Word-of-god Sentence Examples
The word of God shall be preached and made known in the kingdom of Bohemia freely and in an orderly manner by the priests of the Lord...
The word of God is to be freely and truthfully preached by the priests of the Lord, and by worthy deacons.
He distinguished between an outward word of God and an inward, the former being the Scriptures and perishable, the latter the divine spirit and eternal.
The bishop of Dover, however, reported to Cromwell that Parker "hath ever been of a good judgment and set forth the Word of God after a good manner.
The Praefatio begins by stating that the emperor Ludwig the Pious, desirous that his subjects should possess the word of God in their own tongue, commanded a certain Saxon, who was esteemed among his countrymen as an eminent poet, to translate poetically into the German language the Old and New Testaments.
Moreover, the word of God in the Koran left many practical points undecided, and therefore it was of the highest importance to know exactly how the Prophet had spoken and acted in various circumstances.
How could the emperor gain the right,"he asks," to rule my faith?"With that only the Word of God is concerned."
The Word of God alone is there to do it."Nevertheless Luther assigned to the state, which he assumes to be Christian, the function of maintaining the Gospel and the Word of God in public life.
His argument was afterwards published under the title Of the Auctorite of the Word of God concerning the number of the Sacraments.
Like Brian Walton and John Mill before him, he had to encounter the opposition of those who believed that the certainty of the word of God was endangered by the importance attached to the various readings.
AdvertisementWhen a solemn embassy of rebuke was sent to Zurich from a diet held at Lucerne, on the 26th of January 1524, the city replied that in matters relating to the Word of God and the salvation of souls she would brook no interference.
Still, the development of congregational churches proper was gradual, the result of constant study of " the Word of God " in the light of experience.
They were not separated of their own choice, but by the word of God acting on their consciences.
Hearing the word of God unto obedience being due to " the gift of His Spirit to His children," every church member is a spiritual person, with a measure of the spirit and office of King, Priest and Prophet, to be exercised directly under the supreme Headship of Christ.
In 1589 Greenwood and Barrow composed " A true Description out of the Word of God of the visible Church," which represents the ideal entertained in their circle.
AdvertisementAll through the years of conflict he had "but one end in view, that no one should call the Word of God a creature, or the Manhood which was assumed incomplete."
It was now taught that prophecy in general was a peculiarity of the Old Testament ("lex et prophetae usque ad Johannem"); that in the new covenant God had spoken only through apostles; that the whole word of God so far as binding on the Church was contained in the apostolic record - the New Testament; 2 and that, consequently, the Church neither required nor could acknowledge new revelations, or even instructions, through prophets.
But he was averse from the violence of Melville, and was willing to admit the royal supremacy "as far as the word of God allows."
But, for a generation or so, it has been denied that this can be inferred simply from the fact that the epistle approaches all Christian truth through Old Testament forms. This, it is said, was the common method of proof, since the Jewish scriptures were the Word of God to all Christians alike.
After some haggling a document called the Solemn League and Covenant was drawn up. This was practically a treaty between England and Scotland for the preservation of the reformed religion in Scotland, the reformation of religion in England and Ireland "according to the word of God and the example of the best reformed churches," and the extirpation of popery and prelacy.
AdvertisementNo compromise was possible between the declaration that man's conscience could only be bound by the Word of God and the emperor's belief in the infallibility of a general council.
It was resolved that the Word of God should be preached without disturbance, that indemnity should be given for past offences against the edict of Worms, and that meanwhile each state should live religiously as it hoped to answer for its conduct to God and the emperor.
He had embraced the Motazilite doctrine about free will and predestination, and was in particular shocked at the opinion which had spread among the Moslem doctors that the Koran was the uncreated word of God.
The congregation elect the minister; in no other way can he enter on his functions; but once elected and admitted he is recognized as a free organ of the divine spirit, not subject in spiritual things to any earthly authority but that of his fellowministers; the word of God is the supreme authority, and the spoken word of God the vital element of every religious act.
The word of God is to prevail in all matters, in conduct as well as doctrine, and in the affairs of government as well as in the church.
AdvertisementA large number of the nobles and knights who had met at Prague formed a confederacy and declared that they consented to freedom of preaching the word of God on their estates, that they declined to recognize the authority of the council of Constance, but would obey the Bohemian bishops and a future pope lawfully elected.
Among these conceptions that of the Word of God had an important place, especially the creative Word of Genesis i.
The doom of death under which mankind had sighed since Adam's fall could only then be averted, when the immortal Word of God (Alyos) assumed a mortal body, and, by yielding this to death for the sake of all, abrogated once for all the law of death, of which the power had been spent on the body of the Lord.
A legend of a later age tells how, just before his death, he was struck dumb for preventing the preaching of the word of God.
First in verse 5 he says we want to make sure the Word of God is not blasphemed.
It was to live in direct defiance of the command of the Word of God.
There is only a problem for people like Phibber who take the Bible to be the word of God and therefore infallible.
He wanted the average layman to have access to the word of God.
Speak the word of God over the empty pews.
I wo n't tamper with the Word of God!
It kills its young with its beak as preaching the word of God converts the unbelievers.
Dear young people avoid the unequal yoke it is contrary to the word of God.
It seemed to them impossible that vital religion could be inculcated, unless there were other guarantee for ministerial fitness than episcopal licensing, unless in fact the godly in each parish had a voice in deciding whether a man was called of God to minister the Word of God (see C. Burrage, The True Story of Robert Browne, pp. 7, i i f.).
Here our Lord commands that we are to " judge righteous judgment, " which is judgment based upon the Word of God.
Eve had begun to feel the fascination of the evil one, for she softened down the word of God.
Where is the obedience to the word of God that the churches normally swear to uphold?
I wo n't tamper with the Word of God !
You can never triumph over Satan without using the Word of God.
Or are you saying that the book is the uncreated word of God?
They are the mere vagaries of a dreaming mind, to which the word of God is not even a ' limit.
When Father Dyer arrived in the area, he decided to earn his living by traveling from town to town on his snowshoes, delivering the mail, along with the word of God.
Young Life is a Bible-based missionary program, and the foundation of everything that they do comes straight from what they believe to be the word of God.
On return to England, he was guided by a vision to go back to Ireland and spread the word of God.
Because for the most part, they are Twittering about what is being preached, and spreading the word of God to those who follow them.
The doctrines of Presbyterianism are those generally known as evangelical and Calvinistic. The supreme standard of belief is the Word of God in the original languages.