph, which had been constructed about the middle of the preceding year.
In that year the Swiss government reduced the rate for inland telegrams by one-half, and the traffic immediately doubled, but the cost of carrying on the service increased in a larger ratio.
After much negotiation the basis finally agreed upon between the government and the companies was 20 years' purchase of the profits of the year ended 30th June 1868.
Another reason assigned by the committee appointed by the Treasury in 1875 " to investigate the causes of the increased cost of the telegraphic service since the acquisition of the telegraphs by the state " is the loss on the business of transmitting Press messages, which has been estimated as at least £300,000 a year.
The following table shows the financial results of the business in the year immediately following the purchase of the telegraphs by the state, in the two years preceding and the two years following the introduction of the 6d.
The manufacture of the cable, begun early in the following year, was finished in June, and before the end of July it was stowed partly in the American ship " Niagara " and partly in decided to begin paying out in mid-ocean, the two vessels, after splicing together the ends of the cable they had on board, sailing away from each other in opposite directions.
Next year the attempt was renewed.
The following year an additional cable was laid from Bacton, in Norfolk, to Borkum, in Germany, at the joint expense of the British and German governments.
In 1893 a contract was made with the Eastern and South Africa Telegraph Company for the construction, laying and maintenance of a cable from Zanzibar to the Seychelles and Mauritius, a distance of 2210 m., for a subsidy of £28,000 a year for twenty years.
The following year the rates to and from East and South Africa were reduced, by negotiation, from charges varying from 7s.
The deficiency on the working for the year ended 31st March 1907 was £54,924, and the approximate number of messages transmitted during the year was 96,783 with 1,126,940 words.
Communication was established by this method in the year 1895 with the lighthouse on the Fastnet."
In December 1898 communication was established by the Marconi method between the East Goodwin lightship and the South Foreland lighthouse; and this installation was maintained for upwards of a year, during which it was the means of saving both life and property.
In the same year numerous experiments were tried with the assistance of an Italian battleship, the " Carlo Alberto," lent by the Italian government, and messages were transmitted from Poldhu to Kronstadt, to Spezia, and also to Sydney in Nova Scotia.
Cartagena was founded about the year 243 B.C. by the Carthaginian Hasdrubal, and was called Carthago Nova or New Carthage, to distinguish it from the African city of Carthage.
In 1706, in the War of the Spanish Succession, it was occupied by Sir John Leake; and in the next year it was retaken by the duke of Berwick.
Teignmouth is not mentioned in the Domesday Survey, but in 1276 what is now West Teignmouth appears as a mesne borough held by the dean and chapter of Exeter; what is now East Teignmouth continuing with the bishop, who was accused in that year of holding in his manor a market which should be held in the borough.
The new licences were to terminate in 1911 without any provision for purchase or compensation in that year, but with the option to the government to purchase the plant of the licensees in 1890, 1897, or 1904 at a price to be determined by arbitration.
From that vantage point, if you had tried to look fifty years ahead to what the world would be like in the year 2500 BC, you would have expected very little change.
She creates premium services on her site that cost just $9.95 a year that include a number of additional features and virtual goods.
In 1958, with smallpox still killing two million people a year, the World Health Organization pledged to eradicate it.
And yet pencils get made, more than a billion of them a year, and they are essentially given away.
Before the end of the first year I read "Wilhelm Tell" with the greatest delight.
I lose some cattle every year.
I'll check the records to see which Guardians rotated here from Europe from the past year.
Now, half a year later, came the feared phone call informing them that Martha too was leaving.
The Deans had married a year ago and poured their life savings into Bird Song.
Even Bird Song's gilded front sign, advertising the bed and breakfast, had been washed of a year's dust from the unpaved side street.
This year there was something to cheer about with Billy Langstrom.
The Buen, as everyone referred to it, was located in a hundred year old structure previously known as the Scott-Humphries Building, which had remained vacant for over twenty-five years.
At year's end, the bills, totaling a substantial amount, would be culled and donated to charity.
God, Randy, it's your final year!
He repeated his intentions to continue his education in the off season, skirting the fact he'd be kissing off the final year of his scholarship.
