Work Sentence Examples
It did work this morning.
Every day there is much work to be done.
After Alex goes to work and Jonathan goes to school, Destiny and I do the chores.
I like to work accurately.
It will be so much fun to work on it with Jonathan and Destiny.
How do these features work so well?
Now I have to get to work.
You may come to America and be poor, but if you work hard, your children will have a better life and a better opportunity.
Time to get back to work.
I'm sorry things didn't work out for you.
AdvertisementGood work in language presupposes and depends on a real knowledge of things.
They work at jobs they do not like, doing work a machine should be doing.
You do all the work we do, and then cook.
Lawyer's work is never done.
As for work, we haven't any of any consequence.
AdvertisementI enjoy my work.
It was a work in progress.
With his return to work, things at the house shifted to a faster pace.
I have much to work with!
I wanted to work this thing out by myself.
AdvertisementThis might be some of your best work.
Maybe she did write it years earlier and it really is her practice work, he offered.
Cynthia asked as she looked over his shoulder at his work.
But, if this one doesn't work out, I'm sorry Kairi, you'll have to go to a group home.
Haven't had much time to work on it.
AdvertisementI think I can work with that.
It didn't work very well.
We were then sent to the guidance office so they could work up a schedule for me.
Years from now, when he was comfortably ensconced in his Ouray, Colorado bed and breakfast, he'd often look back on this day as the turning point in his life, but for now it was only the start of yet another five work days.
I promise to work on it.
A record of all human activity, with anonymity safeguards in place, will allow us all to become part of the solution by putting our minds to work on the problems of the world.
Then came the work in college--original theme writing with new ideals of composition or at least new methods of suggesting those ideals.
The night veils without doubt a part of this glorious creation; but day comes to reveal to us this great work, which extends from earth even into the plains of the ether.
The best way to beat the cold was to work up some heat.
The work was rewarding, though, as the house began to take on a homey atmosphere.
You could fly down after work on Friday.
Did the culprit do my work for me or simply get in my way?
Donnie popped to his feet and brushed a kiss on his mother's cheek and resumed his work.
Time to get out of these ski clothes and do some work.
If you drive I can work on my presentation.
We've got work to do.
Maybe. Or maybe this will work.
I was out of options if it didn't work out here.
When there is a problem at work, he keeps it to himself or minimize it.
We liked his work and he liked what he was doing.
Obviously that didn't work.
I'm, uh, in the middle of work right now.
To comprehend the real position we are forced to the conviction that the world of facts is the field in which, and that laws are the means by which, those higher standards of moral and aesthetical value are being realized; and such a union can again only become intelligible through the idea of a personal Deity, who in the creation and preservation of a world has voluntarily chosen certain forms and laws, through the natural operation of which the ends of His work are gained.
The church of St Andrew retains some ornate Norman work, but is mainly a Perpendicular reconstruction.
Due to genetic factors we will certainly learn about in the future, some drugs and treatments do not work on certain people.
And the principle at work in this technology could lead to a cure for other autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
I had used it all through my school work, and never any other system.
My friends think it very strange that they should hesitate so long, especially when I have not asked them to simplify my work in the least, but only to modify it so as to meet the existing circumstances.
The only thing she does which requires skill with the hands is her work on the typewriter.
I doubt if any teacher ever had a work of such absorbing interest.
Then the fairies thanked him for his forgiveness, and promised to work very hard to please him; and the good-natured king took them all up in his arms, and carried them safely home to his palace.
The style of the Bible is everywhere in Miss Keller's work, just as it is in the style of most great English writers.
At present our houses are cluttered and defiled with it, and a good housewife would sweep out the greater part into the dust hole, and not leave her morning's work undone.
It is something at once more intimate with us and more universal than any other work of art.
He sawed a channel in the ice toward the shore, and hauled it over and along and out on to the ice with oxen; but, before he had gone far in his work, he was surprised to find that it was wrong end upward, with the stumps of the branches pointing down, and the small end firmly fastened in the sandy bottom.
If you would avoid uncleanness, and all the sins, work earnestly, though it be at cleaning a stable.
