Witness Sentence Examples
Did you get to witness the birth?
No one is forcing you to witness that stuff!
Mary showed up one morning in time to witness that fact.
Maybe he's in some witness protection program.
So far, she hadn't been there to witness any of her foals being born yet.
This sort of thing is usually done via the witness protection program but I once heard of a situation where fake papers were assembled independent of any government agency.
A principal witness for the charge of incest was Rochford's own wife, a woman of infamous character, afterwards executed for complicity in the intrigues of Catherine Howard.
He might witness something really exciting!
She watched them go, startled to witness the men in Western uniforms that Elise had claimed to see.
If you come under attack, you'll need an alternate identity... something similar to witness protection.
AdvertisementUnfortunately, we didn't learn of the murder until a week after it occurred, making it impossible for Howie to "witness" the scene.
I'm a witness in his car and the state guys were in Lydia's vehicle.
She didn't dare turn around, not certain she'd be able to witness Toni throwing herself at Xander without laughing at him.
God, he was so cute about it—wanting to know if you were a witness, asking all kinds of questions about what you saw and heard.
Spring will be too late to witness the kidding.
AdvertisementSensational evidence of a mock burial was given by an American witness named Caldwell, and others; but eventually it was agreed that the grave at Highgate should be opened.
Many came to witness the new wonder, and the excitement and interest spread rapidly.
Many of the notes and essays written by him at Auxonne bear witness to his indomitable resolve to master all the details of his profession and the chief facts relating to peoples who had struggled successfully to achieve their liberation.
While stroking her hair, he spoke softly, "My name is Jackson Parrish, and as God is my witness, I will do all in my power to correct this situation."
Thinking about all the times he nursed her through heartache, she now realized how difficult it must have been for him to witness her pain.
AdvertisementTo cause loss of liberty or property by false witness was punished by the penalty the perjurer sought to bring upon another.
She may be a witness, and her testimony does not need corroboration.
The characteristic triliteral roots of all the Semitic languages seemed to separate them widely from others; but certain traits have caused the Egyptian, Berber and Cushite groups to be classed together as three subfamilies of a Hamitic group, remotely related to the Semitic. The biliteral character of Coptic, and the biliteralism which was believed to exist in Egyptian, led philologists to suspect that Egyptian might be a surviving witness to that far-off stage of the Semitic languages when triliteral roots had not yet been formed from presumed original biliterals; Sethes investigations, however, prove that the Coptic biliterals are themselves derived from Old Egyptian triliterals, and that the triliteral roots enormously preponderated in Egyptian of the earliest known form; that view is, therefore, no longer tenable.
And so the Scotsmen fell back upon the witness of consciousness.
But ten years afterwards, in the exhibition of 1872, which was specially devoted to cotton, a few only of the thirty-five countries which had sent their samples in 1862 again appeared, and these for the most part only to bear witness to disappointment and failure.
AdvertisementThe first English paper was the Natal Witness, started in 1845 and still one of the leading organs of public opinion.
His work was mainly, though not exclusively, electrical, and his services were in great demand as an expert witness in patent cases.
In Egypt, however, no traces have at present been found of the industry in a rudimentary condition, and the vases which have been classified as " primitive " bear witness to an elaboration of technique far in advance of the experimental period.
On the other hand, the tendency to maintain peace naturally takes its course towards the strongest ruler, the king, and we witness in Anglo-Saxon law the gradual evolution of more and more stringent and complete rules in respect of the king's peace and its infringements.
Glas's published works bear witness to his vigorous mind and scholarly attainments.
Marco Polo is witness that there were Nestorian churches all along the trade routes from Bagdad to Pekin.
These bear witness to reality, not because we feel anything now, but because we felt it once; they are sensations registered in language, and again, if need be, translatable into immediate sensations or groups of sensation.
This latter acquisition is the principal object of warping, and it excites astonishment to witness how soon a new soil may be formed.
It appears that Peter did not stay with the disciples and neither returned home immediately to Galilee (according to the Galilean tradition) nor sought hiding in Jerusalem (according to the Jerusalem tradition), but followed the Lord at a distance and was a witness of at least part of the trial before the Sanhedrim.
The earliest witness to a residence of Peter in Rome is probably I Peter, for (see Peter, Epistles Of) it is probable that the reference to Babylon ought to be interpreted as meaning Rome.
The earliest direct witness is Tertullian, who definitely states that Peter suffered under Nero by crucifixion.
On the contrary, weapons are seldom found, at any rate in graves, the objects in which bear witness to a life of extraordinary luxury.
The witness of the Arianizing Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum (c. 400) is in general similar.
In the bosom of medieval society they were the last witness to a state of things that the regular development of Catholic cult had amplified and modified.
Cotton and rubber are found in considerable quantities, and fields of maize, corn, rice and sugarcane bear witness to the fertility of the soil.
The antrustions, belonging as they did to one body, had strictly defined duties towards one another; thus one antrustion was forbidden to bear witness against another under penalty of 15 solidi compensation.
In1868-1870he was Boyle lecturer (The Witness of the Old Testament to Christ), in 1873 Hulsean lecturer (The Gospel its Own Witness), in 1874 Bampton Lecturer (The Religion of the Christ) and from 1876 to 1880 Warburtonian lecturer.
His monuments are widespread in Egypt, the quarries and mines in the desert as far as Sinai bear witness to his great activity, and we know of an expedition which he made against the Nubians.
His laws to this end were engraved on a great stela in the temple of Karnak, of which sufficient remains to bear witness to his high aims, while the prosperity of the succeeding reigns shows how well he realized the necessities of the state.
The year 1681 seemed likely to witness another civil war.
Slavonic place-names, still existing in every portion of the Peninsula, bear witness to the multitude of the invaders and the permanency of their settlements.
For nearly thirty years he continued actively engaged in the promotion of his undertaking, and he lived to witness its wide extension throughout England.
Europe bears witness to recent submergence.
Many of his colleagues bear witness to his generosity and magnanimity, but as a general principle he certainly lacked the wider humanity.
Owen was probably born about 1359, studied law at Westminster, was squire to the earl of Arundel, and a witness for Grosvenor in the famous Scrope and Grosvenor lawsuit in 1386.
A grant, dated by Birch about 725, is made by Nunna to Eadberht, bishop of Selsey, and to this too "Uuattus" appears as a witness.
Offa also appears as witness to two charters of an ZEthelberht, king of the South Saxons, and in 772 he grants land himself in Sussex, with Oswald, dux of the South Saxons, as a witness.
It derived wealth from great salines and from a trade in oil and wool, to which the wide range of its admirable coinage bears witness from the 5th century B.C. onwards.
This witness of John holds a position of high importance in this Gospel.
It is a witness delivered to a hostile audience, whether they will hear or no.
Possibly he means to insist on the advantages of country life over life in the city; if this be so, the paragraph bears witness to the prominence of the latter.
You saw a plain, old-fashioned face, without life or lustre - a figure which had never looked young, and was now prematurely aged; the furrowed face bore witness to concentrated thought.
She lived just long enough to witness the fulfilment of her great wish, a rule such as she desired being approved by the pope two days before her death on the 11th of August 1253.
Papal legates to Germany seldom failed to visit the university and by their magnificence bore witness to the majesty of the Roman church.
He posted up a notice inviting the Wittenberg students to witness the burning of the bull (loth of December 1520).
To ignore or to obscure the features which are opposed to these ideas would be to ignore the witness of external evidence and to obscure the old Testament itself.
The importance of such documents for the scientific historian lies not so much in the events they record as in the unconscious witness they bear to the state of society in which the narrator or poet lived.
The numerous objects of bronze and other metals brought to light by the excavations in the Tigris and Euphrates valleys, though mostly on a small scale, bear witness to the great skill and artistic power of the people who produced them; while the discovery of some bronze statuettes, shown by inscriptions on them to be not later than 2200 B.C., proves how early was the development of this branch of art among the people of Assyria.
A reading supported by only one recension he considered as having only one witness in its favour; those readings which were supported by all the three recensions, or even by two of them, especially if these two were the Alexandrian and the Western, he unhesitatingly accepted as genuine.
That this has for centuries been regarded as the main route northward from Kabul, the Buddhist relics of Bamian and Haibak bear silent witness; but it may be doubted whether Abdur Rahman's talent for roadmaking has not opened out better alternative lines.
