World-war Sentence Examples
We had world war three over it.
Alder's Bridge was re-named Brockville, after the first soldier fatality of World War Two!
There was the customary group of tourists with names like Bud and Ethel and Elmer and Clara— names not assigned to anyone born after World War II.
Fred, I know you're an old geezer, but Roosevelt died during World War Two.
In 1916 they were barred from circulation in Canada " because of garbled despatches " concerning the World War.
Mr. Snowden made himself extremely unpopular during the World War owing to his pacifist opinions, and was one of the Socialist members of Parliament who lost their seats at the general election of 1918.
Before the World War about i 2 million skins were obtained annually at a cost of 6 to 8 roubles each.
During the World War he served with the headquarters staff of the British army in France (1916-7), attaining the rank of colonel, and later was Director of Information under the Prime Minister (1917-8), and his History of the War (Nelson) was an admirable piece of work.
On his return to Canada he became Minister of Militia and Defence, and in that capacity was responsible for the creation of the Overseas force which in 1914 came over to take its share in the World War.
Early in the World War he went to South America to buy horses for the British army, and carried out his mission with success.
AdvertisementIt was not, however, until the World War that he attracted public attention.
When the World War broke out his attitude was favourable to the absolute neutrality of Italy, believing that his country's interests lay in not siding with either group of belligerents, and on the eve of Italian intervention he made an attempt, by using his personal hold over the Parliamentary majority, to upset the Salandra Cabinet, but it was frustrated by an uprising of public opinion in favour of war.
When Mr. Asquith formed the first Coalition Ministry in 1915, he included Mr. Henderson in the Cabinet as President of the Board of Education, and also adviser of the Government on Labour questions arising out of the World War.
The total number of men supplied by Cleveland to the U.S. armies in the World War was 55,000; the total amount subscribed in the Liberty and Victory Loans $437,041,300.
Later he was connected with several mining companies, with offices in London, and there he was when the World War broke out in 1914.
AdvertisementAfter America's entrance into the World War the work had to be carried on by neutrals, but Mr. Hoover remained chairman of the Commission.
He came again into prominence, however, during the World War.
While the ships were still engaged in tactical exercises, Austria's ultimatum to Serbia was issued (July 23) and the i 2 anxious days which culminated in the World War began.
After the outbreak of the World War he endorsed the Administration's peace policy, supported the League to Enforce Peace, and urged that the national guard be tried fully before compulsory service be decided upon.
This feature of his character served him well when the World War brought about the long-expected upheaval of European society.
AdvertisementSeveral expeditions were made just before that year and in the period between then and the World War.
When the World War broke out Enver began to cherish strategical ambitions.
Up to the outbreak of the World War all the Katanga copper was bought by Germans; thereafter it was sent to Britain.
But that the natives as a whole were satisfied was shown by their attitude during the World War.
During the World War he developed a polemic directed against democratichumanitarian conceptions and particularly those of President Wilson, whose influence on the peace settlement was regarded by him as injurious to Italy.
AdvertisementHe lived to see the World War of 1914 and the Russian revolution of 1917, which forced him into impoverished retirement at his villa at Biarritz.
The outbreak of the World War in 1914 led to a German invasion which, from midsummer 1915 until Aug.
Moseley was in Australia with the British Association in 1914 when the World War broke out; he returned to England, obtained a commission in the Royal Engineers, and was killed by a Turkish bullet on the Gallipoli peninsula on Aug.
There were greater trials in store when the World War broke out at last.
It was perhaps the most astonishing single feat of arms in the World War.
In that book he shows how gigantic was the task of creating the new German navy with which Great Britain had to reckon at the outbreak of the World War.
When the World War broke out, in spite of his Triplicist policy he openly expressed himself in favour of Italian neutrality, and on Italy's entry into the war he was careful not to compromise himself with Giolitti's attitude.
For almost two years after the outbreak of the World War he urged strict neutrality, but in 1918 publicly expressed regret for this attitude.
Alcohol was used in Germany for many years before the World War in increasing quantities as a source of heat, but its application for light and power started about 1887.
Before the World War he was the possessor of a fortune which was vaguely estimated at several millions of pounds.
When the World War broke out he secured an enormous share in the war profits which flowed into the coffers of the great industrialists.