It was only a week past the longest day of the year and still light outside but Dean joined her, in case she changed her mind and needed him.
Cynthia finished her wedding pronouncement by tossing out a comment about her foolish son considering delaying the final year of his education to play professional baseball, a decision against which she and Rose Calvia planned to exert a full court press.
Never mind there were only three hundred die-hard fans with nothing else to do in attendance for the end of the year outing of a last place team.
The roads up there are closed by snow two-thirds of the year.
At least you live here in Ouray and have a business, even if Bird Song is only a year old.
I was enthralled—an eighteen year old at the time, but I never forgot him.
The entire town wouldn't have been more excited if the New Year's Rose Parade had come to little Ouray.
Cynthia had missed the prior year's duel, and Dean explained the procedure.
Even on this holiday, one of the busiest days of the year, traffic remained modest by urban standards.
It's a lot tough nine months of the year.
She was the prettiest thing in high school—at least that year.
Suzie was a sophomore the year I graduated.
Do you remember what year they all left?
It was the year Mildred Baker bought the Manor, remodeled it, and turned it into a boarding house.
My grandparents didn't stay long—a year or two—and then they moved to Denver.
Every time the phone rang for a year, we were sure someone had found the body.
It was Brandon who kept coming back to Ouray year after year when you'd think the loathsome thing that happened here would cause him to despise the place.
Show me the deals past-Death and my mate made with the Dark One within the past year.
Monday was their two year anniversary.
He was, after all, taking time off work during the busiest time of the year for an accountant to be with her.
What he used to be, before the events of the past year.
That's why he wears the trench coat all year round.
It's been a rough year for the Council.
Instead of a slow, fifty year death, it'll be three years.
Your tumor was operable when I met you and for the entirety of first year.
I think it's your third job this year.
We go through this at least twice a year.
This is the second time in a year some thug's attacked a tourist.
What took you to Ireland this time of year?
And no nishani in his bloodline had failed to produce an heir the first year.
The facility was funded in part by the city's recreation department, whose funds were, for the most part, generated from the highly profitable hot spring pool that operated year around at the edge of town.
I suspect the new Mrs. Martin passed on sometime a year or so later, after the last letter.
I haven't seen my boy in over a year and I hardly got a chance to say more than 'hi' before she scooted him downstairs.
It's been over a year since I've had a peek at him.
And I suppose Mother's day cards weren't available this time of year?
Shipton may be sleaze of the year, but until he does something illegal, there isn't anything the law can do.
John died later that same year.
The town managed to close up the dance halls in 1902, at least for a year or so, but it wasn't long before the girls were at it again, full tilt.
I been trying to find out some poop about that guy on the Internet but it's a whole lot easier checking out hundred year old folks than living ones.
A typical year saw four hundred inches of snow fall atop Red Mountain, a hundred and seventy-five inches in Ouray, and perhaps a foot in Montrose, all within fifty miles.
She had visited him in Ouray, nearly a year and a half before, while he was recuperating from a gunshot wound.
I know, 'cause I checked you out when we had that business last year.
I've been married less than a year.
The time would be near sunrise later in the year, but now the night and his world was as dark as midnight.
Alice was a geranium Cynthia had lovingly rescued from certain death by frost last September when the rest of their first year garden succumbed to the advancing seasons.
Sarah, your stock dealings have outperformed the market every year since 1933, of course you're going to be investigated.
This year and for the next ten to twelve, he would have it all, not just a week or two in the Berkshires.
Where's that one you gave me for my birthday last year?
Connor had been with many women, even lived with one for a year, yet he had never met anyone he had connected with like Sarah.
It would fast become the social event of the year.
Jackson is a real bore, he's Dracula every single year, ughh.
Mmm, the Macouns are incredible this year.
You say that now, but what about a year from now?
Every year, the full moon in January is the Wolf Moon and there is a three day festival that all werewolves attend… kind of our high holiday.
He nuzzled her neck with his nose, "You realize you set the bar pretty high for next year."
Well, I have a whole year to figure that one out.
Connor's 22 year old sister Deborah immediately displayed her attraction to Jackson.
Only in the last year had his sister started writing, and it was always stiff and formal.
