Wrecked Sentence Examples
Many ships are wrecked and the sailors are drowned.
Many ships have been wrecked on the jagged reefs which fringe their base.
The boats were wrecked.
He explained how he'd tossed the liquor bottle he found at the site of the wrecked Jeep.
At this time the ship in which his wife and family, with all his property, were coming to join him, was wrecked, and every one on board lost.
The cathedral, which was completely wrecked, was begun in 1098 and finished by Roger II.
Instead of inching his way back to Lydia he remained by the wrecked Jeep.
Pelsaert was wrecked on Houtman's Abrolhos; his crew mutinied, and he and his party suffered greatly from want of water.
The Anes are reported to have come from the Gold Coast by sea and to have been wrecked at this place.
Captain Peter Dillon at length ascertained, in 1828, that the ships of La Perouse had been wrecked on the island of Vanikoro during a hurricane.
AdvertisementIn the former, however, they were successful, and the destitution they left in their wake almost wrecked Napoleon's subsequent combinations.
But the vessels were wrecked upon some shoals about one hundred leagues to the south of Maranhao; the few survivors, after suffering immense hardships, escaped to the nearest settlements, and the undertaking was abandoned.
In 1878 and again in 1889 it was wrecked by a freshet, and since then has been of little service.'
In 1871 the British frigate "Megaera" was wrecked here, and most of the 400 persons on board had to remain upwards of three months on the island.
The negotiations were wrecked upon the question of pelagic sealing.
AdvertisementShe was struck by three shells, which killed or wounded half the crew and wrecked the engines.
But the common policy proclaimed in the famous declaration of Pillnitz (August 27), was soon wrecked upon the particular interests of the powers.
The crown declined to concede these points, either of which would have wrecked the dual system as interpreted since 1867.
Mythical history relates how Seithennin's drunkenness inundated the land now covered by the bay, and how King Arthur's ship was wrecked upon Meisdiroedd Enlli near Bardsey.
Keppoch and Clanranald would not desert a prince with a reward of £30,000 on his head, but Macleod and Sleat held aloof; and Lovat wrecked the adventure by his doubts and delays.
AdvertisementThe consul may even defray the expenses of maintaining, and forwarding to their destination, passengers taken off or picked up from wrecked or injured vessels, if the master does not undertake to proceed in six weeks; these expenses becoming, in terms of the Passenger Acts 1855 and 1863, a debt due to His Majesty from the owner or charterer.
This produced irritation and resentment in Paris, and but for the influence which Cobden had acquired, and the perfect trust reposed in his sincerity, the negotiations would probably have been altogether wrecked.
The cathedral, which dated from the 17th century, and the ancient castle which rose above it, were wrecked.
The castle withstood a protracted siege by the Parliamentarians in 1643, and fell to them by treachery in 1646, of ter which it was dismantled and wrecked.
For these settlers he has to find British wives, and to this end collects 11,000 noble and 60,000 plebeian virgins, who are wrecked on their passage across.
AdvertisementThe church was well-nigh wrecked(' 730) by debt incurred in the erection of a meeting-house.
The First Church, Charleston, had been wrecked by Socinianism.
In the hills there were terrible landslips, which wrecked the little Cherrapunji railway and caused 600 deaths.
But all the efforts of the Swedish government were wrecked on the determination of Charles XII.
The headquarters are at Rangamati, which was wrecked by the cyclone of October 1897.
It was only when Isvolski's proposals were wrecked on the opposition of England, and the Russian minister protested against the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which had meanwhile been accomplished, and supported the Serbs in their opposition to Austria-Hungary, that Aehrenthal abandoned the idea of a friendly accommodation with the Russian Government.
During 1908 numbers of bronzes and other works of art were recovered from a vessel wrecked off Mandia in the 5th century A.D.
In 1693 it was again captured by them and still further wrecked.
Close by is a lofty Gothic tower (1500), which belonged to the ancient church of St Mary, which was wrecked by an explosion of gunpowder in 1787.
The famous Bunker Hill and Sullivan mines were wrecked, late in April, by union men.
Attempts at reconciliation were made from time to time afterwards, but were always wrecked on the two points of papal supremacy, when it meant the right to impose Western usages upon the East, and of the addition to the creed.
