Works-on Sentence Examples
I have probably three days until my mind control no longer works on him.
He also published works on the Last Days of the Life of Jesus, on Judaism in the Time of Christ, on John of Damascus (1879) and an Examination of the Vatican Dogma in the Light of Patristic Exegesis of the New Testament.
He published works on Leibnitz, empiricism and scepticism in Hume's philosophy, modern pessimism, Kantic criticism, English philosophy, Heraclitus of Ephesus and many other subjects.
See Holliday's Life (1797); Campbell's Chief Justices; Foss's Judges; Greville's Memoirs, passim; Horace Walpole's Letters; and other memoirs and works on the period.
Maecianus was the author of works on trusts (Fideicommissa), on the Judicia publica, and of a collection of the Rhodian laws relating to maritime affairs.
The two works on which his reputation principally rests are the A postolici, or History of Apostles and Fathers in the first three centuries of the Church (1677), and Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria (1688).
Richard Strauss, in his edition of Berlioz's works on Instrumentation, paradoxically characterizes the classical orchestral style as that which was derived from chamber-music. Now it, is true that in Haydn's early days orchestras were small and generally private; and that the styles of orchestral and chamber music were not distinct; but surely nothing is clearer than that the whole history of the rise of classical chamber-music lies in its rapid differentiation from the coarse-grained orchestral style with which it began.
The strain of the next three years' continuous work undermined his health and his eyesight, and he was compelled to retire from his professorship. During these years he had published works on Plato and Socrates and a history of philosophy (1875); but after his retirement he further developed his philosophical position, a speculative eclecticism through which he endeavoured to reconcile metaphysical idealism with the naturalistic and mechanical standpoint of science.
The works on religion and philosophy especially will be of as much service for the history of ideas in these later periods as the publication of the canonical books has already been for the earlier period to which they refer.
The unknown author, as may be inferred from the treatise itself, did not write to make money, but to oblige his relative and friend Herennius, for whose instruction he promises to supply other works on grammar, military matters and political administration.
AdvertisementThe Englishman Grew and the Italian Malpighi almost simultaneously published ifiustrated works on the subject, in which they described, for the most part very accurately, what they saw with the new instruments.
He travelled in Italy, and perhaps in Greece also, collecting antique statues, reliefs, vases, &c., forming the largest collection then extant of such works, making drawings from them himself, and throwing open his stores for others to study from, and then undertaking works on commission for which his pupils no less than himself were" made available.
His later works on the relation of philosophy to science and to the thought of his time were more popular in character.
For general and special works on the town see Ulysse Chevalier, Topobibliographie (Montbeliard, 1894-1899), s.
He now employed himself in making optical glasses, and in engraving on metal, devoting his spare time to the perusal of works on mathematics and optics.
AdvertisementThere are batteries at and opposite Harwich, and modern works on Shotley Point, at the fork of the two estuaries.
The literature on ants is so vast that it is only possible to refer the reader to a few of the most important works on the family.
Dandolo published in Italian several treatises on agriculture, vine-cultivation, and the rearing of cattle and sheep; a work on silk-worms, which was translated into French by Fontanelle; a work on the discoveries in chemistry which were made in the last quarter of the 18th century (published 1796); and translations of several of the best French works on chemistry.
A great many works on agriculture appeared during the time of the Commonwealth, of which Walter Blith's Improver Improved and Samuel Hartlib's Legacie are the most valuable.
From the close of the middle ages until the middle of the 18th century thousands of pamphlets and other works on economic questions were published, but the vast majority of the writers have little or no scientific importance.
AdvertisementIn addition to these he compiled several volumes of excerpts from ancient authors, and wrote a number of works on geography, music and other subjects, many of which still exist in MS. in various European libraries.
Aristotle was the first serious author on ornithology with whose writings we are acquainted, but even he had, as he tells us, predecessors; and, looking to that portion of his works on animals which has come down to us, one Early s.
Hitherto mention has chiefly been made of works on general ornithology, but it will be understood that these were largely aided by the enterprise of travellers, and as there were many of them who published their narratives in separate forms their contributions have to be considered.
The only information at this period on the ornithology of South America is contained in the two works on Chile by Molina, published at Bologna in 1776 and 1782.
Frisch began the long series of works on the birds of Germany with which the literature of ornithology is enriched, by his Vorstellung der Vogel Teutschlands, which was only completed in 1763, and, its coloured plates proving very attractive, was again issued at Berlin in 1817.
AdvertisementThe local works on English birds are too numerous to be mentioned; almost every county has had its ornithology recorded.
Spon brought back many valuable treasures, coins, inscriptions and manuscripts, and in later years published various important works on archaeology, notably his Voyage d'Italie, de Dalmatie, de Grece et du Levant (1678), and a Histoire de la republique de Geneve (1680).
This last book contains a summary of the arguments on either side, a full bibliography of works on the subject, and facsimiles of the title pages, with full descriptions of the various extant copies.
It is curious that although we possess a certain number of works on alchemy written in Arabic, and also many Latin treatises that profess to be translated from Arabic, yet in no case is the existence known of both the Arabic and the Latin version.
Hence in transcription from foreign languages and in works on phonetics it is represented by s or š.
The first class comprises works on grammar, one on natural phenomena, and two on chronology and the calendar.
A list is preserved by Diogenes, who mentions works on Duty, Good, Virtues, Ends.
He died in 1658 (1068), having written a great number of learned works on history, biography, chronology, geography and other subjects.
Leclere, Les codes cambodgiens (2 vols., Paris, 1898), and other works on Cambodian law; Francis Garnier, Voyage d'exploration en IndoChine (Paris, 1873).
Stevenson (1847-1900) was an accomplished art-critic, who in 1889 became professor of fine arts at University College, Liverpool; he published several works on art (Rubens, 1898; Velasquez, 1895; Raeburn, 1900).
The Siberian branch of the Russian Geographical Society was founded at the same time at Irkutsk, and afterwards became a permanent centre for the exploration of Siberia; while the opening of the Amur and Sakhalin attracted Maack, Schmidt, Glehn, Radde and Schrenck, whose works on the flora, fauna and inhabitants of Siberia have become widely known.
