With Sentence Examples
She came to the airport with him.
I'm not angry with you.
Though I don't agree with the gentleman...
Just then the man with the star came and stood before the Wizard.
Obviously he was still struggling with it.
I went along with it.
Out playing with Dawn.
I have much to work with!
Alex asked with a grin.
You're angry with me.
AdvertisementCommunicating feelings with Alex wasn't always easy.
With his return to work, things at the house shifted to a faster pace.
He started the car and they drove off, leaving Connie standing there on the curb looking after them with a troubled expression.
She walked toward it and found the horse tied to a tree and standing motionless, with its head hanging down almost to the ground.
The radio had shifted into Christmas mode with one song after another.
AdvertisementAnd some stones came with them.
We'll have to be careful about that with the new baby.
Rinsing the razor, he laid it aside and wiped his face with the towel.
I used to work with Alex as a Jr.
With so many people at their house, it was fortunate that the weather was warm and dry so they could utilize the courtyard for the children.
AdvertisementSit down and have breakfast with us.
I worked with him for two years before I discovered who he really was.
Was he actually avoiding conversation with his father?
Now eat with this.
She should discuss all this with Alex.
AdvertisementDorothy was surprised to find how patient the people were, for her own little heart was beating rapidly with excitement.
The crowd drew up to the large table, at which sat gray-haired or bald seventy-year-old magnates, uniformed and besashed almost all of whom Pierre had seen in their own homes with their buffoons, or playing boston at the clubs.
Maybe lifting had nothing to do with it.
Leaning forward, she lifted his chin with her other hand and kissed his lips.
One of the men is staying up with her.
Nina returned with a dress made of dark purple velvet and satin.
I will stay with you tonight so you can rest.
She pressed against him, moaning with delight.
What's wrong with it?
They used to hang in long festoons from our porch, filling the whole air with their fragrance, untainted by any earthy smell; and in the early morning, washed in the dew, they felt so soft, so pure, I could not help wondering if they did not resemble the asphodels of God's garden.
Alex had destroyed it then with suspicion and accusations.
Amusement twinkled in his eyes and played with the corners of his mouth.
The white athletic undershirt contrasted attractively with his bronzed skin.
Never had she seen Alex so hostile - not even with Josh.
In this book, I maintain the future will be without ignorance, disease, hunger, poverty, and war, and I support those assertions with history, data, and reason.
Alex was doing everything in his power to provide her with all the experiences of a natural mother.
He asked her to go back to Houston with him, enticing her with rides on the beach - and love all night.
She'd start feeling more comfortable with the room.
Alex was busy talking to a lady with a low-cut bodice.
It was called "Ivy Green" because the house and the surrounding trees and fences were covered with beautiful English ivy.
The doctor called today to see if my condition had improved with the medication.
Do the Sanders know where everything is and what needs to be done with the animals?
Jonathan was gazing up at Felipa with an adoring expression.
I knew because he proved to me that I could trust him with my heart and soul - the way you trust your mother and father.
A few minutes after they left, Felipa arrived with an older woman she introduced simply as Maria.
Felipa was wearing a perky red satin gown with spaghetti straps and full skirt.
Felipa pulled the hair up and used combs with amethyst jewels on them, giving the impression of long hair.
Dancing with someone that tall was going to be... interesting.
If Alex felt the need to protect her from Gerald, maybe she shouldn't be dancing with him.
With a heavy heart, she called his number.
He tucked his hands into his pockets and fixed Connie with a hostile stare.
Are you sure you want to go through with this?
The boy flicked the big, boney horse with his whip and looked thoughtful.
He stood and tossed the last bite into his mouth, washing it down with the last of his milk.
Alex swung around, his eyes twinkling with humor and that cute dimple teasing his cheek.
I don't want to bond with a child only to have it taken away.
Now his father was putting a damper on it with his all consuming, self-serving plots.
I live with my mother and daughter.
A gray brick house dominated the landscape, its ranch style sprawling in a U shape with a garage on one end.