The whole of the eastern coast is rocky and destitute of harbours, especially the part called Coela, or "the Hollows," where part of the Perisan fleet was wrecked.
Broken in 1840 during the affair of Mehemet Ali the entente was patched up in 1841 by the Straits Convention and re-cemented by visits paid by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert to the Château d'Eu in 1843 and 1845 and of Louis Philippe to Windsor in 1844, only to be irretrievably wrecked by the affair of the "Spanish marriages," a deliberate attempt to revive the traditional Bourbon policy of French predominance in Spain.
The elector was not unwilling, but the scheme was wrecked by the opposition of the heir to the Bavarian throne, the duke of Zweibriicken, in response to whose appeal Frederick the Great formed, on the 23rd of July 1785, a confederation of German princes (Fiirstenbund) for the purpose of opposing the threatened preponderance of Austria.
The ship was nearly wrecked in the autumn, and the party had to spend most of the winter on shore, the duke of Abruzzi suffering severely from frost-bite.
In 1741 the Russian government sent out Vitus Bering, a Dane, and Alexei Chirikov, a Russian, in the ships "Saint Peter" and "Saint Paul" on a voyage of discovery in the Northern Pacific. After the ships were separated by a storm, Chirikov discovered several eastern islands of the Aleutian group, and Bering discovered several of the western islands, finally being wrecked and losing his life on the island of the Commander group that now bears his name.
His ship, the "Alceste," after a cruise along the coast of Korea and to the LooChoo Islands, on proceeding homewards was totally wrecked on a sunken rock in Gaspar Strait.
His vessel was wrecked, and he fell into the hands of cannibals; but he was saved by his leanness, and by the opportune invasion of a neighbouring tribe.
In all the large towns the masonry buildings were severely damaged or totally wrecked.
In 1701 William Dampier was wrecked on its coast, and during his detention discovered the only spring of fresh water the island contains.
For the duties of this office at such a critical time he was deficient in insight and energy, but his political success was independent of his official capacity; and when the ministry of Grey was wrecked on the Irish question in July 1834 Melbourne was chosen to succeed him as prime minister.
In May 1856 another Missouri force entered Lawrence without resistance, destroyed its printing offices, wrecked buildings and pillaged generally.
The church that they founded struck root, as that of Paulinus and Edwin had failed to do, and was not wrecked even by Oswalds deatn in battle at the hands of Penda the Mercian, the one strong champion of heathenism that England produced.
But the scheme was wrecked by the premature death of the bride, who expired by the way, while being brought over from Norway to her own kingdom, owing to privations and fatigue suffered on a tempestuous voyage.
He was destitute of military skill, and wrecked army after army by attempting hard tasks at inappropriate times and by mistaken methods.
Neither the emperor nor the empress was injured by the explosion, but the carriage in which they were driving was wrecked, and a large number of persons who happened to be in the street at the time were either killed or wounded.
It had not been forgotten that this question wrecked the Liberal party in 1874.
Two of his vessels failed to round the Horn, another, the "Wager," was wrecked in the Golfo de Pallas on the coast of Chile.
The value of these early works of the commission is shown by the fact that of 2928 vessels navigating the lower Danube in 1855, 36 were wrecked, while of 2676 in 1865 only 7 were wrecked.
The choir was occupied by the Roundheads during the Commonwealth, and was wrecked by the castle guns.
But this young king, aged only twenty, very much in love with his young wife and excessively fond of pleasure, soon wrecked the delicate poise of his mental faculties in the festivities of the Hotel SaintPaul; and a violent attack of Pierre de Craon on the constable de Clisson having led to an expedition against his accomplice, the duke of Brittany, Charles was seized by insanity on the road.
The Protectionists in 1893 wrecked a treaty of commerce with Germany in the Senate; and Spain subsequently persevered in her protectionist policy.
But while his enemies taunted him with having twice wrecked his party - first the Radical party under Mr Gladstone, and secondly the Unionist party under Mr Balfour - no well-informed critic doubted his sincerity, or failed to recognize that in leaving the cabinet and embarking on his fiscal campaign he showed real devotion to an idea.
The Genoese admiral, Luigi de' Fieschi, was taken with 5 of his galleys, and others were wrecked.
