Withdrawn Sentence Examples
The tools are then withdrawn, the well is sand-pumped, and preparations are made for the next ' run.'
The permit is withdrawn if the clearance is not obtained within three years.
The allies had now withdrawn their offer.
The troops were withdrawn on the conclusion of peace in June 1885.
Carmen had withdrawn from the world outside their home and he had been enabling her.
Scarcely had Assyria withdrawn before Menahem lost his life in a conspiracy, and Pekah with the help of Gilead made himself king.
His charter was withdrawn on the accession of Henry VII.
They are infinite and perfect when the En Soph imparts his fullness to them, and finite and imperfect when that fullness is withdrawn from them.
One of the tribunes even threatened to put his veto on the bill, which was withdrawn before the voting took place.
Canada joined at the first, and having withdrawn, again joined in 1907.
AdvertisementThe latter course was decided upon, and during the first months of 1910 the advanced posts were withdrawn and the British administration confined to the coast towns.
The insolvent debtor was withdrawn from the yoke of his creditor.
The last American troops were withdrawn from the island on the 1st of April 1909.
In the last twelve years of the 19th century the altilik currency was almost entirely withdrawn, and replaced by fractional mejidie; a large proportion of the beshlik has also been withdrawn, but the metallik has not been touched.
The main body were between Weimar and Apolda during the 12th, and the Saxons duly effected their junction with Hohenlohe in the vicinity of Vierzehnheiligen, whilst the latter had withdrawn his troops all but some outposts from Jena to the plateau about Capellendorf, some 4 m.
AdvertisementIt was assumed that the individual members of society, by express or implied pact, agree to obey some person or persons; sometimes it is described as an unqualified handing over; sometimes it is a transfer subject to qualifications, and with notice that in certain contingencies this will be withdrawn.
The youthful aristocracy were thus withdrawn from the old Latin schools of Germany, but the aristocratic schools vanished with the dawn of the 19th century, and the ordinary public schools were once more frequented by the young nobility.
He decided to have the guns removed from their positions and withdrawn in his presence.
Alex was quiet and withdrawn.
In the session of 1907 he introduced an Irish Councils bill, a sort of half-way house to Home Rule; but it was unexpectedly repudiated by a Nationalist convention in Dublin and the bill was promptly withdrawn.
AdvertisementBitter disappointment, however, soon overcame them, the Samaritans were strong enough to thwart and hinder their temple-building, and it seemed as though the divine favour was withdrawn.
President Avellaneda was frightened at the results of his action, and to avoid a collision ordered the troops to be withdrawn.
Owing to the opposition of the clerical party, it was speedily withdrawn.
He challenged the legality of Horne's consecration, and a special act of parliament was passed to meet the point, while the charge against Bonner was withdrawn.
Sindhia gave up the district of Ajmere to the British, and the pressure of the great Mahratta powers upon Rajputana was permanently withdrawn.
AdvertisementDanby therefore ordered a return from every diocese of the numbers of dissenters, both Romanist and Protestant, in order by a proof of their insignificance to remove the royal scruples.3 In December 1676 he issued a proclamation for the suppression of coffee-houses because of the "defamation of His Majesty's Government" which took place in them, but this was soon withdrawn.
Similar amending bills were introduced in the 1905 and 1906 sessions, but were withdrawn.
Greece was at the same time summoned to remove its army and fleet from the island, while the Turkish troops were to be concentrated in the fortresses and eventually withdrawn.
Water, often saline or sulphurous, is also found in these porous rocks and replaces the oil as the latter is withdrawn.
A scandalous riot was inaugurated by the members of the Parisian Jockey Club, who interrupted the performance with howls and dog-whistles; and after the third representation the opera was withdrawn.
In 1884, in consequence of the revolt of the mandi in the Egyptian Sudan, the khedival garrisons were withdrawn.
When once a property has been registered as vakuf it can never be withdrawn.
After the peace of Tilsit the Grand Army was gradually withdrawn behind the Rhine, leaving only three commands, totalling 63,000 men, under Davout in Prussia, Oudinot in west central Germany, and Lefebvre in Bavaria, to assist the princes of the Confederation of the Rhine in the maintenance of order and the enforcement of the French law of conscription, which was rigorously insisted on in all the States comprised in this new federation.
At the same time he heard that Pahlen's Cossacks had been withdrawn forty-eight hours previously, thus completely exposing his flank.
It may have been during his exile, when withdrawn from his active career as a dramatist, that he composed or completed his poem on the first Punic war.
Germany and Russia had, temporarily at all events, withdrawn from the cooperation, but France came in for the first time in 1920, and it was understood that the United States was likely to join in the scheme of investigation.
Napoleon, with the Russian War in prospect, had early in the year withdrawn 30,000 men from Spain; and Wellington had begun to carry on what he termed a war of "magazines."
Wellington had also difficulties of a similar kind with his own government, and also the Spanish soldiers, in revenge for many French outrages, had become guilty of grave excesses in France, so that Wellington took the extreme step of sending 25,000 of them back to Spain and resigning the command of their army, though his resignation was subsequently withdrawn.
In the Democratic convention, though he had a majority of the votes, he did not have the twothirds which the rule of the convention required, and after eight ballots his name was withdrawn.
They are readily withdrawn from the surface of the lead, and are worked up into antimony (arsenic) - tin-lead and antimony-lead alloys.
The temperature is then raised, and the scum which forms on the surface is withdrawn until pure litharge forms, which only takes place after all the tin, arsenic and antimony have been eliminated.
Supposing the pot to be filled with melted lead to be treated, the fire is withdrawn beneath and steam introduced.
If a magnet is dipped into a mass of iron filings and withdrawn, filings cling to certain parts of the stone in moss-like tufts, other parts remaining bare.
A small coil of fine wire, connected in series with a ballistic galvanometer, is placed in the field, with its windings perpendicular to the lines of force, and then suddenly reversed or withdrawn from the field, the integral electromotive force being twice as great in the first case as in the second.
Convenient arrangements have been introduced whereby the coil is reversed or withdrawn from the field by the action of a spring.
It is probable that certain privileges of the equites were due to Gracchus; that of wearing the gold ring, hitherto reserved for senators; that of special seats in the theatre, subsequently withdrawn (probably by Sulla) and restored by the lex Othonis (67 B.C.); the narrow band of purple on the tunic as distinguished from the broad band worn by the senators.
Then, having withdrawn to its own quarter, it was suddenly attacked by the infuriated citizens (noveschi and dodicini), who broke into houses and workshops and put numbers of the inhabitants to the sword without regard for age or sex.
After remaining at the port just over a year the Highlanders were withdrawn, on Christmas Eve 1839.
Nothing further was done in Natal up to the establishment of the Union of South Africa, when all questions specially or differentially affecting Asiatics were withdrawn from the competence of the provincial authorities.
The relation of reason and faith remains external, and certain doctrines - an increasing number as times goes on - are withdrawn from the sphere of reason.
During this period Peak had almost entirely withdrawn from public life.
That the troops on the borders of this republic shall be instantly withdrawn.
The next play was the Hecyra, first produced in 165, but withdrawn in consequence of its bad reception, and reproduced in 160.
The Indian government formerly maintained a large preventive establishment for the preservation of the revenue, but it was withdrawn in 1898.
Of the water received by Albert Nyanza annually (omitting the Victoria Nile from the calculation) between 50 and 60% is lost by evaporation, whilst 24,265,000,000 cubic metres are annually withdrawn by the Bahr-el-Jebel.
On completion of any room the timbers are withdrawn and the overlying mass of timber and rock is allowed to fall and a new room is started immediately alongside of the one just completed.
The troops detailed for " Y " beach had also got into serious difficulties, and as it turned out they had to be withdrawn next morning.
The very few Ottoman guns which had been causing the freshly disembarked troops a good deal of annoyance during the 7th had been withdrawn for fear of capture, the defenders fully expecting a forward move by the Allies.
Then the troops along the front were quietly withdrawn in successive groups, the fine weather continuing to the end and work at the beaches proceeding without a hitch.
Nor would they seem to have discovered how weakly held the trenches were; for a considerable proportion of both infantry and artillery had been withdrawn by that date, as only two more nights remained according to the programme.
