Wold Sentence Examples
Don't let the wold "traditional" scare you off though; these suits can be anything but boring.
For dout ye nat but heerdemen with their catell, shepeherdes with theirshepe, and tieng of horses and mares, destroyeth moch come, the which the hedges wold save.
And yet for Instruction we wold yow shuld do, as followeth.
I wold be very glad to help, tho my main interest are warships, not people.
And the rych men that bath moche catell wold have the advantage, and the poore man can have no help nor relefe in wynter when he bath moste nede; and if an acre of lande be worthe sixe pens, or it be enclosed, it will be worth VIII.
The state pension wold then rise every year in line with earnings.