By the midpoint of the twentieth century, America's dreamers were preoccupied with the future—and not just any old future, but the great and glorious future that seemed inevitable.
In business transactions Alex was frugal with his money, but when it came to his family, he was generous.
Carmen sat with her hands clutched together tightly as the plane taxied out to the runway.
The porch posts were black metal with a filigree design.
The idea of making love in a strange bedroom was disturbing enough, but with only a door between them and the children, locked or not, it didn't feel right.
It is not so good as a baby with your blood?
Even as she thought it, she knew her anger had nothing to do with their heritage.
They crawled into bed and she rolled on her side with her back to him.
Since then he had treated her with total respect.
Was that what Dulce was arguing with him about - that he didn't know what he wanted?
I've never had anything to do with drugs.
You can spend it with a free conscience.
Her temper rose with her voice.
By that time she was hungry and decided to make a deal with the night shift.
The furnishings were of a dark wood, possibly cherry, with hand carved designs.
Afterward he left, shutting the door with force.
In addition to the assistance from the renters, the money finally gave her an income of her own, and the token independence that went with it.
I think it is so cute the way you two flirt with each other.
With nothing more to do, she wandered in to watch him shave.
He bent his head and brushed her lips lightly with his own.
Then we will all go down together and Maria can get acquainted with her while you are measured for a dress.
Lifting the skirt slightly with one hand so she wouldn't trip on it, she let the other hand slide lightly down the banister for added balance.
Then he turned back to his father, who was watching him with interest.
His eyes twinkled with humor.
Her sadness had nothing to do with not appreciating their fortune.
Jonathan and Alfonso were playing with the sticks as if they were swords.
Other than an infatuation with Josh before she met Alex, there had been no one else.
With Alex back at work and Jonathan at school, her attention turned to the nursery.
With the initial shock out of the way, she focused on the facts.
She greeted them with a big smile, hugging each of them as if they were old friends she hadn't seen in a decade.
Why weren't you with them?
She tried to keep up with him, but her legs ached from the unfamiliar exercise.
She came into the kitchen with her purse on one arm and joined the others.
Belatedly, her mind caught up with her mouth.
His mother lives there with him, so it's not like we'd be all alone out there.
Lisa hesitated, not wanting to alarm her friend with the details.
His concern probably had little to do with her safety, though.
It was hard to picture him involved with anything illegal... but why?
She glanced up to find him watching her with masked emotion.
Oh yes, he had overheard her conversation with Allen earlier and made his own deductions.
Sarah turned to Lisa with a smile.
It will be so much fun to work on it with Jonathan and Destiny.
With everything going on, Carmen didn't have time to worry about flying, but when they were all sitting at the airport, she finally had time to stew over it.
I have a mare; and we have a five-year-old mare with a colt, a four year-old filly, and a two-year-old filly... oh, and my mare is going to foal again in January.
The smile came slowly, warming his eyes - touching them with humor.
A wide porch stretched the length of the building, and above it were two balconies with black wrought iron banisters that curved out gracefully.
From the foyer, they entered a huge room with a wide staircase that curved gracefully from the balcony on the second floor.
She rolled over and sat up, but he stopped her with a hand on her arm.
Carmen's mouth went dry with fear.
Señor Medena asked Carmen and Alex to come to his office with him.
Raising a brow, Señor Medena spoke with exaggerated patience.
With sure graceful movements, he danced her around the room.
She was beginning to see why Alex wasn't impressed with Señor Medena.
Other than the one time he had lost his temper with her, she had never known him to be anything but gentle.
Dulce appeared at Carmen's side, dressed in a dark blue gown with a high collar.
He is very busy with Tessa tonight, do you think?
Surely he must know that spending so much time with her might prove uncomfortable later.
Confidence returned with a warm rush.
When Carmen turned, Dulce was watching her with the same expression.
My, aren't you the night owl tonight - the boy who has been dancing with me half the night.
He said he used to work with you.
He turned, regarding her with apprehension.
Alondra walked into the room with some tissues and a damp rag.