Concurrently with the repair of the canal, the navigation works on the Thames were remodelled at a large cost, and barges drawing 3 ft.
In pursuance of the powers thus granted, the Thames Commissioners of that day caused locks to be built at various points above Maidenhead, and between 1810 and 1815 the Corporation of London carried out river works on the same lines as far down the river as Teddington.
In Protestant countries casuistry shrank and dwindled, though works on the subject continued to be written both in Germany and England during the 17th century.
Hildreth's Japan as It Was and Is (1855) was at the time a valuable digest of the information contained in other works on that country (new ed., 1906).
This criticism is not applicable to his works on antiquarian subjects, and his edition of Benedetto Accolti's De bello a Christianis contra barbaros (1623) has great merits.
Michael Scot, the renowned wizard of popular tradition, earned his reputation by numerous works on astrology and alchemy.
For works on special periods see the separate articles on the sovereigns and other notabilities of Hungary.
For works on the Compromise of 1867 and the relations of Austria and Hungary generally, see the bibliography to the article Austria-Hungary.
As authors of special works on philosophy, we find Samuel Koteles, John Imre, Joseph Ruszek, Daniel Ercsei and Paul Sarvari; as a theologian and Hebraist John Somossy; as an historian and philologist Stephen Horvath, who endeavoured to trace the Magyar descent from the earliest historic times; as writers on jurisprudence Alexander Kovy and Paul Szlemenics.
As to the teaching of algebra, see references under Arithmetic to works on the teaching of elementary mathematics.
This was Lucas Paciolus (Lucas de Burgo), a Minorite friar, who, having previously written works on algebra, arithmetic and geometry, published, in 1494, his principal work, entitled Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita.
The important works on the three above-mentioned councils are to be found in the I ithcentury Leiden MS. just alluded to.
He wrote a considerable number of works on the Bible and religious subjects generally.
See also the works on Etruscan civilization named in the art.
He also studied philosophy, astronomy and geometry, and wrote works on those subjects, which, together with his consulship, formed the subject of a panegyric by Claudian.
Dunbar works on the same theme in a shorter poem, known as Beauty and the Prisoner.
Moreover, his works on natural history doubtless furthered the progress among the Greeks of sciences tributary to medicine, though the only specimens of such works which have come down to us from the Peripatetic school are those of Theophrastus, who may be considered the founder of the scientific study of botany.
William Stokes (1804-1878) was especially known for his works on diseases of the chest and of the heart, and for his clinical teaching.
A minute knowledge of printed books and a methodical examination of departmental and communal archives furnished him with material for a long course of successful lectures, which gave rise to some important works on municipal history and led to a great revival of interest in the origins and significance of the urban communities in France.
Other accounts of its composition, drawn from Rabbinical sources, will be found in various works on Jewish antiquities; see, for example, Reland, Sacr.
There are actually two distinct systems, north and south of the Thames, having separate outfall works on the north and south banks of the river, at Barking and Crossness.
There are, however, several large breweries, among which that of Messrs Barclay & Perkins, on the riverside in Southwark, may be mentioned; engineering works are numerous in East London by the river, where there are also shipbuilding yards; the leather industry centres in Bermondsey, the extensive pottery works of Messrs Doulton are in Lambeth, there are chemical works on the Lea, and paper-mills on the Wandle.
Beside the letters, he was the author of liturgical poetry and works on civil law.
This was followed, next year, by translations of works on the Revolution by Mallet du Pan and Mounier, and at this time he also founded and edited a monthly journal, the Neue deutsche Monatsschrift, in which for five years he wrote, mainly on historical and political questions, maintaining the principles of British constitutionalism against those of revolutionary France.
Soon afterwards, however, his acceptance of a pastorate marked a change, and he produced a number of noteworthy works on practical theology.
The study of Ptolemy's geography led to a wider outlook, and the writing of works on geography (q.v.) in general.
Damiri) is not zoological but legendary, and the works on minerals are practical and not scientific. See ARABIAN PHIaOSOPHY and historical sections of such scientific articles as ASTRONOMY, &c. (G.
References to important works on the species of marine Polyzoa by Busk, Hincks, Jullien, Levinsen, MacGillivray, Nordgaard, Norman, Waters and others are given in the Memoir (22) by Nickles and Bassler.
First come the works on poetic literature, art, language and religion as special regions of development.
This great book, the first and still one of the best historical works on Poland in the modern sense of the word, was only undertaken after mature consideration and an exhaustive study of all the original sources then available, some of which are now lost.
He took up afresh his study of Hebrew, and began his voluminous works on the interpretation of the Scriptures.
The Supreme Magus, Dr William Wynn Westcott, has written its History (1900), with other important works on the subject, and the published Transactions of the Society are most valuable.
Two other of his works on Hegel are important, the Leben Hegels (1844) and the Hegel als deutscher Nationalphilosoph (1870).
These are the three works on which the fame of Hallam rests.
His works on Macedonia, on Thebes, and on tactics (perhaps identical with the Strategica) are lost.
Feuillet des Conches Louis X VI., Marie Antoinette et Madame Elisabeth, lettres et documents inedits (6 vols., Paris, 1864-1873), while most of the works on Marie Antoinette published before the appearance of Arneth's publications (1865, &c.) are based partly on these forgeries.
Mr. Macdonald published several works on socialism and labour, besides a couple of books on India, which he visited in 1913 as a member of the Public Services Commission.
The works on which Bengel's reputation rests as a Biblical scholar and critic are his edition of the Greek New Testament, and his Gnomon or Exegetical Commentary on the same.
Alberti wrote works on sculpture, Della Statua, and on painting, De Pictura, which are highly esteemed; but his most celebrated treatise is that on architecture, De Re Aedificatoria, which has been translated into Italian, French, Spanish and English.
Bergson's works on the other hand contain the elements of a reconstruction similar in spirit to the suggestions of the present article.
For works on the history of dogma see THEOLOGY.
