Worlds Sentence Examples
He will be forever stuck between the two worlds, the good and the evil, without entering either or leaving either behind.
Tonight, however, the two worlds she wanted to keep apart smashed together.
With the tear between worlds, he was able to use more of the power normally restricted to Hell.
So you can operate freely between worlds.
Each of the four Sanctuaries sat on an island straddling the human and immortal worlds and housed an immortal treasure, such as the Oracle.
Pocketing the vial, he willed himself to the shadow world, the place between worlds.
Means I can play in both worlds, unlike you.
They crossed unimpeded through the portal and onto the island Sanctuary, one of four such sites bridging the mortal and immortal worlds.
You don't want to see other worlds?
His gaze darkened, and Xander knew his long-time ally was thinking of their shared history from the time before the Schism that split the mortal and immortal worlds apart.
AdvertisementAs in every large household, there were at Bald Hills several perfectly distinct worlds which merged into one harmonious whole, though each retained its own peculiarities and made concessions to the others.
If her powers grow enough, she'll not only prevent us from stitching up the tear between realms, but she'll open the doorway between the two worlds.
The Dark One is the most powerful, and he grows more so, as the population of the worlds increase.
Deidre never felt she belonged in the mortal or Immortal worlds, because she didn't.
There are little tears between the two worlds, and the souls are escaping.
AdvertisementI cared enough to let Darkyn strip the powers of a goddess when every other deity in the worlds wanted her dead-dead.
I like the sun and sky and ocean-- what is there to say other worlds have those?
She can't be from our worlds.
He donned biking clothes, packed a jacket and sweater in his pannier and set off in pursuit of a few peaceful moments in one of his favorite worlds.
After all, they came from two different worlds.
AdvertisementWe come from two different worlds.
And Brady, who had been in both worlds.
Rhyn looked up at the brightest of the portals lining the otherworldly landing between worlds.
While not large, the Immortal underworld was separated by several different domains, two of which – Hell and Death's domain - were contained within shields no one could enter. At least, no normal Immortal or demon could enter. As a creature of both worlds, Rhyn could enter Hell, and he'd found by visiting Gabe that he was able to enter Death's domain, too.
She could move between worlds as he could, and he'd no longer be at risk of destroying everything he came into contact with.
AdvertisementWould you do it? Would you kill Death or risk destroying the worlds for Katie?
He ran ahead of Ully through the place between worlds and the portal to the underworld.
Dammit, Rhyn, I'm serious. What if you bring down both worlds just by forcing us all to come here?
No White God has fallen in the history of our worlds.
The gateway between worlds is barely holding up.
If the Others wanted to find a way to keep the Grey God from assuming his role as the Gatekeeper between immortal and mortal worlds, they'd likely find her a good target.
The only way to protect the humans was to close the gateways between worlds.
The first tore the two worlds apart; the second would destroy one of them.
Traveling to the portal between worlds, the guardsman took one last look around then dropped through the gateway to the immortal world.
It was not the time for memories, not when Jenn was caught between the two worlds.
The Original Beings made no such law when they split the two worlds.
He and Damian were born here, and their worlds had fallen apart here.
He stepped through the portal through worlds and landed in the desert.
If Watchers and Others are allowed to do their will here, they'll destroy both worlds.
Even if I can't close the gateways between worlds.
What happens to people who move between worlds?
Nothing happens to those who pass between worlds.
The Grey God existed for a very short time, and he was supposed to balance out the two worlds.
The information Jonny revealed about one of the worlds being destroyed was too crazy for her not to find out the truth.
Near the desert gateway between worlds, Darian found his rhythm.
She, Eden, the Original Human, would be the one who saved the human realm by killing the Gatekeeper, the God who maintained the bridges between worlds.
Nothing will stand between Xander and turning the worlds into this level of destruction.
You will conquer the worlds.
We will show the worlds the same mercy they showed me.
Six months ago, they lost their ability to move between worlds, mainly because the immortal world was destroyed.
The Vallee Noire, so it seemed to me, was part and parcel of myself, the framework in which my life was set, the native costume that I had always worn - what worlds away from the silks and satins that are suited for the public stage.
Similar principles apply in infinite detail to the treatment of wind instruments, and we must never lose sight of them in speculating as to the reasons why the genius of Beethoven was able to carry instrumentation into worlds of which Haydn and Mozart never dreamt, or why, having gone so far, it left anything unexplored.
It does not necessarily concern itself about the question of the infinitude of worlds in space and in time.
Bruno looked on our solar system as but one out of an infinite number of worlds.
The worlds, or systems of worlds, which fill infinite space are continually being formed and destroyed.