One of last year's wethers, to be exact.
It depends on heredity, what you feed them, time of the year and a lot of other factors.
It was unseasonably warm for the end of February, but this was the time of year that they might expect a few nice days.
That's right, she's one year older today.
Shoot, Dad put a bathroom in the house the year after I graduated.
We've been dating for over a year.
This year she had been afraid to harvest them because of the dogs.
If you'd been doing that for the last year, I wouldn't have thought about coming up here.
She's almost a year old.
You bought a clinic, built a house and now you're quitting your job to get married to a woman you've known for less than a year.
Kris's memories stirred stronger than he liked. He remembered Lilith, a beautiful Immortal whose laugh had filled him with happiness. Their love had been intense and brief, lasting less than a human year in total. One day, she was just … gone.
Each passing year brought the mayhem further northward, causing the old timers and the local newspaper to fret for the good old days when violence was no worse than a dog fight.
Naw. Jeff would hit all of the districts a few times a year, spend two, sometimes three days depending on the need.
The life insurance World Wide provided its employees was equal to one year's pay, hardly enough to leave a rich widow.
The knee injury Mayer mentioned had occurred a year before and while it might have kept Byrne from jogging, it was no more than a temporary ailment.
The exception was this year when Parkside had a legitimate shot at success.
He had scored once, in his junior year, producing one-third of his team's production in a 13-to-3 lapper for Easton High.
He assumed she was somewhat older than he, but her body parts were firm and functional and he cared little about the model year of the equipment.
According to Byrne's expense file, his prior trip to Norfolk had been in late January and, earlier, in October of last year.
I spent two years on the bench and never played a down until the last game of my junior year.
The only one—I didn't even make the team the next year.
You haven't had 50 bucks to your name in a year!
I'd rather have a year of agony with Harry than a lifetime of never having met him.
Been here nearly a year but his project will be over soon and he'll be gone too—but not departed.
The past few days had done much to improve Cynthia Byrne and she beamed with pleasure when Dean presented a bottle of wine, the same brand and year they were served at Café Richard.
Nope. I guess he misses out on a Christmas card this year.
The first day was behind him, his muscles weren't overly sore, he seemed to be adjusting to the altitude and he had conquered more hills in one day than a year of Pennsylvania biking would offer.
Dad and Grandpa went together to chop down the Christmas tree every year.
He smiled again as he remembered their first summer together – the year they were married.
The old tool shed was leaning further to the side each year.
All but a few of the goats had been gone over a year now, but she rarely had time to think about them anymore.
With any luck, by this time next year there would be a couple of pronghorn antelope.
Our numbers have plummeted the past year, and I don't understand the placement of our army.
She was quiet and reserved for a two year old.
Even though her ten year class reunion was scheduled for Saturday afternoon, Alex chose that morning to start her training.
Alex had taught Jonathan to shoot the first year after they had adopted him, but today he still got the same precautionary lecture that her father had given her.
She had moved to Texas at the end of her junior year.
I think we shared a geometry class the last year of school.
A year ago Alex had gently informed her that Brutus was getting old and his heart was not working well.
Then again, look at the number of people in the world who are killed every year by mosquitoes.
She had put it off for a year and she tried to put it off for another day.
They had badgered the parents of their thirteen year old member into getting him a cell phone and then had started on Carmen.
Dad and I buried Mom here about ten years ago, and I buried Dad here about a year later.
Every year birds built a nest there.
Alex suggested she fill it with spray foam to keep them out, but baby birds were one of the things she looked forward to every year.
This was the first year she had tried to remove it with her arm in a sling, though.
I've done it every year but for some reason when I tried to do it with the sling on, I lost my balance.
I think I'm going to need someone all year long.
He hadn't realized how important a mother could be in a grown man's life until she died last year.
At first she had been infatuated with Denton, but in the last year she had learned a lot about him.
You've been doing it every year since you were two years old.
The climate in the south at this time of the year was probably hot, but surely it couldn't hold a candle to the week she had spent in the desert.
You see houses a hundred years old standing in areas where tornadoes occur a number of times a year.
Maybe Santa will put a little extra something in his stocking this year.