This review contains studies in preparation for the continuation and remoulding of the Acta Sanctorum, inedited texts, dissertations, and, since 1892, a Bulletin des publications hagiographiques, containing criticisms of recent works on hagiographic questions.
Discussions of the approximate calculation of definite integrals will be found in works on the infinitesimal calculus; see e.g.
Brodhead, History of the State of New York (2 vols., New York, 1853 and 1871) are the standard works on the early history.
In works on sound it is usual to adopt Helmholtz's notation, in which the octave from bass to middle C is written c d e f g a b c'.
The president's uncle, Robert Barnwell Roosevelt (1829-1906), was a New York lawyer, New York state fish commissioner in 1866-68, a member of the Committee of Seventy which exposed the corruption of Tammany in New York City, a Democratic member of the national House of Representatives in 1871-73, U.S. minister to the Netherlands in 1888, and author of works on American game birds and fish.
Clowes; The Rough Riders (1899); Oliver Cromwell (1901); the following works on hunting and natural history, Hunting Trips of a Ranchman (1886), Ranch Life and Hunting Trail (1888), The Wilderness Hunter (1893), Big Game Hunting in the Rockies and on the Plains (1899; a republication of Hinting Trips of a Ranchman and The Wilderness Hunter), The Deer Family (1902), with other authors, and African Game Trails (1910); and the essays, American Ideals (2 vols., 1897) and The Strenuous Life (1900); and State Papers and Addresses (1905) and African and European Addresses (1910).
The influence of Hippolytus was felt chiefly through his works on chronographic and ecclesiastical law.
He published Entwicklungsgeschichte der Chemie von Lavoisier bis zur Gegenwart (1868) and other works on chemistry, collaborated in a Handworterbuch der Chemie (13 vols., 1882-96), and wrote a volume of reminiscences, Lebenserinnerungen (1912).
Another son, Hans Droysen, is the author of some works on Greek history and antiquities.
In works on history the literature of Siam is unfortunately rather poor.
The number of works on law is considerable.
On early Christian literature, in addition to the works on Church history, see especially the monumental Geschichte der altchristlichen Litteratur bis Eusebius, by Harnack (1893 ff.).
There are salt works on the coast; and the fisheries employ a number of the inhabitants.
Darwin's works on dimorphic flowers and the fertilization of orchids gave powerful support to this statement.
Latin was also used in works on science and philosophy, such as Sir Isaac Newton's Principia (1687), and many of the works of Leibnitz (1646-1705).
The best works on the various editions of the fueros are Historia de la Legislation.
In recent times therefore advance in the understanding of the prophets has moved on pari passu with the higher criticism, especially the criticism of the Pentateuch, and with the general study of Hebrew history; and most works on the subject prior to Ewald must be regarded as quite antiquated except for the light they cast on detailed points of exegesis.
His spare time and great part of his nights were devoted to the experimental examination of the different bodies which he dealt with, and the study of the standard works on chemistry.
A constant difficulty in studying works on metrology is the need of distinguishing the absolute facts of the case from the web of theory into which each writer has woven them -- often the names used, and sometimes the very existence of the units in question, being entirely an assumption of the writer.
His permanent place amongst learned theologians rests on his works on church history.
Many of the early works on logarithms were reprinted in the Scriptores logarithmici of Baron Maseres already, referred to.
His works on Polish history are based on minute and critical study of the documents; they were collected under the title Polska, dzieje i rzeczy jej rozpatrzywane (Poland, her History and Affairs surveyed), in 20 vols.
Other works on Polish history which may be especially mentioned are La Pologne au moyen age (3 vols., Posen, 1846-1851), an edition of the Chronicle of Matthew Cholewa 1 (1811) and Ancient Memorials of Polish Legislation (Ksiegi ustaw polskich i mazowieckich).
Added to this, in many works on the subject we find reliance placed, especially for the African facts, on reports of travellers who were merely visitors to the regions on which they wrote.
The Custom House Works on the north side have about 17 ft.
It has been supposed by many that these are traceable to foreign blood; but although there are foreign breeds that possess them, they appear to pertain quite as much to the English native breeds as to those of distant countries, the peculiarity being mentioned in very old works on the goats of the British Islands.
The most important works on Manichaeism are Beausobre, Hist.
He followed it up with a number of other works on the condition of the Russian peasantry, on Nihilism, and on the conditions of life in Russia.
The annual Review of Historical Publications Relating to Canada, published by the University of Toronto, gives a critical survey of the works on Canadian topics appearing from year to year.
After Plato's death, coming to his third period he made a further departure from Platonism in his didactic works on politics and rhetoric, written in connexion with Alexander and Theodectes.
On the other hand, in the case of logic, it is certain that he did not combine his works on the subject into one whole, but that the Peripatetics afterwards put them together as organic, and made them the parts of logic as an organon, as they are treated by Andronicus.
This marks an epoch in the career of John Ruskin; and the year 1860 closed the series of his works on art strictly so called; indeed, this was the last of his regular works in substantial form.
In the very characteristic preface to the new edition of 1871 he proposes never to reprint his earlier works on art; disclaims many of the views they contained, and much in their literary form; and specially regrets the narrow Protestantism by which they were pervaded.
But the essential break in his life was in 1860, which marks the close of his main works on art and the opening of his attempt found a new social gospel.
He contributed frequently to periodicals, but as an author is known principally by his works on religious subjects, including Our Christian Heritage (1889) and The Ambassador of Christ (1896).
During this time he found plentiful leisure to write a series of works on political philosophy, such as the Nouveaux essais de politique et de philosophie (Paris, 1824).
Numerous works on all kinds of subjects are produced in various countries, periodicals flourish, and Hebrew is the vehicle of correspondence between Jews in all parts of the world.
New works on the same process have recently been erected near Marseilles.
He was political director of the Siecle, and president of the French Colonization Society, and wrote, besides the books already mentioned, various works on political and biological questions.
Dodwell's works on ecclesiastical polity are more numerous and of much less value than those on chronology, his judgment being far inferior to his power of research.
