Woody Sentence Examples
The formation of secondary tissues is characteristic of most woody plants, to whatever class they belong.
The order is easily distinguished by the hard, dry, woody texture of the leaves and the dehiscent fruits.
Secondly, the histology of fossil plants, particularly woody plants of the carboniferous period, has been placed on a sound basis, assimilated with general histological doctrine, and has considerably enlarged our conceptions of plant anatomy as a whole, though again.
Irregularity of cambium occurs in various families of woody dicotyledonous plants, mostly among the woody climbers, known as lianes, characteristic of tropical and sub-tropical forests.
Turning now to outgrowths of a woody nature, the well-known burrs or knaurs, so common on elms and other trees are cases in point.
The vegetable-feeders attack leaves, herbaceous or woody stems and roots; frequently different parts of a plant are attacked in the two active stages of the life-history; the cockchafers, for example, eating leaves, and their grubs gnawing roots.
A third variety of jalap known as woody jalap, male jalap, or Orizaba root, or by the Mexicans as Purgo macho, is derived from Ipomaea orizabensis, a plant of Orizaba.
A few vessels and woody fibres traverse the tubers.
By making very thin sections and employing high magnification (1000-1200 diameters), Renault has been enabled to detect numerous forms of bacilli in the woody parts preserved in coal, one of which, Micrococcus carbo, bears a strong resemblance to the living Cladothrix found in trees buried in peat bogs.
He divided them into eighteen classes, distinguishing plants according as they were woody or herbaceous, and taking into account the nature of the flowers and fruit.
AdvertisementThe " marble " or " Devonshire woody galls " of oak-buds, which often destroy the leading shoots of young trees, are produced by Cynips Kollari," already alluded to.
It generally inhabits woody districts, and can climb trees with facility when hunted, but usually lives on or near the ground, among rocks, bushes and roots and low branches of large trees.
Both bear their round or ovoid male catkins at the ends of the slender terminal branchlets; the ovoid cones, either terminal or on short lateral twigs, have thick woody scales dilated at the extremity, with a broad disk depressed in the centre and usually furnished with a short spine; at the base of the scales are from three to seven ovules, which become reversed or partially so by compression, ripening into small angular seed with a narrow wing-like expansion.
The term is loose in application and the line between shrubs, trees and certain woody herbaceous plants is not easy to draw.
Among the peculiar dicotyledonous plants there is not a single annual, and by far the greater number are perennial and woody.
AdvertisementTheir functions in annual, biennial and herbaceous perennial plants cease after the ripening of the seed, whilst in plants of longer duration layer after layer of strong woody tissue is formed, which enables them to bear the strains which the weight of foliage and the exposure to wind entail.
The gardener aims usually at producing stout, robust, short-jointed stems, instead of long lanky growths defective in woody tissue.
For commercial purposes, crowns of lily of the valley, tulip and other bulbs, and such deciduous woody plants as lilac and deciduous species of rhododendron, while in a state of rest, are packed in wet moss and introduced into coldstorage chambers, where they may be kept in a state of quiescence, if desired, throughout the following summer.
In tonguing the leaves are cut off the portion which has to be brought under ground, and a tongue or slit is then cut from below upwards close beyond a joint, of such length that, when the cut part of the layer is pegged an inch or two (or in larger woody subjects 3 or 4 in.) below the surface, the elevation of the point of the shoot to an upright position may open the incision, and thus set it free, so that it may be surrounded by earth to induce it to form roots.
One whole summer, sometimes two, must elapse before the layers will be fully rooted in the case of woody plants; but such plants as carnations and picotees, which are usually propagated in this way, in favourable seasons take only a few weeks to root, as they are layered towards the end of the blooming season in July, and are taken off and planted separately early in the autumn.
AdvertisementAgain, the accuracy of the statement that the fleshy Agaricini, Polyporei, Pezizae, &c., are relatively rarer in the tropics may depend on the fact that they are more difficult to collect and remit for identification than the abundantly recorded woody and coriaceous forms of these regions.
