Witnessed Sentence Examples
I'd witnessed his reaction the prior night.
Betsy and I were more shocked at the buried animosity that the other three must have witnessed over the past few weeks.
He felt in his own person the sufferings and death he had witnessed on the battlefield.
What would Giddon do if he found out she had witnessed his connection?
A powerful stimulus was thus given to the growth of cotton in all directions; a degree of activity and enterprise never witnessed before was seen in India, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Africa, the West Indies, Queensland, New South Wales, Peru, Brazil, and in short wherever cotton could be produced; and there seemed no room to doubt that in a short time there would be abundant supplies independently of America.
Might have his wife witnessed the attempted murder?
In 1143 began the reign of the first native king; 3 and abdut this date may be placed the final organization of the kingdom, witnessed by the completion of its body of customary law.
It witnessed a final Turkish defeat in 1641.
He crossed the Alps in 1495, passed through Lombardy, entered Tuscany, freed Pisa from the yoke of Florence, witnessed the expulsion of the Medici, marched to Naples and was crowned tliereall this without striking a blow.
For a little while he was left alone and involuntarily witnessed what was taking place on the other two tables.
AdvertisementEpiphanius (Vitae prophetarum) says that he came up from Babylon while still young, prophesied the return, witnessed the building of the temple and received an honoured burial near the priests.
The warehouseman took all risks, paid double for all shortage, but no claim could be made .unless he had given a properly witnessed receipt.
It is noticeable that, while he held his office in the curia through that momentous period of fifty years which witnessed the Councils of Constance and of Basel, and the final restoration of the papacy under Nicholas V., his sympathies were never attracted to ecclesiastical affairs.
Mark has a violent outburst against some children who have been bullying him which is witnessed by Sophie.
Make sure the signature has been witnessed or notarized.
AdvertisementHe had seen Lydia's bloodstained apartment and witnessed its disrupted condition.
The next week they got the restraining order, but as Carmen witnessed one day on her way home, it didn't stop Lori.
As Dean drew close to Bird Song, he resolved to ask his wife point blank if she witnessed Donnie Ryland cutting his stepfather's climbing rope in an attempt to send him to his death.
With 15,000 mercenaries, whom he had to train into Roman discipline, he took Carthage, defeated Gelimer the Vandal king, and carried him captive, in 534, to grace the first triumph witnessed in Constantinople.
Boetius regarded it as the height of his good fortune when he witnessed his two sons, consuls at the same time, convoyed from their home to the senate-house amid the enthusiasm of the masses.
AdvertisementThe battle which I witnessed took place in the Presidency of Polk, five years before the passage of Webster's Fugitive-Slave Bill.
In the corporal's changed face, in the sound of his voice, in the stirring and deafening noise of the drums, he recognized that mysterious, callous force which compelled people against their will to kill their fellow men--that force the effect of which he had witnessed during the executions.
They spoke of personal reminiscences, of amusing scenes they had witnessed during the campaign, and avoided all talk of their present situation.
Since the first time I stepped inside I had a sense of all of the love and happiness and peace those walls have witnessed.
In the opening lines of the second and third books we can mark the recoil of a humane and sensitive spirit from the horrors of the reign of terror which he witnessed in his youth, and from the anarchy and confusion which prevailed at Rome during his later years.
AdvertisementScenes of remarkable activity may be witnessed here and at Billingsgate in the early hours of the morning when the stock is brought in and the wholesale distributions are carried on.
On the following lord mayor's day the king witnessed the show in Cheapside and attended the banquet at Guildhall.
The reign of !Ethelred, which witnessed the greatest national humiliation and the greatest crime in English history, is also marked by the most lavish expressions of religious feeling and the most frequent appeals to morality.
Only one commissioner, however, denounced the bounties as the real cause of the utter breakdown of trade and of the grievous distress which all three had witnessed and fully acknowledged.
A similar and contemporary extension of the influence of the Baltic traders under Lubeck's leadership may be witnessed in the West.
Thus the August Perseids, the returns of which have been witnessed more frequently than those of any other meteoric stream have had their radiant point fixed on more than 250 occasions.
The same year witnessed the restoration of peace in Italy and the return of the emperor to Germany, where he received the homage of the rulers of Poland, Bohemia and Denmark; but he died suddenly at Memleben on the 7th of May 973, and was buried at Magdeburg.
The year 1838 claims special note in a record of Gladstone's life, because it witnessed the appearance of his famous work on The State in its Relations with the Church.
Therefore a mother, passing from the chamber which has just witnessed her paroxysms of grief, will describe calmly to a strangerespecially a foreignerthe death of her only child.
It has been frequently asserted by Western critics that the year (1876) which witnessed the abolition of sword-wearing in Japan, witnessed also the end of her artistic metal- Moderna,,d work.
In more recent years a great expansion has been witnessed.
Brothers' Club, a society of Tory politicians and men of letters, and the same year witnessed the failure of the two expeditions to the West Indies and to Canada promoted by him.
The reign of Domitian, although it silenced the more independent spirits of the time, Tacitus and Juvenal, witnessed more important contributions to Roman literature than any age since the Augustan, - among them the Institutes of Quintilian, the Punic War of Silius Italicus, the epics and the Silvae of Statius, and the Epigrams of Martial.
The interpolation really witnessed to a deep-lying difference between Eastern and Western theology.
In 1716 it witnessed a signal defeat inflicted on the Turks by Prince Eugene.
In the train of Quintana he witnessed at Bologna the double coronation of Charles in February 1530, visited Augsburg, and perhaps saw Luther at Coburg.
As governor he took part in the formal ceremony of admitting the waters of Lake Erie into the canal in October 1825, and thus witnessed the completion of a work which owed more to him than to any other man.
As subdeacon he witnessed the coronation of Louis XVI.
But the latter half of the century witnessed a series of remarkable revivals, and first in Bavaria, under the influence of Louis I.
The theatre, built under Goethe's superintendence in 1825, memorable in the history of art not only for its associations with the golden age of German drama, but as having witnessed the first performances of many of Wagner's operas and other notable stage pieces, was pulled down and replaced by a new building in 1907.