Criminal jurisdiction in cases in which either the complainant or the defendant is a European, or American, or a government servant, or a British subject not a native of a Shan State, is withdrawn from the chiefs and vested in the superintendents and assistant superintendents.
The military operations, which will be found described under Burmese Wars, ended in the treaty of Yandaboo on the 24th of February 1826, which conceded the British terms and enabled their army to be withdrawn.
Ultimately it became necessary to forego even the pretence of maintaining relations of friendship, and the British functionary at that time, Captain Macleod, was withdrawn in 1840 altogether from a country where his continuance would have been but a mockery.
The British resident was withdrawn in October 1879.
The examination of small test-pieces of the glass withdrawn from the crucible by means of an iron rod having shown that the molten mass is free from bubbles, the stirring process may be begun, the object of this manipulation being to render the glass as homogeneous as possible and to secure the absence of veins or striae in the product.
The stirring is therefore discontinued and the clay cylinder is either left embedded in the glass, or by the exercise of considerable force it may be gradually withdrawn.
Finally, fluid steel can be run or poured off, since it is perfectly fluid, while glass cannot be thus treated, but is withdrawn from the furnace by means of either a ladle or a gatherer's pipe, and the temperature required for this purpose is much lower than.
In a sheet-glass tank there is therefore a gradient of temperature and a continuous passage of material from the hotter end of the furnace where the raw materials are introduced to the cooler end where the glass, free from bubbles and raw material, is withdrawn by the gatherers.
It is probable that when the metal rod was withdrawn the vessel was filled with sand, to prevent collapse, and buried in heated ashes to anneal.
The king, realizing what street fighting in Florence would mean, at once came to terms; he contented himself with 120,000 florins, agreeing to assume the title of "Protector and Restorer of the liberty of Florence," and to give up the fortresses he had taken within two years, unless his expedition to Naples should be concluded sooner; the Medici were to remain banished, but the price on their heads was withdrawn.
The principal improvement made of recent years in this portion of the process has been the construction of pipes through which the carbonic acid gas is injected into the juice in such a manner that they can be easily withdrawn and a clean set substituted.
The chief, however, subsequently sided with the French, and the British claim was finally withdrawn.
Mehemet Ali and his son Ibrahim Pasha were, however, now committed to their conflict with Turkey for Syria and Asia Minor, and had no troops to spare for the thankless task of holding the Arabian deserts; the garrisons were gradually withdrawn, and in 1842 Fesal, who had escaped from his prison at Cairo reappeared and was everywhere recognized as amir.
But whereas, from its construction, the Siemens furnace was intermittent in operation, necessitating stoppage of the current while the contents of the crucible were poured out, many of the newer forms are specially designed either to minimize the time required in effecting the withdrawal of one charge and the introduction of the next, or to ensure absolute continuity of action, raw material being constantly charged in at the top and the finished substance and by-products (slag, &c.) withdrawn either continuously or at intervals, as sufficient quantity shall have accumulated.
The carbons can thus, by the application of suitable mechanism, be withdrawn from or plunged into the furnace at will.
The current, either continuous or alternating, is then started, and continued for about 1 to 12 hours, until the operation is complete, the carbon rods being gradually withdrawn as the action proceeds.
Janet was reoccupied by Ottoman troops in the summer of 1910, but in deference to French protests the troops were withdrawn pending the delimitation of the frontier.
Others had withdrawn into the mountains and forests, and in the native villages under Spanish administration the birth rate had dropped to a small part of what it had been because the great bulk of the male population had been segregated in the mines and on the estates of the conquerors.
San Martin was enthusiastically received, and the independence of Peru was proclaimed at Lima after the viceroy had withdrawn (July 28, 1821).
The Chilean army of occupation was withdrawn from Lima on the 22nd of October 1883, but a strong force was maintained at Chorrillos until July 1884, when the terms of the treaty were finally approved.
The beaten forces were at last withdrawn safely into the island.
When young, Arrian was the pupil and friend of Epictetus, who had probably withdrawn to Nicopolis, when Domitian expelled all philosophers from Rome.
In the Entoprocta the tentacles are withdrawn by being infolded into the "vestibule," a depression of the oral surface which can be closed by a sphincter muscle.
When the velvet comes to him, it already carries a colored picture permanently fixed by the yzen process, but the wires have not been withdrawn.
The state subsidy having been withdrawn, the Institute voted a yearly subscription of Io,000 francs and nominated a commission of five members, one for each section, who managed the Journal.
The chilling stereotypes the structure existing in the ingot at the moment it was withdrawn from the furnace, and we can af terwards study this structure by means of the microscope.
If the ebonite is withdrawn without touching the tray, the latter will be found to be unelectrified.
The last goes to earth when the tray is touched, and the first remains when the tray is insulated and the ebonite withdrawn.
If then the ball be withdrawn, the leaves will diverge a second time with negative electrification.
It will be found that as it does so the gold-leaves of the electroscope diverge, but collapse again if the ball is withdrawn.
Next let the canister be touched with the finger, the leaves collapse, but diverge again when the ball is withdrawn.
If before the ball is withdrawn, after touching the outside of the canister with the finger, the ball is tilted over to make it touch the inside of the canister, then on withdrawing it the canister and ball are found to be perfectly discharged.
The army merely swung backwards, pivoting on its left wing, the corps preserving their relative order as it had been on the 16th, with the exception that the Imperial Guard was withdrawn to the spur on which Fort Plappeville stands, and the 6th Corps (Marshal Canrobert) crossed the line of march of the 3rd and 4th Corps in order to gain St Privat la Montagne.
But the remainder of the troops had to be withdrawn, and confusion breaking out in their rear, exposed to all the random bullets and shells of the French, a panic ensued, thousands of men breaking away and flying in wildest confusion through Gravelotte towards the west.
The German Liberals and the governmental Socialists had withdrawn their support from Bethmann Hollweg's Government at the time of the so-called " Peace Resolution " (July 19 1917), largely on the ground that it was inconceivable that the Allies and America should ever negotiate with politicians like Zimmermann and Bethmann, who had been guilty of the note to Mexico and other treacherous proceedings.
He withdrew, or was withdrawn, from the active command at sea, and was replaced by the earl of Sandwich.
He had not accustomed himself to economical living; and, when the emoluments of his office were withdrawn, he had barely enough to support his family.
The birth of an heir to the throne (Prince Henry) in 1594 strengthened her position and influence; but the young prince, much to her indignation, was immediately withdrawn from her care and entrusted to the keeping of the earl and countess of Mar at Stirling Castle; in 1595 James gave a written command, forbidding them in case of his death to give up the prince to the queen till he reached the age of eighteen.
The French Huguenots found their privileges decreased, and then, in 1685, the edict was altogether withdrawn.
As the work proceeds onwards, the props are withdrawn and replaced in advance, except those that may be crushed by the pressure or buried by sudden falls of the roof.
When the coal has been under-cut for a sufficient length, the struts are withdrawn, and the overhanging mass is allowed to fall during the time that the workmen are out of the pit, or it may be brought down by driving wedges, or if it be of a compact character a blast in a borehole near the roof may be required.
The carrying frame, while the work is going on, is fixed in position by jackscrews bearing against the roof of the seam, which, when the cut is completed, are withdrawn, and the machine shifted laterally through a distance equal to the breadth of the cut and fixed in position again.
The town remained in the possession of Egypt until 1885, when the garrison was withdrawn in consequence of the rising of the Mandi in the Sudan.
When the ingot has been made and the crucible is full, the latter is withdrawn and another substituted.
The first class may again be subdivided into generators in which the water rises in contact with the carbide, in which it drips upon the carbide, and in which a vessel full of carbide is lowered into water and again withdrawn as generation becomes excessive.
The treaty of London, signed on the 11th of May 1867, decided that the Prussian garrison must be withdrawn and the fortress dismantled, which was done in 1872.
In 1873 President Grant nominated him for chief justice of the United States, but in spite of his great learning and eminence at the bar, his ante-war record and the feeling of distrust experienced by many members of the senate on account of his inconsistency, aroused such vigorous opposition that his nomination was soon withdrawn.
In February 964, the emperor having withdrawn from the city, Leo found it necessary to seek safety in flight, whereupon he was deposed by a synod held under the presidency of John XII.