These plateaus, with an average elevation of Boo to 1000 ft., are mostly covered with forests of oak, beech and lime, and are deeply cut by river valleys, some being narrow and craggy, and others broad, with gentle slopes and marshy bottoms. Narrow ravines intersect them in all directions, and they often assume, especially in the east, the character of wild, impassable, woody and marshy tracts.
The fruit is a woody capsule of three cells, each containing one large nearly spherical seed, which consists mainly of two large hemispherical cotyledons.
Jirecek dissents from this view, and from the common opinion that Dubrovnik is derived from the Slavonic dubrava, " woody."
The soft phloem soon becomes crushed, but the hard wood persists, and forms the great bulk of the stem and branches of the woody perennial.
AdvertisementWhen it is found that the fibre separates readily from the woody shove " or core, the beets or small bundles are ready for removing from the dams. It is drained, and then spread, evenly and equally, over a grassy meadow to dry.
Scutching is the process by which the fibre is freed from its woody core and rendered fit for the market.
The breaking is done by passing the stalks between grooved or fluted rollers of different pitches; these rollers, of which there may be from 5 to 7 pairs, are sometimes arranged to work alternately forwards and backwards in order to thoroughly break the woody material or " boon " of the straw, while the broken " shoves " are beaten out by suspending the fibre in a machine fitted with a series of revolving blades, which, striking violently against the flax, shake out the bruised and broken woody cores.
Jute, indeed, is much more woody in texture than either flax or hemp, a circumstance which may be easily demonstrated by its behaviour under appropriate reagents; and to that fact is due the change in colour and character it undergoes on exposure to the air.
Owing, however, to the woody and brittle nature of the fibre, it has to undergo a preliminary treatment peculiar to itself.
The pioneers of the jute industry, who did not understand this necessity, or rather who did not know how the woody and brittle character of the fibre could be remedied, were greatly perplexed by the difficulties they had to encounter, the fibre spinning badly into a hard, rough and hairy yarn owing to the splitting and breaking of the fibre.
The chewed material is then placed in a bowl, and water or coco - nut milk is poured over it, the whole is well stirred, and subsequently the woody matter is removed by an ingenious but simple mechanical manipulation.
The underground woody stem is astringent and yields a yellow dye.
Jackals are nocturnal animals, concealing themselves until dusk in woody jungles and other natural lurking places, and then sallying forth in packs, which sometimes number two hundred individuals, and visiting farmyards, villages and towns in search of food.
Culm woody, at any rate at the base, leaf-blade jointed to the sheath, often with a short, slender petiole.
In the ripe seed the integument assumes the form of a fleshy envelope, succeeded internally by a hard woody shell, internal to which is a thin papery membrane - the apical portion of the nucellus - which is easily dissected out as a conical cap covering the apex of the endosperm.
These latter bundles may be seen in sections of old stems to pursue a more or less horizontal course, passing outwards through the main woody cylinder.
The ripe seed, which grows as large as a rather small plum, is enclosed by a thick, fleshy envelope covering a hard woody shell with two or rarely three longitudinal keels.
A papery remnant of nucellus lines the inner face of the woody shell, and, as in cycadean seeds, the apical portion is readily separated as a cap covering the summit of the endosperm.
As the cone grows in size and becomes woody the lower half of the cone-scale, which we may call the carpellary scale, may remain small, and is so far outgrown by the upper half (seminiferous scale) that it is hardly recognizable in the mature cone.
After fertilization, some of the uppermost bracts below each flower become red and fleshy; the perianth develops into a woody shell, while the integument remains membranous.
The fleshy outer portion of the seed is formed from the outer perianth, the woody shell being derived from the inner perianth.
When the small winged fruits have been scattered the ripe, woody, blackish cones remain, often lasting through the winter.
The yield, which is rough, unequal and woody in texture, is called virgin cork, and is useful only as a tanning substance, or for forming rustic work in ferneries, conservatories, &c. Subsequently the bark is removed every eight or ten years, the quality of the cork improving with each successive stripping; and the trees continue to live and thrive under the operation for 150 years and upwards.
Though specially developed in the cork-oak, the substance cork is an almost universal product in the stems (and roots) of woody plants which increase in diameter year by year.
On the lowlands they feed on dry grasses, and in Tibet on small woody plants.