The castle was founded in 1583 by Hideyoshi; the enclosed palace, probably the finest building in Japan, survived the capture of the castle by Iyeyasu (1615), and in 1867 and 1868 witnessed the reception of the foreign legations by the Tokugawa shoguns; but in the latter year it was fired by the Tokugawa party.
It is difficult for a generation which has witnessed another complete revolution in the standards of artistic taste to realize the secret of David's immense popularity in his own day.
This risk, however, was obviated by the foresight of Emma, who carried her lover across the courtyard of the palace; a scene which was witnessed by Charlemagne, who next morning narrated the occurrence to his counsellors, and asked for their advice.
In 1511 he passed over to Cuba to take part in the work of "population and pacification," and in 1513 or 1514 he witnessed and vainly endeavoured to check the massacre of Indians at Caonao.
She went with Jesus on the last journey to Jerusalem, witnessed the Crucifixion, followed to the burial, and returned to prepare spices.
In Germany, again, the last few years have witnessed a growing aversion from Ultramontanism on the part of those Catholics who cannot reconcile its tenets with their patriotic sentiments,.
The queen witnessed the wedding from the private pew or box of St George's Chapel, Windsor, but she wore the deep mourning which she was never wholly to put off to the end of her life, and she took no part in the festivities of the wedding.
The year 1888 witnessed two events which greatly affected European history, and in a minor, though still marked, degree the life of the English court.
As a child young Droysen witnessed some of the military operations during the War of Liberation, for his father was pastor at Greifenhagen, in the immediate neighbourhood of Stettin, which was held by the French during the greater part of 1813.
The month of April had witnessed the revolt of the principal Greek islands, Spetsae on the 7th, Psara on the 23rd, Hydra on the 28th and Samos on the 30th.
The temporary removal of the common peril, moreover, let loose all the sectional and personal jealousies, which even in face of the enemy had been with difficulty restrained, and the year 1823 witnessed the first civil war between the Greek parties.
Gathered there also were a host of publicists, secretaries and courtiers, and never before had Europe witnessed such a collection of rank and talent.
Towcester, with the whole of this district, witnessed a large part of the operations during the Civil War of the 17th century.
He continued to serve with distinction, and in 1798 was promoted to be captain of the "Vanguard," Nelson's flagship. In the "St George" he did valuable work before the battle of Copenhagen in 1801, and his association with Nelson was crowned by his appointment in 1803 to the "Victory" as flag-captain, in which capacity he was engaged at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, witnessed Nelson's will, and was in close attendance on him at his death.
The neighbourhood of Marietta witnessed for the next fortnight very heavy fighting, notably at Pine Mountain on the 14th and Kenesaw on the 27th, both actions being frontal assaults gallantly pushed home and as gallantly repulsed.
The spirit and the age of humanism and the Reformation effected and witnessed important developments in the study of the Old Testament.
At first, and indeed down to the middle of the 17th century, Jewish traditions and methods in the study of Hebrew dominated Christian scholars; but in the 17th and 18th centuries the study of other Semitic languages opened up that comparative linguistic study which was systematized and brought nearer to perfection in the 19th century (which also witnessed the opening up of the new study of Assyrian) by scholars such as Gesenius, Ewald, Olshausen, Renan, Noldeke, 'Stade and Driver.
General Lee and President Davis were present and witnessed the loss of 2000 men in a frontal attack which continued till 9 p.m.
The same year witnessed the expulsion of Spener from Dresden.
The 18th century witnessed the development of these suggestions and the birth of many additional theories.
The next two years witnessed the final struggle of the Gauls for freedom.
To this nation was due the introduction of maize and cotton into Mexico, the skilful workmanship in gold and silver, the art of building on a scale of vastness still witnessed to by the mound of Cholula, said to be Toltec work, and the Mexican hieroglyphic writing and calendar.
He edited for a short time a patriotic journal, the Prussian Correspondent, joined the headquarters of the allied sovereigns, and witnessed the battle of Bautzen, and was subsequently employed in some minor negotiations.
The hebdomadal transformation being once, contrary to compact, witnessed by her husband, she left him with much wailing, and was said to return and give warning by her appearance and great shrieks whenever one of the race of Lusignan was about to die.
The peneplain is no longer in the cycle of erosion that witnessed its production; it appears to have suffered a regional elevation, for the riversthe upper Missouri and its branchesno longer flow on the surface of the plain, but in well graded, maturely opened valleys, several hundred feet below the general level.
The ten years from 1860 to 1870 witnessed the operation of the first great factor which reduced the rate of national increase, namely the Civil War.
His rule was diffused with miraculous rapidity from the parent foundation on Monte Cassino through the whole of western Europe, and every country witnessed the erection of monasteries far exceeding anything that had yet been seen in spaciousness and splendour.
During the autumn and winter of 1814 he witnessed and reported the mistakes of the restored Bourbon dynasty, and warned his government of the growing danger from conspiracies and from the army, which was visibly hostile to the Bourbons.
Every succeeding year has witnessed development and growth.
From 1814 to 1830 Europe witnessed the restoration The Papacy of legitimate monarchy.
The few months that elapsed between the 18th of July 1870 and the 18th of January 1871 witnessed four events that have been fraught with more consequence to the papacy than anything else that had affected that institution for the past three centuries.
As late as about 1300 a traveller hostile to the Armenians reported to the pope that he had witnessed baptisms without any trinitarian invocation in as many as three hundred parish churches.
The number of restaurants and similar places of evening resort is very great, and there are several public courts where the Basque game of pelota can be witnessed.
Here corporal as well as spiritual punishment was endured; it was inflicted on apostate Jews or the wicked generally; the righteous witnessed its initial stages but not its final form.
It is generally agreed that the period since 1885 has witnessed a very marked increase of missionary zeal and interest in Great Britain, both in the Church t of England and among the Nonconformists.
But the 19th century witnessed a great change, and Roman Catholic missions have been extended par' passe with Protestant.