Violence was no answer to a problem, but he had been inviting this for the last year.
In the last year you've changed considerably, but in the last few months you've been unbearable.
Jonny had been in the position for under a year.
It's what earned all the Originals their ten thousand year prison terms.
Jule's memory was wiped out and Xander exiled, until a year ago, when he landed in the human realm.
So, we're staying put until the kid is a year old.
She didn't want to imagine a ten year old living in the slums, knowing his mother was reduced to prostitution to keep them alive.
He entered the mortal realm a year before without knowing the fates of any of the other Original Beings, before crossing paths with Jule, the Original Immortal, and Eden, the Original Human.
In 1733 George Stone was made dean of Ferns, and in the following year he exchanged this deanery for that of Derry; in 1740 he became bishop of Ferns, in 1743 bishop of Kildare, in 1745 bishop of Derry, and in 1747 archbishop of Armagh.
Throughout Britain, as a rule, this species is one of the most plentiful birds, and is found at all seasons of the year.
The old bulls are very generally solitary for a considerable portion of the year, but return to the herds during the pairing season.
In height it stood about the same as a young individual of the ordinary African elephant when about a year and a half old, the vertical measurement at the shoulder being only 4 ft., or merely a foot higher than a new-born Indian elephant.
It has been noticed at Woburn Abbey that the antlers are shed and replaced twice a year.
In February 1532 he protested against all acts concerning the church passed by the parliament which met in 1529, but this did not prevent the important proceedings which secured the complete submission of the church to the state later in the same year.
Under the Reign of Terror he was arrested and imprisoned for nearly a year, during which he studied Condillac and Locke, and abandoned the natural sciences for philosophy.
From 1863 to 1870 he was secretary and recorder to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and in the last year of his life he lectured on mathematical physics at Harvard.
In 1815 he settled at Leipzig as privatdocent, and the next year became extraordinary professor of astronomy in connexion with the university.
From Mafu to the sea, a distance of 215 m., the Senegal is navigable all the year round by vessels drawing not more than to ft.
It was not until 1637 that the explorations of the upper river began, Jannequin, Sieur de Rochfort, in that year ascending the river some 200 m.
He died on the 20th of January of the same year.
Verres returned to Rome in 70, and in the same year, at the request of the Sicilians, Cicero prosecuted him.
After spending a year in prison at Ofen, he was tried and condemned to four more years' imprisonment.
At the end of the year, when the Austrians were approaching Pesth, he asked for the mediation of Mr Stiles, the American envoy.
For about a year he studied at Leiden, paying special attention to philosophy and Greek.
In the following year he was appointed successor to the celebrated Perizonius, who had held the chair of history, Greek language and eloquence at Leiden.
Denouncing the temporal power of the pope he implored the emperor to deliver Italy, and especially Rome, from their oppressors; but, heedless of his invitations, Charles kept him in prison for more than a year in the fortress of Raudnitz, and then handed him over to Clement, who had been clamouring for his surrender.
In the same year Rainer became curator of the Academy of Sciences, a position which he filled till his death.
In 1895 he bought the New York Journal and the following year founded the Evening Journal, the morning paper being known after 1902 as the New York American.
Both these kings were slain by .Ceadwalla in the following year, but shortly afterwards the Welsh king was overthrown by Oswald, brother of Eanfrith, who reunited the whole of Northumbria under his sway and acquired a supremacy analogous to that previously held by Edwin.
In the same year he was deposed and forced to become a monk, but was soon restored to the throne.
Ecgberht was expelled in 872 and died in the course of the following year.
About the year 919 the country was invaded by Raegenald (Rdgnvaldr grandson of I'varr), a Norwegian king from Ireland, who seized York and occupied the lands of St Cuthbert.
About the second year of Eadred's reign there was another revolt and Eric Bloodaxe, the exiled king of Norway, obtained the throne.
A year before his death he entered a monastery.
Chicheley appears in the Hall-books of New College up to the year 1392/93, when he was a B.A.
This year his brother Robert was senior sheriff of London.
The whole endowment was in 1535 worth some £ 200 a year, about a fifth of that of Winchester College.
