Woven Sentence Examples
Cotton is produced, and is woven into fabrics by the women.
I too had woven a kind of basket of a delicate texture, but I had not made it worth any one's while to buy them.
Xander barely resisted the urge to touch the finely woven garment with a fur lining that was certain to be the softest thing in the world.
Some beautiful furniture is made out of the hardwood from the mountains, and cotton fabrics are woven in considerable quantities by the women.
His draperies are tight and closely folded, being studied (as it is said) from models draped in paper and woven fabrics gummed.
Handlooms and small spinTextiles ning establishments have, in the silk industry, given place to large establishments with steam looms. The production of raw silk at least tripled itself between 1875 and 1900, and the value of the silks woven in Italy, estimated in 1890 to be 2,200,000, is now, on account of the development of the export trade calculated to be almost 4,000,000.
Each cistern is fitted kith a perforated false bottom, on which a blanket or specially woven cloth is placed, to receive the char which is poured in from the top, and packed as evenly as possible until the cistern is filled.
Cacao, tobacco, cotton, rice and indigo are grown in the neighbouring country, and the town has a considerable trade in these and other commodities; it also manufactures sugar, fans and woven fabrics.
Of course by far the larger part of the yarn spun in Lancashire is woven in Lancashire, but of the cotton cloth woven in Lancashire it is roughly estimated that about 20% is used in Great Britain.
Cotton fabrics are woven by the women and sold to the mountain tribes.
AdvertisementBut into the figure of Arthur as we know him, other elements have entered; he is not merely an historic personality, but at the same time a survival of pre-historic myth, a hero of romance, and a fairy king; and all these threads are woven together in one fascinating but bewildering web.
A few years later (about 600) the two Pentateuchal documents J and E were woven together, the books of Kings were compiled, the book of Habakkuk and parts of the Proverbs were written.
So extensible is viscous glass that it can be drawn out into a filament sufficiently fine and elastic to be woven into a fabric.
The genuineness of these so-called translations from the works of a 3rd-century bard was immediately challenged in England, and Dr Johnson, after some local investigation, asserted (Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, 1775) that Macpherson had only found fragments of ancient poems and stories, which he had woven into a romance of his own composition.
Its whereabouts is thus, to a great extent, concealed both from enemies searching for spiders and from insects suitable for food; and its open meshwork of strong threads makes it much less liable to be beaten down by rain or torn to shreds by winds than if it were a flat sheet of closely woven silk.
AdvertisementThe narratives of miracles are woven into the very texture of this representation.
The long hair is shorn every summer, and woven into a variety of stuffs used by the Arab for clothing himself and his family, and covering his tent.
By invagination one portion of this sphere becomes tucked into the other - as in the preparation of a woven night-cap for the head.
Imports include woven goods, metals, ironware, machinery, tea, wines and spirits, mineral oils, opium, paper, and arms and powder.
The most important imports are minerals, including coal and metals (both in pig and wrought); silks, raw, spun and woven; stone, potters earths, earthenware and glass; corn, flour and farinaceous products; cotton, raw, spun and woven; and live stock.
AdvertisementA considerable quantity of the produce is spun and woven locally; e.g.
West Africa.-Cotton has long been grown in the various countries on the west coast of Africa, ginned by hand or by very primitive means, spun into yarn, and woven on simple looms into " country cloths "; these are often only a few inches wide, so that any large cloths have to be made by sewing the narrow strips together.
The two layers thus " woven " - Pliny uses the word texere in describing this part of the process - formed a sheet (plagula or net), which was then soaked in water of the Nile.
Tobacco and cascarilla bark also flourish; and cotton is indigenous and was woven into cloth by the aborigines.
The custom of offering a beautifully woven peplus at the Panathenaic festival is connected with her character as Ergane the goddess of industry.'
AdvertisementThey consist of tanks or cisterns fitted with " heads " from which a number of bags of specially woven cloth are suspended in a suitable manner, and into which the melted sugar or liquor to be filtered flows from the melting pans.
In order to form a relative idea of the importance of the various countries engaged in silk manufacture, a tabulation of the number of looms employed in each country would prove an inadequate guide, owing to the variations from time to time of the fabrics woven, as also to the difficulty in obtaining trustworthy statistics of the number in active operation.
Yarns are sold according to their "actual" counts, though when they are woven into cloth they frequently attain nominal or brevet rank.
The wool is not of much value, and is spun by the women and woven into rugs, and made up into saddlebags or into the black Bedouin tents.
The cloth is woven "one end up and two ends down," and as there are more picks of weft per inch than ends of warp the diagonal lines pass from selvage to selvage at an angle of less than 45 degrees.
