Write Sentence Examples
I'll write something every day.
Write down exactly what you want.
Let him write the truth.
That is the way to write a composition.
Why would a woman write her name in her underwear?
Painful as it might be, she was going to have to write any plans that included Justin out of her future.
He loved poetry and soon began to write poems of his own.
Today, it lets me write these words.
He might wish he had never asked her to write her thoughts down.
Write down the names, and I'll take it down, he offered.
AdvertisementYou write a whole series of 'A's" and 'B's" and so forth.
Now I am too tired to write more.
It is said that he could speak and write forty languages.
Every day, I write in a journal.
She didn't write down the license info—she skips that stuff unless the place is crowded.
AdvertisementI can write up some pain meds.
I am very happy to write to you because I think of you and love you.
I will write and tell you all the pleasant things we do.
I suppose he has been too busy to write to his little friend.
I hope I have written my letter nicely, but it is very difficult to write on this paper and teacher is not here to give me better.
AdvertisementI tremble to write these following lines.
So she can write about what she's dreaming?
Maybe she's teaching someone else to write, he said.
Wasn't it difficult to write, knowing so little about what really happened?
Trying to write is very much like trying to put a Chinese puzzle together.
AdvertisementAnd I will write to you, she said.
I hope you will please write to me from all the cities you visit.
But I cannot see you and talk to you, so I will write and tell you all that I can think of.
She does not want me to write more today.
Teacher's eyes have been hurting her so that she could not write to any one, and I have been trying to fulfil a promise which I made last summer.
I write all my themes and examinations on it, even Greek.
Write to Kuragin demanding an explanation?
Sit down and write out the order of the day for tomorrow.
Her mind works so rapidly, that it often happens, that when I give her an example she will give me the correct answer before I have time to write out the question.
He reached for the tablet and she knew what he was going to write before she saw it.
I haven't found an account of her death in the papers yet but her hubby died of the flu in '04 and it didn't mention his wife in his write up.
An impish fear clutched my hand, so that I could not write any more that day.
If we write them down, we could get fired.
Alex signed all the time now, never bothering to write anything down.
I was compelled to write and I wrote.
As I write this, something like fifty million blogs and billions of blog posts are online.
At dinner it was read to the assembled family, who were surprised that I could write so well.
Will you please tell Harry to write me a very long letter soon?
I shall write to her in a short time.
Write to her parents, and leave it to me.
He shrugged, but made no attempt to write anything down.
Thus, to multiply x 3 -2x+1 by 2x 2 +4, we write the process +I +0-2+I +2+0+4 +2+0-4+2 +0+0 - 0+0 +4+0-8+4 +2+0+0+2-8+4 giving 2x 5 + 2x 2 -8x+4 as the result.
A little girl said she would write about "Summer."
He had died by the time I read that passage in one of his books, so I couldn't write him, as is my normal practice when an author's words puzzle me.
I could not make notes in class or write exercises; but I wrote all my compositions and translations at home on my typewriter.
My dear Carrie--You are to look upon it as a most positive proof of my love that I write to you to-day.
One man proposed a book in which visitors should write their names, as at the White Mountains; but, alas!
That she had not heard from Prince Andrew himself, Princess Mary attributed to his being too weak to write or to his considering the long journey too hard and too dangerous for her and his son.
I'll write it in general terms, speculating on how difficult it is to maintain both lives, operating one incognito.
Corday would write me up for just talking to you.
He didn't write in it the last month or so before his death, but look at his last entry.
In spite of many errors, especially in Greek history, in which he had to depend upon secondhand information, the work of Baronius stands as an honest attempt to write history, marked with a sincere love of truth.
From the value of A we may separate those members which contain a particular element a ik as a factor, and write the portion aik A ik; A k, the cofactor of ar k, is called a minor of order n - i of the determinant.
If we have a symbolic product, which contains the symbol a only in determinant factors such as (ab), we may write x 2, -x 1 for a 1, a 2, and thus obtain a product in which (ab) is replaced by b x, (ac) by c x and so on.
We may write therefore 1 These forms, n in number, are called " associated forms " of f (" Schwesterformen," " formes associbes ").
We will write the cubic covariant (f, i) 2 =j, and then remark that the result, (f,j) 3 = o, can be readily established.
We may therefore write I.
Although great improvements have been effected in the educational system of the country since 1867, Hungary is still backward in the matter of general education, as in 1900 only a little over 50% of the population could read and write.
Thus we should not write 8X7+6, but (8 X7)+6, or 8X(7+6).
Other BS members have seen real clearwings in Australia and can confirm that what I write is correct.
A child of the muses cannot write fine English unless fine English has been its nourishment.
In many regions-- Egypt, Babylonia, &c. - individual investigators of the great religions have thought they found traces of an early - one hesitates to write, of a " primitive " - monotheism.
His attainments included Latin, which he could both read and write; he knew something of the English laws and language, and it may have been from an interest in natural history that he collected, during his reign, the Woodstock menagerie which was the admiration of his subjects.
Further, in the case of invariants, we write A= (1, i') 2 and take three new forms B = (i, T) 2; C = (r, r`) 2; R = (/y).
Every male Hungarian citizen, able to read and write, was to receive the vote at the beginning of his twenty-fifth year, subject to a residential qualification of twelve months.
If µ be the molecular conductivity, and its value at infinite dilution, the fractional number of molecules dissociated is k /µop, which we may write as a.
In dilute solution such substances as hydrochloric acid and potash are almost completely dissociated, so that, instead of representing the reaction as HC1+KOH = KC1 d-H20, we must write The ions K and Cl suffer no change, but the hydrogen of the acid and the hydroxyl (OH) of the potash unite to form water, which is only very slightly dissociated.
After nearly thirty years of lecturing on the history of the Church at the Vallicella and being trained by St Philip as a great man for a great work, he began to write, and produced twelve folios (1588-1607).
Sarpi, in urging Casaubon to write against Baronius, warns him never to charge or suspect him of bad faith, for no one who knew him could accuse him of disloyalty to truth.
It is convenient to write the distinct partitions or separates in descending order as regards weight.
The partitions being taken as denoting symmetric functions we have complete correspondence between the algebras of quantity and operation, and from any algebraic formula we can at once write down an operation formula.
If we restrict ourselves to this set of symbols we can uniquely pass from a product of real coefficients to the symbolic representations of such product, but we cannot, uniquely, from the symbols recover the real form, This is clear because we can write n-1 n-2 2 2n-3 3 a1a2 =a l a 2, a 1 a 2 = a 1 a2 while the same product of umbrae arises from n n-3 3 2n-3 3 aoa 3 = a l .a a 2 = a a 2 .
We write;L 22 = a 1 a 2 .b 1 n-2 b2s 3 n - 3 3 n-3 3 n-3 3 a 3 = a 1 a 2 .b 1 b 2 .c 1 c2, and so on whenever we require to represent a product of real coefficients symbolically; we then have a one-to-one correspondence between the products of real coefficients and their symbolic forms. If we have a function of degree s in the coefficients, we may select any s sets of umbrae for use, and having made a selection we may when only one quantic is under consideration at any time permute the sets of umbrae in any manner without altering the real significance of the symbolism.
In order to obtain the seminvari ants we would write down the (w; 0, n) terms each associated with a literal coefficient; if we now operate with 52 we obtain a linear function of (w - I; 8, n) products, for the vanishing of which the literal coefficients must satisfy (w-I; 0, n) linear equations; hence (w; 8, n)-(w-I; 0, n) of these coefficients may be assumed arbitrarily, and the number of linearly independent solutions of 52=o, of the given degree and weight, is precisely (w; 8, n) - (w - I; 0, n).
We may, by a well-known theorem, write the result as a coefficient of z w in the expansion of 1 - z n+1.
For w = i the form is A i ai+Bib i, which we may write aob l -albo = ao(I) b -(I)abo; the remaining perpetuants, enumerated by z I - 2' have been set forth above.
Marryat brought ripe experience and unimpaired vivacity to his work when he began to write novels.
In consequence of these and other views, he was denounced from the pulpits, forbidden to lecture or to write (May 10, 16 9 0), and his arrest was ordered.
