Wurttemberg Sentence Examples
In the centre of the Schlossplatz is the lofty jubilee column, erected in 1841 in memory of the king of Wurttemberg, William I., and in the courtyard of the old palace is a bronze equestrian statue of Duke Eberhard the Bearded.
The city contains a fine statue of Schiller, designed by Thorvaldsen; a bronze statue of Christopher, duke of Wurttemberg; a monument to the emperor William I.; an equestrian statue of King William I.
To these may be added the industrial museum, the cabinet of coins, the museum of natural history, the collection of majolica vases in the new palace, and the Wurttemberg museum of antiquities.
Its importance, however, is of comparatively modern growth and in the early history of Wurttemberg it was overshadowed by Cannstatt, the central situation of which on the Neckar seemed to mark it out as the natural capital of the country.
The frontier which they form is inconveniently long, enclosing an acute-angled wedge of foreign territory - the modern Baden and Wurttemberg.
For the Rhine provinces not incorporated in Prussia, with the special object of regulating episcopal elections; concerned Wurttemberg, Baden, Hesse, Saxony, Nassau, Frankfort, the Hanseatic towns, Oldenburg and Waldeck.
It had to be replaced by new concordats concluded with Wurttemberg in 1857 and the grand-duchy of Baden in 1859; but these conventions, not having been ratified by those countries, never came into force.
Tubingen's chief claim to attention lies in its famous university, founded in 1477 by Duke Eberhard of Wurttemberg.
In 1 3 42 it was purchased by the count of Wurttemberg, whose descendants afterwards acquired the title of duke.
His successor Ferdinand took the title of duke of Modena-Breisgau, but on his death in 1805 the Breisgau was divided between Baden and Wurttemberg.
AdvertisementJager has described coprolites from the alum-slate of Gaildorf in Wurttemberg; the fish-coprolites of Burdiehouse and of Newcastle-under-Lyme are of Carboniferous age.
His first diplomatic work of importance was the negotiation of a marriage between the grand duchess Olga and the crown prince Charles of Wurttemberg.
He and they were frequently condemned by Protestant ecclesiastical and political authorities, especially by the government of Wurttemberg.
Taking a northerly course, it quits the mountains at Immenstadt, and, flowing by Kempten, from which point it is navigable for rafts, forms for some distance the boundary between Bavaria and Wurttemberg, and eventually strikes the Danube (right bank) just above Ulm.
The Electors of Bavaria and Wurttemberg were recognized as kings.
AdvertisementIn order to strengthen this compact, he arranged a marriage between the daughter of the king of Bavaria and Eugene Beauharnais; and he united the daughter of the Elector of Wurttemberg in marriage to Jerome Bonaparte, who had now divorced his wife, formerly Miss Paterson of Baltimore, at his brother's behests.
At the call of Duke Ulrich of Wurttemberg he went as preacher to Montbeliard.
There are also eleven very small exclaves, mostly grouped about Homburg to the south-west of Oberhessen; but the largest is Wimpfen on the north-west frontier of Wurttemberg.
This applies more especially to the maps of Saxony (since 1879) and Wurttemberg (since 1893).
It retained its independence till 1803, when it came into the possession of Wurttemberg.
AdvertisementIn 1803 it lost its freedom and passed to Bavaria, being ceded to Wurttemberg in 1809.
It was commanded by Prince Alexander of Hesse; the 1st division (3 infantry brigades, i cavalry brigade, 6 batteries) came from Wurttemberg; the 2nd division (2 infantry and I cavalry brigades, 5 batteries) from Baden, the least anti-Prussian of all these states; the 3rd division (2 infantry and i cavalry brigades, i rifle battalion, 4 batteries) from Hesse-Darmstadt; the 4th division consisted of an Austrian brigade of 7 battalions (three of which were Italians), a Nassau brigade, and two batteries and some hussars of Hesse-Cassel.
The invention of the mechanical air-pump is generally attributed to Otto von Guericke, consul of Magdeburg, who exhibited his instrument in 1654; it was first described in 1657 by Gaspar Schott, professor of mathematics at Wurttemberg, in his NI echanica hydraulico-pneumatica, and afterwards (in 1672) by Guericke in his Experimenta nova Magdeburgica de vacus spatia.
It is the principal waterway of Wurttemberg, and is greatly used for floating down timber.
A committee, chiefly promoted by the Wurttemberg government and the Stuttgart chamber of commerce, reported in 1901 that it was both desirable and practicable to dredge the river and to canalize it, from Esslingen down to Mannheim, and that the cost would probably be between 2 and 22 millions sterling.