John Farmer sat at his door one September evening, after a hard day's work, his mind still running on his labor more or less.
Obviously he liked ranch work better than anything he had studied.
He had probably reached a point that the ranch and house were too much work.
Maybe her favorite would work.
She tried to work the muscles in her lower back with her fingertips, but the effort was worse than the benefit.
I know the work is hard and the weather is forbidding at times, but do you know how lucky you are?
They ate in silence then, enjoying the tranquility of mother natures' work around them.
Of course, if you think it would be too much work... you'll only have two weeks.
The next morning, after Cade left, she threw a roast in the oven and eagerly set to work on the family room.
You defend him because you work for him and you're a loyal employee, but I'll bet you've wondered why he's so unresponsive.
That's right - nothing but honest work.
Cade was standing over her, a puzzled expression on his face as he contemplated her work.
But what we do with our time after work is strictly between the two of us.
I'm not opposed to technology, I simply enjoy the work.
It was going to be hard enough to work at the diner, but it was something she was going to have to do.
Inside of a week she started work at the diner.
Martha wants to work until she has the baby.
Howie doesn't have to work but he still suffers from head trauma, is pretty depressed and frankly, doesn't know what to do with himself.
Perhaps we could help you to work it out.
Our work concerns electrostatic forces; force fields that surround us everywhere.
How does this relate to how our brains work?
Once we were sated and gathered in the living room Betsy began work on her computer.
My husband did a lot of work fixing the settings on when Annie died and kept pushing Howie.
While our employment hampered our work with Howie, we all recognized our need to continue our day to day lives.
I don't want to work for the FBI.
I used them a lot over the years, not always to the FBI liking which didn't help my career but I found they often work.
If we can show them it's in their best interests to work with us and let us keep our privacy we're far better off.
I may have to work on improving that.
Personally, the thought we might work together in one location, absent the hectic schedule presently exhausting us, made me giddy and set my mind a-tumble with possibilities.
Let's get to work today and talk tonight.
It takes work to concentrate and remember.
Our work schedule encompassed five intense days, Monday through Friday.
Quinn was in charge of the downstairs room where Howie operated and he set it up flawlessly for our work.
We were late for work but in a great mood when we finally arrived.
His paper work checks out and he's visible but blurry a half dozen times on hotel video cameras.
New local acquaintances never questioned us about work and we displayed no interest in anything pertaining to crime or mayhem.
When these guys want something, they work real hard to get it and they have lots of toys at their disposal.
Baby Claire was often in evidence in our work place, sleeping on mother's arm or in her file cabinet remodeled crib, or supping on Martha's breast.
Howie biked to work as wheel-less Julie had driven her boyfriend's Mustang to her monastic meeting in Vermont.
Yes. They just got started but they're doing good work.
We tackle our work; professionally and without rancor to one another in spite of a pall of indecision that oft times seeps in like a chill from a leaky window frame.
Molly's a work in progress but she's smart as an Einstein.
Maybe not on your own for a few years but you'd be welcomed to help with her while I do my house work.
But what about the work we're doing here?
You're all involved, I guess pretending all that other work business.
This Julie-Howie business can't work, at least not in the long term.
I wish Howie would get his ass back here and get to work!
It is hard work but we might get lucky.
If this Vermont attempted abduction is his work, he re-entered the United States in that state.
Don't worry; everything will work out fine.
It's delightful in this campground with a singing brook outside my door, serenading me as I work.
That will give me some time to get to work.
Stick to your crystal ball and leave the detective work to me.
After I managed to get in I fished around for a light switch and found they didn't work.
I congratulated him on the great work he'd done and he again thanked me for getting him together with Daniel Brennan.
I've found four unsolved abductions over a six year period that look very close to his work.
Ben, could you start up Quinn's machines and see if maybe you could get them to work?
Two people laughed aloud and someone growled about their federal tax dollars at work.
We were herded to a barn and into a basement work room.
It just won't work.
You really think that'll work on me?
I think that would work.
He's been explaining how things work to me, Jonny said, blinking out of his thoughts.
