Workers Sentence Examples
With money, you can buy machinery or hire workers to do your work.
Dean passed out his business card to Mayer and a few of the other workers in case anything important came to mind.
This involves great industry on the part of many scientific workers.
However this may be, the research of subsequent workers - e.g.
So do the richer gradations of social class, including those among manual workers.
Laboratory workers preparing primary cell cultures from African green monkeys resulted in an outbreak of a previously unrecognized disease.
The bureaux de bien- Total in 0cc faisance in the larger centres are aided by unpaid workers (commissaires or dames de charit), and in the big towns by paid inquiry officers.
A similar conclusion may be drawn from the legend which peopled primitive Rhodes with a population of skilful workers in metal, the "Telchines."
It was aided very materially by the dearth of workers consequent on the gold discoveries, when every man could command his own price.
That strike had been liberally helped by the Australian unions, and it was confidently predicted that, as the Australian workers were more effectively organized than the English unions, a corresponding success would result from their course of action.
AdvertisementIn all this legislation one of the most hotly contested points was whether the arbitration court should be given power to lay it down that workers who were members of a trade union should be employed in preference to non-unionists.
In August there were strikes among the dock laborers of Genoa and the iron workers of Florence; the latter agitation developed into a general strike in that city, which aroused widespread indignation among the orderly part of the population and ended without any definite result.
At Como 15,000 textile workers remained on strike for nearly a month, but there were no disorders.
It was revived by several German workers, prominent among whom were Treviranus and Link, and later Moldenhawer, as well as by the Frenchmen Mirbel, at the beginning of the j9th century.
He was one of the principal workers and leaders of the mixed committees for the defence of the country, formed with the help of the Zemstvos and towns.
AdvertisementSuch " workers " are essential to the formation of a social community of Hymenoptera, and their wingless condition among the ants shows that their specialization has been carried further in this family than among the wasps and bees.
These cocoons, which may often be seen carried between the mandibles of the workers, are the "ants' eggs" prized as food for fish and pheasants.
The foundress of the nest lays eggs and at first feeds and rears the larvae, the earliest of which develop into workers.
C. Janet observed that in a nest of Lasius alienus, established by a single female, the first workers emerged from their cocoons on the 102nd day.
These workers then take on themselves the labour of the colony, some collecting food, which they transfer to their comrades within the nest whose duty is to tend and feed the larvae.
AdvertisementThe foundress-queen is now waited on by the workers, who supply her with food and spare her all cares of work, so that henceforth she may devote her whole energies to egg-laying.
The population of the colony increases fast, and a well-grown nest contains several " queens " and males, besides a large number of workers.
Honey forms the staple nourishment of many ants, some of the workers seeking nectar from flowers, working it up into honey within their stomachs and regurgitating it so as to feed their comrades within the nest, who, in their turn, pass it on to the grubs.
The workers in question remain within the nest, suspended by their feet, and serve as living honey-pots for the colony, becoming so distended by the supplies of honey poured into their mouths by their foraging comrades that their abdomens become sub-globular, the pale intersegmental membrane being tightly stretched between the widely-separated dark sclerites.
In these ants the difference between the large, heavy, winged males and females, and the small, long-legged, active workers, is so great, that various forms of the same species have been often referred to distinct genera; in Eciton, for example, the female has a single petiolate abdominal segment, the worker two.
AdvertisementOthers again play the part of thieves in the ant society; C. Janet observed a small bristle-tail (Lepismima) to lurk beneath the heads of two Lasius workers, while one passed food to the other, in order to steal the drop of nourishment and to make off with it.
The identification of existing peoples with the various Scythic, Persian and Arab races who have passed from High Asia into the Indian borderland, has opened up a vast field of ethnographical inquiry which has hardly yet found adequate workers for its investigation.
Suppose we have selected one of the numerous subsidiary problems suggested by the general inquiry, and obtained such full and complete information about one particular industry that we of a can tabulate the wages of the workers for a long series of years.
In this he departed considerably from the lines that had been made familiar by English workers, and made great use of natural characteristics.
Simmons College and Harvard University maintain the Boston school for social workers (1904).
The last-named may be considered the founder of the strong company of entomological workers now labouring in America.
But side by side with this literary transmission Berthelot insists that there was another mode of transmission, by means of the knowledge of practical receipts and processes traditional among jewellers, painters, workers in glass and pottery, and other handicraftsmen.
It is unnecessary in this place to recapitulate the many results which had accumulated by the end of the 18th century, or to discuss the labours and theories of individual workers since these receive attention under biographical headings; in this article only the salient features in the history of our science can be treated.
Of the many workers in this field, Priestley occupies an important position.
Of the principal workers in this field we may notice Friedrich Hoffmann, Andreas Sigismund Marggraf (who detected iron by its reaction with potassium ferrocyanide, and potassium and sodium by their flame colorations), and especially Carl Scheele and Torbern Olof Bergman.
The prominent anti-slavery workers were Ralph Sandiford, Benjamin Lay, Anthony Benezet and John Woolman.'
By the end of the 18th century slavery was practically extinct among Friends, and the Society as a whole laboured for its abolition, which came about in 1865, the poet 'Whittier being one of the chief writers and workers in the cause.
Some of the clergy in country parishes were devoted workers, but special zeal was resented or discouraged.
Thus the herbarium at the British Museum, which is especially rich in the earlier collections made in the 18th and early 19th centuries, contains the types of many species founded by the earlier workers in botany.
The use of corrosive sublimate is not, however, recommended, as it forms on drying a fine powder which when the plants are handled will rub off and, being carried into the air, may prove injurious to workers.
The archduke Charles was the foremost amongst many workers who had realized that numbers were absolutely needed to confront the new French methods.
The attempt of modern critics to account for the period as that in which the barley harvest was gathered in, during which the workers in the field could not prepare leavened bread, is not satisfactory.
In recent history the most notable events not mentioned elsewhere in this article were the elaborate celebration of the centennial of the city in 1896 and the street railway strike of 1899, in which the workers attempted to force a redress of grievances and a recognition of their union.
It has attracted the attention of many workers, and has formed the subject of a huge literature.
The effect of this was to co-ordinate many branches of mathematics and greatly to increase the number of workers.
They are excellent workers in silver and noted as armourers, and their carpets are superior to the Persian.
In 1920 there were only 17,606 workers and employees in private industrial enterprises, 988 in municipal enterprises, and 2,880 in state enterprises; in Riga alone, 9,739 in private enterprises against 62,000 in 1914.
The labours of Stephen Horvath in the preceding period had prepared the way for future workers in the field of historical literature.
Crum was probably the first to recognize that some hydrogen atoms of the cellulose had been replaced by an oxide of nitrogen, and this view was supported more or less by other workers, especially Hadow, who appears to have distinctly recognized that at least three compounds were present, the most violently explosive of which constituted the main bulk of the product commonly obtained and known as guncotton.
This, one of the most difficult problems of pathology, is being attacked by many able workers, who are all striving from different standpoints to elucidate the nature of these new formations, which spring from the normal tissues in which they develop and which they destroy.
Some workers regard certain appearances in dividing cells found in cancer as evidence of a reversion of the somatic cell to the germcell type (heterotypical), otherwise found only in the process which results in the formation of an embryo.
The irritant may be chemical, as is seen in the skin cancers that develop in workers in paraffin, petroleum, arsenic and aniline.