Urban witnessed the completion of the work of tranquillizing Italy under the able Cardinal Albornoz, and in 1364, in the interests of peace, made heavy concessions to Bernabo Visconti.
The 8th century witnessed in deed a heathen reaction; but it was checked by the arrival in Bavaria about 734 of St Boniface, who organized the Bavarian church and founded or restored bishoprics at Salzburg, Freising, Regensburg and Passau.
The castle is at least as old as the 12th century and belonged to Robert de Croc, who witnessed the charter of the foundation of Paisley Abbey.
Of his many works the most important are his chronicles of the four kings of Castile during whose reigns he lived; they give a generally accurate account of scenes and events, most of which he had witnessed; he also wrote a long satirical and didactic poem, interesting as a picture of his personal experiences and of contemporary morality.
Then all France awoke to a sense of her obligation to him, and his public funeral on the 6th of January 1883 evoked one of the most overwhelming displays of national sentiment ever witnessed on a similar occasion.
He then became a counsellor of the parlement of Paris, and witnessed many of the incidents that marked the growing hostility between that body and Louis XVI.
It saw the new-birth of poetry and of art; it witnessed the rise of the friars.
About this time Germany witnessed three events of some importance.
That period of crisis witnessed two great changes in American financial policy, the establishment of a national banking system and the issue of a legal tender paper currency.
In those departments of intellectual activity which demand no high ideal faculty, in the study of the world of fact, the centuries immediately following Alexander witnessed notable advance.
It was not that the Hellenistic element failed, whilst the native elements in the civilization prospered; the culture of Islam has, as a whole (from whatever causes), sunk ever lower during the centuries that have witnessed the marvellous expansion of Europe.
The following years witnessed serious troubles in Syria caused by the Carmathians, which called for the intervention of the caliph, who at last succeeded in defeating these fanatics; the officer Mahommed b.
The town, which witnessed much of the international strife and Border lawlessness, was taken by Edward I.
Armagh itself fell before the king Brian Boroime, who was buried here; and before Edward Bruce in 1315, while previous to the English war after the Reformation, it had witnessed the struggles of Shane O'Neill (1564).
Although the pontificate of Innocent witnessed the conversion of many Protestant princes, the most notable being Queen Christina of Sweden, the papacy had nevertheless suffered a perceptible decline in prestige; it counted for little in the negotiations at Minster, and its solemn protest against the peace of Westphalia was entirely ignored.
Few European towns grew so rapidly as Budapest generally, and Pest particularly, during the 19th century, and probably none has witnessed such a thorough transformation since 1867.
The period 1910-20 witnessed considerable industrial and agricultural development and a significant growth of Ethiopianism and trade unionism among the native and coloured people.
In 692 a grant is made by a king called Nothelm to his sister, which is witnessed by two other kings called Nunna and "Uuattus."
An undated grant is made by Nunna about this time, which is witnessed by a King ZEthelberht.
In 765 and 770 grants are made by a King Osmund, the latter of which is witnessed by Offa of Mercia.
James and John, who had witnessed the Transfiguration, and who were confident of the coming glory, asked for the places nearest to their Master, and professed their readiness to share His sufferings.
The proved accuracy of detail elsewhere, as in his narration of events which he witnessed in company with St Paul, enhances our general estimation of his work.
After this Adams visited Paris, where he witnessed the return of Napoleon from Elba, and then went to London, where, with Henry Clay and Albert Gallatin, he negotiated (1815) a "Convention to Regulate Commerce and Navigation."
Nicaea in 787, which witnessed the triumph of his opinions; but, feeling dissatisfied with court life, he retired into a convent.
The end of the Cretaceous period saw the beginning of a series of great earth movements ushered in by volcanic eruptions on a scale such as the earth has never since witnessed, which resulted in the upheaval of the Himalayas by a process of crushing and folding of the sedimentary rocks till marine fossils were forced to an altitude of 20,000 ft.
The state of Mysore and the Baba Budan range also witnessed the first opening of a coffee-garden by an English planter about 1840.
It reached the height of its prosperity in the 15th century, and in the 17th century it was the depot for much of the merchandise exported from Saxony and Bavaria to the mouth of the Elbe; then after a period of decay the 19th century witnessed a revival of its prosperity.
The suggestion was made, and seems to be the true explanation, that what was actually witnessed was the wave of light due to the outburst of the nova, spreading outwards with its velocity of 186,000 m.
Left to themselves, the Christians henceforward defended themselves only in isolated cases in the fortified cities; for the most part they witnessed the disappearance of the Byzantine power without regret.
In the spring of the following year he gave up his seat at the admiralty on being appointed to the command of the Channel Fleet; and in that capacity he witnessed the partial, and prevented the total, destruction of the French fleet in Basque Roads, on the 12th of April 1809.
Augustus witnessed the triumphal procession, and Tiberius, as it turned from the Forum to ascend the Capitol, halted, descended from his triumphal car, and did reverence to his adopted father.
After 293 Maximianus left the care of the Rhine frontier to Constantius Chlorus, who had been designated Caesar in that year, but in 297 his arms achieved a rapid and decisive victory over the barbarians of Mauretania, and in 302 he shared at Rome the triumph of Diocletian, the last pageant of the kind ever witnessed by that city.
In 1585 Breslau witnessed the most destructive plague known in its history.
The community had now become self-supporting, and the year that witnessed these changes witnessed also the first representative assembly in North America, the Virginia House of Burgesses, a meeting of planters sent from the plantations to assist the governor in reforming and remaking the laws of the colony.
The 12th and r3th centuries, which witnessed the great struggle between the secular and spiritual powers in the state, witnessed also the rise of a literature inspired by the lay spirit, and of an art which was already escaping from the thraldom of the stereotyped ecclesiastical forms. Gothic sculpture was not incidentally decorative, it was an essential element in the harmony of the architectural design.
The latter half of the 11th century witnessed the most remarkable political creation in Europe since the days of Caesar, the papal monarchy of Hildebrand.