I guess I watched too many movies about spies to know how they really work.
She refused to back down, unwilling to let his attempt to intimidate her work.
I will work with Jule.
Unfortunately, the commute to work every day was still excruciating.
Doesn't work on you, but it does on her.
Hey, hon, Jake told me you quit work?
That shit doesn't work on me.
I would say it was a rough lesson in history when the kings of my time learned that killing a woman with the intent to bring her back as your servant doesn't really work as they'd planned, he explained.
She resisted the urge to move away from him, chilled by the visions of his work as Damian's executioner.
He'd not had to work too hard for confessions in the past thousand years, not after word of his cold, methodological skills leaked to the Guardians.
How does that work, Sofia? he challenged in a husky tone.
Your Oracle and Darian had to do the real work.
He'll have to work through it.
Sofia can work with him some.
Damian replaced his necklace around her neck, a small comfort until his work in the European front was finished.
He was on the Council until shortly after I died-dead, after which he betrayed the Immortals to work for the Dark One, Darkyn's predecessor.
She sat down on her couch, recalling the nights she spent watching television after work.
We tried to make the flashlight work but it was as dead as the skeleton guy.
After a short wait, the four were seated in a booth and began to work on chips and salsa as the adults ordered drinks.
His work held the rapt attention of his audience.
Some said he was talking about a job down in the Norfolk shipyard where there was work with the war coming on and all, but after a time, when Ma didn't hear, we just sort of forgot about him.
It was the short haul that needed work.
He's gonna work things out 'cause you raised him right.
Now, if we could get the sheriff's office to work that fast we could put this whole bones business to bed.
The woman remembered the call because it took some work for her to dig up the old information.
But their plans didn't work out.
It might take some work, but I should be able to fill the tire enough to get us down to town.
Why didn't your father work the mine if it was so valuable?
As he looked over his shoulder, his rescuers were already at work on the death scene.
Instead, he asked Fred about his detective work.
It's not as if I wasn't in police work long enough to know that, but Billy's death was such a god-awful waste of a young life.
He closed the door to Brandon Westlake and told the old photographer-antique collector to come back after nine o'clock, claiming a need to do his own Internet work.
Did he work up at the Idarado?
Josh did some work for her and lived there.
Look, all this conversation is neatsy-keen, but I have to go to work.
Dean retreated to their quarters to handle some overdue paper work and so spent the remainder of the morning.
What the hell do I care where he is as long as I don't have to work with him?
Kathleen and Fred were finishing the paper work and Dean readied to leave.
We made a deal—he'd go back to Denver—there was no way we could work together—and he'd drop the election.
If you're going to go to work for the woman—and God knows she needs your help—she has to agree to the rules of engagement.
If you're going to work for this woman, it's best we all know where we stand.
The dealers lose their souls when they come work for me.
It's still something we will work on.
He did it by pushing the only button that seemed to work on the deity.
Gabriel guessed the deity considered his work done and was no longer concerned.
She didn't know how he could love her still after all she'd done or why he was willing to try to make things work.
Carmen was always willing to listen, whether it was something happening at work or his plans about the wildlife safari.
I wonder if that's what she'll work on, and if she actually has a lawyer.
Alex had seen to all of that before she called a halt to the work.
But if he does some more freelance work after I told you what happened, you will be responsible.
I'll walk the rest of the way home and have Bill help me tonight when he gets off work.
Was he using the work to avoid answering her question?
The days grew warmer, and work on the house on the hill drew to a standstill.
Ed lifted his head and nickered, but he continued to work on the salt block when she didn't call him.
We can work this thing out...
She left work on a Thursday and no one heard word one.
Quinn went to work setting the stage for the visit.
Talon's work on her arms pissed him off, but he hadn't considered the wounds were as recent as yesterday.
My crystal ball doesn't work as well as it should.
For the first time in his life, he wondered what solutions other than execution would work.
With a frown, she wondered why she'd never seen it before, why she wasted seven years trying to make things work with someone who couldn't hold a candle to the man she was meant to be with.
Hey, boss, the storm blew out our explosives work.