By the completion of the engineering works on the Weser in 1887-1899, whereby, among other improvements, the river was straightened and deepened to 18 ft., large ocean-going vessels are able to steam right up to the city itself.
Louis Gachard (1800-1885) wrote many valuable works on 16th century history; Mgr.
He was a many-sided man, whose numerous works on many subjects had a great vogue in their day, but are now forgotten.
The form of the leaf shows a very great variety ranging from the narrow linear form with parallel sides, as in grasses or the needle-like leaves of pines and firs to more or less rounded or orbicular - descriptions of these will be found in works on descriptive botany - FIG.
Of general works on Louis Philippe's reign may be mentioned Louis Blanc, Hist.
The ivory was probably brought by the Phoenicians from Cyprus or from one of the works on the coast of Asia Minor.
With this great mass of material collected, sifted and edited by scholars of the highest standing it is not surprising that modern works on the history of Germany are stupendous in number and are generally of profound learning, and this in spite of the fact that some German historian.sGregorovius, Pauli and Lappenberg, for examplehave devoted their time to researches into the history of foreign lands.
Apart from political histories there are useful collections of laws and other official documents of importance, and also a large number of valuable works on the laws and constitutions of the Germans and on German institutions generally.
The Ray Society, for the publication of works on natural history, was founded in his honour in 1844.
The name of Vitruvius has been given to several works on modern architecture, such as Campbell, Vitruvius Britannicus (London, 1715-71), a series of illustrations of the chief buildings of the 18th century in England, including many works of the brothers Adam; one of these brothers, William Adam, produced a similar work illustrating the buildings which he had designed for Scotland, under the title of Vitruvius Scoticus (Edinburgh, 1790).
Tashkent has a public library containing a valuable collection of works on Central Asia, an astronomical observatory and a museum.
There are works on the spelling and right pronunciation of the Koran, works on the beauty of its language, on the number of its verses, words and letters, &c.; nay, there are even works which would nowadays be called " historical and critical introductions."
Rasmus Nyerup (1759-1829) expended an immense energy in the compilation of admirable works on the history of language and literature.
France has its " marais salants du midi " and also works on the Atlantic seaboard; whilst Austria has " Salzg rten " at various places on the Adriatic (Sabbioncello, Trieste, Pirano, Capo d'Istria, &c.).
Mr Lang's versatility was also shown in his valuable works on folk-lore and on primitive religion.
In addition to publishing a number of works on geometrical and mechanical subjects, Poinsot also contributed a number of papers on pure and applied mathematics to Lionville's Journal and other scientific periodicals.
There have also been added to the canonical books seven works on A bhidhamma, a more elaborate and more classified exposition of the Dhamma or doctrine as set out in the Nikayas.
The use, therefore, of the inaccurate and misleading terms northern and southern ought no longer to be followed in scholarly works on Buddhism.
Of far-reaching importance was, on the other hand, his foreshadowing of the Darwinian theory in his works on the metamorphosis of plants and on animal morphology.
A collection of oracles, a theogony, an epic poem on the Argonautic expedition, prose works on purifications and sacrifices, and a cosmogony, were attributed to him.
The abundance in which iron is found in so many places, its great strength, its remarkable ductility and malleability in a red-hot state, and the ease with which two heated surfaces of iron can be welded together under the hammer combine to make it specially suitable for works on a large scale where strength with lightness are required - things such as screens, window-grills, ornamental hinges and the like.
They are covered by modern works on the north side known as Fort Burgoyne, and additional works extend eastwards towards St Margaret's Bay.
The salt lakes in Rajputana have been leased by the government of India from the rulers of the native states in which they lie, and the huge salt deposits of the Salt Range Land mines are worked under government control, as also are the brine works on the Runn of Cutch.
At the Kohat mines, and in the salt evaporation works on the sea-coast, with the exception of a few of the Madras factories, the government does not come between the manufacturer and the merchant, except in so far as is necessary in order to levy the duty from the salt as it issues from the factory.
Both are abundantly illustrated in most popular works on astronomy, and it seems sufficient to refer the reader to the original descriptions.2 We pass, therefore, directly to the equatorial telescope, the instrument par excellence of the modern extra-meridian astronomer.
In 1808 he was again sent on a mission to Persia, but circumstances prevented him from getting beyond Bushire; on his reappointment in 1810, he was successful indeed in procuring a favourable reception at court, but otherwise his embassy, if the information which he afterwards incorporated in his works on Persia be left out of account, was (through no fault of his) without any substantial result.
First of all Monsignor Bayardi was brought from Rome and commissioned to write about the antiquities which were being collected in the museum at Portici under the care of Camillo Paderni, and when it was recognized that the prelate had not sufficient learning, and by the progress of the excavations other most abundant material was accumulated, about which at once scholars and courtiers were anxious to be informed, Bernardo Tanucci, having become secretary of state in 1755, founded the Accademia Ercolanese, which published the principal works on Herculaneum (Le Pitture ed i bronzi d'Ercolano, 8 vols., 1757, 1792; Dissertationis isagogicae ad Herculanensium voluminum explanationem pars prima, 1797).
He caused works on mathematics, astronomy, medicine and philosophy to be translated from the Greek, and founded in Bagdad a kind of academy, called the "House of Science," with a library and an observatory.
In 1856 Grote began to prepare his works on Plato and Aristotle.
Barthelemy was the author of a number of learned works on antiquarian subjects, but the great work on which his fame rests is Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece, vers le milieu du quatrieme siecle avant l'ere chretienne (4 vols., 1787).
As professor of Constitutional Law in the university of Naples he published several important works on legal subjects, and translated Spencer's Principles of Sociology.
For Germany it is best to consult Richard Schroder, Lehrbruch der deutschen Rechtsgeschichte (5th ed., Leipzig, 1907), §§ 51 and 56, where a bibliography as complete as need be is given, both of monographs dealing with various aspects of the question, and of works on the history of individual towns.