Many workers following certain occupations show pigmented scars due to the penetration of carbon and other pigments from superficial wounds caused by gunpowder, explosions, &c.
In the former he was one of the leading workers, in collaboration from 1879 to 1887 with Emile Edmond Sarasin (1843-1890), at the formation of minerals by artificial means, particularly in the wet way with the aid of heat and pressure, and he succeeded in reproducing a large number of the natural compounds.
In most civilized countries the safety of mine workers is guarded by stringent laws and enforced by the careful supervision of mine inspectors on behalf of the government.
Aided by grants from the Prussian government, these workers systematically investigated the effect of introducing a large number of different chemical substances (oxides) into vitreous fluxes.
Among the native artificers the metal workers and leather dressers are noted.
In 1679 the university was established in the old Cloth Workers' Hall, a building dating from 1317, with long arcades and graceful pillars supporting the upper storeys.
From a collection of the best experiments by previous workers he selected eighty-two (fifty-one on the velocity of water in conduit pipes, and thirty-one on its velocity in open canals); and, discussing these on physical and mechanical principles, he succeeded in drawing up general formulae, which afforded a simple expression for the velocity of running water.
There is excellent boating and bathing here, and there are mineral springs in the Park, where in the summer there are a Chautauqua course lasting for six weeks, a normal school, a Bible school, a Bible conference, a school of missions, an International Training School for Sunday School Workers, a conference of temperance workers and nature study and other regular summer school courses; and in other months of the year courses are given here by the Winona Normal School and Agricultural Institute, Winona Academy (for boys) and Winona Conservatory of Music, and the Winona Park School for Young Women.
Among the most noteworthy workers at the problems involved in the question of the influence of soil in the production of disease we find yen Foder, Pettenkofer, Levy, Fleck, von Naegeli, Schleesing, Muntz and Warrington.
As workers in metals and as potters they displayed infinite variety of design, while as cultivators and engineers they excelled their European conquerors.
These articles are largely made by the workmen at their own homes and supplied to the depots of the large dealers; there are about 20,000 workers in steel in Solingen and the vicinity.
The books illustrated by the men of this school were mainly collections of useful information, guide-books, romances and historical and religious compilations; but much of the best of their work is to be found in the collections of pictorial designs, very often taken from Chinese sources, which were produced for the use of workers in lacquer, pottery and similar crafts.
Indexes to English Periodicals.-A large number of periodicals do not preserve literary matter of permanent value, but the highclass reviews and the archaeological, artistic and scientific magazines contain a great mass of valuable facts, so that general and special indexes have become necessary to all literary workers.
In the collected Scientific Papers of Lord Kelvin (3 vols., Cambridge, 1882), of James Clerk Maxwell (2 vols., Cambridge, 1890), and of Lord Rayleigh (4 vols., Cambridge, 1903), the advanced student will find the means for studying the historical development of electrical knowledge as it has been evolved from the minds of some of the master workers of the 19th century.
But when a committee of the Royal Asiatic Society, with George Grote at its head, decided that the translations of an Assyrian text made independently by the scholars just named were at once perfectly intelligible and closely in accord with one another, scepticism was silenced, and the new science was admitted to have made good its claims. Naturally the early investigators did not fathom all the niceties of the language, and the work of grammatical investigation has gone on continuously under the auspices of a constantly growing band of workers.
And now, thanks to the efforts of a large company of workers, notably Dr Arthur Evans and his associates in Cretan exploration, we are coming to speak with some confidence not merely of a Mycenaean but of a pre-Mycenaean Age.
It had, however, the merit of stimulating abler workers in the same field.
The development of a true insect society among the Hymenoptera is dependent on a differentiation among the females between individuals with well-developed ovaries (" queens ") whose special function is reproduction; and individuals with reduced or aborted ovaries (" workers ") whose duty is to build the nest, to gather food and to tend and feed the larvae.
Among the wasps the workers may only differ from the queens in size, and individuals intermediate between the two forms of female may be met with.
Further, the queen wasp, and also the queen humble-bee, commences unaided the work of building and founding a new nest, being afterwards helped by her daughters (the workers) when these have been developed.
In the hive-bee and among ants, on the other hand, there are constant structural distinctions between queen and worker, and the function of the queen bee in a hive is confined to egg-laying, the labour, of the community being entirely done by the workers.
The ants which form this group are readily distinguished by the differentiation of the females into winged " queens" and wingless " workers."
The Vespidae or social wasps have " queens " and " workers " like the ants, but both these forms of female are winged; the claws on their feet are simple.
Most of the genera are " solitary " in habit, the female sex being undifferentiated; but among the humble-bees and hive-bees we find, as in social wasps and ants, the occurrence of workers, and the consequent elaboration of a wonderful insect-society.
The efforts of individual scientific workers cannot as a rule produce such results in oceanography as in other sciences, but exceptions are found in the very special services rendered by the prince of Monaco, who founded the Oceanographical Institute in Paris and the Oceanographical Museum in Monaco; and by Professor Alexander Agassiz in the investigation of the Pacific.
The only workers in clay west of the Rockies and north of the Pueblo country belonged to the Shoshonean family of the Interior Basin.
He started work at the age of seven in a ropeworks, attending the wheel of a rope-spinner for ten hours a day, and on Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings toiled in a barber's shop. He afterwards became a gasworker, and in 1889 he helped to found the National Union of Gas Workers and General Labourers, becoming its general secretary.
This union (under the title of the National Union of General Workers) had in 1921 a membership of over 600,000.
Between 1895 and 1906 they rose 15% bn the average among males of all ages, and as much as 30% among women and girl workers.
Meanwhile the keystone of the regulative system had been laid by the passing of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, under which disputes between employers and unions of workers are compulsorily settled by state tribunals; strikes and lock-outs are virtually prohibited in the case of organized work-people, and the conditions of employment in industries may be, and in many cases are, regulated by public boards and courts.
But there is no doubt that it is very difficult to detect the summation tone by the ear, and many workers have doubted the possibility, notwithstanding the evidence of such an observer as Helmholtz.
In 1833 he had welcomed as workers among his people a band of French Protestant missionaries, and as the Boer immigrants began to settle in his neighbourhood he decided to seek support from the British at the Cape.
These boards also undertook other functions, such as introducing new methods of manufacture and supplying the workers in the munition factories with beer.
With a population of 60,000, and 8000 workers in copper, it was one of the most flourishing cities in Walloon Belgium until it incurred the wrath of Charles the Bold.
One of the earliest workers at plant physiology was Stephen Hales.
Darwin's experiments in reference to the movements of climbing and twining plants, and of leaves in insectivorous plants, have opened up a wide field of inquiry as to the relation between plants and the various external factors, which has attracted numerous workers.
The Social Democrats were well organized among the industrial workers and agricultural labourers.
In respect of the former an increase of 30% in the payments to the insured as compared with July I 1917 was made, while at the same time better terms were given in the insurance of miners and of railwaymen; insurance against sickness was completed by extending it to agricultural and domestic workers as well as to the families of the insured.
In practice moderate discussion was still proceeding in 1921 with the view of giving a more democratic character to factories and other undertakings and assuring a closer cooperation of the workers in the management.