It was about 6.30 before Napoleon learned that the unknown force was actually D'Erlon's, and somewhat later he heard that it had counter-marched and withdrawn westwards.
In return, the Mint receives at its nominal value for recoinage the worn gold and silver coin which is withdrawn from circulation by the Bank of England and some other banks.
After the fall of Bismarck the permission to use the secret papers was withdrawn, and therefore vols.
But as the air is withdrawn by the pump the sound decreases, and when the exhaustion is high the.
Athanasius and Hilarius, retained the bishops who had signed and then withdrawn their adherence.
Soon after the death of Charlemagne in 814, Arno appears to have withdrawn from active life, although he retained his archbishopric until his death on the 24th of January 821.
He was unable to achieve much during his last term of office, as his health was greatly impaired; his Divorce Bill, although voted in the chamber, had to be withdrawn on account of the strong opposition of the country.
In the second half of the 17th century the rules of grammar and rhetoric were simplified, and the time withdrawn from the practice of composition (especially verse composition) transferred to the explanation and the study of authors.
The "resumption" by the seceding states of the coast defences (built on land ceded by the various states to the Federal government, and, it was argued, withdrawn therefore by the act of secession) brought on the war.
The question of missions is reserved, and the relaxations granted to the Society in such matters as fasting, reciting the hours and reading heretical books, are withdrawn; while the breve ends with clauses carefully drawn to bar any legal exceptions that might be taken against its full validity and obligation.
The American forces were withdrawn in May and June 1848 after the ratification of the treaty by Mexico.
In Bdelloidaceae this may alternate with a leech-like gait; the corona being withdrawn, the cupped end of the proboscis serves as a sucker for attachment alternately with the adherent foot, so that the animal loops its way along.
Having withdrawn from the Society of Jesus, he was invited to Rome in 1819 as chief keeper of the Vatican library.
This declaration led to a violent quarrel with Rome, and was officially withdrawn in 1693, though its doctrines continued to be largely held.
Washington had withdrawn his main army to the upper part of the island.
Towards the close of the 10th century, at the time the Fihirst was written, the Manichaeans in Mesopotamia and Persia had already been in large measure ousted from the towns, and had withdrawn to the villages.
There are also certain powers which, though not absolutely withdrawn from the states, can be exercised only with the consent of the national legislature, viz.
Some 235,000 posts have now been placed under civil service rules and withdrawn from the category of spoils.
Part of this jurisdiction has, however, been withdrawn by the eleventh amendment to the Constitution, which declares that the judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state.
Much to the annoyance of the people of the Dominion the claims for the Fenian raids were withdrawn at the request of the British government, which undertook to make good to Canada any losses she had suffered.
By this time he had to some extent withdrawn from the advanced position which he at first occupied in organizing the Old Catholic Church, for he was not in agreement with its abolition of enforced celibacy.
In 1060 the community was withdrawn from the authority of the patriarch of Constantinople, and a monastic republic was practically constituted.
All over the district were built Senussi convents (zawia), which still exist and have much influence, although the headquarters of the order were withdrawn about the year 1855 to Jarabub, and in 1895 to Kufra, still farther into the heart of Africa.
If any person makes an agreement for the withdrawal of a petition in consideration of a money payment, or of the promise that the seat shall be vacated or another petition withdrawn, or omits to state in his affidavit that he has made an agreement, lawful or unlawful, for the withdrawal, he is guilty of an indictable misdemeanour.
Though the Scottish Churches Bill, the Unemployed Bill and the Aliens Bill were passed, a complete fiasco occurred over the redistribution proposals, which pleased nobody and had to be withdrawn owing to a blunder as to procedure; and though on the 17th of July a meeting of the party at the foreign office resulted in verbal assurances of loyalty, only two days later the government was caught in a minority of four on the estimates for the Irish Land Commission.
Whatever they were, the Roman garrisons seem not to have been really withdrawn.
He abolished all privileges which were not secured by charter and imposed a more rigidly centralized scheme of government in which the activities of the provincial diet were restricted to some judicial and financial functions, and their freedom in matters of foreign policy was withdrawn altogether.
In 1829 came representatives of the American Board, in 1836 Peter Parker began his medical mission, and on the opening of the Treaty Ports the old edicts were withdrawn, and other societies crowded in to a field more than ample.
The bit of wood e must be gently withdrawn, care being taken that the bud adheres wholly to the bark or shield, FIG.
Some congregations have withdrawn from provincial supervision, and have thus free control of their own financial affairs.
When the removal of the phosphorus is sufficiently complete, this slag is withdrawn from the furnace.
As soon as a hot billet A is withdrawn by pushing it endwise out of the exit door B, the whole row is pushed forward by a set of mechanical pushers C, the billets sliding on the raised water-cooled pipes D, and, in the hotter part of the furnace, on the magnesite bricks E, on which iron slides easily when red-hot.
His disappointment at its reception was great; and though he never entirely relinquished his metaphysical speculations, though all that is of value in his later writings depends on the acute analysis of human nature to which he was from the first attracted, one cannot but regret that his high powers were henceforth withdrawn for the most part from the consideration, of the foundations of belief, and expended on its practical applications.
After the second Burmese War it was an important frontier station, but the troops were withdrawn in 1893.
Having decided in favour of a monarchy, the provisional government first offered the throne to the duc de Nemours, son of Louis-Philippe, but this offer was promptly withdrawn on the discovery that Europe would not endorse it.
Nickel money is for 5, Io and 20 centimes, and the copper coinage has been withdrawn from circulation.
The policy of Brazil was for a time directed towards the annexation of Paraguay; the debt due to Brazil on account of the war was assessed at £40,000,000, a sum which Paraguay could never hope to pay; and it was not until 1876 that the Brazilian army of occupation was wholly withdrawn.
Disunion, however, was at work in the rebel camp. The Gauls and Germans, who had withdrawn from the main body, were attacked and destroyed.
After nine representations the play was withdrawn.
Though the tender care which had mitigated his sufferings during months of sickness at Streatham was withdrawn, and though Boswell was absent, he was not left desolate.
In 1414 the peace between the Armagnacs and the Burgundians was made here, and in 1435 a congress met here to make peace between the English and their Burgundian allies on the one side,?and the French on the other, and after the English representatives had withdrawn, a treaty was signed on the 10th of September between France and Burgundy.
There was much opposition in these states to such a course, but the secessionists triumphed, and by the time President Lincoln was inaugurated, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas had formally withdrawn from the Union.
The above rates include government duty; but the privilege of free luggage (as up to 56 ib) has been withdrawn, and all luggage other than hand baggage taken into the carriages is charged for.
Besides these ten-mark pieces, there are Doppclkronen (double crowns), about equivalent in value to an English sovereign (the average rate of exchange being 20 marks 40 pfennige per LI sterling), and, formerly, half-crowns (halbe Kronen =5 marks) in gold were also issued, hut they have been withdrawn from circulation.
One of these is that they agree that their privilege to issue private notes may be withdrawn at one years notice without compensation.
Actually the conferences did not meet until 1645, when the elector of Brandenburg had made, and the elector of Saxony, was about to make, a truce with Sweden, these two countries being withdrawn from the ravages of the war.
When, therefore, on the 10th of February 1860, the bills necessary for carrying out the reform of the army were introduced into the diet, they met with so strenuous an opposition that they had to be withdrawn.
By the original constitution, the imperial authorities were only qualified to deal with criminal and commercial law; the whole of the private law, in which the variety was greatest, was withdrawn from their cognizance.
Any part of this issue assigned to private banks which might be withdrawn from circulation, owing to a deficiency in the legal reserve funds, was to be transferred to the Reichsbank.
It was bitterly opposed by the Liberals, especially by Bamberger; all essential features were altered by the Reichstag, and it was withdrawn by the government after it had passed the third reading.
The institution of a minimum salary by the provincial department led to such resistance that it was withdrawn, but a distinct advance in salaries has taken place since 1906.
Haugwitz (1700-1765); the motley system which had survived from the middle ages was gradually replaced by an administrative machinery uniformly organized and centralized; and the army especially, hitherto patched together from the quotas raised and maintained by the various diets and provincial estates, was withdrawn from their interference.