According to Frazer, these traditions may be " distorted reminiscences " of the practice of human sacrifice, especially of divine kings, the object of which was to ensure fertility in the animal and vegetable worlds.
If we add to the latter figure the families which are widely dispersed, we find that the tropics possess 161 or almost exactly two-thirds of the large groups comprised in the worlds vegetation.
The distribution of mountain barriers in the Old and New Worlds is in striking contrast.
The former support a copious herbaceous flora, the characteristics of which in the Old and New Worlds have been already briefly summarized.
No genus or species of palm, for example, is common to the Old and New Worlds.
The ancient broad-leaved Gymnosperm Gnetum has a few surviving species scattered through the tropics of both worlds, one reaching Polynesia.
When, then, Basilides identified the highest angel of the seven, the creator of the worlds, with the God of the Jews, this is a development of the idea which did not occur until late, possibly first in the specifically Christian circles of the Gnostics.
The presence of certain "mediums" was required to form the link between the worlds of the living and of the dead, and Kate Fox and her sister were the first mediums. Spiritualists do not as yet claim to know what special qualities in mediums enable spirits thus to make use of them.
It was believed that information about other worlds and from higher intelligences could be obtained from persons in the sleep-waking state.
The object of the sacrifice being to bridge the gulf between the sacred and profane worlds, the sacrificer had to remain in contact with the victim, either personally, or, to avoid ritual perils, by the intermediary of the priest.
At the end of the world the devil Ur will swallow up the earth and the other intermediate higher worlds, and thereupon will burst and fall into the abyss of darkness where, along with all the worlds and powers of darkness, he will ultimately cease to be, so that thenceforward the universe will consist of but one everlasting world of light.
This latter is absolute misery, and to cure it the Unconscious evokes its Reason and with its aid creates the best of all possible worlds, which contains the promise of its redemption from actual existence by the emancipation of the Reason from its subjugation to the Will in the conscious reason of the enlightened pessimist.
Then came a theological and disciplinary controversy with Virgil, the Irish bishop of Salzburg, who held, among other heresies, that there were other worlds than ours.
A pupil of Nessus, or, as some accounts prefer, of Democritus himself, he was a complete sceptic. He accepted the Democritean theory of atoms and void and the plurality of worlds, but held a theory of his own that the stars are formed from day to day by the moisture in the air under the heat of the sun.
The middle Sephiroth are synecdochically used to represent the worlds or triads of which they are the uniting potencies.
Worlds came into existence before the En Soph manifested himself in the human form of emanations, but they could not continue, and necessarily perished because the conditions of development which obtained with the sexual opposites of the Sephiroth did not exist.
The universe consists of four different worlds, each of which forms a separate Sephiric system of a decade of emanations.
Its ten Sephiroth are made up of the grosser elements of the former three worlds; they consist of material substance limited by space and perceptible to the senses in a multiplicity of forms. This world is subject to constant changes and corruption, and is the dwelling of the evil spirits.
As soon as man was created everything was complete, including the upper and nether worlds, for everything is comprised in man.
After 1872, in addition to its regular organs, it issued Hungarian translations of several popular scientific English works, as, for instance, Darwin's Origin of Species; Huxley's Lessons in Physiology; Lubbock's Prehistoric Times; Proctor's Other Worlds than Ours; Tyndall's Heat as a Mode of Motion, &c. Versions were also made of Cotta's Geologie der Gegenwart and Helmholtz's Populcire Vorlesungen.
Hence we shall not be surprised to find that the two tendencies are fully represented in primitive Christianity, and, still more strange as it may appear, that New Testament apocalyptic found a more ready hearing amid the stress and storm of the 1st century than the prophetic side of Christianity, and that the type of the forerunner on the side of its declared asceticism appealed more readily to primitive Christianity than that of Him who came "eating and drinking," declaring both worlds good and both God's.
But Christianity was no less assuredly the heir of ancient prophecy, and thus as spiritual representative of what was true in prophecy and apocalyptic; its essential teaching was as that of its Founder that both worlds were of God and that both should be made God's.
Since many of these thermal springs possess great medicinal value, Japan may become one of the worlds favorite health-resorts, There are more than a hundred spas, some hot, some cold, which, being easily accessible and highly efficacious, are largely visited by the Japanese.
The two worlds of nature and spirit are perfectly distinct, but they are intimately related by analogous substances, laws and forces.
By a love of each degree man comes into conjunction with them and the worlds of nature, spirit and God.
It is " the selfexistent Lord," who, " with a thought, created the waters, and deposited in them a seed which became a golden egg, in which egg he himself is born as Brahma -, the progenitor of the worlds."4 The doctrine of creation by a thought is characteristically Indian.