In 1889 he opened in Chicago the Bible Institute, and there trained Christian workers in Bible study and in practical methods of social reform; at Northfield in 1890 he opened a Training School in domestic science in the Northfield Hotel, formerly used only in summer for visitors at the annual conferences, of which the best known are the Bible (or Christian Workers') Conference, first held at Northfield in 1880, and the Students' (or College Men's) Conference, first held in 1887.
The study of the fertilization, or as it is now generally called "pollination," of flowers, was continued by Darwin and taken up by other workers, notably Friedrich Hildebrand, Federico Delpino and the brothers Fritz and Hermann Muller.
An increasing number of workers in this field of plant biology in England, on the Continent and in America has produced a great mass of observations, which have recently been brought together in Dr Paul Knuth's classic work, Handbook of Flower Pollination, an English translation of which has been published (1908) by the Clarendon Press.
The town council consented to build one new church, attaching to it a parish of 10,000 persons, mostly weavers, labourers and factory workers, and this church was offered to Dr Chalmers that he might have a fair opportunity of testing his system.
This definitely directed evolution, or development in a few determinable directions, has since been termed " orthogenetic evolution," and is recognized by all workers in invertebrate palaeontology and phylogeny as fundamental because the facts of invertebrate palaeontology admit of no other interpretation.
As rotifers are common in ponds, the first workers with the microscope observed them repeatedly, the first record being that of John Harris in 1696, who found a Bdelloid in a gallipot that had been standing in his window.
Since then many other workers have obtained similar stages [see Leishman and Statham (38), Christophers (7)]; but however slender and Trypanosomelike the flagelliform parasites may appear, up till now no indications of an undulating membrane have been seen, and the kinetonuclear element is never far from the insertion of the flagellum.
This quarter was inhabited altogether by workers in wool, and as the city was small, the aristocracy lived close by in noble mansions which are now miserable memorials of past prosperity.
There is no evidence to show that any societies during the first three centuries consisted solely of workers at a single craft.
Occupations were reported first for free males in 1850, and sin.ce 1860 women workers have been separately reported.
In the same period there was an increase of 16.0% in the number and of 27.5% in the wages of women workers of 16 years (and upwards) of age.
Only six establishments in a thousand employed as many as 500 workers, and only two in a thousand employed as many as 1000 workers.
The manufacture of lumber and timber gave employment to the largest total number of workers; and this industry, together with those of foundry and machine shops (including locomotives, stoves and furnaces), cotton goods (including small wares), railway car and repair shops, and iron and steel, were (in order) the five greatest employers of labor.
But the two others are almost (if now not quite) peculiar to the United States, viz, to select candidates for office and to procure places of emolument for party workers.
The chairman in particular is generally reappointed, and is often, in a populous area, a person of great and perhaps autocratic power, who has large funds at his disposal and a regular army of workers under his orders.
Its native bankers, shopkeepers and workers are all strongly organized in gilds.
Thus in connexion with the subject a genus of workers became possible who may be styled " ur-computers or circle-squarers " - a name which, if it connotes anything uncomplimentary, does so because of the almost entirely fruitless character of their labours.
The vast majority of individuals in a community consist of wingless forms - " workers " and " soldiers," which are undeveloped members of either sex.
Gilpin's work is a model for its accuracy and thoroughness of detail, and his results have scarcely been improved upon by more recent workers.
The bulk of the French Protestant weavers settled at Spitalfields, London - an incorporation of silk workers having been there formed in 5629.
About 60% of the population are employed in agricultural and only 15% in industrial occupations, the great majority of the latter being home workers.
He developed a great research laboratory of experimental physics, attracting numerous workers from many countries and colonies; advances were made in the investigation of the conduction of electricity through gases, in the determination of the charge and mass of the electron and in the development of analysis by means of positive rays.
The housewife long persisted in deceiving herself by purchasing filled calicoes, and the movement in favour of purer goods owes a good deal, strangely enough, to the increase in the making-up trade and the consequent inconveniences to workers of sewing machines, whose needles were constantly broken by hard filled calicoes.
The best artisans are Nepalese and Chinese, the former being the best workers in metal and dyers.
Moreover, Professor Lloyd Morgan found that young birds that had tasted and rejected workers of the hive bee as unpalatable subsequently refused to taste not only drones, which have no sting, but also drone-flies.
These workers were.
In one of them, read in 1814, he explains the principles of volumetric analysis, in which he was one of the earliest workers.
Other individual enterprises have been launched by persons or single churches, but such have not usually flourished for any length of time, their workers gradually attaching themselves to the larger associations.
The employment of women in general evangelistic work, such as village itineration, house-to-house visiting in towns, classes for female inquirers, training of native female workers, &c., although recent, has rapidly extended.
The Germans and Scandinavians have also been ardent workers in South Africa, and the Dutch Reformed Church has not entirely neglected the natives.
In 1910 there were 4614 missionaries (including wives), representing 122 societies, 1272 Indian ministers, and 34,095 other native workers, including teachers and Bible-women.
One of the most interesting features of missionary work in China is the comity that prevails among the workers of different societies and agencies.
Native workers have done something to carry the Gospel into the French colonies of Tongking and Annam.
The first workers were Thomas Mayhew, junior and John Eliot at Martha's Vineyard (1643) and Roxbury (1646).
The groups of organisms utilized for zoning and correlation by different workers include brachiopods, pelecypods, cephalopods, corals, fishes and plants; and the results of the comparison of the faunas and floras of different areas where Carboniferous rocks occur are generalized in the table below.
To his fellow workers he was uniformly generous, free from jealousy, and prodigal of praise.
All Church Army workers (of whom there are over 1800 of one kind and another) are entirely under the control of the incumbent of the parish to which they are sent.
Whereas in 1864 the annual production of all factories in Poland was valued at not more than 54 millions sterling, in 1875, when the workers numbered 27,000, the output was estimated at even less; but in 1905 the value of the industrial production reached 53 millions sterling.
Many of the large stones of antiquity were probably found in the Kollar group, where Tavernier found 60,000 workers in 1645 (?), the mines having, according to native accounts, been discovered about loo years previously.
There were soon 50,000 workers on this field, the canvas camp was replaced by a town of brick and iron surrounded by the wooden huts of the natives, and Kimberley became an important centre.
The mathematical theory of conduction of heat was developed early in the 19th century by Fourier and other workers, and was brought to so high a pitch of excellence that little has remained for later writers to add to this department of the subject.
His mind was now full of the thought of motion in nature, and on the continent he sought out the philosophical speculators or scientific workers.
The construction was, of course, utterly premature, even supposing it were inherently possible; but it is Hobbes's distinction, in his century, to have conceived it, and he is thereby lifted from among the scientific workers with whom he associated to the rank of those philosophical thinkers who have sought to order the whole domain of human knowledge.
The imperial laws which introduced the compulsory insurance of all the humbler workers within the empire, and gave them, when incapacitated by sickness, accident and old age, an absolute right to pecuniary assistance, have greatly reduced pauperism and crime.
By further laws, in 1885 and 1892, this obligation was extended to certain other classes of workers, and the system was further modified by acts passed in 1900 and 1903.
It was possible under these to procure decisions in courts of justice dissolving the General Union of Workers and the coalitions and unions of working men.
Of these about three-fourths would be adults; but the population has increased so fast as more than to cover the deficiency - with the disadvantage, however, that in three years 220,000 workers were replaced by 320,000 infants.