In 1837 a ship under British colours was wrecked near Aden, and the crew and passengers grievously maltreated by the Arabs.
Not finding him there, the rioters rushed to his house, which they wrecked, and seizing the doomed minister,.
This second flat patch is the site of what remains of the Yolanda, a wrecked freighter.
No wonder there is the legend of a wrecked galleon from the Spanish Armada somewhere in the bay.
And he believes if FIFA don't act now EVERY big tournament will be wrecked by blatant gamesmanship.
Although relieved the headache had subsided, Carol now felt ' wrecked ' and unable to attend work today.
Does that mean that Nashe Slovo's entire idea of uniting the internationalists has been wrecked?
Twenty years of mismanagement by EU desk jockeys has wrecked the fishing industry in Europe.
These wrecked the positive PR image that the most powerful politician in the world and her British lackey wanted to present.
In 1837 a ship under British colors was wrecked near Aden, and the crew and passengers grievously maltreated by the Arabs.
The wrecks range from wooden schooners that sank in the early 1800s through to recently wrecked freighters like the Edmund Fitzgerald.
This 1411 ton steamship was wrecked on the 16th April 1874 on her maiden voyage.
The turnpike trustees wanted a new Act and the turnpikes were wrecked twice again in July 1749.
The war lasted from February to September 1517 and ended with the expulsion of the duke and the triumph of Lorenzo; but it revived the nefarious policy of Alexander VI., increased brigandage and anarchy in the States of the Church, hindered the preparations for a crusade and wrecked the papal finances.
The tower is without bells, and the tradition that a ship bearing a peal hither was wrecked within sight of the harbour, and that the lost bells may still be heard to toll beneath the waves, has been made famous by a ballad of the Cornish poet Robert Stephen Hawker, vicar of Moorwinstow.
Broken in 1840 during the affair of Mehemet Ali the entente was patched up in 1841 by the Straits Convention and re-cemented by visits paid by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert to the Château d'Eu in 1843 and 1845 and of Louis Philippe to Windsor in 1844, only to be irretrievably wrecked by the affair of the "Spanish marriages," a deliberate attempt to revive the traditional Bourbon policy of French predominance in Spain.
It was the weakness of princes, the discouragement of freemen and landholders confronted by an inexorable system of financial and military tyranny, and the incompatibility of a vast empire with a too primitive governmental system, that wrecked the work of Charlemagne.
The ship was driven about by the winds; it was wrecked.
By the end of his 5 overs spell Pitts had wrecked havoc.
She was at the fishing up of the wrecked plate ships.
She is an item in the natural order, a ship wrecked on a reef.
If the sled looks crooked, it’s probably been wrecked and in need of an alignment.
If the sun and pool wrecked your beautiful blonde color, use an all over warm golden blonde shade to renew the vibrance.
Tracy Martin's car was completely wrecked in the collision, and police reported that she died because she wasn't wearing a seat belt.
Her wrecked vehicle was eventually brought to the Puckett's salvage yard, and then on July 17th, her truck was moved from the spot where the security camera was pointed.
Bloodlines - Damon saves Elena from her wrecked car and takes her on a road trip to Atlanta.
For a small fee, you can visit CarFax, enter the vehicle's identification number or VIN, and get a report on the car that includes accidents, repairs, and if the car has been wrecked or has a salvage title.
Imagine what your life would be like had you not gone to college, become a doctor instead of an engineer, never turned that corner where you wrecked your car and were injured, ending your athletic career, and so on.
The horrors of war and of religious persecution, and the consequent emigration or expulsion of its inhabitants, had wrecked the prosperity of Ghent, the recovery of which was made impossible by the closing of the Scheldt.
After being almost entirely wrecked by Norman raiders it was rebuilt, on the original lines, in 983, by the emperor Otto III.
Two other United States warships, "Trenton" and "Vandalia," were beaten to pieces on the coral reef; and the German warships "Olga" and "Eber" were wrecked with great loss of life.
In 1529 on his way to Hamburg he was wrecked on the Dutch coast, and lost his newly completed translation of Deuteronomy.
But the approach of the Portuguese fleet put him to flight; some of his vessels were wrecked; and on his return by way of Egypt he was arrested at Cairo and executed.