Both worlds are illumined by thy rays.
God of God, Light of Light, (Life of Life,)only begotten Son (first-born of all creation, before all worlds begotten of God the Father), by whom all things were made; 3.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father, very God before all worlds, by whom all things were made; 3.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds, [God of God,] Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made; Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary, and was made Man.
The title "Word of God" can hardly be said to establish any connexion with the prologue of the Fourth Gospel; for the conceptions of the Messiah in that Gospel and in these chapters belong to different worlds of thought.
In 1870 appeared his Other Worlds than Ours, in which he discussed the question of the plurality of worlds in the light of.
In sharp contrast are opposed the two worlds of the good and of the evil, the divine world and the material world (an), the worlds of light and of darkness.
Gnosticism has combined the two, the Greek opposition between spirit and matter, and the sharp Zoroastrian dualism, which, where the Greek mind conceived of a higher and a lower world, saw instead two hostile worlds, standing in contrast to each other like light and darkness.
Gnosticism is to a great extent dominated by the idea that it is above all and in the highest degree important for the Gnostic's soul to be enabled to find its way back through the lower worlds and spheres of heaven ruled by the Seven to the kingdom of light of the supreme deity of heaven.
Fichtean idealism therefore at once stood out negatively, as abolishing the dogmatic conception of the two real worlds, subject and object, by whose interaction cognition and practice arise, and as amending the critical idea which retained with dangerous caution too many fragments of dogmatism; positively, as insisting on the unity of philosophical interpretation and as supplying a key to the form or method by which a completed philosophic system might be constructed.
In the production of pig iron, the share of the United States seems to have been in 1850 about one-eighth and that of Great Britain onehalf of the worlds product; while in 1903 the respective shares were 38.8 and 19.3%; and Germanys also slightly exceeded the British output.
Since 1901 the United States has produced more than one-third of the worlds output.
The worlds output of oil was trebled between 1885 and 1895, and quadrupled between 1885 and 1900.
So recently as 1902 the output of the United States was little greater than that of Kussia (the two yielding 91.4% of the worlds product), but this advantage has since then been greatly increased, so that the one has produced 63.1 and the other 21.8% of the total output of the world.
From 1904 to 1908 the share of the United States in the worlds output averaged 28-2%, and in the worlds consumption (disregarding stocks) 27.5%.
These atoms, differing only in size, figure and weight, are perpetually moving with equal velocities, but at a rate far surpassing our conceptions; as they move, they are for ever giving rise to new worlds; and these worlds are perpetually tending towards dissolution, and towards a fresh series of creations.
This universe of ours is only one section out of the innumerable worlds in infinite space; other worlds may present systems very different from that of our own.
But the peculiar way in which it enforces its morals in terms of the Platonic contrast between the spiritual and sensuous worlds, as archetype and temporal manifestation, suggests a special local type of theology which must be taken into account in fixing its provenance.
Hence Rothe, unlike Schleiermacher, lays great stress, for instance, on the personality of God, on the reality of the worlds of good and evil spirits, and on the visible second coming of Christ.
After an analysis of the religious consciousness, which yields the doctrine of an absolute personal and spiritual God, Rothe proceeds to deduce from his idea of God the process and history of creative development, which is eternally proceeding and bringing forth, as its unending purpose, worlds of spirits, partially self-creative and sharing the absolute personality of the Creator.
The relations between the eastern and western Greek worlds are drawing closer.
In Cyprus, on the frontier between the Greek and Semitic worlds, a struggle for ascendancy went on.
This is Stara i., the Lord's Prayer of the Moslems, a vigorous hymn of praise to God, the Lord of both worlds, which ends in a petition for aid and true guidance (huda).
He considered that a struggle for existence was the inevitable result of the operation of the principle of Malthus in the animal and vegetable worlds.
Of numerous other works the best-known is his Is it Possible to Make the Best of Both Worlds?
In the worlds of nature and mind they are more palpable and violent.
Nevertheless theosophists by their investigations and expositions have undoubtedly been brought in touch with some of the most profund thought in both ancient and modern worlds; and this fact in itself has assuredly had an inspiring and ennobling influence upon their lives and work.
He is the offspring of Heaven and Earth, the two worlds; is the inspirer of prayer and the guide and protector of the pious.
The time was come when, in the western and eastern worlds alike, the religious question was for large masses of people the most important question in life, and the diffusion of their own creed and the suppression of all others the highest and holiest of tasks.
More than most men, Fenelon "wanders between two worlds - one dead, the other powerless to be born."
In The Discovery of the Future (1902), Mankind in the Making (1903), A Modern Utopia (1905) and New Worlds for Old (1908) his socialistic theories were further developed.