The amount of silk handled and woven in Milan is greater than that dealt with at Lyons.
A limited amount of cotton is raised and woven into cloth.
Aristotle's vague knowledge of the worm may have been derived from information acquired by the Greeks with Alexander the Great; but long before this time raw silk must have begun to be imported at Cos, where it was woven into a gauzy tissue, the famous Coa vestis, which revealed rather than clothed the form.
Cloth is woven at Parachin, 5 m.
But every night she undid the piece which she had woven by day.
Manufactured in a loop design, Berber is an excellent choice for those who have pets, especially cats, as the pile is very tightly woven and resistant to unraveling.
The Berber tribe constructed their fabrics, usually made out of camel hair or wool, with tightly woven loops.
Greek and Roman peasants were recorded as wearing woven hats to work the fields.
Silver is more malleable than other precious metals, meaning it can more easily be shaped and woven into intricate knot patterns.
Filigree designs may be woven, etched, or carved, and each type of design adds great texture and depth to the overall pattern.
Symmetrical knots, braids, and other woven patterns adorn Celtic rings, and many couples choose Celtic designs because of their symbolism.
The stony plains which cover so large a part of the country are often covered with acacia jungle, and in the dry water-courses a kind of wild palm, the dom, abounds, from the leaves of which baskets and mats are woven.
Vitruvius also gives a detailed account of the means of recovering gold, by amalgamation, from cloth into which it had been woven.
Linen, flax, jute and wool are also spun and woven.
Axminster was long celebrated for the admirable quality of its carpets, which were woven by hand, like tapestry.
Their use was not simply a barbarous expedient to defend man from the rigours of an arctic winter; woven wool alone cannot, in its most perfect form, accomplish this.
The European, Arabian and East Indian kinds are seldom used for rugs, the skins are chiefly dressed as leather for books and furniture, and the kids for boots and gloves, and the finer wool and hair are woven into various materials.
Paisley has been an important manufacturing centre since the beginning of the 18th century, but the earlier linen, lawn and silk-gauze industries have become extinct, and even the famous Paisley shawls (imitation cashmere), the sale of which at one time exceeded i,000,000 yearly in value, have ceased to be woven.
The surrounding country is one of the most important hemp-producing districts in the Philippines; sinamay is woven here, and large quantities of hemp are shipped from here to Manila.
Phormium is a cream-coloured fibre with a fine silky gloss, capable of being spun and woven into many of the heavier textures for which flax is used, either alone or in combination with flax.
Hats, baskets, cloths and rope are woven and are exported to a limited extent; small quantities of copra are also exported.
Melksham possesses cloth-mills where coco-nut fibre and hair cloth are woven, flour-mills and dye-works.
The cloth is made of the cotton grown in the country, woven on small handlooms and dyed either with indigo or with a magenta dye obtained from the bark of a tree.
It is in the midst of a fertile district and has manufactures of hats and various woven fabrics.
Then several of these were woven together to form a suttanta.
The action was so unexpected that his contemporaries felt bound to give all manner of explanations which have been woven into accounts which are legendary.
The term wampum or wampum-peage was apparently applied to the beads only when strung or woven together.
A strand of wampum, consisting of purple and white shell-beads or a belt woven with figures formed by beads of different colours, operated on the principle of associating a particular fact with a particular string or figure, thus giving a serial arrangement to the facts as well as fidelity to the memory.
Cotton goods are taxed at 32%, whether imported or woven in Indian mills.
The most important seat of the silk-weaving industry is Bengal, but there are few parts of India where some silk fabrics are not woven.
The so-called Ailanthus silk produced by Saturnia cynthia is woven at Lai-yang into a strong fabric; and the manufacture of the peculiar kind of wax obtained from the la-shu or wax-tree insect is largely carried on in the vicinity.
Japanese cotton yarns are imported to be woven into a strong cloth on Korean hand-looms. Beans and peas, rice, cowhides, and ginseng are the chief exports, apart from gold.
This is a cord, woven by women of the priestly class, composed of seventy-two threads, representing the seventy-two chapters of the Yasna, a portion of the Zend-Avesta, in the sacredness of which the young.
Large quantities of the coco-nut fibre are woven in heavy looms, then cut up into various sizes, and finally bound round the edges by a kind of rope made from the same material.
Many of these Indian grass-mats are admirable examples of elegant design, and the colours in which they are woven are rich, harmonious and effective in the highest degree.
The art with which these threads are woven together was recognized by Wolf himself, who admitted the difficulty of applying his theory to the " admirabilis summa et compages " of the poem.