AdvertisementAalen was a free imperial city from 1360 to 1802, when it was annexed to Wurttemberg.
The Baden contingent continued to assist France, and by the peace of Vienna in 1809 the grandduke was rewarded with accessions of territory at the expense of the kingdom of Wurttemberg.
It was he too who, by the secularization on the one hand and by the dismemberment of Wurttemberg on the other, gave the grand-duke 50o,000 new subjects.
He became an officer of the Wurttemberg army in 1778, and left this for the service of Frederick the Great in 1782.
After the fall of Napoleon he took part in Wurttemberg politics, was expelled from Stuttgart and Heidelberg, and soon afterwards arrested at Frankfurt, delivered over to the Prussian authorities and condemned to fourteen years' fortress imprisonment for his alleged publication of state secrets in his memoirs.
Returning to Wurttemberg in 1828, he first undertook the duties of repetent or theological tutor in Tubingen, and afterwards accepted a curacy in Stuttgart; but having in 1830 received an appointment in the royal public library at Stuttgart, he thenceforth gave himself exclusively to literature and historical science.
Of less influence in the subsequent history of Lutheranism, but of interest as used by Archbishop Parker in the preparation of the Elizabethan articles of 1563, is the confession of Wurttemberg.
It was presented to the council of Trent by the ambassador of the state of Wurttemberg in 1552.
Wurttemberg, three sons, all of whom predeceased him.
In 1864 he entered the chancellery of the minister for foreign affairs at St Petersburg, and was soon afterwards attached to the Russian legation at Stuttgart, where he attracted the notice of Queen Olga of Wurttemberg.
During the Russo-Turkish War of 1878 he was a delegate of the Red Cross Society in charge of an ambulance train provided by Queen Olga of Wurttemberg.
The bishop was a prince of the Holy Roman Empire, while his diocese was one of the largest in Germany, including (shortly before the Reformation) most of Baden and Wurttemberg, and 12 out of the 22 Swiss cantons (all the region on the right bank of the Aar, save the portions included in the diocese of Coire) - in it were comprised 350 monasteries, 1760 benefices and 17,000 priests.
The civil power (the duke of Wurttemberg was a Roman Catholic) was disposed to have recourse to measures of repression, while the members of the consistory, recognizing the good effects of such meetings, were inclined to concede considerable liberty.
In 1 534 the Schmalkaldic League succeeded in restoring the banished duke of Wurttemberg, who declared himself in favour of the Lutheran reformation, and thus added another to the list of German Protestant states.
An imperial decree having annulled the Patterson marriage, the emperor united Jerome to the princess Catherine of Wurttemberg; and in pursuance of the terms of the treaty of Tilsit (July 7, 1807) raised him to the throne of the new kingdom of Westphalia.
On Napoleon's second abdication Jerome proceeded to Wurttemberg, was threatened with arrest unless he gave up his wife and child, and was kept under surveillance at Goppingen; finally he was allowed to proceed to Augsburg, and thereafter resided at Trieste, or in Italy or Switzerland.
In 1788 he obtained a position as private tutor in Hungary, and in 1789 became private secretary to Baron von Buhler, the envoy of Wurttemberg at Vienna.
Protected by Duke Ulrich of Wurttemberg, he was appointed (January 15J3) provost of the collegiate church of Stuttgart.
As organizer of the reformation in Wurttemberg he did much fruitful work.
During the dozen or more years he spent in Germany he was entrusted with several honourable and difficult missions, which brought him into contact with the courts of Dresden,Vienna, Munich and Wurttemberg, as well as with Napoleon.
Many of these secured royal and aristocratic patronage and encouragement-the tsar of Russia, the kings of Prussia, Bavaria, Sweden, Denmark and Wurttemberg all lending their influence to the enterprise.
This plate illustrates the exceptional opportunity afforded the palaeontologist through the remarkably preserved remains of Ichthyosaurs in the quarries of Holzmaden near Stuttgart, Wurttemberg, excavated for many years by Herr Bernard Hauff.
Before her relatives could be brought to countenance his pretensions, Kepler was obliged to undertake a journey to Wurttemberg to obtain documentary evidence of the somewhat obscure nobility of his family, and it was thus not until the 27th of April 1597 that the marriage was celebrated.
His residence at Linz was troubled by the harsh conduct of the pastor Hitzler, in excluding him from the rites of his church on the ground of supposed Calvinistic leanings - a decision confirmed, with the addition of an insulting reprimand, on his appeal to Wurttemberg.
