Woodland Sentence Examples
There are three main zones of woodland.
One early thrush gave me a note or two as I drove along the woodland path.
These is much woodland, but meadows and pastures are rare.
Formerly nearly the whole of Muttra consisted of pasture and woodland, but the roads constructed as relief works in1837-1838have thrown open many large tracts of country, and the task of reclamation has since proceeded rapidly.
I tried to imagine my gentle poet when he was a school-boy, and I wondered if it was in Andover he learned the songs of the birds and the secrets of the shy little woodland children.
Morton Park contains 200 acres of woodland bordering the shores of Billington Sea (a freshwater lake).
The wild boar is still found in Europe, in marshy woodland districts where there is plenty of cover, and it is fairly plentiful in Spain, Austria, Russia and Germany, particularly in the Black Forest.
In the Pasud taluk, however, there are wide stretches of woodland, while some of the peaks rise to a height of 2000 ft., the scenery (especially during the rains) being very beautiful.
Plymouth is a popular resort for visitors,, having, in addition to its wealth of historic associations and a healthy summer climate, thousands of acres of hilly woodland and numerous lakes and ponds well stocked with fish.
Of game birds the most characteristic is the partridge (ruffed grouse), exclusively a woodland bird; the Wilson's snipe and the woodcock are not uncommon in favourable localities, and several species of ducks are found especially in the bays and marshes near the coast during the seasons of migration.
AdvertisementThe total woodland area of the state according to the United States census of 1900 was 54,300 sq.
When all outside is cold and white, when the little children of the woodland are gone to their nurseries in the warm earth, and the empty nests on the bare trees fill with snow, my window-garden glows and smiles, making summer within while it is winter without.
I have my horizon bounded by woods all to myself; a distant view of the railroad where it touches the pond on the one hand, and of the fence which skirts the woodland road on the other.
On the temperate uplands of the southern states there are imposing forests of South American pine (Araucaria brasiliensis), whose bare trunks and umbrella-like tops give to them the appearance of open woodland.
Except on some portions of the Pocono plateau, Pennsylvania was originally well forested, and, although most of the merchantable timber has been cut, about one-half of the state is still woodland.
AdvertisementThe Shire hounds include the Belvoir, the Cottesmore, the Quorn and the Pytchleys; for besides the Pytchley proper, there is a pack distinguished as the Woodland.
In woodland countries, however, a good whipper-in is really of almost as much importance as the huntsman himself; if he is not alert the hounds are likely to divide, as when running a little wide they are apt to put up a fresh fox.
No less than 43.17% of the total area is occupied by woodland, and the very name of the country is derived from the abundance of beech trees.
The leading species of the Appalachian woodland maintain their full vigour of growth nearer to the margin of forest growth in this part of the Mississippi valley than in any other part of the United States; and some species, such as the holly, the osage orange and the pecan, attain their fullest growth in Arkansas (Shaler).
It is undulating, rocky, picturesque, and in great part barren, though there are some extensive tracts of woodland; its elevation is generally 600 ft.
AdvertisementAt least the coniferous forests which make up nine-tenths of California's woodland surpass all others known in number of species and in the size and beauty of the trees.
Of the great church hardly any fragments rise above ground-level, but the chapter-house, refectory and cloisters remain in part, and the ivy-clad ruins stand in a beautiful setting of woodland.
Several thousand lakes of clear water, formed by glacial action, dot the surface of the state, and many of them are lined with picturesque woodland shores.
This is the great forest area of the state; it contains about 1,200,000 acres of woodland, practically continuous, and portions of it still but sparsely inhabited.
A comparatively mild climate and good market facilities increase the potential value of the whole woodland area.
AdvertisementThe quiet beauty of the rural country in the south, where the barren Bunter pebble-beds have never invited agriculture, and where considerable vestiges of the old woodland still remain in and near Sherwood Forest, has attracted so many seats of the landed aristocracy as to earn for that part the familiar name of " the Dukeries."
The entire woodland area of the state was estimated at 41,000 sq.
East of the Neosho river the prairies merge into a hilly woodland.
The total woodland area of the state was estimated in 1900 at 24,400 sq.
Of the details of the English conquest of the district which is now Lincolnshire little is known, but at some time in the 6th century Engle and Frisian invaders appear to have settled in the country north of the Witham, where they became known as the Lindiswaras, the southern districts from Boston to the Trent basin being at this time dense woodland.