At no very remote date it was the practice in Scotland for every small farmer and cotter not only to grow " lint " or flax in small patches, but to have it retted, scutched, cleaned, spun, woven, bleached and finished entirely within the limits of his own premises, and all by members or dependents of the family.
During the long absence of her husband after the fall of Troy many chieftains of Ithaca and the islands round about became her suitors; and, to rid herself of the importunities of the wooers, she bade them wait till she had woven a winding-sheet for old Laertes, the father of Odysseus.
The official insignia of the flamen Dialis (of Jupiter), the highest of these priests, were the white cap (pileus, albogalerus), at the top of which was an olive branch and a woollen thread; the laena, a thick woollen toga praetexta woven by his wife; the sacrificial knife; and a rod to keep the people from him when on his way to offer sacrifice.
These two attempts to use alpaca were failures owing to the style of fabric into which the yarn was woven - a species of camlet.
There is no sley used in this, nor is a shuttle necessary; in the room of the latter a stick covered with thread called singa is thrown into the warp as woof, which is beaten in by a piece of plank called beyno, and as the cloth is woven it is wound up to the roller.
Gunny cloth is woven of numerous qualities, according to the purpose to which it is devoted.
Some kinds are made close and dense in texture, for carrying such seed as poppy or rape and sugar; others less close are used for rice, pulses, and seeds of like size, and coarser and opener kinds again are woven for the outer cover of packages and for the sails of country boats.
The fibre began to receive attention in Great Britain towards the close of the 18th century, and early in the 19th century it was spun into yarn and woven into cloth in the town of Abingdon.
Rough woollen cloth and mohair are woven by the natives, who also make excellent fire-arms and other weapons.
A romance has woven itself round Spinoza's connexion with Van den Ende's household.
It is prepared by boiling the needles in a solution of soda to remove the resin, which process loosens the fibre and renders its separation easy; it has some resemblance to coarse wool, and is spun and woven into blankets and garments that are said to be warm and durable; it is also used for stuffing cushions; an essential oil, obtained by a previous distillation of the leaves, has medicinal virtues attributed to it by some German practitioners.
Strips are also woven into cages, chairs, beds and other articles of furniture, Oriental wicker-work in bamboo being unequalled for beauty and neatness of workmanship. In China the interior portions of the stem are beaten into a pulp and used for the manufacture of the finer varieties of paper.
Spinning and weaving are carried on among the people as a household occupation, and fabrics are made of an exceptionally substantial character.It is not uncommon to see the natives busily twirling their rude spindles as they follow their troops of pack animals over rough mountain roads, and the yarn produced is woven into cloth in their own houses on rough Spanish looms of colonial patterns.
Not only is coarse cloth for their own garments made in this manner from the fleece of the llama, but cotton and woollen goods of a serviceable character are manufactured, and still finer fabrics are woven from the wool of the alpaca and vicuña, sometimes mixed with silk or lamb's wool.
With the continuations of Socrates, Sozomen and Theodoret, and the Latin manual which Cassiodorus had woven from them (the Historia tripartita), it formed the body of Church history during all the middle ages.
In the former the bow with vegetable string is the chief weapon, and clothing is woven from palm fibre; in the east spears are found, and in the Welle district swords and throwing-knives also; clothing made from skins also makes its appearance, and more attention is paid to the shades of departed ancestors.
In addition to the mills there are (1901) 178,000 hand-loom weavers in the province, who still have a position of their own in the manipulation of designs woven into the cloth.
Silk goods are manufactured in Ahmedabad, Surat, Yeola, Nasik, Thana and Bombay, the material being often decorated with printed or woven designs; but owing to the competition of European goods most branches of the industry are declining.
Internal commerce was evidently developing in a satisfactory style, despite of the wars; in especial raw wool was going out of England in less bulk than of old, because cloth woven at home was becoming the staple export.
Eyrbyggia (890-1031) is the saga of politics, the most loosely woven of all the compound stories.
The sagas of the south are either lost or absorbed in that of Nial (970-1014), a long and complex story into which are woven the tales of Gunnar Nial, and parts of others, as Brian Boroimhe, Hall o' Side, &c. It is, whether we look at style, contents or legal and historical weight, the foremost of all sagas.
Specimens of skilfully wrought ornaments of gold and silver, artistically made pottery, and finely woven fabrics of cotton and wool (alpaca), have been found in their huacas, or burial-places.
The commerce of Boulogne consists chiefly in the importation of jute, wool, woven goods of silk and wool, skins, threads, coal, timber, and iron and steel, and the exportation of wine, woven goods, table fruit, potatoes and other vegetables, skins, motor-cars, forage and cement.
Bauan has a fine church and is known as a market for "sinamay" or hemp cloth, the hemp and cotton being imported and dyed and woven by the women in their homes.
