World-wide Sentence Examples
Jeffrey Byrne was employed in a regional marketing position by The World Wide Insurance Company of Philadelphia.
When Dean telephoned the office of World Wide Insurance Company, his luck was no better.
Jeff Byrne had worked for World Wide for 15 years and seemed at least content with the work he was doing.
What was it exactly Byrne did for World Wide?
The vehicle was in police custody in Norfolk but the authorities there said it would be released to the World Wide local office shortly.
The life insurance World Wide provided its employees was equal to one year's pay, hardly enough to leave a rich widow.
It was a line of business World Wide didn't sell.
Fred had spotted the World Wide files and had begun to read them, as Dean suspected he would.
The expense reports and the personnel file from World Wide were neatly stacked on the table, but not in the same position Dean had left them the night before and his tape recorder hadn't been re-wound.
He used to do some work for World Wide Insurance—where Byrne worked.
AdvertisementWe tried to run him down but he was hush-hush with everyone at World Wide on his new job and where he was going.
The glove compartment contained a registration in the name of World Wide Insurance Company and maps of the east coast states.
We checked a couple of bars local to the World Wide office but they were crazy-busy after-work places and no one remembers diddly.
Mr. Mayer at World Wide suggested it.
I'm sure it's a mix up on the part of World Wide.
AdvertisementDean recognized Jackie Rudman, the employee from World Wide Insurance in Philadelphia.
Milage logs were kept not with the drivers but with the pool cars, and World Wide must have more than 100.
You go out with the local World Wide guy and have pizza and beer—lots of beer, considering what he spent.
Maybe World Wide has business in Milford, Pennsylvania.
It's the closest city with a World Wide branch to Parkside.
AdvertisementDean wished he'd brought the picture of Jeffrey Byrne that World Wide had recently sent but it remained in the case file at the office.
Any word from Brunel—the World Wide employee who had the drink with Byrne?
A clerk at World Wide thought he was taking some time off before settling in out there.
He remembered some of the comments of Byrne's World Wide boss.
Maybe some of the people at World Wide took up a collection.
AdvertisementHe was the only guy at World Wide who wasn't a shark.
You worked for the contractor who built the World Wide office building in Scranton so you were at the opening dedication party there.
Her daughter would grow up loved, not tolerated, in a world wide open with possibilities.
The Thysanoptera are probably world-wide in their range, but they have hardly been studied outside Europe and North America.
A large variety of materials have been used in their manufacture by different peoples at different times - painted linen and shavings of stained horn by the Egyptians, gold and silver by the Romans, rice-paper by the Chinese, silkworm cocoons in Italy, the plumage of highly coloured birds in South America, wax, small tinted shells, &c. At the beginning of the 8th century the French, who originally learnt the art from the Italians, made great advances in the accuracy of their reproductions, and towards the end of that century the Paris manufacturers enjoyed a world-wide reputation.
Rathenau published various books, pamphlets and articles, on social and economic questions, some of which attracted world-wide attention, especially his Von kommenden Dingen (1920).
The growth of railways has been accompanied by a world-wide tendency toward the consolidation of small independent ventures into large groups of lines able to aid one another in the exchange of traffic and to effect economies in administration and in tl-_e purchase of supplies.
The genus with which Anopheles is most likely to be confounded is Culex, which is the commonest of all mosquitoes, has a world-wide distribution, and is generally a greedy blood-sucker.
The Teutonic tribes whose dim origins he records have in the course of centuries attained to world-wide dominion.
Among the Coleoptera or bettles there is a group of world-wide pests, the Elateridae or click beetles, the adults of the various " wireworms."
That of Tilsit was of world-wide importance.
Geographical Distribution The class Hexapoda has a world-wide range, and so have most of its component orders.
The Australian fauna is rich in characteristic and peculiar genera, and New Zealand, while possessing some remarkable insects of its own, lacks entirely several families with an almost world-wide range - for example, the Notodontidae, Lasiocampidae, and other families of Lepidoptera.
Though the state papers of Venice have suffered from fire and the series begins comparatively late, yet their fullness and the world-wide sweep of Venetian interests render this collection an inexhaustible storehouse of data for students.
The family Helicidae has a world-wide distribution.
From such a rudis indiges-, taque moles, after it had attained an almost world-wide distribution, have arisen the various Ratitae, independently at various epochs and in various countries.