Alex excused himself early and Carmen stayed downstairs with the children.
You knew when I was arguing with you.
I knew because I was in love with you.
Alex continued to be preoccupied with his problem - whatever it was.
He stood and assisted her with the zipper.
His voice was gruff, and his brows were drawn together in a frown... and yet the blue eyes twinkled with humor.
I'd be glad to help you with supper.
With an effort, she managed to straddle the vehicle behind him.
Refreshed from the inside out, she dressed and combed her hair with her fingers.
She tried again with the same results.
Sarah silently watched her son with what appeared to be amused interest.
Fine, let's get this over with.
Lisa hugged her with genuine feeling.
Sarah studied the situation with wise eyes.
So you're on a first name basis with him, huh?
She met his regard with equal composer, in spite of the fact that the conversation was beginning to make her feel extremely uncomfortable.
He studied her face with amused eyes.
Everything is going fine with the house.
With that dark thought, she excused herself and went to her room.
Then go with me.
Such a pleasant day and evening should have ended with a restful night and happy dreams, but it didn't.
They put her through college and it was her intent to stay with them as long as they needed her.
Large Mahogany doors swung into an entry graced with antique furnishings.
Well... they had been flirting with each other in the car.
His face looked pale and he rode with an alien stiffness.
We would not let him get on the horse with Destiny.
He looked pleased with himself until he saw Carmen.
Her beef was with Dulce - and maybe Alex.
Her step was too long, making contact with his foot.
He danced with you that often and didn't tell you his name?
While the band was on break, Eduardo entertained them with some Spanish guitar.
He was amazingly good, his fingers plucking the strings with quick nimble strokes.
They mingled with the guests a little longer and then Carmen excused herself.
Hopefully, this was his one and only session with drinking too much.
Not that one had anything to do with the other, but the technology of surrogacy would have been inconceivable back then.
Alex admired the breasts - which probably rated him right up there with the majority of men.
Actually, Dulce had been disrespectful with every look and word.
Otherwise, he'll have to live with the idea that it will no longer be in the family after he passes.
But eventually it would have caught up with you.
When you bring the babies home, can I come stay with you for a while and help take care of them?
With the photos in her hands, the fertilized eggs were a thing of the past.
Carmen wiped Destiny's face and eyes with the cool rag and used a tissue to wipe her nose.
After supper they all gathered in the room with the tree.
I guess it does sound dull when I talk about it, but it's never dull to me, and Alex seems to be happy with things.
She immediately told him about the incident with Jonathan and Alfonso and he simply nodded.
How would you feel if I was fighting with my brother and wouldn't tell you what we were fighting about?
There isn't anything precious about this situation with Dulce.
There's nothing you can do about this and there's no point in burdening you with it.
Alex stiffened with the first word.
The Alex she met and fell in love with was confident and generally happy.
She longed to be with that Alex.
Alex, I'm going to look at a house with your father.
The wooden banisters were polished to a high finish, and the hardwood stairs were covered on the walkway with more carpet.
Only his idea of tempting her with a fine house hadn't worked.
Surely Alex wasn't blind to the manipulation going on with intent to keep him in Texas.
As with Josh, he had simply assumed a relationship.
In fact, at the party he had spent an unnecessary amount of time with the woman he almost married – and hadn't even introduced her.
Alex stared down at her with a bewildered expression.
That familiar cold feeling washed over her again with a wave that was staggering.
Morning dawned with low-hanging clouds.
His eyes twinkled with humor and the dimple appeared.
Later, the jolting of the plane awakened her with a start.
Destiny coughed and sat up with a wale that sounded more like a broken growl.
Even Mrs. Reynolds pitched in with some stuffed animals - a giraffe and horse.
Destiny helped her with planting the green bean seeds.
He was sitting in his chair, everything from the top of his head to his thighs covered with the newspaper he was holding out to read.
Carmen gazed down at Matthew, overwhelmed with the joy of motherhood.
She looked up at Alex, teasing him with her eyes.