There are, of course, also accounts in the great works on French institutions by Flach, Glasson, Viollet, Luchaire, but perhaps the one in Luchaire's Manuel des institutions francaises, piriode des Capetiens directs (Paris, 1892) deserves special recommendation.
The subject is discussed, moreover, in all major works on dogmatic theology.
A general uniformity of the trunk-limbs in Isopoda justifies the ordinal name, but the valviferous Astacillidae, and among the Asellota the Munnopsidae, offer some remarkable exceptions to this characteristic. Among many essential works on this group may be named the Monogr.
Other works on Finnish history and some inportant works in Finnish geography have also appeared.
Nearly all works on constitutional law and history discuss the case.
He was the author of several works on ornithology, and presented his collections of bird skins and eggs to the British Museum.
To Philoponus are attributed a large number of works on theology and philosophy.
These include works on the Physica, the Prior and the Posterior Analytics, the Meteorologica, the De anima, the De generatione animalium, the De generatione et interitu and the Metaphysica.
In addition to her numerous free-thought pamphlets and a large number of later works on theosophy, she published her Autobiography in 1893, The Religious Problem in India (1902) and other books.
For works on the external history of Persia see those quoted under articles on Persian kings; also RoME; GREEcE; EGYPT; SviuA;&c. (ED.M.)
In this work Jevons embodied the substance of his earlier works on pure logic and the substitution of similars; he also enunciated xv.
He wrote several works on chemistry, and took a leading part in advocating women's education, helping to found the school of medicine for women, and lecturing there from 1872 till his death.
The soil is everywhere rich, but the lack of perennial water and the absence of irrigation works on a large scale retards agriculture.
The Union Iron Works on the peninsula is one of the greatest shipbuilding plants of the country.
On the 19th, the Ibar Force under Zhivkovich (Shumaja II.) had advanced in several columns which, with more or less irregular fighting and one or two critical moments, had converged on the town of Novibazar and captured the Turkish works on the surrounding heights by the evening of the 22nd.
He has produced various works on mediaeval church history and liturgies, among them being Henry VIII.
A special feature is the library, which is exceedingly rich in works on constitutional law.
The water-supply is mainly derived from works on the Miiggel and Tegeler lakes, the river water being carefully filtered through sand.
Berthelot's works on the history of alchemy and especially his Chimie au moyen age (3 vols., Paris, 1893), the third volume of which contains a French translation of Jaber's works together with the Arabic text.
Oresme was the author of several works on astrology, in which he showed its falseness as a science and denounced its practice.
The scientific historian of antiquity works on the hills of Crete, rather than in the quiet of a library with the classics spread out before him.
He published numerous works on different branches of physics, including A Complete Treatise on Electricity (1777), Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Air and other permanently Elastic Fluids (1781), History and Practice of Aerostation (1785), Treatise on Magnetism (1787), Elements of Natural and Experimental Philosophy (1803), Theory and Practice of Medical Electricity (1780), and Medical Properties of Factitious Air (1798).
There must anciently have existed one or more prose works on Jeremiah and his times, written partly to do honour to the prophet, partly to propagate those views respecting Israel's past with which the name of Jeremiah was associated.
The Dissertation on the Nature of True Virtue, posthumously published, is justly regarded as one of the most original works on ethics of the 18th century, and is the more remarkable as reproducing, with no essential modification, ideas on the subject written in the author's youth in the notes on the Mind.
His works on education enjoyed great repute.
His knowledge of all branches of classical learning was profound, but he was chiefly distinguished for his works on Greek antiquities and ancient philosophy.
The opening, in November 1863, of the railway from Cape Town to Wellington, begun in 1859, and the construction in 1860 of the great breakwater in Table Bay, long needed on that perilous coast, marked the beginning in the colony of public works on a large scale.
He soon commenced to read the Principia, and at sixteen he had mastered a great part of that work, besides some more modern works on analytical geometry and the differential calculus.
Smith collection of works on Latin America (in addition there are college and department libraries - that of the college of law numbers 38,735 volumes - bringing the total to 353,638 bound volumes in 1909).
As a historical writer he is best known by his Histoire ecclesiastique et civile de la Lorraine (Nancy, 1728), founded on original research and various useful works on Lorraine, of which a full list is given in Vigouroux's Dictionnaire de la Bible.
His industry was unremitting, and, besides attending to his duties as an associate justice and a professor of law, he wrote many reviews and magazine articles, delivered various orations on public occasions, and published a large number of works on legal subjects, which won high praise on both sides of the Atlantic.
Doyles books on the American colonies; for military history, Fortescues History of the British Army, Napiers anti Omans works on the Peninsular War, and Kinglakes Invasion of the Crimea; and for naval history, Corbetts Drake and the Tudor Navy, Successors of Drake, English in the Medilerranean and Seven Years War, and Mahans Influence of SeaPower on History and Influence of Sea-Power upon the French Revolution and Empire.
Most of his numerous works on political and economical subjects have been translated into German.
From the popularity of Max Miller's works on comparative philology this is the use of the word which is most familiar to the general public. The arguments in support of this use are set forth by him in the latter part of lecture vi.
Between 1835 and 1861 Whewell was the author of various works on the philosophy of morals and politics, the chief of which, Elements of Morality, including Polity, was published in 1845.
A common modification of the chief ramus of the Arthropod parapodium is the chela or nipper formed by the elongation of the penultimate joint of the ramus, so that the last joint works on it FIG.
The two following years, during which he lived at Dorset Court in London, were memorable for the publication of his two chief works on social polity, and of the epoch-making book on modern philosophy which revels the main principles of his life.
This appears in his works on social polity, written at a time when the principles of democracy and toleration were struggling with divine right of kings, and when " the popular assertors of public liberty were the greatest engrossers of it too."
We owe to him, too, some manuals used in his educational work; a grammar and works on rhetoric and dialectics.
He published many works on socialism, land nationalization and kindred subjects, as well as Records of an Adventurous Life (1911), Further Reminiscences (1912), and The Future of Democracy (1915).
