Wires Sentence Examples
They were stuck in its wires.
The unmistakable snap of wires reached them, and the helicopter tilted.
As many as 1200 wires are sometimes enclosed in one lead pipe.
In 1902 the total length of wires strung was 28,125 m.; in 1906 it had been increased to 34,080 m.
Underwires are stiff wires inserted into a bra just under the cups.
They are placed at a distance apart less than the focal length of a, so that the wires of the micrometer, which must be distinctly seen, are beyond b.
Other astronomers use the two distance-measuring webs, placed at a convenient distance apart, for position wires.
If we could drive the engine so fast as to reduce C' to zero, the whole of the energy of the battery would be available, no heat being produced in the wires, but the horse-power of the engine would be indefinitely small.
This telegraph required six wires, and was shortly afterwards displaced by the single-needle system, still to a large extent used on railway and other less important circuits.
This system required two line wires, and, although a remarkably serviceable apparatus and in use for many years, is no longer employed.
AdvertisementThe particular sizes and descriptions of wires used are dependent upon the character of the " circuits " the longer and more important circuits requiring the heavier wire.
Gutta-percha-covered copper wires were formerly largely used for the purpose of underground lines, the copper conductor weighing 40 lb per statute mile, and the gutta-percha covering 50 lb (90 lb total).
The paper cables consist of a number of wires, each enveloped in a loose covering of well-dried paper, and loosely laid up together with a slight spiral " lay " in a bundle, the whole being enclosed in a stout lead pipe.
It is essential that the paper covering be loose, so as to ensure that each wire is enclosed in a coating not of paper only, but also of air; the wires in fact are really insulated from each other by the dry air, the loose paper acting merely as a separator to prevent them from coming into contact.
In the British Postal Telegraph Department all the most important wires are tested every morning between 7.30 and 7.45 A.M., in sections of about 200 miles.
AdvertisementSometimes the wires are covered with the compound alone, and the whole cable after being sheathed is finally covered with tarred tape.
The coils of the electromagnets are differentially wound with silk-covered wire, 4 mils (= 004 inch) in diameter, to a total resistance of 400 ohms. This differential winding enables the instrument to be used for " duplex " working, but the connexions of the wires to the terminal screws are such that the relay can be used for ordinary single working.
This slip is then passed through a transmitter fitted with brush contacts and connected to the two line wires of a metallic loop. One circuit is formed by the loop itself, and a second, quite independent, by the two wires in parallel, earthed at each end.
When there is no current the shutter covers the perforations and no light passes, but when a current traverses the wires they are depressed by electromagnetic action, carrying the shutter with them, and a quantity of light proportional to the current strength is admitted through the perforations.
So zealously was the work of improvement pursued that within little more than six years of the transfer the aggregate extent of road wires in the United Kingdom was already 63,000 m.
AdvertisementThis involved a large extension of wires to cope with increased traffic. The reduced rate took effect as from the 1st of October 1886.
At each signalling station was erected an insulated metallic surface facing and near to the ordinary telegraph wires.
Hence, when the coil at one fixed station was in action it generated high frequency alternating currents, which were propagated across the air gap between the ordinary telegraph wires and the metallic surfaces attached to one secondary terminal of the induction coil, and conveyed along the ordinary telegraph wires between station and moving train.
Thus, in the case of one station and one moving railway carriage, there is a circuit consisting partly of the earth, partly of the ordinary telegraph wires at the side of the track, and partly of the circuits of the telephone receiver at one place and the secondary of the induction coil at the other, two air gaps existing in this circuit.
In practical wireless telegraphy the antenna is generally a collection of wires in fan shape upheld from one or more masts or wooden towers.
AdvertisementAn exchange is a central station to which wires are brought from the various subscribers in its neighbourhood, any two of whom can be put in telephonic communication with each other when the proper pairs of wires are joined together in the exchange.
A system of wires, similar to that which connects the district exchanges in an area, links together the various local areas in the territory, and sometimes the territory of one administration with that of another.