In the spring of 1915 he was promoted to lieutenant-colonel and on Italy's entry into the World War he held the post of sub-chief-of-staff of the II.
After the outbreak of the World War he was a staunch supporter of the Allies, and on Jan.
German influence eventually became so great that when the time came, the Committee leaders were willing and able to bring their country into the World War on the side of Germany.
Throughout the World War he belonged to the Governmental section of the Socialists, and voted in the Reichstag for the war credits.
It was while Stiirgkh was Austrian premier that the World War broke out (see under Foreign Policy, p. 327).
The year 1914 soon showed signs of a coming relaxation of the economic crisis; but this development was interrupted by the World War.
The outbreak of the World War compelled the bank to raise its rate on July 27 1914 from 4 to 5%, on July 31 to 6% and on Aug.
There he was still working when the outbreak of the World War and the decision of Turkey to join the Central European Powers put an abrupt stop to all archaeological work and called Lawrence to what proved a wider field.
Their presence is largely the result, firstly of a colonization which was favoured by the Bohemian kings and princes of the 12th and 13th centuries, and secondly of a policy of Germanization pursued by the Habsburg rulers from the date of the battle of the White Mountain in 1620 (when the Czechs lost their independence) up till the very close of the World War.
After America's entrance into the World War he was a pronounced and conspicuous pacifist.
On the outbreak of the World War he at first seemed to be going to side with the Government, but, after having obtained some private knowledge of the way in which German public opinion had been duped, he turned against his own party, the Social Democrats, and attacked them for supporting the war.
In the critical negotiations before the outbreak of the World War he supported every attempt to avert the danger.
As a result of the World War the town was almost totally destroyed.
This had no effect, how ever, on public opinion, and Poincare's popularity was undiminished during the months immediately preceding the outbreak of the World War.
After America's entrance into the World War he went to Europe in 1918 to attend conferences and to inspect the U.S. naval forces, and early in 1919 was in charge of their demobilization.
Salandra, at the latter's urgent request, and was soon faced by the responsibilities arising out of the outbreak of the World War.
During the World War he presided over several research committees and he assisted various Government departments in an advisory capacity.
The use of reflecting mirrors for the purpose of observing from cover is no novelty, and during the trench warfare of the Crimean War 1854-5 a device was patented which scarcely differs from the simple mirror periscope of the World War.
During the World War he issued, in 1915, an order barring unneutral envelopes and cards from the mails, and after America became a belligerent he instituted a censorship designed to suppress treasonable and seditious newspapers.
The following year he was promoted to admiral and made commander-in-chief of the Atlantic Fleet, which position he held during America's participation in the World War.
As a preacher he proved very successful with simple people, and during the World War he threw himself into the work of providing religious instruction for the fighting men, visiting both the French front and the Grand Fleet.
The World War brought about various forms of restriction of publicity in the shape of a censorship, which provides a new chapter in the history of the Press Laws.
On the outbreak of the World War he urged preparedness and criticised America's naval administration.
Although a Giolittian at heart, he was in favour of intervention in the World War at a time when many other politicians still hesitated and most of his party were decided neutralists.
Motherof-pearl was exported before the World War to the value of £20,000; after the war high freights and absence of demand from Hamburg, the principal market, killed the trade for the time being.
For the purpose of more effectively carrying on Canada's part in the World War he formed, in Oct.
In the World War he sided openly with Germany, but his influence had already greatly diminished.
Steady progress was made in the development of the country and the increase of well-being and civilization among the natives in the five years preceding the World War.
When the World War broke out, he was one of the first Opposition leaders to place his services at the disposal of the Government.
She travelled extensively in the Near East, making a specially adventurous journey across northern Arabia in 1913-4 over a practically unknown route, whereby she obtained a knowledge of the country which proved of great value to the British Government when information concerning routes was required for the advance of the British army into Palestine during the World War.
His own attitude towards the World War was vigorous and patriotic. He made a recruiting tour in 1915 through Great Britain, where he won a popularity perhaps greater than he enjoyed at home, and pledged himself to introduce conscription in Australia, though he failed to carry it.
At the outbreak of the World War in Europe he favoured strict neutrality.
He also secured the creation of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance for shipping, later extended to include life 'insurance for soldiers and sailors in the World War.