Among the charitable institutions are Blessing Hospital (1875), St Mary's Hospital (1867; in charge of the Sisters of the Poor of St Francis), the Woodland Home for Orphans and Friendless (1853), St Aloysius Orphans' Home (1865), and several homes for the aged and infirm.
Painstakingly, the men and women visited each and every building in an incredibly wide area while dogs sniffed the surrounding woodland for bodies or a recent grave.
The land holding comprises 93 acres of ancient woodland.
The park comprises over 700 acres of parkland, lakes and woodland.
The farm was a curious mixture of pasture, woodland and water.
By using locally indigenous species we can promote hedgerow restoration and creation throughout the area to provide visual and ecological links between existing and proposed woodland areas.
Usually found on lowland woodland margins on slightly acidic soils.
Fritton Lake Woodland Lodges are in a peaceful woodland setting adjoining the lake.
At the back of the garden there will be modern woodland planting including angelica, ferns, Libertia and blueberry bushes.
Both species of lime are present, indicating the antiquity of the woodland.
A small arboretum leads into the woodland area with a non-alkaline soil.
The secondary woodland includes stands of mature aspen and willow carr.
The glen provides a good barometer for the extent of native woodland in the landscape.
The reserve's woodland is predominantly oak - many of which are magnificent old pollards - with some areas dominated by beech.
The predominant tree is oak, many arising from coppice shoots from an earlier woodland, and there are some planted beech.
Current Status Biological status lowland beech and yew woodland spans a variety of distinctive vegetation types reflecting differences in soil and topographical conditions.
Calcareous beech and yew woodland forms perhaps 40% of the total amount of lowland beech and yew habitat type defined above.
They also visit beekeepers I remote miombo woodland and get to know Africans as friends.
The woodland is of regional importance as it contains many important plants such as giant bellflower and early purple orchid.
It is Britain's most abundant fern and started its take-over bid as early settlers slashed and burned clearings in woodland across Britain.
Rose Cottage has a bidet and access to woodland gardens.
Moor Piece This block of semi-natural woodland is dominated by birch, with a fringe of conifers along the northwestern boundary.
Woodland is mainly birch although in sheltered places there is some mixed oak and elm.
This strategy is common among plants of the woodland floor that includes bluebell.
Among other new features this year will be a display of cultivated native British bluebells in the Atlantic Woodland section.
Woodland established on cut-over bog is a major contribution to the limited woodland area.
The ground cover of the woodland is dominated by bracken which is currently being managed to reduce its potential fire risk.
Areas of woodland, mostly newly planted, broadleaf, mixed, interspersed with " wildflower meadows " which are mown.
Woodland on the estate extends to some 15 hectares and represents deciduous broadleaf and woodland dominated by conifers.
The whole site is biologically rich, with many woodland plant communities represented and rich bryophyte and lichen assemblages.
Privacy Policy Woodland Herbs do not disclose buyers ' information to third parties.
In September 1994, the Manitoba Endangered Species Advisory Committee assessed the status of boreal woodland caribou in Manitoba as endangered.
The red fox has the widest geographical range of any wild carnivore, thriving in habitats from woodland and desert to city center.
Showing a woodland clearing with what appears to be a row of railroad sleepers in the foreground.
It is an ancient tract of woodland running along a deep rocky cleft.
The Zoo is set in 37 acres of woodland and beautiful gardens, overlooking the coastline and mountains of North Wales.
Most people buried in woodland sites are laid to rest in cardboard coffins or wicker baskets.
The military also commandeered five acres of woodland, opposite the Bakery, belonging to Newchapel House.
The surface vegetation is usually coniferous woodland or heather moorland.
The adjacent woodland is a mixture of old coppice, ash and maple with semi-mature oak.
Scattered small ponds are associated with the farms and isolated woodland copses.
Native broadleaf trees will also be planted where conservation is the main aim of woodland creation.
Here are some fine trees, beautiful flowers, rich fruits, rare plants and woodland creatures.
Creating woodland crofts Communities wishing to create woodland crofts would bid to buy national forest land under the National Forest Land Scheme.
Back to top Habitat Back to top Found in both low and high damp, mainly deciduous woodland.
This section continues for a good mile and rewards you with excellent views across the Sound plus some delightful woodland dells.
Estate woodland in this LCA is under threat; expansion of housing has already seen its loss or severe depletion.
In North America it also causes ramorum dieback or ramorum leaf blight on a range of woodland plants.