The historians who chronicled his march, and the Greek ambassador Megasthenes, who succeeded them (300 B.C.) in their literary labours, bear witness to the predominance of the old faith in the period immediately preceding Asoka.
This work, along with another against Deism, entitled The Gospel its own Witness, is regarded as the production on which his reputation as a theologian mainly rests.
The speech against Vatinius was an attack upon a witness under examination; that de Domo was made before the Pontifices; that pro C. Rabirio perduellionis reo in the course of a provocatio to the people; and those pro Ligario and pro rege Deiotaro before Caesar.
His father, who in his concealment was a witness of what was taking place, thereupon gave himself up, stipulating that he and his son should be executed at the same time.
The adducing of a witness for which he uses the verb is not an idea that covers all the uses.
From time to time Madame Blavatsky's numerous friends and associates were allowed to witness the manifestations of "occult phenomena," which she averred were the outcome of her connexion with these "Mahatmas."
On the 13th of June 1545, she was arraigned as a sacramentarian under the Six Articles at the Guildhall; but no witness appeared against her; she was declared not guilty by the jury and discharged after paying her fees.
In these circumstances, President McKinley, accompanied by the greater part of his cabinet, set forth in the early summer on a tour to visit the Pacific coast, where he was to witness the launching of the battleship "Ohio" at San Francisco.
But as it was deemed inadvisable to allow him to visit the Punjab, he remained for some time as a guest at the residency at Aden, and was allowed to receive some of his relatives to witness his abjuration of Christianity, which actually took place within the residency itself.
These and other cases in which we are led to discern very primitive witness behind Acts, do not indeed give to such witness the value of shorthand notes or even of abstracts based thereon.
The like must be said even of the contribution to the problem made by August Pott,' though he has helped to define one condition of success - the classification of the strata in " Western " texts - and has taken some steps in the right direction, in connexion with the complex phenomena of one witness, the Harklean Syriac.
The nature of the readings themselves, and the distribution of the witness for them, alike point to a process involving several stages and several originating centres of diffusion.
Amol is not walled and is now a place of little importance, but in and around it there are ruins and ancient buildings which bear witness to its former greatness.
Yet we may say that the 5th century did witness the actual dismemberment of the Roman Empire.
But here again we find that they bear witness to Homer.
But it was reserved for the 17th century to witness the flower and fruit time of this powerful art in the work of Porbus, Rubens and Vandyck, in the Dutch schools of landscape and home-life, and in the unique masterpieces of Rembrandt.
A new witness was wanted to support Oates's story, and in November a man named William Bedloe came forward.
Not even so, however, did their witness agree together, so, as a bold stroke, Oates, with great circumstantiality, accused the queen before Charles of high treason.
For the next three or four centuries there is little to note but the continual evidence of open or secret resistance to these decrees, and the parallel frequency and stringency of ecclesiastical legislation, which by its very monotony bears witness to its own want of success.
If some, and not the least essential, of these aspects are quasi-negative, it must be remembered that negations - witness the Unseen, the Unknown, the Infinite of a more advanced theology - are well adapted to supply that mystery on which the religious consciousness feeds with the slight basis of conceptual support it needs.
Contemporary writers all bear witness to her extraordinary beauty, but no genuine portraits of her have come down to us.
When they came back Spinoza was no more; he had died about three in the afternoon with Meyer as the only witness of his last moments.
Knox himself had a short time before put in writing a larger claim for the historic future, "What I have been to my country, though this unthankful age will not know, yet the ages to come will be compelled to bear witness to the truth."
From the frequency of his quotations, Aphraates is a specially important witness to the form in which the Gospels were read in the Syriac church in his day; Zahn and others have shown that he - mainly at least - used the Diatessaron.
Finally, he bears important contemporary witness to the sufferings of the Christian church in Persia under Sapor (Shapur) II.
He lived, however, to witness unparalleled vicissitudes of fortune.
Its numerous editions bear witness to its popularity, and until the final fall of Aristotle's physics it continued a popular textbook.
About his date, which is important in connexion with his witness, there is some doubt.
For nearly forty years he fought against every improvement in law, or in the constitution - calling God to witness, on the smallest proposal of reform, that he foresaw from it the downfall of his country.
Insurrections in Lisbon (1634) and Evora (1637) bore witness to the general discontent, but until 1640 the Spanish ascendancy The was never seriously endangered.
Exemption from liability to appear as a witness is often stipulated.
In the Apostolic age itself, "apostle" often denotes simply an "envoy," commissioned by Jesus Christ to be a primary witness and preacher of the Messianic Kingdom.
Paul is our earliest witness, as just cited; also in 1 Cor.
In favour of the middle date, which has, as far as recent authorities are concerned, the weight of consent in its favour, the testimony of Guy Patin (1601-1672), a witness of some merit and not too far removed in point of time, is invoked.
In this war the history of the East and West Goths begins again to unite, if we may accept the witness of one writer that Theodoric was helped by West Gothic auxiliaries.
Homer is our earliest literary witness; and the portrait that he presents of Zeus is too well known to need minute description.
But Homer we now know to be a relatively late witness in this matter.
This limitation of the professed historian is made up for by the growingly historical treatment of all the sciences and arts - a tendency noted before, to which this edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica is itself a notable witness.
The numerous ancient churches and the cathedrals of Ely and Peterborough bear witness to the share taken by religious communities in the reclamation and cultivation of the land.
For to do so is to act against the law of God as spoken through Moses, the eternal duration of which is borne witness to by our Lord.
In 1734 he made himself master of Naples and Sicily by arms. Charles had, however, no military tastes, seldom wore uniform, and could with difficulty be persuaded to witness a review.
The intensity of intellectual and manual application which Leonardo threw into the work is proved by the fact that he finished it within four years, in spite of all his other avocations and of those prolonged pauses of concentrated imaginative effort and intense self-critical brooding to which we have direct contemporary witness.
Decade after decade these processes went on, a rain of minute scales and grains falling, according to one witness, continually from the surface, till the picture seemed to be perishing altogether.
In 1890 he reaped the fruits of his labours, and nine years later he was destined to witness the abrogation of the old treaties, and the substitution in their place of conventions which place Japan on terms of equality with the European states.
Thus the sectaries no less than the Mendicant orders bear witness to the existence of spiritual needs in Western Christendom, which the Mendicant orders went a long way towards satisfying.
On the shore of the Irish Sea is Leasowe Castle, once known as Mock-Beggar Hall, and supposed to have been erected by the earls of Derby in the reign of Elizabeth, in order to witness the horse-races held here.
A witness was in all cases important, and in some essential to the validity of a contract.
Ten days later, the plaintiff crossed the fence in upon the land, with a law agent, a witness and a pair of horses yoked or harnessed, and in a loud voice stated the amount of the debt and called upon the defendant to pay it according to law.
Under examination, he denied that he had made common cause with the anabaptists and claimed to be no prophet, a mere witness of the Most High, but refused the articles of faith proposed to him by the provincial synod.
The 13th-century jury was a rough and primitive institution, which acted at once as accuser, witness and judgebut it was at any rate preferable to the chances of the red-hot iron, or the club of the duellist.
To know John well was to loathe him, as every contemporary chronicle bears witness.
The reappearance of these old English names bears witness to the fact that the vernacular was reasserting itself.
Grum-Grshimailo found on the Pamir the butterfly Colias nastes, a species characteristic of Labrador and Lapland; like the alpine plants which bear witness to a Glacial period flora in the Himalayas, this butterfly is a survival of the Glacial period fauna of the Pamir.
Rubruquis, who visited East Turkestan in 1254, Marco Polo between 1271 and 1275, and Hois in 1680, all bore witness to great religious tolerance; but this entirely disappeared with the invasion of the Bokharian mullahs or Mahommedan priests.
The political writing, too, much of it in a garish, extravagant style, exercised his deeper ambitions, and stands as witness to the working of original thought and foresight.
The adjacent ground to the east and south is covered with foundations, bearing witness to the extent of the ancient city.
The heaps of debris which cover so many acres near Belgrade, on the Kopaonik foothills and in the Toplitsa valley bear witness to the importance of this industry in the past.
