Won-t Sentence Examples
They'll find our tracks, won't they?
I won't let anything hurt her.
You won't have any relief.
I won't be far away.
I won't let anything happen to you.
However, the company likely won't choose this outcome because the $10 cost of cleanup is not paid by the company but by society.
I won't keep you long.
I won't say anything to anyone.
It takes time we don't have, it won't fool the Indians, and you're raising dust they might see.
No, I haven't seen it, but I won't be driving the forty miles every day, either.
AdvertisementYou'll talk to him, won't you Ben?
But won't it look rather funny for me to ride to Exeter on a sidesaddle?
Anything that requires the unamplified direct labor of a person won't either, such as a personal trainer, a babysitter, or a masseuse.
No, I won't promise that.
I won't hurt you.
AdvertisementIf you think you'd be happier with Claudette, I won't stand in your way, but I want to make it clear that I don't want you to go.
In any event, I won't wait so long before I take another.
No, I won't be that long.
He won't need to destroy ME, for if I don't get something to eat pretty soon I shall starve to death, and so save him the trouble.
I won't speculate on what that size is, but it certainly is not a size 0.
AdvertisementThere won't then be in me what there is now.
I won't hear a word.
No matter how convincing the machine is, once I know it is a machine, I won't care about it anymore.
If you don't get some sleep when you go home, you won't be able to relieve me tonight.
As I observed a few pages ago in "Let Robots Be Robots," an intelligent system like this won't be creepy because we do not want it to be creepy.
AdvertisementI know, heaven knows how, but I know for certain that you won't marry her.
If he thinks I might be up today, he'll insist on staying home so he won't miss me.
I've already told her, but she won't listen to me either.
There won't be any end to it.
We won't talk at this point about the distribution of that wealth; that will come later.
But if he won't--that's his affair, said Marya Dmitrievna, looking for something in her reticule.
It won't be you, but I, who'll suffer.
Lie still, stay like that then, I won't touch you.
Much as Mamma pressed her, she refused, and I know she won't change once she has said...
Then I won't let it come to that...
I won't tell you how guilty you are.
No, no," she said to the militia officer, "you won't catch me.
Now son, the house won't clean itself.
You know, I won't be offended if you just say no.
Mom said Dad hasn't been feeling well, and he won't go to the doctor.
I won't have any quarrelling in the Land of Oz, I can tell you!
And all will come right and she won't say anything to Mamma.
It won't be long now before I am off duty.
Well then, you won't understand.
This way, to the officer on duty" (he was shown the door leading downstairs), "only it won't be accepted."
Well, I won't marry, but let him come if he enjoys it and I enjoy it.
We'll go to our places and won't budge.
No, I won't let you off!
Bear up; it won't be for long now!
I won't say anything to Alex about it.
I know, sweetheart, and that is a comfort, but it won't be that bad.
If you put me in jail again, when I get out there won't be a safe place for you.
I'll try it again, if you folks won't think I'm a fool.
I won't allow it!
No. My stuff won't get here until tomorrow afternoon.
Won't most of the people know about your accident and loss of memory?
You won't destroy the people?
You won't get past my demons this time, half-breed.
I won't show my strength until I have to, or it works to our advantage.
Yes, it can't be helped if they won't take less.
And I won't--not even if Bonaparte were here at Smolensk threatening Bald Hills--even then I wouldn't serve in the Russian army!
Won't the soldiers be glad!
All is over between us, but I won't leave here without having done all I can for Denisov and certainly not without getting his letter to the Emperor.
And what I have done, I have done; but, if you like, I won't speak to him again.
He won't have if he keeps bailing her out.
Well, whatever it is, it probably won't go down too well with Howard or Len.
You won't find love here in this saloon.
I won't, if you mind daddy and tell me the truth.
I know it won't last forever but as long as we can, we have to do everything in our power to keep it alive.
It won't mean anything, Ben.
No. Not unless you want to talk to yourself while I prop up a zombie who won't hear a word you're saying.
No one's looking for her, but she won't buy it.
It won't be long now; just a few more details to check.
Do you think Martha will upset Quinn enough so he won't do what you asked?
I won't contact you directly.
You're not dying or anything... just won't be gargling for a while.
He won't make plane reservations until he speaks to her.
Now I won't even see Claire take her first step.
He may be a very bad man but we won't know until we have a friend of ours check the license plate.
He swears he won't leave them behind.
He won't even go down to eat.