At the outbreak of the World War he was parliamentary leader of the Social Democratic party in the Reichstag, but in 1916 he seceded with the Independent Socialists, who refused to vote the estimate and war credits, and became their leader.
He became widely known as a war correspondent, reporting every war from the Greco-Turkish War (1897) to the World War.
Salandra was called upon to form the new Cabinet, and he was Premier when the World War broke out in Aug.
It was the Salandra Cabinet which took the momentous decision of bringing Italy into the World War on the side of the Allies, and it conducted the Government of the country during the first months of the campaign more successfully than any of the succeeding war Cabinets.
To him was largely due the establishment of a summer camp at Plattsburg for training civilian officers, which was taken as a model for other camps of the kind after America's entrance into the World War.
Just before America's entrance into the World War in 1917 it was announced that the Eastern Division, then under Gen.
During the World War he did work for the English Foreign Office.
The collapse of the International on the outbreak of the World War was a great sorrow to him, and is thought to have hastened his death, which took place in 1915 when he had only just completed his fifty-ninth year.
When the United States entered the World War in 1917 he was entrusted with an economic mission to that country, and certain of his utterances and acts in this connexion were severely criticized.
After the outbreak of the World War Casement went to the United States, whence he wrote in Oct.
The offer was not accepted, and Mr. Law, though he joined the Buckingham Palace Conference in a last hope of aiming at a reasonable settlement, was anticipating the immediate outbreak of civil war in Ireland when the World War supervened.
Two sons perished in the World War.
During his first years as Secretary of the Navy he was much criticized, but after America's entrance into the World War the criticism died down.
Hughes's election was considered assured when the campaign began; but though he " stumped " the country widely he disappointed the people because he took no definite position on any of the specific questions involving the stand of America in the World War and especially as regards the sinking of the " Lusitania."
After America's entrance into the World War he upheld pacifism, and in Sept.
At the outbreak of the World War conditions were not favourable to the Turks in Kurdistan.
A new AngloGerman agreement had been negotiated in 1913-4 and only awaited signature when the World War put an end to the negotiations.
When the World War broke out, Venizelos hastened, in the dark days which preceded the first battle of the Marne, to offer Greece's aid and adhesion to the Entente.
He played an active part in the negotiations preceding the outbreak of the World War and was, in particular, concerned in the German relations with Austria, having been the first member of the Imperial Government in Berlin to become acquainted with the terms of the Austrian ultimatum to Serbia.
In 1917 he was appointed state engineer of New Jersey, but after America's entrance into the World War he was released to serve as manager of the Emergency Fleet Corporation.
He was an earnest advocate of reclamation of land, and suggested that farms for soldiers returned from the World War could be provided by extensive drainage and irrigation.
In 1906 he was promoted to the rank of general of infantry, and at the outbreak of the World War was Generaloberst and Inspector-General of the VIII.
There was the customary group of tourists with names like Bud and Ethel and Elmer and Clara— names not assigned to anyone born after World War II.
Before World War I Britain and the US were characterized by an absence of militarism and to a considerable degree by lack of bureaucracy.
These problems became acute during the Second World War.
It also has graves of german aircrew from World War Two.
There were three german air raids on the Hartlepools during the First World War.
It is especially apt that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II.
These had been used extensively during the First World War on many items, including armaments.
Cross the Channel to France then past World War i battlefields to Paris.
It looked rather like a first world war battlefield.
Further examples of Japanese bestiality and manic aggressive behavior continued throughout the second world war against enemy service men and civilians.
Iran's several nuclear bombs can inflict more damage on America than the World War II.
In World War II, crystal sets were used by prisoners of war in prison camps to listen to news from home.
He was famous in Germany as he had been a World War One U-boat captain.
The First World War is remembered as a time of bloody carnage.
The new political cartography of oil had been drawn in full by the end of World War Two.
These Books are contained in the central bronze and glass casket with the Book of Life from the First World War.
By any measure, the Second World War was the greatest man-made catastrophe of all time.
The Second World War affected the lives of ordinary churchgoers in many ways.
It will be marked by 13 countries across Europe, including the combatants of World War Two.
All the brake compos and most of the thirds went into sets starting after World War II.
The FoR supported conscientious objectors during World War I and was a supporter of passive resistance during World War II.