The assurance which the believer has of salvation he receives from the operation and witness of the Holy Spirit; but this again rests on the divine choice of the man to salvation; and this falls back on God's eternal sovereign purpose, whereby He has predestined some to eternal life while the rest of mankind are predestined to condemnation and eternal death.
In his later days the west Goths threw off his yoke, and, on the invasion of the Huns, rather than witness the downfall of his kingdom he is said by Ammianus Marcellinus to have committed suicide.
The earth-wrinkles of this epoch were turned into a north-easterly direction by the pre-existing Leinster Chain, and the trend of the anticlinal from Limerick to the Slieve' Bloom Mountains, and that of the synclinal of Millstone Grit and CoalMeasures from Cashel through the Leinster coalfield, bear witness to the resistance of this granite mass.
In the 4th century there was a veritable renaissance in Gaul, the Intel- last outburst of a dying flame, which yet bore witness lectual also to the general decadence.
The bloody tragedies which disfigured the end of his reign bear sad witness to this; they were a fit prelude to that period during the course of which, as Gregory of Tours said, barbarism was let loose.
As was to be expected,, an oath taken under compulsion by such a man was little binding; and the French troops were compelled to witness, with helpless indignation, the orgy of cruel reaction which immediately began under the protection of their bayonets.
A mayor of Woodstock was witness to a deed in 1398, but the earliest known charter of incorporation was that from Henry VI.
He is thus an observer, witness, and participant in the incident, and the work is then complete."
But neither can be considered an unprejudiced witness.
He left Rome only to witness the crowning triumph of Roman arms in Africa, and to gain a practical acquaintance with Roman methods of government by assisting in the settlement of Achaea.
Remembering Len's suggestion that he might be in a witness protection program, she wondered if that innocent kiss might have ultimately put Yancey in danger.
God, he was so cute about it—wanting to know if you were a witness, asking all kinds of questions about what you saw and heard.
The fact of the matter is that this witness had no idea what they were talking about.
We'd rather relish meat or butter from the local farmer - witness the boom in farmers' markets.
The man has a strong Irish accent, believed by the witness to be Southern Irish.
If it lasts for another 10,000 years, it might even witness the Advent of open government in Devon.
In witness whereof the Church Commissioners have caused their Common Seal to be hereunto affixed.
Witness tried artificial respiration for nearly an hour without avail.
Sonia, who as a witness has had to wait outside court for most of the hearing, looks ashen.
A deadly assassin, who wants to murder a prosecution witness on a plane, releases a whole crate full of vicious snakes!
In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized, have signed this Convention.
The world we witness when we take ayahuasca is one of magic and mystery.
In the second case, the defense barrister had not had time to meet his witness, who was delivered late from prison.
Pevensey Castle may bear witness to a troublesome past but its current tranquility almost belies the existence of such an age.
No fingerprint, footprint, forensic, bloodstain or witness evidence has ever connected Gilbert with the crime.
At the foot of a hill, he saw a bulldozer digging what the witness presumed would be a mass grave.
Both witness to a bungled burglary, they are unknowingly being hunted by a hit man.
Our witness there must be spiritual, only thus is our help positive and therefore canonical.
The witness citation body may enter into an agreement with the police for the citation of witnesses in remote areas.
William Stobie was a key witness concerning allegations of official police collusion in the murder of Patrick Finucane.
Indeed, following the abolition of " live witness " committals, there is no advantage to the prosecution in avoiding a contested committal.
Some crematoria have a viewing area that overlooks the crematory, where you may witness the committal taking place.
This 18-track CD is a definitive compilation of the career of A Witness a distinctive guitar-driven independent group working out of mid-80s Manchester.
His own conduct with female co-workers in Christ is witness to his living out what he taught.
Nothing in holy scripture, the catholic creeds, or our historic formularies makes it necessary to go against this primal witness.
In South Asia, we were recently witness - once again - to nuclear dangers reminiscent of the Cuban missile crisis.
Mr Davies, for the defense, then cross-examined the witness.
Furthermore, the recently announced £ 27m Witness Care expansion will introduce dedicated Witness Care Units across England and Wales.
There are times of mass disobedience among people who claim to be God's people [witness the Church of England at present] .
Q. Can a student Nurse act as an approved witness when administering a controlled drug?
This series boasts more amazing tales of human endurance than you'll witness in a lifetime.
To listen to her music is to bear witness to a gradual erosion of personality.
Witness the exams fiasco last year where at least Estelle Morris had the courage to stand aside.
It may also be possible to arrange for a local fire brigade crew to attend a fire drill to witness it.
The Arabs are about to witness nothing less than the invasion of the eastern flank of the Arab nation.
An immense number of people, including many of the neighboring gentry assembled to witness the event.
Then Slobo dropped the guillotine on the witness's overextended neck.
Few painters had the chance to witness scenes that would become historic, and historical knowledge was scarce, documentation fragmentary.
The local people lived in great fear and suffering, bearing witness to unspeakable horror of senseless killings and torture.
This can only impel them to bear courageous witness to that " good news " which gives meaning to their entire existence.
That witness is completely impersonal, according to Shri Atmananda.
The police investigation was not pursued as the service user was deemed incapable of appearing as a witness and his father had refused permission.
A witness described him as ' a man made entirely for God, unable to remain a single instant without God ' .
Witness had never had any trouble with the deceased, who was always very friendly with the other lodgers.
The witness panicked and threw a small matchbox at the object, which promptly vanished in plain sight.
In exile following the Revolution of 1917 Russian nobles continued to give witness to the tradition.
The Crown's star witness has also made a statement admitting perjury.
The book views Mingus as a black artist increasingly politicized by his situation, but also unreliable as a witness to his own persecution.
John Fulton attempted to purchase proprietary, technical information from a cooperating witness employed at Joy Mining Machinery.
Witness admitted he had enabled prosecutor to go to Okehampton, supplying him with tea to sell on his own account.
I am a member of the Expert Witness Institute and a member of the Faculty of forensic psychiatrists of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
The future may witness the rebirth of the Arab Museum magazine.
Recent tapes in my possession of that band in rehearsal bear witness to a newly reborn power and confidence in his playing.
Later under hypnotic regression the witness was able to recall seeing a figure standing on the road then walking toward the vehicle.
Witness administered restoratives, and wanted to get a cab to take him home, but STEWARD would not let him.
The school's examination results bear witness to the high quality of education offered.
Witness statements from her husband suggest otherwise, tho he has since retracted them.
It is also causing the church to be publicly ridiculed - witness a recent article in The Mirror.
I am still, to this day, apologizing to my dear friend Pierre for dragging him out to witness such sacrilege.
In spring, witness of nesting seabirds on coastal cliffs.
When witness went on the bridge the captain was just jumping overboard to a small seaplane.
No sooner was that said than witness was knocked senseless to the ground.. ... .
The case could witness the first RAF serviceman ever to be charged with the murder of civilians.
Finally, in order to stay sober he has to witness.
Join us on a 400-mile voyage around the tip of Baja California and witness the thrilling spectacle of Gray Whales in their calving lagoons.
May we have a statement from a Home Office Minister about the guidance given to police forces on witness statements?
By exploring the diversity and creativity of British Asian music, it confounds stereotypes and inspires all those who witness the acts who perform.
A separate witness summons must be served on each witness.
Perjury A lawfully sworn witness in judicial proceedings deliberately giving false evidence.
For the purpose of validating the testator's signature, each witness must also sign the will in the presence of the testator's signature, each witness must also sign the will in the presence of the testator.
Here we look at psychological theory and methods relevant to decision making, interviewing, witness testimony within criminal justice settings.
It is well known that Luther evaluated biblical books by the degree to which they bore witness to Christ - a strictly theological criterion.
The ' witness ' concept is like a big thorn, used to remove the little thorn of petty ego.
She impressed us as an entirely trustworthy and accurate witness.
Witness gave deceased twopence saying, " Here is twopence to have a cup of tea, but don't have rum.
He behaves like a witness, completely unattached to the world.
Punctuality will be a witness, giving power and receiving unction whenever we speak the word concerning our Lord.
Donald Martin's witness box weapon of choice was pure vitriol.
Sibella takes the witness stand and gives a touching performance as the grieving widow.
All of them bear witness to a glorious past, characterized by a talent for living life to the fullest.
I just don't think he was a credible witness.