It wasn't as if she was in the habit of discussing such things - especially with strangers.
Maybe we would have felt this way with them if things had been different.
He was with her physically and attached emotionally, yet his thoughts were severed.
We're with them right now.
Carmen was breast feeding Matthew and Felipa was feeding Natalie with a bottle.
With every step up to the office where Señor Medena waited, he dreaded the conversation.
Right now all he wanted to do was get it over with.
Felipa and Alondra see how it is with Carmen.
I have talked with Dulce.
I see how it is with your children.
I wish it to be so with all who live in my home.
In spite of the continual struggle for custody, he had felt more welcome at the Medena home than he had with his step-father's family.
If she had stayed with her husband and they had more children, would he have felt financially responsible for the others as well?
This is why Dulce argues with you.
Carmen thought she wanted him to make the decisions, but she wanted to be involved with the process.
Well, for starters, I'd have had to compete with every other guy in school.
She jumped up, pushing them all away, darting for the bathroom with a hand over her mouth.
I should have been with them tonight.
She woke several times briefly; once to see Len and an older officer with white hair talking in the hallway outside her cubicle in the emergency room.
It's in the freezer, in a plastic bag wrapped with foil.
She handed them to Howard, who watched her face with a puzzled expression.
Lisa came home from the hospital the day before the funeral and Connie insisted on staying with her for a while.
They watched her with matching troubled expressions, asking the same questions and getting the same answer.
I could be a room mate – help you with the bills and pay rent.
I don't need help with the bills.
Ask Len to go with you.
Do you think everything they have done has been with the single ambition of getting third-party information out of you?
He's staying here with you, isn't he?
She wandered around the house with a foreboding that this was the last time she would see it.
But they had been inconvenienced enough with all her problems.
The car abruptly halted its progress, slinging Lisa against the steering wheel with bone jarring force.
Paralyzed with fear, Lisa waited, expecting the car to slide over the edge.
Carefully she moved her feet into a position with better leverage.
She opened the door and slid her legs out one by one, trying to avoid contact with the car.
If you weren't concerned about your own life, you might have thought about your chances of taking someone else with you.
His eyes clouded with belated concern and his voice lost its edge.
He surveyed her slender figure with obvious appreciation.
Beginning at his dusty oxfords and indigo blue jeans, her scrutiny continued up to a neatly tucked in worn white cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up to mid arm.
She climbed the hill with dragging steps.
The car rocked slightly with a gust of wind.
Still, years of warnings about getting into cars with strangers compelled her to hesitate.
Her cheeks warmed with more than embarrassment.
She shrugged and accepted his invitation with some reservation.
It had been foolish to climb into the car with him.
Paintings hung on every wall and expensive looking pottery lamps with hand painted shades gave the room a warm glow.
Her large brown eyes took in Lisa with surprise and she threw her son a questioning look.
Oh my, you're fortunate the car didn't go over the edge with you in it!
Her hand hung over the phone a minute as she fought with the urge to call Howard.
It would only cause him more trouble, both with the trip and wagging tongues.
Lisa felt an immediate bond with the slender mother of her rescuer.
Sarah asked the question with genuine interest.
Sarah eyed her with sympathy.
I'm sure you feel guilty, but it's fortunate that you weren't with them.
Maybe if I'd been with them...
If you had been with them you couldn't have done anything to prevent the accident.
She had always been a recluse at heart, often declining a social outing with her friends so that she could be alone with a book or her writing.
Still, it was her first car and one with memories packed into it.
When they stopped beside a wide shallow creek, he crouched with his back to her.
It crossed her mind that he might trip on the mossy rocks, but he crossed the creek with sure steps.
His smile was dry, but his eyes twinkled with mirth.
She stood and wiped her face with her shirt sleeves, still hiccoughing.
She must look a sight with red swollen eyes.
His broad shoulders swayed with the swing of his stride.
She encircled his neck with one arm, noting that his breathing didn't seem at all labored as he carried her across the creek.