His text-books on the subject, of which the Qualitative appeared in 1841, and the Quantitative in 1846, have a world-wide reputation, and have passed through several editions.
He may be said to have gained a world-wide reputation by his use of the phrase "blood is thicker than water" to justify his intervention on behalf of the British squadron engaged in the operations against the Peiho Forts.
It has a world-wide distribution, but finds its chief development in the temperate and frigid zones, especially of the northern hemisphere, and as Alpine plants.
Galena (q.v.), the principal lead ore, has a world-wide distribution, and is always contaminated with silver sulphide, the proportion of noble metal varying from about o of or less to o 3%, and in rare cases coming up to 2 or i %.
Liliaceae is one of the larger orders of flowering plants containing about 2500 species in zoo genera; it is of world-wide distribution.
Its obligation rests on the good faith of the parties to the reference, and on the fact that, with the help of a world-wide press, public opinion can always be brought to bear on any state that seeks to evade its moral duty.
The publication of the Mecanique celeste gained him world-wide celebrity, and his name appeared on the lists of the principal scientific associations of Europe, including the Royal Society.
Its university, established in 1365, is now attended by nearly 6000 students, and the medical faculty enjoys a world-wide reputation.
Originally, the story of Perceval was of the character of a folk-tale, and that one of remarkable importance and world-wide diffusion.
Naville, he came to Paris as under whose energetic management it soon achieved a world-wide reputation.
Their theology is strongly millenarian, centering in the hope of a world-wide theocracy with its seat at Jerusalem.
The practice of inducing pictorial hallucinations by such methods as these has been traced among the natives of North and South America, Asia, Australia, Africa, among the Maoris, who sometimes use a drop of blood, and in Polynesia, and is thus practically of world-wide diffusion.
The evidence, of course, is necessarily only that of the scryers themselves, but repeated experiments by persons of probity, and unfamiliar with the topic, combined with the world-wide existence of the practice, prove that hallucinatory pictures are really induced.
But it was chiefly through his strenuous advocacy of the policy of defining papal infallibility at the Vatican council (1869-1870) that Manning's name obtained world-wide renown.
The conservatory of music at Leipzig enjoys a world-wide reputation; not less the art collections at Dresden.
Certain forms of popular divination were, however, under his patronage, notably the world-wide process of divination by pebbles (0pcai).
It meant the excision of an alien element which fed like a cancer on the body politic; it meant the recovery, at comparatively little cost, of the command of the principal rivers of Poland, the Vistula and the Niemen; it meant the obtaining of a seaboard with the corollaries of sea-power and world-wide commerce.
The thoroughbred Kentucky horse has long had a world-wide reputation for speed; and the Blue Grass Region, especially Fayette, Bourbon and Woodford counties, is probably the finest horse-breeding region in America and has large breeding farms. In Fayette county, in 1900, the average value of colts between the ages of one and two years was $377.78.
The most striking feature of exploration for invertebrates, next to the world-wide extent to which exploration has been carried on and results applied, is the early appearance of life.
In his new office he made himself a name of world-wide reputation.
His name has gained a world-wide celebrity as the title of a famous opera by Auber.
It states essentially the Roman doctrine of purgatory, and asserts the world-wide primacy of the pope as the "true vicar of Christ and the head of the whole Church, the Father and teacher of all Christians"; but, to satisfy the Greeks, inconsistently adds that all the rights and privileges of the Oriental patriarchs are to be maintained unimpaired.
The Plecoptera are world-wide in their range and fossils referable to them have been described from rocks of Eocene, Miocene and Jurassic age, while C. Brongniart states that allied forms lived in the Carboniferous Period.
The idea of a slumbering hero who shall awake at the hour of his country's greatest need is world-wide, but the most famous instances are Northern, e.g.
The Milanese manufactures of articles in caoutchouc and of electric cables have acquired a world-wide reputation.
Some species had an almost world-wide range with only minor variations; such are Productus semireticulatus, P. cora, P. pustulosus; Orthotetes (Streptorh_ynchus) crenistria, Dielasma hastata, and many others.
The prosperity of the world-wide Dutch commerce was looked upon with eyes of jealousy across the Channel.
References to events of mythical and later times are introduced, and the poem ends with a reference to Alexander the Great, who was to unite Asia and Europe in his world-wide empire.
His adventures on his world-wide mission formed the subject of a play of the same name by Sophocles.
In 1872 Smith achieved world-wide fame by his translation of the Chaldaean account of the Deluge, which was read before the Society of Biblical Archaeology on the 3rd of December.