Or are they mainly called to preach what they already know, deep down, is false witness against unconformed people?
Tewkesbury Field's silent witness is more eloquent still.
He was a straightforward, consistent and reliable witness.
The tribunal began by setting out the duty owed by an expert witness.
As a prosecution witness, will I see the defendant at court?
Treated as a 92bis witness with some supplementary examination.
The reports of the accident could have been based only on eye witness accounts.
Beauty is the quality in a painting through which the artist can ' bear witness to the Light ' .
Defender's witness No 2 ROBERT L. STEVENSON, Aged 35, part-time factory worker, c/o 5 Glen Lane, Paisley.
The existence of blights and mildews of cereals had been observed and recorded in very ancient times, as witness the Bible, where half a dozen references to such scourges occur in the Old Testament alone.
The predominance of the Anglo-Burgundians in France having made it impossible for him to stay there, he went to Avignon to end his days in melancholy calculations arising from the calamities of which he had been the witness, and the astrological reckonings, in which he found pleasure, of the chances for and against the world coming to an end in the near future.
The curtain-wall and towers of the Mycenaean citadel, its gate with heraldic lions, and the great "Treasury of Atreus" had borne silent witness for ages before Schliemann's time; but they were supposed only to speak to the Homeric, or at farthest a rude Heroic beginning of purely Hellenic, civilization.
Indeed, as has been seen, they appropriate the entire personale of the Bible from Adam, Seth, Abel, Enos and Pharaoh to Jesus and John, a phenomenon which bears witness to the close relations of the Mandaean doctrine both with Judaism and Christianity - not the less close because they were relations of hostility.
To this day there are many Arabic words in the vocabulary of the languages of western Europe which are a standing witness of the Crusades - words relating to trade and seafaring, like tariff and corvette, or words for musical instruments, like lute or the Elizabethan word "naker."
The Christian Endeavour movement in Great Britain derives, perhaps, its greatest force from its Primitive Methodist members; and the appointment of central missions, connexional evangelists and mission-vans, which tour the more sparsely populated rural districts, witness to a continuance of the original spirit of the denomination, while the more cultured side is fostered by the Hartley lecture.
In 1890 he succeeded Count Herbert Bismarck as Secretary for Foreign Affairs under the Caprivi chancellorship and continued to hold that office under Prince von Hohenlohe; but he had incurred the enmity of Prince Bismarck by refusing his advice when he first assumed office, and the result was a fierce press campaign against him which finally obliged him to speak out when he appeared as a witness at the trial of certain journalists in 1896 for lese-majeste.
None of these aims were attained; for the trial, which turned on the evidence of the police spy Nastic (already chief witness in the doubtful Cettinje bomb trial of 1908) degenerated into a public scandal, owing to the conduct of the judges and public prosecutor, and rallied Croat public opinion in defence of the S3 Serb victims. Serbo-Croat solidarity became still more apparent when the Austrian historian Dr. Friedjung, in the Neue Freie Presse of March 25 1909, openly charged the leaders of the Serbo-Croat coalition with being in the pay of Serbia.
The details defy at present any clear interpretation, but the incorporation of the fragment may be due in general to the emphasis it lays on the faithful witness, martyrdom and resurrection of the saints.
Outwardly the Reformation would seem to have begun when, on the 10th of December 1520, a professor in the university of Wittenberg invited all the friends of evangelical truth among his students to assemble outside the wall at the ninth hour to witness a pious spectacle the burning of the " godless book of the papal ecclesiastical state of which the bishop of Rome was head.
Yet the divergent uses that have been made of it witness to the ambiguity of his statement which is traceable to the fact that Kant was himself too deeply rooted in the thought of his predecessors and carried with him too much of their spirit to be able entirely to free himself from their assumptions and abstractions.
Years afterwards, he pretended that he had only signed the "devise" as a witness, but in his apology to Queen Mary he did not venture to allege so flimsy an excuse; he preferred to lay stress on the extent to which he succeeded in shifting the responsibility on to the shoulders of his brother-in-law, Sir John Cheke, and other friends, and on his intrigues to frustrate the queen to whom he had sworn allegiance.
The 24th of November falling on a Sunday, his clerical duties threatened fatally to clash with his astronomical observations; he was, however, released just in time to witness the punctual verification of his forecast, and carefully noted the progress of the phenomenon during half an hour before sunset (3.15 to 3.45).
Not without nervous dread - witness the special taboo to which the leader of society is subject - he draws near and strives to constrain, conciliate or cajole the awful forces with which the life of the group is set about.
To that age the traditions preserved at Dodona bore witness; and the designations of special groups like the / Ay07Toc, Owl lrpaEuliKac, or, possibly, the Venerable Goddesses (Nat, aE,uvai) of Athens, point to a mode of thought when the divine Powers were not definitely individualized.
The long line of Chian sculptors (see Greek Art) in marble bears witness to the fame of Chian art.
Next year the great tragic poem of Torquemada came forth to bear witness that the hand which wrote Ruy Blas had lost nothing of its godlike power and its matchless cunning, if the author of Le Roi s'amuse had ceased to care much about coherence of construction from the theatrical point of view as compared with the perfection of a tragedy designed for the devotion of students not unworthy or incapable of the study; that his command of pity and terror, his powers of intuition and invention, had never been more absolute and more sublime; and that his infinite and illimitable charity of imagination could transfigure even the most monstrous historic representative of Christian or Catholic diabolatry into the likeness of a terribly benevolent and a tragically magnificent monomaniac. Two years later Victor Hugo published the third and concluding series of La Legende des siecles.
Then he solemnly took the estates to witness, as he stood there "in the sight of the Almighty," that he had begun hostilities "out of no lust for war, as many will certainly devise and imagine," but in self-defence and to deliver his fellow-Christians from oppression.
The whole company can bear witness.
We 'd rather relish meat or butter from the local farmer - witness the boom in farmers ' markets.
The school 's examination results bear witness to the high quality of education offered.
A spontaneous amphitheater developed to witness the rivalry between nations.
We rise early to witness the unforgettable sight of saffron robed monks collecting alms from local people at dawn.
In their case, the single life is a witness to the sanctity of marriage.
Division and schism within the church bring no honor to anyone, and they greatly weaken our Christian witness to the world.
The physical presence of the witness is essential for an adequate assessment of the sincerity conditions of her oral statements.
And witness also the particular brand of British snobbery attached to exactly which supermarket you choose.
We have yet to witness the evolution of the scientific Sociological Jesuit.
They will be able to take in the wonderful views and wildlife as they witness the park in full springtime bloom.
Modern football stadia can be soul-less concrete boxes at the best of times - witness Oxford 's Kassam Stadium.
Stereotyping, prejudice and judging others are incompatible with Christian witness.
In 1829 Smith was subpoenaed as a witness in a bankruptcy case, as described below in a newspaper report.
For the purpose of validating the testator 's signature, each witness must also sign the will in the presence of the testator.
As a chaplain, I was asked to testify as a character witness for a forty year old man on remand.
President Milosevic finished the cross-examination of the secret witness testifying under the pseudonym of C-47.
He would also witness the strange Light shining like a great star, and he would tremble with fear.
I believe that the Bible is a reliable and trustworthy witness.
The Tribunal found her to be a truthful witness.
Witness gave deceased twopence saying, Here is twopence to have a cup of tea, but do n't have rum.
John Owen assumes that only unbelieving Jews would try to evade the details of the OT in order to escape its gospel witness.
Machines found in underwood marketing director witness some of.
The same faith is expressed in still another figure, in which Jesus is compared with an unimpeachable witness.
An unwilling witness to pirates burying a mysterious chest.
This witness is a great contrast to the very early veneration paid to the genuine letter.
Donald Martin 's witness box weapon of choice was pure vitriol.
However, when I witness vitriolic attacks based on race, it 's easy to choose sides.
Please get in touch if you witness any other outbreaks and send us a wildfire report on your observations.
I just do n't think he was a credible witness.
Tewkesbury Field 's silent witness is more eloquent still.
Beauty is the quality in a painting through which the artist can ' bear witness to the Light '.
Soon after Jesus ' death and resurrection, the Disciples and others began to witness of the resurrection.
Defender 's witness No 2 ROBERT L. STEVENSON, Aged 35, part-time factory worker, c/o 5 Glen Lane, Paisley.