At the end of 1902 the supernumeraries were discharged - too late to calm the ardour of the Opposition, which proceeded to demand that the Army bills should be entirely withdrawn or that, if adopted, they should be counterbalanced by concessions to Magyar nationalist feeling calculated to promote the use of the Magyar language in the Hungarian part of the army and to render the Hungarian regiments, few of which are purely Magyar, more and more Magyar in character.
Before taking office KhuenHedervary negotiated with Kossuth and other Opposition leaders, who undertook that obstruction should cease if the Army bills were withdrawn.
Lucan had meanwhile called up the Heavy Brigade to support the Light, but it lost many men and horses and was quickly withdrawn.
There is a subsidiary coinage (introduced in 1908) consisting of a nickel penny and a nickel tenth of a penny (the last-named was first coined in aluminium, but this metal proved unsuitable and was withdrawn).
When the company's troops were withdrawn the deposed emir returned and reoccupied the throne, leaving the situation to be dealt with after the territories of the company had been transferred to the crown.
The Egyptian pound is practically nonexistent, nearly all that were coined having been withdrawn from circulation.
The climax was reached when at a given- moment the curtains of the shrine placed on the boat were withdrawn, and the god was revealed to the eyes of the awe-struck multitude.
Scarcely had Esarhaddon withdrawn before Tirhaka returned from his refuge in the south and the Assyrian garrisons were massacred.
A beginning had been made for creating a new army to replace the one that had been disbanded and to allow of a portion of the British garrison being withdrawn.
Again British and French warships were despatched to Alexandria, and were quickly withdrawn, their presence having produced no apparent impression.
The constitutional rescript of the 28th of January 1848 had been withdrawn in favour of an electoral law for a national assembly, of whose 152 members 38 were to be nominated by the king and to form an Upper House (Landsting), while the remainder were to be elected by the people and to form a popular chamber (Folketing).
The seven series of Monocotyledons represent a sequence beginning with the most complicated epigynous orders, such as Orchideae and Scitamineae, and passing through the petaloid hypogynous orders (series Coronarieae) of which Liliaceae is the representative to Juncaceae and the palms (series Calycinae) where the perianth Ioses its petaloid character and thence to the Aroids, screw-pines and albuminous Dicotyledons the cotyledons act as the absorbents of the reserve-food of the seed and are commonly brought above ground (epigeal), either withdrawn from the seed-coat or carrying it upon them, and then they serve as the first green organs of the plant.
The War Office denied all knowledge of them and they were withdrawn.
His personal friendship, too, once bestowed, was never lightly withdrawn.
It was formerly a British military cantonment and residence of a political agent, but in 1886, when the fortress of Gwalior was restored to Sindhia, the troops at Morar were withdrawn to Jhansi, and the extensive barracks were likewise made over to Sindhia.
Algae are withdrawn from each of the three series enumerated above and consolidated into an entirely new group. In these algae, the colouring matter is said to be yellowish-green, not strictly green, and contained in numerous small discoid chromatophores which are devoid of pyrenoids.
In consonance with this name, its authors propose to re-name the Conjugatae; Akontae and Oedogoniaceae with a chaplet of cilia become Stephanokontae, and the algae remaining over in the three series from which the Heterokontae and Stephanokontae are withdrawn become Isokontae.
The Turkish population, descended in part from the Ottoman invaders of the 14th and 15th centuries, in part from colonists introduced at various epochs from Asia by the Turkish government, declined considerably during the 19th century, especially in the countries withdrawn from the sultan's authority.
In 1897 Crete was withdrawn from Turkish administration, and the Greco-Turkish War of that year was followed by the cession to Turkey of a few strategical points on the Thessalian frontier.
But since 1879, when its charter as a free commercial city was withdrawn, its trade has also greatly diminished.
The simplest is for the impression made by an observed object on the retina, the eye; in this connexion the term "after-image" (better "after-sensation") is used for an image which remains when the eye is withdrawn from a brilliantly lighted object; it is called positive when the colour remains the same, negative when the complementary colours are seen.
Alexandria was occupied on the 7th of May 1863, but the troops were soon withdrawn for the Port Hudson attack.
Montrose arrived a day too late for Marston Moor (2nd of July 1644); Rupert took his contingent; he entered Scotland in disguise, met the ill-armed Irish levies under Colkitto, raised the Gordons and Ogilvies, who supplied his cavalry, raised the fighting Macdonalds, Camerons and Macleans; in six pitched battles he routed Argyll and all the Covenanting warriors of Scotland, and then, deserted by Colkitto and the Gordons, and surprised by Leslie's cavalry withdrawn from England, was defeated at Philiphaugh near Selkirk, while men and women of his Irish contingent were shot or hanged months after the battle.
After six weeks the plundering clansmen were withdrawn, and in the spring of 1678, also of 1679, Hamilton with his allies carried their complaints to Charles.
In both the patient was withdrawn from the multitude and the cure was wrought with the accompaniment of symbolic actions.
The cruel tyrant kills the babes of Bethlehem, but the Child has been withdrawn by a secret flight into Egypt, whence he presently returns to the family home at Nazareth in Galilee.
Hegel, indignant at what he deemed patronage, demanded that the note should be withdrawn.
So the condemnation by the Cardinal-Legate was withdrawn for the time, and the pope resolved to deal with the matter otherwise.
A garrison of imperial troops was maintained until 1871, when the troops were withdrawn after many deaths from fever and dysentery had occurred among them.
As the years went on he became Strategus and the Syrian garrisons were withdrawn from all the strongholds except Jerusalem and Bethzur.
This protection was subsequently withdrawn, the rana having been guilty of treachery, and in 1783 Sindhia succeeded in recapturing the fortress of Gwalior, and crushed his Jat opponent by seizing the whole of Gohad.
On his return Frederick defeated the pontificals, and in 1230 peace was made at San Germano and the excommunication withdrawn.
Pillow, on the 28th of July 1861, and after the surrender of Fort Donelson (February 16, 1862) the troops previously at Columbus, forming the Confederate left flank, were withdrawn to New Madrid and Island No.
An Egyptian garrison remained at Keren in the Bogos country until 1884, when in consequence of the revolt of the Mandi it was withdrawn, Bogos being occupied by Abyssinia on the 12th of September of that year.
If one of these adopted Islam, Omar permitted him to leave his place, which had been strictly forbidden by I.Iajjaj in Irak and the eastern provinces, because by it many hands were withdrawn from the tilling of the ground, and those who remained were unable to pay the allotted amount.
After the failure of the siege of Constantinople, the advanced posts in Asia Minor were withdrawn, but the raids were continued regularly.
He took his way over Wasit, which he mastered - the Syrian garrison seems to have been withdrawn in the days of Omar II.
The bulk of the heavy guns were withdrawn to the second line and the work of preparation was hastened on; but the enemy attack seemed imminent, and it was impossible to set about a complete reorganization under the immediate threat.
Many prisoners were taken, and the second line, which was withdrawn in accordance with the general instructions given by Cadorna, came back in some disorder.
Corps was now hammering against the Italian 34th Div., whose position was precarious, and although Etna's Val Sugana troops had held their own against various tentative attacks, they were withdrawn to the second line of defence.
He ordered all heavy artillery not absolutely necessary for defensive purposes, and all stores beyond the minimum required for immediate supplies, to be withdrawn from the Isonzo front and brought south of Treviso, behind the Silo.
The Guelph nobles were at first admitted to a share in the government, on condition of their entering a gild, but in 12 9 3 even this privilege was withdrawn.
At the end of ten days, should he remain obdurate, the offer of Syria and Acre would be withdrawn; and if at the end of another ten days he was still defiant, the sultan would hold himself at liberty to withdraw the whole offer and to take such measures as his own interests and the counsels of his allies might suggest to him.
The federal parliament of Canada has jurisdiction over all matters not specially assigned to the local legislatures, while the federal parliament of Australia has only such jurisdiction as is expressly vested in it or is not expressly withdrawn from the local legislatures.
But these were the French and British heavy guns (nearly 200 in number), which had been withdrawn when he stated that he could not renew his offensive, and a number of batteries now restored to the Trentino front, which had been stripped for the earlier fighting.
Only one more attack was made in this sector and both Jager and Bosnian divisions had to be withdrawn and re-made.