The saga of Thorgils Skardi (1252-1261) seems to have been the first of his works on Icelandic contemporary history; it deals with the life of his own nephew, especially his career in Iceland from 1252 to 1258.
Theological literature is very popular, and many works on this subject, chiefly translations, will be found in the lists of Icelandic bibliographers.
Other distinguished philologists are his successor as head of the Latin school, Bjorn Magnusson Olsen (Researches on Sturlunga, Ari the Wise, The Runes in the Old Icelandic Literature - the last two works in Danish); Finnur Jonsson, professor at the University of Copenhagen (History of the Old Norwegian and Icelandic Literature, in Danish, and excellent editions of many old Icelandic classical works); and Valtyr Guc?mundsson, lecturer at the University of Copenhagen (several works on the old architecture of Scandinavia) and editor of the influential Icelandic literary and political review, Eimre151n (" The Locomotive ").
He was keenly interested in German philosophy, and took every opportunity of making German works on English writers known in the United Kingdom.
In 1878 he published the first of his works on Bismarck - a book entitled Bismarck and seine Leute, wdhrend des Krieges mit Frankreich, in which, under the form of extracts from his diary, he gave an account of the chancellor's life during the war.
His brother Pieter Anton Tiele (1834-1888) acted for many years as the librarian of Utrecht University, and distinguished himself by his bibliographical studies, more especially by his several works on the history of colonization in Asia.
He also wrote or edited various Chinese works on geography, the celestial and terrestrial spheres, geometry and arithmetic. And the detailed history of the mission was drawn out by him, which after his death was brought home by P. Nicolas Trigault, and published at Augsburg, and later in a complete form at Lyons under the name De Expeditione Christiana apud Sinas Suscepta, ab Soc. Jesu, Ex P. Mat.
His claims to notice at the present day rest upon a few works on medicine, theology, music and natural science.
But about 1195 the old distrust of philosophy revived; the philosophers were banished in disgrace; works on philosophical topics were ordered to be confiscated and burned; and the son of Almansur condemned a certain IbnHabib to death for the crime of philosophizing.
From 1904 onwards the French undertook works on the Niger between Bamako - whence there is railway communication with the Senegal - and Ansongo with a view to deepening the channel and removing obstructions to navigation.
He published many works on mineralogy and metallurgy, of which the most important, the Grundzilge der Bergand Salzwerkskunde (13 vols., Frankfort, 1773-1791), has been translated into several languages.
A useful bibliography of all works on Bismarck up to 1895 is Paul Schulze and Otto Koller's BismarckLiteratur (Leipzig, 1896).
The literature about the horse and its history and uses is voluminous, and is collected up to 1887 in Huth's Works on Horses, &c., a bibliographical record of hippology.
He wrote on the currency question, and published a History of the United States in our Own Times (1904) and other works on American history and economics.
His father was a native of Custrin in Pomerania, and had, after the publication of some works on international law, been elected as professor of public law at Geneva, of which he became a citizen.
Philippe de la Hire, a pupil of Desargues, wrote several works on the conic sections, of which the most important is his Sectiones Conicae (1685).
A copious list of early works on conic sections is given in Fred.
He edited several of his brother's works, and was also author of original works on philological and historical subjects, among which may be mentioned Nouvelles recherches sur les patois ou idiomes vulgaires de la France (1809), Annales de Lagides (1819) and Chartes latines sur papyrus du VP e siecle de l'ere chretienne.
His son Aime (1812-1894) became his father's assistant at the Bibliotheque Nationale, and besides a number of works on historical subjects wrote a biographical and bibliographical study of his family in Les Deux Champollion (Grenoble, 1887).
Metochita was also the author of works on philosophical and astronomical subjects.
He was fond of newspapers and works on politics; and this was the only kind of reading that could interrupt his studies in philosophy.
The works on display were much appreciated in France.
Dial-up adapters In addition to Ethernet adapters, Colasoft Capsa also works on dial-up adapters.
A shallow adit driven from near the old reducing works on the South connects with these workings, its mouth is however choked.
He currently works on how different tropospheric aerosols such as sea-salt, sulfate aerosol, biomass aerosol interact with clouds.
The system which works on a killer logic is mortally afraid of the freaky, joyous act.
The plan is to demolish the smaller aviary and extend the larger aviary with further improvement works on the larger aviary.
Your name will then be added to the transfer list which works on a (strictly) first-come, first-served basis.
The College lecturer in biochemistry is Dr. Jennifer Potts, who works on aspects of structural biochemistry.
The GEDT team works on a challenging brief specified by industrial partners that is industrially relevant at the time.
Her dad works on the plantation, cutting down heavy banana bunches.
Apart from her research on commons she also works on economic history and teaches historical cartography and GIS.
Bryn Jones works on wide-field and spectroscopic and imaging surveys of galaxies, particularly for dwarf galaxies and compact galaxies in nearby galaxy clusters.
It works on the principle that a healthy cochlea will produce a faint echo when stimulated with sound.
I question the divinity of a spirit that does its works on graven images that are forbidden by the 2nd commandment.
Polish teacher is responsible for teaching grammar while native speaker works on students ' speaking skills, teaching mainly conversational language and vocabulary.
The system only works on the basis of systematic deceit.
I can give you the works on physical jerks, Private lessons to ladies in slimming.
The catalogs included lithographs of certain works on exhibition - some prepared by Reeve.
Dr. Lee Horsley works on film noir in relation to twentieth- and twenty-first century literary noir.
He also works on the cell biology of the invasive Salmonella food-borne pathogen, supported by a Wellcome Trust Program grant.
Our findings are discussed with respect to previous works on the spectrum of energetic protons in the 10 MeV to GeV energy range.
Theory First a brief recap of how the Apache server works on Unix machines.
In 1989, the Wiener Secession presented a retrospective of his works on paper.
The company also occupied Fort Works on the opposite side of the road.
The steam stripper works on the principle of a kettle, sending steam along a hose to a distribution plate.
The above registry tweak only works on a new drive volume.
The core of the system works on a Stirling engine design, which incorporates four pistons and a ' wobble yoke ' .