The veracity of his claim was in question because every other witness told a different version of the events.
We're going to need an attestation from another witness to confirm if the events happened as you claim.
He could avouch for Rachel's story, so the judge asked him to come to the witness stand.
Rhythmic and repetitive motion comes naturally to moms and dads, and it's evident anywhere you go as you witness daddy's bouncing their babies on their knees and moms swaying back and forth with babies on their shoulders.
I wanted to offer him proper guidance, using some very unconventional methods, through the first steps of his journey to becoming a fantastic kid and a great man-a journey I feared I might not be around to witness much of.
She may even need to witness little Jessica's potty skills, providing that Jessica is open to the instructional experience.
It's essential for attorneys to be able to get funds needed for situations such as paying for airfare to go interview a potential witness or to purchase custom-designed trial exhibits.
If children do indeed learn by example, their fledgling characters will grow by leaps and bounds when they witness mutual respect between the important people in their lives.
Remind him that this situation isn't the child's fault and it's not fair to her that she has to witness such violence between her parents.
Along with being honest with one another, many religions include an edict to "not bear false witness;" telling lies to a priest or God is considered far graver than lies to men or to oneself.
A little practice is really all it takes, but in order to get started, it can be very helpful for beginners to witness the process in person and firsthand.
However, it is important to make sure all of the important information is included with invitations, especially for those who may be traveling a great distance to witness the ceremony.
Embarrassing moments can happen every moment of every day, usually when your crush is walking around the corner and can witness the event!
Being alone with her also gives you a chance to gauge her reaction, and if things don't go well, there aren't a lot of people to witness it.
The officiant said we could marry with only one witness.
Knowing that family and friends are there to witness this milestone may be all the couple desires.
Some religious ceremonies only allow practicing members of that particular faith to witness the ceremony, leaving out some guests.
Wade, cordially invite you to witness the marriage of their respective children, Meredith Anne Jones and Jonathon Francis Wade, on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at five o'clock in the afternoon at Calvary Baptist Church, Rockport, Indiana.
Even the rich and famous make mistakes, and when celebrity oops pictures capture the moment, the world can easily witness the slip-up when the photos appear online.
Jack was out enjoying a day of shopping in London, when he bore witness to a man snatching a woman's purse.
Then, according to the witness, the driver of the car revved the engine and careened onto a California highway.
The statement also said that the 20-year old had visible injuries and a witness pointed out Brown as Rihanna's alleged attacker.
A witness to the incident called 911 and Rihanna was taken to the hospital.
Turns out that Nas didn't even witness the birth of his son, Knight, on account that the staff members refused to let him into the room because he was drunk.
Oh well, it's not like anyone expected this divorce not to be contentious, him not being able to witness the birth of his son because he was intoxicated is just, well, really sad.
After three days of paryting, guests quietly filed into the turn-of-the-century Armour House at Lake Forest Academy to witness Vince and Kyla exchanging vows.
Blake traveled to Africa several times to witness how these animals lived in their natural environment, and spent much of her time and money to promote PAWS.
In Plain Sight - USA Network airs In Plain Sight, a series about hiding people in the witness protection program.
Belts and sashes also add to the flair of a good coat - witness the lovely J Crew coats worn by the Obama daughters for Inauguration Day.
According to the Twilight's website, cruisers can witness roughly 20 to 30 bald eagles on each trip.
Without written documentation, and perhaps a corroborating witness, your claims might trigger an investigation, but authorities can only act on the situation they find at the present time, good or bad.
Chordie - At Chordie, you can find tabs for songs like Witness, Bed of Roses, Before We Arise, Uncle Anesthesia and Winter Song.
There's no better way to witness both the band's evolution as a whole and DeLeo's rise into the ranks of America's best modern guitar players.
Call the number if you witness an employee driving unsafely.
Those suffering from depression are rarely the only ones affected, as friends and loved ones are often hurt by bearing witness to the negative transformation of one they deeply value.
It is often more difficult for loved ones to witness the patient's decline than it is for the patient whose memory is fading.
He kidnaps Princess Peach as a witness to his new universe.
While none of this is particularly deep, it's still fun to see how villagers respond to you and to witness certain physical "changes" that your character goes through.
The best moment you will witness in terms of graphics in Soul Blade is the opening movie.
When you do get to witness what the PSP is pushing you'll find heavily detailed bad guys, desks with calendars, really rusty barrels (bring your Tetanus) and other richly polygonal landscapes and items.
As such, they would not have the same aversive reaction that they normally would if they were to witness an atrociously violent act in real life.
Parents should also let children witness their own adult grief.
Similarly, children who witness domestic violence suffer some of these same consequences.
In addition, sleep attacks and cataplexy can be frightening to other family members who witness them.
Childhood night terrors are alarming to witness.
Those Westerners fortunate enough to travel abroad either on vacation or as part of a relief organization may witness these dances first hand, often even being invited to take part in the movement.
Aside from the worst case scenario of learning one of your dear ancestors was a career criminal, you may find that your ancestor was a plaintiff or a witness in a case.
Expecting fathers can benefit from knowing what childbirth is like before they witness the event first-hand.
Often, childbirth classes use videos to guide you through the birth process, allowing you to witness both vaginal and cesarean births.
Children might be close by and they shouldn't witness inappropriate behavior.
The fashion doll has borne witness to the height of disco, the 80s fitness craze, the quirkier styles of the 90s and current high fashion.
Witness the way Michelle Obama combines jackets with sheaths.
Every year, the fashion industry gathers in New York City to witness the designers reveal their collections for the upcoming seasons.
Write down any odd behaviors you witness in a notebook and hide it in a safe place.
Surprises can be fun, and many men choose to surprise their fiancées-to-be so they can witness that once in a lifetime moment of sheer wonder and awe as she comprehends just what the question is asking.
Many couples choose this type of announcement when they want to witness the first reactions of their loved ones in person or feel that this is more personal than a card or phone call.
If you have concerns about future legal issues, consider documenting the return of the ring or bringing an impartial witness along for the interaction.
If he's forced to comply and follow in the footsteps of others, you'll witness another Aries characteristic, rebellion.
During his military career, Riddick bore witness to inhumane acts of torture and murder.
Goodfellas (1990) - This film is based on the true story of a man who turned to the Witness Protection Program to protect him after he ratted out the Mafia who took him in and treated him like family.
Some experiencers even report hearing conversations that are later confirmed; in other cases people at remote locations witness seeing an out of body experiencer's apparition.
If the process of astral projection transmits a form of energy of our consciousness, researchers believe that this energy could potentially create apparitions that people at those remote locations sometimes witness.
The Out of Body Research Foundation publishes anecdotal evidence for OBE phenomenon in the form of witness accounts.
Several of these witness accounts are amazing and, if true, represent a great deal of evidence that sightings of live ghosts are real.
The following are anecdotal examples of witness accounts.
Unlike other regional folklore with legends of ghostly hitchhikers, the ghost of Blue Bell Hill comes with supporting historical evidence and witness accounts.
Even General Andrew Jackson and his troops were witness to the witch's antics.
As the sightings spread, reports and witness accounts of the Chupacabra in Mexico continued, even until today.
While you probably won't find video evidence of such an experience, since it is largely a spiritual experience, videos can offer researchers a medium to document witness accounts as well as what goes on during the actual experience itself.
Videos allow viewers to feel as though they are sitting in front of the person, and it gives the witness greater credibility since it's obvious he/she is a real person.
One of the best collections of witness accounts on video is on the Subversive Thinking Blog.
These are only a few examples of the amazing witness accounts of a whole other world that exists on the other side of death.
This BBC documentary is an excellent documentary that covers many of the scientific studies of NDEs as well as numerous witness accounts.
YouTube User SoulProof1 provides "soul proof" that details how witness accounts prove that humans are spiritual beings.
Although many experts dispute witness sightings, the modern video recordings and sonar recordings, Nessie remains a popular urban legend and the most documented example of cryptozoology.
Are all of these witness events imagined or misunderstood naturally occurring phenomena, or is there something truly magical and perhaps supernatural about the Ouija board?
As all of the phenomena we're investigating are defined by human witnesses/experiences, we start with witness reports.
This is a great choice if you'd like to witness the changes some of the long-standing cast members have undergone since the show began decades ago.
