Ya Sentence Examples
But I gotta tell ya it's great for relaxing the muscles.
The remaining ten or twelve years of Avicenna's life were spent in the service of Abu Ya`far 'Ala Addaula, whom he accompanied as physician and general literary and scientific adviser, even in his numerous campaigns.
He became secretary to the governor of Granada, and later physician and vizier to the Mohad caliph, Abu Ya`qub Yusuf.
In 1624 a new dynasty arose in the interior, when Nasir ibn Murshid of the Yariba (Ya`aruba) tribe (originally from Yemen) was elected imam and established his capital at Rustak.
Tabari and his contemporaries, senior and junior, such as Ibn Qutaiba, Ya`gubi, Dinawari, preserve to us a good part of the information about Persian history made known through such translations.'
Ya`qubi (Ibn Waeiih) wrote a short general history of much value (published by Houtsma, aeiden, 1883).
In the same century Ya`qubi wrote his Book of Countries, describing specially the great cities of the empire.
Then we have Ya,ody/dx +p& (U - u) 2 = p o&,oU 2.
Ya, when combined as second consonant with k-, p -, m-, is written under the first letter.
Here are the temples of Debfld, the temple and quarries of Kertassi, the temples of Kalabsha, Bet el Wali, Dendr, Gerf Husn, Dakka, Maharaka, Es-Seba, Amgda and Derr, the grottos of Elles ya, the tombs of Aniba, the temple of Ibrim, the great rock-temples of Abu-Simbel, the temples at Jebel Adda and Wadi Halfa, the forts and temples of Semna, the temples of Amgra (Meroitic) and Soleb.
AdvertisementThe great power long wielded by the Tahirids, not only in the eastern provinces, but also at Bagdad itself, had been gradually diminishing, and came to an end in the year 873, when Ya`qub the Saffarid occupied Nishapur and imprisoned Mahommed b.
The power of Ya`qub then increased to such an extent that he was not content with the caliph's offer to recognize him as supreme in the provinces he had conquered, and military governor of Bagdad, but marched against Irak.
In all these matters Glagolitic differs very little from Cyrillic; it has only one symbol for ja (ya) and e because both in this dialect were pronounced the same.
Since the fall of Ibn Zubair the political position of Mecca 4 For details as to the ancient quarters of Mecca, where the several families or septs lived apart, see Azraqi, 455 pp. seq., and compare Ya`qubi, ed.
She was so animated and happy and told Sarah " I'm gonna get ya on the first try Sarah!
AdvertisementBut first, surprisingly, he asked, " What er ya crying about, " in an Irish brogue.
It aint my favorite one of his, but YA cant deny its a masterpiece!
I'll judge if ya want Timmy (Timmy) Wed, 18 Jan 2006 lovers tiffs hehe ok igneous carl your on!
Ya, this camera actually doesn't even have a single CCD in it.
Boab meanwhile has picked up the head and goes over to Danny. 'Ya chancer, ya bloody chancer ye.
AdvertisementI`ll try to ring ya tomorrow, cheers dude.
No send me ya papa I no wan see ya mama I no wan see di family committee I no wan see ya shadow.
Aaah thats a bit better borris, with YA mates in the pub Been spending a little freely have we?
If your older and still love action and adventure, zest for life, I won't steer ya wrong matey!
Huck said " Oh ya my father has small pocks, you can see him if you realy want to.
AdvertisementPs... ... ... Also there is no such thing as a " hissy fit " either ya prize prat.
You're not squeamish about that kind of thing, are ya?
You doesn't want ta stop now, does ya - now that yer enjoyin ' it, like?
Did ya get ta meet some a the fellas around here yet?
Mahommedan Spain followed the fate of Africa, and in 1170 the Muwahhadis transferred their capital to Seville, a step followed by the founding of the great mosque, now superseded by the cathedral, the tower of which they erected in 1184 to mark the accession of Ya`kub el Mansur, From the time of Yusef II., however, they governed their co-religionists in Spain and Central North Africa through lieutenants, their dominions outside Morocco being treated as provinces.
Meanwhile, he had written to Abu Ya`far, the prefect of Isfahan, offering his services; but the new amir of Hamadan getting to hear of this correspondence, and discovering the place of Avicenna's concealment, incarcerated him in a fortress.
The dismemberment of the empire continued fast in these years, and the caliph was compelled to recognize the virtual independence of the governors Ya`qub the Saffarid (see Saffarids and Persia, History, § B) in Seistan, and Ahmad b.
You 're not squeamish about that kind of thing, are ya?
You does n't want ta stop now, does ya - now that yer enjoyin ' it, like?
Her first single, "Shake Ya Body" was released in 2004, and she looked no further than her America's Next Top Model contestants when creating the video for the song.
The ladies denied it until the bitter end, but alas, the romance is gone and Sam said "see ya" to Lindsay.
New Moon friendship necklace is a way you and your best friend can share you love for the hit YA (Young Adult) book series and movie sagas.
I mean, after so many games, no doubt they are having problems being original, but try to at least keep your re-hashed characters out of each others sequels, will ya?
One of the most popular exhibits features the giant pandas, Ya Ya and Le Le.
For example, the backwards "R" actually makes the sound "ya" in Russian.
Any teacher or organization registered with YA can be found on its website.
This roll call cheer is used in stark contrast to the Crestview Heights cheer squad, whose roll call is filled with "Sha boo ya, sha sha sha boo ya!" rhythms and much more individual introductions.
Get to Know Ya is an R&B inspired tune recorded by Jesse Johnson.
The word "Kwanzaa" originates from "Matunda ya kwanza", a phrase that means "first fruits."
Her music video, Shake Ya Body, premiered on America's Next Top Model on a February episode.
It's different with the YA because they're trilogies, which means I plan all 3 books, at least in a general sense, before I begin.
And I'm just starting my fourth YA, which is set in the same world as the first trilogy with new characters and a new Edison Group experiment.
But in the end they became less fanatical than the Murabtis, and Ya`kub el Mansur was a highly accomplished man, who wrote a good Arabic style and who protected the philosopher Averroes.
Chicken fried band... Ya want gravy er grits wit dat?