The file is simply an administrative convenience introduced about the time of the First World War.
The setting is downright creepy, sort of a Frankenstein's lab of torture mixed together with an old World War II bunker.
You would be forgiven for thinking a fringe play about a World War II bomber crew would have a fairly eclectic take on events.
Apparently techniques were fairly crude, using visual methods similar to World War 2 methods.
D-day landings were the turning point of the Second World War.
It commemorates the dead of both World War I & II.
Pages about related topics Some photos I took of a World War II bombing decoy near Kingston upon Hull.
Those who advocated a ' revolutionary defeatist ' policy in the Second World War assumed something similar would occur.
Some would argue this reflects how television's interest in World War II is an obsession, mining a steadily diminishing seam.
Similarly, the British exploited Arab discontent with Turkish rule to extend their own empire in the Middle East during the First World War.
It was only after the First World War that the direct land route became er the First World War that the direct land route became e common.
How did horse chestnuts help the war effort during the First World War?
After World War II Hubble became very much an elder statesman of US astronomy.
Largely self-taught, he achieved great eminence in the musical world in the years leading up to the First World War.
A concrete gun emplacement, built during World War 11 just near this tomb, is still visible.
Nine days after the Second World War was declared in 1939, voluntary enlistment began for an infantry division.
The end of the First World War heralded an eralded an era of uncertainty for the people of Govan.
Unlike audiences in World War 1 who needed escapism, the audiences of the 1940s were looking for something more.
Finally, on the very eve of World War I he was released for lack of evidence.
The river runs steadily through this vivid evocation of a childhood in India at the time of the First World War.
Millions of people shed their blood to defeat fascism in the Second World War.
Hurricanes destroyed more enemy aircraft than any other allied fighter in the Second World War.
During the years of World War 1 the former headmaster of Henry VIII Grammar School was Vicar.
John became the only practicing herbalist in the US Army during World War II.
The Northern Echo has launched a campaign to remember a forgotten hero of the Second World War.
Except, the war is remarkably like the idiocy of the first world war rather than any of those fought during Victoria's reign.
The workers were promised an eight hour day while an inquiry into the profits made by the industrialists during World War One was dropped.
From 1914 to the great campaigns of World War II, radio intercepts shaped the course of history.
Dusty's Story Edward ' Dusty ' Miller is a World War 2 veteran and former internee of a Japanese prisoner of war camp.
When I was eleven our quiet lives were rudely interrupted by World War II, and chaos reigned.
In the two seasons after the First World War the club were champions of the Spartan league before joining the Isthmian league in 1921.
Eisenhower became a temporary lieutenant colonel during the First World War.
The older one had an interesting lych gate dating from after the first world war.
The dominant role played at the beginning of the century became quite marginal by the outbreak of World War II.
Home Sweet Home Front Home Sweet Home Front provides source material on a variety of subjects related to the Second World War Home Front.
More calamitous still was the Unionist decision to cast in its lot with Prussian militarism during the First World War.
Michael was the only constitutional monarch to have led his people in person during the Second World War.
By the eve of World War II, most Islamic countries were prepared to overthrow colonialism and establish nation-states.
New Styles developed by Picasso and others in the decades running up to World War II.
In order to avoid a two front war like that of World War I Hitler signed a ten-year nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union.
However, in 1939, his studies were interrupted by the outbreak of the Second World War.
During World War Two he served as a full Colonel with the Yugoslav partisans, retiring to his family home in Somerset in 1946.
Later additions to the bridge include a pillbox built for the home defense forces during the Second World War.
During World War II, the demands changed due to burn often suffered by fighter pilots.
Only after the Second World War it was possible to throw more light on the fighting that took place in the Dutch polders.
It was widely believed that Britain had the most successful propaganda posters in World War One.
During the World War II, the company set up a factory to produce airplane propellers.
The telescopes were moved after the Second World War to Herstmonceux, where the 26-inch refractor can still be seen today.
They were to be transformed into armored regiments by the time World War II came along.
The complex was used to house injured servicemen during World War I, and subsequently became a tuberculosis sanatorium in the 1930s.
The RCS collection includes two scrapbooks of First World War Memorabilia belonging to Captain Arthur O. Temple Clarke, R.A.S.C. (RCMS 319 ).