On his return he was wrecked on the holy island of Fosite (Heligoland), where his disregard of the pagan superstition nearly cost him his life.
Brass cannon recovered from wrecked vessels of the Spanish Armada are mounted on the walls.
In May 1685 another English ship the " Good Hope " was wrecked in crossing the bar at Port Natal and in February 1686 the " Stavenisse," a Dutch East Indiaman, was wrecked a little farther south.
In July 1816 the French frigate "Medusa," which carried officers on their way to Senegal to take possession of that country for France, was wrecked off Arguin, 350 lives being lost.
While it was probably badly wrecked by the Romans at the sack of the city, its massive columns with the entablature survived.
After nearly all the forty-six banks chartered by the legislature in 1818 had been wrecked in the financial panic of 1819, the legislature in 1820 passed a series of laws designed for the benefit of the debtor class, among them one making state bank notes a legal tender for all debts.
Two lofty platforms along the Tigris front had served as foundations of the palaces hitherto built, but the platforms had been wrecked and the palaces were in decay.
His own administration had been wrecked, through no initiative of his, by the dissensions over the fiscal question.
Then at the command of Zeus he was sent homewards, but was again wrecked on the island of Phaeacia, _whence he was conveyed to Ithaca in one of the wondrous Phaeacian ships.
In the great gale of 1799 seventy sail, including the "York," 74 guns, were wrecked off the reef, and this disaster compelled the authorities to take steps to protect shipping.
This signal was wantonly destroyed by a pirate, whose ship was afterwards wrecked at this very spot, the rover and his men being drowned.
After two years spent in exploring the Niger, the navigating vessel was wrecked in passing through some of the rapids of the river, and Baikie was unable longer to keep his party together.
On the 19th of November he signed the Troppau Protocol, which consecrated the principle of intervention and wrecked the harmony of the concert.
For eight years he canvassed for signatures to this address, but in spite of considerable support the strenuous opposition of the Jesuits and Dominicans deterred the clergy and nearly wrecked the scheme.
The mission party was to embark in Chinese junks (the word used) and smaller vessels, but that carrying the other envoys and the presents, which started before Ibn Batuta was ready, was wrecked totally; the vessel that he had engaged went off with his property, and he was left on the beach of Calicut.
The relations with Norway during King Oscar's reign had great influence on political life in Sweden, and more than once it Relations seemed as if the union between the two countries was with on the point of being wrecked.
If we read of one man robbed, or murdered, or killed by accident, or one house burned, or one vessel wrecked, or one steamboat blown up, or one cow run over on the Western Railroad, or one mad dog killed, or one lot of grasshoppers in the winter--we never need read of another.
His career as a lawyer in Alabama was exceptionally brilliant; but his political career was abruptly wrecked by his opposition in 1819 to Andrew Jackson, whose friends controlled the state.
Norman Finch, who though severely wounded continued to fight his gun singlehanded till the top was wrecked by another shell.
This new departure, or rather, return to old ideas, encountered vehement opposition and difficulties that nearly wrecked it; but it has survived, and has been the pioneer in the extraordinary development of institutes of women devoted to external good works of every kind.
The ships of Ribaut were soon afterwards wrecked near Matanzas Inlet; he and most of his followers surrendered to Menendez and were executed.
When the Irish university was started, with Newman, appointed by Cullen, at its head, the scheme was wrecked by the personal opposition to the archbishop of Dublin.
In November the ship was wrecked on Bering Island; and the gallant Dane, worn out with scurvy, died there on the 8th of December 1741.
Sir Murray Maxwell (1775-1831), a naval officer, gained much fame by his conduct when his ship the "Alceste" was wrecked in Gaspar Strait in 1817.
On the 13th of December the Opposition, infuriated by the formation of a special corps of parliamentary constables, invaded and wrecked the Chamber.
The Telahawiyeh was wrecked on the 29th of January and the Bordein on the 31st, Sir C. Wilsons party being rescued on the 4th of February by Lord C. Beresford in the Safieh, which had come up from Gubat on receipt of news carried there by Lieutenant Stuart Wortley in a row-boat.
On the 10th of May the brethren wrecked the monasteries of Perth, after a sermon by Knox,and the revolution was launched, the six or seven preachers already threatening the backward members of their party with excommunication.