An improvement was effected in this respect by the introduction of the " bridging " system, in which the bells possessing high inductance are placed in parallel between the two wires of the circuit.
When the relay is operated it connects a bell between one of the wires of the circuit and earth, while the bell itself is arranged to respond to current pulsations in one direction only.
In suburban and rural districts subscribers are usually served by means of bare wires erected upon wooden or iron poles.
In large towns telephone distribution by means of open wires is practically impossible, and the employment of cables either laid in the ground or suspended from poles or other overhead supports is necessary.
In the types of cable that were first used, the wires, usually with a cotton insulation, were drawn into lead tubes, and the tubes filled with paraffin or other similar compound, which kept the wires from the injurious effects of any moisture which might penetrate the lead tube.
The separate wires are surrounded only with a loose covering of specially prepared paper, which furnishes abundant insulation.
In the manufacture of the cable the wires are first enclosed in the paper, which is applied sometimes longitudinally and sometimes spirally.
Another method of distribution, largely adopted, is to run the lead cables into the interior of blocks of buildings, and to terminate them there in iron boxes from which the circuits are distributed to the surrounding buildings by means of rubber-covered wires run along the walls.
In this case the cables terminate upon the poles, the connexions between the cable wires and the open wires being made with rubber-covered leads.
The decision covered also future invention in regard to " every organized system of communication by means of wires according to any preconcerted system of signals."
The licences merely condoned the infringement of the Telegraph Act 1869, and did not confer powers to erect poles and wires on, or to place wires under, any highway or private property.
All limitations of areas were removed and licensees were allowed to open public call offices but not to receive or deliver written messages, and they were allowed to erect trunk wires.
The United Telephone Company asked parliament for rights of way in streets but was refused, and its only right to place overhead wires was obtained by private wayleaves.
The United Telephone Company again applied unsuccessfully for right to lay wires underground.
The application of the company for permission to lay wires in streets was again refused.
After the withdrawal of the restriction against the companies erecting trunk wires it became evident that the development of the telephone services throughout the country would be facilitated by complete intercommunication and uniformity of systems, and that economies could be effected by concentration of management.
The National Telephone Company applied to the London County Council for permission to lay wires underground and continued efforts till 1899 to obtain this power, but without success.
The National Telephone Company again applied to parliament for powers to lay wires underground; public discontent with inadequate telephone services was expressed, and at the same time the competition of the telephone with the Post Office telegraph became more manifest.
It compelled the companies to sell their trunk wires to the Post Office, leaving the local exchanges in the hands of the companies.
The National Telephone Company again applied to parliament for power to lay wires underground, but was refused.
Local authorities (particularly London and Glasgow) refused to permit the company to lay wires underground.
The trunk wires were transferred to the Post Office in pursuance of the policy of 1892, but for all practical purposes the local authorities had vetoed the permission of the government to the company to lay wires underground.
The Post Office co-operated with the London County Council to put difficulties in the way of the company which had placed wires underground in London with the consent of the local road authorities.
The Postmaster-General on the other hand agreed to provide underground wires for the company on a rental, and agreed to buy in 1911 the company's plant in London at the cost of construction less allowance for repairs and depreciation.
Large as this progress was it would have been much greater if the Telephone Company had been granted adequate powers to put wires underground and thus instal a complete metallic circuit in place of the single wire, earthreturn, circuit which it was constrained to employ.
The Postmaster-General also agreed to lay underground wires for the company at an annual rental of L1 per mile of double wire in any local area in which the company was operating, but not in areas in which the municipalities had established exchanges.
The total number of conversations which took place over the trunk wires during the year1906-1907was 19,803,300.
The sum received by the Post Office as rental in respect of private wires was £183,000.
In the south they are rare, on account partly of the mountainous character of the country, and partly of the scarcity of traffic. All the important towns of Italy are provided with internal electric tramways, mostly with overhead wires.
Fouche, pulling the wires through the police, was an invaluable helper.
In order that this may take place, the heated wire must be flexible and must therefore be a single fine wire or a bundle of fine wires.