Do your own dirty work, son.
Old Ed was a piece of work, wasn't he?
She continued to work at the other bed for a few minutes and then stopped, turning to Carmen.
As Carmen expected, he went back to work only a few days after he came home.
He had to get up early in the morning and go to work.
Later, when Katie asked what happened, she merely said it didn't work.
With their financial health intact, she made arrangements to proceed with the work on the house.
Alex was sitting on the porch swing, nursing a cup of coffee the morning they arrived to work on the house.
She stepped back, giving her work a critical survey.
Logan's taking off work early today, so we can have a long weekend at the beach.
If you are finished with me, I have work to do.
He had sex and went back to work, unable to sleep knowing all the issues he couldn't fix.
Angry at him again, she realized she'd been trying to work up the courage to break up with him for weeks.
He was, after all, taking time off work during the busiest time of the year for an accountant to be with her.
He had work to do.
Pacing, she tried to calm herself, as she had been both times the portal did work for her.
Whatever the rest of your plan is with her, it won't work.
Somewhere along the line, you found Gabe and forced him to work for you as your number one assassin.
Dean managed the luggage in three trips from their rental car while Cynthia and Fred handled the paper work and showed the women their quarters.
While the distance to her aunt's trailer was only a half dozen blocks, once the January sun had retired after its day's work, it would be a cold walk.
I ain't even gonna point her in the right direction to the library, much less do her work for her.
Let's start by doing some serious work on the notebook.
It was difficult for all of them to work together so Cynthia made two extra copies of a dozen random pages of the ancient text.
At first they tested to see if the numbers might be the vowels but that assumption didn't seem to work out.
Not after she'd been working at it awhile, Cynthia answered, not taking her eyes from the page as she continued to work.
The space business doesn't seem to work but she might have used a character for a period.
It's real pick-and-shovel work, maybe an hour a page.
He related his conversation with the sheriff as she continued to work on the notebook.
Cynthia, who was sitting up in bed, continued to work on the notebook.
There will be more work for the rest of us tomorrow night with Lola gone.
Some of those ads are a chuckle but it's hard work.
Cynthia renewed her work on the notebook and just smiled.
Too busy doing her work, she added.
It doesn't work that way.
It's not supposed to work that way, is it?
Like some people don't have to go to work tomorrow.
We'll work as quickly as possible but this is an important and serious investigation.
Proper detective work calls for an orderly investigation.
There was work to be done before the return of this sense of small town peace could to be fully embraced.
Dean returned to his quarters without being seen and found Fred still at work on his notes.
Why don't you just let us do our work and stick to answering our questions?
I work my butt off around here, Dean muttered.
Claire tried to muster a schoolmarm firmness that didn't work.
Dean thought back to the fifteen years the two of them had shared similar meals and chores, with each sure he was doing more work than the other.
He simply fell in love after he met her, while doing God's work.
You can't expect all this perfection to happen without a lot of work.
She probably tried to get Martha in class but couldn't come up with the right paper work.
The paper work on Martha was nowhere near as simple as clothing the child.
Shipton, sensing now that Dean had not simply fallen, began to work at the ring on his harness where his line was secured.
She turned to Ryland, throwing herself on him, but that didn't work.
Because she wants to give you some time to figure out that you two can make this work.
Do you think it can work?
Connor finished his second drink and Jackson could see by the softening around his eyes that the alcohol had started to work its magic.
Jackson knew he had his work cut out for him in order to be back in less than three hours.
Antonio could work his magic and tailor them perfectly.
You really work hard at pissing people off, don't you?
Since it was Friday and all the fun ones would be out drinking after work, he decided to take another walk, then maybe a nap.
Things would not work out with us for many reasons, so I think we should quit while we're ahead.
She revealed herself in her work, and he felt an intimacy with her through her art.
There is no greater joy for an artist than to know their work is in the hands of someone who truly understands it.
Oh yeah, tenderloin will work.
I planned to work on some music tonight anyway.
Everyone wanted to meet the artist and discuss the work they were interested in.
You have to try to let her work through that, so she can start to think clearly again.