Frederick then formed an alliance with Milan, where the citizens witnessed a great festival on the 27th of January 1186.
It also witnessed the application of printing to the diffusion of knowledge.
In 1356 Nuremberg witnessed the promulgation of the famous Golden Bull of the emperor Charles IV.
The Protesters, who were in favour with the common people, are chargeable with having brought into Scottish church life the observance of fastdays, and of the long and excited Communion services which were kept up for two and a half centuries and may still be witnessed in the Highlands.
The growth of Puritanism in Wales was neither strong nor speedy, although the year 1588, which witnessed the appearance of Bishop Morgan's Bible, also gave birth to two fierce appeals to the parliament, urging a drastic Puritanical policy in Wales, from the pen of the celebrated John Penry, a native of Brecknockshire (1559-1593).
His methods were not free from arbitrariness; he would attribute to " the wise " the opinion of a single authority which he regarded as correct; he would ignore conflicting opinions or those of scholars which they themselves had afterwards retracted, and he did not scruple to cite his own decisions.2 The period of the Amora'im, " speakers, interpreters," (about 220-500 A.D.), witnessed the growth of the Gemara, when the now " canonical " Mishnah formed the basis for further amplification and for the collecting of old and new material which bore upon it.
They might then have been written by one who, as a young man of sixteen or twenty, had witnessed the terrible scenes of fifty years before.
In Paris he witnessed the revolution of 1848, and only returned to Turin in 1852, when he taught applied geometry at the technical institute.
At last Baron Gillis Bildt, who, while Swedish ambassador in Berlin, had witnessed the introduction by Prince Bismarck of the agrarian protectionist system in Germany, accepted the premiership, and it was under his auspices that the two chambers imposed a series of duties on necessaries of life.
The next few years witnessed the expulsion of the royalists from the south of Chile, the equipment of a small fleet, placed under the command of Manuel Blanco Encalada and Lord Cochrane (earl of Dundonald), and the invasion of Peru by San Martin with the help of the fleet, ending in the proclamation of Peruvian independence in 1821; though the Spanish power was not finally broken until Bolivar's victory at Ayacucho in 1824.
The death of Balmaceda finished all cause of contention in Chile, and was the closing act of the most severe and bloodiest struggle that country had ever witnessed.
This was simply the old Roman jurisprudence embodied in the legislation of Justinian, modified by custom and legislative decrees during the course of the centuries which witnessed the growth of civilization in Europe; and it is to all intents and purposes the jurisprudence which was the foundation of the Code Napoleon.
The year which witnessed the emancipation of the slaves and the creation of the first treaty state also saw the beginning of another disastrous Kaffir war.
The accession of his widow Salome Alexandra (78-69) witnessed a complete reversal of the policy pursued by Jannaeus, for she chose to rule in accordance with the ideals of the Pharisees.
The second half of the 19th century witnessed several great finds; first, of gold placers on the lower Gila and Colorado (1858-1869); later, of lodes at Tombstone, which flourished from 1879-1886, then decayed, but in 1905 had again become the centre of important mining interests; and still later the development of copper mines at Jerome and around Bisbee.
He witnessed the chequered career of Stilicho as actual, though not titular, emperor of the West; he saw the hosts of Radagaisus rolled back from Italy, only to sweep over Gaul and Spain; the defeats and triumphs of Alaric; the three sieges and final sack of Rome, followed by the marvellous recovery of the city; Heraclian's vast armament dissipated; and the fall of seven pretenders to the Western diadem.
The following years witnessed a counter attempt to introduce the Scottish liturgy into England, especially for those who in the southern kingdom were inclined to Presbyterianism.
The year 1620, which witnessed the downfall of Bohemian independence, also marks the beginning of a period of decline of the national tongue, which indeed later, in the 18th century, was almost extinct as a written language.
William of Occam was the most prominent intellectual leader in an age which witnessed the disintegration of the old scholastic realism, the rise of the theological scepticism of the later middle ages, the great contest between pope and emperor which laid the foundations of modern theories of government, and the quarrel between the Roman curia and the Franciscans which showed the long-concealed antagonism between the theories of Hildebrand and Francis of Assisi; and he shared in all these movements.
It is necessary, therefore, at this stage to direct the attention of the reader somewhat fully to the subject of flight, as witnessed in the insect, bird and bat, a knowledge of natural flight preceding, and being in some sense indispensable to, a knowledge of artificial flight.
A familiar illustration of the same principle may be witnessed any day when children are engaged in the pastime of kite-flying.
Alone of the gods besides Helios, she witnessed the abduction of Persephone, and, torch in hand (a natural symbol for the moon's, light, but see Farnell), assisted Demeter in her search for her daughter.
On being released he lectured with increasing effect at Paris, attended the General Council at Vienne in 1311, and there witnessed the nominal adoption of his cherished proposals.
Senac witnessed the beginnings of the Revolution in Paris, but emigrated in 1790, making his way first to London, and then, in 1791, to Aix-la-Chapelle, where he met Pierre Alexandre de Tilly, who asserts in his Memoirs that Senac attributed the misfortunes of Louis XVI.
About this time, too (November 1707), he produced his best narrative poem, Baucis and Philemon, while the next few months witnessed one of the most amusing hoaxes ever perpetrated against the quackery of astrologers.
The number of factories increased from fifty-three in 1881 to eighty-three in 1890, and that decade saw the influx of a great industrial population from the surrounding districts; but the decade 1891-1901 witnessed at least a temporary set-back owing to the ravages caused by plague and the effects of over-production.
The interval of years witnessed the growth of a river trade and its gradual decline as point after point on the river - Kansas City, St Joseph, Council Bluffs (Iowa), Sioux Falls (South Dakota) and Helena (Montana) - was reached and commanded by the railways.
He witnessed the battle of Edgehill, where he made afterwards an exact survey of the field, noting how the armies were drawn up, and 'where and in what direction the various movements took place, and marking the graves of the slain.
This part of the coast, subject alike to strong westerly and southeasterly winds, is often tempestuous, as is witnessed by the name, corruption of a Hottentot word meaning dry, arid.