Palm-fibre mats and hats, fans, bamboo baskets and cotton fish-nets are woven here.
The large system of ruined forts and " cities " in Mashonaland, at Zimbabwe and elsewhere, concerning which so many ingenious theories have been woven, have been proved to date from medieval times.
The world around her changed from forest to what resembled an army encampment with tents and mobile buildings hidden from sight by intricate nettings woven among the trees.
When softened by whale oil, it can be woven on machines to make coal sacks, horse bags and carpet backing.
The top decorated cover contrasts with the lower part that is made of plainly woven basketry.
Popular furniture The full-size version of this furniture was made in a type of woven basketwork known as the Lloyd Loom style.
Cotton Traders has a selection of good value woven cotton boxers that would certainly come in handy for your man.
The Incas ' woven grass suspension bridges were strong enough to carry the Spanish army.
From the Roof of the World includes a Tibetan noble's jacket made from a silk brocade woven Chinese carpet.
Hand woven from soft colored and textured natural straw, they have lovely leather handles and practical cotton calico linings.
The stylish pure cotton chemise is decorated with a subtle woven floral design and ties in a pretty bow on the neckline.
Decorated with handcrafted furniture in native woods, woven fabrics and rugs, Mexican terra cotta tiled floors, original artwork and antiques.
The interior chimney hood was fairly simple, using ash rods with hazel woven between them, and lime clay daub finish.
The continuous dyeing of fabric is preferred where large quantities of woven fabric have to be dyed one color.
He plays electro mainly, some progressive, a touch of minimal, all woven together unbelievably well.
Their areas are now enlivened by woven hangings and photographs inside the building and by plants in the newly formed courtyard.
Complete with rust resistant eyelets and rot-proof woven cord fastenings to ensure a weatherproof fit.
The 20th century screen is a more sophisticated form of this web, made of finely woven fabric stretched over a frame.
You must have at least 2 years previous experience in garment technology working on ladies woven garments.
These will be joined together to create a woven hanging for the Bedales Reading Room.
Adjustable non-slip 35 mm black elastic headband woven with rubber.
The secondary backing on all Anchor Carpets is natural woven jute.
Ali Pasha, the defeated naval commander, is shown full length wearing a kaftan of costly woven, figured silks.
The flax for this was locally grown and the coarse linen woven by hand, some two hundred years ago.
During this time he wore only a woven reed mat to cover himself.
They put down woven black matting, to go under the gravel.
Many cottages and barns still have a reed matting which was woven diagonally and laid over the rafters and under the thatch.
These were ' tents ' made from a wooden frame over which hand woven rush matting had been secured.
In another area he has started to grow shiitake mushrooms under a graceful canopy, a living tunnel of woven willow trees.
For the first time, the Celtic style " woven texture " accompaniment unique to the instrument is fully notated.
Accordingly, the silk satin was woven in Spitalfields, London.
Fully lined in plush, luxurious sheepskin and cuffed with woven braid.
The album contains 97 designs for woven silk, painted in watercolor.
Made from a mixture of plush and woven sisal.
Apart from the books printed with wooden plates, there were many hand-painted and embroidered books or Buddhist sutras woven with silk.
The project will develop learning and teaching packages and provide content in the area of printed and woven textiles.
Hurdles were woven from hazel or willow and topped with straw thatch.
Texts are set in French with English translations woven into the settings in a variety of ways.
Once woven, tweeds are sent back to the mill where every inch is examined.
Women's tweed jackets made from locally woven Harris tweed jackets made from locally woven Harris Tweed?
The walls are of stake construction with hazel wattle woven round them.
The ' tied ' warps are dyed, the ties removed and then the warp is woven in plain weave.
Her coffin was a beautiful thing made out of woven wicker, Emer would have approved.
Woven steel wire gauze is employed with good effect in some mills where especially fine trituration is required.
The loom in which it was woven was eternal wrath.
By this time Burgers was no longer blinded by _the foolish optimism of a visionary who had woven finespun theories of what an ideal republic might be.
Here on her festival (21st of January) two lambs are specially blessed after pontifical high mass, and their wool is later woven into pallia (see Pallium).
He " had woven," according to an often quoted phrase of Goethe, " a certain sly element of irony into his method;.
Not only is coarse cloth for their own garments made in this manner from the fleece of the llama, but cotton and woollen goods of a serviceable character are manufactured, and still finer fabrics are woven from the wool of the alpaca and vicuña, sometimes mixed with silk or lamb's wool.
Sophocles represents man's life as woven with a "shuttle of adamant" (Antigone, 622-624).