To film them feeding, he places small dollops of food under leaves in the woodland.
The woodland is mainly hazel coppice and is home to the rare dormouse.
Ancient woodland shelters the common dormouse, now, alas, becoming rare.
As well as open fen the reserve includes a mixture of wet heathland, open water, scrub and woodland.
The first day's route follows the left bank through deep gorges which have been cut out of the Bavarian woodland.
Fragmentation of riparian woodland foraging habitat, loss of roost sites, poor water quality.
However, woodland is their natural habitat where fallen leaves hide their presence.
This study investigated bird distributions in relation to local habitat and landscape pattern and the implications which habitat fragmentation may have for woodland birds.
For the purposes of this report woodland habitats have been broken down into the types shown in the table below.
The path bears left at the end of a patch of woodland then makes a hairpin bend to cross a stream.
The woodland supports a diverse breeding bird community, including hawfinch and wood warbler.
There are widespread transitions to wet heath, woodland, juniper scrub and 4060 Alpine and boreal heaths.
Recently planted species-rich hedges are included in this category. Planted Coniferous Woodland Dominated by cultivars of Pinus sylvestris and non-native conifers.
The site is bounded by mature hedgerows to three sides whilst the north boundary consists of a deciduous woodland.
Woodland limited in extent but bushy hedgerows and hedgerow trees give sheltered character.
The area includes woodland and glades, perfect for spotting butterflies and moths which are attracted to the wild honeysuckle.
The nursery specializes in perennials, grasses and woodland plants including hosta and hemerocallis (daylilies ).
So what can a conservation body like the Woodland Trust do in the face of such imponderables?
Broadleaved woodland is limited to small patches alongside steeply incised streams and abandoned meander scars cut in the glacial deposits alongside the Glenelly river.
William Robinson banished bedding systems, and turned to planting with native species and hardy exotics, creating informal, wild and woodland gardens.
It remains grassland interspersed with oak trees, flanked by woodland that has been shaped to enhance its appearance.
Open woodland interspersed with small farm plots; also two small pools surrounded by thick cover.
Research data from the Woodland Wildflower project will be used to enhance the results from the topsoil inversion pilot projects.
New woodlands tend to have inherently low biodiversity and need the jump-start that bluebells and other woodland wildflowers provide.
Examples include woodland clearings and rides, calcareous grassland, coastal landslips, abandoned quarries, disused railroad cuttings, and limestone pavements.
It especially likes the deeper blacker soils that were created under long since vanished mixed oak woodland.
This is a bright green liverwort that grows on bare peaty soils in lowland bogs and damp woodland and also on moist sandstone rocks.
A large amount of timber from managed woodland was required to build a single longhouse.
We have a few french lops which we have started to breed with with loads of help from Laura at Woodland lops which we have started to breed with with loads of help from Laura at Woodland Lops.
We have a few French lops which we have started to breed with with loads of help from Laura at Woodland Lops.
Wet woodland also occurs around the shores of some of the small loughs.
This open loch surrounded by mature mixed woodland and with sudden ledges and drop-offs to 25ft is very reminiscent of many Irish loughs.
The hotel, an imposing Elizabethan manor in 25 acres of woodland, was an idyllic setting.
There's a host of wild flowers on the strip in summer, and sublime surrounding marshland and woodland.
We have a veritable menagerie of small woodland creatures accompanying us.
As great a variety as possible of rotting wood microhabitats should therefore be encouraged within a woodland.
The more different microhabitats there are available within a woodland, the greater biodiversity will be.
These two summer migrants are most likely to be heard in suburban or rural gardens near woodland.
We'll be following a bridleway through a curious mixture of pasture, woodland and heath.
The natural pattern is for woodland on the lower slopes, leading to fields and unenclosed moorland on the summit.
Since they were once native to this country, wild boar form a natural part of woodland ecology.
As well as the artificial nests on the reserve there is much scattered woodland with many suitable trees.
Play outdoor, woodland and indoor paintball at the ultimate Paintball site near Stafford - SAS Paintball UK.
To kick off the new term we've got our first woodland paintball trip of 2006 this Sunday, 29th January.
Gently sloping site sheltered by woodland & surrounded by 376 acres parkland... Click here or on Garden Name above for more.
The garden includes formal parterre with old fashioned roses, well stocked traditional walled garden and attractive woodland walk.
Woodlands are mainly found around Drumbeg and are primarily associated with small estates (lowland woodland pasture and parkland ).
