Worshipping Sentence Examples
The king to the left of the picture is shown worshipping the goddess Maat.
If, however, any one denied that he was a Christian, and ratified his denial by worshipping the gods of Rome, he was to receive pardon.
Hosea even married a harlot to make a point about how bad the people were for worshipping false Gods.
The same encyclopedia gives the definition of pagans as " unenlightened, idol worshipping, raw rustic heathens " .
The House Church Movement began in the Seventies in a spontaneous outburst of small groups worshipping in their own homes.
In the beginning of the 8th century, at the time of the iconoclastic controversy, the emperor Leo the Isaurian having forced compliance to his edict against the worshipping of images, the Neapolitans, encouraged by Pope Gregory III., threw off their allegiance to the Eastern emperors, and established a republican form of government under a duke of their own appointment.
Celtic writers talked about worshipping God with the " five stringed harp " meaning all five senses.
Rejecting God and worshipping idols is a dangerous thing, as the words Stephen quotes from the prophet Amos show.
Here the god Osiris is on the left with the stela owner, the dead person shown on the right worshipping him.
Many people have been worshipping iPods, iPads, and laptops lately in the media, but sometimes, a desktop computer is the right option for your needs.
AdvertisementThen, there's sun worshipping to be considered.
St. Boniface, who converted the German people to Christianity, came across a group of pagans worshipping an oak tree and cut down their tree in anger.
One legend says that St. Boniface, who converted thousands of Germans to Christianity in the eighth century, became enraged one day when he witnessed a group of pagans worshipping an oak tree.
At the beginning of season eight, Daniel Jackson and Vala interact with an Ancient device that transferred their consciousness to a distant galaxy where humans lived in a dark age situation worshipping the god-like Ori.
Amritsar is chiefly notable as the centre of the Sikh religion and the site of the Golden Temple, the chief worshipping place of the Sikhs.
AdvertisementAll access to the Deity is restricted to the one priesthood and to the one sanctuary at Jerusalem; the worshipping subject is the nation of Israel as a unity, and the function of worship is discharged on its behalf by divinely chosen priests.
The contrast between the new regime and the ancient tradition of the city was curiously illustrated in 1818 by a scene described in Metternich's Memoirs, when, before the opening of the congress, Francis I., emperor of Austria, regarded by all Germany as the successor of the Holy Roman emperors, knelt at the tomb of Charlemagne amid a worshipping crowd, while the Protestant Frederick William III.
With an eye to the future, he published their Ratio disciplinae, collected money for the "Hidden Seed" still worshipping in secret in Moravia, and had his son-in-law, Peter Jablonsky, consecrated a bishop, and Peter passed on the succession to his son Daniel Ernest Jablonsky.
At Horeb, the mount of God, was located the dramatic theophany which heralded to Elijah the advent of the sword, and Jehu's supporter in his sanguinary measures belongs to the Rechabites, a sect which felt itself to be the true worshipping community of Yahweh and is closely associated with the Kenites, the kin of Moses.
In 1704 he became assistant minister, and in 1706 sole minister, of an independent congregation worshipping in Aldersgate Street, and afterwards in Jewin Street, London, where he remained almost until his death on the 4th of April 1743.
AdvertisementFrom Meroe to Memphis the commonest subject carved or painted in the interiors of the temples is that of some contemporary Phrah or Pharaoh worshipping the presiding deity with oblations of gold and silver vessels, rich vestments, gems, the firstlings of the flock and herd, cakes, fruits, flowers, wine, anointing oil and incense.
He abrogated caste distinctions, and taught in opposition to ancient writings that every man had the eternal right of searching for divine knowledge and worshipping his Creator.
In each case the people thought themselves to be worshipping Yahweh under the title of Molech or Baal; but the prophet refuses to admit that this is so, because the worship itself is an apostasy to heathenism.
Worshipping God in the spirit, they affirm that the outward Church and all that is performed in it and concerns it has no importance for them.
After a reference to their descent from Abraham and their sojourn in Egypt, Aristides praises them for their worship of the one God, the Almighty Creator; but blames them as worshipping angels, and observing "sabbaths and new moons, and the unleavened bread, and the great fast, and circumcision, and cleanness of meats."
AdvertisementNot even a henotheist fervently worshipping one of many gods, Amenophis (Amenhotp) IV.
The origin of the connexion may possibly be due to the fusion of two "Pelasgic" tribes, worshipping Zeus and Hera respectively; but speculation on the earliest cult of the goddess, before she became the wife of Zeus, must be largely conjectural.
Worshipping and Adoration as well of Images as of Reliques.
His followers, the Kabir Panthis (" those following Kabir's path "), though neither worshipping the gods of the pantheon, nor observing the rites and ceremonial of the Hindus, are nevertheless in close touch with the Vaishnava sects, especially the Ramavats, and generally worship Rama as the supreme deity, when they do not rather address their homage, in hymns and otherwise, to the founder of their creed himself.
Smyth died in Holland, but in 1612 Helwys returned to England with his church and formed the first Baptist church worshipping on English soil.
Both forms of baptism shall be made available in the life of every worshipping congregation.
We'll be watching films, making stuff, playing games, worshipping, praying and reading the Bible in our action-packed extravaganza.
Husband and wife are supposed to spend the day absorbed in reading spiritual books and worshipping deities.