Among the father figures today are two eminent sculptors who came to prominence in the years after the Second World War.
The Russian president has once again raised the specter of a ' European war, maybe even a world war.
The number of RAF squadrons had been very much reduced at the end of the First World War.
With the outbreak of World War 1 the leadership of the WSPU began negotiating with the British government who released all suffragettes from prison.
War with an emerging superpower like China would mean World War Three.
In his late teens he had fought in the trenches of the First World War.
Bill Armstrong, Malta had suffered tinnitus for many years caused by flying activities in R.A.F. during World War II.
During World War II he was declared unfit for active service after a serious illness, but entertained troops all over the world.
Amid the continuing turmoil in the wake of World War II, the dark clouds of the East-West confrontation were already gathering.
The valley is perhaps best known historically for the heavy water plant at Vemork that the allies destroyed during the second world war.
A second world war might be tolerated, but atomic weaponry?
As a member of the Senate committee on military affairs during the World War he took part in investigations which resulted in a reorganization of the ordnance and quartermaster departments as well as the aircraft production board.
History of Latvian Independence.-With the outbreak of the World War in 1914 a prospect of some kind of national existence opened out to the Lettish intelligentsia, whose antipathy to Germany did not imply a readiness to die for Russia.
Up to the World War there was actually no articulate irredentism among the Austrian Poles; they were more contented than their co-nationals in Russia and Germany, and this explains their attitude of vacillation and indecision during a long period of the war.
And so when the World War broke out the commission dispersed without practical results, leaving behind it an imposing array of folio volumes of great scientific value.
During the World War Ross was appointed to the R.A.M.C. and became War Office consultant in malaria.
The United Kingdom famously did this after World War II by raising marginal tax rates on earned income to more than 99 percent and, for some other kinds of income, to more than 100 percent.
Then came World War I, which utilized these institutions and greatly expanded the size of the federal government.
Albert Einstein reflected this when he famously said, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
A full-scale, no-holds-barred, nuclear-missiles-raining-down kind of world war would profoundly change the course of human history for all time.
After all, World War I was called The War to End War.
In World War II, for instance, the Singer Corporation, of sewing-machine fame, made handguns for the war effort.
In World War II, the United States went to war with Germany, Italy, and Japan, a trio of undemocratic countries.
It took one week for a localized event to escalate to world war.
After World War I, as the Ottoman Empire collapsed, several new countries emerged.
During World War I in the United States, fourteen states outlawed speaking German.
In World War I, in the Battle of the Somme, were over a million casualties, and the action advanced the Allied line just seven miles, or about two deaths for every inch of ground.
In World War II, even more battles had a million casualties each.
Enola begins in a small town in Kansas, purpose-built for production in the name of the US Second World War effort.
But their successors after the Second World War were less fortunate and faced even more testing quandaries.
The present bell is a recast version of the original destroyed during World War II.
The cadet units were all disbanded during the Second World War but re-formed again in 1945.
After the Cloptons, the house saw a succession of owners and tenants before being requisitioned by the Army in the Second World War.
The RCS collection includes two scrapbooks of First World War Memorabilia belonging to Captain Arthur O. Temple Clarke, R.A.S.C. (RCMS 319).
The site is, in fact, a leveled World War Two searchlight battery.
He worked for Pearl Assurance Company as a clerk before serving in the RAF during the Second World War.
Shortly after the start of World War II, faced with rapid price inflation, the British Woolworths abandoned their sixpenny price limit.
Allen Lane, who had founded Penguin just prior to World War II, asked Hoggart to testify on behalf of the press.
A tincture of the roots, which has a calming effect, was used to treat shell-shocked soldiers in World War One.
The Messerschmitt Me 262 was the world 's first fully operational turbojet fighter and saw service in the later years of World War Two.
Then the upheavals of the second world war led to changes in the market which still remain in effect today.
Britain was by the eve of the First World War the most industrialized and urbanized country in the world.
Explore the warren of cellar rooms were Neville Chamberlain, then more famously Winston Churchill planned the II World War.
This weighty first volume takes the reader up to the end of Sassoon 's participation in the First World War.
It was afterward claimed that during the Second World War Attlee worked as a restraining influence on some of Churchill 's more wilder schemes.