I don't have solutions to make this work.
I convinced myself that maybe things would work out.
Jackson asked, "Did you give any thought to how the relationship would work?"
If they didn't try to make this work he would regret it forever.
I love you and I know if we both work at it we can get beyond this.
His confidence in finding a way to make the relationship work grew with each passing moment.
Maybe now that you know I want you to, they'll work.
No, I want to watch those fingers at work.
I guess that plan didn't work.
Everything is going to work out, you'll see.
Then things will work out.
How does that work?
When he is done, you will go back to work and forget all about us.
She set up the easel and went to work.
The following day, Sarah and Elisabeth went to work on the studio with a vengeance.
They finished one day before the full moon, and all stood admiring their accomplishment as Elisabeth said, I'm going to do some great work here.
She preferred her studio at Fairhaven, and did most of her artwork there; it simply could not fit all her work.
Elisabeth was setting up to work in her studio as Jackson stood in the doorway, arms crossed, watching her.
She put her hands on his chest and giggled, "I have work to do, you need to stop distracting me."
I'm going to work on some music, how long do you plan to be here?
The defenses the Exemplars gave us must work for anyone trying to kill us.
Hmm, maybe since Victor was behind it, it didn't work.
If he knew Katie, Carmen was probably doing most of the work outside.
Between college and work, there wasn't much time left for anything else.
He had his work cut out for him, though.
Sure, he says he wants a woman who doesn't work out of the home, but he thinks she should spend all her time doing housework and raising children.
He says they're too lazy to work.
They got married so they wouldn't have to work.
Proving you can make this dairy profitable, or enjoying your work?
Carmen continued to work with the goat.
The barn represented work, and by the look of him and the feel of his smooth hands, he knew how to avoid physical labor.
In his absence, Alex had changed into clothes more suitable for farm work.
There was work to do in the barn and Katie could use some quality time with her brother, so Carmen left them in the kitchen, doing dishes.
Maybe then she could get some work done.
Who asked him to do any work in the first place?
She stopped at the door on her way out and grabbed her work boots.
I made the decision to work the farm instead of selling the place and getting a job at some factory.
You're tired because you work too hard.
But then, he didn't expect a woman to be able to work a farm... it wasn't natural.
I want a partner - someone I can work beside, not after.
Still, Alex couldn't work miracles.
Why did things always seem to work out this way?
Yet, if their days were filled with work, their evenings were filled with camaraderie.
Nights were sleepless bouts of coughing, and days were endless hours of work.
Bill is helping out when he gets off work.
So you can work yourself back in here again?
A little work is good for convalescence.
I've made arrangements to quit my job this fall and work my residency at a clinic in Houston.
Some work in the barn would be nice.
I didn't have any classes today and I decided to take off work.
It's been a lot of work, but it's all beginning to pay off now.
Why couldn't things work out - even one time?
I think we could work out something.
The owner said she was friendly, but he hasn't had time to work with her.
From now on we have to work at this relationship - harder than we've ever worked at anything.
If the network doesn't work, there's a radio in your greencar.
I'm sorry to keep pulling you here when you have work to do elsewhere.
Lana programmed her micro quickly to mirror the messages and set it to work decrypting the encoding.
Elise's voice pulled Lana from her work.
Greenie says you have to go back to work.
The painkillers didn't work, and by noon, she had a pulsing headache and no idea how to change the leaky bandage around her wrist.
Brady pulled her into his lap and set to work on cleaning her up and repairing her wrist.
Doesn't work on him though.
I've never been a saint; I saw I could use her, so I put her in college and brought her to work for me.
Lana nodded, afraid to ask what happened if the plan didn't work.
They were close to her condo; she drove the massive Sky Bridge every day to get to work.
You do what you have to in that situation, even work with people you didn't think you ever would, Mrs. Watson said wisely.
In fact, standing in her apartment, she had the surreal sense that life hadn't changed, as if she could open the door and go to work like any other day.
He'd urged her to hide herself away when she wasn't at work with him, telling her tales of how bad the upper class was.
I guess this will work out after all.