And much more of the same kind, which, as Gilbert says, had come down " even to [his] own day through the writings of a host of men, who, to fill out their volumes to a proper bulk, write and copy out pages upon pages on this, that and the other subject, of which they know almost nothing for certain of their own experience."
The first of these charges cannot be denied; but it is hard to see why a lawyer of the 6th century, himself born in a Greek-speaking part of the empire, should be expected to write Latin as pure as that of the age of Cicero, or even of the age of Gaius and the Antonines.
Education is in a backward condition, and it is estimated that 80% of the population can neither read nor write.
In 1897 an Indian Immigration Restriction Act was passed with the object of protecting European traders; in 1903 another Immigration Restriction Act among other things, permitted the exclusion of all would-be immigrants unable to write in the characters of some European language.
The fairest and most considerable of Palacky's antagonists in the controversy aroused by his narrative of the early reformation in Bohemia was Baron Helfert, who received a brief from Vienna to write his Hus rind Hieronymus (1853) to counteract the impression made by Palacky's History.
It is usual to write this as a fraction, inverting the order of the factors in the numerator.
Itlis not a more untrustworthy account than a vehement controversialist engaged in a life and death struggle might be expected to write of his theological antagonists.
First of all write thou my mandates and similitudes; and the rest, as I will show thee, so shalt thou write."
Unfortunately an exact record of the steps in her education was not kept; but from 1888 onwards, at the Perkins Institution, Boston, and under Miss Sarah Fuller at the Horace Mann school in New York, and at the Wright Humason school, she not only learnt to read, write, and talk, but became proficient, to an exceptional degree, in the ordinary educational curriculum.
The name is pronounced Boosheer, and not Bew-shire, or Bus-hire; modern Persians write it Bushehr and, yet more incorrectly, Abushehr, and translate it as "father of the city," but it is most probably a contraction of Bokht-ardashir, the name given to the place by the first Sassanian monarch in the 3rd century.
In the same year, 1520, Machiavelli, at the instance of the cardinal Giulio de' Medici, received commission from the officers of the Studio pubblico to write a history of Florence.
He went to Marseilles with his wife and subsequently to Florence, where at the instance of General La Marmora he undertook to write an account of the Italian army.
The first was a Christian of the tribe of Taghlib, whose Christianity enabled him to write many verses which would have been impossible to a professing Moslem.
Hamadhani was also the first to write in this rhymed prose a new form of work, the MYlagama (" assembly ").
It is told, however, that Moawiya summoned an old man named `Abid ibn Sharya from Yemen to Damascus to tell him all he knew about ancient history and that he induced him to write down his information.
Hamdani (q.v.) was led to write his great geography of Arabia by his love for the ancient history of his land.
Khalil ibn Ahmad (718-791), an Arab from Oman, of the school of Basra, was the first to enunciate the laws of Arabic metre and the first to write a dictionary.
Innocent was also a notable patron of learning; he encouraged Alexander of Hales to write his Summa universae theologiae, did much for the universities, notably the Sorbonne, and founded law schools at Rome and Piacenza.
Citizenship is accorded to all Peruvians over the age of 21 and to all married men under that age, and the right of suffrage to all citizens who can read and write, or possess real estate or workshops, or pay taxes.
In after years he so far forgot himself as to write of Saint-Simon as a depraved quack, and to deplore his connexion with him as purely mischievous.
Mill had suggested to Comte that he should write articles for the English periodicals, and expressed his own willingness to translate any such articles from the French.
He did not write down a word until he had first composed the whole matter in his mind.
When he had thoroughly meditated every sentence, he sat down to write, and then, such was the grip of his memory, the exact order of his thoughts came back to him as if without an effort, and he wrote down precisely what he had intended to write, without the aid of a note or a memorandum, and without check or pause.
It was in the year of his patron's death that he began to write his Historia Polonica.
Throughout the 18th century, in France as in England, a favourite literary method was to write of social subjects under the assumed character of a foreigner, generally an 1 Matthew Maty, M.D., born in Holland, 1718, died principal librarian of the British Museum, 1776.
It is most likely that Mist had found out that Defoe was a government agent and quite probable that he communicated his knowledge to other editors, for Defoe's journalistic employment almost ceased about this time, and he began to write anonymously, or as "Andrew Moreton."
He caused his chief minister Fagel to write a letter expressing his disapprobation of the religious policy of James, which was published in November 1687.
The pay of his rank was small, and his appointment on the quartermaster-general's staff made it necessary to keep two horses, so that he had to write mathematical school-books in his spare time to eke out his resources.
If we write K for the adiabatic elasticity, and k for the isothermal elasticity, we obtain S/s = ECÆF = K/k.
The values of the corresponding functions for the liquid or solid cannot be accurately expressed, as the theoretical variation of the specific heat is unknown, but if we take the specific heat at constant pressure s to be approximately constant, and observe the small residual variation dh of the total heat, we may write F'=s'D+dh+B'.
The natives are all Christians, and the majority have learned to read and write, and to speak a little English, under the tuition of the London Missionary Society.
They belonged to the class of traditional literature which it was forbidden to write down, and, so long at least as the Targum tradition remained active, there would be little temptation to commit it to writing.
Strickland established a new system of education based on the principle of beginning from the bottom, by teaching to read and write in Maltese as the medium for assimilating, at a further stage, either English or Italian, one at a time, and aiming at imparting general knowledge in colloquial English.
Here, then, is direct evidence that the Aegean peoples of the Mycenaean Age knew how to write, and it is no longer necessary to assume that the verses of the Iliad were dependent on mere verbal transmission for any such period 'as has been supposed.
Hence all the elaborate arguments based on the supposition that Moses probably could not write fall to the ground.
The work, he says, is the "production of a decided partisan," who "rakes in the ashes of long-forgotten and a thousand times buried slanders, 1 Lord Brougham, overlooking the constitutional chapter in the Middle Ages, censured Hallam for making an arbitrary beginning at this point, and proposed to write a more complete history himself.
He could not hear of this fact - Mary's arrival in England (May 16, 1568) - before, say, the 19th of May; and between the 19th of May and the 28th of May he could not write for and receive from Scotland "the reports and sayings of her servants."
Polyaenus intended to write a history of the Parthian War, but there is no evidence that he did so.
He made the world of men and things his study, learned to write his mother-tongue with idiomatic conciseness, and nourished his imagination on the masterpieces of the Romans.
Its character is distinctly democratic. The property qualification of state senators and the restriction of suffrage to those who have paid county or poll taxes are abolished; but suffrage is limited to male adults who can read the state constitution in English, and can write their names, unless physically disqualified, and who have registered.
In addition to his native tongue he could read Latin and understood Greek, but he was unable to write, and Einhard gives an account of his futile efforts to learn this art in later life.
His success in reproducing articles he had read in The Spectator led him to write an article for his brother's paper, which he slipped under the door of the printing shop with no name attached, and which was printed and attracted some attention.
An educational test (dating from 1857) is exacted for the privilege of voting, every voter being required to be able to read the constitution of the commonwealth in the English language, and to write his name.
He continued to write tragedies till the age of eighty, when he exhibited a play in the same year as Accius, who was then thirty years of age.
As a senator he consistently opposed the increasing monarchism of Napoleon, who, however, gave him in 1809 a pension and commissioned him to write a work on fortification for the school of Metz.
Not more than 5% of the householders in India can read and write, and the proportion capable of fully understanding the schedule and of making the entries in it correctly is still lower.
Even on the population returns certain answers, such as the number of the divorced or the number unable to read and write, may be open to question.
In his boyhood Bertrand was a dull learner, spending his time in open-air sports and exercises, and could never read or write.
If there are m of these strips, and if the breadth of each is h, so that H =mh, it is convenient to write x in the form xo+Oh, and to denote it by x 0, the corresponding value of u being ue.
To find this position, let us write QM = MR = 8.
If we write CI for the chordal area obtained by taking ordinates at intervals Zh, then T i =2CI-C I.