The most vivid account of the life and primitive rule is that given by Palladius in the Lausiac History, as witnessed by him (c. 410).
It was a hard and selfish generation which witnessed the Wars of the Roses and the dictatorship of Moral Edward IV.
The succeeding period, after so much storm and stress, might seem dull and unprofitable; but it witnessed the instructive experiment of the government of Europe by a concert of the great powers, and the first victory of the new principle of nationality in the insurrection of the Greeks.
But in the same year which witnessed his triumph, he was doomed to fall.
Meanwhile the I 9th century witnessed a great development in historical writing.
He soon, however, retired to his estate at Tegel, near Berlin, but was recalled and sent as ambassador to Vienna in 1812 during the exciting period which witnessed the closing struggles of the French empire.
At the same time the dualism involved in the simultaneous acceptance of an optimistic account of the origin and nature of the universe (such as is implied in Christian theology) and a belief in the reality of moral evil witnessed to by the Christian doctrine of Redemption, intensified the difficulties already felt concerning man's responsibility and God's omnipotence.
He took his place at once as archbishop of Canterbury, witnessed the abdication of Richard in the Tower of London, led the new king, Henry IV., to his throne in presence of the peers, and crowned him on the 13th of October 1399.
During the Hundred Days, Louis Napoleon, then a child of seven, witnessed the presentation of the eagles to 50,000 soldiers; but a few weeks later, before his departure for Rochefort, the defeated Napoleon embraced him for the last time, and his mother had to receive Frederick William III.
The Gambia witnessed many administrative changes.
For Sparta the long era of war and intestine struggle had ceased and one of peace and a revived prosperity took its place, as is witnessed by the numerous extant inscriptions belonging to this period.
Even in 1150 Bagdad had seen a library of philosophical books burned by command of the caliph Mostanjid; and in 1192 the same place might have witnessed a strange scene, in which the books of a physician were first publicly cursed, and then committed to the flames, while their owner was incarcerated.
Thus Orderic, though he witnessed no great events, was often well informed about them.
Passing higher up the geological series, we find but scanty records of the vegetation that existed during the closing ages of the Permian period, and of the plants which witnessed the beginning of the Triassic period we have to be content with the most fragmentary relics.
This apparently rapid alteration in the character of the southern vegetation took place at an earlier period than that which witnessed the transformation in the northern hemisphere.
While Howie witnessed the sleeping child rendered unconscious and taken from her room, he was only able to give a general description of the responsible figure; a man perhaps five nine or ten, heavy set or muscular.
Dusty didn't think twice about offing anyone who posed a threat to him, and he didn't remember what it felt like to be a human who witnessed what looked like a mass murder.
Dean witnessed none of it as he surged upward, climbing above all but the highest ridges as the narrow track stretched toward the timberline.
As a warrior who spent his adult life at battle, he wasn't really keen on how to comfort a woman who had seen three things she'd likely never witnessed before in the span of five minutes.
His Majesty expressed the utmost abhorrence of the system, arising from the scenes he had himself witnessed in Cuba 40 years ago.
One farmer recently witnessed a Sparrowhawk take a Fieldfare and was then accosted on the ground by a Buzzard which then stole the prey.
He witnessed the aftermath of the bomb explosion at platform level on the Central Line Bank Station.
During testing I personally witnessed anglers who had never fished PVA before successfully mastering the technique in minutes resulting in bigger and better catches.
A local breeder of the Glasgow Dingo who wished to remain anonymous witnessed the apparitions on New Year's Eve.
Significantly, we have witnessed in the past decades a clear re-awakening of the feminine archetype.
A large crowd witnessed a good tactical battle between the control and tactical sense of Guy and the sheer athleticism of George.
A priori, one would guess that bone in some uncemented breccias will have witnessed the passage of only small amounts of water.
Quite a number have witnessed brutality or relatives being killed.
English fans stoned and threw beer cans at portuguese fans in Gelsenkirchen (witnessed by a portuguese TV crew ).
In fact, their gigs often ended in rioting and the savvy McGee ensured the hacks always witnessed the carnage.
Assent is given by executing the deed or providing the trustee with a witnessed written assent.
Such attacks have been witnessed in emergency rooms, where doctors were completely defenseless to the oncoming arrest and unable to resuscitate the patient.
We have recently witnessed the deification of the pig industry, whose output is almost all factory farmed in cruel conditions.
What you have just witnessed, he says, is a mere delusion of the sight.
More recently, people had witnessed the devastation caused by the bombing of cities during the Spanish Civil War.
The revolving door of re-offending is something that criminal justice professionals have witnessed for too long.
Just outside Cowes we witnessed a 17ft fishing dory sinking rapidly.
It has to be one of the few occasions I have witnessed Mrs eats not clear her plate.
After that the hall was filled with a buzz and almost electrical atmosphere; no-one could quite believe what they'd witnessed.
The idea that the Renaissance witnessed the emergence of the modern individual remains a powerful myth.
I could not try to comprehend the enormity of what I had witnessed.
He retained an enduring fondness for the college that witnessed his development from a rebellious teenager to a professional mathematician.
Kirkwall police would like to hear from anyone who witnessed the incident.
Otsuka then goes onto tell us the tale of a match he witnessed in his youth between a Japanese judoka and a foreign wrestler.
Since I wrote my last Notes I have visited the place three times - and on each occasion have witnessed manifestations.
Insensitive nursing marred a patient's last hours of life As a second-year nursing student on clinical placement, I witnessed a disturbing incident.
I witnessed the birth of political multiculturalism in Britain.
Dated 11 March 1980, it is witnessed by a notary.
Despite the impoverished state of the kingdom, the last century of Lusignan rule finally witnessed a social and cultural osmosis.
I have never witnessed such mighty outpouring of God upon His people.
Saddam's first period in office witnessed a bloody purge of the Iraqi left.
Nowhere was the chaos more apparent than in the country's past, which witnessed wholesale political purges and the slaughter of Buddhist monks.