As if she hadn't been a burden in enough ways, now she had Mrs. Giddon upset with him.
She eyed him with open disdain.
The newspaper included a photo with the article about the wreck.
I need someone to take care of Tammy and help Mom with the house and garden.
It would be an excellent opportunity to get out of this house with its unpleasant memories.
Good. Pack your clothes and come back with me.
Of course she couldn't go with him.
Giddon returned to his place on the couch, his eyes twinkling with humor and the slightest suggestion of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
The minute they entered the room Connie shut the door and turned to her with wide eyes.
He has a daughter, but his wife must not live with him because he needs a sitter, she stammered.
Actually, she knew very little about the man with whom she had promised to spend the summer.
He favored her with one of his wry smiles.
His features were too rugged to be described with such a word.
With every second, they were getting farther from the safety of civilization.
I don't want her to be stuck with the responsibility of my child.
For the most part, the work she did for the Giddon family was little more than she would have done at home - with the exception that at home she probably would have made a sandwich instead of a meal.
Sarah and Giddon both seemed content with the arrangement, but she felt guilty about the money she earned... or didn't earn.
On these occasions she took Tammy with her, and Lisa was left to enjoy her precious solitude.
She touched her lips with trembling fingers, her face burning.
When they reached door he paused, gazing down at her with an unreadable expression.
She preceded him into the house and swiftly burdened the table with lunch.
The path became more indistinct with each step, eventually coming to an end in dense underbrush.
He gazed down at her with nothing less than adoration.
With everyone gone, she could enjoy the solitude.
She glanced down at her conservative one-piece suit and was suddenly consumed with fury.
Lisa leaned over the sack and examined the cookies with the expected enthusiasm.
Tammy hurled herself across the room into his arms and started lavishing him with kisses and hugs that he returned with equal enthusiasm.
After lunch, Giddon's offer to help Lisa with the dishes was met by a raised eyebrow from Sarah.
His expression revealed surprise for a brief moment, and then his eyes flashed with anger.
If he was going to start throwing things, she had no intention of staying there in the kitchen alone with him.
So much for helping her with the dishes.
The destination of the path remained a burning mystery, but Tammy innocently tossed fuel on the flames with a chance comment one day while they were watching television.
The black car sat outside the building with its trunk open.
Had Allen been here to make a drug deal with Giddon?
He studied her face with mocking eyes, and his mouth twisted into a humorless smile.
She had to come up with something better than that.
She tried to step around him, but he stopped her with an iron grip on her arm.
She waited for him to release her, but his lips moved across her cheek and down her neck with soft caressing kisses.
I don't believe in fraternizing with the boss.
If you want to walk this late in the evening, you need to make sure I'm with you.
He is handsome, but I've never met anyone with such moods!
He hadn't discouraged the short telephone calls with Connie on his phone.
It was bits and pieces of a telephone conversation with a mystery person.
It was stuffed with one thousand dollar bills – fifty of them.
She quickly replaced the envelope with shaking hands, making sure it was in exactly the same position as she found it.
With the note in her hand, she opened the door slightly and peeked out.
He spooned mashed potatoes onto his plate with a vengeance and said nothing more the rest of the meal.
She lit with one foot underneath her body, and the momentum of her fall threw her forward - over the ledge.
Fear clutched at her heart with cold fingers.
In a voice quaking with fear, she began to sing.
His hands might be soft, but he was capable of dealing with whatever came in his direction.
After having her wiggle her toes and move her ankle this way and that, he finally stepped back and observed her with a frown.
His big hands were surprisingly gentle as he wrapped her foot and secured it with tiny safety pins.
Even she would have had trouble working with something so little, but his big hands dispensed with the job in short order.
He glanced up and met her gaze with an expression that made her heart flutter.
The humor in Sarah's eyes was immediately replaced with concern - and then a guarded expression.
Sarah glanced up with a short laugh.
Yancey stepped through the door with his arms full of groceries and Lisa didn't miss the warning look he shot his mother.