Thus the roots of Sigillaria are called Stigmaria, detached leaves Sigillariophyllum, and the fructifications Sigillariostrobus; the name Sigillaria applies to the stem, which, however, when old and partly decorticated has been called Syringodendron, while its woody cylinder has often been described under the name Diploxylon.
Of some plants only the deciduous leaves are likely to be preserved, whilst other succulentleaved forms will only be known from their woody fruits.
No doubt this amber flora is still imperfectly known, but it is valuable as giving a good idea of the vegetation, during Oligocene times, of a mixed wood of pine and oak, in which there is a mixture of herbaceous and woody plants, such as would now be found under similar conditions.
In reality the film is probably a fictional autobiography with Woody Allen playing the part of ' Woody Allen ' .
Several colleges have bought shredders which convert woody biomass into suitable material or mulching.
This hard, woody, perennial, bracket fungus is very common in Scottish birch woods, where it causes a brown rot.
Woody makes use of an old but reasonably capacious plastic horlicks container and I content myself with a modest 1 liter Nalgene bottle.
Ivy is our only native woody evergreen climber and it makes a wonderful contribution both to the beauty of our woodlands and its ecology.
In the 1980s, he drew the comic strip, Inside Woody Allen, based on the movie director, writer and actor.
The galls form very hard woody encrustations on the seed bearing stem.
If you want the good fishing pole, give Woody (the man in the white coat) Cheese.
The Hohl Flöte is a woody, beaky sound; when combined with the 4ft. flute the effect is rather opaque.
The brown sticks contain a variety of wood powders and herbs, which are used to create a more woody fragrance.
From the CD title, can I assume that Woody Guthrie is the spiritual godfather of this record?
These stems are whitish when young, but rapidly harden to become green, tough, furrowed and woody.
The crag stands above a steep woody hillside, with a caravan site down on the right of the road.
Worldwide distribution common juniper has the largest geographic range of any woody plant in the world.
Use the woody stalks as skewers to add flavor to meat and vegetable kebabs.
Large fleshy leaves with a prominent midrib, tall woody stem, strings of green flowers turning to brown seedpods.
Someone had been hoeing up the weeds by the path, possibly the related woody nightshade which may have been its host.
Halve and remove the core if woody then cut the pineapple into wedges.
One that doesn't have pips for seats, or a strange green woody bit at the front.
Usually taken in late spring and early summer from young shoots before they start to become ripe, or woody and hard.
Most die down to ground level in the autumn, some go back to a woody rootstock.
I run Debian woody, sarge, etch and sid on various machines at home, as well as WinXP and OSX.
Lianas Lianas are climbing woody vines that festoon rainforest trees.
Plan to avoid burning peat or very woody material.
These will replace older tender perennials that have become too woody.
The penis is also still swollen but not woody hard and probably has quite considerable preservation of erectile tissue.
Rosemary (organic) Rosemary's needle-like leaves are very aromatic, with a slightly woody... .
Cayaponia S. Manso Cayaponia has approximately 45 species, mostly climbers, some becoming rather woody.
I bet you'd all like to know why his old wrestling partner back in high school got the nickname woody.
Once the stem has become woody, hardwood cuttings are taken.
They are actually giant grasses but differ by having woody stems or culms and a unique life cycle.
A shrub is a plant that produces woody stems near ground level.
If the crop has gone woody, water the area with a liquid fertilizer or manure once it has been dug in.
These ripen and turn woody by October, and release a number of small flat red-brown seeds, each weighing about 0.004 gm.
The edible weeds that plagued them have been harvested and sold or gotten woody.
Observations upon captive specimens have led to the conclusion that it feeds principally on juices, especially of the sugar-cane, which it obtains by tearing open the hard woody circumference of the stalk with its strong incisor teeth; but it is said also to devour certain species of wood-boring caterpillars, which it obtains by first cutting down with its teeth upon their burrows, and then picking them out of their retreat with the claw of its attenuated middle finger.
The older is that the water travels in the woody cell-walls of the vascular bundles, mainly under the action of the forces of root pressure and transpiration, and that the cavities of the vessels contain only air.