She won't leave Howie alone.
My mom told me; promise it won't happen to me.
You won't find any information on what we need.
You won't kill Jonny?
Dusty won't let us have pets.
I won't fail again, Dusty, I promise.
Now you won't forget me!
I'll agree, if I won't be second rung to your duty or other women.
Darian won't stop talking about Bianca's cookies.
I won't do it again.
It won't come to that.
You won't save her without him, and you're running out of time.
You all kidnapped me, drugged me, dragged me to Arizona—if I'm really in Arizona—and you won't tell me why or what's wrong with me!
I won't say no.
Unless we know where to look, we won't find where his base is.
Rainy would have come, but he won't leave her side.
Good. Still won't let me live down almost dying.
Either you'll die or you won't.
Then you'll have to trust me, won't you.
I take it the distraction won't work on you in our private deals.
I won't need it.
What happens then won't matter.
I won't tell you how fascinating I find kitchen appliances.
Darkyn hasn't hurt me and won't.
Another reason you won't deal without me.
The sheriff won't be a happy man.
She just looked at me and asked, 'You won't love them enough to spank them if they truly deserve it?'
They won't even be together except weekends.
But he won't graduate.
They won't need our help.
I won't get this smell out of the office for days.
But then I'm afraid we might never even see her again and I just won't let myself believe that.
I wouldn't do it if we were the first but unfortunately, we won't be the last, either.
Well, if he's on that jury, it won't take much time.
And I won't put up with any trouble at The Lucky Pup!
I won't lose you again.
The Immortals won't hesitate to hurt you.
You won't tell me?
And I won't share how to counter her mutation so you don't end up at Sasha's feet.
You won't last the night anywhere you go.
You won't even apologize for my arm, will you?
You can say it --Kris won't let me forget I'm a square in a round hole.
I won't tell, she said.
I really won't fit in.
It won't be me, Rhyn assured him.
My mate and I won't be here long.
It doesn't matter what I feel, Rhyn, when I know I don't belong in this world or here with you, and I know without a doubt I won't survive, even if you find some place on another planet to stash me!
Whomever you want, and whomever you don't want, I won't.
You won't kick me out?
I won't interfere with any honeymoon plans?
You're sure your brother won't try anything after what that guy said?
And I won't leave your side tonight.
I won't need it where I'm going.
They won't let you, will they?
I won't keep you.
I won't keep you any longer.
The space battle won't allow anyone off-planet.
Qatwali is distracted with the land battle and the Yirkin won't be looking where we launch.
Good. Mansr won't try to talk sense into A'Ran.
While the Ouray winters were far less severe that one might think, they did have a way of wearing out their welcome, like company that won't go home.
It won't do any good.
Perhaps if I pretend Jerome doesn't exist, he really won't!
He won't let me near Donnie.
Then you won't have to listen to Claire bitching about how you cheated her when that's just what she did to you.
She won't even tell you how much she can bench press.
My mind won't release me from all that has happened since Rev. Martin first visited me, and changed my life.
I won't let anything happen to you, Angel.
If that's the only way to keep my family safe, I won't think twice.
Won't matter if I can't get us out of here.
He won't let anything happen to you, even if he'll still kick my ass for trying to help.
I won't allow it.
It won't come to a fight.
You won't find a better opportunity.
I won't, I can't sleep, what's the use?
I won't detain you longer, General.
I won't say another word to him, thought Pierre.
Tomorrow--but I won't say good-by yet.
I mean, I won't need anything, and if I do, I'll come to you.
It just won't work.
I won't let you happen to you, if I can help it.
I won't do it!
I won't spend my life being a monster!
I won't drag you into it.
Won't happen any time soon.
If I go now, he won't be as angry with me, and maybe I can come back tomorrow.
I mean, he won't be coming back, just like Jule.
My own vamps won't do that.
I can track, but I won't fight an Other, if that madman chooses to fight one.
As strong as I am, mine won't be enough.
Exactly what you fear, that what should happen, won't.
And Dust-man won't let anything near them.
We won't let anything happen to you.
He won't want you touching me.
It won't happen that way.
I won't do it.
You won't turn me against him.
I won't let you think there's a chance this isn't real or permanent.
If you leave, you won't stay away long or go far.
You won't be leaving here after your deal is up with Past-Death.
He won't let me out of here alive, I don't think.
I won't make any deals this trip if you teach me how when I return.
You won't even say who all the Dawkins are!