We didn't think it would ever work.
We have our own kinds of generators, ones that don't work nearly as well.
It doesn't work that way for mortals.
If you hadn't un-bonded her, it'd work.
It'll work like it should.
Rita had returned and Harrigan was knee-deep in paper work, smiling as usual, but looking as if his heart wasn't in it. ita Angeltoni was the sloppiest woman Dean had ever known.
Mayer added that Byrne was back to work the following day, but made no reference to his absence.
Dean never mentioned this bit of detective work to anyone, but he could guess who had torn the page from the Parkside Library edition.
I could never be sure the old boy wouldn't have a change of heart some night and blow me away just to prove his masculinity, or send some of his Philadelphia clients around to work me over.
He used to do some work for World Wide Insurance—where Byrne worked.
I didn't think any of the Wassermanns could read, much less work for a newspaper.
Vinnie reluctantly agreed to stay put until Monday as long as he had enough money for cigarettes and meals at the diner across the street and the TV continued to work.
Dean knew the Parkside Sentinel would be going full steam later in the day, so he stopped by the red brick building on his way to work.
If I were planning on dumping Harry and leaving town, I'd work at it longer than that!
Dean asked Harrigan to work up his end of the report on the Byrne matter and make a few last minute return phone calls to neighbors, just to dot the I's.
He did not mention the March fourth date Byrne was absent from work.
We'll work on that part.
Then stop trying to get in my head and work harder at getting in my pants.
He then took a deep breath and began work on her under things.
They're still ticked at him for not completing his paper work before he left.
Dean said as the others returned to work, Rita shaking her head in disgust and Harrigan trying to talk on the phone by sticking a finger in one ear.
Tom DeLeo continued doing legwork on the Wassermann case, a curious jurisdictional mess with the Federal boys in charge but legions of local flat feet in scattered municipalities doing their grunt work.
How much work does Arthur really do for the bad guys?
The clinic understands my school hours and they are willing to work around them.
Now, let's work on the premise Byrne didn't drown and start trying to find where he is instead of pretending he didn't skip!
Mostly he was the man I knew but in some ways, he seemed like a stranger, especially at work.
All this was made possible by the untiring work of the Parkside Police Department.
That's what police work is most of the time, just routine fact finding.
Let 'em do their own detective work.
The annoying little details of the Byrne case were still squirming around in the morning, and in an effort to put one of them to bed Dean stopped by the Parkside Sentinel on his way to work.
Here I go doing their work for 'em. I should have known.
This afternoon, after work, I'll call you, disguising my voice.
While he knew he should report his suspicion of being bugged, he feared having to answer questions about his clandestine work in the Byrne matter.
After Fred left the café for home Dean went on to work.
His headache didn't need the paper work.
I'll drive back tomorrow night; I have to be at work on Monday.
That's only one of the details I've got to work on while I'm beating my body into shape over the next two weeks.
They may all kill each other and put us out of work.
We have our work cut out for us.
Something to do with his work?
It would be a shame to lose him after all our work.
Bill had to work today.
We're all going over to work on the buffalo shed now.
Needless to say, we have a lot of work to do.
Then let's work on it together.
You left work and came over here just because I didn't answer the phone?
You'll be late getting back to work.
I think you're struggling with something only you can work your way through.
Personally, I think people would be better off if they'd work out there own problems.
Alex completed harnessing Ed and surveyed his work.
When you get ready to start, let me know and I'll hire you some help ... or I'll work with you.
Finally even that didn't work, so she simply avoided the living room all together.
It took him less than a week to work his way into their hearts.
A crew was supposed to be out in the next week or so to do the work, but she wanted to measure the windows for curtains.
Well it isn't going to work.
It was going to work.
Alex watched her work.
I need Darian alive, in case the plan to rule the mortal world doesn't quite work out for me.
Jenn's mind does not work as it should.
Then, it might work as a bargaining chip.
If this was enough, his masters could get to work immediately.
That does not work … on … us.
He'll work with you to get rid of the Others, she said with some impatience.
We have work to do.
I was put to work before I turned eight.