Instead, he had been in witness protection to keep his family alive.
Of all of the celestial phenomenon that one can witness, a comet soaring thru the sky can be counted as one of the most breathtaking.
To get an appreciation of both the historical significance and enduring allure of wooden clocks, take a journey back in time to witness the grit and glory associated with these humble home appliances.
Consulting may include acting as an expert witness.
An expert witness is called to give testimony in a legal proceeding (criminal trial, civil trial, or inquest).
His or her role is to give an opinion, as opposed to direct testimony (a statement of what the witness saw or heard).
In the case of acting as an expert witness, the consultant's credentials will be disclosed in any legal proceedings the consultant is involved in.
One of the traditions of the DCC is to have an unveiling party for the girls in the Cowboys' stadium where they get to witness "the big reveal".
Coaches will also find an opportunity to witness all kinds of new material in action.
The witness may need to provide contact information in case the signature needs to be confirmed.
The perception is that only plus sized women choose body shaping undergarments, but this has never been the case historically (witness the characters' girdles on Mad Men) and still isn't.
Those who expected a return to form by Spears were instead shocked to witness an increasing catalog of bizarre and dangerous behavior played out in real time, thanks to the paparazzi.
Her parents did raise her under their strict Jehovah Witness faith.
Jackson was concerned that the music video would be taken the wrong way and, given his Jehovah's Witness faith, was worried people would believe the video suggested he believed in the occult.
This visit usually allows viewers to witness Jo making horrified faces toward the camera while the children of the house run rampant.
Where this all originated is impossible to know for those who didn't witness it unfolding.
These shows allow viewers to witness the creation of bakery art.
Mistaken for a witness in an upcoming trial, she is snatched by thugs and attacked, her face slashed.
While we'd both been witness scores of times, neither of us had paid much attention.
Hey, you're a witness and I want your statement, whether you like it or not!
And I'm not a witness.
She turned to Ryland, who looked like he wanted to volunteer for disappearance in the witness protection program.
The one saving grace was that Elisabeth lay sound asleep, unable to witness his distress.
The large number of Slavonic local names in Albania, even in districts where no trace of a Slavonic population exists, bears witness to the extensive Servian and Bulgarian immigrations in the early middle ages, but the original inhabitants gradually ousted or assimilated the invaders.
The city must have gradually declined in the course of time; but the ruins of the Achaemenidae remained as a witness to its ancient glory.
The penalty for false witness was usually that which would have been awarded the convicted criminal.
He was a member of the commission for ecclesiastical causes, and although afterwards he claimed that he had used all his influence to dissuade James from removing the tests, and in other ways illegally favouring the Roman Catholics, he signed the warrant for the committal of the seven bishops, and appeared as a witness against them.
The department is authorized, on receipt of such report, to direct an inquiry to be made into the cause of any accident so reported, and the inspector appointed to make the inquiry is given power to enter any railway premises for the purposes of his inquiry, and to summon any person engaged upon the railway to attend the inquiry as a witness, and to require the production of all books, papers and documents which he considers important for the purpose.
In 1683 he appeared at the Old Bailey as a witness in defence of Lord Russell, and in June 1685 he protested alone against the revision of Stafford's attainder.
Other remains which bear witness to tlae civilization of, the Mayas are the paved highways and the artificial reservoirs (aguadas) designed for the preservation of water for towns through the long dry season.
Napoleon, therefore, had Prussia completely at his mercy; and his conditions to that power bore witness to the fact.
Still, Sagasta held on long enough to witness the surrender of the regency by Queen Christina into the hands of her son, Alfonso XIII., in May 1902.
He found time, in addition, to write a short book on Die Serbische Revolution (1829), from material supplied to him by Wuk Stephanowich, a Servian who had himself been witness of the scenes he related.
The Franks evacuated Syria altogether, leaving behind them only the ruins of their castles to bear witness, to this very day, of the Crusades they had waged and the kingdom they had founded and lost.
His duties are described in detail by the king's regulations, but may be summed up as consisting of seeing that the charges are in order, pointing out any informalities or defects in the charges or in the constitution of the court, seeing that any witness required by prosecutor or prisoner is summoned, keeping the minutes of the proceedings, advising on matters of law which arise at any time after the warrant for the courtmartial is issued, drawing up the findings and sentence, and forwarding the minutes when completed to the admiralty.
His exploits in the conflict have been sympathetically related by his brother, who, if he was not quite an impartial witness, was one of the best military critics of the time.
The situation of the Acropolis, dominating the surrounding plain and possessing easy communication with the sea, favoured the formation of a relatively powerful state - inferior, however, to Tiryns and Mycenae; the myths of Cecrops, Erechtheus and Theseus bear witness to the might of the princes who ruled in the Athenian citadel, and here we may naturally expect to find traces of massive fortifications resembling in some degree those of the great Argolid cities.
Atlanta is widely known for its public spirit and enterprise, to which the expositions of 1881, 1887 and 1895 bear witness.
The wide extension of the cult is attributable largely to Syrian merchants; thus we find traces of it in the great seaport towns; at Delos especially numerous inscriptions have been found bearing witness to its importance.
He could not in general be examined ` s a witness, except by torture.
As witness, the slave was still subject to the question; as criminal, he was punished with greater rigour than the freeman.
Bartolome de las Casas, the celebrated bishop of Chiapa, accompanied Ovando to Haiti, and was a witness of the cruelties from which the Indians suffered under his administration.
When adjacent burial areas belonged to members of the same Christian confraternity, or by gift or purchase fell into the same hands, communications were opened between the respective cemeteries, which thus spread laterally, and gradually acquired that enormous extent which, " even when their fabulous dimensions are reduced to their right measure, form an immense work."' This could only be executed by a large and powerful Christian community unimpeded by legal enactments or police regulations, " a living witness of its immense development corresponding to the importance of the capital."
There is a small hotel on the summit for the convenience of tourists, especially of those anxious to witness sunrise.
The date of his death is given by Nepos as 468; at any rate he lived to witness the ostracism of Themistocles, towards whom he always displayed a generous conduct, but had died before the rise of Pericles.
The shores of all the lakes which filled the depressions during the Lacustrine period abound in remains dating from the Neolithic Stone period; and numberless kurgans (tumuli), furnaces and so on bear witness to a much denser population than the present.
The colloquy of Erasmus De sacerdotiis captandis bears witness to the same state of things.
Hallam maintains that the only overt act of treason proved against Russell was his concurrence in the project of a rising at Taunton, which he denied, and which, Ramsay being the only witness, was not sufficient to warrant a conviction.
Most of the older buildings have made way for factories, so that the town-hall, dating from 1551, is an almost solitary witness to the town's medieval prosperity.
The local authorities proceeded to carry this out with a zeal due to long suffering, and the ruined medieval chateaus of France still bear witness to the action of Richelieu.
To its curative powers many crutches and ex voto objects, hung round the well, as in the Lourdes Grot, bear ample witness.
It is hardly likely that the Thonraki of the 10th century would have rejected water-baptism and yet have retained unction with holy oil; this Gregory Magistros attests they did, but he is an unreliable witness.
During the trying winter of 1854-55, the suffering he was compelled to witness, the censures, in great part unjust, which he had to endure and all the manifold anxieties of the siege seriously undermined his health, and although he found a friend and ardent supporter in his new French colleague, General Pelissier (q.v.), disappointment at the failure of the assault of the 18th of June 1855 finally broke his spirit, and very shortly afterwards, on the 28th of June 1855, he died of dysentery.
In the Crystal Palace grounds the final match for the English Association Football cup is generally played, and huge crowds from both the metropolis and the provinces witness the game.
Occasionally a knob or excrescence, formed by the residue of the glass beyond the point at which the base has been pinched together, remains as a silent witness of the process.
Some are elaborate in design and bear witness to advanced technique of Roman character.
One of these Amorites, Abi-ramu or Abram by name, is the father of a witness to a deed dated in the reign of Khammurabi's grandfather.
That the ascetic ideal was by no means wholly extinct is evident from the Book of Governors written by Thomas, bishop of Marga, in 840 which bears witness to a Syrian monasticism founded by one Awgin of Egyptian descent, who settled in Nisibis about 3 50, and lasting uninterruptedly until the time of Thomas, though it had long been absorbed in the great Nestorian movement that had annexed the church in Mesopotamia.