Some earlier stories, such as The Wheels of Chance (1896) and Love and Mr Lewisham (1900), had proved his talent for drawing character, and pure phantasies like The War of the Worlds (1898) his abundant invention; but Kipps (1905) and Tono-Bungay (1909) showed a great advance in artistic power.
This caused various lateral and contrary movements, resulting in a whirling movement (Slvn) resembling the rotation of Anaxagoras, whereby similar atoms were brought together (as in the winnowing of grain) and united to form larger bodies and worlds.
Atoms and void being infinite in number and extent, and motion having always existed, there must always have been an infinite number of worlds, all consisting of similar atoms, in various stages of growth and decay.
It became early the scene of important historical events, the avenue and junction of the migration of peoples; and it forms the borderland between the German and Slavonic worlds.
There he began his lectures on electrical science which brought him invitations to lecture all over the United Kingdom and made him a power in both the scientific and industrial worlds.
In addition Calcutta is situated midway between Europe and the Far East and thus forms a meeting-place for the commerce and peoples of the Eastern and Western worlds.
Thus of the 90 indigenous genera (many monotypic or very small) only 14 are endemic, i extends to South Africa, 3 are common to Australia and New Zealand, 18 extend also into Asia, whilst no fewer than 54 are found in both the Old and New Worlds, 26 being chiefly tropical and 28 chiefly extra-tropical.
He cried out in answer to them, hour after hour, "Never, never; not for thousands of worlds; not for thousands."
Almost every baron in the duchy was now the possessor of a smaller or a greater grant of lands in the kingdom, and the possibilityof serving two masters was as small in 1087 as at any other period of the worlds history.
It is seldom in the worlds history that a hollow legal device such as this has had such long enduring and deplorable results.
The attractions of the Spanish Main converted the seafaring folk of south-west England into hardy Protestants, who could on conscientious as well as other grounds contest a papal allocation the of new worlds to Spain and Portugal.
Madame Necker entertained the chief leaders of the political, financial and literary worlds of Paris, and her Fridays became as greatly frequented as the Mondays of Madame Geoffrin, or the Tuesdays of Madame Helvetius.
Bring them back, Dusty said, not understanding how Darian had punctured a hole between the mortal and immortal worlds.
She looked too sweet to be someone about to destroy the fabric between the immortal and mortal worlds, even if he did sense some sort of dark secret in her gaze.
One of Dusty's spies found out the Others have a weapon they want to use, we think to open the gateway between the immortal and mortal worlds.
To contain the, uh, coaching being done, the Original Beings are ordaining a new god to act as a sort of referee here on earth who will have the ability to bridge the physical and divine worlds.
By the end of the chain of events that led to Past-Death's rebirth in Hell, Deidre was near tears, hating herself and the woman who destroyed the worlds of all three of them.
Fate is considered the weakest deity, which gives him unlimited access to all of the worlds.
Darkyn didn't tear the fabric between worlds for a simple hello.
He emerged at the Caribbean Sanctuary, one of four places that connected the mortal and immortal worlds.
He'd been everywhere in the underworld and mortal worlds, but never through this door.
No, easy was not something she was willing to accept, even if it meant caving to someone she craved, whose looks drove her crazy and whose touch made her feel more at home than she did in the mortal and Immortal worlds.
We preserve it and the order of the worlds by any means necessary.
She made deals with a few people she shouldn't have to try to outmaneuver a fate that didn't exist, thereby breaking all three – mate-blood-fate – without annihilating the worlds as we know it.
Portals to the mortal and immortal worlds glowed warm yellow through the fog like beacons.
While not large, the Immortal underworld was separated by several different domains, two of which – Hell and Death's domain - were contained within shields no one could enter. At least, no normal Immortal or demon could enter. As a creature of both worlds, Rhyn could enter Hell, and he'd found by visiting Gabe that he was able to enter Death's domain, too.
She held out her hand again. A hologram-like image appeared in her hand. Rhyn saw the demons pouring from the skies over major cities in the mortal worlds.
It would disrupt the balance between good and evil, rupture the gates between worlds.
With the memories of a better time drifting through his mind were memories of a war brewing between Others and Watchers that ultimately ended in the Schism, the severing of the mortal and immortal worlds.
Raised by a sadistic Other who beat her, the Magician Yully had used the magic of all of them to kill the creature that planned to use her to sever the boundary between mortal and immortal worlds before wiping out Watchers and humans.
One that will see my vamps protected and the worlds both survive.
A menace to the worlds that would destroy then be destroyed?
The didactic purpose of "War of the Worlds" is to demonstrate that mankind is a lesser breed.