She herself produced various works on economics, including Political Economy for Beginners (1870), Tales in Political Economy (1875), and, with her husband, a volume of Essays and Lectures (1872).
In many passages of his works on pathology, physiology, and psychology Lotze had distinctly stated that the method of research which he advocated there did not give an explanation of the phenomena of life and mind, but only the means of observing and connecting them together; that the meaning of all phenomena, and the reason of their peculiar connexions, was a philosophical problem which required to be attacked from a different point of view; and that the significance especially which lay in the phenomena of life and mind would only unfold itself if by an exhaustive survey of the entire life of man, individually, socially, and historically, we gain the necessary data for deciding what meaning attaches to the existence of this microcosm, or small world of human life, in the macrocosm of the universe.
Among his numerous publications the most important were a volume on the bronzes found at Olympia, vast works on ancient gems and Greek vases, and the invaluable Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture (English translation by Eugenie Strong).
He also is responsible for Freydal, an allegorical account of the tournaments in which he took part during his wooing of Mary of Burgundy; Ehrenpforten, Triumphwagen and Der weisen konige Stammbaum, books concerning his own history and that of the house of Habsburg, and works on various subjects, as Das Stahlbuch, Die Baumeisterei and Die Gdrtnerei.
Almost the only changes which can be called events are his successful establishment of a school at Lincoln, its removal to Waddington, his appointment in 1849 as professor of mathematics in the Queen's College at Cork, and his marriage in 1855 to Miss Mary Everest, who, as Mrs Boole, afterwards wrote several useful educational works on her husband's principles.
Accounts of the teaching of Basilides are to be found in all the more complete works on Gnosticism (see bibliography to the article GNOSTICISM).
In general, the reader must be warned that most Russian works on history, especially those dealing with recent years, are inspired by a violent party bias - the inevitable result of the conflict of diametrically opposed political ideals, - and this quality is shared by not a few foreign books about Russia.
He published, among other mathematical works, Clavis Mathematica, in 1631, in which he introduced new signs for certain mathematical operations (see Algebra); a treatise on navigation entitled Circles of Proportion, in 1632; works on trigonometry and dialling, and his Opuscula Mathematica, published posthumously in 1676.
His prose works on various subjects - Prometheus, Symposium (a banquet at which Virgil, Horace and Messalla were present), De cultu suo (on his manner of life) - were ridiculed by Augustus, Seneca and Quintilian for their strange style, the use of rare words and awkward transpositions.
By the act of 1536 Pembroke was declared the leading borough in the Pembroke parliamentary district, yet the town continued to dwindle until the settlement of the government dockyard and works on Milford Haven.
He published in 15 books a treatise on the New Geometry (1587), and works on history, rhetoric and the art of war.
A list of early works on algebra is given in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th ed., vol.
The curious legend, in which the fabulous origin of the so-called society was enshrined (that a certain Christian Rosenkreuz had discovered the secret wisdom of the East on a pilgrimage in the 15th century), was so improbable, though ingenious, that the genesis of the Rosicrucians was generally overlooked or ignored, but the worthy objects of the fratres were soon discovered and supported by several able men; the result being a mass of literature on the subject, which absorbs some 80 pages of Gardner's Catalogue Raisonne of Works on the Occult Sciences (London, 1903).
Beside the political and commercial pre-eminence which he conferred upon Samos, Polycrates adorned the city with public works on a large scale - an aqueduct, a mole and a temple of Hera (see SAMOS; AQUEDUCTS).
Hermann Muller's work on The Fertilization of Flowers by Insects and their Reciprocal Adaptations (1873), followed by subsequent works on the same lines, brought together a great number of observations on floral mechanisms and their relation to insect-visits.
He also wrote on the trade of Carthage, on Pytheas of Marseilles, the geographer, and two important works on numismatics (La Numismatique du moyen age, Paris, 2 vols., 1835; Etudes numislnatiques, Brussels, 1840).
But His Montcalm Et Levis (1891) And Other Works On The Conquest, Are' All Warped By A Strong Bias Against Both Wolfe And Montcalm, And In Favour Of Vandreuil, The Canadian Born Governor; While They Show An Inadequate Grasp Of Military Problems, And' Practically Ignore The Vast Determining Factor Of Sea Powei Altogether.
Under his supervision his raj came to be regarded as the model for good and benevolent management; he constructed hundreds of miles of roads planted with trees, bridged all the rivers, and constructed irrigation works on a great scale.
This collection also contains other works of the same kind, dictionaries by later writers, translations of many Sanskrit works on grammar, vocabulary, &c., and bilingual dictionaries, Sanskrit and Tibetan.
But no religious paintings on the grand scale, corresponding to these drawings of 1521-1524, were ever carried out; perhaps partly because of the declining state of the artist's health, but more because of the degree to which he allowed his time and thoughts to be absorbed in the preparation of his theoretical works on geometry and perspective, proportion and fortification.
In his works on aesthetics he combined the views of Schelling with those of Winckelmann, Lessing, Kant,, Herder, Schiller and others.
Since Bishop Brooks died I have read the Bible through; also some philosophical works on religion, among them Swedenborg's "Heaven and Hell" and Drummond's "Ascent of Man," and I have found no creed or system more soul-satisfying than Bishop Brooks's creed of love.
In historical works on the year 1812 French writers are very fond of saying that Napoleon felt the danger of extending his line, that he sought a battle and that his marshals advised him to stop at Smolensk, and of making similar statements to show that the danger of the campaign was even then understood.
Dyeing works on old maps are placed in the less salubrious parts of town.
Christian Aid works on issues from HIV/AIDS, peace building, emergency response and sustaining livelihoods to trade and human rights.
Semi conductor thermoelectric device which works on the Peltier effect.
The above Registry tweak only works on a new drive volume.
The core of the system works on a Stirling engine design, which incorporates four pistons and a ' wobble yoke '.
The wine industry works on trends more than quality.
It also reportedly works on bee stings, jellyfish stings, blackflies and mosquito bites.
The medication works on the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CRTZ) in the cat's brain which controls the urge to vomit.