Rich in corn, in herds, and in later times also in oil, and possessing valuable fisheries, mines and quarries, the province of Africa, of which Tunisia was the most important part, attained under the empire a prosperity to which Roman remains in all parts of the country still bear witness.
On his advice Hugh Miller was appointed editor of the Witness, the powerful Free Church organ.
Maurice, whose character, marked by " religious realism," sought in the past " the witness to eternal truths, the manifestation by time-samples of infinite realities and unchanging relations";4 and Charles Kingsley, " a great teacher," though one " certain to go astray the moment he becomes didactic."
Men and women of all ranks began to visit it; the emperor himself consented (f 887) to witness a performance by the great stars of the stage at the private residence of Marquis Inouye; a dramatic reform association was organized by a number of prominent noblemen and scholars; drastic efforts were made to purge the old historical dramas of anachronisms and inconsistencies, and at length a theatre (the Yurabu-za) was built on purely European lines, where instead of sitting from morning to night witnessing one long-drawn-out drama with interludes of whole farces, a visitor may devote only a few evening-hours to the pastime.
Swedenborg claimed also to have learnt by his admission into the spiritual world the true states of men in the next life, the scenery and occupations of heaven and hell, the true doctrine of Providence, the origin of evil, the sanctity and perpetuity of marriage and to have been a witness of the "last judgment," or the second coming of the Lord, which is a contemporary event.
Yet he is the one extant witness to the humour and vivacity of the Italian temperament at a stage between its early rudeness and rigidity and its subsequent degeneracy.
By looking at them together we understand how much the comedy of Terence was able to do to refine and humanize the manners of Rome, but at the same time what a solvent it was of the discipline and ideas of the old republic. What makes Terence an important witness of the culture of his time is that he wrote from the centre of the Scipionic circle, in which what was most humane and liberal in Roman statesmanship was combined with the appreciation of what was most vital in the Greek thought and literature of the time.
As the sky-god again he is appealed to as the witness of oaths in the special capacity of the Dins Fidius, producing once more an abstract offshoot in the goddess Fides.
It is noticeable that this Targum has been considerably influenced by the Targum of Onkelos, and in this respect, as in others, is far less trustworthy than the Fragmentary Targum, as a witness to the linguistic and other peculiarities of the source from which they were both derived.
He calls it " the beautiful confession " to which Christ Jesus had borne witness before Pontius Pilate, and charges Timothy before God, who quickeneth all things, to keep this commandment.
A bishop of Malta was witness to a document in 1090.
The illuminative witness of written records is in the main denied us here.
Of these structures indeed some have survived to the present day in a sufficiently perfect state to bear witness to the grandeur and beauty of the old architecture of Herat.
Unmindful now of the privileges of parliament, he consented to appear as a witness against the regicide Thomas Scot, for words spoken in the House of Commons while Lenthall was in the chair.
He was the first pope to date his acts according to the years of the Frankish monarchy, and a mosaic of the time in the Lateran palace represents St Peter bestowing the banners upon Charles as a token of temporal supremacy, while the coinage issued by the pope bears witness to the same idea.
That the danger was so largely averted is to no small extent the result of the faithful witness of Polycarp. As Irenaeus.
In 1860 Mr Hussey reported (Zool., p. 7144) the average annual captures near Worthing to exceed 11,000 dozens - nearly all being cockbirds; and a witness before a committee of the House of Commons in 1873 stated that, when a boy, he could take forty 1 The more common German name, however, is Distelfink (ThistleFinch) or Stieglitz.
America, broadening in the north as if to span the oceans by reaching to its neighbours on the east and west, tapering between vast oceans far to the south where the nearest land is in the little-known Antarctic regions, roughly presents the triangular outline that is to be expected from tetrahedral warping; and although greatly broken in the middle, and standing with the northern and southern parts out of a meridian line, America is nevertheless the best witness among the continents of to-day to the tetrahedral theory.
To the visitor from Europe the attraction of Tunis lies in the native city, where, in the Rue al Jezira, along which runs electric trams, he can see hundreds of camels in the morning bearing charcoal to market; where he may witness the motley life of the bazaars, or, by the Bab-Jedid, watch the snake-charmers and listen to the Moorish storytellers.
To this fact the very nickname " Brownists," usually given to early " Separatists " by accident, but Congregationalists in essence, is itself witness.
In the first, John describes how the Baptist, on Jesus' approach, cries " Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of, the world "; and how he says " I saw the spirit descending upon Him, and I bore witness that this is the Son of God."
But even here Ultramontanism gained ground and derived inestimable assistance from the blunders of government after government - witness the conflict of the Prussian administration with Archbishop Droste-Vischering.
But one and all are influenced by study of apostolic epistles, and witness to the impression which these produced on the men of the next generation.
Impressive as is their witness to the persistence of the Apostolic teaching in its essential features, amidst all personal and local variations, perhaps the most striking thing about these writings is the degree in which they fail to appreciate certain elements of the Apostolic teaching as embodied in the New Testament, and those its higher and more distinctively Christian elements.'
To this principle Marcion's Pauline Canon is a witness, though in too one-sided a spirit.
In 1894 the queen stayed for some weeks at Florence, and on her return she stopped at Coburg to witness the marriage between two of her grandchildren, the grand duke of Hesse and the Princess Victoria Melita of Coburg.
Whilst all who approached the queen bore witness to her candour and reasonableness in relation to her ministers, all likewise proclaimed how anxiously she considered advice that was submitted to her before letting herself be persuaded that she must accept it for the good of her people.
Letizia lived to witness the glory and the downfall of her great son, surviving Napoleon I.
Sidney conducted his case throughout with great skill; he pointed especially to the fact that Lord Howard, whose character he easily tore to shreds, was the only witness against him as to treason, whereas the law required two, that the treason was not accurately defined, that no proof had been given that the papers produced were his, and that, even if that were proved, these papers were in no way connected with the charge.
Ignatius bears witness to the presence in various Churches of Asia Minor of a single bishop in control, with whom are associated as his subordinates a number of elders and deacons.
Master of the province of Oran, he crossed the Shelif at the appeal of the natives, the people flocking to witness his progress as that of an emperor.
The text of this MS. is important as the oldest and best witness in a Greek MS. to the so-called " Western " text.
It is probably the best extant witness to the type of Greek text which was in use in Italy at an early time.
None of these groups bears witness to quite the same text, nor can all of them be identified with the texts found in existing MSS.
Rendel Harris argued for the influence of Latin, and Chase for that of Syriac. While both threw valuable light on obscure points, it seems probable that they exaggerated the extent to which retranslation can be traced; that they ranked Codex Bezae somewhat too highly as the best witness to the " Western " text; and that some of their work was rendered defective by their failure to recognize quite clearly that the " Western " text is not a unity.
We now know more about the Old Latin, and, thanks to Mrs Lewis' discovery, much more about the Old Syriac. The result is that the authorities on which WH relied for their Western text are seen to bear witness to two texts, not to one.
The earliest witness, indeed, who can be cited for a definite date for the crucifixion gave not 29, but 33 A.D.
As an advocate his sharpness and rapidity of insight gave him a formidable advantage in the detection of the weaknesses of a witness and the vulnerable points of his opponent's case, while he grouped his own arguments with an admirable eye to effect, especially excelling in eloquent closing appeals to a jury.
Among the resemblances to old-world law was the use of a judicial oath, the witness touching the ground with his finger and putting it to his lips, thus swearing by Mother Earth.
The orderliness of Old Testament worship bears a like witness; everything is duly fixed by God; high priests, priests and Levites, and the people in the people's place.
The name of Nineveh (Syriac Ninwe; Arabic Ninawa, Nunawa) continued, even in the middle ages, to be applied to a site opposite Mosul on the east bank of the Tigris, where huge mounds and the traces of an ancient city wall bore witness of former greatness.
A story is told that de Courci when imprisoned in the Tower volunteered to act as champion for King John in single combat against a knight representing Philip Augustus of France; that when he appeared in the lists his French opponent fled in panic; whereupon de Courci, to gratify the French king's desire to witness his prowess, "cleft a massive helmet in twain at a single blow," a feat for which he was rewarded by a grant of the privilege for himself and his heirs to remain covered in the presence of the king and all future sovereigns of England.