If we write -fxo f yox s yiu dx dy, we first calculate the raw values coo., ai,o, 0.1,1,
There can have been little personal intercourse between them, for Haydn was rarely in the capital, and Mozart seems never to have visited Eisenstadt; but the cordiality of their relations and the mutual influence which they exercised upon one another are of the highest moment in the history of 18th-century music. " It was from Haydn that I first learned to write a quartet," said Mozart; it was from Mozart that Haydn learned the richer style and the fuller mastery of orchestral effect by which his later symphonies are distinguished.
Haydn, thus released from his official duties, forthwith accepted a commission from Salomon, the London concertdirector, to write and conduct six symphonies for the concerts in the Hanover Square Rooms. He arrived in England at the beginning of 1791 and was welcomed with the greatest enthusiasm, receiving among other honours the degree of D Mus.
He went to the mines for a season, and there he began to write in the local newspapers, adopting the pen name of "Mark Twain," from a call used in taking soundings on the Mississippi steamboats.
It may be noticed that a Thamudaean legend has been found on a Babylonian cylinder of about woo B.C., and it is remarkable that the Sabaean satara, " write," seems to be borrowed from Assyrian shataru.
At the census of 1904, 3 2.57% of the total population could read and write; of the whites over fifteen years old 82.63% could read and write.
Of the aboriginals, 8.15% could read and write; of the mixed and other races, 12.28%.
In the urban areas the proportion of persons, of all races, able to read and write was 50 67%; in the rural areas the proportion was 26.43%.
By sexes, 35% of males and 29.63% of females could read and write.
Garrulous after a fashion as Montaigne is, he gives us no clear idea of any original or definite impulse leading him to write the famous Essays.
After the return from the Exile it was impossible to write the history of Israel's fortunes otherwise than in a spirit of religious pragmatism.
Certainly Adamu (if it is not more convenient to write "Adapa") was not regarded as the progenitor of the human race, like the Hebrew Adam.
Fesch ventured to write to the aged pontiff a letter which came into the hands of the emperor.
His first recorded act was, after a synod had been held at Rome, to write to Constantius, then in quarters at Arles (353-354), asking that a council might be called at Aquileia with reference to the affairs of Athanasius; but his messenger Vincentius of Capua was compelled by the emperor at a conciliabulum held in Arles to subscribe against his will a condemnation of the orthodox patriarch of Alexandria.
His biographers used to be perplexed by a letter purporting to be from Liberius, in the works of Hilary, in which he seems to write, in 352, that he had excommunicated Athanasius at the instance of the Oriental bishops; but the document is now held to be spurious.
On the death of Peter, Shafirov was released from prison and commissioned to write the life of his late master.
The passage which a copyist is reproducing may suggest to him something else and he will write down what is thus in his mind instead of what is before his eyes.
This kind of change is troublesome to estimate and inconvenient to adopt, as it involves placing passages where we are not accustomed to look for them; but to the question, did the author write the passage here or there?
He was able to speak and write Greek, and gives evidence of familiarity alike with its prose and with its poetry; and his excellent memory - though he himself complains about it - enabled him always to bring in at the right place an appropriate, often brilliant, quotation or some historical allusion.
In this position he continued to labour, to write, and to assail the lax Catholics and their clergy until at least the time of Bishop Calixtus in the reign of Elagabalus.
It is quite possible that Tertullian was the author of the Acta perpetuae et felicitatis, but he did not write the Libellus adv.
After his master's death, in the third period of his own life, and during his connexion with Alexander, but before the final construction of his philosophy into a system, he was tending to write more and more in the didactic style; to separate from dialectic, not only metaphysics, but also politics, rhetoric and poetry; to admit by the side of philosophy the arts of persuasive language; to think it part of their legitimate work to rouse the passions; and in all these ways to depart from the ascetic rigidity of the philosophy of Plato, so as to prepare for the tolerant spirit of his own, and especially for his ethical doctrine that virtue consists not in suppressing but in moderating almost all human passions.
He was really, as we have seen, a prolific writer from the time when he was a young man under Plato's guidance at Athens; beginning with dialogues in the manner of his master, but afterwards preferring to write didactic works during the prime of his own life between thirty-eight and fifty (347-335-334), and with the further advantage of leisure at Atarneus and Mitylene, in Macedonia and at home in Stagira.
He would even be drawn into this process by his writing materials, which were papyrus rolls of some magnitude; he would tend to write discourses on separate rolls, and then fasten them together in a bundle into a treatise.
He could very easily write in different styles at different times, now avoiding hiatus and now not, sometimes writing diffusely and sometimes briefly, partly polishing and partly leaving in the rough, according to the subject, his own state of health or humour, his age, and the degree to which he had developed a given topic; and all this even in the same manuscript as well as in different manuscripts, so that a difference of style between different parts of a work or between different works, explicable by one being earlier than another, does not prove either to be not genuine.
As he might write, so might he think differently in his long career.
On the other hand, nobody would have gone back afterwards on his masterly treatment of happiness, in the first book, or of virtue in the second, or of the voluntary in the third, or of the particular virtues in the third and fourth, to write the sketchy accounts of the Eudemian Ethics.
We cannot write a history of the varied origin of logic, beyond putting the rudimentary logic of the proposition in the De Interpretatione before the less rudimentary theory of categories as significant names capable of becoming predicates in the Categories, and before the maturer analysis of the syllogism in the Analytics.
He got so far as gradually to write short discourses and long treatises, which we, not he, now arrange in the order of the Categories or names; the De Interpretatione on propositions; the Analytics, Prior on syllogism, Posterior on scientific syllogism; the Topics on dialectical syllogism; the Sophistici Elenchi on eristical or sophistical syllogism; and, except that he had hardly a logic of induction, he covered the ground.
Grote indeed intended to write a general account of Aristotle like that of Plato; but his Aristotle went little further than the logical writings.
He taunted this gentleman, Obeidullah by name, with being unable to write good Arabic. Under this provocation Obeidullah drew the sword.
While the work gives evidence throughout of wide and welldirected research, he preferred to write it in the form of a student's manual; but it was a manual so original that it gained him admission to the Institute in 1881.
In 1589 Ferishta removed to Bijapur, where he spent the remainder of his life under the immediate protection of the shah Ibrahim Adil II., who engaged him to write a history of India.
For the trunk series write n s N = (I +U) (s +12)' and for the main branch series.
If the height be not too great, we may assume the density of the vapour to be uniform, and write the difference in vapour pressure at the surfaces of the solvent and of the solution as p - p' = hgo-.
Her letters are full of vivacity, of colour, and at times of insight and wit, but she never learnt to write either French or German correctly.
Having a happy knack of estimating character, especially when acquainted with the histories of the persons in question, the good pastor contrived to write a graphic and readable book, but one much inferior to Porta's or Aristotle's as a systematic treatise.
The Hebrew alphabet is also used, generally with the addition of some diacritical marks, by Jews to write other languages, chiefly Arabic, Spanish, Persian, Greek, Tatar (by Qaraites) and in later times German.
After the death of Justinian (565), some of Agathias's friends persuaded him to write the history of his own times.
The educational qualification was to be able to write, the social that of not receiving charitable 1 Ce has also divided parties.
After the completion of his great work he began to write commentaries on portions of the Scriptures.
It was not till 1836 that she returned to England, and though her ambition was to write, she was occupied for the most part in teaching.
Some of his writings, from their metaphysical subtilty, will always puzzle the learned; but he could write to the level of the common heart without loss of dignity or pointedness.
Neither those whom his masterpiece soon roused to enthusiasm, nor those whom it moved to indignation, were likely to be indifferent to anything he should now write, whether it lay near to or far from the region of practice.
They owe not a little to Descartes, for Pascal's indebtedness to his predecessor is unquestionable from the literary side, whatever may be the case with the scientific. But Descartes had had neither the opportunity, nor the desire, nor probably the power, to write anything of the literary importance of the Provinciales.
He became a candidate for the Illinois House of Representatives; and on the 9th of March 1832 issued an address "To the people of Sangamon county" which betokens talent and education far beyond mere ability to "read, write and cipher," though in its preparation he seems to have had the help of a friend.
A good criterion of the progress of education is obtained from the diminishI ing number of illiterate army recruits, as shown by the following Unable to Read or Write.
Parallel with this event the revival of learning was producing a great number of men who could write, and, more important still, of men who were throwing off the monastic habits of thought and passing into a new intellectual atmosphere.