On the 18th of July 1542 it was surrendered to Henry VIII., and its possessions granted to Robert Dacres on condition of maintaining the grammar school and paying the master £10 a year, the same salary as the headmasters of Winchester and Eton, and maintaining the almshouse.
Both still exist, but the school has been deprived of its house, and the Fitzwilliam family, who now own the lands, still continue to pay only £10 a year.
In pursuit of his art he travelled, and is said to have reached England; ill-health drove him homewards in 1524, in which year he married Dirckgen Willems at Delft.
In the same year the Lutheran reformation took hold of him, and he began to issue appeals in prose and verse against the Mass and against the pope as antichrist.
In 1123 he was captured by Balak of Mardin, and confined in Kharput with Joscelin, his successor in the county of Edessa, who had been captured in the previous year.
In 1858 he had married Eliza Roscoe, a cousin of his first wife; she died early in 1897, and Hutton's own death followed on the 9th of September of the same year.
Next year he was made a domestic prelate and shortly afterwards a member of the Congregation del boon governo.
In 1814 Consalvi went, as the pope's representative, to England to meet and confer with the allied sovereigns, and later in the year was sent as papal plenipotentiary to the congress of Vienna.
She at once quitted Nohant, taking with her Solange, and in 1831 an amicable separation was agreed upon, by which her whole estate was surrendered to the husband with the stipulation that she should receive an allowance of £120 a year.
Valentine, which was published in the same year, indicated that it was but the first chapter in a life of endless adventures, and that the imagination which turned the crude facts into poetry, and the fancy which played about them like a rainbow, were inexhaustible.
For a year the person who gave me this portrait sat with me every night at a little table and lived by the same work.
The year which marked the close of the Lateran council was also signalized by Leo's unholy war against the duke of Urbino.
A year of fruitless negotiation followed, during which the pamphlets of the reformer set all Germany' on fire.
The pope had repeatedly used the rich northern benefices to reward members of the Roman curia, and towards the close of the year 1516 he sent the grasping and impolitic Arcimboldi as papal nuncio to Denmark to collect money for St Peter's.
His father, dying in the following year, commended him to the care and favour of his brother and successor, Henry III., who faithfully fulfilled the charge.
Next year he commanded the forces collected in the Ile de France, and obtained some successes.
The New Year and Whitsuntide Show fairs only arose during the 9th century.
Observations have usually been limited to a portion of the year, or to a few hours of the day, whilst the results from different stations differ much in details.
If the shape of the equipotential surfaces near it is influenced by trees, shrubs or grass, their influence will vary throughout the year.
The potential gradient near the ground varies with the season of the year and the hour of the day, and is largely dependent on the weather conditions.
It is even somewhat precipitate to assume that a mean value deduced from a single year is fairly representative of average conditions.
Also it requires a long series of years to give thoroughly representative results for any element, and few stations possess more than a year or two's dissipation data.
But to the west of this, except in the Rocky Mountain region where storms are numerous, the frequency steadily diminishes, and along the Pacific coast there are large areas where thunder occurs only once or twice a year.
In some tropical stations, at certain seasons of the year, thunder is almost a daily occurrence.
The pope's intervention procured his release, after nearly a year's imprisonment.
Colon dates its origin from the year 1850, when the island of Manzanillo was selected as the Atlantic terminus of the Panama railway.
From his sixth to his ninth year he was given over to the care of learned foreigners, who taught him history, geography, mathematics and French.
His wife joined him at Thorn in December, but in April 1712 a peremptory ukaz ordered him off to the army in Pomerania, and in the autumn of the same year he was forced to accompany his father on a tour of inspection through Finland.
On the 11th of May 1820 he took his doctor's degree; in the same year he qualified as Privatdozent at the university of Erlangen.
Up to the revolutionary year 1830 his religious views had remained strongly tinged with rationalism, Hegel remaining his guide in religion as in practical politics and the treatment of history.
McClellan's forces gained possession of the greater part of the territory in the summer of 1861, and Union control was never seriously threatened, in spite of Lee's attempt in the same year.
On the 5th of March 1440-1441, the king endowed the college out of alien priories with some scpc, a year, almost exactly the amount of the original endowment of Winchester.