Under the rules adopted, the examination of witnesses is conducted by the president in accordance with the system prevailing in most continental countries; members of the commission may only put questions to witnesses for the eliciting of further information; and they may not interrupt the witness when he is in course of making his statement, but they may ask the president to put any additional questions.
If a witness answers truly all questions which he is required by the court to answer, he is entitled to receive a certificate of indemnity, which will save him from all proceedings for any offence under the Corrupt Practices Acts committed by him before the date of the certificate at or in relation to the election, except proceedings to enforce any incapacity incurred by such offence.
Even so More would have been acquitted, when at the last moment Rich, the solicitorgeneral, quitted the bar and presented himself as a witness for the Crown.
The actual church is always falling short of its profession; but its successive reformations witness to the strength of its longing after the beauty of holiness.
As has been well said, " the church is primarily a witness - the strength of its authority lies in the many sides from which the witness comes."
When that life is exhibited, as it ought to be, in its distinctively heavenly character, it bears witness to the presence of a power in Christian men which no mere recollection of a past example, however heroic or beautiful, The Conception of Priesthood, p. 29.
In Italy Houdon had lived in the presence of that second Renaissance with which the name of Winckelmann is associated, and the direct and simple treatment of the Morpheus which he sent to the Salon of 1771 bore witness to its influence.
Such doubtless were most of the towns of Roman Britain - thoroughly Romanized, peopled with Romanspeaking citizens, furnished with Roman appurtenances, living in Roman ways, but not very large, not very rich, a humble witness to the assimilating power of the Roman civilization in Britain.
Bignon, after a short imprisonment at the hands of the allies, returned to France in time to witness the downfall of Napoleon.
Other places had been honoured by the presence and preaching of these great leaders of new-born Christianity; but it is at Rome that they had borne witness to the Gospel by the shedding of their blood; there they were buried, and their tombs were known and honoured.
In many points, especially his great nepotism - witness the promotion of the worthless Pier Luigi Farnesehe remained, even as pope, a true child of the Renaissance period in which he had risen to greatness.
English procedure, however, being litigious, and not, like continental European procedure, inquisitorial, in its character, the expert soon became, and still is, simply a witness to speak to matters of opinion.
In Scotland, medical and other scientific reports are lodged in process before the trial, and the witness reads them as part of his evidence and is liable to be examined or cross-examined on their contents.
The only biographical evidence of his closing years is his signature as a witness to sundry deeds in the "Register of Aberdeen" as late as 1392.
Modern travellers bear witness to a gradual progress of desiccation in the Tibetan uplands.
Moreover the comparatively low price of the two turkeys and four turkey-chicks served at a feast of the serjeantsat-law in 1555 (Dugdale, Origines, p. 135) points to their having become by that time abundant, and indeed by 1573 Tusser bears witness to the part they had already begun to play in " Christmas husbandlie fare."
By his tact, equity, and Christian charity, Sigismund endeared himself even to those who differed most from him, as witness the readiness of the Lithuanians to elect his infant son grand-duke of Lithuania in 1522, and to crown him in 1529.
But we unite in holding that these exceptions do not invalidate the assertion of our real unity in our common witness to the Gospel of the Grace of God."
Theological colleges, normal training colleges and higher and lower grade schools bear witness to an activity and a success which are truly remarkable.
Tears, dejection and passionate expressions of a despair "wishing only for death," bore fitful and variable witness to her first sense of a heavier yoke than yet had galled her spirit and her pride.
That she was at length taken in her own toils even such a dullard as her admirers depict her could not have failed to understand; that €he was no such dastard as to desire or deserve such defenders the whole brief course of her remaining life bore consistent and irrefragable witness.
The Brethren started a periodical, The Christian Witness, continued from 1849 as The Present Testimony, with Harris as editor and Darby as the most important contributor.
But the opposition subsided somewhat on the publication of Tsar Nicholas's congratulations to the king on his engagement and of his acceptance to act as the principal witness at the wedding.
The pamphlet is supposed to have been written by Chrysostomus Dudulaeus of Westphalia and printed by one Christoff Crutzer, but as no such author or printer is known at this time - the latter name indeed refers directly to the legend - it has been conjectured that the whole story is a myth invented to support the Protestant contention of a continuous witness to the truth of Holy Writ in the person of this "eternal" Jew; he was to form, in his way, a counterpart to the apostolic tradition of the Catholic Church.
The source of all these reports of an ever-living witness of the crucifixion is probably Matthew xvi.
In England, besides the ballads in Percy's Reliques, William Godwin introduced the idea of an eternal witness of the course of civilization in his St Leon (1799),(1799), and his son-in-law Shelley introduces Ahasuerus in his Queen Mab.
The entry speaks of seven hedged enclosures, and there is evidence of fortification in the 13th century, to which the names Jordangate, Chestergate and Wallgate still bear witness.
During the trial of the ex-ministers, in December, he was summoned as a witness, and paid a tribute to the character of his former colleagues which, under the circumstances, argued no little courage.
The Mazurs are distinguished from the Poles by their lower stature, broad shoulders and massive frame, and still more by their national dress, which has nothing of the smartness of that of the southern Poles, and by their ancient customs; they have also a dialect of their own, containing many words now obsolete in Poland, and several grammatical forms bearing witness to Lithuanian influence.
Her fragments also bear witness to a profound feeling for the beauty of nature.
On the 17th of August 1805 the dam of the canal of Cairo was to be cut, and some chiefs of Mehemet Alis party wrote, informing them that he would go forth early on that morning with most of his troops to witness the ceremony, inviting them to enter and seize the city, and, to deceive them, stipulating for a certain sum of money as a reward.
Particularly is this so as regards the question of authorship. As Harnack observes (Lukas der Arzt, p. 24), the" miraculous " or supernormal ele ment is hardly, if at all, less marked in the " we " sections, which are substantially the witness of a companion of Paul (and where efforts to dissect out the miracles are fruitless), than in the rest of the work.
This appears, on the one hand, in the use of expressions having a Modalistic ring about them - see especially the poems of Commodian, written about the time of Valerian - and, on the other hand, in the rejection of the doctrine that the Son is subordinate to the Father and is a creature (witness the controversy between Dionysius of Alexandria and Dionysius of Rome), as well as in the readiness of the West to accept the formula of Athanasius, that the Father and the Son are one and the same in substance (O,uoou6coc).
Among its members we find an Erni Winkelried acting as a witness to a contract of sale on the 1st of May 1367, while the same man, or perhaps another member of the family, Erni von Winkelried, is plaintiff in a suit at Stans on the 29th of September 1389, and in 1417 is the landamman (or head man) of Unterwalden, being then called Arnold Winkelriet.
His status affected the force of the contract as well as the value of his evidence; and the laws appear to imply that by becoming a witness, a man incurred liabilities as a surety.
Deceased complained of dumb ague, but witness had never been able to detect any positive disease.
Fiver to you DVDs Synopsis A wealthy businessman hires a bodyguard to protect his girlfriend who has become witness to a murder.
Yet they had to witness this utter folly of death by drug addiction.
An eye witness account of the time records the nightly traffic of sugar hogsheads being delivered by horse and cart from Liverpool.
To his modesty Bossuet bears witness, when he told him to stand up sometimes, and not be always on his knees before a critic. Gibbon vouches for his learning, when (in the 47th chapter) he speaks of "this incomparable guide, whose bigotry is overbalanced by the merits of erudition, diligence, veracity and scrupulous minuteness."
At three o'clock the Throne Room was crowded with citizens, men, women and children being eager to witness the great trial.
I was witness to events of a less peaceful character.
We need to witness our own limits transgressed, and some life pasturing freely where we never wander.
Witness the present Mexican war, the work of comparatively a few individuals using the standing government as their tool; for, in the outset, the people would not have consented to this measure.
God is my witness, I didn't know-" he repeated, stressing the word "God" so unnaturally and so unpleasantly that Princess Mary stood with downcast eyes not daring to look either at her father or at Natasha.
God is my witness, I did not know, muttered the old man, and after looking Natasha over from head to foot he went out.
Howie immediately awoke; not wishing to witness what he knew would follow.
They were sitting around the dining room table, spellbound as Fred gave witness to past purchases and profits.