This frustum is made always to turn along with the shaft by being fitted on a square portion of it, or by means of a rib and groove, or otherwise, but is capable of a slight longitudinal motion, so as to be pressed into, or withdrawn from, the hollow cone by means of a lever.
After the addition of the dryers the boiling is continued two or three hours; the fire is then suddenly withdrawn„and the oil is left covered up in the boiler for ten hours or more.
The Holy See, however, has never withdrawn its claim to jurisdiction over it, nor have the Ruthenians ever been wholly reconciled to their absorption in the Russian Church.
The cork may then be withdrawn and the sediment removed without any wine being lost.
In this place he remained after the great commoner had withdrawn from the cabinet, but in December 1762 he threw it up. Bute, alarmed at the growth in numbers and in influence of his enemies, tried to buy back Townshend's co-operation by sundry tempting promises, and at last secured his object in March 1763 with the presidency of the board of trade.
The soldiery was withdrawn from the west, and the people at once showed their feelings by the " rabbling " or ejection of the curates who occupied g 7 p of 1688.
After the process has proceeded a certain length, the crates are withdrawn, and the sheaves taken out and stooked.
The garrison of Madras native infantry, formerly stationed in the town, was withdrawn in 1898.
When the fibres are easily separated from the stalk, the operation is complete and the bundles should be withdrawn.
The empress vigorously protested, and the fleet was withdrawn, but on the 6th of August Catherine acceded to the anti-English Austro-Spanish league.
The inhabitants support themselves mainly on the produce of their luxuriant gardens; but the increasing trade of Beira has withdrawn the bulk of the commerce from Sidon.
The phrase was not Blaine's, but his opponents made use of it to misrepresent his attitude toward the Roman Catholics, large numbers of whom are supposed, in consequence, to have withdrawn their support.
A portion of the Chilean forces was shortly afterwards withdrawn from Peru, and the army of occupation remaining in the conquered country was in charge of Admiral Patricio Lynch, an officer who had been specially promoted for distinguished services during the war.
On the ratification of this treaty the Chilean forces were immediately withdrawn from Lima and other points of occupation in Peruvian territory.
If a horse be chosen for the experiment, a considerable quantity of blood may be withdrawn without injuring the animal.
Moreover the favour of the court was withdrawn on the death of Gil Vicente, and this meant much, for there existed no educated middle class to support a national theatre.
Governor Walker proclaimed this rebellion against the United States, appeared before the town in command of 400 United States dragoons and declared it under martial law; as perfect order prevailed, and there was no overt resistance to Territorial law, the troops were withdrawn after a few weeks by order of President Buchanan, and in February 1858 the legislature passed an Act legalizing the city charter of July 1857.
In 1832 the restriction as to engaging in trade was withdrawn, except as regards salaried members of the British consular service.
The British consulate was withdrawn in January 1899, British interests being placed under the care of the consul at Ich'ang.
His attention had been directed to the growing importance of the affairs of India, and there is evidence in his correspondence that he was meditating a comprehensive scheme for transferring much of the power of the company to the crown, when he was withdrawn from public business in a manner that has always been regarded as somewhat mysterious.
Army, set free by the victory of Kumanovo, was being withdrawn from the Vardar to assist their allies.
Starting from Path, he penetrated to the banks of the Tocantins, making numerous converts to Christianity and civilization among the most savage tribes; but after two years of unceasing labour, during which every difficulty was placed in his way by the colonial authorities, he saw that the Indians must be withdrawn from the jurisdiction of the governors, to prevent their exploitation, and placed under the control of the members of a single religious society.
In the end the rector was deprived of his living and Prince's licence withdrawn, and together with a few disciples they started the Charlinch Free Church, which had a very brief existence.
Obedience to Benedict's authority was resumed in 1403, only to be withdrawn again in 1408, when the king declared himself the guardian and protector of the French church, which was indeed for a time self-governing.
We do not know when the legion was finally withdrawn, nor what succeeded, But Welsh legend has made the site very famous with tales of Arthur (revived by Tennyson in his Idylls), of Christian martyrs, Aaron and Julius, and of an archbishopric held by St Dubric and shifted to St David's in the 6th century.
It in fact ensures that the wing, and the curtain or fringe of the wing which the primary and secondary feathers form, shall be screwed into and down upon the wind in extension, and unscrewed or withdrawn from the wind during flexion.
Juneau was founded in 1880; the same year the opposition of the Indians was withdrawn that had prevented the crossing of the mountain passes to the interior, and after 1880 repeated and scattered discoveries were made on the Lewes, Pelly, Stewart and other streams of the Upper Yukon country in Canada.
King Leopold likewise declared himself to be opposed to immediate annexation, and the bill was withdrawn.
He here breaks with Augustine and the Westminster Confession by arguing, consistently with his theory of the Will, that Adam had no more freedom of will than we have, but had a special endowment, a supernatural gift of grace, which by rebellion against God was lost, and that this gift was withdrawn from his descendants, not because of any fictitious imputation of guilt, but because of their real participation in his guilt by actual identity with him in his transgression.
Charges of impiety and body-snatching laid by these men in connexion with his anatomical studies caused the favour of the pope to be for a time withdrawn.
Gertrude and her son appear to have withdrawn to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William in undisturbed occupation of the disputed lands.
He was a member of the Virginia House of Delegates in1826-1827and 1828-1831, of the state Constitutional Convention of 1829, of the National House of Representatives (1837-1839), of the United States Senate from 1847 until July 1861 (when, with other Southern senators he was formally expelled - he had previously withdrawn), and of the Virginia Secession Convention in April 1861.
Mason at once proceeded to London, where, however, he was unable to secure official recognition, and his commission to Great Britain was withdrawn late in 1863.
In 1822 the Turkish troops, who had committed great excesses, were withdrawn on the combined representations of Russia, Austria and Great Britain.
Certain rents and taxes were set aside for the use of the redemption bureau, and a nominally large sum has been withdrawn from circulation through this channel.
His tenure of the presidency was extended to a term of ten years from the 1st of January 1905, and the restriction as to re-election at the end of that term was withdrawn, other alterations being made in the constitution with the effect of placing General Reyes really in the position of a dictator.
The government made its rejection a question of confidence, and the amendment was withdrawn; but the result was the insertion of the Cowper-Temple clause as a compromise before the bill passed.
To the provincial council is entrusted the oversight of the divisional and municipal councils of the province, but the powers of such subordinate bodies can also be varied or withdrawn by the Union parliament acting directly.
The Indians were very active during the Civil War, when the regular troops were withdrawn for service in the eastern states, and Oregon's volunteers from 1861 to 1865 were needed for home defence.
As a rule, however, implicit obedience was enforced; to act without his orders was culpable; while it was a sacred duty to execute his orders, however unreasonable, until they were withdrawn.
The deputies maintained that in the late reign several royal mandates had been withdrawn, and that no degree had ever been conferred without the oaths having been previously taken.
Some twelve years later the government post was withdrawn.
On the death of any person so rewarded, the land in theory reverted to the clan; but if like services continued to be rendered by the son or other successor, and accepted by the clan, the land was not withdrawn.
Meanwhile, however, he was encouraged to persevere by the fact that his brother Theobald had withdrawn his claim to the duchy of Normandy, and retired in his favor.
It seemed for a space as if the new king would succeed in retaining the whole of his brothers inheritance, for King Philip very meanly allowed himself to be bought off by the cession of the county of Evreux, and, when his troops were withdrawn, the Angevin rebels were beaten down, and the duchess of Brittany had to ask for peace for her son.
The estimates were recast, the budget was withdrawn, and the nation was content to dispense with any addition to its military and naval strength.
This note was presented almost at the moment the tsar learned that the French and British fleets had entered the Black Sea, and the Russian government, instead of considering it, withdrew its ministers from London and Paris; the French i and British ambassadors were thereupon withdrawn from St Petersburg.
It was plain that the House of Commons had withdrawn its support from Lord Derby, but it was not clear that any other leading politician would be able to form a government.
The bill, thus steadily opposed and half-heartedly supported, made only slow progress; and at last it was withdrawn by its author.
The government ordered the British fleet to pass the Dardanelles and go up to Constantinople; and though the order was subsequently withdrawn, it asked for and obtained a grant of 6,000,000 for naval and military purposes.