The Russian disasters in Manchuria at the beginning of 1905 were followed by an extraordinary demonstration of the emperor Williams ideas as to the world-wide dominion of the Hohenzollerns, in a sort of imperial progress in the East, made for the purpose of impressing the Mahommedan world with the power of Germany.
Gradually, however, areas of good soil were opened up, in the Rainy river valley, near Lake Temiscaming and elsewhere, and mines of various kinds were discovered, as the Canadian Pacific railway and its branches extended through the region, and at length the finding of very rich silver mines attracted world-wide attention to northern Ontario.
He was exiled from Denmark in company with another sympathizer with the principles of the French Revolution, Malte Conrad Brunn (1775-1826), who settled in Paris, and attained a world-wide reputation as a geographer.
In 1835 there appeared the first collection of his Fairy Tales, and won him a world-wide reputation.
The great cities of Flanders also, with their world-wide commerce and longestablished eminence in the arts, presented aspects of more splendid civic pomp and luxury.
The manufacturing interests are greatly promoted by the fine water-power, and as a furniture centre the city has a world-wide reputation - the value of the furniture manufactured within its limits in 1904 amounted to $9,409,097, about 5.5% of the value of all furniture manufactured in the United States.
Schiller's play (1804) gave the tale a world-wide renown.
Rules of endogamy and exogamy; privileges, restricted to certain classes, of eating together, are not only Indian or Aryan, but world-wide phenomena.
After this the aria "Et in spiritum sanctum," in which the next dogmatic clauses are enshrined like relics in a casket, furnishes a beautiful decorative design on which the listener can repose his mind; and then comes the voluminous ecclesiastical fugue, Confiteor unum baptisma, leading, as through the door and world-wide spaces of the Catholic Church, to that veil which is not all darkness to the eye of faith.
This predella was highly lauded by Vasari; still more highly another picture which used to form an altarpiece in Fiesole, and which now obtains world-wide celebrity in the Louvre - the "Coronation of the Virgin," with eight predella subjects of the miracles of St.
Finland has several scientific societies enjoying a world-wide reputation, as the Finnish Scientific Society, the Society for the Flora and Fauna of Finland, several medical societies, two societies of literature, the FinnoUgrian Society, the Historical and Archaeological Societies, one juridical, one technical and two geographical societies.
A similar idea also occurs in legends of world-wide currency, the best known of these being the Greek, and the medieval Norse, Celtic and Arab legends which describe an earthly Paradise in the Western or Atlantic Ocean (see Atlantis).
The wars with Denmark and Russia had been almost exclusively Scandinavian wars; the Polish war was of world-wide significance.
The genus Ostrea has a world-wide distribution, in tropical and temperate seas; seventy species have been distinguished.
Nothing is being done to improve the vine, and the Persian wines, until recently of world-wide reputation, are yearly getting thinner and poorer.
Perhaps the most distinguished of all Persian kings, his fame was not merely local but world-wide.
Arago threw his whole soul into its service, and by his faculty of making friends he gained at once for it and for himself a world-wide reputation.
No fewer than ioo large firms, many of them of world-wide reputation, are engaged in this branch alone.
Numerous banks of world-wide reputation, doing an extensive international business, have their seats in Berlin, chief among them, in addition to the Reichs-bank, being the B erliner Kassen-Verein,theDiskon toGesellschaft, the Deutsche Bank, and the Boden-Kredit Bank.
During the reign of Charles, the first symptoms of that movement in favour of church reform that afterwards acquired a world-wide importance, appeared in Bohemia.
He writes of it with despondency as a degenerate and declining age; and, instead of triumphant prophecies of world-wide rule, such as we find in Horace, Livy contents himself with pointing out the dangers which already threatened Rome, and exhorting his contemporaries to learn, in good time, the lessons which the past history of the state had to teach.
The family Unionidae, to which these genera belong, is of world-wide distribution, and its species occur only in ponds and rivers.
Nausithoe, a small medusa of world-wide distribution, is the type of the subfamily Nausithoidae; the subfamily Linergidae includes the genera Linerges, &c., medusae confined to tropical seas.
He had a world-wide reputation as a teacher and writer.
It is evident that the Samaritans were not to be outdone by the Jews, that Mount Gerizim was once more being set up against Jerusalem, and that a bold bid was being made by the hated Samaritans for a world-wide religion, which should embrace Pagans as well as Christians.
