Writer-s-block Sentence Examples
Accents that feature famous quotes can help you overcome a case of writer's block if you're having trouble deciding what to say about a particular photo.
If you start thinking about every word or judge how it sounds before you complete it, you may end up with writer's block.
What it will do is let you play around with words to get your creative juices going when you're facing down a bad case of writer's block and will auto-generate poems for you to get you moving.
Novelist Sean is up against a serious case of writer's block and a shock announcement from his " perfect " new girlfriend.
Watch the video Just Jack - Writer's Block video Just Jack is a musical maverick, talented DJ and sparkling wordsmith.
He sets his sights on writing a successful screenplay, but writer's block strikes.
Journaling written in a list format is an excellent way to overcome writer's block.
However, using a famous quotation on the front of your love greeting card is an easy way to help overcome writer's block.