And don't worry about her hurting the kid—that just won't happen.
I won't fite it.
You won't sleep with me—at least so far.
What makes you think I won't start telling tales?
We won't kill you, the demon in front of her said.
It won't work, Gabriel said.
He won't lose his mate, even if he chooses to kill her rather than give her up.
Probably won't help him trust me if he did.
You won't tell him.
But I won't risk losing him, she said.
He won't want anyone with a conscience.
You also know Gabriel won't kill me even if I do lose.
What makes you think I won't tell Gabe, summon her and he'll claim her?
By the end of the week, she won't want Gabriel anyway.
You think I won't tell him.
We won't spend our nights away from one another.
Our path won't be easy, but we didn't spend thousands of years trying to be together not to take the chance we have now.
I won't push her into it when she's afraid.
Being wrong won't stop her from taking Destiny if she's determined, though.
That's one more thing we won't have to buy.
We won't talk about this right now.
And Destiny won't know what to think at first, but she will be delighted to have you home.
One of us has to keep the other calm, and it won't be me.
Bet I could show you a few things you won't find in the Kamasutra.
You won't fail the underworld or her.
You won't win this one, so give up now.
You sleep with a wacko, your boyfriend won't return your calls.
As much as I'd like to kill you, I won't.
Rhyn won't say no, Gabe said.
Whatever the rest of your plan is with her, it won't work.
Gabe won't let you.
Then he won't be stuck with someone he hates, Deidre added, comforted by the thought.
Gabriel will not be able to take you, and he won't be able to cure you.
I won't make the mistake I made with you before.
But your offer won't change.
I won't make it easy on you.
As a man of fashion, I'm afraid I won't be able to tolerate this clothing long.
Wynn won't tell her.
Yes, well, I won't be breaking that mold.
I won't let you go through it, if I don't think it'll work.
I won't be turned into a vegetable or an animal or anything else weird?
You won't hurt it?
You won't like trying to earn your way out of here, but I will.
Okay. You probably won't consider taking me with you when you leave here?
He won't let you go.
Gabriel won't let this happen.
Getting me assigned to Darkyn and taking Gabriel, who won't want anything to do with you when he cares about me?
There won't be a body to bury.
We won't have you skiing any place where you're not comfortable.
You won't either, will you?
We won't lie to her if she asks.
Then he added, Won't it be uncomfortable for you to keep a secret from her?
Then she added, "You will let me read the rest of the notebook when you've figured it out, won't you?"
At some point his past may crawl out of the ground and bite him on the butt, but it won't be because I did the digging.
Until we talk to these people, we won't know who was off on his own enough to have an opportunity and who has an alibi.
Claire won't talk to me about it.
Ryland and the Quincys won't be back until dark.
She won't answer, but just in case the law's got a tap on the line it'll keep 'em off base.
I won't get any blood on your carpet or bother any of the other guests.
First, she gets brooding about it, knows she's pregnant, knows Shipton is still alive and won't let her go.
Martha won't be no problem.
It won't hurt it.
Promise you won't hurt him or influence him?
I promise I won't tell anyone, just let me go, please, I promise.
Promise you won't go down and see Skippy?
I promise I won't see CONNOR!
I'll just have to be extra gentle, then, won't I?
Yes, but I won't do that either, for the same reason.
The lava cakes won't be ready for another half hour.
We won't take no for an answer, will we Connor?
I can't promise I won't end up on your doorstep before then.
Possibly, I have certain pieces I won't sell to just anyone.
I won't kill you, just spit it out.
Good. Maybe you won't do it too often.
She won't be thinking rationally at all.
Once she knows he is human she won't feel so alone.
You won't, I just know it.
They're coming for Thanksgiving, won't that be fun?
Hopefully it won't even come to that.
You won't regret this.
I only have to make the pies, but won't do that till we get back.
Won't you reconsider staying here next month?
I have seen her through some pretty nasty heartache, but honestly, I'm not confident she could survive losing you, and now she won't have to.
They probably won't ask too many questions that way.
Yes, and you better not embarrass them when they come down, or you and I won't be making noise for quite some time.
Jackson noted the two cars and held Elisabeth back a bit, whispering, "Does this mean I won't have to spend another interminable night in an empty bed?"
Yes, and he is going to be thrilled she won't be anymore.
I think she is trying to tell you she won't hurt you.
You won't be given another chance to find her.
We will find out when you come to the abandoned warehouse on Mill Street, won't we?
