Withheld Sentence Examples
Details were withheld pending further investigation.
The English government long hesitated about the official establishment of Protestantism, and the royal order to that effect was withheld until 1551.
If nephritis be present, it may be seriously aggravated, and the drug must therefore be withheld.
Not only was his stipend as Repetent discontinued, but his nomination to the office of professor extraordinarius, which had already been signed by the minister Karl Altenstein, was withheld.
Dean grimaced but withheld comment, while Cynthia looked askance at the news that Patsy Boyd had summarily abandoned her daughter.
But Josephus reports of one Onias that for avarice he withheld it.
This award was carried out, but payment of the current interest was again withheld as from the 24th of October 1868.
It does not happen, however, that the papal definition of 1854 employs the word " dogma "; that honour was withheld from the word until the Vatican decrees of 1870 affirmed the personal infallibility of the pope as divinitus revelatum dogma.
Toward the end of his second term the president became very much out of accord with his party on the free-silver question, in consequence of which the endorsement of the administration was withheld by the Democratic national convention at Chicago in 1896.
While the Austrian officials in Dalmatia, with hardly a pretence of concealment, were assisting the insurgents, Russian volunteers were flocking to Servia with the connivance of the Russian and Austrian governments, and General Ignatiev, as ambassador in 3 The names are vocalized to suggest the fanciful interpretations "victim" and "protection withheld."
AdvertisementThe princess would slay him, but is withheld by her mother, who sees they have need of Tristan's aid to unmask the seneschal.
This bill was passed by both houses of Congress, just before their adjournment, but President Lincoln withheld his signature, and on the 8th of July issued a proclamation explaining his course and defining his position.
He then despatches his chief general Holofernes to take vengeance on the nations of the west who had withheld their assistance.
For this he was ostracized from Kentucky society; his anti-slavery journals were withheld in the mails; he could not secure a public hall or a printer.
Next year, having solved, as he thought, another ancient crux, the duplication of the cube, he had his solution brought out anonymously at Paris in French, so as to put Wallis and other critics off the scent and extort a judgment that might be withheld from a work of his.
AdvertisementThe decree of the diet, formulated in April, forbade the reformers to make further religious changes, while the toleration which was conceded to Romanists in Lutheran states was withheld from Lutherans in Romanist states.
Otto was also related to the great house of Hohenstaufen, a relationship which gave him access to sources of information usually withheld from the ordinary monastic annalist, and his work is very valuable for the earlier part of the career of Frederick I.
Causes relating to Claims for Money withheld from the State (kmroypa4ai).
The defect of this arrangement consisted in the necessity of obtaining the consent of the commissionersa consent sometimes withheld on purely political grounds.
Up to 1904 the consent of the powers to the employment of this fund for any purpose of public utility was withheld.
AdvertisementChampollion outdistanced all his competitors from the first, and had practically nothing to thank them for except material to work on, and too often that had been intentionally withheld from him.
Rameses in his brief reign of two years planned and began the great colonnaded hall of Karnak, proving that he was a man of great ideas, though probably too old to carry them out; this task he left to his son Seti I., who reigned one year with his father and on the latters death was ready at once to subdue the Bedouin Shasu, who had invaded Palestine and withheld all tribute.
From that date to the spring of 1811 the beys from time to time relinquished certain of their demands; the pasha on his part granted them what before had been withheld; the province of the Fayum, and part of those of Giza and Beni-Suef, were ceded to ShahIn; and a great portion of the Said, on the condition of paying the land-tax, to the others.
The nerve cell just prior to sleep is still well capable of response to stimuli, although perhaps the threshold-value of the stimulus has become rather high, whereas after entrance upon sleep and continuance of sleep for several hours, and more, when all spur to the dissimilation process has been long withheld, the threshold-value of the sensory stimulus becomes enormously higher than before.
The public yearned to know what the soldiers and sailors were doing, and the information was withheld from them.
AdvertisementFor a while the Gauls withheld their hands out of awe and reverence, but the ruder passions soon prevailed.
The bishops of Liguria and Aemilia, headed by the archbishop of Milan, and those of Istria and Venice, headed by Paulinus of Aquileia, also withheld their fellowship; but Narses resisted the appeals of Pelagius, who would have invoked the secular arm.