After leaving the river, you cross rolling pastureland and woodland to Fontevraud.
The park is mainly open pastureland, of which the LOOP runs around three sides (mostly within its woodland fringes ).
We started through sunny green pastureland with scattered patches of woodland all swathed in the purple of Patterson's Curse.
For every calendar sold Dragonswood will donate 20 pence to The Woodland Trust.
As you cross the peninsula, high open moorland and ancient woodland give way to coastal waterfalls tumbling from hanging valleys onto rocky shores.
Philip Woodland - obtained a BSc with Honors having studied pharmacology with Basic Medical Science.
You can enjoy the beautiful Gwili Valley from the train, or on a riverside picnic, or on the woodland walk.
Occasionally we would encounter a party of Olive-backed pipits feeding among the leaf-litter of the woodland.
Other ancient woodland sites have been replanted with conifers or broadleaved plantations, or have been converted to other habitats or land use.
Woodland Grant and Farm Woodland Premium Schemes (encouraging planting of new woodland and maintenance of existing woodland ).
The native red squirrel is no longer seen in the woodland, presumably driven out by its larger American cousin.
Use locally indigenous species promote hedgerow restoration and creation throughout the area to provide visual and ecological links between existing and proposed woodland areas.
We have planted a large woodland rockery around its base where the hellebores have run quite wild, " says the current owner.
The woodland is dominated by oak, but there is also birch, rowan, hazel, alder and holly.
Explore the rolling hills, moorland and woodland, see castle ruins, and a rich variety of wildlife.
They were outraged at tightened game laws and the loss of the social safety net of common pasture and woodland.
In the drier areas you can find foxglove, wood sage, bluebell and other woodland species.
Oak and birch saplings are cleared to prevent the heath turning into woodland.
The park contains mainly guinea savanna woodland and therefore has a similar variety of bird species to other countries of the sahel region.
There is extensive acacia woodland savanna in the center stretching east from Ikoma and some gallery forest along the rivers.
The woodland also contains specimens of small-leaved lime Tillia cordata, and wild service tree Sorbus torminalis.
Common sorrel is found in open woodland, woodland rides and edges, in maritime and river shingle, and on mountain ledges.
In the woodland this gave Nick a large area for ferns, hellebores, woodland bulbs, camellia and more snowdrops.
In spring and early summer snowdrops, daffodils and bluebells carpet the woodland floor.
As the coppice grows it provides safe nesting sites for woodland songbirds such as willow warbler, marsh tit and blackcap.
Listen to woodland symphony and learn how to identify the songsters from year-round residents to our summer migrants.
Carry out woodland tasks such as removing invasive species, tree thinning etc.
They also put up notices claiming squatters ' rights in the woodland.
Follow the road round past a pond, then turn left through a parallel bar squeeze stile onto a woodland path.
There is a colony of chimney sweeper moths in the woodland.
The woodland is dominated by sycamore with ash, wild cherry and oak.
Just before you enter denser woodland, look right to see the delightful lily tarn.
It spreads rapidly by sucker ing, to form dense thickets beneath woodland trees or out in the open.
But tell a child not to pick and eat toadstools found in a woodland is quite another matter.
You are told that the vehicle is on its side embedded in dry woodland undergrowth at the bottom of a steep embankment.
Current status The dark crimson underwing requires large areas of mature oak woodland.
In contrast to the surrounding clay vales, the acidic soils of the ridge support areas of heathland and mixed woodland.
During the workshop the students will visit their local woodland and carry out a Biometry Study using the scientifically valid GLOBE Protocols.
South Luangwa's terrain varies from thickly vegetated woodland to open grassy plains covering an area approximately half the size of Wales.
All lodges have either a veranda or private patio overlooking the river or woodland.
Bracken beds in sunny locations can develop a simple spring flora (including violets) that mimics that found in coppice woodland.
As you walk up Ash Lane don't take the first gate signposted Tara Center or you'll end up on the woodland walk.
The barren icy wasteland slowly warmed to become thick woodland.
Therefore, the question arises as to whether it is safe to walk in woodland frequented by wild boar.
The thinning work will let much more light into the woodland, encouraging wildflowers to return.
The best time to visit the site is during the spring, for woodland wildflowers.
Reuters Theft ' threatens wildlife work ' Work to save endangered wildlife has been threatened by a break-in at a woodland park in Kent.
Green charity, Environ, is teaching city children the forgotten arts of traditional woodcrafts on 25th November at a local woodland.