Our kitchen had a lustrous plain oak table and chairs with wooden back rests pierced with hearts and raffia woven seats.
The differences in attitudes and styles of East and West are skilfully woven together in Puccini 's ravishing score.
All Oriental rugs are woven on a loom by hand.
I clip up my parka and my sealskin boots, tug mittens woven from an eider 's breast.
And in 1869, a shawl woven by Abel Towler was presented to Queen Victoria 's on her visit to the city.
High quality silicone lined, no slip woven strap, made of durable Polyester.
The chief characteristic of Welsh poetry is its alliteration, woven around beautiful similes and metaphors.
Acting as a bedcover is a Mortlake tapestry sumpter cloth, which was woven for Ralph Montagu 's ambassadorial processions to Versailles.
She was also found to have woven bone deposits in the right orbit and supraorbital ridge.
Blades of grass dyed with manganese were woven into the baskets in geometric patterns with a symbolic significance.
I remember your darkly woven poetry; your saturated tapestry of overlapping stories.
Women 's tweed jackets made from locally woven Harris Tweed?
The twill woven fabric comes in 52 different colors.
This quality rugby shirt has a woven white twill collar and placket and features three rubber buttons for comfort and practicality.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
The finished structure appears loosely woven, rather untidy in general appearance and often without any obvious entrance (see below).
The pattern was created by applying chemical dyes mixed with rice paste through stencils on to the surface of the woven fabric.
A Viking family would have had a loom on which they would have woven cloth.
I liked how he was woven into the fabric of the origin.
Here he tells the story of the top ten that are woven into the tapestry of his life.
The main color was white, with a tartan pattern of bright colors woven into the cloth.
Cut the woven roving cloth wide enough to extend at least 3 to 4 inches on either side of the rupture.
That each of us has a subtle body woven of the fabric of light is no whimsical fantasy or illusory trick of the mind.
It is either hand knotted of hand woven in intricate, colorful designs.
You can find fine-combed cotton that is so delicately woven that it actually feels much like silk.
These are woven from a synthetic material that draws sweat away from your skin, providing greater comfort and less irritation.
Additionally, it is woven to stretch in four directions rather than two, providing superior fit and comfort.
The rugs are coarsely woven with high-quality wool.
A single weft utilizes one piece of yarn woven throughout the rug.
Authentic Hamadans are woven by hand, and will have slight imperfections.
Woven baskets, brightly-painted Italian pottery, woven strands of garlic, bowls of lemons and other produce are all commonly-found items.
Woven baskets are another handy accessory to have in the kitchen due to their usefulness and rich texture.
Dress up dining tables or breakfast nooks with place mats or table runners made from woven straw or decorative old world fabrics like chenille or tapestry.
They can also be woven into attractive fabrics.
Silk is an extremely fine fiber that is woven into soft and luxurious fabric.
Placemats made with grasscloth or woven materials have rich texture that will add visual interest.
Woven baskets are another typical feature of Italian kitchens.
Wooden cabinetry is frequently accessorized with wrought iron hardware, and countertops are adorned with woven baskets and vibrant ceramic pieces.
A sturdy harvest table for meals can be accented by a set of painted wooden chairs with a distressed finish and woven rush seats.
Natural wood, woven baskets, burlap sacks, fabrics such as cotton and jute - these natural, organic materials are a part of any safari and translate well into the home.
They are usually made of heavy woven or velvet fabric and hung on a wooden or metal rod.
If durability is a concern, consider a sisal-look in a woven vinyl.
Woven vinyl rugs from companies like Chilewich come in a variety of colors and are easy to maintain.
For example, use an unexpected woven sea grass upholstered armchair paired with a tea stained slip-covered sofa accompanied by a white washed pickled wood floor and a multi colored cowhide area rug.
Decorator pillows are typically woven, but they can also be knitted or felted.
Roman shades can be constructed of attractive fabric or natural materials like woven woods or bamboo.
Woven together, in various combinations, these products can become baskets, chairs, baby carriages, wheelchairs, rockers, tables, footstools, nightstands, dressers, and headboards.
After the wicker headboard is woven onto the furniture frame, the piece is dipped into a finish bath.
Braided rugs have distinctive color patterns that are woven into the rug with color combination that are variegated and change within the braided pattern.
The light will affect the different finishes in different ways and will reflect both light and dark - just like a woven damask cloth.
Rich colors and woven textures are key when it comes to decorating a Mexican style room.
When it comes to choosing decorator fabrics, look for woven textures in primitive prints and patterns.
Decorate a wooden table with a woven table runner and placemats.
There is a big difference in designs printed on a rug and those woven into the rug by using different colored yarns.