From the use of macro focusing, the worlds seem immense with potential; Gottelier is telling stories using scraps of familiarity.
They confront terrifying abysses - physical, emotional, spiritual - and continually change roles, change themselves, change the worlds about them.
The worlds first jet airliner, the Comet, made its maiden flight in Britain.
The term derives from the notion of cultural brokering developed by anthropologists to describe the activities of individuals who connect local with national worlds.
A free public lecture by one of the worlds leading astronomers proved to be a huge success last night.
The Worlds best selling post - modern gang bang returns for round two.
Each of these worlds are inhabited by spiritual beings.
Also of interest, the Plaza de Toros Monumental de las Ventas is the worlds biggest bullring.
It is a convincing medium caliber, and in Scout configuration it offers the best of two worlds.
Many had incredible adventures, chased by wild animals, hunted by cannibals, discovering lost worlds.
Laban is one of the worlds leading conservatoires for contemporary dance artist training.
At first glance, the Facing Worlds level looks pretty dull.
Sharon is one of the worlds leading exponents of the policy of creating new facts.
The worlds first digital music eyewear is now available in a new design with the option of even greater memory.
Among its virtual worlds are the Land of Oz and a model of Yellowstone National Park, complete with spouting geysers and wandering moose.
Moreover, as a clinician who was born deaf she is the ideal go-between for the hearing and deaf worlds.
Without sounding too much like a tourist guidebook, this areas has the best of all worlds.
In countless other worlds, with countless other chance happenings, countless other species could evolve.
I found myself peering to make sense of the blurred outside worlds, differences magnified by being so distorted and yet made homogenous.
John Harrison was born over 300 years ago and was one of the worlds greatest horologists.
Changing Worlds offers teaching to volunteers who wish to be fully immersed in a culture quite unlike anything found in the West.
The coded moral and religious messages contained in Bosch's strange worlds are mostly indecipherable to the modern observer.
It was the first surreal inkling of an opening between the invisible worlds.
It is a gripping epic, set in a wonderfully intriguing world (or rather worlds ).
So they do moue each heart, and eye, With the Worlds soule, true Harmonie.
As executive producer of the album, Paul Rutter brings in the worlds finest guest musicians, to star on the crafted songs.
Their aim is to open New Worlds for these adults, to make reading not just a skill but a habit.
Old Worlds quaint little row of old-world houses constituted the kennels of King Charles II.
Necessarily, a being is maximally excellent in all possible worlds only if it has omniscience, omnipotence, and moral perfection.
Encouraging the soul to attain perfection brings happiness in both worlds.
Power stations using modern 'fast ' nuclear reactors could use up all the worlds excess military plutonium.
Track Record EISCAT is the worlds leading incoherent scatter radar facility, in terms of capability.
European empires, enslaving or exterminating new worlds elsewhere on our globe, had been equally remorseless.
You'll obviously know my whole schtick about the shaman being the doorway or interface between different worlds.
She's just worlds of fun to write for because she's so self-involved and yet she's got these layers.
Like the semantics of modal logic, the semantics of modal logic, the semantics of relevance logic relativises truth of formulae to worlds.
Nearby, the Marine Museum boasts the worlds fastest speedboat.
Between Worlds Passage continues for 10m to a large step over or tight squeeze around a hole in the floor.
Less a city in the European sense than a conglomeration of neighborhoods an...[more] Wonders - Borobudur Borobudur is the worlds largest Buddhist stupa.
Basically, Forgotten Worlds is ' blessed ' with the most unusual control system I've seen in ages.
Third Worlds will block access to the rice by third-world farmers.
Indeed during the episodes, fully 3-D playbacks of earlier events were triggered and viewed in the worlds.
But we can go fight the worlds war in Iraq spending trillions of our hard earned dollars... We won ' t go there.
And do not untie the knot which binds us together on the Day of Resurrection O Lord of the Worlds.
The album gets underway with the fairly upbeat ' Two Worlds ' .
The worlds first wap Hebrew prayer book, for Mobile Phones.
A person who is lit from within, reflecting the natural worlds ' own luminous, infinite wisdom.
In his Worlds in the Making (1908), an English translation of Das Werden der Welten (1907), he combated the generally accepted doctrine that the universe is tending to what Clausius termed Weirmetod through exhaustion of all sources of heat and motion, and suggested that by virtue of a mechanism which maintains its available energy it is self-renovating, energy being "degraded" in bodies which are in the solar state, but "elevated" or raised to a higher level in bodies which are in the nebular state.
He, desirous of producing different beings from his own self, created the waters by his own thought, and placed in them a seed which developed into a golden egg; therein was born Brahma (m.), the parent of all the worlds; and thus "that which is the undiscrete Cause, eternal, which is and is not, from it issued that male who is called in the world Brahma."