Charles laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in remembrance of those who fought in the Far East during the Second World War.
During World War II, butter and gasoline were rationed.
Fascism began to spring up in several European states after the struggles of World War I.
For instance, some collectors prefer World War II-era fighter planes.
Originally, sports cards came with tobacco products before World War II.
At first, the United States did not want to enter into World War I, but this changed as the German Navy started to sink U.S. ships carrying goods to Britain.
Originally used to finance World War I, many people see Treasury bonds as an investment with no risk.
This is not true, as proven after World War I when the bonds matured.
Aviation grade ethanol, (AGE-85) is an 85 percent ethanol blended fuel that is beginning to replace 100 octane low lead aviation gasoline, which has been the standard fuel for reciprocating engine aircraft since World War II.
Louis Pasteur first observed garlic's antibacterial qualities in 1858, and until World War II is was routinely used to prevent gangrene in patients with infected wounds.
Essential oils were used to treated wounded soldiers in World War I and Gattefosse was pleased with the results of his experiments.
Popularity waned after World War II, when more potent antibacterial agents were discovered, but interest grew in the 1970's along with the natural health and wellness movement.
During World War I, he was in charge of over 400 patients at the hospital and was well respected by his colleagues.
During World War II, a sugar shortage in Great Brittan led to widespread use of stevia as a sweetener; however, once the war was over and sugar was once again plentiful, stevia use dropped off.
Contemporary art refers to art produced since World War II.
The Atomic Energy Commission prohibited the use of uranium during and after World War II.
She worked for Fortune and Life magazines and served in combat zones in Germany, Africa and Italy, during World War II.
Glamour photography hit its crescendo during World War II.
During World War I, the need for greeting cards grew and so did the company.
In 1944, during World War II, the company started using the slogan "When you care enough to send the very best" which to this day is synonymous with Hallmark.
The Holocaust Museum shows visitors a heart wrenching view of what Jews went through during World War Two.
The World War II Monument is the newest monument on the mall.
During World War II, Camp Hale, located near Vail, Colorado, was the training ground for the 10th Mountain Division.
However, the outbreak of World War I forestalled their plans.
Then, during World War II, the 10th Mountain Division began training at Camp Hale.
During World War II, chemists found yet another use for this very useful bean.
It was used for various antibacterial purposes, and in World War I and World War II it was used to protect against gangrene in wounds.
At the end of World War II, he headed for Brownwood, Texas, to work in the oil fields.
Seymour's father, an obstetrician, was a British Jew from Poland, and her mother, a nurse, was a prisoner of war in World War II.
Her show business career began in 1939, but the outbreak of World War II put her career on hiatus as she joined the American Women's Voluntary Services.
They were first worn by paratroopers in World War II and quickly became popular for stuff-toting boys everywhere.
Bermuda shorts, also called walking shorts, have been popular since World War II, when their use by the British Army in hot climates was adapted by tailors in Bermuda as a way of dealing with the severe fabric shortage.
If you have time after the cruise, you can experience jazz, delicious food, a wax museum, a World War II museum, ghost tours, and more.
After losing six ships in World War I and losing business as immigration slowed, the company faced severe hardship in the 1920s.
The German military used German Shepherds in World War I as dispatch carriers, to help locate and rescue wounded soldiers, and to accompany soldiers during silent patrols.
British Colonel James Baldwin trained the first canine unit for the British army in World War II.
He had observed the dogs while serving in World War I and was very impressed with their loyalty and discipline.
Beryl Griffin used her German Shepherds during World War II to find victims hidden in ruble from air raids.
As nightclubs entered a boom following World War II, striptease came back in style again.
During World War II, Burpee's company was instrumental in promoting the Victory garden which encouraged civilians to plant home gardens to aid the war effort.
The bathtub wasn't a permanent feature in modern homes until after World War I, when home design allotted for a "bathing room."
Vinyl floor tiles were developed after World War II.
Art Modern - This style came to the fore in the post World War II years until around 1960.
During World War I the company began creating rings for the military and continued to do so after the war was over.
By the time end of World War I, the popularity of the bicycle was enormous.
During World War II, however, when soldiers found themselves working hard in sweltering climates, it became common to use them solely as outerwear.