Agrostis is a large world-wide genus, but especially developed in the north temperate zone, where it includes important meadowgrasses.
While the large genus Drosera has an all but world-wide distribution, its congeners are restricted to well-defined and usually comparatively small areas.
These cities he refused to cede to the sultan, and, about this period, he entered into negotiations with Venice and the shah of Persia, in the vain hope of organizing a world-wide coalition against the Turks.
The species of the Graptoloidea have individually a remarkably short range in geological time; but the geographical distribution of the group as a whole, and that of many of its species, is almost world-wide.
Zephaniah's prophecies are characterized by the denunciation of Judah and Jerusalem and the promise of a peaceful future, and these are interwoven with the idea of a world-wide judgment resulting in the sovereignty of a universally recognized Yahweh.
Forty years before, the most prominent English statesmen had regarded with anxiety the huge responsibilities of a world-wide empire.
The series of concerts given annually in the Gewandhaus is also of world-wide reputation, and the operatic stage of Leipzig is deservedly ranked among the finest in Germany.
In the Puranas we find the legend of many successive creations and destructions of the world a myth of world-wide distribution.
In 1895 the time for the realization of these views had come; and Mr Chamberlain's speeches, previously remarkable chiefly for debating power and directness of argument, were now dominated by a newnote of constructive statesmanship, basing itself on the economic necessities of a world-wide empire.
By attention to crop rotation, soil physics and world-wide search for plants adapted to the Great Plains (such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture has long been conducting), a very great deal can be accomplished - no one can say how much; but certainly the Western must long remain at a great disadvantage in comparison with the Eastern portion of the state as regards the growth of cereals.
The discovery of this Antarctic flora is a further demonstration of the world-wide distribution of a uniform Jurassic flora.
World-wide floras, such as seem to characterize some of the older periods, have ceased to be, and plants are distributed more markedly according to geographical provinces and in climatic zones.
This it is obvious must commonly be the case, as most leaves and fruits are not calculated to drift far in the sea without injury or in abundance; nor are they likely as a rule to be associated with marine organisms. Deposits containing marine fossils can be compared even when widely separated, for the ocean is continuous and many marine species are world-wide.
With regard to suggested American affinities, it must be borne in mind that the Neocomian Angiosperms are little known except in America and in Greenland, and that we therefore cannot yet say whether families now mainly American were not formerly of world-wide distribution.
Frogs and toads occur wherever insect food is procurable, and their distribution is a world-wide one, with the exception of many islands.
That too held little interest, so he began to peruse the papers he had accumulated at World Wide.
He used to do some work for World Wide Insurance—where Byrne worked.
You go out with the local World Wide guy and have pizza and beer—lots of beer, considering what he spent.
Any word from Brunel—the World Wide employee who had the drink with Byrne?
That's why I eliminated the World Wide guy Brunel in Norfolk from consideration in spite of the trouble I had running him down and the coincidence he's now in Colorado.
The World Wide Web is often abbreviated to the Web or WWW.
The ASGBI principally serves anatomists in the UK and Republic of Ireland, but also has members in many other countries world wide.
Here you will find a whole bevy of ideas for your holidays and short breaks year round and world wide.
The news comes as people grow increasingly concerned at the attempt of Americans to impose their values on the World Wide Web.
This body, administered from England, attempts to co-ordinate and promote croquet on a world wide basis.
I took part along with millions of people world wide in the largely peaceful demonstrations on 15th February 2003.
With the development of the World Wide Web in the 1990's numerous sites can be found entirely devoted to wolves.
Of course, the room had a World-wide fame, no visit to Chester being complete without a look at the ' Kitchen ' .
Why does one Victorian murderer still exert such world-wide fascination in an age hardly short of its own violent crimes?
Sources used include gopher, USENET News, the World Wide Web and various listserves.
This link designates the home page of the World Wide Web Consortium.
This is vital for a world-class regional university, with world-wide horizons, using all our talents to the full.
Oxford BioMedica is establishing a world-wide reputation for advanced gene-based immunotherapy for cancer.
The rather impassioned and premature title given to the World Wide Web.
To the general public, outside the Church, in Britain there is supreme indifference to what world wide Anglicanism does with itself.
The scientists who devised the ARPANET had no intention to make possible that seemingly irresistible force for globalization, the World Wide Web.
The Internet was founded on the linking of related information, and this remains the lifeblood of the modern World Wide Web.