Kepler immediately hastened to Wurttemberg, and owing to his indefatigable exertions she was acquitted after having suffered thirteen month's imprisonment, and endured with undaunted courage the formidable ordeal of "territion," or examination under the imminent threat of torture.
In 1325 Backnang was ceded to Wurttemberg by Baden.
In some countries the bishop is elected by the cathedral chapter (as in Wurttemberg), or by the bishops of the provinces (as in Ireland).
The Order of the Crown of Wurttemberg was founded in 1818, uniting the former Order of the Golden Eagle and an order of civil merit.
Besides the military Order of Merit founded in 1759, and the silver cross of merit, 1900, Wurttemberg has also the Order of Frederick, 1830, and the Order of Olga, 1871, which is granted to ladies as well as men.
The Alamannic and Swabian dialects are now spoken in German Switzerland, the southern parts of Baden and Alsace, Wurttemberg and a small portion of Bavaria.
Bavaria is bounded by Wurttemberg, Baden and Hesse-Darmstadt.
In 1809 Bavaria was again engaged in war with Austria on the side of France, and by the treaty signed at Paris on the 28th of February 1810 ceded southern Tirol to Italy and some small districts to Wurttemberg, receiving as compensation parts of Salzburg, the quarters of the Inn and Hausruck and the principalities of Bayreuth and Regensburg.
Its liberty was frequently threatened by the rulers of Wurttemberg, but it did not become part of that country until 1802.
The other children were Louise, consort of Leopold I., king of the Belgians; Marie, who married Prince Alexander of Wurttemberg and died in 1839; Louis Charles, duc de Nemours; Clementine, married to the duke of Coburg-Kohary; Francois Ferdinand, prince de Joinville; Henri Eugene, duc d'Aumale; Antoine Philippe, duc de Montpensier, who married the Infanta, younger sister of Queen Isabella of Spain.
Germany is not nearly so well Wurttemberg Forests, wooded as central Grand-Duchies and southern Ger- Baden many, where indeed most of the Hesse lower mountains are covered Mecklenburg-Schwerin -
The largest estates are found in the Prussian provinces of Pomerania, Posen and Saxony, and in East and West Prussia, while in the Prussian Rhine province, in Baden and Wurttemberg small farms are the rule.
The total production of hops was 29,000 tons in 1905, and of this over 25,000 were grown in Bavaria, Wurttemberg, Baden and Alsace-Lorraine.
Berlin is noted for its flower nurseries, the Rhine valley, Wurttemberg and the Elbe valley below Dresden for fruit, and Frankfurt-on-main for cider.
Wurttemberg, Hesse and Thuringia also yield cattle of excellent quality.
In south Germany salt abounds most in WUrttemberg (Hall, Heilbronn, Rottweil); the principal Bavarian works are at the foot of the Alps near Freilassing and Rosenheim.
Cotton goods are largely produced in Baden, Bavaria, Alsace-Lorraine and Wurttemberg, woollens and worsteds in Saxony and the Rhine province, silk in Rhen.ish Prussia (Elberfeld), Alsace and Baden.
Although linen was formerly one of her most important articles of manufacture, Germany is now left far behind in this industry by Great Britain, France and Austria-Hungary, This branch of textile manufacture has its principal centres in Silesia, Westphalia, Saxony and Wurttemberg, while Hirschberg in Silesia, Bielefeld in Westphalia and Zittau in Saxony are noted for the excellence of theirproductions.
Gloves for export are extensively made in Wurttemberg, and Offenbach and Aschaffenburg are renowned for fancy leather wares, such as purses, satchels and the like.
The amoun brewed per head of the population amounted, in 1905, roughly t 160 imperial pints in the excise district; to 450 in Bavaria; 280 jI Wurttemberg; 260 in Baden; and 122 in Alsace-Lorraine.
The board responsible for the imperial control over the whole railway system in Germany is the Reichseisenbahnamt in Berlin, the administration of the various state systems residing, in Prussia, in the ministry of public works; in Bavaria in the ministry of the royal house and of the exterior; in Wurttemberg in the ministry of the exterior; in Saxony in the ministry of the interior; in Baden and- Hesse-Darmstadt in commissions of the ministry of finance; and in Alsace-Lorraine in the imperial ministry of railways.
The length of the Wurttemberg system is 1141 m., and is managed by a general direction in Stuttgart.
Posts and Telegraphs.With the exception of Bavaria and Wurttemberg, which have administrations of their own, all the German states belong to the imperial postal district (Reichsposigebiel).