It was obvious that the French could not be allowed to remain at a spot which the khedive of Egypt claimed as Egyptian territory; and after some negotiation, and some irritation, the French were withdrawn.
Formerly it was the practice to carry out such operations entirely by hand, men charging the retorts either by means of shovel or hand-scoop, and the coke produced being withdrawn with hand rakes.
This water is withdrawn from time to time and worked for the ammonia it contains.
Most of the liquor arriving at the bottom, after mechanically separating the tar, is pumped back into s, but a portion is always withdrawn and worked for ammonium sulphate.
In 1901 the state currency of Babashai rupees was withdrawn, and the British rupee was introduced.
In 1020 (411 A.H.) the caliph was assassinated by contrivance of his sister Sitt ul-Mulk; but it was given out by Hamza that he had only withdrawn for a season, and his followers were encouraged to look forward with confidence to his triumphant return.
Much may be added to formulated belief; it is not admitted that anything has been or can be withdrawn.
After one or two petty encounters with the mob they were withdrawn, either because their temper was uncertain or because their commanders shunned responsibility.
On the morning of the 15th he entered the hall of the Assembly to announce that the troops would be withdrawn.
The possibility of redemption depends upon the bestowal of Divine Grace, which, because it is in no instance deserved, can be awarded or withdrawn without injustice.
In the beginning of 1867 he addressed to the Porte a formal demand that the Turkish garrisons should be withdrawn from Belgrade and other Serb fortresses.
In the same year he was called to the chair of philosophy at Aix, and seems gradually to have withdrawn from theology.
This grant was withdrawn by the Irish Church Act 1869, the college receiving as compensation a lump sum of over X 37 2, 000.
Further, the naval activity displayed by Sparta during the closing years of the Peloponnesian War abated when Persian subsidies were withdrawn, and the ambitious projects of Lysander led to his disgrace, which was followed by his death at Haliartus in 395.
These too were withdrawn in the night, and the victory of the Federals was complete.
In 1585 he was withdrawn from the university, through lack of means, before he had taken a degree, and returned to Florence, where his family habitually resided.
Princely favour being withdrawn, private rancour was free to show itself.
Spain withdrew from the projected coalition against France, and sought to maintain an attitude of neutrality, which alienated the other powers, while it failed to conciliate the Republic. The repressive measures of Floridablanca were withdrawn; society and the press regained their freedom; and no opposition was offered to the propaganda of French ideas.
This was the signal for the outbreak of the war of liberation in Germany, and French troops had to be withdrawn from Spain to central Europe.
As a compensation for territory thus withdrawn the Danish archbishop of Lund was made legate and perpetual vicar and given the title of primate of Denmark and Sweden.
The difficulty was adjusted in 1906 when the Congo State abandoned all claims to the Ghazal province (whence its troops were withdrawn during 1907), and it was agreed to transfer the Lado enclave to the Sudan six months after the death of the king of the Belgians.
The year before, the soldiers had been withdrawn; by the second year after there was serious trouble with the Indians, and for several years following the population was greatly reduced and the post threatened with extinction.
The health of the convicts was always bad, though it improved with length of residence and the adoption of better sanitary measures; and an attempt to found a Chinese colony having failed in 1884 through mismanagement, the settlement was withdrawn in 1888.
After the extension of the eastern frontier, the troops were withdrawn from the garrisons and fortresses, and Helvetia, free from warlike disturbances, gradually became completely romanized.
He advised Masupha not to deal with the Cape government until the hostile force was withdrawn, and resigned his appointment.
In April General Graham and his forces were withdrawn from Suakin, and Gordon and the Sudan were seemingly abandoned to their fate.
Brandenburg obtained the duchy of Cleves with the counties of Mark and Ravensberg, but as the Dutch and Spanish garrisons were not withdrawn, these lands were only nominally under the elector's rule.
On the 10th of September 1870, the French troops having been withdrawn, the Italian army entered Rome, and on the 2nd of July 1871 Victor Emmanuel made his solemn entry into the Eternal City, which then became the capital of Italy.
This time he was stripped of all his possessions excepting the city of Rimini and a neighbouring castle, but the sentence of excommunication was withdrawn.
She'd withdrawn everything from her retirement account when she was diagnosed terminal.
Parliamentary forces were withdrawn from Selby, their position made precarious by the defection of Scarborough.
It is important for the official receiver to ensure that any cautions or Form J Restrictions registered by him/her are withdrawn following the annulment.
However, before its final and full placement in the atrium the mandril is withdrawn to avoid puncturing the thin-walled right atrial appendage.
On 19th December the electric units were withdrawn and steam locomotives and stock hurriedly assembled to provide an emergency replacement service.
Being moody and irritable - easily upset, ' ratty ' or tearful becoming withdrawn - avoiding friends, family and regular activities.
Children who may be meek and withdrawn outside often respond with hostile, aggressive behavior in the playroom.
Most foreign providers have withdrawn, leaving only a handful committed to the branch campus model dictated by the Higher Education Act, 1997.
Before the judge, counsel had withdrawn the concession made by his predecessor before the district judge.
The trade union confederation CGT has withdrawn from CPA.
When TOPAMAX is added or withdrawn in patients on digoxin therapy, careful attention should be given to the routine monitoring of serum digoxin therapy, careful attention should be given to the routine monitoring of serum digoxin.
When TOPAMAX is added or withdrawn in patients on digoxin therapy, careful attention should be given to the routine monitoring of serum digoxin.
Head slightly bowed, face downcast, lips pursed; this is a wise, withdrawn Mehmed.
The only really meaningful accounting directive ever enacted on this subject was withdrawn by the accounting bodies in the UK several years ago.
If systemic therapy is needed, intra-muscular corticosteroids can be used; these avoid the rebound flares that occur when oral steroids are withdrawn.
Heke had withdrawn eighteen miles inland and his tribe had erected a formidable fortification.
The firm has withdrawn all three products in its Neptune Burmese teak garden furniture range.
He was told not to " confuse personal hobbyhorses with the party line " or risk having the party's backing withdrawn.
Again we have a medieval landscape from which science has withdrawn, following a nuclear holocaust which has left humanity genetically damaged.
The planning appeal was withdrawn this week; the land is now green belt making any future development improbable.
People under stress can be irritable, withdrawn, appear irrational, aggressive or even violent.
Withdraw legacy multiuser machines - due Easter 2004 The legacy multiuser machines - due Easter 2004 The legacy solaris multiuser machines should be withdrawn from service.
The locomotive was withdrawn from service at the close of the 1982 season pending boiler overhaul.
The engine was withdrawn from traffic later in 1994 for a ten year boiler overhaul.
All additives under a toxicological cloud to be withdrawn immediately pending a complete review of their safety.
The application has been withdrawn because of the local opposition it encountered, but also pending the current review of licensing policy.
The poll showed that 59 percent of respondents thought that Australian troops should be withdrawn and 36 percent of respondents thought that Australian troops should be withdrawn and 36 percent said they should stay.
Now this ' privilege ' has been withdrawn as a measure to weaken the none too pliant membership.
Finally the naso-gastric tube is gently withdrawn until the tip is just proximal to the pyloroplasty.
Goods facilities were withdrawn on 18th April 1964, which allowed any future platform extension southwards, to proceed.
The fighter squadron was withdrawn from the air group in 1964.
Thomas Cook and Chelsea have withdrawn the train charter to Cardiff - not enough takers.
However, all the main players in this market have now withdrawn their products because they were proving unprofitable.
Withdrawn in 1954, later adapted to accommodate wheelchairs.
Sadly, as of today, 1 st March 2005, they have had to be temporarily withdrawn pending permission to display them.
Action Holland and Barrett have been contacted about these surveillance results and have voluntarily withdrawn the affected batch of peanut butter from sale.
Obedience was withdrawn from both the existing popes, and on the 26th of June a new pope elected instead of them.
He therefore regards it as the inner lobe (lacinia) of that maxilla, comparing it with the remarkable " pick " of the maxilla of a book-louse (see Copeognatha in article Neuroptera), The paired piercers, connected by muscles with the base of the maxillae, but attached directly to the head skeleton, into which they can be withdrawn, are regarded by Borner as true mandibles.
