Worst-case Sentence Examples
In the worst case scenario of the hypothesis, the model maker is forced just to formulate hypotheses about them.
Sure, it's a worst-case scenario move, but no one will ever know if you don't tell!
In a worst case scenario the motor itself may have failed.
Aside from the worst case scenario of learning one of your dear ancestors was a career criminal, you may find that your ancestor was a plaintiff or a witness in a case.
Neither a hero nor a Good Samaritan, Wynn found himself retreating to the far wall, in case the worst-case scenario happened, and one of the powerful creatures decided to act.
The worst case scenario – that she died of a tumor – was no longer possible.
Under the worst-case scenario, the EU can suspend some of the culprit member state's rights, including voting rights.
Under the worst-case scenario, the EU can suspend some of the culprit member state 's rights, including voting rights.
The band are scheduled to release their first single ' Disco Dancer ' on influential tastemaker label Worst Case Scenario Records in September.
With everything so uncertain at the moment, the worst-case scenario would be to end up with nothing.
AdvertisementIn my own view, the worst-case scenario would be a Labor victory of over 100 seats.
Worst-case assumptions are a reasonable component of screening calculations, to ensure that the stack height will not be under-estimated.
This is called worst-case complexity because T (n) must be as large as the time taken by any input of length n.
Tables 4 and 5 summarize the highest worst-case intakes of each element from local crops and local cows ' milk for any location.
The research will assess also the effectiveness of UV under worst-case conditions of source water quality.
AdvertisementThe worst-case response time can also be improved in several ways.
Consider bringing enough powdered formula to cover you in the worst case scenario where your formula is confiscated and/or your flights are severely delayed.
Still, when it comes to forming a checklist of needs, it is never a bad idea to plan for the worst case scenario.
In the worst case scenario, your golf club could find itself slipping from your hands and slinging through the course, possibly towards an unsuspecting victim.
This comic was written to deal with the worst-case scenario of the spread of the H1N1 flu.
AdvertisementThe course can also prepare you for the worst-case scenario and allow you to feel more comfortable in watching children.
In a worst case scenario, such as Ryan's, a youth feels so depressed and angry that their feelings turn to thoughts of revenge by "making the bully sorry."
Use your calculation as a worst case scenario or the best case, depending upon your point of view.
Online adjustable rate mortgage calculators can help you understand the worst case situation.
This means that - in a worst case scenario - the lender can foreclose on the property and take possession of the home if the individual who takes out the mortgage does not repay the funds in a satisfactory manner.
AdvertisementBeing prepared for the worst case scenario can only enhance the experience, no matter where, and with whom, it unfolds.
In the worst case scenario, your tanga will dip down and hang between your legs, leaving you exposed, and even if that doesn't happen, you will be uncomfortable and run the risk of your suit sliding off in the surf.
Their worrying will lead them to imagine all sorts of worst case scenarios.
Hoards of supplies have supposedly been stored and preparations have been made for the worst case scenario.
This scenario represents the worst case.
Also consider, in the worst-case scenario, whether or not you expect to be able to afford the cost of the deductible you may have to pay.
Planning for the worst-case scenario will help you manage any troublesome situations.
The worst case scenario – that she died of a tumor – was no longer possible.
After you've determined a worst-case scenario for your dental costs, you can begin searching for a plan that fits your budget.