Be sure to put the bucket in the corner so it won't get knocked over.
She probably won't live, anyway.
Why don't you have her fixed so this won't happen again?
He won't be back in there.
Are you sure it won't be in the way?
I won't push you if you won't push me.
I won't say anything more about it.
I'm going to be out of the country for a while, so I won't need it.
He won't be here.
I promise you won't be sorry, Carmen.
I worry we won't be enough to maintain government ops for much longer.
The West won't lose this war a second time.
I won't ask you again.
She won't talk to anyone about it.
All your fancy training won't … Lana half-listened to Elise's lecture, thinking about how she could hack into her micro with Elise's.
Won't know if there's an issue 'til you're dead.
And maybe she'll tell you what she won't tell me about what she's carrying west.
Elise won't let me stop.
Tim, we need a med-evac now, or Brady won't make it.
If you don't take the time to heal, you won't leave here next time.
It won't happen again.
If she escapes, it won't be with your help.
I have to do this. If you have to stop me … it won't change how I felt about you.
Four days left. I take it you won't come to my rescue if he does.
He won't betray his brothers.
And I won't be left behind.
You couldn't take us all, and I'm certain I'd be the one who's left behind. Humans take priority to you angels. No, sweetmeats, I won't help you escape.
Won't she – " "She has a portal in her palace. It's the only way out."
But I know her well enough to know she won't make a deal that breaks bad for her.
She won't need to break the Immortal Codes and return your mate to you, because in the next three days, you'll be out of her hair.
I won't stop you.
If we can talk Rhyn off the ledge, maybe she won't crush us all, Kiki said.
I won't be gone long.
You won't change your mind.
It won't matter if Darkyn gets to Katie first.
I'm sure it won't come to that.
Jared won't let us all go.
Come on, Ully. If you keep dragging your feet, we won't make it.
In a couple of years, I won't have so many problems searching the memories. It'll be instantaneous, like that! he said and snapped his fingers.
But I don't want to. It won't help you in your duties.
The underworld will still exist. It just won't be my problem anymore.
I'm leaving now. Rhyn, you'll want to be gone before I cross through the portal, or Gabe won't be able to send you back. Gabe can't break that many Codes his first day on the job.
You won't fight me, pretty girl.
I'll believe it when they fish his body out of the drink, which they won't, 'cause it ain't there.
I'm scared to death they'll find him and I'm scared to death they won't.
Little things keep popping into mind—like Jeff won't be here for Randy's graduation, or he'll miss a neighbor's surprise party, or we'll never get to the Top of the Mark.
He just wants a wife so people won't question his sexuality.
Cynthia Byrne held out her hand and said, with what Dean hoped was at least a hint of reluctance, I guess I won't be seeing you again.
The family likes the stupid ones; they're too dumb to pull a double cross and if they overhear something, chances are they won't know what's being discussed.
They won't let you do that anymore.
Fred has a date with Mrs. Abernathy and won't be home for supper but wants you to wait up for him.
It won't take much time.
I may not make it, but it won't be because I didn't give it a shot.
But I won't go anyway.
I won't give those shit heads the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
It looks as if it won't be needed now.
I won't finish with school until the fall but a clinic has hired me.
If it was Nota, chances are he won't have any better luck chasing down Cleary than we did.
I won't pick it up if I'm alone.
I won't accept anymore, he said.
Why won't you just tell me?
You mean you won't.
She won't have anything to do with him anyway.
Your view won't exactly be conducive to identifying anyone.
I won't be any bother and you're not married and all and we are adults.
You can never be sure Byrne won't get a conscience...
Byrne won't do diddly.
He won't say a damned thing.
If you can lie on your back for five minutes, he won't be disappointed.
I won't call you again on it tonight.
If people are going to think bad things about me, it won't matter whether I'm staying here at night or simply going out with him.
I won't go all the way.
Well, if you don't want me to, I won't.
I don't have a home anymore and tomorrow I won't even have my name.
Well, I can assure you I won't run off when I see you.
If god doesn't want us to have children, we won't – and not because some doctor said we can't.
Carmen, how am I supposed to protect you when you won't follow my suggestions?
Alright, how am I supposed to protect you when you won't follow my orders?
I won't go up on the hill without you.
You don't have to buy expensive cuts of meat just because they are, but I'm sure you'd enjoy buying some meat that you don't have to play wizard on so they won't be tough.
That won't solve your problems.
We won't discuss this later.