Wistaria Sentence Examples
Scarcely has the cherry season passed when that of the wistaria (fuji) comes, followed by the azalea(tsutsuji) and the iris (shibu), the last being almost contemporaneous with the peony (botan), which is regarded by many Japan se as the king of flowers and is cultivated assiduously.
In general, each shoot makes one layer, but in plants like the Wistaria or Clematis, which make long shoots, what is called serpentine layering may be adopted; that is, the shoot is taken alternately below and above the surface, as frequently as its length permits.
Other characteristic plants of the Coastal Plain are the cranberry, wild rice, wild yam, wax myrtle, wistaria, trumpet flower, passion flower, holly and white alder.
Glycine (Wistaria) - The noblest of all woody climbers introduced to Europe.
Besides giving a beautiful covering for houses, pergolas, etc., the Wistaria is of great value in other ways, and can be grown on trees.
In the end, no doubt, the Laburnums will get the worst of it, but meanwhile the two flower together, and the pale blue-purple racemes of the Wistaria and the golden ones of the Laburnum make a fine contrast.
Wistaria Brachybotrys - Although many years since a Wistaria under this name was brought to Europe from Japan by Siebold, but little can be said of it.
Wistaria Chinensis - The oldest kind introduced, and the most beautiful.