She'd work on burying her emotions again, this time deeper than before.
I didn't think that'd work.
Things will either work out or they won't.
Then everything will work out okay.
It'll only work out okay if she takes her place at your side.
How does time work in the immortal world?
Just say yes, no more secrets about this mission, we'll work together from here on out, yadda yadda, and we can move on.
I've watched him work you like a puppet.
She'd tried to work it off in the shower but found it impossible.
He watched their work with appreciation, astonished by Sirian's ingenuity.
Are you certain this will work?
He would be at work, so she would be on her own.
You'll build that as you work.
He owned the clinic, so he could tell them to send someone else, but Alex loved his work.
I want to work in the barn for a while.
No, I just got rid of the goats and started doing the work you thought I was suited to.
Every family has issues to work out.
He was scheduled to work tomorrow, though and she didn't want to wait another day.
I promised to work a half day today.
It would be if I could, but I can't – not alone, anyway, and Alex is at work most of the time.
This was one time she would have to work it out for herself and not involve Alex.
One evening after the children were all in bed, Carmen climbed the stairs to see if Alex was done with his work yet.
That gave her a chance to work with the newest horse she had bought.
Some personalities simply didn't work together.
It looks like a storm is building and I need to get some work done in the garden.
He'd be at work.
The nurses chased them from the room so they would have room to work and then someone gave her a shot.
It didn't take long for it to work and she began to feel better.
On the fourth day he came home from work to find her at the stove, cooking supper.
You were at work.
To him it was something to occupy her mind, not something important - like his work.
You're going to make it work if it kills you – and it almost did.
Likely he was feeling emotional about it and using work as an excuse.
We'll do all the grunt work.
Gerald offered to help Carmen with the table cloths and Alex went inside to work in his office until the guests arrived.
I'm supposed to be hiring someone to help me with the work, not wipe my nose.
It crossed her mind that she might find the answer there when he was gone to work.
She had considered calling him first, but he was at work.
It will give you a chance to work with the horses and get to know them as well as the land.
After supper Alex went upstairs to work in his office.
Yes. Felipa is going to take the children to town this morning while I work for a change.
He was always going to work, it seemed.
The situation was out of control and reasoning with him wasn't going to work.
They had to work it out, and if she made love to him tonight, she'd cave in for sure.
You said you were taking an extended vacation from work.
The next morning after Alex left for work, Carmen took Felipa to the airport.
I knew from the start this wouldn't work.
Yes. It's amazing how fast they can work on that brush.
It would be easier to walk, but he wanted the advantage of height and bulk to work on his side.
But time off work wasn't going to solve her problem.
I work at the real estate office downstairs from your suite.
You have to work at it.
If they had to work at love during courtship, what would marriage be like - when he no longer needed to pretend affection?
Even if she had decided to work somewhere else after graduating, getting her parents to let her sink or swim would have been impossible.
I think some time off work would do you a world of good.
I'm doing some work at a broiler farm down the road a piece.
Let the weight of the whip work for you, not against you.
She was letting her imagination work overtime again.
It was purely coincidental that he was on the same flight out of Los Angeles, and that he happened to work down the road from the house she rented.
Why don't I pick you up tomorrow after work and take you to the bluff hole?
The water's cool and refreshing - just the thing after a hot day of work.
After a breakfast of dry cereal, she donned the work gloves she had brought and retrieved the weed whip from the shed.
I'm sure he figures it's all in a days' work.
Things were beginning to work out now.
Obviously there was plenty of work for anyone interested in working.
I didn't work that in.
He was working for Dad, but that didn't mean he couldn't be enjoying his work.
Well, it wasn't going to work.
Marking the trees with the machete would work, but it would permanently damage the trees.
I'll let you two work this out.
Anyway, it isn't like you have to work.
I don't have to work, but haven't you ever considered the idea that I want to work?
A sleepless night and a busy day at work did little for her disposition.
Would he expect her to quit work?
A full head and shoulders taller than other kids his age, he had lost the ability to work with the rest of the street urchins.
Now, she was late for work and probably on her way to getting fired.