In the following year he was sent to school in France, where he studied for six months, and began to write poetry.
In 1808 he began to write for the Edinburgh Review, to which he contributed steadily till 1813, his first known article being "Money and Exchange."
Introduced by Andrew Kippis, he began to write in 1785 for the Annual Register and other periodicals, producing also three novels now forgotten.
There seems no doubt that the condition of the workmen in the factories of Moravia and the oil-mines of Galicia was peculiarly unfortunate; the hours of work were very long, the Count convictions, and on the first day of the session Rieger S' g unless he could speak and write German.
Taaffe's bill, while keeping the curiae of the feudal proprietors and the chambers of commerce as they were, and making no change in the number of members, proposed to give the franchise in both towns and rural districts to every one who could read and write, and had resided six months in one place.
Thus, even now, 60% of the Sicilian conscripts come up for military service unable either to read or to write.
Mr Aldis counselled him not to learn his speeches, but to write out and commit to memory certain passages and the peroration.
He may have written some of the lives in this collection, and gathered together materials concerning the history of Scotland; but he did not, as some have thought, continue the Scotichronicon, nor did he write the Lives of Scottish Saints.
He soon became an expert compositor, and after a time began to write anonymously for the Herald.
At present one is inclined to say that he was not altogether ignorant of these arts, but that from want of practice he found it convenient to employ some one else whenever he had anything to write.
At the beginning, the regulations for the guidance of correspondents were as follows, but for the most part they were allowed to write as they wished.
From that date onwards the stringency of the censorship was gradually relaxed, and the army eventually set up an organization to supply correspondents with information, so that in dealing with the German advance in the spring of 1918 they were able to write with freedom.
The beginner takes first a course in the grammar of classical Arabic, for he has hitherto learned only to read, write and count.
Seeing that I was industrious in working and learning, he put me to school; and when I had learned to read and write, he took me home from school and taught me the goldsmith's trade."
When in 1817 he went abroad to further his education, Germany was about to celebrate the tercentenary of the Reformation; and thus early he conceived the ambition to write the history of that great epoch.
He had Schiller put under a fortnight's arrest, and forbade him to write any more "comedies" or to hold intercourse with any one outside of Wurttemberg.
Moreover, Morris began at this time to write poetry, and many of his first pieces, afterwards destroyed, were held by sound judges to be equal to anything he ever did.
To write the history of the idea of Antichrist in the last centuries of the middle ages, would be almost to write that of the middle ages themselves.
The requirement to write answers to questions written or dictated, to satisfy a practical test (other than in teaching), and a clinical test in medicine, appear to be of later date.'
He had begun to write novels, which did not immediately find their market.
Walkley that he should write a Don Juan play, which he proceeded to do in a characteristic topsy-turvy fashion.
To write a summary account of the life of Christ, though always involving a grave responsibility, was until recent years a comparatively straightforward task; for it was assumed that all that was needed, or could be offered, was a chronological outline based on a harmony of the four canonical Gospels.
His avowed aim is, not to write history, but to produce conviction.
He learnt to read and to write, and was taught the narrowest form of Dutch Presbyterianism.
Fully 80% of the inhabitants could neither read nor write in ' goo; but education progresses more rapidly than in many other Spanish provinces.
Once begun the breach widened, until Luther could contrast "our theology" with what was taught at Erfurt, and by September he began to write against the scholastic theology, to declare that it was Pelagian at heart, that it repudiated the Augustinian doctrines of grace, and neglected to teach the supreme value of that faith "which throws itself upon God."
There he disowned the sermons of the pardonsellers, let it be seen that he did not approve of the action of the Legate, and so prevailed with Luther that the latter promised to write a submissive letter to the pope, to exhort people to reverence the Roman See, to say that Indulgences were useful to remit canonical penances, and to promise to write no more on the matter unless he happened to be attacked.
It may be interesting to mention, as an illustration of their heterogeneousness, that early in the 20th century a list of no less than fifty languages, spoken in Jerusalem as vernaculars, was there drawn up by a party of men whose various official positions enabled them to possess accurate information on the subject.1 It is therefore no easy task to write concisely and at the same time with sufficient fullness on the ethnology of Palestine.
During his college course he wrote a number of trivial pieces for a college magazine, and shortly after graduating printed for private circulation the poem which his class asked him to write for their graduation festivities.
First of all Monsignor Bayardi was brought from Rome and commissioned to write about the antiquities which were being collected in the museum at Portici under the care of Camillo Paderni, and when it was recognized that the prelate had not sufficient learning, and by the progress of the excavations other most abundant material was accumulated, about which at once scholars and courtiers were anxious to be informed, Bernardo Tanucci, having become secretary of state in 1755, founded the Accademia Ercolanese, which published the principal works on Herculaneum (Le Pitture ed i bronzi d'Ercolano, 8 vols., 1757, 1792; Dissertationis isagogicae ad Herculanensium voluminum explanationem pars prima, 1797).
Fleury's evident intention was to write a history of the church for all classes of society; but at the time in which his great work appeared it was less religion than theology that absorbed the attention of the clergy and the educated public; and his work accordingly appealed to the student rather than to the popular reader, dwelling as it does very particularly on questions of doctrine, of discipline, of supremacy, and of rivalry between the priesthood and the imperial power.
He was a fluent versifier, and would write 50o verses in one night.
We have no more of her work until 1429, when she broke her silence to write a song in honour of Joan of Arc. Of the circumstances of her death nothing is known but it probably took place about this time.
He is said to have been asked by Napoleon to write his Histoire de France (14 vols., 1805), a mediocre compilation at second or third hand, with the assistance of de Mezeray and of Paul Francois Velly (1709-1759).
Thus, when the factors 3 It will be easy to see that, instead of the last three of these, we may write the single one ijk = - 1.
If we assume formulae of the simple type A+B/0 for two different substances which have the same vapour-pressure p at the absolute temperatures 0' and 0" respectively, we may write log p=A'+B'/0'= A"+B"/0", .
It may be observed that the correction would vanish if we could write dh=wodp/do=wL/(v-w).
This was nearly completed, when Cicero earnestly requested him to write a separate history of his (Cicero's) consulship. Cicero had already sung his own praises in both Greek and Latin, but thought that a panegyric by Lucceius, who had taken considerable interest in the affairs of that critical period,_.
Out of 332,715 males of voting age (21 years and over), 15,415 were illiterate (unable to write), and of these 14,159 were foreignborn.
The first use he made of his freedom was to write a work (which, however, his friends prudently prevented him from publishing), Le Vaine Triomphe du cardinal de Noailles, containing a virtual withdrawal of the compulsory recantation.
The qualifications required for the suffrage are in no way different from those common throughout the Union, except that by a constitutional amendment of 1894 it is necessary for a voter to be able to read the state constitution and write his name.
In 1900, 6.2% of the males of voting age, and 2.4% of the native-born males of voting age, were illiterate (could not write).
To this new residence he went in high spirits with his success, "fully determined to write as hard as could be," seeing no reason why he should not give the public two volumes of Shandyism every year and why this should not go on for forty years.
The hero, a young Scythian descended from the famous philosopher Anacharsis, is supposed to repair to Greece for instruction in his early youth, and after making the tour of her republics, colonies and islands, to return to his native country and write this book in his old age, after the Macedonian hero had overturned the Persian empire.
He never learned to read or write, though late in life he mastered colloquial Arabic; yet those Europeans who were brought into contact with him praised alike the dignity and charm of his address, his ready wit, and the astonishing perspicacity which enabled him to read the motives of men and of governments and to deal effectively with each situation as it arose.
By that time the Teutons were likely to have more convenient-materials than wood whereon to write, so that the adaptation of the forms would not have been necessary.
Humphrey Henchman, bishop of London, employed him to write a vindication of Laud's answer to John Fisher, the Jesuit.
The state of elementary education is comparatively good, rather more than two-thirds of the population being able to read and write, and the ratio of crime is proportionately low.
All children between the ages of eight and twelve years are required to attend a public school at least twelve weeks in a year (six weeks consecutively) unless excused on account of weakness of mind or body, unless the child can read and write and is attending a private school, or unless the child lives more than two miles from the nearest school and more than one mile from an established public school wagon route.