Germany, including Bavaria and Wurttemberg, constitutes with Austria-Hungary a special postal union (Deutsch-Osterreichischer Postverband), besides forming part of the international postal union.
The imperial post office (Reichspostamt), under a secretary of state, controls the post and telegraph administration of the empire (with the exception of Bavaria and Wurttemberg), as also those in the colonies and dependencies.
The municipal systems of Bavaria, WUrttemberg and Saxony are more or less based on that of Stein, but with a wider sphere of selfgovernment.
In Wurttemberg, Baden and Hesse-Nassau the system is a compromise between the two; both the town and rural communes have a mayor (Blirgermeister or Schuitheiss, as the case may be) and a Gemeinderat for administrative purposes, the citizens exercising control through a representative Gemeindeausschuss (communal committee).
In conseqtienc of this regulation numerous banks resigned the privilege of issuinf notes, and at present there are in Germany but the following privat note banks, issuing private notes, viz, the Bavarian, the Saxon the Wurttemberg, the Baderi and the Brunswick, in addition to th Imperial Bank.
The coinage takes place in the six mints belonging to the various states thus Berlin (Prussia), Munich (Bavaria), Dresden (in the Muldenerhtte near Freibcrg, Saxony), Stuttgart (WUrttemberg), Karlsruhe (Baden) and Hamburg (for the state of Hamburg).
In Germany its centre is Bavaria, Baden and Wurttemberg, with the Thuringian forest as the northern boundary.
The Boii were expelled from their territories inBohemia by the Marcomanni in the time of Augustus, and the Helvetii are also recorded to have occupied formerly lands east of the Rhine, in what is now Baden and Wurttemberg.
In 1376 some Swabian towns formed a league which, in spite of the imperial prohibition, soon became powerful in south-west Germany and defeated the forces of the count of Wurttemberg at Reutlingen in May 1377.
In 1514 WUrttemberg was disturbed by the rising of poor Conrad, but these and other similar revolts in the neighborhood were suppressed by the princes.
In the absence of the emperor and of his brother, the archduke Ferdinand, the authorities in these parts of the country were unable to check the movement and, aided by many knights, prominent among whom was Gbtz von Berlichingen, the peasants were everywhere victorious, while another influential recruit, Ulrich, the dispossessed duke of Wurttemberg, joined them in the hope of recovering his duchy.
Through the energy of Philip of Hesse, who was aided by Francis I., Ulrich of WUrttemberg was forcibly restored to his duchy.
All the states and cities which subscribed to the confession of Augsburg were admitted to it, and thus a large number of Protestants, including the duchies of Wurttemberg and Pomerania and the cities of Augsburg and Frankfort, secured a needful protection against the decrees of the Reichskammergeric/it, which the league again repudiated.
The Lutheran cities of southern and central Germany, among them Strassburg, Augsburg, tJlm and Frankfort, now submitted to the emperor, while Ulrich of Wurttemberg and the elector palatine of the Rhine, Frederick II., followed their example.
In spite of the diplomatic efforts of Sweden the treaty of Prague was accepted almost at once by the elector of Brandenburg, the duke of Wurttemberg and other princes, and also by several of the most important of the free cities.
In this war she was opposed not only by France, but by Bavaria, Wurttemberg and Baden, all of which were liberally rewarded for their services, the rulers of the two former countries being proclaimed kings.
In the so-called narrower assembir (Engere Versammlung), for the transaction of ordinary business, Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover, Wurttemberg, Baden, Hesse-Cassel, Hesse-Darmstadt, Holstein and Luxemburg had one vote each; while the remaining twenty-eight states were divided into six curiae, of which each had but a single vote.
Soon, in Eaden, in Wurttemberg, in Bavaria, the sovereigns and the chambers were at odds, united only in a common opposition to the central authority.
The king of WUrttemberg, ever the champion of German particularism, gave expression to his feelings by issuing a new constitution to his kingdom, and appealed to his relative, the emperor Alexander, who had not yet been won over by Metternich to the policy of war ii outrance against reform, and took this occasion to issue a fresh manifesto of his Liberal creed.
The middle states, headed by Wurttemberg, had drawn together, to form the nucleus of an inner league of pure German States against Austria and Prussia, and of Liberal particularism against the encroachments of the diet.