Printed rugs simply have the pattern printed onto the rug after it's woven.
This type of rug is much cheaper than individually woven color patterns.
A printed rug is woven using a solid-colored yarn, usually white.
A woven pattern is created by using individually dyed yarn.
The yarn is woven into the pattern or design with no danger of the pattern wearing off.
Tapestries and richly woven rugs are also a way of accenting the design in Old World style.
The pattern is printed onto the finished rug, which means the pattern isn't created by individually-dyed strands of yarn and woven into the rug.
Most print rugs have a tight weave, so unless you examine the rug closely, you may not be able to tell at first glance that it's a printed pattern instead of a woven one.
Field built an innovative loom that was capable of weaving rugs with the same amount of detail and craftsmanship as hand woven rugs.
Karastan was the first company to create mass produced rugs that look like hand woven rugs.
Most area rugs are woven with wool fibers.
Modern, contemporary area rugs have amazing, cutting-edge designs woven into them.
These rugs were originally knotted by hand and although most today are woven by machines, you can still find rugs that are handcrafted.
If the idea of simple blue and white curtains doesn't appeal, try using woven bamboo or burlap.
A wall tapestry is a heavily woven cloth used primarily as a wall decoration or wall art.
The cloth may consist of a design woven out of fibers, or may have the design painted onto the cloth after weaving.
For cosmetic adornment, Henna was widely used to paint fingernails and design the skin with intricate and woven designs.
They can be woven into the cable or clamped on using a bolt system or by using coil springs.
In the Philippines, the fibers of pineapple leaves are woven to create a stiff fabric.
Look for materials that are lightweight, can move and drape softly, and have a slight give or elasticity rather than crispness or tightly woven structure.
Intertwine some small white Christmas lights into them, and have holly and berries woven into the swag.
Place programs in a woven basket tied with raffia for a more rustic look or use a flowergirl basket that has been covered in fabric.
Try turquoise or coral with chocolate brown, or combine either with yellow in a complex, tightly woven fall bouquet with plenty of forest green leaves.
The wool was spun into yarn and the material woven, oftentimes people spun their own yarn with a spinning wheel and wove material on a home loom.
Handmade pieces-For a handmade touch, check out Ten Thousand Villages, where you can find everything from soap dishes to hand woven hampers, perfect for a tropical theme.
Another selling point for this kind of towel is that each towel is piece-dyed, which means the towel is dyed after it's woven.
You may want to buy a blue rug that matches the blue in your shower curtain or one that has a same color seashell embossed or woven into the carpet pile.
You may be familiar with woven Jacquard, Belgian, Florets, Lily of the Valley, English Ivy, Chantilly and other laces.
You can even purchase some amazing lace scenes, like a woven beach and seascapes shower curtain.
Satin gets its shine from the manner in which it is woven.
These yarns are woven in a way that they "float over" or are drawn through a single weft yarn.
This type of satin is made from a finely woven polyester and is suitable for everyday use.
Always opt for strong, sturdy baskets that are smooth and finely woven.
Woven cotton is probably the most popular material used in western clothing, and colors and patterns abound as well.
Knit and woven tops, bottoms and some outerwear pieces in both solids and prints are featured in the line.
The dress features a knit bodice in black with a red tartan woven skirt.
These dresses are made of extremely high-quality materials like rough, handwoven silk, hand-painted sateen, or woven cotton.
Construction - How tightly woven is the material?
It is a woven cotton blend with pleats, belt loops and a button closure.
Cache-sexe are constructed of a variety of materials including woven fabric, leather, beads, leaves, and metals.
Masculine promise rings can vary from intricately woven and engraved rings to simple titanium bands.
The friendship bracelets common among children and teenagers are a form of macrame, and this weaving technique can be used for many different things, including woven necklaces, baskets, pot holders, shawls, and more.
A man's ring, on the other hand, would focus more on the knots and one or more small gems may be woven into the design without as much disruption to the knot pattern.
Some bead workers even create seahorses woven from a mass of tiny beads.
Favorite Color - most people have a favorite color, whether it is the palest of pastel pinks, or dark and moody blacks these can be woven into a bracelet for a very personal gift.
One of the most innovative styles incorporates metal mesh that has been woven with ribbon.
The decorative element of the bracelet is woven wire made from pewter threads.
Crosses with knot patterns, churches with intricate knots woven into architecture and sacred holy books, such as the Book of Kells, provide insight into how early Christians expressed their faith artistically.
Smart woven shirts are a great addition to any man's wardrobe.
Fine-gauged cotton knit ties and slender woven ties give easy sophistication for summer while lightweight scarves in multi lengths continue a layering theme.