If the forces are all parallel, making say an angle 0 with Ox, we may write Xi = Pi cos 0, Vi = P1 sin 0, Xi = P2 cos 0, VI = Pi sin 0,.
If any other point 0, whose co-ordinates are x, y, z, be chosen in place of 0, as the point to which the forces are transferred, we have to write x1x, yiy, ZiZ for xl, Yi, z1,and so on, in the preceding process.
To find the small oscillation about a state of steady precession in which the axis makes a constant angle a with the vertical, we write O=a+X, and neglect terms of the second order in x.
If we write C cos =H,C sin =K, (17)
For several years Whiston continued to write and preach both on mathematical and theological subjects with considerable success; but his study of the Apostolical Constitutions had convinced him that Arianism was the creed of the primitive church; and with him to form an opinion and to publish it were things almost simultaneous.
Yet if the history of Europe in the 16th century of our era came to be written with the brevity with which we write the history of Europe in the 6th century B.C., it would be difficult at the distance of time implied by that supposition to distinguish the Italian movement of the Renaissance in its origin from the German movement of the Reformation.
Giovanni Villani, the first chronicler who used Italian for the compilation of a methodical history, tells us how he was impelled to write by musing on the ruins of Rome and thinking of the vanished greatness of the Latin race.
But, for all this, Hermann exposes his own doubts when he tells that often, as he wa g preparing to write, he heard a voice bidding him lay down the pen, "for whatever you write will be an unmixed lie."
The dominion of the Swedes was very unfavourable to the development of anything like a Finnish literature, the poets of Finland preferring to write in Swedish and so secure a wider audience.
Although the assertion of the celebrated Rhys Prichard of Llandovery that in his time (c. 1630) only 1% of the people of Wales could read the native language is probably an exaggeration, yet the number of persons who could read and write Welsh must have been extremely small outside the ranks of the clergy.
Pole's reply, which took a year to write, and was afterwards published with additions under the title Pro unitate ecclesiae, was sent to England (May 25, 1536) and was meant for the king's eye alone.
He gathered together the material, using Meir's collection as a basis, and although he did not write the Mishnah as it now is, he brought it into essentially its present shape.
Subsequently Barbezieux and the governor continue to write to one another about their "ancien prisonnier" 1 He cites Bingham's Bastille, i.
If Louvois had meant to write that Dauger was "only a valet" he would have started by saying so.
And if at the very end of his stormy career he really found time and inclination to write anything of this nature, we may wonder why it was not included in the considerable and somewhat miscellaneous volume of his works, or at least mentioned in the chapters which relate to his public activity after the catastrophe.
He was also selected to write occasional odes in commemoration of many American celebrations.
He found time, however, to write a Swedish Chronicle, which is the earliest prose history of Sweden, a mystery-play, Tobiae comedia, which is the first Swedish drama, and three psalm-books, the best known being published in 1530 under the title of Nagre gudhelige vijsor (" Certain Divine Songs ").
The design of Messenius was to write the history of his country in fifty plays; he completed and produced six.
The qualifications for membership are knowledge of the Persian language and ability to read and write it and good repute in the constituency.
Its best-known representative, Gondophares or Hyndopherres, to whom legend makes the apostle Thomas write, reigned over Arachosia and the Indus district about A.D.
From Justin onwards, almost every eminent Church teacher takes some notice of Marcion, while very many write extensive treatises against him.
In 1890 he began to write for the Revolte, but his anarchist sympathies were definitely checked by the murder of President Carnot in 1894.
At a time when Ralph Waldo Emerson could write to Thomas Carlyle, "We are all a little wild here with numberless projects of social reform; not a reading man but has a draft of a new community in his waistcoat pocket," - the Brook Farm project certainly did not appear as impossible a scheme as many others that were in the air.
Not only did he write letters and pamphlets during the struggle, but when it was over he set himself to complete the vast task which his two great histories had almost covered by a Histoire du XIXe siecle.
He intended to write a history of his own times with Peter the Great as the central figure, but got no further than the summary, entitled History of Tsar Peter Aleksievich and the People Nearest to Him (1682-1694) (Rus.).
The writer's indignation at finding it treated with silent contempt by the great scholar, who thought it was the work of a personal enemyAleander - caused him to write a second oration, more violent, more abusive, with more self-glorification, but with less real merit than the first.
Joseph was also required each day to write a Latin theme or declamation, though in other respects he seems to have been left to his own devices.
The verses of Diniz, essentially a love poet, are conventional in tone and form, but he can write pretty ballads and pastorals when he allows himself to be natural.
The old dramatists came to write for the lower classes only, and though the school lingered on, its productions were performed solely by travelling companies at country fairs.
The Menina e moga of Bernardim Ribeiro, a tender pastoral story inspired by saudade for his lady-love, probably moved Montemor or Montemayor (q.v.) to write his Diana, and may some fifty years later have suggested the Lusitania transformada to Fernao Alvares do Oriente, who, however, like Ribeiro, owes some debt to Sannazaro's Arcadia.
Nor did these write independently of each other, for Sozomen (q.v.) certainly had before him the work of Socrates, and Theodoret (q.v.) knew both of them.
It is dedicated to one Theodorus, who had urged him to write such a history.
The right of suffrage is exercised by all male citizens, twenty-one years of age, or over, if single, and eighteen years, or over, if married, who can read and write, and own real estate or have an income of 200 bolivianos a year, said income not to be compensation for services as a servant.
Only a small percentage of the people can read and write.
If we next introduce a new function of f and write f .f 4(f) d f =Il (f), (23) then m m' II(f) will represent - (I) The work done by the attractive force on the particle m, while it is brought from an infinite distance from m' to the distance f from m'; or (2) The attraction of a particle m on a narrow straight rod resolved in the direction of the length of the rod, one extremity of the rod being at a distance f from m, and the other at an infinite distance, the mass of unit of length of the rod being m'.
To find the work done when m is brought to the point P in the neighbourhood of a solid body, the density of which is a function of the depth v below the surface, we have only to write instead of a pdz, and to integrate ?
If a i, a 2 represent the densities of the two infinite solids, their mutual attraction at distance z is per unit of area 21ra l a fZ '(z)dz, (30) or 27ra l 02 0(z), if we write f 4,(z)dz=0(z) (31) The work required to produce the separation in question is thus 2 7ru l a o 0 (z)dz; (32) and for the tension of a liquid of density a we have T = a f o 0 (z)dz.
In all cases to which it is necessary to have regard the integrated terms vanish at both limits, and we may write f o (z)dz = 3f2' z 3 4(z)dz, f o z(z)dz = 'a' z4 cb(z)d z; (36) so that Ko = 3 f o z3 ?(z) dz, To = $?
Resolving horizontally we find T (COS 02 - COS 01)+2gp (y22-3/12) =0, whence cos 02 = COS gpy12 - gpy22, 2T 2 T or if we suppose P 1 fixed and P2 variable, we may write cos constant - Zgpy2/T.
Taking the case where the motion is strictly in two dimensions, we may write as the polar equation of the surface at time t r =a cos nB cos pt, (4) where p is given by p2 = (n3_ n)..
In 1893 he began to write for the Pall Mall Gazette, of which he was dramatic critic in 1895.
Life insurance agents not residents of Idaho cannot write policies in the state.
He continued to write so long as the infirmities of age allowed, collecting and publishing his sermons, and toiling to complete the Divine Legation, further fragments of which were published with his posthumous Works.
He does not, therefore, write, as Polybius wrote, for students of history.
To write the annals of Rome became at once a task worthy of the best of her citizens.
On the contrary, men of high rank and tried statesmanship were on that very account thought all the fitter to write the chronicles of the state they had served.
He began to write at a time when, after a century of disturbance, the mass of men had been contented to purchase peace at the price of liberty.
He did not always clearly define his theme before beginning to write, and he failed to subject what he produced to a careful revision.
He claims that the historian's chief duty is to write truthfully, and he is careful to show that a theologian may fulfil this condition.
Exiled Greeks were the first to write histories of Rome worthy of the name.
But there were few who could write like him, and Jerome's Chronicle itself, or rather portions of it, became, in the age which followed, a sort of universal preface for the monastic chronicler.