The company intends to manage the parks as a haven for wildlife and as a way of regenerating native woodland.
This site has an interesting history, originally forming part of a very large area of ancient broadleaved woodland.
There are 2000 acres of ancient woodland to explore in this Nature Reserve.
The trees felled will be replaced with a coppice woodland.
It is bordered at the top by a narrow strip of mature oak woodland.
Nationally important areas of carr woodland (fen woodlands dominated by alder) are also present.
Then the way moves into denser conifer woodland before emerging into an open pasture, with oak woodland away to your left.
A variety of woodland birds, including the great spotted woodpecker come to the feeding station in front of the windows.
Red squirrel and common woodland birds, including tree creepers and great-spotted woodpeckers, visit our feeders daily.
The woodland area of the state in 1900 was estimated to be 39 00 sq.
The woodland area of the state has been estimated (census of 1900) at 400 sq.
His love of the woodland and his political fervour often remind us of Shelley, and his delicate perception of Hellenic beauty, and the perfume of Greek legend, give us almost a foretaste of Keats.
The woodland area was estimated in 1900 at 42,000 sq.
The total woodland area has been estimated at 2500 sq.
North Dakota's total woodland area is estimated at 600 sq.
The woodland area of the state in 1900 was 4400 sq.
The woodland area of Wyoming in 1900 was estimated at 12,500 sq.
The woodland area of Virginia was estimated in 1900 at 23,400 sq.
The total woodland area has been estimated at 23,700 sq.
In 1900 the woodland area, including stump lands, was estimated at 38,000 sq.
The total woodland area of the state is about 3234 sq.
Except in the remote parts, the valuable white pine, for which Maine was long noted, has been cut; but the woodland of the state was estimated in 1900 at 23,700 sq.
They are exclusively woodland.
The former bog sites are now in carr (wet woodland) or have been reclaimed for agriculture.
The woodland cover will increase as part of the land reclamation process and as agriculture comes under increasing economic pressure.
Several individual plans have active groups with for example the woodland and black redstarts groups.
Hedgerows are a refuge for many woodland and farmland plants and animals.
Should Aspen be left alone to inhabit these sparse niches - the remote and craggy woodland refugia?
It is often a relict of former woodland vegetation, surviving woodland clearance despite being a shade lover.
They lie within the area of the former Selwood Forest, and their dispersed hamlets and farms are typical of relict woodland.
Two Mile Coppice contains the last remnant of ancient woodland in the Weymouth area.
This path drops down into the valley below the reservoir dam, which is currently being managed to allow the growth of native woodland.
Away from the coast its preferred habitat is riverine woodland in dry country areas.
We have planted a large woodland rockery around its base where the hellebores have run quite wild, says the current owner.
An exciting role-playing activity where pupils will explore a woodland community.
Spread across 520 square kms of Himalayan foothills, the park is covered by deciduous woodland and giant sal forest.
The saplings of other trees are not affected creating a woodland high in diversity.
Here tree height estimation for an area of savanna woodland was investigated.
Turning right, you climb steeply up the scarp slope, passing through a ribbon of woodland en route.
Various woodland creatures rest or scurry round on the ground holding the tree stump.
Much of the native woodland is dominated by sessile oak which was worked for coppice nearly 200 years ago.
A number of features of conservation interest can be found on the farm including 9 ha of sessile oak woodland.
Watch your puppet come to life in the woodland trail shadow puppet theater.
By 2.8 million years, humid woodland had shriveled away, leaving wide belts of open terrain in its place.
We welcome you to our 20 acre smallholding set in a scenic rural area set in a woodland valley.
Butterflies like the speckled wood may also be seen along the edges of the woodland rides in summer.
The survey looks at the history of the Rockingham Forest woodland together with the underlying iron bearing strata.
The beach is a 1km gentle stroll down a woodland path.
Hazel thickets on the lower slopes give way to mixed woodland of ash, birch, hawthorn and rowan.
The tranquility of the garden is extended with woodland walks through naturalized wild flowers.
Pond management and clearance of undergrowth in woodland in the grounds of a Jacobean Mansion with footpaths enabling full access to the public.
Here, uprooted tree stumps are arranged to form a natural sculpture that provides a safe haven for woodland plants and wildlife.
South Luangwa 's terrain varies from thickly vegetated woodland to open grassy plains covering an area approximately half the size of Wales.