How did Sir Tim Berners-Lee create the world wide web and how has he avoided the public limelight?
ReaCTor can be linked to other SEOS environments world-wide through remote linkups, enabling colleagues to work alongside each other regardless of geographical location.
Forget all the pornographers, mass mailers and virus producers; one Daly is sufficient justification for the existence of the World Wide Web.
The primary sources for the Games are world-wide broadcast rights, sponsorships, ticket sales and licensed merchandise.
Some people hang on every word Jakob writes, whereas some detest his apparent omniscience regarding the world wide web.
Several research groups world-wide aim to advance the methodology of direct silicon implementations in an attempt to exploit the natural parallelism in these networks.
The online coffee pot actually predates our World Wide Web server by some time.
The Opus Dei Prelature is governed world-wide by a prelate in Rome, Bishop Javier EchevarrÃa.
It has now got a world-wide renown and that is something " .
A second World Wide Web proxy server has now been installed in order to provide increased resilience.
This class has been a stepping-stone for many Olympic sailors world-wide.
Welcome to the home of Scottish episcopal satire on the world-wide web.
What, after all, did local European squabbles matter when Britain was at the heart of a far-flung and world-wide Empire.
This international correlation was the first in Buckland's attempts to produce a world-wide stratigraphy.
London Taxi Export operate a world wide spares mailing service for owners of Austin & Rover engined London style taxicabs.
This Guide to Good Practice concentrates on accessible desk-top virtual reality which may be distributed and viewed on-line via the World Wide Web.
Welcome to the home of Scottish Episcopal satire on the world-wide web.
What is new on the world wide web for 2006?
There is currently a world-wide debate on poverty yardsticks to identify the poor.
Rhabdopleura is no doubt of world-wide distribution, since it has been recorded in various localities from Greenland to South Australia, usually in water of not less than forty fathoms. Cephalodiscus, which for many years was known solely as the result of a single dredging by the " Challenger " from 2 4 5 fathoms in the Straits of Magellan, has recently been found in entirely different parts of the world, as for instance between Japan and Korea at ioo fathoms, at about half that depth off the south-east coast of Celebes, and between tide-marks on the coast of Borneo.
While the insect fauna of European countries was investigated by local naturalists, the spread of geographical exploration brought ever-increasing stores of exotic material to the great museums, and specialization - either in the fauna of a small district or in the world-wide study of an order or a group of families - became constantly more marked in systematic work.
He had pursued the traditional policy of intermarriage with the royal families of Castile and Aragon, hoping to weld together the Spanish and Portuguese dominions into a single world-wide Sebastianism " became a religion; its' votaries were numbered by thousands, and four impostors arose in succession, each claiming to be the rei encuberto, or " hidden king," whose advent was so ardently desired (see Sebastian).
Among the natural products of the soil of Spain, in regard to quantity, wines come next to cereals, but the only wines which have Wines, a world-wide reputation are those of the south, those of Alicante, of Malaga, and more particularly those which take the name of sherry, from the town of Jerez, in tile neighborhood of which they are grown (see WINE).
The World Wide Web will play an enormous role in ending war, on several levels.
It has now got a world-wide renown and that is something .
It is an area renowned world-wide for magnificent scenery steeped in fascinating history and famous legends.
The telecommunications revolution - including the Internet and World Wide Web - is providing us with ever greater power at ever lower prices.
Show a general knowledge of the Scout Movement and of how world-wide Scouting developed.
This international correlation was the first in Buckland 's attempts to produce a world-wide stratigraphy.
With the ubiquity of computers, networks, email and the World Wide Web, news about JSTOR is spreading through the scholarly community.
Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein.
Ideally you should be reading this whilst sitting in front of a computer workstation connected to the World Wide Web.
The noble comb machine revolutionized the worsted textile industry and was distributed world wide.
Navigating the labyrinth of the World Wide Web can be exasperating, especially when it comes to finding reading materials for children.
With the world wide need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and to seek alternative energy sources, wind power is for many an exciting option.
In the not-so-distant past, the only people who took part in the online dating scene were either desperate or nerdy programmers hooked on the World Wide Web.
It's a great big World Wide Web out there, how do you know where to shop or who to trust?
Fantasy football web sites span the World Wide Web like one gigantic football field.
Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau created the World Wide Web and the first Internet browser with HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
Some websites, such as Live TV Streaming, World Wide Internet Television and TV Channels Free are good places to start looking for a local affiliate for the shows you want to watch.