Meanwhile, alarmed at this tendency, and hopeless of obtaining any general system from the federal diet, the middle states had drawn together; by a treaty signed on the 18th of January 1828 Wurttemberg and Bavaria formed a tariff union, which was joined in the following year by the Hohenzollern principalities; and on the 24th of September 1828 was formed the so-called Middle German Commercial Union (Handelsverein) between Hanover, HesseCassel, the Saxon duchies, Brunswick, Nassau, the principalities of Reuss and Schwarzburg, and the free cities of Frankfort and Bremen, the object of which was to prevent the extension of the Prussian system and, above all, any union of the northern Zollverein with that of Bavaria and WUrttemberg.
The king of Wurttemberg was forced to accede to it; and in Saxony, Baden and Rhenish Bavaria armed multitudes kept the sovereigns in.
Here they even elected an imperial government, but they had no longer any real influence, and on the 18th of June they were forcibly dispersed by order of the Wurttemberg ministry.
Encouraged by her, Hanover and Saxony had severed themselves from the Union, and Saxony, WUrttemberg and Bavaria arrived at an understanding as to a wholly new constitution.
Separate treaties of peace had been signed with Wurttemberg on the 1 3th, with Baden on the 17th and with Bavaria on the 22nd of August; treaties with Hesse-Darmstadt followed on the 3rd of September, with Saxe-Meiningen on the 8th of October and with Saxony on the 2 1st.
In the election to the South customs parliament in 1868, WUrttemberg did not re- German turn a single deputy who was favorable to the national hostility cause; in Bavaria the anti-nationalists had a large to union.
To them must be added others which were more local, as the Voikspartei or Peoples party in Wurttemberg, which kept alive the extreme democratic principles of 1848, but was opposed to Socialism.
The other four are situated in Bavaria, Saxony, WUrttemberg and Baden.
Proposals were also made to Bavaria and WUrttemberg to surrender their special rights, but these were not accepted.
In Baden, Wurttemberg and Hanover the railways were almost entirely the property of the state, but in all other parts public and private lines existed side by side, an arrangement which seemed to combine the disadvantages of both systems. In 1871 threequarters of the railway lines belonged to private companies, and the existence of these powerful private corporations, while they were defended by many of the Liberals, was, according to the national type of thought, something of an anomaly.
In many of the state parliaments resolutions were carried protesting against the system of imperial railways, and from that time the preservation of the local railway management has been the chief object towards which, in Saxony, Bavaria and Wurttemberg, local feeling has been directed.
In Wurttemberg alone the government continued to live peaceably with the bishops.
There was, moreover, a tendency for local parties to gain in numbers and influencethe Volkspartei in Wurttemberg, the Anti-Semites in Hesse, and the Bauernbund (Peasants League) in Bavaria.
As the preservation of the smaller middle class seemed to be important as a bulwark against Socialism, they won the support of the Conservative and Clerical parties, and lawsinspiredby them were passed in Bavaria, Wurttemberg and Prussia.
When,onthe istof April 1902,a new stamp,withthe superscription Deutsches Reich, was issued for the Empire, including Wurttemberg, Bavaria refused to accept it, retaining the stamp with the Bavarian lion, thus emphasizing her determination to retain her separate postal establishment.
Much has also been done in Prussia, in Brandenburg, in Bavaria, in Hanover, in Wurttemberg and in Baden, and collections of authorities have been made by competent scholars, of which the Geschichtsquellen der Provinz Sachsen und angrenzender Gebiete (Halle, 1870, f 01.), which extends to forty volumes, the smaller Scrip/ores rerum Prussicarum (Leipzig, 1861-1874), and the seventy-seven volumes of the Publikationen aus den koniglichen preussischen Slaatsarchiven, veranlasst und unterstutzt durch die konigliche Archivverwaltung (Leipzig, 1878, fol.), may be cited as examples.
He married in 1839 Sophia, daughter of William I., king of Wurttemberg.
Salt occurs in the Muschelkalk at Friedrichshall and some other localities in Wurttemberg and Thuringia; and in the Bunter at Schoningen near Brunswick.
From 1842 to 1845 he sat in the National Assembly of Wurttemberg.
In 1773 the duke Karl Eugen of Wurttemberg claimed young S chiller as a pupil of his military school at the "Solitude" near Ludwigsburg, where, instead of his chosen subject of study, theology, he was obliged to devote himself to law.
He had Schiller put under a fortnight's arrest, and forbade him to write any more "comedies" or to hold intercourse with any one outside of Wurttemberg.
In the meantime a holiday in Schiller's Wurttemberg home had brought renewed health and vigour.
His father, an official in the fiscal service of Wurttemberg, is not otherwise known to fame; and of his mother we hear only that she had scholarship enough to teach him the elements of Latin.