The American Anti-Slavery Society, of which Garrison was the president from 1843 to the day of emancipation, was during all this period the nucleus of an intense and powerful moral agitation, which was greatly valued by many of the most faithful workers in the field of politics, who respected Garrison for his fidelity to his convictions.
The Egyptologist who has long lived in the realm of conjecture is too prone to consider any feries of guesses good enough to serve as a translation, and forgets to insert the notes of interrogation which would warn workers in other fields from implicit trust.
It was only after continued protests by the Newspaper Proprietors' Association that publicity was given to the gigantic achievements of the Ministry of Munitions, and the manufacturers and millions of workers associated with it.
In recognition of his efforts, a marble bust of himself, by Boehm, subscribed for by 80,000 factory workers, chiefly women and children, was presented to Mrs Mundella.
In miscellaneous metal trades, embracing tinplate goods, wire workers, makers of stoves, grates, ranges and fire-arms, makers of bolts, nuts, rivets, screws and staples, and those occupied in several subsidiary trades, the number of operatives in 1901 amounted to 13,209.
In 1890 the operatives in the jute and hemp industry numbered 39,885, and in 1901 they were (including workers in canvas, sacking, sailcloth, rope, twine, mats, cocoa fibre) 46,550.
The theory of evolution is supported by a great range of evidence, much of which was first collected by Darwin, and which has been enormously increased by subsequent workers excited by his genius.
It is equally clear that there is a broad analogy between the kind of characters on which systematists often have to rely for the separation of species and those which Mendelian workers have shown to behave in accordance with the Mendelian theories of mosaic inheritance with segregation.
The Polynesians, who have always been entirely without metals, are clever workers in wood.
Fawsitt (The Education of the Examiner, Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 1905) shows that frequency-curves deduced from actual investigation of class-marks are not symmetrical, but have two maxima corresponding to the performance of " non-workers " and of " workers."
In 1895 he defended the workers' right to strike, but in 1903, as head of the Government (1901-5), he crushed a railway strike by rushing a bill through Parliament making illegal a stoppage of work by those engaged in the public and semi-public services.
Another matter of vast importance in which he was deeply involved, was the organization of the so-called " Triple Alliance " between the unions representing coal-miners, transport workers, and railwaymen.
In the 13th century the English workers in wrought iron were especially skilful.
The repousse process both for brass and silver was much used by Oriental workers, and even now fine works of this class are produced in the East, old designs still being adhered to.
Metal-work more or less based upon every kind of past style is produced in vast quantities, and in some cases so skilful are the workers that modern forgeries and reproductions are almost beyond the power of experts to detect.
The multiplication of art periodicals, lectures, books, photographs, meetings of societies and gilds, museums, schools of arts and crafts, polytechnics, scholarships, facilities for travel, exhibitions, even those of the Royal Academy, to which objects of applied art are now admitted, not only encourages many persons to become workers and designers in the applied arts, but exposes everything to the plagiarist, who travesties the freshest idea before it has well left the hands of its originator.
German and Austrian workers had for years shown more energy than originality, but they have recently embraced the newest English developments and carried them to extremes of exaggeration.
Among the humble-bees (Bombus) the workers help the queen, who takes her share in the duties of the nest; the distinction between queen and workers is therefore less absolute than in the hive-bees (Apis), whose queen, relieved of all nursing and building cares by the workers, devotes her whole energies b FIG.
The young females (" workers ") that develop from the eggs laid in these early cells assist the queen by building fresh cells and gathering food for storage therein.
If any mishap befall the queen, the workers can sometimes keep the community from dying out.
The community is broken up on the approach of winter, the males and workers perish, and the young queens after hibernation start fresh nests in the succeeding year.
Sladen states that a queen belonging to the virginalis form of Bombus terrestris often invades a nest belonging to the lucorum form, kills the rightful queen, andtakespossession of the nest, getting the lucorum workers to rear her young.
In A pis the workers differ structurally from the queen, who neither builds cells, gathers food, nor tends brood, and is therefore without the special organs adapted FIG.
The differentiation of queen and workers is correlated with the habit of storing food supplies, and the consequent permanence of the community, which finds relief for its surplus population by sending off a swarm, consisting of a queen and a number of workers, so that the new community is already specialized both for reproduction and for labour.
Dickel and others have lately claimed that fertilized eggs can give rise to either queens, workers or males, according to the food supplied to the larvae and the influence of supposed "sex-producing glands" possessed by the nurse-workers.
The workers, who control the polity of the hive (the "queen" being exceedingly "limited" in her monarchy), arrange if possible that young queens shall develop only when the population of the hive has become so congested that it is desirable to send off a swarm.
Previous to the emergence of the young queen, the old queen, prevented by the workers from attacking her daughters, has led off a swarm to find a new home elsewhere.
The number of workers increases largely during the summer, and so hard do the insects work that the life of an individual may last only a few weeks.
On the approach of winter the males, having no further function to perform for the community, are refused food-supplies by the workers, and are either excluded or banished from the hive to perish.
Such ruthless habits of the bee-commonwealth, no less than the altruistic labours of the workers, are adapted for the survival and dominance of the species.
The extent to which village industries still survive is shown by the fact that according to the census of 1901 there were 5,800,000 handloom weavers in India against only 350,000 workers in cotton mills.
In later documents mention is made of eighteen gilds of work-people, whose names are nowhere given, but they probably included workers in wood, workers in metal, workers in stone, weavers, leather-workers, potters, ivory-workers, dyers, fisher-folk, butchers, hunters, cooks, barbers, flowersellers, sailors, basket-makers and painters.
He wrote more than eighty papers on scientific subjects, and he made important researches in conjunction with other workers.
The work was rapidly pushed forward, the workers at one time numbering 20,000; and eventually a self-contained cantonment arose, having its own postal, police, lighting and other services.
Mendeleeff and other workers into the Periodic Law, has taken its place as one of the most important generalizations in modern chemical theory.
They are called Kehs by the Malays, and are of the same tribes as those which furnish the bulk of the workers to the tin mines of the Malay Peninsula.
So far, the two workers had been in agreement; but in his presidential address to the Geological Society of London in 1842 Murchison stated his opinion that the Cambrian contained no fossils that differed from those of the Lower Silurian.
The permanent population, which was 25,223 in 1897, is increased in the summer by nearly ioo,000 workers from different parts of Russia.
Each century saw heavier burdens imposed on the actual workers and on their employers, while expenditure was chiefly devoted to unproductive purposes.
From 1842 onwards to the end of the 19th century, he was one of the great master workers in the field of electrical discovery and research.
From this time on he worked unceasingly for an independent political party for the workers.
In addition to his work for the Labour and Socialist movement at home he was one of the most ardent pioneers of international socialism, and visited many countries in his endeavour to bring together the workers of different lands.
It comprises 730 church members and 72 pastors and workers.
This cylinder, which has a high surface speed, carries part of the fibre towards the workers and strippers; the surface speed of the workers being much slower than that of the cylinder.
The pins in the two rollers oppose each other, those of the workers being "back-set," and this arrangement, combined with the relative angle of the pins, and the difference in the surface speeds of the two rollers, results in part of the fibre being broken and carried round by the worker towards the stripper.
The strippers and workers are in pairs, of which there may be two or more.