In constructing a hot-wire instrument for the measurement of high frequency currents it is necessary to make the working wire of a number of fine wires placed in parallel and slightly separated from one another, and to rpass the whole of the current to be measured through this strand.
At the middle of these parallel wires, which are preferably about i m.
Changes of atmospheric temperature affect both wires equally and do not tilt the mirror.
In this last case the shunt need not be contained in the instrument itself but may be at a considerable distance, wires being brought from the shunt which carries the main current to the movable coil ammeter itself, which performs the function simply of an indicator, 3.
If there be two parallel wires through which currents are passing, then these wires are drawn together if the currents are in the same direction and pressed apart if they are in opposite directions.
To make the ligament, a very large number of exceedingly fine copper wires laid close together are soldered to the upper surface of the upper trunnion.
The movable circuit CC thus hangs by two ligaments which are formed of very fine copper wires.
Many ingenious devices for forming bars have been produced; but generally a strong frame is used, across which steel wires are stretched at distances equal to the size of the bars to be made, the blocks being first cut into slabs and then into bars.
Most of these are perforated for mounting on threads or wires, and had been, no doubt, originally connected together to form one or more of the elaborate girdles, necklaces and breast ornaments then worn by the women.3 On the bottom of the stone box there was similar dust, pieces of bone and jewelry, and also remains of what had been vessels of wood.
Flexible tubing for electric wires (first made at Chelsea 1889) and art tiles are important products.
A simple plan is as follows - draw an outline of the country of which a map is to be produced upon a board; mark all points the altitude of which is known or can be estimated by pins or wires clipped off so as to denote the heights; mark river-courses and suitable profiles by strips of vellum and finally finish your model with the aid of a good map, in clay or wax.
When a number of specimens have to be submitted to pressure, ventilation is secured by means of frames corresponding in size to the drying paper, and composed of strips of wood or wires.
Large objects are suspended in the tanks by hooks or wires, care being taken to shift their position and so avoid wire-marks.
For experiments with long thin rods or wires it has an advantage over the other arrangements in that the position of the poles need not be known with great accuracy, a small upward or downward displacement having little effect upon the magnetometer deflection.
It is remarkable that the phenomena of magnetic viscosity are much more evident in a thick rod than in a thin wire, or even in a large bundle of thin wires.
They also tested several varieties of nickel-steel in the form of both ovoids and wires.
The best object for examination is a grating of fine wires, about fifty to the inch, backed by a sodium flame.
Trolley haulage lacks the flexibility of steam or compressed air haulage, and is limited to main lines because the wires must be strung throughout the length of the line.
As the sewing wires soon begin to break, a flat rope must usually be ripped Apart and resewed every six or eight months.
Numerous patent ropes, some having wires and strands of special shapes, have been introduced with the idea of improving the wearing properties.
Hoisting ropes are weakened by deterioration and breakage of the wires, due to corrosion and repeated bending.
When the velvet comes to him, it already carries a colored picture permanently fixed by the yzen process, but the wires have not been withdrawn.
It is, in fact, velvet that has passed through all the usual stages of manufacture except the cutting of the thread along each wire and the withdrawal of the wires.
The telephone system is extensive, including long-distance wires to Yokohama, Osaka and other large towns.
Having selected the most suitable one he directs the axis of the finder to the estimated middle point between the comet and the star, turns the finder-micrometer in position angle until the images of comet and star lie symmetrically between the parallel position wires, and then turns the micrometer screw (which moves the distance-wires symmetrically from the centre in opposite directions) till one wire bisects the comet and the other the star.
With the exception of the addition of a pin-hole to the tangent sight and cross wires to the fore-sight, and of minor improvements, and Field of the introduction of French's crossbar sight and the artillery reciprocating sight, of which later, no great advance was sights.
For the purpose of measuring resistances up to a few thousand ohms, the most convenient appliance is a Wheatstone's Bridge (q.v), but when the resistance of the conductor to be measured is several hundred thousand ohms, or if it is the resistance of a so-called insulator, such as the insulating covering of the copper wires employed for distributing electric current in houses and buildings for electric lighting, then the ohmmeter is more convenient.