But the best evidence of Hegel's attention to contemporary politics is two unpublished essays - one of them written in 1798, " On the Internal Condition of Wurttemberg in Recent Times, particularly on the Defects in the Magistracy," the other a criticism on the constitution of Germany, written, probably, not long after the peace of Luneville (1801).
If Wurttemberg suffered from a bureaucracy tempered by despotism, the Fatherland in general suffered no less.
It was entitled a Criticism on the Transactions of the Estates of Wurttemberg in 1815-1816.
On the 15th of March 1815 King Frederick of Wurttemberg, at a meeting of the estates of his kingdom, laid before them the draft of a new constitution, in accordance with the resolutions of the congress of Vienna.
Wurttemberg has accepted the cellular system.
There are prisons for females at Heilbronn, and for males at Ludwigsburg and Stuttgart; in Wurttemberg itself the regime is collective.
A few of the German princes, among whom Maximilian, the prince cardinal Albert of Mainz, Frederick the Wise of Saxony, and Eberhard of Wurttemberg deserve mention, exercised a not insignificant influence on letters by the foundation of new universities and the patronage of learned men.
Large quantities of wine are produced in Alsace-Lorraine, Baden and Wurttemberg, but the majority of these have little interest, inasmuch as they are used only for home consumption.
Near the town are the palaces of Rosenstein and Wilhelma; the latter, built (1842-1851) for King William of Wurttemberg in the Moorish style, is surrounded by beautiful gardens.
On the Rotenberg, where formerly stood the ancestral castle of the house of Wurttemberg, is the mausoleum of King William and his wife.
From the emperor Louis the Bavarian it received the same rights and privileges as were enjoyed by the town of Esslingen, and until the middle of the 14th century it was the capital of the county of Wurttemberg.
In 1803 the city was deprived of its imperial freedom and assigned to Baden, and in 1806 was transferred to Wurttemberg.
After the 7th century the name Suebi is practically only applied to the Alamannic Suebi (Schwaben), with whom it remains a territorial designation in Wurttemberg and Bavaria until the present day.
When his wife died in childbirth in that year his mother arranged another marriage with the beautiful Sophia Dorothea of Wurttemberg, renamed in Russia Maria Feodorovna.
The famous linden tree which gave the town of Neuenstadt in Wurttemberg the name of "Neuenstadt an der grossen Linden" was 9 ft.
He was elected for the Wurttemberg chamber, but his action was so conservative that his constituents requested him to resign his seat.
Equally fine skeletons of Campylognathus have been found in the Upper Lias of Wurttemberg.
Other long-tailed pterodactyles occur well preserved in the Upper Jurassic (lithographic stone) of Bavaria and Wurttemberg, which is so fine-grained as to show impressions of the wing-membrane.
The family was divided into eleven distinct lines, but only three survive, widely distributed throughout Prussia, Wurttemberg and Bavaria.'
Thus, according to the Wurttemberg Kirchenordnung of 1553, a funeral procession was prescribed, the bier being followed by the congrega- church.
Some historians also speak of a later or modern Pietism, characterizing thereby a party in the German Church which was probably at first influenced by some remains of Spener's Pietism in Westphalia, on the Rhine, in Wurttemberg, and at Halle and Berlin.
Among the Lutherans auricular confession survived the Reformation, but the general confession and absolution before communion were soon allowed by authority to serve as a substitute; in Wurttemberg as early as the 16th century, in Saxony after 1657, and in Brandenburg by decree of the elector in 1698.
The lands formerly comprised in the duchy of Franconia are now divided between the kingdoms of Bavaria and Wurttemberg, the grandduchies of Baden and Hesse, and the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau.
Between the Alb and the Black Forest in the north-west are the fertile terraces of Lower Swabia, continued on the north-east by those of Franconia About 70% of Wurttemberg belongs to the basin of the Rhine, and about 30% to that of the Danube.
The Danube flows from east to west across the south half of Wurttemberg, a distance of 65 m., a small section of which is in Hohenzollern.
Just above Ulm it is joined by the Iller, which forms the boundary between Bavaria and Wurttemberg for about 35 m.
The lakes of Wurttemberg, with the exception of those in the Black Forest, all lie south of the Danube.
About one-fifth of the lake of Constance is reckoned to belong to Wurttemberg.
Wurttemberg is essentially an agricultural state,.
Salt and iron are the only minerals of great industrial importance found in Wurttemberg.
The roads of Wurttemberg are fairly good; the oldest of them are Roman.
