Woodcarving Sentence Examples
While the architecture of the City churches, with the exceptions mentioned, is not as a rule remarkable, many are notable for the rich and beautiful woodcarving they contain.
The natives have several industries, including pottery, straw plaiting, smithwork and woodcarving.
There will be stops at some of the local woodcarving stalls as well as the market at Okahandja before arriving in the city.
The woodcarving symposium will culminate on the 30th with a closing ceremony.
Return to Hanoi, via the Dong Giao woodcarving village, for a two-night stay at the Sunway Hotel.
Here we have a chance to visit one of the local woodcarving workshops for which the town is famous.
The County Council also aids numerous separate schools of art, both general and special, such as the Royal School of Art Needlework and the School of Art Woodcarving; the City and Guilds Institute maintains similar establishments at some of its colleges, and art schools are also generally attached to the polytechnics.
As the abode of the sculptors Dipoenus and Scyllis it gained pre-eminence in woodcarving and bronze work such as is still to be seen in the archaic metal facings found at Olympia.