These " bodily effects," he insisted, were not " distinguishing marks " of the work of the'Spirit of God; but so bitter was the feeling against the revival in the more strictly Puritan churches that in 1742 he was forced to write a second apology, Thoughts on the Revival in New England, his main argument being the great moral improvement of the country.
Candidates for the rite must have been confirmed, be adequately instructed in the elements of the Christian faith, and be able to read and write.
While in prison writing materials were denied him, but he managed to write on rags with a tooth-pick and candle smoke, and thus composed the novel Margherita Pusterla (Milan, 1838).
In 1836 the Turinese publisher, Giuseppe Pomba, commissioned him to write a universal history, which his vast reading enabled him to do.
He taught the little girl how to write and gave her advice in reading.
On his return to America in December 1836, Longfellow took up his residence in Cambridge, and began to lecture at Harvard and to write.
Too well-informed, too appreciative and too modest to deem himself the peer of the "grand old masters," or one of "those far stars that come in sight once in a century," he made it his aim to write something that should "make a purer faith and manhood shine in the untutored heart," and to do this in the way that should best reach that heart.
He never, as long as he could write, was known to refuse his autograph, and so far was he from trying to protect himself from intruders that he rarely drew the blinds of his study windows at night, though that study was on the ground floor and faced the street.
In spite of ill-health, he continued to teach and write until his death, which took place on the estate of one of his friends near Minturnae in Campania.
Those who can read and write vote directly, the rest indirectly.
Prison life gave him leisure to write, and during his first imprisonment he wrote, in addition to several tracts and some verse, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, the narrative of his own religious experience.
The loose atheistical wits at Will's might write such stuff to divert the painted Jezebels of the court; but did it become a minister of the gospel to copy the evil fashions of the world?
Although her parents were in easy circumstances, Joan never learned to read or write, and received her sole religious instruction from her mother, who taught her to recite the Pater Noster, Ave Maria, and Credo.
His parts were good and he could speak and write six languages at a very early age, but the zeal of his guardians and tutors to make a man of him betimes nearly ruined his feeble constitution, while the riotous life led by him and his young consort, Maria of Austria, whom he wedded on the 13th of January 1522, speedily disqualified him for affairs, so that at last he became an object of ridicule at his own court.
Bogdan, after learning to read and write, a rare accomplishment in those days, entered the Cossack ranks, was dangerously wounded and taken prisoner in his first battle against the Turks, and found leisure during his two years' captivity at Constantinople to acquire the rudiments of Turkish and French.
Continuing the work of Froissart, Monstrelet wrote a Chronique, which extends to two books and covers the period between 1400 and 1444, when, according to another chronicler, Matthieu d'Escouchy, he ceased to write.
In 1615 a dispute between the Venetian government and the Inquisition respecting the prohibition of a book led him to write on the history and procedure of the Venetian Inquisition; and in 1619 his chief literary work, the History of the Council of Trent, was printed at London under the name of Pietro Soave Polano, an anagram of Paolo Sarpi Veneto.
They write as advocates rather than historians.
No one not an elector in 1892 can be registered as a voter unless he can sign his name and write his address and occupation.
Education is not compulsory, but at the 1904 census 95% of the white population over fourteen years old could read and write.
In the same year 186,000 natives could read and write, and J3,000 could read but' not write.
An attitude so indecent threatened to defeat the very objects of the reactionary powers, and Gentz congratulated the congress that these sorry protests would be buried in the archives, offering at the same time to write for the king a dignified letter in which he should express his reluctance at having to violate his oaths in the face of irresistible force !
Having detected an important defect in one of Laplace's demonstrations, he was induced by a friend to write out his remarks, that they might be shown to Dr John Brinkley (1763-1835), afterwards bishop of Cloyne, but who was then the first royal astronomer for Ireland, and an accomplished mathematician.
It is hard to think of any other time or circumstances in which a man could write like this.
He found time to write two larger works, the History of the Roman Coinage and the Romisches Staatsrecht, a profound analysis of Roman constitutional law, and Romisches Strafrecht, on Roman criminal jurisdiction.
Sir, I must now again beg you, not to let your resentments run so high, as to deprive us of your third book, wherein the application of your mathematical doctrine to the theory of comets and several curious experiments, which, as I guess by what you write, ought to compose it, will undoubtedly render it acceptable to those, who will call themselves Philosophers without Mathematics, which are much the greater number.
With the view of stimulating mathematicians to write annotations on this admirable work, the celebrated 's Gravesande published a tract, entitled Specimen Commentarii in Arithmeticam Universalem; and Maclaurin's Algebra seems to have been drawn up in consequence of this appeal.
They might not write it down, but learned it by heart and had to repeat it just before baptism.
Cyril of Jerusalem, in his instruction of the catechumens, urges them to learn the Creed by heart, but not write it down.
Similarly we cannot subtract 8 from 15, if 15 means 1 ten + 5 ones; we must either write 15-815-8=(10+5)-8= (I o - 8)+5 = 2+5 = 7, or else resolve the 15 into an inexpressible number of ones, and then subtract 8 of them, leaving 7.
Diagrams of Division.-Since we write from left to right or downwards, it may be convenient for division to interchange the rows or the columns of the multiplication-diagram.
If we write n P = N, then, if any two of the three numbers n, p, N are known, the third is determinate.
If any prime occurs more than once, it is usual to write the number of times of occurrence as an index; thus 144=2X2X2X2X3X3=24 32.
If we write 74 in the form 47 we may say that the value of a fraction is not altered by multiplying or dividing the numerator and denominator by any number.
According to this law, Io+3+6-7= Io +3-7+6 = 3+6-7+10 = &c. But, if we write the expression as 3-7+6+10, this means that we must first subtract 7 from 3.
The result of 3-7 is the same as that of o-4; and we may write it " - 4," and call it a negative number, if by this we mean something possessing the property that - 4+4 = o.
It is best in such cases to retain the 2; thus we can write 4=37*% - =.371 - .
The second point, however, is omitted, so that we write it o 0037 or 0037, this expression meaning i 8 - 0 1 o of i o = T-08-030v, On the same principle, since 37% of 45% is equal to M of -14-05w = i _o y ou = v o +(3 6 r$ 0f i oo), 3% of 2% can be expressed by 0006.
Thus, to add 5.413 to 3.8, we must write the latter as 3.800.
In the case of the two numbers given in the last paragraph, the product lies between and 3 5 5 X1.345=4.821825 We might take the product as (3.58X1.34)+( 005)2=4.797225, the limits of error being = 5(3 5 + 34) _ 0246; but it is more convenient to write it in such a form as 4 797= 025 or 4 80 03.
Thus to find the cube root of 1728, we write it in the form 2.3, and find that its cube root is 2.3=12; or, to find the cube root of 1 728, we write it as 17 r - _ 21_ s_ _ 2'.33.
The principle is that 162.4 27 =100.4 2 7+ 60.4 2 7+ 2.4 2 7 = 1.42700+6.4270+2.427; but, instead of 427 writing down the separate products, we 6 427 (in effect) write 42700, 4270 and 427 in 2 4?7 separate rows, with the multipliers 1, 6, 2 69 174 in the margin, and then multiply each number in each column by the corresponding multiplier in the margin, making allowance for any figures to be " carried."
For accurate conversion we write iL for each 2s., and ooiL for each farthing beyond 2s., their number being firstincreased by one twenty-fourth.
The proportion of illiterates is very small, in 1900, 95.4% of the population (of 10 years old or over) being able to read and write.
Lord Acton has left too little completed original work to rank among the great historians; his very learning seems to have stood in his way; he knew too much and his literary conscience was too acute for him to write easily, and his copiousness of information overloads his literary style.
How he gathered, scholars from the continent, Wales and Ireland; how he collected the old heroic poems of the nation, how he himself translated books from the Latin tongue, started schools, and set his scribes to write up the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, is told elsewhere, as are his mechanical inventions, his buildings, and his dealings with missionaries and explorers (see ALFRED).