After passing the last pair of workers and strippers the fibre is carried forward towards the doffing roller, the pins of which are back-set, and the fibre is removed from the cylinder by the doffer, from which it passes between the drawing and pressing rollers into the conductor, and finally between the delivery and pressing rollers into the sliver can.
The main difference between a breaker card and a finisher card is that the latter is fitted with finer pins, that it contains two doffing rollers, and that it usually possesses a greater number of pairs of workers and strippers - a full circular finisher card having four sets.
The companies very freely made returns to the commission, the only ones not doing so being the Broderers, Bowyers, Distillers, Glovers, Tin-Plate Workers and Weavers.
An interesting phase of the development is that, in addition to the factory work, a large amount of the industry is in the hands of "home workers" both in the town and country districts.
They were the chief workers of the gold and silver mines in the district.
Lansbury worked in the business of his father-in-law and was one of the first members of the Gas Workers' and General Labourers' Union - now the National Union of General Workers.
Manufacturers of hardware and tools at an early date laid the foundation for the present steel and other metal industries, in which 42.8% of all the workers were employed in 1905.
He was subsequently one of the pioneer organizers of the General Federation of Trades, National Transport Workers' Federation, National Federation of General Workers, International Transport Federation, and the Labour party.
In 1910 he published A Brief History of the Dockers' Union, commemorating the 1889 dockers' strike, and in 1911 A History of the London Transport Workers' Strike.
Diocletian died in 313; and before long the city became an episcopal see, with St Doimo as its first bishop. The palace was transformed into an imperial cloth factory, and, as most of the workers were women, it became known as the gynaecium.
Isolated workers or groups of workers grew into national or international associations, producing from archives vast collections of material to be worked up into the artistic form of history.
Largely in consequence of this progress, and partly no doubt owing to the stimulus given by the activity of builders of dirigible balloons, the construction of motor-driven aeroplanes began to attract a number of workers, especially in France.
Female workers were occupied to the number of 1,664,381 in domestic service generally.
Six lay workers came out at first, and they were subsequently joined by others.
To bring educated readers into touch with critical workers it is needful to acquaint them with these various points, the neglect of any one of which may to some extent injure the results of criticism.
It has been shown by Lawson that in Sequoia sempervirens (Annals of Botany, 1904) and by other workers in the genera that several megaspores may attain a fairly large size in one prothallus.
During their centuries of slavery, they were organized into castes, as musicians, metal workers, masons, &c.; but after about 1850 the bonds of caste were gradually relaxed and gipsies began to intermarry with Rumans.
Warriors, statesmen, Brehons, 011amhs, physicians, poets, and even eminent workers in the more important arts, were, in different degrees, rewarded with free lands for their respective public services.
The experiment of leasing them to the workers on co-operative lines has been tried unsuccessfully.
This last phase has been shown in the organization of "The International Council of Unitarian and other Liberal Religious Thinkers and Workers," at Boston on the 25th of May 1900, "to open communication with those in all lands who are striving to unite pure religion and perfect liberty, and to increase fellowship and co-operation among them."
Expelled from Prussia in 1865, he settled at Leipzig, and it is primarily to his activity in Saxony among the newly-formed unions of workers that the modern social democrat party owes its origin.
The Italians are chiefly confined to the coast; the Germans congregate at Semlin and Warasdin; the Slovenes are settled along the north-western frontier, where they have introduced their language, and so greatly modified the local dialect; the gipsies wander from city to city, as horse-dealers, metal workers or musicians; there are numerous Moravian and Bohemian settlements; and near Mitrovica there is a colony of Albanians.
He set out early in 1835, but returned almost immediately to secure other workers.
Susis are well known in the north of Morocco as able tradesmen and clever metal workers.
With regard to sex, the sex queen is a fully-developed female, the drones are males and the workers may be termed neuters or partially developed females.
During the summer season, however (from May to July), when drones are abundant, the loss of a queen is of comparatively little moment, as the workers can transform eggs (or young larvae not more than three days old), which would in the ordinary course produce worker bees, into fully-developed queens, capable of fulfilling all the maternal duties of a mother-bee.
So long as honey is being gathered in plenty drones are tolerated, but no sooner does the honey harvest show signs of being over than they are mercilessly killed and cast out of the hive by the workers, after a brief idle life of about four months' duration.
The incoming workers returning pollen-laden from the fields, carried away by the prevailing excitement, do not stop to unload their burdens in the old home, but join the enthusiastic emigrants, tumbling over each other pell-mell in the outrush; among them the queen of the colony will in due course have taken her place, bound like her children for a new home.
It shows a portion of honeycomb (natural size) not precisely as it appears when the frame containing it is lifted out of the hive, but as would be seen on two or more combs in the same hive, namely, the various cells built for - and occupied by - queens, drones and workers; also the larvae or grubs in the various stages of transformation FIG.
As the season advances and the flowers yield nectar more freely, visible signs of combbuilding will be observed in the whitened edges of empty cells in the brood-chambers; the thoughtful workers are lengthening out the cells for honey-storing, and the bee-master takes the hint by giving room in advance, thus lessening the chance of undesired swarms. In other words, order and method, combined with the habit of taking time by the forelock, are absolutely necessary to the bee-keeper, seeing that the enormous army of workers under his control is multiplying daily by scores of thousands.
Some of them are skilled workers of brass, and the Brunei women make very beautiful cloth, interwoven and embroidered with gold thread.
The spermatozoa have received a great share of attention, on the part not only of anatomists and physiologists, but even of systematic workers (40).
By the middle of the 19th century there were many workers on the subject, and the actions of such drugs as digitalis, morphine, alcohol, and many others had been frequently and minutely investigated.
Of the other workers in this field mention may be made 1 The first part appeared in 1838.
A half dozen workers whose desks were in sight of their superior all pretended unsuccessfully to act busy while sneaking peeks at the stranger.
College graduates were affected by the temporary contract workers flooding the job market.
Age has been a particularly contentious issue for social workers.
Whether in industry or services, in the private or the public sector, large enterprises embrace the greatest diversity of workers.
The phrase has become a euphemism for the erosion of workers' basic rights.
Aid workers accuse the government of mistreating refugees as part of an effort to get them to resettle in camps in Albania.
It was, therefore, the Stalinist shop stewards who undertook the task of sweating the workers, and they showed no qualms about it.
The ILO estimates 250 million people globally suffer a work-related accident each year and 3,000 workers are killed daily.
The communist and workers' parties approved by acclamation the Declaration of Brussels and the Resolution of the Conference.
And a dangerous flashback can occur when workers are using acetylene for welding, cutting and similar work.
In the past we have worked closely with youth workers, teachers and electoral administrators aiming to increase democratic participation among young people.
We do not normally carry advertisements for home workers.
Workers on the advice line can also prepare a self advocacy letter to social services expressing your concerns.
Side by side with the Red Army many thousands of workers, collective farmers, intellectuals are rising to fight the enemy aggressor.
Port workers ' terms of employment were determined in a collective agreement.
Here were the meat packing workers who stock the supermarket aisles.
This last problem was consonant with Marx's own appeal to workers to overcome the alienation of capitalism.
It all began when the workers at the Kellogg factory in north Wales decided on the lofty ambit... Life after Wylfa?
Mc Donald's in Vietnam - unhappy meal The conditions for workers in Vietnam are pretty appalling.
I don't think American apparel is alone in treating workers well.
Surely the workers would be allowed an independent arbitration, or a pendulum system like they do in Japan.