This also works on sheets, pillowcases, and towels.
In extreme cases, there is a surgery that works on some cats where you basically remove her sense of smell.
The Chase Freedom World MasterCard works on the Freedom Rewards program.
It works on plastics, copper, aluminum, glass, porcelain, and much more.
Ginger works on arthritis by reducing the body's cytokine numbers which directly reduces the amount of pain a patient feels.
Based in Alexandria, Virginia, Temprell works on retail and residential projects.
I am looking for a lighted travel makeup mirror that magnifies 2X to 3X and works on a 220 volt for travel to Europe and Africa.
If you find it works on your skintone, then try it!
One product I've found after trying so many on the market that really combats creasing eye shadows without fail from MAC Cosmetics is called Paints, and the shade I prefer because it works on almost every skin-tone is, "Untitled."
Perfect for day or night, this versatile gloss works on all skin colors and is the most popular shade in the Lip Injection line.
Neither too playful nor too serious, a cat eye works on everyone and takes the funky appeal to a whole new level.
Shiseido's Hydro Powder eye shadow in Lemon Sugar is the perfect shimmery shadow that will open up the entire eye area while imparting a sexy sheen, and it works on every skin tone.
Jet Blue works on a similar plan to Southwest, and also does not list on the online ticket broker sites.
The program works on Mac, Windows and Linux.
You want to be certain that the boot size is correct and that the Salomon fit is something that works on your feet.
This is often the case during times of high stress when the nervous system works on overtime.
Makeup works on both boys and girls when it comes to Emo style.
Additionally, no one knows what works on your body the way you do.
Physics projects can help teenagers understand not only how physics works on the page but how it can be a part of everyday life.
The program works on these throughout the program.
It works on the same receptors in the brain as opioids do.
The Kong Dental Stick is a ridged tube of rubber that gently scrapes plaque away from his gums and teeth as he works on this chew toy.
Nudity results when the artist works on that raw material.
Radiant heat works on an entirely different principle; rather than warming the air, it warms the objects in the room, including you.
One of the few times it's probably best to not wear a tie is at a workplace such as a construction site where everyone works on difficult and dirty tasks, and wearing a tie might even be dangerous.
When looking at the pictures, remember that everyone is different; what works on one face shape may be all wrong for you.
If the facility offers a variety of care options as well as the amenities you're looking for, it works on more than one level.
Throughout their various games such as Ping Pals and Sigma Star Saga, developer WayForward continually works on a few pet projects.
For the Palm Pre in Canada, the phone works on a similar network offered by Bell Mobility.
The MyTouch from T-Mobile is a touch screen phone that works on a 3G network, utilizes thousands of apps and Google tools, and allows you to instantly share your videos and pictures-you can even upload them directly to YouTube.
A cell phone works on a wireless network so one easy attack is to infest your phone with a virus program.
Baclofen is a muscle relaxant that works on nerves in the spinal cord to reduce spasticity.
Electrical stimulation works on the same principle as TENS.
Baclofen (Lioresal) is a muscle relaxant that works on nerves in the spinal cord to reduce spasticity.
After all, face shapes and hair texture can dramatically alter the way a certain style looks; what works on one person, may not work on another.
This product works on color-treated and permed hair as well.
This traditional cut creates a medium length cut that works on many faces and hair types.
Laser hair removal works on all skin colors, light or dark.
The best thing about sedu hair styling is that it works on almost all hair types.
This style works on all hair types, but you can expect to see some major volume and body when the hair has natural texture or curl.
Packed with versatility, a long bob works on nearly every facial shape and hair type, except for those with curly hair.
The following popular forty something women's hair styles offer a fresh look at what works on women regardless of age.
For example, a man who works in a traditional office might need a different type of cut than a man who works on a construction site.
Wen is a remarkable hair cleansing product that works on all hair types.
For example, the eCommerce team that works on the Website for Sears and its subsidiaries uses a range of innovative technologies to make Sears' online presence known more widely and to make their Website more easily accessible.
The progestin in Yasmin is similar to spironolactone, a drug that works on the kidneys.
This works on slacks and skirts, whether you're shortening them, lengthening them or fixing a fray.
Not every trend works on every body type.
The Extreme Power Wet/Dry unit is a cordless hand held vacuum that works on both wet and dry surfaces.
The Windmere single room air ionizer is a small, personal-sized air purifying device that only works on 220-volt circuits, so it's not compatible with the electrical systems in American households.
Jennie Long is a Junior Account Executive at Hunter Public Relations who works on behalf of Hasbro Games.
Our patented watering system works on a siphon.
This conversion works on other sweet treats as well, including the creation of recipes for gluten free desserts like cookies and pies.
They sell Finders Key Purse Jewelry which is designed to keep your keys easily accessible and always within your reach. the jewelry works on all types of bags made from any type of material.
Leapster is a handheld game that works on developing learning skills that is very popular with kids.
Matt Damon works on new films each year as well as making guest appearances on television shows, such as 30 Rock.
This works on sporty style shoes and boots and is easy to do.
Meredith decides to stick with Derek, rather than Finn (Chris O'Donnell), and Derek works on being civil with Addison.
Tantra yoga works on the belief that not only are sexual feelings and contact acceptable, they can be used as a method to further enlightenment.
Kripalu Yoga carefully and quietly works on each yoga pose and getting the breath right in that pose so as to maximize the effects of the pose.
This intensive program works on one skill at a time and requires repetition coupled with positive reinforcement as a teaching method.
It even works on slower older computers.
Besides Windows, Skype also works on the Mac OS X, and Linux operating systems and works well between different platforms while providing a native look and feel.
It works on any hard floor surface, including tile, wood and carpet.
Every carpet is different so there's always a chance that a cleaning solution that works on one carpet will leave a mark on another.
Decorate the cover, making sure everyone who works on the project signs the back.
The diet works on the simple premise that to lose weight you must consume less calories a day than your body burns up.
This cookie diet is a low calorie meal plan that works on the principles of the aforementioned meal replacement and calorie restriction.