She felt somehow drawn to the picture of a frail looking girl with dark eyes that looked out hauntingly from a delicately beautiful face.
It would be different with his wife.
She was romantically involved with Yancey.
He studied her over the rim of his reading glasses, and his eyes warmed with a smile.
He signed the paper with a flourish and returned the pen to its elaborate bronze holder.
Why don't you protect those fantastic legs with some jeans and I'll take you to explore the woods.
So what difference did it make who came up with the idea as long as it was a good one?
Most of the boys she dated would never have thought of practicing the age-old custom of walking around the car to open her door, or guiding her through the crowd with a gentle hand on one elbow.
He seemed comfortable with his surroundings, which was surprising in itself.
Why not dispense with all the formalities?
With that said, he shut the door and started the car.
She finished her breakfast with little conversation and saw Sarah and Tammy off to church.
When she did speak, her voice was filled with emotion.
When you start seeing Nick... that way, try to replace it with a warm family moment.
Well, whatever it is, it probably won't go down too well with Howard or Len.
It was Yancey standing outside that shop, and with him were the man from the building and Allen.
Why would Yancey be meeting with Allen?
Back in his arms, Tammy leaned forward with her nose on his, looking into his eyes.
His eyes twinkled with mirth.
Her dark shining hair was pulled back loosely with bejeweled combs and hung in loose curls down her back.
In a quiet room with no one looking on, she managed to get her emotions under control by focusing on Destiny.
This would be suitable with you?
What's up with that, anyway?
Destiny is with Felipa.
On the other side of the thick entry door was a sitting room with lush wine colored carpet.
He had been spending too much time with the television lately.
She'd deal with him later.
She caught up with Dulce at the top of the stairs.
Dulce's eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were covered with tears.
Consumed with sobs, Dulce simply shook her head.
Conversation with Dulce was futile.
If Dulce hadn't chased him so hard, would he have fallen in love with her?
Fighting with each other wasn't going to do anything but play into the hands of those instigating the trouble.
No matter what she said, getting him back meant financial security - a roof over her head and everything that went along with it.
With that in mind, she went downstairs to collect her valuables.
Alex was lounging with one shoulder against the wall on the other side of the family room when Carmen walked in.
She shrugged with as much elegance as she could muster, and eyed him with deliberate interest.
With that behind her, she turned to another subject - one equally disturbing.
Alex, why were you with Tessa all evening?
I was talking with Morino until almost midnight.
I'm sorry I kept you waiting, but Tessa had nothing to do with it.
No wonder he thought she didn't want to be burdened with the details.
He turned, pausing with the cup of coffee half way to his lips.
Surely they had other people who spoke Spanish - people familiar with the customer.
He didn't want anything to do with them, so they didn't exist.
He didn't want to go and he had made no effort to get along with his father.
Maybe he meant he was sick of all the bickering with his family.
He said I could spend his money with a clear conscience.
Katie piled the potatoes in another pan and picked it up, along with the knife and a bag of peals.
Carmen sat Destiny on the floor and picked up the pan of pealed potatoes, along with a paring knife.
He wasn't opposed to having it, but he insisted on sharing it in fair business - and with his wife, more or less.
Mom always had a good relationship with her sister and brother.
Mom told me that Dad forgave her for her affair with Señor Medena.
I'm sure that had a lot to do with it - that and the connections.
He must have been overwhelmed with the responsibility - and guilt.
You know how stubborn you are about not doing business with dishonest people.
He shared them with me.
Consequently, it made more sense to submit to Alex than argue with him.
When she woke, shortly before Alex arrived, she played quietly with a doll while Carmen prepared supper.
Carmen covered her mouth with her hands.
A few times she nodded off, but for the most part she was able to stay awake until Alex arrived the next morning with Katie.
Someone will have to pick her up at the airport, but she can stay with Jonathan at the house.
Jonathan helped her feed and water the animals and then she took him to the hospital with her.
With it came a host of nightmares.
You go on home with Jonathan.
The arm with the IV rested across her chest and the other hung limply.