In the dyspnoea of advanced valvular disease of the heart morphine relieves the distress and restlessness, and induces sleep. It should however be withheld if the heart has undergone fatty degeneration.
The condition may even go on to a fatal result should morphine be continuously withheld, but injection of even a small quantity of morphine causes these symptoms to cease abruptly.
But each craft at the same time formed a society for social, beneficial and religious purposes, and, as these were entirely in accordance with the wishes of the clerical authorities, the other powers could not in the long run be withheld, including that of forcing all followers of any craft to join the gild (Zunftzwang).
The promised Garter was withheld from Marlborough, and the incensed "Mrs Morley" in her letters to "Mrs Freeman" styled the king "Caliban" or the "Dutch Monster."
He had insisted that priests should accompany their flocks in battle, had made them amenable to secular jurisdiction, had withheld the tribute due to Rome and had even claimed the right of disposing of ecclesiastical domains.
The general commissioners met at St Andrews, N.B., in 1816, and in New York City in 1822, only to disagree; and when the king of the Netherlands, chosen as arbitrator in 1829 (under the Convention of 1827) rendered in 1831 a decision against which the state of Maine protested, the Federal Senate withheld its assent to his decision.
The right to return members to parliament was claimed for all communities; and since this right was unconstitutionally withheld, unrepresented towns were invited to exercise it in anticipation of its formal concession.
The "Burlingame Treaty" recognizes China's right of eminent domain over all her territory, gives China the right to appoint at ports in the United States consuls, "who shall enjoy the same privileges and immunities as those enjoyed by the consuls of Great Britain and Russia"; provides that "citizens of the United States in China of every religious persuasion and Chinese subjects in the United States shall enjoy entire liberty of conscience and shall be exempt from all disability or persecution on account of their religious faith or worship in either country"; and grants certain privileges to citizens of either country residing in the other, the privilege of naturalization, however, being specifically withheld.
Toleration of dissent, withheld in Ireland till 1719, was then granted without the requirement of any doctrinal subscription.
What was originally meant to form another chapter was withheld.
The yield of the indirect taxes fell off through the interruption of business, and the direct taxes were in large measure withheld, for want of an authority to enforce payment.
An hour ago I saw what chaos resulted from lies, half-truths and withheld secrets.
He withheld kisses and blood, refusing to sate either of her cravings.
For too long students have had their deposit's withheld by unscrupulous landlords, often on dubious grounds.
It would be an extremely unwise Minister who ever withheld such information.
Medical treatment is given when needed and not withheld.
When a child is in severe pain, these pain relievers should not be withheld.
These drugs are safe when used properly and should not be withheld for fear of addiction.
The act of loving and expressing gratitude to your child is a gift that should never be withheld.
Social Security taxes are typically withheld from your paycheck by your employer or from your business earnings when you file your taxes.
This annuity expired before his death; and he was compelled to make more than one fresh appeal to the bounty of the Company, which was never withheld.
Jowett's loyalty to those who were prosecuted on this account was no less characteristic than his persistent silence while the augmentation of his salary as Greek professor was withheld.
In1892-1893there was an open break between the General Assembly and Union Seminary, which repudiated the agreement of 18701 between the seminaries and the assembly; the assembly disclaimed responsibility for the Seminary's teachings and withheld financial aid from its students.
On the eve of evacuation an attempt was made in Pecs to reestablish the Hungarian Republic under Count Karolyi, but owing to the communist views of some of its promoters the Belgrade Government withheld all support, and the movement promptly collapsed.
The most moderate form of the censure presents him in the odious light of a trimmer; the vulgar and venomous assailant is sure that Erasmus was a Protestant at heart, but withheld the avowal that he might not forfeit the worldly advantages he enjoyed as a Catholic. When by study of his writings we come to know Erasmus intimately, there is revealed to us one of those natures to which partisanship is an impossibility.
Payments to the Inland Revenue of tax withheld should be made in sterling.
One notable feature is that emissions data cannot be withheld on commercial confidentiality grounds.
I consider, therefore, that the information provided by the external experts can be withheld from disclosure under Exemption 14 of the Code.