One of the chief subjects for consideration was the creation of a "tribunal of reference"; but the resolutions on this subject were withdrawn, owing, it is said, to the opposition of the American bishops, and a more general resolution in favour of a "consultative body" was substituted.
The movements of the pollen-masses may readily be seen with the naked eye by thrusting the point of a needle into the base of the anther, when the disks adhere to the needle as they would do to the antenna of an insect, and may be withdrawn.
The copper coinage (113,000,000 piastres) and the paper currency (kaime) (1,600,000,000 piastres) referred to in the above sketch were withdrawn in 1880 by repudiation.
The permit is withdrawn if the clearance is not effected within three years.
Therefore an increase in photosynthesis caused by the multiplication of plant microorganisms will lead to the precipitation of calcium carbonate, for carbonic acid will be withdrawn from solution to take part in carbohydrate synthesis by the plants.
The secular power over riches and worldly goods which the clergy possesses in contradiction to Christ's precept, to the prejudice of its office and to the detriment of the secular arm, shall be taken and withdrawn from it, and the clergy itself shall be brought back to the evangelical rule and an apostolic life such as that which Christ and his apostles led...
It was assumed that the Protestant nobles' jealousy of the burgesses would prevent them from interfering; but religious sympathy proved stronger than caste prejudice, and the diets protested against the persecution of their fellow citizens so vehemently that religious matters were withdrawn from their jurisdiction.
The earliest interpretation put upon this experiment was that the trophic influence of the nerve having been withdrawn, the tissue failed to nourish itself, and that degeneration ensued as a consequence.
Each of these affidavits is to state that to the best of the deponent's knowledge and belief there has been no agreement and no terms or undertaking made or entered into as to the withdrawal, or, if any agreement has been made, shall state its terms. The applicant and his solicitor are also to state in their affidavits the grounds on which the petition is sought to be withdrawn.
Their functions as keepers of the treasury were withdrawn from the urban quaestors by Augustus and transferred to other magistrates, but the office itself continued to exist into the 3rd century, though as to the nature of the duties attached to it we have little or no information.
In the end the obnoxious clauses were only withdrawn when the Socialists used the forms of the House to prevent business from being transacted It was the first time that organized obstruction had appeared in the Reichstag, and it was part of the irony of the situation that the representatives of art and learning owed their victory to the Socialists, whom they had so long attacked as the great enemies of modern civilization.
Egyptian authority was withdrawn from the coast regions south of Suakin in 1884 (see below and also Abyssinia; Eritrea and Somaliland).
An expedition was sent (1875) to the Juba River with that object, but it was withdrawn at the request of the British government, as it infringed the rights of the sultan of Zanzibar.
With use of imaging, the trailing end of the wire is located and is withdrawn until its end reaches the distal scaphoid cortex.
The UK steel industry has welcomed today's announcement by President Bush that the section 201 tariffs on steel imports are being withdrawn.
No motion or amendment shall be withdrawn without the unanimous consent of the meeting.
After unbolting the cover, the units can be withdrawn with the ferry afloat.
Both companies have withdrawn busses from unprofitable routes to concentrate on more frequent services on main roads.
The line-up was only finalized seven weeks ago when original crew member Alex Partridge was withdrawn due to a collapsed lung.
Credits are deposited centrally in a time bank and withdrawn when needed.
Now I find that this support will be withdrawn in favor of Blackboard.
Nor were the coins he issued withdrawn from circulation, which is why they are still so common that we all can afford one.
When leaded was withdrawn from general sale the engineered conversion was the only ' known quantity ' solution.
This was shortly before Primrose was withdrawn for an overhaul, carried out by the railroad 's Loco Department.
The Department of Laborsuggests to avoid permanent withdrawals, as they may be subject to anywhere from a 10 to 39.1 percent tax penalty and another 10 percent penalty if withdrawn before age 59 and a half.
You may also want to consider choosing to have bill payments automatically withdrawn from one of your bank accounts.
When you use a pin number for your transactions, the funds are immediately withdrawn from your account.
Even when consumers have withdrawn or completed the program, the accounts which were once paid through the service will reflect this for some time.
Cash can be withdrawn from ATM machines using the card, unless this feature is restricted by parents.
Becoming depressed and withdrawn as a result of the concern is often another indicator that there is a problem.
Misty May Treanor has withdrawn from Dancing with the Stars due to an injury.
When funds are withdrawn, income taxes are usually due.
If you don't make a withdrawal, you'll owe a 50 percent penalty on the amount you should have withdrawn.
Recent occasions and current events may be forgotten, the affected person loses the ability to perform mathematical calculations (such as counting backwards) and may become withdrawn, particularly in social situations.
A person suffering from early Alzheimer's disease may appear withdrawn.
An individual may appear moody or withdrawn.
Until the cash value is withdrawn, it is tax deferred.
The site from which blood is withdrawn must be kept clean after the procedure and must be checked regularly for bleeding.
They tend to be shy, withdrawn, and lack self-confidence.
Children with bleeding disorders, however, may have prolonged bleeding from the puncture wound or the formation of a bruise (hematoma) under the skin where the blood was withdrawn.
They may become severely depressed, anxious, or socially withdrawn.
After a person has successfully withdrawn from substance use, the even more difficult task of recovery begins.
Children with SLI are not cognitively impaired and are not withdrawn or socially aloof like the autistic child.
However, some people who have psoriasis are so self-conscious and embarrassed about their appearance that they become depressed and withdrawn.
A child restricted to a bed with a traction device may become frustrated and bored, and perhaps even depressed, irritable, and withdrawn.
Children with SLI are not cognitively impaired and are not withdrawn or socially aloof like an autistic child.
By contrast, rejected children tend either towards aggressive, antisocial behavior or withdrawn, depressive behavior.
Depressive or withdrawn children may be excessively reserved, submissive, anxious, and inhibited.
Shy or withdrawn children can be encouraged to develop outside interests that will place them in structured contact with others.
A child who has been neglected or abused suffers psychological damage that may make him or her withdrawn, immature, aggressive, or otherwise difficult to reach.
The fluid is withdrawn through a needle in a procedure called a lumbar puncture.
Schizoid personalities are introverted, withdrawn, solitary, emotionally cold, and distant.
Children with low self-esteem have a difficult time dealing with problems, are overly self-critical, and can become passive, withdrawn, and depressed.
If the bleeding cannot be stopped, ECMO is withdrawn.
Malathion (0.5% in Ovide), a neurotoxic organophosphate, was withdrawn from the U.S. market due to an increase in malathion-resistant lice.
Another common pattern is the shy or inhibited child who becomes even more withdrawn when parents react to the shyness by lecturing or shaming the child.
In amniocentesis, a small amount of the fluid in which the baby is floating is withdrawn with a long, thin needle.
Failing the drug test or refusing to take one will result in the employment offer being withdrawn.
Your home equity can be withdrawn at any time.
Though you will be approved for a specific amount that can be withdrawn at any time you wish, you will only make payments on the money you use.
Since many people with water signs value their personal privacy, they may sometimes be accused of being isolated and withdrawn.
Once the baby's location is determined, a long, thin needle is inserted into the abdomen and fluid from the amniotic sac is withdrawn.
Every toy submitted to the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio is evaluated and tested, and toys deemed unsafe or inappropriate are withdrawn from judging.
The only drawback to having Moon in Cancer is that it can make people shy and somewhat withdrawn.
Since Pisces men can be a bit emotional and withdrawn from the world, they need partners who can help complete them.
Along with this, once hurt, a Virgo tends to withdrawn, not engage.
Withdrawn children experiencing depression or self doubt need a trustworthy outlet in which they can share their fears and challenges.
However, within a year he becomes withdrawn and obsessed with a paper mask.
Any earnings on the withdrawn amount are taxable in that year.
Rex's attitude changed gradually over time, and he went from a intellectual and bright to moody, withdrawn and violent.
Other designs may include the guardian angel alone with her wings at her side while holding a harp, an angel with her arms outstretched to you or an angel that is introspective and withdrawn.
As a result, Virgos are often shy and withdrawn from others.
Autistic children generally avoid playing interactive games and seem withdrawn to the casual observer.
Many Asperger teens end up becoming very withdrawn and socially isolated.