As you walk up Ash Lane do n't take the first gate signposted Tara Center or you'll end up on the woodland walk.
Some loss of woodland and watercourse habitat will occur.. There are no direct impacts on protected species.
Feeding Habitat Open woodland, parkland, hedgerows, along waterside vegetation.
The substitution of a pond for a wet woodland, is not ' eco '.
By the coal yard was a wheelwright 's business owned by Mr. David Baker who lived next door to my grandmother in Woodland Grove.
Visualize the busty maidens in a woodland glade employed to carefully stir nature 's store of balms and ointments in oak barrels.
Soil preparation should form the basis for every woodland planting scheme.
Very high Corylus pollen percentages are often recorded following the creation of woodland clearings.
The woodland flora over this open area indicates that there was probably denser tree growth in the past.
Was our ancient land covered in thick forests or woodland pastures?
The yew woodland is an outstanding example of a habitat with a very small representation in Britain.
This website also offers a large selection of woodland scenes, some featuring just trees and grass, but most with beloved characters from Beatrix Potter's books.
For instance, it takes significantly less energy to recycle paper than it does to create paper from new woodland.
Different hues of green repeat the colors found in a vineyard with woodland browns and bronze.
If you like a woodland theme, by all means bring in greens and browns, just remember to take down those spring-pink towels.
With sparkle glitter, adhesive decals, and pearlescent lips, you can easily morph into a woodland fairy or playful elf!
Wildlife-If you love wildlife, then look for a novelty shower curtain that features scenes of wildlife, from black bears to graceful deer, woodland birds to squirrels and bobcats.
Orlando Bloom rocketed to fame through his role as Legolas, Greenleaf of the Woodland Realm, in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Wispy, fairy-like girls' clothing that sometimes transitions into Victorian or even Colonial themes are staged against woodland or iconic seaside settings.
Wilsoni are new Chinese species of bold habit well suited to waterside gardening or woodland.
It is fine in color and hardier than the true Laurel, and has good qualities in all ways for garden or woodland.
These speciosum varieties make excellent groups in grass and on the fringes of woodland places.
It is one of the most vigorous of perennials, and may be turned to good account in many ways, e.g., the shrubbery border and the more open approaches to the woodland.
It is scarcely refined enough in leaf for the flower garden, but is effective near the rougher approaches of a hardy fernery, in open glades near woodland walks, or in any like position.
They are often used in perennial borders or woodland gardens.
As this plant loves acidic soil, it is most at home in the woodland garden.
The most traditional type of camo, frequently seen in all types of men's camouflage clothing, is woodland camouflage.
Woodland camouflage is often a better choice unless you're wearing your camouflage to make a style statement.
It's designed to look like the forest and features similar colors to those of the woodland camo-shades of dark and olive green.
You can find styles like urban tiger, digital, ultra violet, desert, retro, pink, blue, orange, woodland, stinger yellow, smokey branch, city camo, safariflage and more.
They are done with either a Desert or Woodland Camo frame and Bronze lens.
For example, Gore-Tex pants are available that meet the needs of hunters in desert climates as well as those in cold and humid woodland climates.
Customers may be put off by a fuchsia candle entitled "Ocean Mist", or a bright canary yellow pillar that's labeled "Woodland Pine".
Making woodland fairy costumes can be fun and easy when you channel your creativity.
The woodland fairy is also known as a pixie.
A woodland fairy is unique because it is adorned with flowers, butterflies, vines and leaves.
Any girl would love to dress up as a woodland fairy for Halloween.
Making woodland fairy costumes can be easy with clothing items found in most young girls' wardrobes.
To make the costume look like a woodland fairy, sew small artificial leaves and flowers to the wings, leotard and tu tu.
A sexy woodland fairy costume is fun for a teenage girl or woman.
The Internet abounds with pictures of woodland fairy dresses.
The following girls party dress patterns can be transformed to woodland fairy dresses.
Once you have the costume go to a craft store and buy artificial flowers and leaves to adorn your woodland fairy.
Feather boas and ribbons also make great embellishments for a woodland fairy.
Let your creative side come out when creating your own woodland costumes.
Another fun accessory for a woodland fairy is a basket full of rose petals to spread along your path.
It is water resistant, and also offers a cushioned sole and speed lacing system so you won't have to pause for long while outrunning large bears and woodland creatures.
If you love all things enchanting like fairies, gnomes and woodland scenes, then you're bound to appreciate a lower back piece depicting your favorite fairy tale scene.