He said the government had put in money to pay off some of the workers ' wage arrears.
Some workers are still likely to develop asbestosis from past industrial exposure, tighter controls now in force should substantially lessen the risk.
Participants will include youths, adults and key workers with ethnic minority backgrounds from groups, organizations and networks throughout Edinburgh.
Workers in the UK are entitled to four weeksâ paid holiday (including bank holidays) under the Working Time Regulations 1998.
This was confirmed when we visited the barrios and met with residents, teachers, Cuban doctors and financial and food cooperative workers.
Part-time workers are also entitled to four weeksâ paid holiday on a pro-rata basis.
A large bathhouse was found, pictured here in the reconstruction, probably used by more important workers or officials at the site.
The Rada sold itself to german Imperialism and called in the German bayonets to suppress the workers and peasants of the Ukraine.
In the 4th Floor Studio the Sleaford Bead Workers Guild spent the day creating intricate beadwork.
The taxes go in part to pay the welfare benefits of the workers that you have thrown out of work.
It is produced bi monthly and is read by 10,000 Youth, Play and Community Workers.
Workers cleaning towers must have protective clothing and respirators to protect them from both bacteria and chlorine (or other biocides ).
Workers in the industry are on the frontline of exposure and at risk of developing cancer or seeing birth defects in their children.
This central policy of creating blocs of exclusively female workers had an adverse effect.
Some products cause the workers to destroy their own nest, for example sugar based liquid bait containing borax.
Workers exposed to the dust of African boxwood developed alarming reactions including irritation of the eyes and nose, and also constitutional symptoms.
The team of doctors, social workers and health workers fit leg braces, provide crutches and give physiotherapy.
To conventional politicians of both right and left, then, these workers seemed brash, aggressive and threatening.
They warmly commended the bravery of the rescue workers.
Nationalization could simply result in industry being run by state bureaucrats, not workers.
Workers in McDonald's make profit through their ability to cook burgers at very low pay rates.
We pioneered compensation for cotton workers ' lung disease byssinosis in the 1980s.
We are training cadres of psychological workers ready to go into action.
Pegswood pit canteen was quite a small place and only supplied meals for a few of the workers.
The comparison with white collar workers was performed to control for other occupational lung carcinogens.
The Lord Mayor is Chairman of our Management Committee We employ one full time rat catcher (all other workers are volunteers ).
Like the SWP, Workers Power is disabled by bureaucratic centralism - the flip side of which is, of course, anarchism.
It's read avidly every week by everyone from top civil servants to frontline workers.
The Belgian capitalist class was seeking to cripple the workers organizations; the workers were moving to sweep capitalism away.
At moments of heightened class struggle, the Bolsheviks actively agitated for workers ' defense militias against the tsarist state forces.
There is still far too much abuse of the opt-out clause with workers being forced to sign away their leisure time.
A team of 3 estate workers, employed for 4 years, will undertake the scrub clearance.
This increase was attributable to the deaths of 21 migrant workers who drowned while harvesting cockles at Morecambe Bay in February this year.
In particular we support collective bargaining and would protect workers from the first day of employment.
Nearly every building had broad, cool colonnades to shelter the Roman workers from the sun.
Like the thoroughly discredited 'official communist ' PCF, these establishment parties of the left are clearly no answer for workers.
Industry was all both workers ' comp on how best.
The top job states often have the workers comp system to offer such.
The Workers Solidarity Alliance asks all comrades, regardless of affiliation, to aid these strikers.
The trained peer workers visit each tenement and distribute free condoms.
All relevant workers must be trained in the action to be taken in order to implement the contingency plans made.
It is aimed both at workers employed by contractors and at those who have contractors in the workplace.
The young inexperienced workers fell into the baling chamber from the top of the feed conveyor whilst clearing a blockage in the feed.
But today, just a single mine, the workers ' co-op Tower Colliery, is still in business.
The local co-op was set up in 1872 for the benefit of workers on the Enfield arms manufacturing site.
Running scared of successful community-supported workers co-ops; government agencies have been ignoring the cooperative's attempts to become a legal entity.
The Bakery began as a CCM project, was established as a workers ' cooperative, and is now functioning as an independent business.
Without even striking, the gas workers won the much coveted eight hour day.
Some English teachers working legally have, however, welcomed the crackdown, saying illegal workers are harming the profession.
It concluded that more flexible working hours could unleash the creativity of Britain's workers.
But that doesn't keep him from exploiting them as share croppers and tenant farmers and workers.
Care particularly specialists aversion cutler and earnings of workers.
But to imagine workers are going to join New Labor in the midst or aftermath of the FBU dispute, is a cruel deceit.
The farm produces fruit for both the home and European export markets and allows workers to elect delegates to the union.
Skilled workers often feel particularly vulnerable where traditional demarcations are threatened.
Robin Tennant, Glasgow During the 1970s a Sun cartoonist depicted striking workers as greedy, grasping, lazy, selfish and brainless.
These terraces were built for the workers at the adjacent Mold Junction motive power depot, closed in 1966.
The government sent out armed workers' detachments for grain.
Supplying their own custom designed lighting diffusers, they have reduced glare and improved the working environment for hundreds of eye strained workers.
The operator of such a system must exercise all due diligence to avoid those workers being unfit.
To avoid the inevitable disappointment with Bachelet's presidency it is necessary to urgently begin the task of building a new workers ' party.
The total subservience to the rule of capital leaves workers and their union leaders ideologically disarmed.
The struggle reflects the workers ' discontent at the effects of the reorganization of the Post Office.
Workers are actively discouraged from joining independent trade unions.
The long-running dispute at Ryton saw a day's strike last August over what workers see as unacceptable changes in conditions.
Remote Office Telework A location physically distant from the main office, where one or more workers work.
Barbara Dockar-Drysdale was one of the most influential and respected workers with emotionally and behaviourally disturbed children in Britain.
The powerful resinous odor of the newly-cut wood was said to cause troublesome diuresis in saw mill workers (Sargent 1896 ).
Many are children of small farmers or farm workers too poor to afford a highly diversified diet.
Eight Belgium workers were given jail terms of one to four months and one French docker was jailed for three months.
Teachers, nurses, trainee doctors, police officers and IT workers are just a few of the professions from which purchasers are coming.
His ' unique ' management style in this multi-award winning spoof fly-on-the-wall documentary had office workers squirming on their sofas.
Thousands of workers in Thailand are currently embroiled in a row over energy privatization.
People who engage the services of contract workers employed by someone else.
Compliance officers have no right to serve orders in respect of the wages of workers no longer employed by the employed by the employer.
Social workers are definitely and only, State Employees, with a particular esprit de corps.
This support has empowered migrant workers to help themselves prevent further exploitation.
New Lords ruling could put asbestos claims at risk Workers who develop cancer from asbestos exposure will have to fight harder to prove liability.
Greenwich Hospital is a 1960s eyesore, which will be turned into new homes for first time purchasers and key workers.
In April 1829 textile factory owners began imposing wage reductions on their workers.
Many of these are depressingly familiar to militant workers around the world.
Similar conclusions concerning the late survival of the Pleistocene fauna were drawn by various field workers in many parts of the American continent.
Do not allow workers in these camps to possess unlicensed firearms.
The initial workers used fluoroscopy often with the hooded fluorescent screen.