Details were still important - no self-respecting man would ever dare be seen without a hat and tie - but huge changes were being made in every item of men's clothing that would have been unthinkable prior to World War I.
During World War II, race riots broke out in Los Angeles between Hispanics and American servicemen.
Upon returning home from serving during World War I, however, The 1920s, in contrast, were sharp and even ostentatious at times.
Bomber jackets, also called aviator jackets, date back to World War I when the pilots needed clothing that kept them warm in the sky while they were fighting or bombing.
For spring 2010, the trench coat was all new again and many designers showed looks that the original wearers of the coat - British army soldiers in World War I - would never have recognized.
The company has been in business for over 72 years and even made military uniforms during World War II.
The end of World War II affected American life in a myriad ways, one of which was the surge of new births.
The Meals on Wheels organization started as a World War II post-war recovery effort in Great Britain.
With the ending of World War II, soldiers returned home to the United States and began their new lives.
Many antique auctions actually feature the very popular vintage Bausch & Lomb glasses from each generation, whether it's World War I, World War II or the Ray-Ban era of the 1980s.
They can give you the look of World War II era British Royal Air Force pilots while keeping you comfortable and allowing you to see well.
Halcyon goggles are made in the United Kingdom and are designed with the old fashioned goggles of the British Royal Air Force during World War II in mind.
The original Call of Duty takes place during an unspecified time during World War II.
You play settings on the Eastern side of World War II during the Pacific theater campaigns.
However, that is usually the case with most first-person shooters in general, particularly tactile military games.Most Call of Duty games are based on real-life events, so you just may revisit specific battles in World War II, for example.
Vietnam seemed more a rehash than a bonafide sequel, and had a feeling of simply not being as fresh as its World War 2 predecessor.
Prepare to view an alternate history where World War II never occurred and an alien force (called the Chimera) wiped out the majority of Asia and Europe.
The technology for MMOG first person shooters (MMOGFPS) is still quite challenging, although successful releases include World War II Online and Planetside.
Even with so many World War II titles coming out of the woodwork nowadays, Pacific Assault continues to impress - especially in the tension department.
The Medal of Honor series of World War II-themed first-person shooter games was first launched in 1999.
Captain Dale Dye, the Military Technical Advisor for the previous Medal of Honor games, is again onboard for Airborne to ensure this latest installment is true to both the series and to World War II technology.
Created for the PC and the Xbox 360, this online/standalone shooter game sequel takes you to some of the most memorable historical battles in World War II.
The difference between this and games like Medal of Honor, however, is that World War II never happened.
In many of the games, you play a soldier the United States military engaging in missions and battles during World War II.
The basic game is a flight simulator, but you can engage in battles based on real-life battles of World War II.
Vintage car enthusiasts agree that the era of these beautiful automobiles began in 1919 with the end of World War I.
The Ford Motor Company is an example of what went on with the automobile companies that formed before World War One.
During the years of World War II, doll production was greatly limited, and in many cases completely stopped, due to various supplies that were in short supply.
After the end of World War II doll production at the Alexander Doll Company resumed and the company was one of the first to make dolls using a revolutionary new material of the times, plastic.
Certain covers were used in the military, especially in World War II, so that soldiers could camp out wherever they needed to, and stay dry.
The JustRite flashlights from World War II are especially collectible.
While other trailers succumbed to the economic woes of the World War II era, the Airstream endured although its luxury label meant that few of its motor homes were sold.
In the years following World War II (1939-45), many doctors blamed schizophrenia on bad parenting.
After World War I, the advent of commercial formula facilitated raising babies without their being fed by breast.
During World War II, another dance, known as "the Son" became popular in Cuba.
After World War I, the holiday included all soldiers who died serving their country, although it is still near the original date of the Civil War reunification.
The Southern states finally observed this holiday after World War I, except for several states that still have an additional day set aside to honor the deceased Confederate soldiers.
Kennedy, Jr., was also a Naval officer, serving during World War II.
It was for World War I that the Selective Service Administration was established to register men for the draft.
The USGenWeb has sites for every county in the U.S. Many of the county websites have a list of local soldiers during World War I.
There are several databases regarding World War II military service, including POWs and U.S. Army enlistment records.
The National World War II Memorial has a registry of American citizens who contributed to the war effort.
This was the first census after World War I.
