Written-up Sentence Examples
This law gave increased freedom in the matter of the right of association and public meeting; but in the case of the Poles it was applied with such rigidity that, in order to evade it they held mute public meetings, resolutions being written up in Polish on a blackboard and passed by show of hands, without a word being said.1
They were able, therefore, to introduce Illyrian as the official language, and cause the names of the streets to be written up in Illyrian.
The monster of the Odyssey has been " written up to date " after the Alexandrian manner and has become a gentle simpleton.
The description of the surface hydrology, also written up in the draft caving report, had likewise become obsolete.
A third tranche of material, on the officers of the Commons, will shortly be written up.
Armchair Advice has a written up a fake obituary as an example of what to include.
These include hooking up with other businesses, sending out press releases to the media, and having articles written up about your business or product in the paper.
Rules concerning expectations must be written up and posted at employee bulletin boards, or included in employee training manuals.
The case was thrown out of court because there had never been any kind of contract written up.