Wurttemberg, like Bavaria, retained the control of its own postal and telegraph service on the foundation of the new German empire.
Wurttemberg is a constitutional monarchy and a member of the German empire, with four votes in the federal council (Bundesrat), and seventeen in the imperial diet.
The crown is hereditary, and conveys the simple title of king of Wurttemberg.
The origin of the name Wurttemberg is uncertain, but the once popular derivation from Wirth am Berg is now universally rejected.
Early forms of it are Wirtenberg, Wirtembenc and Wirtenberc. Wirtemberg was long current, and in the latter part of the 16th century Wurtemberg and Wurttemberg appeared.
In 1806 Wurttemberg was adopted as the official spelling, though Wurtemberg is also common and occurs sometimes in official documents and even on coins issued after that date.
The duchy of Swabia was ruled by the Hohenstaufen family until the death of Conradin in 1268, when a considerable part of it fell to the count of Wurttemberg, the representative of a family first mentioned about 1080, a certain Conrad von Beutelsbach, having called himself after his ancestral castle of Wurttemberg.
His successors were not perhaps equally important, but all added something to the area of Wurttemberg.
Eberhard was one of the most energetic rulers that Wurttemberg ever had, and in 1495 his county was raised to the rank of duchy.
Charles handed over Wurttemberg to his brother, the German king, Ferdinand I., who was its nominal ruler for a few years.
Thus once again Wurttemberg became a direct fief of the Empire.
During this reign, which ended in July 1628, Wurttemberg suffered severely from the Thirty Years' War, although the duke himself took no part in it.
During Frederick Eugene's short reign the French invaded Wurttemberg, compelled the duke to withdraw his troops from the imperial army and to pay a sum of money.
These new districts were not incorporated with the duchy, but remained separate; they were known as New Wurttemberg and were ruled without a diet.
In 1805 Wurttemberg took up arms on the side of France, and by the peace of Pressburg in December 1805 the elector was rewarded with various Austrian possessions in Swabia and with other lands in the neighbourhood.
On the 1st of January 1806 Frederick assumed the title of king, abrogated the constitution and united old and new Wurttemberg.
This, however, soon passed away, while trade was fostered by the inclusion of Wurttemberg in the German Zollverein and by the construction of railways.
The revolutionary movement of 1848 did not leave Wurttemberg untouched, although no actual violence took place within the kingdom.
In 1866 Wurttemberg took up arms on behalf of Austria, but three weeks after the battle of Koniggratz her troops were decisively beaten at Tauberbischofsheim, and the country was at the mercy of Prussia.
The Prussians occupied the northern part of Wurttemberg and peace was made in August 1866; by this Wurttemberg paid an indemnity of 8,000,000 gulden, but at once concluded a secret offensive and defensive treaty with her conqueror.
Although the policy of Wurttemberg had continued antagonistic to Prussia, the country shared in the national enthusiasm which swept over Germany, and its troops took a creditable part in the battle of Worth and in other operations of the war.
In 1871 Wurttemberg became a member of the new German empire, but retained control of her own post office, telegraphs and railways.
She had also certain special privileges with regard to taxation and the army, and for the next ten years the policy of Wurttemberg was one of enthusiastic loyalty to the new order.
Between 5900 and 1910 the political history of Wurttemberg centred round the settlement of the constitutional and the educational questions.
Her only daughter Frederica had contracted in 1748 an unhappy marriage with Charles Eugene, duke of Wurttemberg.
Kohl (Austria and the Danube, London, 1844) and others that, in consequence of the Danube having been in constant use as the line of passage of migratory hostile tribes, it nowhere forms the boundary between two states from Orsova upwards, and thus it traverses as a central artery Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Austria and Hungary, while on the other hand various tributaries both north and south, which formed serious obstacles to the march of armies, have become lines of separation between different states.
Thus Hungary is separated from Austria by the rivers March and Leitha; the river Enns, for a considerable period the extreme western boundary of the Magyar kingdom, still separates Upper and Lower Austria; the Inn and the Salzach divide Austria from Bavaria, and farther west the Iller separates Bavaria from Wurttemberg.
At Ulm, where the river leaves Wurttemberg and enters Bavaria, it is joined by a large tributary, the Iller, and from this point becomes navigable downstream for specially constructed boats carrying loo tons of merchandise.
By the Recess of 1803, which brought to his side Bavaria, Wurttemberg and Baden, he followed up the overwhelming tide of revolutionary ideas in.