It is lightweight, breathes well, and can be woven tightly enough so as not to let in sun rays, but still won't promote an excess of sweat.
From printed henley and thermal shirts to boisterous t-shirts and patterned woven shirts, you'll find something even if you prefer to stay on the conservative side of loud.
For example, the Princeton Courtney Sport Coat is a classically styled blazer that's made in medium-wale corduroy with woven leather buttons.
Satin Stripe Silk Pajamas are done in 100% woven silk.
The wider and more tightly woven the brim, the more protection you can get.
It was processed and spun by hand and then woven by hand by the crafters in their homes, the result being that each coat had its own unique look.
Some of the more popular fabrics used to construct dress shirts include oxford, which is crisp and therefore excellent for formal events, and twill, a diagonally woven material that creates a thick, rich texture.
The material was a woven cotton, which breathed well and wicked away perspiration.
Ralph Lauren takes great pride in creating reinforced seams, durable woven fabrics, and double-stitched secure buttons on all of their shirts.
Tweed, a heavy woven fabric native to Scotland and Ireland, dates back several centuries at least.
One of the most popular tweeds, Harris, saw its star rise in 1843, when Lady Catherine Herbert saw the fine quality of the cloth being woven by two sisters.
Most support socks for men are manufactured from nylon or rayon, which is woven with other elastic fibers to provide a predetermined amount of compression.
Made from nylon and rayon woven with Lycra ® brand elastane fiber, the socks are comfortable and long lasting.
This pair of shorts has a woven belt and features a straight leg style.
The stretch woven twill holds its shape and looks great on men of any shape or size.
They have a flat front with constructed belt loops and have woven ventilation at both the back and inside of the leg.
A unique design that is cut in a lean athletic style, ForMotion Woven Shorts are perfect for the golf course as well as for casual wear.
A long-sleeved overshirt known as a "doublet", often made out of fine embroidered or woven cloth.
Leggings were some variation of hosiery, either woven or sewn, usually topped off with a codpiece (which could double as a coin-purse).
The fabrics are woven in the United States and use low impact dyes.
Often floral motifs, animals or other designs are included on a damask fabric, but they can also be simple designs with stripes or just a woven pattern made in a single color.
An organic bedding bassinet is usually made of reeds or grasses woven into a basket shape with handles.
It's grown in the north of India and woven in the south of India and the companies involved as also dealing with organizations like Traidcraft.
Modern woven wool feels much softer and friendlier than that.
Air-core differs from foam in that it is a tightly woven system of air pockets, which eliminates many of the common allergies associated with mattresses.
Hemp can be woven into linen like fabric that has anti-microbial qualities.
Linen is one of the oldest woven fabrics in existence.
Woven finishes feel like medium-weight cotton and are often seen in classic blouses with lace collars or in beautifully printed shirts such as the We Be Bop big shirts.
The woven finish usually requires ironing or steaming to reduce the wrinkling.
You may want to do a little ironing or steaming on a woven rayon top to smooth out any wrinkles.
Flax fibers are processed, spun and woven into strong, durable cloth called linen.
Most ski pants are made from a tightly woven nylon or polyester, which makes them water resistant and durable.
It is made from a washable woven polyester crepe.
Unlike cotton micro fiber can be woven to feel like a natural fiber, but it is a manufactured fabric created to maximize absorption.
The fibers are woven into beautiful delicate fabrics used for dress pants.
Ralph Lauren's woven belts are staples in many women's wardrobes.
If you love the look, consider a plus size woven belt from Avenue.
This suit is made from woven rayon and polyester making it comfortable for summer.
Both are made from woven polyester and come in colors such as Dusty Pink, Blue, Black and Vintage Violet.
Love this look for its temple details of tightly woven metal.
Usually, you will find the candy trail woven through the section of the park with the rides for small kids.
Some are made of elegantly embossed metal; others are unique, handcrafted woven designs.
A shaker rocker is simple, with a ladder back and woven or slat seat.
Sweaters should be a tightly woven knit so they keep you warm even if it is windy.
The final plug or clot involves tightly woven fibers of a material called fibrin.
You may have wondered how curled or woven arrangements are created.
If braids are not woven gently, they can break hair and give it a ragged, unkempt appearance.
Furthermore, because braids are woven, even a few strands out of place may be far more noticeable than with other hair styles.
In fact, your stylist may even create lowlights, which are darker than your natural color and are woven into the hair in order to provide your strands with depth and contrast.
This style consists of slim single braids, woven tightly on the crown of the head in a crisscross pattern.
Or, you can go medieval and add some long braids with ribbons woven in to match your dress.