This is Prajapati, and the sacrificer, who when regenerated will pass upwards through the three worlds to the realms of light, naturally perforated bricks being for this purpose placed in the middle of the three principal altar-layers.
Here the endless harmonious diversity of our cosmos, as well as of other worlds supposed to coexist with our own, is said to arise through the various combination of indivisible material elements differing in figure and magnitude only.
Since a finite number of particles is only susceptible of finite transpositions, it must happen (he says), in an eternal duration that every possible order or position will be tried an infinite number of times, and hence this world is to be regarded (as the Stoics maintained) as an exact reproduction of previous worlds.
But the greatness of the art is, like its subject, worlds away from material impressions; and a wide consensus regards Wagner's last work as his loftiest, both in music and poetry.
These worlds which perished are compared to sparks which fly out from a red-hot iron beaten by a hammer, and which are extinguished according to the distance esoteric doctrine, God, who is boundless and above they are removed from the burning mass.
At the art exhibitions held twice a year in the principal cities there may be seen specimens of statuettes, alcove ornaments, and household utensils which show that the Japanese worker in metals stands more indisputably than ever at the head of the worlds artists in that field.
He has knowledge of the world, the suppleness of a courtier, Spanish vivacity, and the ingenium amoenum attributed to him by Tacitus, the fruit of which is sometimes seen in the "honeyed phrases" mentioned by Petronius - pure aspirations combined with inconsistency of purpose - the inconsistency of one who tries to make the best of two worlds, the ideal inner life and the successful real life in the atmosphere of a most corrupt court.
If this view of his optimism be correct, Shaftesbury, as Mill says of Leibnitz, must be regarded as maintaining, not that this is the best of all imaginable but only of all possible worlds.
He also rejected the optimism of Leibnitz and Hegel, and placed the most irrational of wills at the base of the worst possible of worlds (see further Schopenhauer).
We should live in all the ages of the world in an hour; ay, in all the worlds of the ages.
Nay, be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought.
The cannon balls flew just as swiftly and cruelly from both sides, crushing human bodies, and that terrible work which was not done by the will of a man but at the will of Him who governs men and worlds continued.
Pierre felt the different outlooks of these various worlds and made haste to satisfy all their expectations.
But even after the discovery of the law of Copernicus the Ptolemaic worlds were still studied for a long time.
On the 18th March 2002 R. Kelly teamed up with rap superstar Jay-Z to make a milestone album The Best Of Both Worlds.
She 's just worlds of fun to write for because she 's so self-involved and yet she 's got these layers.
Like the semantics of modal logic, the semantics of relevance logic relativises truth of formulae to worlds.
Transsexuality might be viewed as a trope for the relationship between scientific and medical worlds, and all sexed identities.
Some of these giant worlds spin around their stars at great speed, often in highly elliptical orbits.
Each light body acts as abridge between the worlds and creates a personal connection to expanded states of consciousness.
Instead of the rich colloquial language of the American worlds Twain grew up in we have here a stilted formal language.
Santa Cruz has now re-entered the market with a range of surfboards designed by some of the worlds best shapers.
Basically, Forgotten Worlds is ' blessed ' with the most unusual control system I 've seen in ages.
And the worlds continued to exist and unfold even when players went offline.
The album gets underway with the fairly upbeat ' Two Worlds '.
Rocky handled all types of emergencies, including the evacuation of doomed planets and the uncovering of villainous plots against the United Worlds.
But, if you worry about what other people are thinking, but you still want to breastfeed in public, then there are ways to have the best of both worlds.
Preschools are often used as a means of affordable childcare, and they may offer the best of both worlds.
This game plays largely in the same way as New Super Mario Bros. games before it, following Mario and his friends across beautifully artistic worlds.
In the best of all possible worlds, you could use an online guide for buying antique desks to as a resource to purchase pieces of beauty and value.
It was the worlds first "solar battery" using silicon solar cells, but the materials used and the manufacturing procedures required to build it made the device far too expensive to be practical.
Rather than using a sleeper sofa which often has a thin, uncomfortable mattress, or simply placing a bed right in the center of the room, a futon can give you the best of both worlds.
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Take some time to discover this French company who has seriously made their mark in the worlds of both fashion and cosmetics.
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Brown eyed girls with green flecks are blessed with the best of both worlds.
In that case, I may occasionally find myself in a bit of a conundrum if I'm looking for the best of both worlds.
Designer Marc Jacobs has the worlds of apparel and accessories covered, so it should come as no surprise that his fragrances have quickly become phenomenons in the beauty industry.