If matters are propitious to the development of these buds, then a tuft of twigs is formed and no burr; but if the incipient twigs are also destroyed at an early stage, new buds are again formed, and in larger numbers than before, and the continued repetition of these processes leads to a sort of conglomerate woody mass of fused bud-bases, not dead, but unable to grow Out, and thus each contributing a crowded portion of woody material as it slowly grows.
This radish variety remains crisp and sweet all season long, never becoming woody or bitter to the taste.
And then there were also the early vocal scat singers like Roy Kraal & Jackie Cain and the outrageous Woody Herman Big Band.
Maggie gives Steph some sobering information - should she sever all ties with Woody?
David Bones has done a wonderful job of shredding the woody wastes as fast as they accumulate.
Smaller pieces also rot quicker and you do n't get long stringy woody bits in the final compost mixture.
Rosemary (organic) Rosemary 's needle-like leaves are very aromatic, with a slightly woody....
I bet you 'd all like to know why his old wrestling partner back in high school got the nickname woody.
Rather than burning your woody prunings, they can all be recycled for use in the garden.
Extase Pure Passion Woman is a flowery, spicy, woody fragrance for women.
Woody biomass The ash content of woody biomass is more or less constant at around 1% for all species.
They are herbaceous or woody vines provided with tendrils.
A vigorous, woody climber, it has bright green leaves that turn a bronze red in autumn, keeping their green veins.
The hollow tubes of xylem tissue are usually strengthened with lignin, the woody material we are familiar with in trees and shrubs.
They're woody, mossy, slightly floral, but again, not very sweet, and may include hints of leather and fruit scents.
The blend is spicy, earthy and woody and undoubtedly geared toward a mature age group.
While the scent is recognized for its woody note and floral partnership - a unique combination, indeed - it's the packaging that will garner attention first.
Estee Lauder Beautiful perfume was created with 2000 flowers, a rich, woody base and a touch of citrus.
The Toy Story cartridge has all the usual suspects from Woody and Buzz to Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head.
Woody Allen, Tom Cruise, and Brooke Shields call it their home.
He will star opposite Ewan McGregor in Woody Allen's latest untitled film.
His first stage appearance was in 1987 at The Bitter End, where his idol, Woody Allen, got his start.
Dunst made her film debut in Woody Allen's New York Stories (1989).
New York Jets owner Woody Johnson and Sale Johnson, Casey was found dead in her Los Angeles home by her maid.
Other famous male actors of the 1970's include Woody Allen, Roy Scheider, Jon Voight, and Richard Dreyfus.
So, things were looking up for her a bit as she was attached to an upcoming film called The Other Side, also starring Woody Harrelson and Giovanni Ribisi.
Being attached to a film with Woody Harrelson would have been awesome for Lindsay, who is on the brink (and may have just crossed over) of being a has been.
Woody spots near a fernery or a rock garden suit it; it grows readily among shrubs, and in the mixed border.
It roots firmly, by means of strong woody fibres, and prefers peaty soil mingled with shale or rough gravel, and shady humid positions, such as are afforded by a high rock garden with a north aspect, or by the shelter of a north wall.
It has stout stems, woody at the base, and bold clusters of flowers, blooming in June and through the summer.
Some attain great dimensions, while others are dwarf bushes with woody root-stocks.
Coriaria Japonica - A handsome shrub with red-brown woody stems 8 or 10 feet high.
Cornus, commonly known as Dogwoods, comprise a group of about fifty species of deciduous woody plants in the genus Cornus.
Glycine (Wistaria) - The noblest of all woody climbers introduced to Europe.
It is a free vigorous perennial, best fitted for naturalisation in woody places.
C. fastigiata is one of the most fragile and beautiful of alpine woody plants; it may be grown without much trouble with the more common C. tetragona.
Plant them in fibry loam and tough and fibry peat, with a liberal admixture of leaf-mould and well-decayed woody matter, to which add a thin top-dressing of similar material every autumn.
The well-known R. ferrugineum and R. hirsutum both bear the name of Alpine Rose, and often terminate the woody vegetation on the great mountain chains of Europe.