Amazon also take a variety of payment methods and deliver world wide.
This follow-up to box office blockbuster Jurassic Park grossed over $600 million world wide and catapulted Vince Vaughn's career from a very talented comedian to a very bankable, very talented actor.
This film was also highly praised by critics and Cate began receiving world wide recognition for her acting talents.
The World Wide Web is filled with sites dedicated to helping parents secure quality girls dresses at reasonable prices.
Many dogs have achieved celebrity status on the World Wide Web through viral videos showcasing their talents.
Whatever your needs happen to be, the World Wide Web likely supports a place you can find it.
Knowing which Web sites to look to is probably the most important part of learning guitar using the World Wide Web.
Brands include World Wide Sportsman, RedHead and Carhartt.
Internet crime is a term law enforcement agencies use to refer to crimes that are either committed or facilitated through the use of the World Wide Web.
Hugo Boss was established in 1923, and since its inception eighty-four years ago, has gone on to create sporty and causal fashion that is worn world-wide.
With the ease of Internet shopping and a plethora of online retailers, it's extremely tempting to look for designer-inspired eyewear via the World Wide Web.
As you might've guessed by the header above, many of these puzzle games are on the world-wide web.
For this being the 21st century, we have access to that lovable, unstoppable monstrosity that we call the World Wide Web, and it just wants to help!
When it comes to video game comics, the world wide web is busting at its seams with some fantastic reads.
The World Wide Wine has a number of terrific resources for building a variety of wine racks.
These options include the World Wide Reds, Dynamic Duo and the Ultimate Reds.
Everyone is online these days, and just because you're away from your main computer doesn't mean that you can have full access to the World Wide Web.
Estimates report spasticity may affect over 500,000 Americans and over 12 million people world-wide.
Within a few years, x rays became a valued diagnostic tool of physicians world-wide.
All in all, American Harlequin seems to satisfy customers around the world, being a common flooring solution for dancers world-wide.
The Rockettes are known world-wide for their exquisite dancing, but it's the atmosphere and the old-world charm that make the Christmas show of the Rockettes such a delight for all audiences.
Seafolly was created in 1975 and has quickly become one of the most recognized swimwear and beach lifestyle brands world-wide.
Last, we've come to Dolce & Gabbana, a designer name brand that's known world-wide for their trend setting, albeit, pricey looks.
She first garnered world-wide attention winning gold and silver at the 1996 games, and has broken numerous swimming records during her competitive career.
The world wide web has plenty of additional information about the Salton electric yogurt maker.
A company with world-wide distribution, Rexair has distributors all around the globe.
One of the key benefits of buying candle molds online is that the Internet presents a great opportunity to browse a number of different stores from all over the country - indeed world wide - quickly and easily.
This costume contest drew tourists and reporters, paving the way for the New Orleans Mardi Gras to become a world-wide phenomenon.
Some of your personal information will be available on a web page, so exercising caution regarding how available you want to be on the World Wide Web is always a good idea.
The company is located in Pennsylvania but works with customers world-wide.
There are thousands of Shrek websites and coloring pages on the world wide Web.
There is definitely not a shortage of them on the world wide web.
With over 2,000 athletic stores world wide and 1,400 stores in the U.S, you can find just about any athletic footwear to fit your needs.
These days the World Wide Web is home to dozens of sites that offer detailed information regarding popular soap storylines and casting news.
While Spanish telenovelas are produced largely in the Spanish speaking countries of Latin America and Mexico, the telenovelas hold world-wide appeal.
Today the World Wide Web is home to dozens of sites that offer detailed information about Eastenders upcoming episodes.
The World Wide Web is home to a litany of soap opera sites, which feature updates, spoilers and recaps.
Braille is used and known world wide making it truly international.
The Internet presents a world wide market place and it is possible to find many unusual and unique items including some great ideas for talking clocks for children and novelty alarm clocks.
The trend was soon spotted and before long these tiny Italian charms became a world wide phenomenon.
Who would have predicted, back in 1977, the world wide success of Star Wars.
Atomic watches are known world wide for their accuracy.
It is latex-free, 1/4-inch thick, and is known world-wide for its stickiness. can give small business owners the edge over their competition. meetings can be scheduled several times a day world-wide with the only travel time required is a trip to the conference room or to sit down in front of your PC.