In the first of these campaigns lie swept away the remnants of the old Roman-Germanic empire, and out of its shattered fragments created in southern Germany the vassal states of Bavaria, Baden, Wurttemberg, Hesse1805.
Once before, in 1866, just before the outbreak of war, his life had been attempted by a young man called Cohen, a native of Wurttemberg, who wished to save Germany from a fratricidal war.
On the 22nd of August 1853 Leopold married Marie Henriette (1836-1902), daughter of the archduke Joseph of Austria, palatine of Hungary, by his wife Marie Dorothea, duchess of Wurttemberg.
There should be mentioned the palace of Duke Alexander of Wurttemberg, the administrative offices, the statue of King Maximilian II.
The Ministry presided over by the Moderate Socialist Hoffmann had, it is true, succeeded in quelling Bolshevism with the aid of Republican troops from Prussia and Wurttemberg.
Stuttgart seems to have originated in a stud (Stuten Garten) of the early counts of Wurttemberg, and is first mentioned in a document of 1229.
After the destruction of the castle of Wurttemberg early in the 14th century, Count Eberhard transferred his residence to Stuttgart, which about 1500 became the recognized capital of Wurttemberg.
In 1534 Duke Ulrich called him to Wurttemberg in aid of the reformation there, as well as for the reconstitution of the university of Tubingen, which he carried out in concert with Ambrosius Blarer of Constanz.
It was recognized and protected first in Bavaria, thanks to the minister Freiherr Johann von Lutz, then in Saxony, Baden, Wurttemberg, Prussia, where it was the pretext for, if not the cause of, the Kulturkampf, and finally in Switzerland, especially at Geneva.
The most conspicuous building is the old ducal castle of Hohentubingen, built in1507-1535on a hill overlooking the town, and now containing the university library of 460,000 volumes, the observatory, the chemical laboratory, &c. Among the other chief buildings are the quaint old Stiftskirche (1469-1483), a Gothic building containing the tombs of the rulers of Wurttemberg, the new aula and numerous institutes of the university, all of which are modern, and the town-hall dating from 1435 and restored in 1872.
It consists of (a) the "Epitome," (b) the "Solid Repetition and Declaration," each part comprising twelve articles; and was accepted by Saxony, Wurttemberg, Baden among other states, but rejected by Hesse, Nassau and Holstein.
In the Wurttemberg hinged arches a limit of stress of 110 tons per sq.
Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul, commonly known as Prince Napoleon, or by the sobriquet of "Plon-Plon," 1 (1822-1891), was the second son of Jerome Bonaparte, king of Westphalia, by his wife Catherine, princess of Wurttemberg, and was born at Trieste on the 9th of September 1822.
Studien aus Wurttemberg (1888), p. 36 seq.; Nardin, "Essai sur les prophetes de l'eglise primitive," Thesis, (Paris, 1888); Weinel, "Die Wirkungen des Geistes and der Geister im nachapostolischen Zeitalter bis auf I renaeus," (1899); Selwyn, "The Christian Prophets 1 See Lucian's story about Peregrinus, and that chapter of the OcSax,i where the author labours to establish criteria for distinguishing false prophets from true.
A telegram addressed by the emperor William to the presidents of the League, Generals Keim and Menges, led to their resignation; but the effect of this was largely counteracted by the presence of Prince Henry of Prussia and the king of Wurttemberg at the annual congress of the League at Stuttgart in May, while at the Colonial Congress in the autumn the necessity for a powerful navy was again one of the main themes of discussion.
In the first Hegel showed how the supineness of the committee of estates in Wurttemberg had favoured the usurpations of the superior officials in whom the court had found compliant servants.
Unlike the ill-fated American communities, these hardy WUrttemberg peasants have flourished in Palestine, and their three colonies - at Jaffa, Haifa, and Jerusalem - are the most important European communities now in the country Since 1870 there has been a steady development of Jewish immigration, consisting principally of refugees from countries where anti-Semitism is an important element in politics.
The end of the struggle was followed by a renewal of the democratic agitation in Wurttemberg, but this had achieved no tangible results when the great war between France and Prussia broke out in 1870.
I'll drive all his Wurttemberg, Baden, and Weimar relations out of Germany....
In front rode a detachment of Wurttemberg hussars and behind them rode the King of Naples himself accompanied by a numerous suite.
Pierre, who knew German, translated what the German said to the captain and gave the captain's reply to the Wurttemberg hussar in German.
Prince Eugene of Wurttemberg fired from a hill over the French crowds that were running past, and demanded reinforcements which did not arrive.