The number of scholars was largely increased by an election of 25 new ones on the 26th of September 1444, the income being then 946, of which the king contributed £120 and Waynflete or more than half his stipend of X30 a year.
In the same year that college took possession of the alien priory of Sele, Sussex, the proceedings for the suppression of which had been going on since 1469.
The foundation is commonly dated from this year and not from 1448, when Magdalen Hall was founded, though if not dated from 1448 it surely dates from 1458, when that hall and St John's Hospital were converted into Magdalen College.
Magdalen College School was established at the gates and as a part of the college, to be, like Eton, a free grammar school, free of tuition fees for all corners, under a master and usher, the first master being John Ankywyll, a married man, with a salary of CIO a year, the same as at Winchester and Eton.
The next year saw the appropriation to the college of the Augustinian Priory of Selborne, Hants.
To avenge the death of his son, Minos demanded that seven Athenian youths and seven maidens should be sent every ninth year to be devoured by the Minotaur.
He was naturalized as a French citizen in 1834, and in the same year became professor of constitutional law in the faculty of law at Paris.
The agency by which these principles were introduced was the edicts of the praetor, an annual proclamation setting forth the manner in which the magistrate intended to administer the law during his year of office.
After, or it may be, during its completion he and she left Umbria for Rome; and there, about the year 34 B.C., he assumed the garb of manly freedom.
Apart from minor disagreements an infidelity on Propertius's part excited the deepest resentment in Cynthia; and he was banished for a year.
The first permanent settlements in Matto Grosso seem to have been made in 1718 and 1719, in the first year at Forquilha and in the second at or near the site of Cuyaba, where rich placer mines had been found.
As an independent measure of economy, the stipend paid to the titular nawab of Bengal, who was then a minor, was reduced by one-half - to sixteen lakhs a year (say 160,000).
The act which Pitt successfully carried in the following year introduced a new constitution, in which Hastings felt that he had no place.
He died on the 22nd of August 1818, in his 86th year, and lies buried behind the chancel of the parish church, which he had recently restored at his own charges.
A chief lord was chosen every year.
In 1637 he emigrated with Davenport to Massachusetts, and in the following year (March 1638) he and Davenport founded New Haven.
Gascoigne was killed at the battle of Marston Moor on the 2nd of July 1644, in the twenty-fourth year of his age, and his untimely death was doubtless the cause that delayed the publication of a discovery which anticipated, by twenty years, the combined work of Huygens, Malvaison, Auzout and Picard in the same direction.
In 1273 he was a candidate for the German crown, but was induced to support Rudolph, count of Habsburg, whose eldest daughter, Matilda, he married in this year.
By the treaty of Pavia in this year, Louis granted the Palatinate of the Rhine and the upper Palatinate of Bavaria to his brother's sons, Rudolph II.
In 1712 George Hickes was the only survivor of the nonjuring bishops, and in the next year Collier was consecrated.
The entire island produced 28,613,000 gallons of wine in the year 1899 and 19,809,000 in 1900.
At Sassari in the same year there were 162.
The same year Charles, on the invitation of the barons, took possession of the kingdom of Lotharingia.
He entered the university of Göttingen, but soon left, and, taking service in the Austrian army, took part in the Russian campaign of 1812, and fought in the following year at Dresden, Kulm and Leipzig.
He then entered the Dutch service, took part in the campaigns of 1815, and, after studying another year at Heidelberg, was member for Luxemburg of the military commission of the German federal diet (1824, 1825).
Up to 1848 he was a government official in Nassau; in that year he became a member of the German national parliament and undersecretary of state for foreign affairs.
In 1832 he was elected fellow of his college, and in the following year he was ordained, and became head master of a private school at Stockwell.
After his return from his Egyptian campaign, he was preparing an expedition against Rhodes when he was overtaken by sickness and died, on the 22nd of September 1521, in the ninth year of his reign, near the very spot where he had attacked his father's troops, not far from Adrianople.
In 1637 he went as a gentleman-commoner to Exeter College, Oxford, where he remained about a year.
On the 25th of April 1650, he married Lady Frances Cecil, sister of the earl of Essex, his first wife having died in the previous year leaving no family.