In their own churches they may have witnessed bitter rivalry among the elders.
Joan, a shop assistant, witnessed an armed robbery where a security guard was badly injured.
We may have just witnessed the first salvo in what could prove to be an irreversible trip to hell on earth.
Sophia perennis may be witnessed in his orientation toward ancient Greek myth.
Living as one of the poor, London witnessed the squalor, degradation and slow starvation of the area.
Now onto the home strait, our Reading experience ended with two of the most outstanding performances we'd witnessed all weekend.
To my left I witnessed a golden sunrise across the beautifully calm sea.
I heard the chains ring, and witnessed the high-fives from the 8th tee - I wish I'd seen it.
Surely, sabre-tooth tigers and triceratops witnessed the same things then that we blame on gods today.
John and his brother James along with Simon Peter witnessed the transfiguration.
As a result the summer months witnessed an upsurge in sectarian violence particularly in Belfast.
By night he was donning a frock coat and bow tie in the last of the great seaside vaudeville shows witnessed on the Island.
On the border, we have witnessed increased vigilance on the part of Syrian security forces.
So many were deeply moved and witnessed to a growth in faith and to the joy of having all-age worship.
Pericles likewise is responsible for the epoch-making splendour of Attic art in his time, for had he not so fully appreciated and given such free scope to the genius of Pheidias, Athens would hardly have witnessed the raising of the Parthenon and other glorious structures, and Attic art could not have boasted a legion of first-rate sculptors of whom Alcamenes, Agoracritus and Paeonius are only the chief names.
Seward's wife, an invalid, received such a shock that she died within two months, and his only daughter, who witnessed the assault, never recovered from the effects of the scene and died within the year.
Agreements, declarations and non-contentious cases are usually witnessed by one judge and twelve elders.
In his Memoire sur le refraction des corps solides (1741) he was the first to give a theoretical explanation of the phenomenon which is witnessed when a body passes from one fluid to another more dense in a direction not perpendicular to the surface which separates the two fluids.
Books on mundane subjects, not at all conducive to the spiritual edification of the faithful, were read by the tsar's counsellors, and a theatre had been erected, in which the tsar often witnessed very unedifying dramas and ballets.
In the United States the years from 1870 to 1875 witnessed sweeping and generally ill-considered legislation (" Granger " Acts) concerning railway charges throughout the Mississippi valley; while the years from 1884 to 1887 were marked by more conservative, and for that reason more enforceable, acts, which culminated in the Interstate Commerce Act, prohibiting personal discrimination and gradually restricting discrimination between places, and providing for a National Commission of very considerable power - not to speak of the pooling clause, which was extraneous to the general purpose of the act, and has tended to defeat rather than strengthen its operation.
Taking the manuscript with him, Gibbon, after an absence of four years, once more visited London in 1787; and the 51st anniversary of the author's birthday (27th April 1788) witnessed the publication of the last three volumes of The Decline and Fall.
The last quarter of the 19th century witnessed an important change in the attitude of public opinion towards legislative control over the contagious diseases of animals.
During this stay at Paris he witnessed some of the great "days" of the Revolution; but the sad plight of his sister, Marianna Elisa, on the dissolution of the convent of St Cyr, where she was being educated, compelled him to escort her back to Corsica shortly after the September massacres.
It is not uninstructive to note that as the same year 1868 witnessed a setback in both Croatia and Serbia, so the same year 1903 marks a parallel revival in national consciousness in both countries, coincident with the fall of Khuen-Hedervary and the removal of the Obrenovic dynasty.
Sir Ian Hamilton, who had been chosen as commander-in-chief of the military contingents that were to cooperate in due course with the naval forces in this theatre of war, had moreover actually arrived on the day before the abortive fleet attack upon the Narrows and had witnessed the fight.
The same year witnessed the fulfilment of Savonarola's second prediction in the death of Innocent VIII.
These instructions were communicated to the French, though not to the allies, Louis putting Dunkirk as security into possession of England, and the shameful spectacle was witnessed of the desertion by the English troops of their allies almost on the battlefield.
Hegesippus, after a journey to all the principal seats of Christian tradition, testifies that all are holding to the true doctrine as transmitted at the original seat, where it was witnessed first by the apostles and afterwards by the kindred of the Lord and " witnesses " of the first generation.
Returning to the scene of hostilities, Charles witnessed the capitulation of Pavia in June 774, and the capture of Desiderius, who was sent into a monastery.
He appears, in the composition of his various pieces, to have treated everything that occurred to him in the most desultory fashion, sometimes adopting the form of dialogue, sometimes that of an epistle or an imaginary discourse, and often to have spoken in his own name, giving an account of his travels and adventures, or of amusing scenes that he had witnessed, or expressing the results of his private meditations and experiences.
Some of his very best hymns are in the little volume he published in 1681, and hence the old period of semi-articulate Danish may be said to close with this eventful decade, which also witnessed the birth of Holberg.
In view of these differences (amounting almost to an antinomy of paradoxes) in interpretation, it is not surprising to find that recent years have witnessed a violent reaction in some quarters against Hegelian influence.
It embraces the phenomena of the visionary appearance of lakes in arid deserts, the images of ships and icebergs, frequently seen as if inverted and suspended in the atmosphere in the Polar Regions, the Fata Morgana, and "looming" as witnessed in mists or fogs.
It was the most ethereal flight I had ever witnessed.
Saddam 's first period in office witnessed a bloody purge of the Iraqi left.
Gary reminisces about the events his sofa has ' witnessed '.
Further evidence of Judah 's use of the concept of sophia perennis may be witnessed in his orientation toward ancient Greek myth.
Instead we have witnessed specious arguments over how close to zero a GM content is near enough GM-free.
Now onto the home strait, our Reading experience ended with two of the most outstanding performances we 'd witnessed all weekend.
Many strange happenings have been witnessed in recent years.
Kate Rashid witnessed her brothers being killed one by one, and now she has sworn vengeance.
I heard the chains ring, and witnessed the high-fives from the 8th tee - I wish I 'd seen it.