It presents a practical guide for workers, and a thought-provoking new perspective for genuinely forward-looking management.
Around the 1880s the foundry Arms Pub was built, no doubt to slake the thirst of the foundry workers.
It would also provide the framework for the future workers ' republic.
Other male workers in the area included a sawyer, tinman, mineral water maker, cooper, and agent for incandescent gas mantles.
Their fellow workers without degree qualifications often hit the glass ceiling, regardless how hard working and motivated they are.
Except for occasional glimpses of life among the other workers, the majority of diary entries remain of the " nothing new " variety.
This technique means that colors appear grainy, so that even the blues and greens of the store workers ' uniforms are drab.
Here, workers would tread the grapes and the juice would pour into a large barrel below.
The super-exploitation of the munitions workers to feed the insatiable greed for profits of the war mongering factory owners.
We need to learn from other European countries where public sector workers do not have the same ideological hang-ups.
His stellar performance complete failure to help out the peugeot workers at Ryton has probably hastened his shift to another portfolio.
Now as our fellow workers were so hasty we were bound to come out on strike.
There is evidence work is becoming more hazardous for young workers.
In Leipzig workers occupied the youth headquarters and destroyed all the portraits except those of Karl Marx.
The report repeatedly praises individual heroism by emergency workers, but it finds a number of organizational failings.
The survey presents individual workers separately more employees by offered an HMO.
To put it in simpler language, we do not hoodwink the workers.
Migrants had also widened the horizons of domestic workers by helping them understand more about other cultures.
Women constitute the majority of workers in African export horticulture.
In some areas union branches are organizing hustings... Postal workers POSTAL WORKERS in Watford have rejected a deal to end their strike.
Despite that, around 70 million technically illegal workers crowd the urban streets looking for employment.
If workers are prevented from so doing the freedom to belong to a trade union becomes illusory ' .
Moreover, the small numbers of workers in these areas were often Russians deeply imbued with colonial attitudes.
Workers solidarity in this type of context can take transnational forms but also be thoroughly imbued with nationalism.
In such a war, it is an almost impracticable line for the workers ' party of any single belligerent country.
Having union involvement makes workers more inclined to participate in organizational restructuring.
Is broadly indicative play a role for workers without.
The attack by the fascists had aroused the greatest indignation among the workers.
Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, human misery, and personal indignity.
The workers were promised an eight hour day while an inquiry into the profits made by the industrialists during World War One was dropped.
The groups do not have a membership and are deliberately informal, driven by those who attend, rather than the project workers.
An increasingly inhuman load is being dumped on the shoulders of the workers.
Last night's meeting heard that tannery workers in the 1960's were given annual inoculations against anthrax.
In a trial agreed with the union, workers were issued with cushioned insoles for their shoes.
The urban workers fought and died, together with revolutionary enthusiasts from the petty-bourgeois intelligentsia.
Only such a policy on the part of the Italian and French workers constitutes the policy of revolutionary internationalism.
But now they betrayed their principles and the whole idea of workers ' internationalism.
In his country workers face jail for being a member of a union!
The workers feed a few selected larvae a special food called " royal jelly " which causes them to become queens.
More than 500 000 workers have become jobless due to the total destruction of numerous industrial facilities all around the country.
A delegation of 30 workers traveled some 1,200 kilometers to manifest their determination to defend the factory at all costs.
She called on all workers to join WAC, which bears the banner of organized labor.
Equity loans to help key workers buy a home on the open market or a new property built by a registered social landlord.
She was employed by a family who thought that northern lasses were better workers!
Two factory workers have died after apparantly being overcome by fumes in a suspected chemical leak in an engineering factory.
I make no mention of the workers, who, it seems to me, long ago lost all respect for bourgeois legality.
Workers ' comp lien to the courts in benefits more years of.
Apart from abattoir workers, this is the main potential loophole.
In days gone by, office workers had to struggle to find ways to occupy their time during a summer lull.
Policies can end almost all direct-selling pines magnolias and camellias had workers ' compensation insurance.
Workers have new rights to trade unions, a month's holiday, six months ' paid maternity, two weeks ' paternity.
One in 40 building workers now in their 50s may die of the cancer mesothelioma.
To say that you were in favor of workers ' sanctions was to support militarism.
In place there will be a workers ' militia that will embody the right of everyone to bear arms.
It can be used in training settings both with parents and early years workers, including child minders and creche workers.
Four months ago the government increased the minimum wage for garden workers by one thousand percent and this elderly man lost his job.
However, the workers employed through Ultimate Source were not mistreated.
In this context a minimum rate for local government workers of £ 5 an hour appears moderate.
It is common for domestic workers to be sexually molested by male members of the household, or used by boys for sexual experimentation.
The EU tariff reforms might perpetuate trade injustice and industrial monocultures that harm workers and the environment.
Support the Weekly worker ' s fight for transparency in the workers ' movement!
For the north workers comp insurance aopha representing nonprofit extend your tripod.
Many were attractive City workers who appeared to lead fairly normal lives.
White Collar A term used to describe people in non-manual occupations including office workers and the professions, such as the law.
The cycle of capitalist economic crises has traditionally seen workers thrown onto the dole by the financial oligarchs.
Andrew's main work is as Director of Studies at St Andrew's Theological College, training ordinands and lay workers.
These plans, quite rightly, caused an outcry from many workers.
A small team of " renegade " workers currently oversees the project.
The workers are also to ban non-contractual overtime from January 25.
Council Workers not paid through Privatization More than 4,000 council workers in Cumbria are missing their monthly wage packet.
It has raised the pay of millions of low-paid workers, especially female part-timers.
Instead their analysis emphasized the passivity imposed upon workers by the dominance of the media.
The AK explained the passivity of the workers when faced by this conflict in the enemy camp by their defeat in early 1933.
Manual workers usually get a less generous payout than office workers.
He undertook the first serious and sustained attempt to collect the traditional songs of the English peasantry and workers, predominantly in West Devon.
Even here they have Shock Brigade workers who display red pennants with their records on them.
Supports marks ' claims tau xsubi phi in contrast workers.
Only using harmless red phosphorus, the workers were soon producing six million boxes a year.
They formed flying pickets, going from factory to factory bringing more workers out.
Chinese or Indian or Bolivian workers receive a pittance in wages.
Honda were losing over 1,000 workers from their manufacturing plant in Yokohama.
Workers couldn't organize themselves to fight against their exploitation at work for fear of the secret police.
We work to reduce harmful child labor; promote education for child workers and rural children; support sexual healthcare and HIV/AIDS prevention.
Their was immense pride - the workers having their workshops incorporated in the building.
Note The passage on inverse probability is reproduced in Likelihood and Probability in R. A. Fisher's Statistical Methods for Research Workers.
Tell that to the Jaguar workers in Coventry who are being thrown on the scrapheap by multinational profiteer Ford.
Who will undertake to organize the Greek proletariat, which in a few years has grown from 80,000 workers to 600,000?
Young female workers living apart from their families might become promiscuous.
The result so far is a valuable and highly promising contribution to the great army of evangelical lay workers.
Such analyzes help explain why polemics against foreign workers became so pronounced at the time of the Asian Crisis.
Black workers already represent a high proportion of the low paid sector.
Homelessness is common among sex workers and all too often a lack of stable accommodation hinders any attempts to exit prostitution.