The receiving center saw constant expansion until the U.S. entered World War I in 1917.
The facility did serve in other capacities over the years, including a detention camp during World War II, until it was closed completely in 1954.
For example, World War I draft registrations for the United States often include the name of the next of kin.
During World War I the number of immigrants decreased, leaving facilities available to detain suspected enemy aliens from 1918 to 1919 . Ellis Island resumed processing immigrants in 1920.
After World War I, the newly established United States embassies worldwide were able to provide prospective immigrants with visas and health and legal inspections at their countries of origin.
The remoteness of the island made it a perfect detention center for enemy merchant seamen captured during World War II.
In general, the records for the Civil War, especially the Union side, and World War I are well documented.
For example, World War I draft registrations are a popular database on
Ancestry also has Civil War service records and World War II records.
It also has World War II Army enlistment and POW databases.
The National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri is the storage location for all service records for the years after World War I.
Any military records kept prior to World War I are stored at the National Archives Building in Washington, DC.
You'll find documents, films and photographs pertaining to the Navajo code talkers of World War II.
For World War I, the United States conducted three different registrations between 1917 and 1919.
The National Archives also has the Selective Service draft registrations for World War II, which were taken in a series of four registrations.
Records after 1912, which include service records associated with World War I, World War II, the Korean Conflict, and the Vietnam War, are held at the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), part of NARA, in St. Louis, Missouri.
The Hiding Place - The story of Corrie Ten Boom and her family's commitment to helping the Jewish people in World War II.
This job loss was the highest number since 1945, when World War II ended.
In the 1940s, rates stayed on the low side since buying a home during World War II was quite difficult.
The U.S. Army used the fort as a staging ground during World War II, housing soldiers preparing for deployment to Japan.
He spent many hours pretending to be a World War I flying ace, typing away at his typewriter, spending time with his bird friend Woodstock and sleeping on top of his dog house.
The one-piece swimsuit was the standard swimwear in the first half of the 20th century, with very few exceptions, but World War II would change all that.
Betty Grable showed how sexy a one-piece could be with her classic World War II poster.
The most famous pin-up of the 1940s was Betty Grable and iconic photo of her, shot from behind looking over her shoulder with a saucy smile, was carried by many of the American servicemen in World War II.
By the end of World War II, manufacturers were exploring cheaper alternative materials to create the tiny men, and plastic toy soldiers were introduced.
Historical events were also recreated in Civil War, World War II, and Viking playsets, among others.
This trend continued until World War II.
But after World War I, styles changed drastically and women's fashion crossed the Rubicon, with hems rising to the knee and evening dresses baring shoulders.
Trench coats are members of the history hall of fame, appearing in everything from classic films on some of the world's most gorgeous women to officers in the British army during World War I, who sported the coat as part of their uniform.
The need for simplicity, combined with practicality, continued through World War II but lost some ground in the 1950s.
It enjoyed near instant popularity and was born by numerous Rosie the Riveter-type women during World War II.
The idea of special occasion separates was first introduced during World War II, when it was considered inappropriate to dress up too formally while so many people were suffering.
This style was more practical as women took to the workforce while men were fighting during World War I.
Once World War II ended and servicemen returned home, women who had worked outside of the home soon found themselves back into domestic roles.
Though not quite an aspect of history normally studied in school, the German takeover did have an impact on American fashion designers, who were heavily inspired by French couture prior to World War II.
The "New Look" was a response to the conservative nature that swept women's fashion during World War II.
Unfortunately, the campaign was derailed by World War II.
It was originated during World War II when men were faced with having to try and maintain the razor blades they already had because steel was in very low supply.
The original version, reportedly created as a French World War I game, was played on square grids, and each player drew in where their battleships had landed.
The game of Battleship is a guessing game that has been around before World War I.
Many areas in Europe, Asia and Africa are decorated with land mines as a remnant of wars including World War II.
World War I, World War II, and other conflicts found the American Red Cross at the forefront of relief efforts.
For nearly sixteen years, he led the nation through the turbulent times that marked the Great Depression and the Second World War from a wheelchair.
After World War II, the glassmakers of Eastern Germany stopped producing ornaments.
The advance of radio and television, plus the rise of the middle class after World War II, gave retailers a growing consumer base and a way to advertise to this base.