The postmaster-general, Lord Lichfield, in opposing it, declared that, if the revenue of his office was to be maintained, the correspondence of the country, on which postage was paid, must be increased from 42,000,000 to 480,000,000 letters a year, and he contended that there were neither people to write, nor machinery to deal with, so prodigious a mass of letters.
That is quite a secondary consideration; for there was much English history before any Englishman could write; and even after he could write, his compositions constitute a minor part of the evidence.
The Anglo-Saxons themselves could not write until Christian missionaries had reintroduced the art at the end of the 6th century, and history was not by any means the first purpose to which they applied it.
In the middle ages the stimulus to write was mainly of a moral or ecclesiastical nature, though the patriotic impulse which had suggested the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was perhaps never entirely absent, and the ecclesiastical motive often degenerated into a desire to glorify, sometimes even by forgery, not merely the church as a whole, but the particular monastery to which the writer belonged.
Ruy Bias (1838) was written in verse, and in such verse as none but he could write.
With regard to the demonstration of Pliicker's equations it is to be remarked that we are not able to write down the equation in point-co-ordinates of a curve of the order m, having the given numbers 6 and of nodes and cusps.
To discuss Burke's writings on the Revolution would be to write first a volume upon the abstract theory of society, and then a second volume on the history of France.
Whewell's wide, if superficial, acquaintance with various branches of science enabled him to write a comprehensive account of their development, which is still of the greatest value.
This was contrary to the Toleration Act of 1689, which excluded all who should preach or write against the Trinity.
Though "assiduous in his attention to business" in Frederick's Place, he found time to write for the printer.
Yet Disraeli's range of observation must have been not only brief but limited when he sat down at twenty or twenty-one to write Vivian Grey.
His own strongly perceptive imagination (the gift in which he was to excel every other politician of his time) and the bent of political reading and aspiration from boyhood completed his equipment; and so the wonder that so young a man in Disraeli's social position should write a book like Vivian Grey is accounted for.
These travels must have profited him greatly, and we have our share of the advantage; not so much, however, in The Wondrous Tale of Alroy or Tancred, or the "Revolutionary Epic" which he was inspired to write on "the windy plains of Troy," but in the letters he sent home to his sister.
Its success led May to write a continuation of Lucan's narrative down to the death of Caesar.
On his return to France his health broke down, thought he continued to write.
His chief fault is a certain carelessness in writing; he can never write a bad poem, but rarely a poem absolutely flawless.
In 183.7 he resigned his commission and began to write for the stage and for the press.
In 1910, 17% of the population could read and write.
Although the Croats write and print in Latin characters, while the Servians write and print in Cyrillic, and although many a Servian cannot read Croatian books, and vice versa, the literary language of both nations is one and the same.
To this period of Servian literature belongs the first attempt by an unknown author to write a romance.
During extensive travels in Russia and the Balkan countries Raich had collected a rich historical material and was able to write, for the first time in the annals of Servian literature, a work which has every claim to be considered as a real history.
The poets abandoned classical models and ceased to write in hexameters; they preferred to derive their inspiration from popular poetry, of which Karajich collected for them hundreds of examples.
Writers in different departments of literature vied with each other to write in pure and correct Servian.
When I have settled my usual business, I have so many letters to write, so many questions to answer, that many a night is spent without any offering of sleep being brought to nature."
Amidst these multitudinous cares and occupations, Calvin found time to write a number of works besides those provoked by the various controversies in which he was engaged.
An elector must be able to read or write (unless he or an ancestor was a voter in 1866 or then lived in some foreign nation) and must be 21 years old, and a resident of the state for one year, in the county six months, and in the election precinct 30 days, and women have the privilege of voting at school meetings.
He also began to write poetry, and printed many of his verses in the Dorset County Chronicle.
The missions have established schools in every native village, and most natives are able to read and write their own language.
Wait a moment, then, till I write to my friends."
He took out a roll of paper, as if he were going to write, put the pen to his mouth, and bit it, as was his habit in composing.
The restrictions on Irish commerce provoked Locke's friend William Molyneux (1656-1698) to write his famous plea for legislative independence (1698).
Those who should apply for registration after the 1st of January 1898 must be able to read and write any section of the constitution submitted to them by the registration officer, or must show that they have paid all taxes for the previous year on property worth $300 or more.
During the 19th century strenuous efforts to better the state of education were made by Bishop Strossmayer (1815-1905) and other reformers; but, although some success was achieved, only one-third of the population could read and write in 1900.
The Hebrew really means "and he [the king] shall write out for himself a copy of this law," where there is not the slightest suggestion that the author intended to describe "this law" delivered on the plains of Moab as a second code in contradistinction to the first code given on Sinai thirty-eight years earlier.
Fourier for the propagation of heat; and if, in Fourier's solution of any problem of heat-conduction, we change the word "temperature" to "potential" and write "electric current" instead of "flux of heat," we have the solution of a corresponding problem of electric conduction.
He nevertheless found time to write many works of philosophical importance, with special reference to his country and its position.
After the departure of the imperious conqueror, a fresh revolt of the Lombards of Beneventum under Arichis, Desideriuss son-in-law, supported by a Greek fleet, obliged Pope Adrian to write fresh entreaties to Charlemagne; and in two campaigns (776777) the latter conquered the whole Lombard kingdom.
In strictness the angle is dependent upon the frequency, but if the dispersion be weak relatively to the double refraction, the product sin 24 - a)sin 2Ni - (3) has sensibly the same value for all terms of the summation, and we may write I=cos 2 (1 3 - a)/a 2 - sin 2 (1 ' - a) sin 2 (t ' - a 2 sin 2 2 This formula contains the whole theory of the colours of crystalline plates in polarized light.
They had learnt to write in Arabic, and used Arabic letters even when writing Latin, or the corrupt dialect of Latin which they spoke.
It is said with probability that one of the early kings of Aragon, Peter I., could write no other letters than the Arabic. The Mozrabes were treated under the kings of the recunquest as separate bodies with their own judges and law, which they had been allowed to keep by the Moslem rulers.
The Andalusians also very readily write these words jabid, jorma, joder.
Garstang must be followed by more thorough and intensive study before it can be possible to write in more than very general terms of anything but the well-known monuments left by Egyptian kings whose history is already tolerably familiar from other sources.
The central and southern Sudan is therefore almost a virgin field for the archaeologist, but the exploration of Lower Nubia has made it possible to write a tentative preface to the new chapters still unrevealed.
In vain the wretched astrologer protested that he was alive, got a literary friend to write a pamphlet to prove it, and published his almanac for 1709.
His superiors (at some time between 1099 and 1122) ordered him to write the history of St Evroul.
Such a beginning might induce more able naturalists to write the history of various districts and might in time occasion the production of a work so much to be wished for - a full and complete natural history of these kingdoms."
He engaged Gilbert Burnet to write The History of the Reformation of the Church of England and provided him with much material.
It was only late in life that he learnt to read and write, and his Latin was always very defective.
In company with Paul Bocage he began to write for the stage, and not without success; at all events, he continued to exist until, three years after the quarrel, his father consented to forgive him.
During his residence at Ajodhya the Lord Rama is said to have appeared to him in a dream, and to have commanded him to write a Ramayana in the language used by the common people.
Here for two years he was busily engaged in parochial work, but he found time to write articles on "Apollonius of Tyana," on "Cicero" and on "Miracles" for the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.
Aldhelm was the first Englishman, so far as we know, to write in Latin verse, and his letter to Acircius (Aldfrith or Eadfrith, king of Northumbria) is a treatise on Latin prosody for the use of his countrymen.
It was in 1873 that he undertook to write a series of articles for Good Words on the mariner's compass.
Henriette had told him to write the life of Jesus.
The Government, probably influenced as much by hatred and fear of the French Revolution, of which Kant was supposed to be a partisan, as by love of orthodoxy, resented the act; and a secret cabinet order was received by him intimating the displeasure of the king, Frederick William II., and exacting a pledge not to lecture or write at all on religious subjects in future.
Some years later, having gained meanwhile a reputation as a theological controversialist and become a person of importance among the Nonconformists, he attracted the notice of the earl of Shaftesbury and the party which favoured the exclusion of the duke of York (afterwards King James II.) from the throne, and he began to write political pamphlets just at the time when the feeling against the Roman Catholics was at its height.