Internet business scams have probably been around since the first few computers were connected to the World Wide Web.
Along the way you have the opportunity to interact with business owners and others who are doing a service for the Chinese and the English community world-wide.
It has become quite the cultural icon as surfer girls and other fashionable women world-wide flaunt it as a statement of their style and lifestyle.
First launched in 1977, this line of weight management products has spread to world-wide success with dozens of options for all types of dietary needs.
Many excellent exercise tips can be found on the world wide web.
Start a Blog - Use the World Wide Web to talk about your running goals and exercise efforts.
If you are searching for a comprehensive free French tutorial, then you need to look no farther than the World Wide Web!
Lizzy Borden previewed their latest CD 'Deal With the Devil' and their world wide tour at the 'Wacken Open Air Festival Germany', in front of 35 thousand people.
The film has made, in world-wide box office sales and video/DVD rentals, over one billion dollars.
It was also the foundation of what eventually became the world-wide web.
The public began turning to the world wide web as a source of media and information.
The fact that social networking forms the foundation of the World Wide Web means that it will also play a large part in its future growth.
Given the global aspects of the World Wide Web, your reputation can extend to all parts of the world.
Start out by searching the World Wide Web for Twilight layouts.
The Catholic church has also recently embraced the Internet, giving it its "blessing" and urging individuals to use the World Wide Web as a "force for unity."
By making use of all of the networking resources on the World Wide Web, you can create a "buzz" about your product or services, which will eventually lead to higher profits.
Crowdsourcing is a means of using the collective World Wide Web intelligence as a means of evaluating a specific product.
As more people use the World Wide Web as a source of news information, less people are subscribing to the paper version of the newspaper.
Twitter daily trends have become a good indication of what's going on in the world wide web.
Using free social bookmarks provides an efficient means of sharing content on the World Wide Web.
Although the World Wide Web has an abundance of information about advanced blogging techniques, there it little information about blogging for beginners.
The World Wide Web has an abundance of red, white and blue themes and graphics that send a patriotic message.
While the Internet is certainly useful, social networking sites can make the World Wide Web a sticky place to get caught.
Keeping these factors in mind, the CNET Bandwidth test will give you an accurate snapshot of your connection speed to the World Wide Web.
Originality - The last test, and perhaps most difficult one to pass, is whether a site really offers something new and different to the world wide web.
Membership is free, and currently appears to be at several hundred thousand world wide.
Because widgets became popular for use on the web in the mid-2000's, the World Wide Web Consortium created the Widget 1.0 standard, which operates the same when they created the HTML 1.0 standard.
That definition pretty much says it all, but it may still be confusing to people who are unfamiliar with what goes on "under the hood" of the world wide web.
Among other things, since it's truly a world-wide web, you need your files to be accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Sure, the web is world-wide, but people still have to live somewhere, and especially in a city like NYC, trying to capture eyeballs may seem like trying to bail water with a sieve.
In the simpler, kinder early days of the world wide web, all a page needed to do to get ranked was have a few good keywords and some banal copy and perhaps a meta-tag or two in the HEAD to attract attention.
Even in the early days of the world wide web there were websites like Tripod which would give you free web hosting along with a few basic HTML editing tools to establish your own home on the web.
The creation of the world wide web as it exists today didn't occur all at once.
Search engines needed to change as this new World Wide Web began to expand at an exponential rate.
Google uses PageRank (PR) to determine a page's importance on the World Wide Web.
World Wide Web history indicates Tim Berners-Lee officially invented the founding principles and technologies of the World Wide Web on August 6, 1991.
As the World Wide Web gained notoriety within governmental and academic sectors, aspiring businesses knew having a web presence was essential for long-term longevity and sustainability.
Perhaps equivalent to the Great Depression of World Wide Web history, the Dot Com industry suffered historical losses after three years of unprecedented financial gains on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
While many of the smaller companies do not exist today, enterprises such as Amazon, Google, and eBay remain top contenders of the World Wide Web.
The World Wide Web continues to develop and transform well into the 21st Century, as technologies such as HTML continue to evolve.
Analysts predict that social media and Web 2.0 technologies mark the next chapter in World Wide Web history.
Nearly twenty years after the World Wide Web was introduced there were over 234 million websites.
As of 2010 it had gone through its fifth revision by the World Wide Web Consortium.
Designers and coders began working together, both independently and as groups like the World Wide Web Consortium, to come up with new technologies to expand HTML.