It is an excellent alpine perennial, forming a hardy woody root-stock, is 9 inches high, and produces an abundance of rich, velvety, dark blue flowers, finer in color than those of S. japonica, though this is a handsome plant.
Star-flower (Trientalis) - T. europaea is a delicate and graceful plant found over Europe, Asia, and America, in shady, woody, and mossy places.
Vine (Vitis) are woody, climbing shrubs of much interest and garden value.
It is seen best in a half-wild state under trees or on banks in woody places, though it is occasionally worthy of a place among the earliest border flowers.
In most cases, the best way to prune informal woody plants is to take your cue from their natural shape.
Moist fibrous roots are better than woody pot-bound roots.
They grow from woody stems and produce flowers on the stems or canes.
All-Star Movies Resort – Decorated with larger than life Disney figures from Woody and Buzz to Fantasia to the Dalmatians, this resort offers delightful fun for the imagination.
Apparently, the wood grain only sells to dads with a nostalgia for Woody cars.
Urushiol oil or resin is found in the leaves, roots, and woody parts (i.e., vines and stems) of the poison ivy, oak, and sumac plants.
The small, woody shrubs that are poison sumac are most common in the Eastern United States.
The Mini Figure Buddy 2 Pack Alien and Waving Woody comes with two figurines under three inches tall, one representing Woody and the other representing an alien.
The set comes with Lotso, Hamm, Woody, alien figures and the trash compactor.
This set includes a train with four cars, the evil Doctor Porkchop, Rex, Buzz, Woody, Jessie, and Bullseye.
Over that time some of the original toys have been sold in yard sales, but Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Jessie and Bullseye, Rex, Slinky, the Army Men, Hamm and the aliens are still together.
Woody halfheartedly talks the other toys into being stored in the attic.
Woody decides to try and find his way back to Andy, but is found and taken in by a girl from the Sunnyside Daycare named Bonnie.
Woody's friends try to escape but are imprisoned by Lotso and his henchmen.
The adventure begins as Woody tries to rescue his friends.
This car is part of a collection, including a race track and a second car driven by Woody.
To make it more fun, get the Woody car and let the two of them race toe-to-toe.
Artist Paul Lanquist's beautiful ocean scene includes a classic car favored by early surfers, the Woody Wagon.
John Cusak, Woody Harrelson, and Amanda Peet must contend with disasters like volcanic eruptions, bad hurricanes, and other weather-related events.
Andy Davis, who is now all grown up, gets ready to go off to college leaving all of his toys except Woody -- including Buzz, Jessie, and the rest of the toy-box gang -- packed up in the attic and left behind.
However, in an unexplained twist of events, all of the toys accidentally get donated to a local daycare center -- including Woody.
Their goal is to get Woody home before Andy leaves for college.
Of course, Woody and gang planned to rescue him.
It will be fun to see the adventure Woody, Buzz and the whole toy-boxy gang will take viewers on this time.
Just remember that men tend to prefer earthy, musky, or woody scents over the more feminine floral fragrances.
It became the highest grossing independent film of 2008, even beating out Woody Allen's Vicky Christina Barcelona.
Woody Guthrie - Guthrie's musical output peaked in the 1950s, but his songs promoting peace and labor causes inspired many of the folk musicians that emerged in the 1960s.
A collection of woody plants, one of the largest and finest in the world, and a broad forest and hunting preserve, known as Pisgah Forest (ioo,000 acres), are also maintained by the owner.
Monoecious, and bearing their male flowers in catkins, they are readily distinguished from the rest of the catkin-bearing trees by their peculiar fruit, an acorn or nut, enclosed at the base in a woody cup, formed by the consolidation of numerous involucral bracts developed beneath the fertile flower, simultaneously with a cup-like expansion of the thalamus, to which the bracteal scales are more or less adherent.
Every great group or phylum of vascular plants, when it has become dominant in the vegetation of the world, has produced members with the tree habit arising by the formation of a thick woody trunk, in most cases by the activity of a cambium.
Sometimes in lianes the whole stem breaks up into separate woody strands, often twisted like the strands of a rope, and running into one another at intervals.