However, increments may be withheld in exceptional circumstances.
In my view, therefore, there is no information on the file which can be withheld under this exemption.
Deposits - at the end of a tenancy, deposit money may be withheld for different reasons.
However, a military official said some findings might be withheld pending the principle inquiry findings.
Child support payments can be automatically withheld from the non-custodial parent's wages.
In a situation where the non-custodial parent lives out of state, the paperwork to allow a portion of his or her income to be withheld and sent to the custodial parent without having to involve a child support enforcement agency.
If affection is withheld, the child commonly is rebellious and antisocial.
Previously California had withheld all of the $133 million provided by NCLB from ELLs enrolled in alternative bilingual programs.
Deduct what you have already had withheld and the resulting number would be what you owe in income taxes.
Borrowers who do not have their taxes and insurance withheld in an escrow account monthly by their mortgage servicer will not have the taxes and insurance portion as a consideration in the overall monthly payment.
Some less reputable sites mislead you into believing you're receiving the full program when a particular portion, the most important part, is withheld in order to force you to pay more money.
Therefore, an employee may be held responsible for their employer's failure to pay FICA, and should always consult their paycheck to ensure that the proper taxes have been withheld.
The specific amount withheld depends on the W-4 the employee filed when they were hired (or their most recent one) and how much they earn.
Although withheld from each paycheck, the money may not be transferred to the IRS until the end of each quarter.
Withheld taxes are credited against an employee's total tax liability owed to the IRS.
Like taxes withheld by an employer, however, self-employed and freelance workers must pay their taxes on their income to the IRS at least quarterly.
Subsequently, you provide the amount you earned in the current year, the frequency with which you are paid and the amount previously withheld from any other jobs held.
It also provides you with the amount of quarterly withholding that will be withheld.
Was it her drunken advances or the information I'd withheld from her?
The only item of information I'd withheld from Detective Jackson was that the assailant had asked me where everybody else was.
He also withheld the identity of Josh, Dawkins Sr.'s mine manager, and the fact that someone fired a gun at the mine.
Warren Hastings, as a deliberate measure of policy, withheld the tribute due to the emperor, and resold Allahabad and Kora to the wazir of Oudh.
Had Shakespeare treated it, he would hardly have contented himself with investing the hero with the nobility given by Ford to this personage of his play, - for it is hardly possible to speak of a personage as a character when the clue to his conduct is intentionally withheld.
The Phocian levy took part in Epaminondas' inroads into Peloponnesus, except in the final campaign of Mantinea (370-62), from which their contingent was withheld.
The drug must be at once withheld if haemorrhages (subcutaneous, retinal, &c.) are observed.
Demetrius had presented himself in 307 as the liberator, and driven the Macedonian garrison from the Peiraeus; but his own garrisons held Athens thirteen years later, when he was king of Macedonia, and the Antigonid dynasty clung to the points of vantage in Greece, especially Chalcis and Corinth, till their garrisons were finally expelled by the Romans in the name of Hellenic liberty., The new movement of commerce initiated by the conquest of Alexander continued under his successors, though the breakup of the Macedonian Empire in Asia in the 3rd century and the distractions of the Seleucid court must have withheld many advantages from the Greek merchants which a strong central government might have afforded them.
The sensitive impartiality which withheld him from touching perhaps the most interesting period in the history of the constitution did not save him from the charge of partisanship. The Quarterly Review for 1828 contains an article on the Constitutional History, written by Southey, full of railing and reproach.
He was one of the four prelates who refused to inhibit Bishop Colenso from preaching in their dioceses, and the only one who withheld his signature from the addresses calling upon Colenso to resign his see.
On Hercules' return to Thebes he gave his wife Megara to his friend and charioteer Iolaus, son of Iphicles, and by beating Eurytus of Oechalia and his sons in a shooting match won a claim to the hand of his daughter Iole, whose family, however, except her brother Iphitus, withheld their consent to the union.
In 1908 the average school year was nine and seven-tenths months - ten in the cities and nine and four-tenths in the counties; the aim is ten months throughout, and a law of 1904 provides that if a school is taught less than nine months a portion of the funds set apart for it shall be withheld.