Yeah sod the workers, I'm alright Jack, I don't need no welfare or labor protectionism.
The team comprises psychiatrists, psychologists and care co-ordinators (who are trained nurses, occupational therapists and approved social workers ).
They include child and adolescent psychiatrists, child psychologists, child psychotherapists, social workers and nurses.
I had had and I imagine fellow workers with psychics have had this sort of experience with a number of well known psychics.
The workers got quite tactile While they tried to keep their pride; And the humor became puerile When we ended up inside.
Support workers armed with hand puppets share stories about Little Turtle.
It was also expensive and difficult to get raw materials, so many workers found themselves out of a job.
Although some companies are going through painful readjustments, unemployment remains low and the need for skilled workers remains strong.
A large amount of medical workers suddenly realize that they are under the spot light.
There is an increasing reliance on International Workers to solve the people needs.
Some students may join low-paid workers, who, according to a recent news report have begun to seek shelter in the hostels.
To help other workers who are in struggle to defend or improve their conditions is not reprehensible.
Brazilâs Workers Party government has been tainted by corruption allegations, and has heavily repressed movements like the Sem Terra, of landless peasants.
In Finland an independent workers ' republic was proclaimed.
It was the same notorious argument used by the Socialist Workers Party when it opposed republicanism being included in the policies of Respect.
This was naturally resented by their masters, who had difficulty in getting sufficient workers for their own pits.
It's not surprising Gordon Brown is calling for wage restraint from public sector workers.
A key issue that affects all NHS workers, not just those in primary care, is the proposed PCT restructure.
Retaining workers of all age groups will be increasingly important for organizations looking to maximize the retention of skills, knowledge and experience.
An aging population translates into fewer workers supporting more retirees.
The workers' and people's movements must aim their struggles against such imperialist retrogression.
Importing tens of millions of foreign workers into a bloc already rife with racial tensions is also fraught with political difficulties.
In autumn 2004 workers at the depot were offered a 10 percent pay rise in return for giving up union bargaining rights.
Allowing big corporations to ride rough shod over internationally recognized workers rights.
All health workers of any type must be involved in integrated eye care services and eye care as part of their day-to-day routine.
Workers comp insurance make their cases even dust ruffles.
The January 1997 mass strikes proved that workers can resist mass sackings.
Mary Ann was dispatched to Osborn House on the Isle of Wight, where a small sanatorium was set up for the estate workers.
She has also been at the forefront of pushing for equal entitlement to social security for non-EU workers.
The course should be attended by workers who have sufficient seniority to make policy decisions within their organizations.
But neither Labor nor black separatism has the answers that can unite black and white workers.
Affected workers have received out-of-court settlements ranging from several hundred pounds to more than £ 100,000.
The complete organizational severance of this element from the workers ' parties has become imperative.
The labor shortages in the booming economy of South-East England have attracted many workers from abroad.
Workers on the 206 model took part in three strikes ahead of the summer shutdown.
This just shows how Tony Blair's Nanny State has insidiously planted the many social workers to clandestinely arrange social engineering.
The work done by social workers often goes unnoticed - unless something goes wrong.
There was a strong ' support team ' not only of psychiatrists and psychiatric social workers but also of auxiliary staff.
Bobby Jones is one of several social workers employed by the Hospice.
On their part, therefore, these workers have been forced to mobilize the solidarity of the whole working class.
Workers quickly sour on a boss who plays favorites or punishes scapegoats.
The rich, or the workers who vest sovereignty in the people.
The new constitution abolishes the soviets, dissolving the workers into the general mass of the population.
These three blocs had in their hands the mass of delegates to the workers ', peasants ', and soldiers ' soviets.
So please spare a thought for the two sets of workers involved in the disputes detailed below.
Field workers exposed to Bt spray experienced allergic skin sensitization and induction of IgE and IgG antibodies to the spray [19] .
The condition of the workers had improved as, although wages had stayed static, the price of provisions had fallen.
In the 1891 Census Bennett Street listed 71 building workers, including 15 stonemasons.
The center is a valuable storehouse of ideas for teachers, students, youth workers, community groups and anyone interested in development issues.
The Popular Fronts in essence meant the subordination of workers ' parties to the capitalist political system.
The bravery of the hospital workers, surrounded by immense suffering, was great.
A good relationship with their immediate superiors is undoubtedly an important factor in inducing workers to stay with the organization.
The archive is particularly strong in the areas of maritime history and includes interviews with seafarers, dock workers and titanic survivors.
Jessica Odubayo DOCTORS and health workers are urging teenagers to tap into free sexual health advice and medical care at a Whitechapel clinic.
I will be hiring temps or agency workers, what do I need to consider?
The beer tents are staffed by volunteer workers, including several UNISON teams from all over the country.
Workers compensation insurance we see the in healthnet Thomas.
Workers were equally tight-lipped with monitors from Bill McBride's campaign and the state Republican Party.
The workers produce wooden garden and wildlife products all from reclaimed timber, which would otherwise have gone to land fill or burnt.
Protection of frontline workers The release of a Botulinum toxin aerosol will create an exposed zone that presents a high risk of inhaling toxin.
Particularly those initiatives which involve trade unions, their health and safety representatives and workers.
Only 12 out of 30 workers trained in trichiasis have trichiasis surgical sets.
A SHERIFF has condemned social workers who removed a newborn baby from her mother only minutes after the child's umbilical cord was cut.
There is advice about new guidance on PPE and on the use of ladders and new resources for laundry workers and for funeral undertakers.
Leaving sleeves rolled up or zips undone will fail to protect workers from being contaminated with pesticides or biocides.
The brewery chief, loathed by Cameron, who sold up at the expense of his workers, finds himself permanently unemployable.
Factories close, workers are left unemployed, and those who could benefit from the goods produced in those factories have to go without.
Then the workers came, those who were not unionized â the grassroots â and placed themselves on the front line.. .
Accordingly, the Panel is satisfied that a majority of the workers in the bargaining unit are likely to be members of the Union.
Exclusion of workers means society is asked to accept an inherently unjust system.
But there also has been an increase in often unpaid overtime working by white-collar managerial and professional workers.
Asbestos miners and workers in Africa have been largely unprotected from the dangers of asbestos fibers during their working lives.
Yet workers with old boys ' connections remained unquestioned.
Many workers,make a lot of assumptions about users and feel unskilled in working with them.
Design The tanks have been designed for construction by relatively unskilled workers.
Wages in the industry have been cut by 50 per cent since the 1980s and the workers are totally unskilled.
The revolutionary upsurge of the masses turned over the municipalities to workers ' committees.
Decreasing incidence of occupational contact urticaria caused by natural rubber latex allergy in German health care workers.
Like the US, most of this shift toward an increased usage of more skilled workers has occurred within industries.
In his conception, this liberating social revolution requires for success the leadership of a revolutionary political party of the workers ' vanguard.
At this Congress is represented the vanguard, ready for battle, of workers from all over the world.
From 1915 onwards the Clydeside munitions workers had become the vanguard of working class resistance to the war effort.
In Kenya, we have also linked Community Animal Health Workers with private veterinarians who sell them medicines through rural drug shops.
Workers must be extremely vigilant of the aim of the new government to compromise their struggles.
Gas Works K 1152 x 864 248K Workers in hard hats and fluorescent yellow waistcoats are milling about in front of their temporary accommodation.