Send us your stories | the Daily Mail Have you witnessed today 's terror raids around London?
John and his brother James along with Simon Peter witnessed the Transfiguration.
Still in sight of the group of people who had witnessed my gob smack we trudged off back the way we had come.
Police at Omagh are appealing for anyone who witnessed the collision to contact them on 0845 600 8000.
They had witnessed miracles in response to their ministry.
His vile attitude was upsetting to everyone who witnessed his behavior.
I wasn't surprised when I heard my neighbors were getting a divorce, since I witnessed their regular altercations.
I've also witnessed master salespeople who are able to obtain far more money, talent and media attention than their product deserves.
You've probably already witnessed your baby's eyes light up when you hand her a new or favorite book to read.
In addition to the size of the hurricanes increasing, so are the number of hurricanes per season, with a 56 percent increase witnessed between 1999 and 2004.
Housing styles change every 10 to 15 years, and the past 200-plus years of American history have witnessed quite a few.
That's how I have witnessed many others do it, but I haven't found any that will stay put.
Thinking of wedding registry ideas - including what to register for and where to register - can help a new couple build the life of their dreams and remember all the special people who witnessed and wished them well on the special occasion.
More than 140 million viewers witnessed Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" when, at the end of their song, he removed part of Jackson's costume to expose one of her breasts.
When the celebrities arrive at the location, they are given a little background information on the types of activity that have been witnessed.
Only a handful of friends witnessed the private wedding.
The nuptials had to have been a very intimate affair, as no word has surfaced about any other friends that witnessed the vow swapping.
Anyone who is reasonably certain they have witnessed an act of animal cruelty should report the offense to their local authorities.
To make a stronger case, write down what you have witnessed, and include dates, times, locations, and photos if possible.
Since bitches send down multiple eggs, it's very possible that the breeder could have witnessed the breeding with the named sire, and another male could have also bred the bitch by accident and unnoticed.
Wernick got the idea for the ring when he witnessed a doctor take a child's temperature by placing a strip of thermotropic material on a child's forehead.
During this time, we witnessed firsthand the destructive agricultural processes that were harming the local environment and the people inhabiting them.
Neighbors heard the little girl screaming as they witnessed the abduction but could do nothing except call the police as the truck sped away with Amber in the front seat.
No matter which way you go about writing a will, the document needs to be witnessed and signed by two individuals who are not beneficiaries of the will itself.
Sleep studies are not done at a first appointment, but patients are encouraged to bring their completed patient paperwork and someone who has witnessed them sleep or who shares their bed.
The Burnout franchise hosts the most spectacular crashes ever witnessed in video games.
I recently was able to actually meet Nobuo Uemastu (the composer for almost all of the music since the first), and I witnessed his orchestra perform all of the classic songs that defined exactly how much of a nerd I am.
You play Ryo, a novice martial artist teenager who has witnessed the death of his father by Lan Di, a man searching for a green disc.
I've seen a lot of platformers in my day, and probably the most popular series this world has ever witnessed is that of Mario from Nintendo, followed closely by Sonic The Hedgehog from Sega.
Law enforcement officers, social workers, and counselors often have children draw traumatic events, especially when they lack the communication skills to explain what they have witnessed or experienced.
In many cases the diagnosis of an injury to the child's nose is obvious to the doctor from taking a history, particularly if the parent witnessed the accident or saw the child putting something in his nose.
Once a parent or caregiver has witnessed a breath holding spell the symptoms are obvious.
Children act out situations they suspect may happen to them, that they are fearful will happen, or that they have witnessed.
Perhaps it's a dance-based workout video, or maybe you're playing the latest Nintendo Wii game - whatever the avenue, chances are you've either witnessed or interacted with some sort of dance step graphic while in your living room.
If you have a friend at work who has witnessed the misconduct, ask him or her to contribute a statement to your file as well.
The process of bringing a new baby into the world is a fascinating topic, but many people who have witnessed the event know that birthing is not a pretty sight.
For those who have never witnessed a human birth, the following information may help you prepare.
Ruth Handler witnessed her own daughters dressing adult paper dolls and acting out "grown up" scenarios.
The original shows were certainly much calmer than the chaotic scenes witnessed at modern Fashion Week events.
One legend says that St. Boniface, who converted thousands of Germans to Christianity in the eighth century, became enraged one day when he witnessed a group of pagans worshipping an oak tree.
Whether you're "one of the guys" or you've been friends since childhood, he's bound to have witnessed some less-than-perfect moments.
The police had reported "neat and orderly rooms", but Sam witnessed blood everywhere, including the mattress and the telephone.
They knew there was a correlation between their world and the vast worlds they witnessed at night.
Anyone who has ever witnessed a constipated and uncomfortable child knows that this is a condition which needs to be dealt with swiftly and proactively.
For example, the 1940s and 1950s witnessed a surge in musical dramas, while the 1970s and 1980s turned towards more dramatic political films.
According to The Great Amherst Mystery by Walter Hubbell, the doctor later wrote to a colleague regarding the case, expressing the sentiment that no one would believe him if he published what he had witnessed.
Perhaps you've witnessed unusual things in your home, or have seen what you believe to be an actual ghost.
Dr. Kevin admits that until he began channeling, he'd witnessed trance channelers and hadn't felt the information was of direct value to the person requesting the reading.
Through the years, the audience witnessed Fletcher's growth on screen as Ritchie herself grew up.
Miller said he has witnessed disturbing trends he believes are moving yoga in the wrong direction "away from the authentic experience of the original goal of yoga -- that of stilling the mind -- and toward something different."
Some release forms will require that the signing of the form be witnessed by at least one other adult or by a notary public.
The nineties witnessed the emergence of a number of female fronted guitar bands, including the likes of Echobelly, Sleeper, Lush and St Etienne.
The screech of a TIE Fighter (Twin Ion Engine) was unlike anything movie goers had ever witnessed when swarms of Star Wars' TIE fighters first flooded movie screens in massive numbers.
It all leads Benford and Noh to piece together what they learned during their own flash forwards to try and learn the cause behind the blackouts and to figure out if the futures they all witnessed can be changed.