The Hershey Campground offers 55 acres of scenic woodland and 300 open and wooded campsites, accompanied by a full array of facilites.
In 1980 the company moved from Century City to Woodland Hills, California.
The skort is flippy and fun, while the drawstring and cargo pants make woodland adventures and field trips a lot more comfortable.
Three miles south, in Sussex, the village of Frant stands on a hill which is perhaps the finest of the many view-points in this district, commanding a wide prospect over some of the richest woodland scenery in England.
A large part of the woodland contains no trees fit for lumber; nevertheless the value of the lumber was $3,024,674 in 1905.
Approximately three-fourths of the total area of the state is woodland.
This is one of the villages which has become the centre of a residential district, and is frequented by holiday-makers from London, owing to its proximity to the pleasant woodland scenery of Epping Forest.
In this more general respect, an arboretum or woodland affords shelter, improves local climate, renovates bad soils, conceals objects unpleasing to the eye, heightens the effect of what is agreeable and graceful, and adds value, artistic and other, to the landscape.
Other interesting landmarks are "Woodland" (formerly called "Bloomsbury Court"), built early in the 18th century by William Trent, and said to have sheltered, at various times, Washington, Lafayette and Rochambeau; the "Hermitage," erected some time before the War of Independence; and "Bow Hill," in the suburbs of the city, a quaint old colonial mansion which for some time before 1822 was a home of Joseph Bonaparte.
It is a smaller animal than the American woodland race, with antlers approximating to those of the barren-ground race, but less elongated, and with a distinct back-tine in the male, the brow-tines moderately palmated and frequently nearly symmetrical, and the bez-tine not excessively expanded..
It is on the whole a region with few streams, and a considerable portion of the ancient woodland still remains in Ashdown Forest.
There are still, however, some small well-defined woodland areas.
The counties comprising the greatest proportional amount of woodland fall into two distinct groups - Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex and Kent, with Berkshire and Buckinghamshire; Monmouth, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire.
Cambridgeshire, lying almost wholly within the area of the Fens, has the smallest proportional area of woodland of any English county.
Large tracts of woodland were cleared near the railways, and the communal rights of grazing and gathering firewood destroyed the aftergrowths.
During the winter, this will involve coppicing the specially managed woodland, which is home to the endangered dormouse.
The woodland edges offer a greater range of shrubs and attract similar birds as hedgerows and scrub.
Three deer exclosures in ancient woodland have been erected to detect vegetation changes due to the absence of grazing by deer.
Walk looking for evidence, adaptation, collecting and identification, woodland food chains and decomposers.
Woodland Trail - A teacher led trail meeting foresters, gamekeepers, a wheelwright, a blacksmith and the sawmills.
The butterflies usually oviposit on nettles growing in smallish clumps in sunny woodland glades, or in the vicinity of hedgerows.
The area has been transformed into a lovely woodland glade, exposing the obvious ditch and mound formation of the round barrow.
We can then redesign a border, woodland glade, or indeed a full garden for you together with a detailed planting list.
I parked by the horse shoe pits and ambled down the road, as if out for a woodland stroll.
Both his name and his exploits remind us of the woodland spirit Robin Goodfellow and his merry pranks.
About two-thirds of it is crown property, and is preserved more or less in its natural condition as open woodland interspersed with bogs and heaths.
The green rattlesnake (Crotalus molossus) inhabits the valley of the Rio Grande; the plains rattlesnake (Crotalus confluentus), the north-western counties; the diamond rattlesnake (C. adamanteus), the wooded river bottoms; the Texas rattlesnake, western Texas and the southern coast counties; the banded rattlesnake, a few widely separated woodland districts.
With the exception of narrow strips of woodland along the courses of the larger streams, the rest of the state consists of treeless prairie-lands, which are usually covered with valuable grasses.
A large extent of woodland consists of ash and chestnut plantations, maintained for the growth of hop poles.
The trade from the wide extent of three-quarters of a million of square miles of prairie and woodland, becoming more populous every year, must flow as through a narrow spout at Winnipeg; every railway must pass through Winnipeg.
Woodland, tithes, &c., are also assessed to Td.
In 1900 the woodland was estimated by the United States census at 22% of the state's area, and the total stand at 200,000 million ft.
That home was situated on the border of the Middlesex Fells, a rough and rocky woodland, 4000 acres in extent, as wild and savage in many places as the primeval forest.