It is besides simply incredible that a woman of the Italian Renaissance of Isotta's birth, standing and reputation should have been unable to write.
But Constantine refused to come to St Petersburg, or to do more than himself take the oath to Nicholas as emperor, and write assuring him of his loyalty.
Did your mother write it?
Write down what you need and I'll get it.
I'll just write him a note and...
Are you going to write him and let him know?
Later is a long time off but perhaps I'll take up a profession that satisfies me... write a book, perhaps.
He didn't even mention the incident until he was coming off duty nor did he write down the plate number so I could run it.
If you have to write up a damn ticket, do it, and let us get the hell out of here!
He stared at them, as if willing the pen to write on the tablet.
Every day I'll write you something.
Write down the names, and I.ll take it down, he offered.
Do you need me to write any new battle plans?
Then he added, But she don't write mysteries, just that science fiction stuff.
She darned near did a jig and couldn't wait to write about it—didn't even take time to dream it.
At least her words influenced the Reverend enough to carry on her lie and write her family in Boston," adding, with a hint of sarcasm, "without him using his return address."
My God, did you write this?
She didn't write down the license info—she skips that stuff unless the place is crowded.
Why, then, would a Puritan like Bunyan write allegory at all?
I expected him/her to write to the main office.
You always hear aspiring authors lament about finding the time to write.
His final poem is about forbidden love, but he is too ill to write it down.
I write to my senator and get platitudes back.
He wrote because he liked to write; he did not abridge, because he cared not to abridge.
Write down ideas, plans, recollections, etc. Writing things down is kind of like a double-entry accounting system.
Must I be licensed to write the words on to overhead acetates?
Acrostic poetry An acrostic poetry An acrostic poem has to be one of the simplest poems that I found to write.
It was also agreed that the Clerk should write an official letter to the Trustees of the building whose surround the curb formed.
You can even write your own, should you feel ambitious!
That's why I write as much about the politics of archeology as I do green anarchism.
Who so angelic as my two dogs, who are curled up beside me on the carpets as I write!
Write a poem about keeping a companion animal, with a happy ending.
To write a history of this sort requires artistry as well as learning.
Apart from Forth, the system ROM has a symbolic assembler enabling you to write machine code directly on the board.
Selecting the Reduce menu option will then write a unique set of voids to the Shelx INS file as dummy atoms.
I write to comment on the recent terrorist attacks on London.
You must write ' \\ ' to put one backslash in the string.
What better way to fill the time than to write an utterly banal post about the weather?
Frank threw the score at me and told me to write several sections of solo horn parts for 1 st baritone.
It is – as I write – deservedly topping the non-fiction paperback bestsellers list.
The urge to write is like a congenital birth defect.
Any bit of money can lure a journalist to write anything, including blackmail.
I want to write the longest blog in the world ever!
The writer and the illustrator could write jacket blurb about themselves!
New Welsh Braille code A new braille code has been developed to allow Welsh speakers to read and write braille in their native tongue.
This one-day course aims to explore literary Braille, ie, the way to read and write the English language.
Get them to write down a definition or hold a brainstorm of words they associate with economics.
To write copy for a variety of regular business briefings to the sales force.
O v O The few Oracles who are constructive do things like write articles on the game and run bulletin boards.
Are you wondering how to write a business plan, where to find finance or how to buy a business plan, where to find finance or how to buy a business?
FileOutputStream Writes b.length bytes from the specified byte array to this file output stream. write (byte[] ).
Their priestly caste were the best placed to use these archives to write a sacred history with a political purpose in mind.
Maybe if enough good people write moderate letters to Google protesting, their plumbers will get out a wrench and fix this leaking cesspit.
You write a burst of messages, radio chatter.
The Inside write awards are our annual prizes for the best use of plain English in documents written by civil servants for civil servants.
For example, you might write the source code in C, instead of assembly language.
There is no need to write codicils or produce an entirely new will each time their charitable preferences change.
Aim at conciseness; the ability to say something cogent and interesting is valued over the ability to write at great length.
Use colors, or make a collage, write a poem or simply write!
The first task he gave me was to write a rebuttal of the theory of bureaucratic collectivism.
Some take on the protective coloration of the people they write about.
Norm and Lily Goldman are a unique husband and wife team, writer and water colorist, who write and paint about romantic destinations.
I used to ghost write a column for Tommy in the Evening Post.
Then select write, and the word " write " will be appended, preceded by a comma and a space.
We commissioned young British jazz composer Byron Wallen to write new music inspired by Langston's poems.
Britten had in fact always been intending to write a harp concerto, so had been studying the instrument.
I heard him boast of composing a concerto in all its parts quicker than a copyist could write them down.
If you can write concise, grammatically correct English, this is the route to go.
When I write about ' pro-American ' I am writing about the Bush administration and the huge energy and oil conglomerates that back it.
Martha's diary - planning sheet Write Martha's diary with an emphasis on using connectives.
Your postal address is the address where CUKAS and your chosen conservatoires will write to you.
To correct this please write to the registrars giving them details and they will then consolidate your shareholding in one block.
You could also write to the British consulate nearest to where you are going to live.
She is now planning to write a new cookbook.
Because of the size of the Treasury Department, elements within the organization were encouraged to write their own coop.
The first cuckoo Do you write down when you first hear a Cuckoo or see a cowslip each year?
But I have nothing definite to write the emperor about him.
Write down the possible nuclear spin states for H 2 and hence calculate the nuclear spin degeneracy of ortho and para-H 2.
Children collect and write their own stories, take digital photographs and use desktop publishing to produce the magazine.
Don't forget to write the words " induced dipole " next to the bromine molecule.
The first visit was so dire, I was compelled to write and complain.
I wanted to write with one producer because if you work with a lot of different writers the album can become slightly disjointed.
Just because someone does not write or phone in to complain does not mean that they haven't left dissatisfied.
Under some circumstances, it is possible to write a longer, intensively supervised, dissertation.
Students write a final dissertation of 30,000 words, which may be based on periods of field work.
For the MSc in American History (180 credits ), students write a 15,000-word dissertation.
Write each alias on a seperate line, and DO NOT include the domain name.
Many jounalists lap up this marketing drivel for want of something more interesting to write about.
Wages were very low - too small for the work done - and the domestic drudge could not read or write.
I cannot get him to write or speak in real, solid earnest.
I first began to write as a teenager, when I first had the idea for a sprawling science fiction and fantasy epic.
I went to write an epistle About a visit to a whistle Factory.
Eulogy Writers - Information for the user to write his or her own eulogy Writers - Information for the user to write his or her own eulogy or funeral verse.
Write clearly and make sure everything fits into the available space.
Finally, if you write sermons, check out NT exegesis by Fee.
The disk exerciser is able to write to any part of a disk regardless of whether the operating system labeled the sector unusable.
They are not very exhaustive, perhaps the development team did not have enough time to write more complete tutorials.
Now I get to write this with the additional perspective of having been invited to pc expo - a more generic computer trade show.
Children write a play script based on a well known fable or story.
Cohesive, single ideas in each paragraph · Write information in descending order of importance · keep information factual.
What inspired you and Tom to write your own musical versions of these classic fairy tales?
Consult the Java 1.2 security documentation for further details regarding how to write extension and application code to use the new security features.
I write the finis here against my love, This is my love's last epitaph and tomb.
Evans does write plainly and clearly, and avoids metaphors, wit or stylistic flourishes with fair assiduity.
Authors are asked to write as concisely as possible and to avoid lengthy footnotes.
And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore.
Her first novel, Dying Fall was published in 1995 and she has since gone on to write fourteen more.
We write lots of little messages to each other, many very frivolous, others more serious.
You can create your own custom units, and write your own scenarios -- or even full-blown campaigns.
They just want to write, not futz with formatting.
You can never really gage what the reaction is going to be from the people you write about.
Most people who write and blog about this sort of thing are pretty tech savy / alpha geeks.
Our findings have enabled us to write a new guidebook for the castle.
They'd write songs on the acoustic guitar, then play them live.
Usually I want to inspire people to write haiku, which is not always easy in a confined space.
One of the main keys to interpreting handwriting is the fact that we always write differently from the model taught to us at school.