Today, games, like the popular Halo or Runescape, invite multiple players to compete with one another in full 3D interactive worlds or even play alone with interactive technology.
Expect to find Ancient Worlds, Bombardment, Skylords and much more here.
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As popular as the yellow guy is with gamers old and new, you can expect him to continue living in those virtual worlds.
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Once you make the animal, it can be changed later on, but you'll probably want to edit the background or worlds you create.
Many gamers and Internet users become involved in free online virtual worlds to escape the real world.
Some of the worlds are expansive and because they are only limited by the space a company has, the virtual worlds can only expand even more.
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Some virtual worlds allow you to do that.
You can do that in most of the free online virtual worlds.
Second Life is one of the largest free online virtual worlds you can join.
Also available are worlds like historical, vampire, urban noir, romance, sports, adventure and music.
Virtual online worlds arrive and go quietly sometimes.
Since many people find cutting the roast off of the ribs a pain, a newported roast offers the best of both worlds - flavor and convenience.
You may decide to straddle both scrapbooking worlds, using digital technology for some creations and sticking to more traditional means for others.
Legendary Shells are the worlds only makers of shell trophy wedding horns, with over 30 years experience!
Using both cupcakes and cake is a way to showcase the best of both worlds.
With satin linens, you get the best of both worlds.
On the flip side, many supply houses will also offer an inspiration gallery and some tips as well, giving you the best of both worlds.
Some parents reportedly paid upwards of $2,000 for tickets to the sold-out Best of Both Worlds tour.
Starring in movies like Man on Fire and War of the Worlds as a young girl, she's made the leap to teen fare.
College students are poised between worlds, still a bit immature, but ready to try on more adult stances and attitudes.
Powerfully imposing to strangers yet affectionate and loving to family, this friendly breed offers the best of both worlds to people looking for these traits.
This way, you're sure to have the best of both worlds.
You can now have the best of all worlds with one fabulous bra.
You can have the best of both worlds with this versatile, easy-wear staple, and it doesn't have to be limited to just indoor use or as a coverup for swimwear.
For our customers, they can enjoy the best of both worlds - great fashion at an affordable price - so again, our Women's Plus products have been well received.
Waterproof shells give you the best of both worlds in inclement weather.
Many seniors say that playing games like Final Fantasy, Guild Wars or The Elder Scrolls keep them connected with others in their virtual worlds.
You get the best of both worlds; great technology and high fashion, all in one great package.
Hybrid lenses are an attempt to combine the best of both worlds in order to offer clear vision and comfortable wear all day.
Once your eye care provider helps you discover the correct prescription, brand, and type for your eyes' needs, you should be able to instantly enjoy the best of both worlds.
In many ways, they're the best of all worlds.
The brand started to branch out in 1992 and entered the worlds of both sailing and tennis.
This type of combination is the best of both worlds for those who like plastic frames.
Worlds of Fun tickets are available online and at the gate.
A platinum pass gets you admission and parking to Worlds of Fun, Oceans of Fun and all Cedar Fair owned parks across the country.
A Gold Pass is good for unlimited admission and parking at Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun.
This pass is good for Worlds of Fun admission only and does not include parking.
Worlds of Fun offers a number of military discount packages.
Purchase at any Hy-Vee location and save $10 on Worlds of Fun tickets and $5 on Oceans of Fun tickets.
Ready to start planning your Worlds of Fun trip?
The following programs let you design some very complex and fascinating virtual worlds, but they also come with easy to follow wizards and tutorials so that the learning curve isn't too steep.
While 3D worlds may not be exciting for some people, for other people creating a virtual 3D world is an entertaining game all by itself.
You can play various characters (or make them from scratch), building all kinds of Lego creations and visit many worlds.
The Lumas want to help Mario rescue Peach so they transform themselves into Launch Stars to Mario can jet to various worlds in order to get to Bowser's fortress.
The graphics throughout the eight worlds, each of which contained three stages and a boss battle, mirrored those seen in the Game Boy Advance version.
One other common element that you'll encounter in each of the "worlds" in New Super Mario Bros.
You can see these variations for each of the worlds through this Mushroom House Guide page.
The new video games weren't exactly remakes in the traditional sense, since they all introduced new actions, new worlds, new enemies, and new stages.
When you want the best of both worlds, you might want to consider some of the great action role playing video games that are widely available in the marketplace.
It really could be the best of both worlds!
The genre expanded and allowed for more complex quests, larger game worlds and a more immersive atmosphere.
Progression through the worlds is fairly linear.
It won't come easy, but finish all the worlds in "proud mode" to get the secret ending.
The idea of Meteos is that a planet has exploded and is sending colored shards of itself onto neighboring worlds.