The braid is woven directly on the clip, and streamers of ribbon may be left dangling for extra elegance and flair.
Whether hair is long or short, a full highlight that is sectioned and woven finely produces a color that is well blended and has little contrast.
Wind machines or fans are sometimes employed in the full body shots where sheer fabrics are loosely woven around your body for a special effect.
Less expensive fabrics can also be found at Wal-Mart or Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store.For first-time projects, your best choice is a cotton woven fabric.
More importantly, it doesn't get much more luxurious than the fifteen percent woven cashmere material that constitutes this design.
Simple cotton can be woven in several ways that will yield different results in thickness and absorbency.
This fabric is tightly woven to produce a very luxurious, plush feeling.
Thousands of pinpoint holes are woven through the fabric, which allows light to pass through to allow tanning on the skin beneath.
A flat woven drawstring is hidden inside the narrow waistband.
Mesh is less protective than a solidly woven fabric.
Add a tightly woven beach hat and you greatly cut down the likelihood of anyone suffering a painful sunburn.
An interlocking GG is woven right into the cotton blend, and a single rear pocket completes this look.
Made from lightweight woven nylon, these trunks feature vertical side pockets and a rear flap pocket with snap closures.
Made of an extremely strong and tightly woven fabric, this suit is hardy enough for all of your swim needs.
It is made with a material exclusive to Speedo called LZR Pulse, a woven fabric considered the lightest in the world.
The traditional beach or picnic blanket, if you didn't use a towel, is made of a sturdy woven fabric that holds up well to the rigors of sand and grass.
Tweed is a closely woven fabric that is course, rugged and very durable.
Stick to slimming, form fitting fabrics such as knit sweaters and woven cardigans, as opposed to super tight or excessively baggy shirts.
Other features include a woven voile collar, placket and a patch pocket.
If the sweater dress is chunky and has a textured pattern woven in, you'll do best to make at least some of your jewelry choices chunky as well so that they don't get lost against the background of the dress.
Many scarf styles can be woven by hand, giving them an original style.
Cross two sticks or twigs and weave colored yarn or thread around the cross to make a woven diamond shape.
Gold is worn not just as bracelets, necklaces and earrings, but also as coins attached to clothing and scarves and even woven into hair.
The serape is a brightly colored, woven wool blanket used as an outer garment.
They are woven in patterns, such as geometric triangles or stripes.
The different metals may actually be woven together in intricate knots or braids, similar to Celtic engagement rings, or different metals may be used as accents in the ring's design.
By definition, a pendant is a type of necklace with a single suspended decoration rather than multiple accents woven into the necklace itself.
Other variations include mother-and-child pendants with hearts, designs utilizing gemstones interspersed with diamonds, or hearts with "Mom" or other sentiments woven in either gems or metal.
The way the knot is woven must be perfect.
The Baby Phat Belted Hobo takes a step beyond the standard satchel with the introduction of woven synthetic leather and a shiny dangling chain.
Tightly woven, reinforced straw is used, and many other materials can be incorporated into the designs.
Turquoise woven rattan is embroidered with colorful floral beading and topped off with rich tan leather trim.
A sassy shot of red leather trims the woven cornhusk, adding a dose of sex appeal to an otherwise simple exterior.
Cole Haan, established in 1928 at the height of the jazz age in Chicago, is a luxury brand name that seems to have sophistication woven right into the very fabrics they employ.
This Nantucket straw handbag has patent leather handles and has a top and front pocket detail in woven rattan.
This tote is beautifully woven from patina and features leather handles, along with a wooden plaque on which, if you so choose, to put your initials.
Chunky woven leather accents and bold hardware spice up the simple exterior for a modern look.
It pairs the signature Spy style, including rich woven handles and a discreet coin purse, with stonewashed denim and matching trim.
The brand's signature woven leather gives all products a distinctive edge.
Any other wallet would come off as plain and dull, but the leather here is intricately woven to create something much more dynamic than the basic.
Many purple leather designs in this tote style contain unique design elements, like the Latico Leathers woven shopper style tote in eggplant or the rich purple iridescent leather Bulga Marquis.
Tapestry totes are made of rich woven fabrics that are often highly detailed and use a multitude of colors.
Hand woven tapestry bags came into fashion in the early 1800s.
Woven on low warp looms, master weavers duplicated the exquisite scenes of French tapestries using dyed wool and silk.
Trot out your inner - or outer - hippie with a gypsy woven boho tote.
A gypsy woven boho tote is usually an unstructured fabric bag, often comprised of contrasting patterned squares, with a soft sling quality.
Much of the current interest in gypsy woven boho totes is derived from the Jessica Simpson line of clothing and accessories.