If he was coming down with a cold, he needed rest - and Destiny didn't need to be exposed to it.
Destiny stiffened with a fit of coughing and then drug a deep rattling breath.
Oh my, you shouldn't be inside the tent with her.
Minutes later when the nurse arrived with a syringe of medicine, Destiny was asleep again, still clutching the doll to her chest.
Felipa definitely needed his help with chartering the helicopter, but he could have done that from Houston.
He spoke so clearly and with such conviction that Carmen wondered if he was thinking about Alex.
It was much easier to sleep with his protective arm around her waist.
I came down with Felipa to get something to eat.
She couldn't be with Destiny and Alex at the same time.
He's at home with Jonathan and he can't come in because Destiny might catch what he has.
Maybe Señor Medena was trying to ingratiate himself with Alex.
She wiped the pot with a dishtowel and carefully placed it on the coffee maker.
Maybe he was impressed with how quickly Jonathan improved.
It started with Crocus and Jonquils and then the fruit trees as the weather grew warmer.
Carmen watched with Destiny while they waited anxiously for Alex.
Maybe it was the thing with Dulce again.
Maybe that was what he had been so preoccupied with lately.
I know you would stand beside me - maybe even in front of me with the intent of protecting me.
I don't want you to lose anything, but you know I'd want to be with you even if we didn't have a dime to our name.
As a matter of fact, he hadn't said that since he spent half the night with his old flame.
If it was Tessa or Dulce, she needed to fight fire with fire.
Besides, Destiny would be there to assist with creating the required amount of restraint.
Since everyone knew the way to a man's heart was through his stomach, she started with a special meal.
With the food warming, Carmen took Destiny to her room and dressed.
She helped Destiny into a frilly white dress with yellow trim and they both finished up with white sandals.
Carmen tied Destiny's curls with a yellow ribbon.
With everything ready, they sat on the window seat and watched for Alex.
She ran the bath water for Destiny and helped her into the tub with her toy before rejoining Alex.
Still, life with Alex was romance.
How long are you going to put up with this?
Maybe she wasn't happy with the way her parents lived.
In any case, Alex might not be happy with her old-fashioned ideas.
He said Alex was the kind of man who would crawl into bed with a woman on the first date.
She said he wouldn't let her take him with her.
Carmen left her chair in one quick movement and circled his neck with her arms, kissing him on the temple.
Now they could discuss things instead of avoiding sensitive subjects - build on their relationship instead of tearing it down with the same demolition ball.
This time Señor Medena greeted Carmen with a hug.
At any rate, Alex joined forces with his father in the request for a DNA test.
He said he felt bad about it, but conceded that Tessa had been less than honest with him on more than one occasion.
What was this sudden obsession with her ability to run the ranch, and what made him think she was qualified?
He didn't comment, but several times that evening she caught him watching her with a reflective expression.
While you are under my roof, you will treat me with respect.
Carmen set her jaw and challenged them each with a stern look.
Everyone was watching her with a horrified expression - even Jonathan and Destiny.
Eureka was a dark Appaloosa with dark spots on white loins, quarters and croup.
Alex was in the family room and Jonathan was still in his room, so she went searching for Alex to help her with the zipper.
Even the way she wore her hair, with those braids wrapped around the top of her head like a crown and the long shiny blond curls falling around her shoulders and down her back – she wasn't simply beautiful.
Lathum dismissed the subject with a shrug.
Lathum eyed him with poorly veiled amusement.
If Lisa was involved with both Spencer and Mertz, maybe she was an informant for Spenser.
Of course, there was always the possibility that she had come up with the idea of distracting Spenser, but he found that hard to believe.
I'll ride with the last ambulance.
He walked away with his clipboard in hand, barking some orders at another officer.
In those last moments when it was too late, she had decided to go with them.
His bright smile with the two missing front teeth faded as he realized they were leaving without her.
A newspaper with Allen's picture on it lay opened on the coffee table.
Allen couldn't be rejected, so he belittled her intelligence, the close relationship with her family and accused her of cheating on him.