Bowser has taken the Princess' castle and sent it into space and it's up to Mario to travel to worlds and stars in order to rescue her.
It is possible to enter a whole new world with a character you create yourself; thousands of gamers spend hours and hours in these imaginary worlds interacting with other people through fictional entities.
The game promises worlds that can be altered markedly as you go through the environment.
With his reputation as one of America's top gamers established and his prize money in tow, he began to expand his operation, starting with a competition in Sweden against 12 more of the worlds best 'Cyber Athletes'.
After all if the worlds best gamer says something helps, well it's hard to disagree!
The worlds created for your explorative pleasure may seem similar in many respects, but the storylines are completely separate.In Final Fantasy 7, you play the main character Cloud Strife, a mercenary with a shadowy past.
As you encounter Gods, they will give Kratos additional weapons; you can also collect magic types and both the weapons and magic can be upgraded by collecting the red orbs throughout the worlds.
Travel through six different worlds going through loops, corkscrews, avoiding traps and defeating bosses.
From the company that brought us Final Fantasy, you can now venture through wide worlds of wonder with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other popular Disney figures as they battle against the Heartless.
Finish all the worlds and Jiminy's Journal if you're in "standard mode."
Alternatively, finish all of the worlds if you're in "proud mode."
This is a list of what to do to obtain the spells and in which one of Kingdom Heart's worlds to find it.
The second are the more action-oriented American-developed titles such as Diablo that tend to be more subtle both graphically and in terms of plot, while offering larger worlds to explore and less linear gameplay.
Mercurys brilliant tutorial walks you through the basic strategy of the game and in the process teaches you valuable lessons that you need to learn to be able to unlock all six of Mercurys worlds.
Bounty hunters from nearby worlds have also decoded the messages and are here gathering artifacts in an effort to unlock the secret weapon.
Samus must hunt the hunters and travel across several different worlds to maintain order in the Alimbic system.
Many of us grew up playing with Legos, constructing our own little worlds out of those versatile building blocks.
Entering the world of fantasy, we were taken to faraway worlds, visiting everywhere from outer space to Medieval Europe.
Online computer games allow you to expand into new worlds and scenarios that may not be available to you in normal play.
The Japanese gaming concern Koei brings us a futuristic racer in scenic, high-ranging worlds.
They certainly look pretty, but are they worlds better than the previous generation, like the Xbox and PS2 were?
Among their number, they include Worlds of Warcraft, Everquest, Everquest II and Neverwinter Nights.
Serious Sam 2 continues the huge worlds and gorgeous landscape design that the first one employed.
As computer development advanced, people realized the potential to test their strategies in virtual worlds.
Other fantastic worlds establish their own realities that must be factored into the strategic and tactical decisions made by players.
Walking between the line of good and evil, two worlds hang on a thread.
I also liked the big selection of technology that you could research for your worlds.
You play a racer that races fusion-fuel craft on different worlds.
This is because we have a firm and clear understanding that the virtual worlds of video games and the real world where we live and work are not the same.
This new branch was targeted at the older mind, the one more capable of solving intricate puzzles and navigating larger virtual worlds.
A new musical tour has taken the music from the virtual worlds of video games and turned it into a live concert experience called Video Games Live.
These games are quite addicting and follow the storylines of each of the movies and worlds they represent.
It claims to be the worlds "largest online marketplace for books" and has a user friendly site.
Since it sounds like it could provide the best of both worlds, a prepaid BlackBerry sounds very appealing to a wide range of consumers.
This can give the best of both worlds for many smartphone users.
The sense of wonder continues as an older Clara and the Nutcracker journey to magical worlds, such as the Land of Sweets.
There are videos from competitions all over the world from many years back, such as the WCCD Worlds competition videos, which show aspiring professional country line dance teams.
There's a reason Frederic Fekkai is such a beloved figure in the worlds of beauty and fashion.
Shoulder styles have the best of both worlds.
If you want the best of both worlds, consider a long and shaggy layered cut.
For the man who wanted the best of both worlds, this business in the front and party in the back style was a classic choice.
When you pair bobs with layers you often get the best of both worlds.
When hair is mattified, it can embrace the best of both worlds.
If you're ready for a hairstyle change but don't want to lose the length, layers offer the best of both worlds.
Depending on the theme of your wedding, you can leave your hair long and loose, wear it half up and half down for the best of both worlds, or pull everything back into a classic bun or chignon.
If you just can't decide whether to wear your long hair pulled back, or long and loose, try the best of both worlds with a half up, half down style.
For others, legal nursing offers the best of all possible worlds.
If you love card making, you'll find that Kirigami opens up whole new worlds for you.