His second wife had died during this year; in 1656 he married a third, who survived him, Margaret, daughter of Lord Spencer, niece of the earl of Southampton, and sister of the earl of Sunderland, who died at Newbury.
In 1668, however, he supported a bill to appoint commissioners to examine the accounts of the Dutch War, though in the previous year he had opposed it.
With the exception of the year 1836, when he acted as headmaster of a newly established school in Leicester, his life was divided between Cambridge and Ely.
In the same year a diet assembled at Prague also conferred on Podebrad the regency.
In the following year Podébrad was more successful in his resistance to his many enemies, but his death on the 22nd of March 1471 put a stop to the war.
In the same year he was made a senator of the kingdom of Italy.
The,, king and the government reside for at least three months in the year in Nish, where also the national assembly, before the constitution of 1g01, was regularly held.
She had acted in the same way with his elder brother, who had been ill a year or two previously, but on his recovery the boy continued to be educated as a Jew.
Notwithstanding this, much timber is floated down, and the Panlaung is navigable for small boats all the year round.
In 1794 Mannheim fell into the hands of the French, and in the following year it was retaken by the Austrians after a severe bombardment, which left scarcely a single building uninjured.
On his release he had promised he would maintain the treaty of Arras and withdraw from the Netherlands; but he delayed his departure for nearly a year and took part in a punitive campaign against his captors and their allies.
Early in 1490 he took a further step and was betrothed to the duchess, and later in the same year the marriage was celebrated by proxy; but Brittany was still occupied by French troops, and Maximilian was unable to go to the assistance of his bride.
He held this position until 1906, and in that year was returned as Socialist member for Blackburn.
The Royal Society awarded him the Copley medal in 5892, and selected him as Croonian lecturer in the following year, his subject being the position of pathology among the biological sciences; and in 1898 he delivered the second Huxley memorial lecture at Charing Cross Hospital.
In the work of Palladius on agriculture, dating from about the year A.D.
In the following year he was named first minister of France (August).
For during the year that elapsed before he left Swabia (and whilst he sojourned at Neuburg and Ulm), and amidst his geometrical studies, he would fain have gathered some knowledge of the mystical wisdom attributed to the Rosicrucians; but the Invisibles, as they called themselves, kept their secret.
He was present at the battle of Weisser Berg (near Prague), where the hopes of the elector palatine were blasted (November 8, 1620), passed the winter with the army in southern Bohemia, and next year served in Hungary under Karl Bonaventura de Longueval, Graf von Buquoy or Boucquoi (1571-1621).
Towards the end of the year Descartes was on his way to Italy.
And yet, though Rembrandt's " Nightwatch " is dated the very year after the publication of the Meditations, not a word in Descartes breathes of any work of art or historical learning.
But I have just been at Leyden and Amsterdam to ask after Galileo's cosmical system as I imagined I had heard of its being printed last year in Italy.
Next year he persuaded the magistracy to issue an order forbidding Regius to travel beyond the received doctrine.
Martos returned to the Bar in May 1874, and quietly looked on when the restoration took place at the end of that year.
Next year he returned to take part in the second rising, but, this proving no more successful than the first, he again took refuge in Scotland.
Having received his elementary education at the monastery of Monte Cassino, he studied for six years at the university of Naples, leaving it in his-sixteenth year.
This year may be taken as the beginning of his literary activity and public life.
On the 16th of January 1547, he was crowned the first Russian tsar by the metropolitan of Moscow; on the 3rd of February in the same year he selected as his wife from among the virgins gathered from all parts of Russia for his inspection, Anastasia Zakharina-Koshkina, the scion of an ancient and noble family better known by its later name of Romanov.
In 1560 both of them disappeared from the scene, Sylvester into a monastery at his own request, while Adashev died the same year, in honourable exile as a general in Livonia.
An abortive expedition to reinstate a Thessalian prince probably also belongs to this year; there is also evidence that Athens interfered in a war between Selinus and Segesta in Sicily about this time.
From here the caravans start for Persia, and at certain periods of the year long trains of camels may be seen, and Persian merchants conspicuous by their high black caps and long robes.