I know where you work, your schedules, the plate number of your ten-year-old Hyundai.
An iPad in a bright green case and a cell phone labeled work phone!!!!! was sitting on the table in the informal dining area, a sticky note on it.
That was after half a day of work.
The work cell rang, and she picked it up, answering instinctively.
You are a piece of work!
You don't seem to fit this line of work.
We're doing an extreme close-up, so we don't have to do too much post-photo work.
If anything, he should apologize in order for her to work for him again.
He's a nightmare to work for.
It was directed as much at Jessi as at the Black God for sending someone innocent to do his dirty work.
It was the only reason she came back to work this morning after the kiss that almost made her stay the night before.
She quit her old one to work for Xander – at Jonny's direct order.
You of all people understand how things should work.
All she does is work.
The teens entertained him, but he really wanted some more time to work on Jessi.
I can work it either way.
The couple before her had found a way to make it work despite their differences.
She had long since learned that trying to talk them down didn't really work.
Though the controversy went on, its most important result had already been achieved in the silencing of Convocation, for that body, though it had just "seemed to be settling down to its proper work in dealing with the real exigencies of the church" when the Hoadly dispute arose, did not meet again for the despatch of business for nearly a century and a half.
The mechanical laws, to which external things were subject, were conceived as being valid only in the inorganic world; in the organic and mental worlds these mechanical laws were conceived as being disturbed or overridden by other powers, such as the influence of final causes, the existence of types, the work of vital and mental forces.
The work of blockade, and of harassing the Confederates on the coast and the rivers of the Atlantic seaboard, called for much service in boats, and entailed a great deal of exposure.
Storing an email address enables people to contact you through the website without you having to reveal your email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it.Your real name, if you choose to provide it, will be used for giving you attribution for your work.
He soon began to attract attention by the memoires which he read before his colleagues - papers which formed the first draft of his comprehensive work on ideology.
He appeared, however, only once at its conferences, owing to his age and to disappointment at the comparative failure of his work.
With calm courage he returned to his poverty and his favourite studies, and in 1725 published the first edition of the work that forms the basis of his renown, Principii d'una scienza nuova.
Soon after his mind began to give way, but during frequent intervals of lucidity he made new corrections in his great work, of which a third edition appeard in 1744, prefaced by a letter of dedication to Cardinal Trojano Acquaviva.
This law is not the individual work of any philosophical legislator, for no man was, or could be, a philosopher at that time.
But how can we explain the formation of this poetic wisdom, which, albeit the work of ignorant men, has so deep and intrinsic a philosophic value?
Why all the cities of Greece dispute the honour of being his birthplace is because the Iliad and the Odyssey are not the work of one, but of many popular poets, and a true creation of the Greek people which is in every city of Greece.
A large part of this work appeared during his lifetime.
Having devoted much time to the study of the Latin writers, historians, orators and poets, and filled his mind with stories of the glories and the power of ancient Rome, he turned his thoughts to the task of restoring his native city to its pristine greatness, his zeal for this work being quickened by the desire to avenge his brother, who had been killed by a noble, a member of the ruling class.
In great state the tribune moved through the streets of Rome, being received at St Peter's with the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus, while in a letter the poet Petrarch urged him to continue his great and noble work, and congratulated him on his past achievements, calling him the new Camillus, Brutus and Romulus.
In 1872 he was appointed to the supreme command of the newly established Austrian Landwehr, to the organization of which he devoted many years of work.
This work was completed about 1630, and was offered in vain by the author to all the publishers in Venice.
At last one Tommaso Baglioni, who had no work for his presses, undertook to print the manuscript, on condition that he should be free to leave off if more promising work offered itself.
His latest excavation work was at Aegina.
The compiler of this work, however, seems to have used a regnal list of the Bernician kings, which differed considerably from most of those found in our early authorities.
But the captain drove him from the deck, and, wandering on in search of work, he fell in with a canal boatman who engaged him.
Previously to Hansen's work the only way of differentiating I Hansen found there were three species of spore-bearing Saccharomycetes and that these could be subdivided into varieties.