An ordinary cambium is scarcely ever found in the Monocotyledons, but in certain woody forms a secondary meristem is formed outside the primary bundles, and gives rise externally to a little secondary cortex, and internally to a secondary parenchyma in which are developed numerous zones of additional bundles, usually of concentric structure, with phloem surrounded by xylem.
Excrescences may be divided into those occurring on herbaceous tissues, of which Galls are well-known examples, and those found on the woody stem, branches, &c., and themselves eventually woody, of which Burrs of various kinds afford common illustrations.
There are many Varieties of burrs, though all woody outgrowths of old trees are not to be confounded with them, e.g.
But undoubtedly the most importapt of the woody excrescences on trees are cankers.
Woody or lignified cell-walls appear to contain substances called conifer-in and vanillin, in addition to various other compounds which are imperfectly known.
Beetles and larvae are frequently carnivorous in habit, hunting for small insects under stones, or pursuing the soft-skinned grubs of beetles and flies that bore in woody stems or succulent roots.
The leaves of the cypresses are scale-like, overlapping and generally in four rows; the female catkins are roundish, and fewer than the male; the cones consist of from six to ten peltate woody scales, which end in a curved point, and open when the seeds are ripe; the seeds are numerous and winged.
The main distinction is the occurrence in the tissue of the fruit, or beneath the rind, of clusters of cells filled with hard woody deposit in the case of the pear, constituting the "grit," while in the apple no such formation of woody cells takes place.
A small group of Australian genera closely approach the order Juncaceae in having small crowded flowers with a scarious or membranous perianth; they include Xanthorrhoea (grass-tree or blackboy) and Kingia, arborescent plants with an erect woody stem crowned with a tuft of long stiff narrow leaves, from the centre of which rises a tall dense flower spike or a number of stalked flower-heads; this group has been included in Juncaceae, from which it is doubtfully distinguished only by the absence of the long twisted stigmas which characterize the true rushes.
Vines have woody climbing stems, with alternate, entire or palmately lobed leaves, provided at the base with small stipules.
Whatever pressure be brought to bear upon it, the vegetable or woody fibre of crushed sugar-canes will hold and retain for the from moment a quantity of moisture equal to its own weight, Yield .
The dried dung of the llama (taquia) is generally used as fuel, as in pre-Spanish times, for roasting ores, as also a species of grass called ichu (Stipa incana), and a singular woody fungus, called yareta (Azorella umbellifera), found growing on the rocks at elevations exceeding 12,000 ft.
They differ from all the forms already noticed in being shrubby and epiphytal in habit, and in having the branches compressed and dilated so as to resemble thick fleshy leaves, with a strong median axis and rounded woody base.
It is a very heterogeneous group, being fleshy-stemmed with a woody axis, the branches being angular, winged, flattened or cylindrical, and the flowers small, short-tubed, succeeded by small, round, peashaped berries.
They are fleshy shrubs, with rounded, woody stems, and numerous succulent branches, composed in most of the species of separate joints or parts, which are much compressed, often elliptic or suborbicular, dotted over in spiral lines with small, fleshy, caducous leaves, in the axils of which are placed the areoles or tufts of barbed or hooked spines of two forms. The flowers are mostly yellow or reddish-yellow, and are succeeded by pear-shaped or egg-shaped fruits, having a broad scar at the top, furnished on their soft, fleshy rind with tufts of small spines.
Peireskia Aculeata, or Barbadoes gooseberry, the Cactus peireskia of Linnaeus, differs from the rest in having woody stems and leaf-bearing branches, the leaves being somewhat fleshy, but otherwise of the ordinary laminate character.
Usually it occurs in compact beds of alternating bright and dark bands in which impressions of leaves, woody fibre and other vegetable remains are commonly found.
In Nassau and Bavaria woody structure is very common, and it is [[Table I]].-Elementary Composition of Coal (the figures denote the amounts per cent).
Cuttings of bedding plants may now be made freely if wanted for next season, as young cuttings rooted in the fall make better plants for next spring's use than old plants, in the case of such soft-wooded plants as pelargoniums, fuchsias, verbenas, heliotropes, &c.; with roses and plants of a woody nature, however, the old plants usually do best.