And yet, she had honored her promise to go with him to the party the next night.
Uncomfortable about riding in the car with him, she had offered to drive.
There was no reasoning with him, so she accepted a ride with her best friend, Connie.
Then came the arrest, and with it the fear of being questioned by the police.
Jarred from her thoughts, she began filling a tube with blue icing.
Apparently time had caught up with Mom before she could finish.
On the sides of the cake, she drew the Toyota emblem, finishing up with some scrolls.
Maybe Nick and Angela would like to go with her to visit the old place in the mountains after she graduated.
Codes mingled with names and addresses in a request for medical assistance.
Connie returned with a cool damp rag which she placed on Lisa's face and then the back of her neck.
Feeling returned with a vengeance and her head pounded mercilessly.
But I want to be with them.
Quint hesitated a moment, watching Lisa with an uncertain expression.
I heard someone was staying with you.
Ahead was nothing but a narrow dirt road lined with mature Oak trees and brush.
The room lit up with a bright flash of lightening, and thunder rattled the windowpane.
Giddon was silent, giving all his attention to his food, but Tammy watched Lisa with interest, twirling her fork in her eggs and squirming in her chair.
The movement caught Giddon's attention and he glanced from Tammy to Lisa with a puzzled expression.
He indicated the space behind him with a wave of a hand.
And yet, its little engine hummed along with a surprising lack of noise.
Far from the grouchy expression he had put on at the beginning of the ride, now his eyes flashed with humor, and his lips were twisted in a friendly smile.
As a girl, she had wandered the woods with friends.
He could have led her deep into the woods with intent to harm.
She glanced around for some kind of weapon as they walked, and soon came up with a walking stick.
Monstrous gray rocks jutted up from the earth and found themselves entwined with honeysuckle and briar vines.
She was walking behind him, trying unsuccessfully to keep up with his long strides.
With Yancey's kind, there's no such thing as a mild emotion, neither in anger nor in love.
Sure, I'd love to go explore the woods with you, but let's forget about my legs.
She favored him with a bright smile.
When she met him outside, he was attaching a pillow to his ATV with bunji cords.
I promise not to plaster you with mud this time.
He threw a leg over the ATV and settled himself on the seat with a grin.
He led her to a large mossy rock that was etched with a name and date.
Range after range of mountains began with a mixture of sharp green that gradually faded until the last range was wrapped in the haze of distance.
But people are out here all the time with ATV's, aren't they?
She glanced at Yancey, who was watching her with a confused expression.
He didn't like a police officer there – or her leaving with him, but what could he say?
It seems you may be romantically involved with this man.
I want the closeness of having them live with us.
She looked over the car and expressed her approval, but her mind was consumed with guilt.
She had been so distracted with her own troubles that his interests and needs had been ignored.
I was just wondering how to deal with the insurance company when the seller is the owner.
With that said, she got out of the truck and watched him leave.
He turned and leaned back against the counter, surveying her with obvious distaste.
I've already discussed my plans with Mom, and she's going to watch Tammy.
Did he have business with Yancey?
She was an open book to him and he was obsessed with the idea of reading it.
You can go with me or stay here.
To her right was a blackberry thicket laden with berries – mostly red, but some dark.
But no, he had Diablo with him – or did he?
With the exception of the trail, of course, but he never appeared to be in any hurry – coming or going there.
She stopped suddenly, grasping the tree with one hand.
Of course, she didn't leap cars with motorcycles or sky dive, but in retrospect, she had always been attracted to danger – at least to some degree.
Then again, if Yancey was dealing with drugs, he was endangering his mother and child.
They might have considered her an innocent bystander in her relationship with Allen, but being on the sideline again would, at minimum, make them suspicious.
She had done it with Allen and she had done it with her family.
How could a man with four million in the bank be in financial danger?
Corn seasoned with red bell peppers and black beans made a colorful vegetable.
Yancey had never mentioned the meeting with Allen.
Naturally he wouldn't say anything about his meeting with the other man.