Money you contribute to an HSA is tax-free, and remains tax-free when it is withdrawn as long as it is used for qualified medical expenses.
When the annuitant is ready to start withdrawing funds from the plan, he or she will likely be in retirement and the money withdrawn may be taxed at a lower rate than when the individual was working full-time.
The money in the plan grows on a tax-free basis until it is withdrawn.
The money will need to be held inside the plan for a full year before any funds can be withdrawn.
Funds are contributed on the employee's behalf on a tax-free basis and no tax is payable on the money until it is withdrawn.
The money deposited into the account grows tax-free until it iswithdrawn for medical expenses.
Rado has since withdrawn his support of this version of the production, finding to be untrue to the spirit of the musical.
Instead he was withdrawn and somber, even picking at his food.
Sure, the million dollar offer was withdrawn but I'll bet there are thousands of people out there who would still pay a fortune to own Howie.
According to Hinds they feed chiefly on the green tissues, which " are punctured by the piercing mouth-parts and the sap withdrawn by suction.
Patterson was withdrawn, the disputed territory was erected into the new county of Luzerne (1786), the land titles were confirmed (1787), and Colonel Timothy Pickering was commissioned to organize the new county and to effect a reconciliation.
In Mary's reign (1555) the licences were withdrawn, the queen or her advisers deeming the game an excuse for "unlawful assemblies, conventicles, seditions and conspiracies."
In episcopacy the control of church affairs is almost entirely withdrawn from the people; in congregationalism it is almost entirely exercised by the people; in Presbyterianism it rests with a council composed of duly appointed office-bearers chosen by the people.
For a time the money so withdrawn was hoarded, but after a while it found its way back again into the banks.
This revolt of the northern provinces was facilitated by the fact that Alva had withdrawn many of the garrisons, and was moving to oppose an invasion from the south.
An order for his banishment was withdrawn on his promise to submit future works for censure.
The company's appeal against the decision was withdrawn, the Postmaster-General agreeing to grant licences for restricted areas of about 5 m.
When the mind which had planned it was withdrawn, it fell to pieces, and the very hands which had been used to build it helped to scatter its fragments.
The French regular troops were withdrawn from Rome in December 1866; but the pontifical forces were largely recruited in France and commanded by officers of the imperial army, and service under the pope was considered by the French war office as equivalent to service in France.
In later years the attention of the best palaeontologists has been withdrawn from the hodman's work of making " new species " of fossils, to the scientific task of completing our knowledge of individual species, and tracing out the succession of the forms presented by any given type in time.
As much sugar as is produced in excess of the immediate requirements of the cell is converted into the insoluble form of starch by the plastidsof the chlorophyll apparatus, and is so withdrawn from the sphere of action, thereby enabling the construction of further quantities of sugar to take place.
The charge of perjury at once collapsed and was withdrawn on January 6th, the opening of the grave definitely putting an end to the story of an identity between the two men.
The strain on the log-ship when the log-line is nipped, causes the peg to be withdrawn from it, and the log-ship is readily hauled in.
Under pressure from Treaty of England and France the Egyptians retreated and the Unklar- Russian forces were withdrawn, but the tsar had mean- Skelessl, while (July 8, 1833) concluded with the sultan the 1833' treaty of Unkiar-Skelessi, which constituted ostensibly a defensive and offensive alliance between the two Powers and established virtually a Russian protectorate over Turkey.
This was clearly perceived and keenly felt by the educated classes, and as soon as the strong hand of the uncompromising autocrat was withdrawn, they clamoured loudly for radical changes in the aims and methods of their rulers.
The bill was withdrawn on the 11th of August 1903, Lord Morley appealing to the Board of Trade to bring in a more comprehensive measure to amend the unsatisfactory state of legislation in relation to tramways and light railways.
Once he became a candidate for governor, in 1876, but his candidature was a forlorn hope, undertaken from a sense of duty after the regular nominee had withdrawn.
But the Magyars refused to send representatives to the central parliament; the Slays, resenting the Germanizing policy of the government, withdrew; and the emperor had really withdrawn his confidence from Schmerling long before the constitution was suspended in 1865 as a first step to a reconciliation with Hungary.
It has been assumed that Israel had withdrawn from the great coalition, that Jehu sent tribute to Shalmaneser to obtain that monarch's recognition, and that Hazael consequently seized the first opportunity to retaliate.
The proscription of the Jewish religion was withdrawn and the Temple restored to them.
The Pact of Halepa was restored, the troops were withdrawn from the interior, financial aid was promised to the island, a Christian governor-general was appointed, the assembly was summoned, and an imperial commissioner was despatched to negotiate an arrangement.
On his arrival at Cairo, however, the offer was withdrawn and he only obtained the command of the Egyptian police.
The area withdrawn from corn-growing is not to be found under the head of what are termed " green crops."
Visceral sac and shell small in proportion to the rest of the body, which cannot be withdrawn into the shell; foot elongated, fin-shaped, with sucker, but without operculum.
Wood's patent was however withdrawn, and Ireland settled down.
When Lord Curzon reorganized the frontier in 1900, British garrisons were withdrawn from the Samana forts, which are now held by a corps of tribal police 450 strong, called the Samana Rifles.
The nature of the integument and its hairy clothing in all spiders enables them to be plunged under water and withdrawn perfectly dry, and many species, even as large as the common English house-spider (Tegenaria), are so lightly built that they can run with speed over the surface of standing water, and this faculty has been perfected in genera like Pirata, Dolomedes and Triclaria, which are always found in the vicinity of lakes or on the edges of rivers and streams, readily taking to the water or running down the stems of water plants beneath its surface when pursued.
Many concessions were made to the popular will, but during the subsequent reaction these were withdrawn, and the period between 1850 and 1871, when Karl Friedrich Reinhard, Freiherr von Dalwigk (1802-1880), was chiefly responsible for the government of HesseDarmstadt, was one of repression, although some benefits were conferred upon the people.
He thwarted the efforts of Alaric to seize lands in Italy by his victories at Pollentia and Verona in 402-3 and forced him to return to Illyricum, but was criticized for having withdrawn the imperial forces from Britain and Gaul to employ against the Goths.
It was Thomas who organized the Toulouse campaign of 1159; even in the field he made himself conspicuous by commanding a company of knights, directing the work of devastation, and superintending the conduct of the war after the king had withdrawn his presence from the camp. When there was war with France upon the Norman border, the chancellor acted as Henry's representative; and on one occasion engaged in single combat and unhorsed a French knight of reputation.
The latter was finally withdrawn in 229 by the good offices of Aratus.
Ricci replied with the historical answer, Sint ut sunt, aut non sint; and after some further delay, during which much interest was exerted in their favour, the Jesuits were suppressed by an edict in November 1764, but suffered to remain on the footing of secular priests, a grace withdrawn in 1767, when they were expelled from the kingdom.
The earth seemed benumbed by his icy touch, and the very spirits of the trees had withdrawn to their roots, and there, curled up in the dark, lay fast asleep.
All health and success does me good, however far off and withdrawn it may appear; all disease and failure helps to make me sad and does me evil, however much sympathy it may have with me or I with it.
I discovered that my house actually had its site in such a withdrawn, but forever new and unprofaned, part of the universe.
I had withdrawn so far within the great ocean of solitude, into which the rivers of society empty, that for the most part, so far as my needs were concerned, only the finest sediment was deposited around me.
I saw them this evening on that knoll; if they had retreated they would have withdrawn from that too....
In the fourth act there was some sort of devil who sang waving his arm about, till the boards were withdrawn from under him and he disappeared down below.
If our army is well organized and strong and has withdrawn to Drissa without suffering any defeats, we owe this entirely to Barclay.
Yesterday our left flank was there at Shevardino, you see, where the oak is, but now we have withdrawn our left wing--now it is over there, do you see that village and the smoke?
He asked whether the Russians had not withdrawn, and was told that the enemy's fires were still in the same places.
It was very pleasant, when I stayed late in town, to launch myself into the night, especially if it was dark and tempestuous, and set sail from some bright village parlor or lecture room, with a bag of rye or Indian meal upon my shoulder, for my snug harbor in the woods, having made all tight without and withdrawn under hatches with a merry crew of thoughts, leaving only my outer man at the helm, or even tying up the helm when it was plain sailing.