If you've ventured outdoors during the summer, there's a great chance you've been stung by a bee or witnessed it happening to someone else.
Staff members of the restaurants housed here reportedly have seen ghosts and witnessed poltergeist pranks.
No, nothing could explain the exchange she witnessed.
When I'd stopped for a breath, the woman asked where I was when I witnessed it and why I'd waited so long to call.
The two were always at each other's throats, and Gabe had witnessed their decision making skills on the Council.
Her face assumed an expression that he had never witnessed.
Xander witnessed Jessi running.
Unlike the American Indians, who supposed Columbus and his crew to be supernatural beings, and their ships in some way endowed with life, and were thrown into convulsions of terror by the first discharge of firearms which they witnessed, these Australians were neither excited to wonder by the ship nor overawed by the superior number and unknown weapons of the strangers.
Aston Lower Grounds, adjoining the park, contain an assembly hall, and the playing field of the Aston Villa Football Club, where the more important games are witnessed by many thousands of spectators.
Various squareslare set apart for markets, and here are to be witnessed scenes of the greatest animation.
It was publicly sealed and witnessed by professional witnesses, as well as by collaterally interested parties.
The decision given was embodied in writing, sealed and witnessed by the judges, the elders, witnesses and a scribe.
In the Sinan Tekke or Dervish monastery the ceremonies of the howling and dancing Dervishes may be witnessed.
The report, however, would be of greater value if the names of the medium and of the working members of the committee were given - we only know that of Serjeant Cox - and if they had written independent accounts of what they witnessed.
Joseph Maxwell, of Bordeaux, has published accounts 8 of raps and movements of objects without contact, witnessed with private and other mediums, which he appears to have observed with care, though he does not describe the conditions sufficiently for others to form any independent judgment about them.
The latter half of the 8th century, which witnessed a rapid succession of reigns in the northern kingdom accompanied by dismemberment of its territory and final overthrow, witnessed also the humiliating vassalage and religious decline of the kingdom of Judah.
The close of the 19th century witnessed the forging of the final links in the great geodetic triangulation of India, so far as the peninsula is concerned.
Southwark witnessed various episodes during the invasions of the Norsemen, and was fortified by the Danes against the City in the reign of Ethelred the Unready.
This was replaced by several castles in succession, of which one - Castle Dounie - was taken by Cromwell and burned by the duke of Cumberland in 1746, the conflagration being witnessed from a neighbouring hill by Simon, Lord Lovat, before his capture on Loch Morar.
The early years of the reign of Queen Victoria witnessed the strengthening of the union between agriculture and chemistry.
The same year witnessed the downfall of Napoleon's persistent enemy, Gustavus IV.
The same year which saw the promulgation of the crude scheme just described, as well as the publication of the final researches of Muller, witnessed also another attempt at the classification of birds, much more limited indeed in scope, but, so far as it went, regarded by most ornithologists of the time as almost final in its operation.
The second half of the 17th century witnessed remarkable transitions and developments in all branches of natural science,and the facts accumulated by preceding generations during their generally unordered researches were re placed by a co-ordination of experiment and deduction.
The same phenomena have been witnessed, not only in the conflicts within the Church that marked the 13th to the 16th centuries, but in the different mission fields, and particularly in Madagascar and China.
The same period probably also witnessed the liberation of the Thais or inhabitants of Siam from the yoke of the Khmers, to whom they had for long been subject, and the expulsion of the now declining race from the basin of the Menam.
During his two and a half years of service under Cochrane, the young midshipman witnessed more than fifty engagements, and had much experience of service on the coast of Spain in the early stage of the Peninsular War, in the attack on the French squadron in the Roads (April 1809) and in the Walcheren expedition.
The year that witnessed this change in the constitution was also notable for the death of Sir Theophilus Shepstone, Natal's most prominent citizen.
On the following day the Boer attack on an armoured train at Kraaipan, a railway station in Cape Colony south of Mafeking and close to the western frontier of the Transvaal, witnessed the first hostile shot of a bloody war, destined to plunge South Africa into strife for two years and a half.
He witnessed, in 1680, the total failure of his tragedy Aspar.
Under the Empire the ecumenical council had been looked upon as the highest representative organ of the Catholic Church; but the earlier centuries of the middle ages witnessed the convocation of no ecumenical councils.
It was the only battle which I have ever witnessed, the only battle-field I ever trod while the battle was raging; internecine war; the red republicans on the one hand, and the black imperialists on the other.
My father talks of nothing but marches and countermarches, things of which I understand nothing; and the day before yesterday during my daily walk through the village I witnessed a heartrending scene....
He liked to talk and he talked well, adorning his speech with terms of endearment and with folk sayings which Pierre thought he invented himself, but the chief charm of his talk lay in the fact that the commonest events--sometimes just such as Pierre had witnessed without taking notice of them--assumed in Karataev's a character of solemn fitness.
There might be a thousand explanations for what she had witnessed, but only one came to mind.
What they had witnessed in the last hour required the silence of personal reflection.
The 18th century witnessed striking developments in pneumatic chemistry, or the chemistry of gases, which had been begun by van Helmont, Mayow, Hales and Boyle.
If she hadn't witnessed his exchange with the woman earlier, she would have been certain he was disappointed.
It was pre-eminently the period of exultation in ancient Jewish rite, and the Mishnah declares that "He who has not seen the jcy of the libations of Tabernacles has never in his life witnessed joy."
The beginning of the 19th century witnessed the discovery of certain powerful methods for the analysis of compounds and the isolation of elements.
Transformations of electrical into chemical energy are witnessed in the processes of electrolysis (q.v.; see also Electrochemistry and Electrometallurgy).
Thrice Joash smote the Syrians - in accordance with the last words of the dying prophet - and Aphek in the Sharon plain, famous in history for Israel's disasters, now witnessed three victories.
All that he now witnessed scarcely made an impression on him--as if his soul, making ready for a hard struggle, refused to receive impressions that might weaken it.