The object of the test is to discover the resistance of the insulator I, that is, to determine how much current flows through this insulator by leakage under a certain electromotive force or voltage which must not be less than that which will be employed in practice when the electric lights supplied through these wires are in operation.
In making the test, the whole of the copper wires belonging to any section of the wiring and the test must be connected together at some point and then connected through the series coil of the ohmmeter with one terminal of the dynamo.
This can be shown by suspending an electric bell in the receiver of an air-pump, the wires conveying the current passing through an air-tight cork closing the hole at the top of the receiver.
These wires form a material channel from the bell to the outside air, but if they are fine the sound which they carry is hardly appreciable.
Each cable has 19 strands of 278 parallel steel wires, 7 B.W.G.
Roebling preferred parallel wires as 10% stronger than twisted wires.
Each cable is composed of 37 strands of 208 wires, or 7696 parallel steel wires, No.
Not only were they lodged in cages of tortoise-shell and ivory, with silver wires, but they were professedly esteemed as delicacies for the table, and one emperor is said to have fed his lions upon them!
Instead of adjusting in this manner the electromotive force of any form of cell, if we pass any constant current through a known resistance and bring wires from the extremities of that resistance into connexion with the slider and the galvanometer terminal, we can in the same way determine the fall of potential down the above resistance in terms of the electromotive force of the standard cell and thus measure the current flowing through the standard resistance.
From the potential terminals of the strip, wires are brought to the potentiometer so as to determine their potential difference in terms of the electromotive force of the standard Clark cell.
After the platinum wires have been sealed through the glass, a little aqua regia is placed in the cell legs until bubbles of gas arise from the platinum, when it is thrown out and replaced by a solution of mercurous nitrate.
For engineering and manufacturing purposes the more important linear gauges are, however, now used, adjusted to some fundamental unit of measure as the inch; although in certain trades, as for wires and flat metals, gauges continue to be used of arbitrary scales and of merely numerical sizes, having no reference to a legal unit of measure; and such are rarely accurate.
This board, which is composed of five members appointed by the supreme court for a term of two years, also assesses the taxes on the railways, and on telegraph and telephone lines; for railways the average rate of taxation is assessed on the estimated actual value of the road beds, rolling stock and equipment, and for the telegraph and telephone lines this rate is assessed on the estimated actual value of the poles, wires, instruments, apparatus, office furniture and fixtures.
The current is got in and out of the movable coil by means of fine flexible wires.
In this case a highresistance wire is connected between the points of which the potential difference is required, and from some known fraction of this resistance wires are brought to an electrostatic voltmeter, or to a movable coil electromagnetic voltmeter, according as the voltage to be measured is alternating or continuous.
He not only guided the growth of scientific telegraphy on land wires, but made the earliest experiments with submarine cables, foreseeing the practicability of this means of communication as early as 1840.
His first notable discovery was the production of the continuous rotation of magnets and of wires conducting the electric current round each other.
In the Matrai system thin wires are used instead of rods, and are securely fastened to rolled steel joists, which form the beams on which the slabs rest; moreover, the wires instead of being stretched tight from side to side of the slab are allowed to sag as much as the thickness of the concrete will allow.
Immediately above this plane surface and almost touching it is a system of wires which enables angular distances from the centre of the field to be read at the eyepiece below.
Sometimes the walls are furnished with galvanized wires, but this has been objected to as causing cankering of the shoots, for which, however, painting is recommended as a remedy.
If they are adopted, the wires should be a few inches away from the wall, to allow free circulation of air between it and the tree, and thus avoid the scorching or burning of leaves and fruits during the summer months in very hot places.
After a few revolutions of the disks half the studs on the front plate at any moment are charged negatively and half positively and the same on the back plate, the neutralizing wires forming the boundary between the positively and negatively charged studs.
Many weary hours are spent in setting baits, traps and wires, and, frequently, when the hunter retraces his steps to collect the quarry it is only to find it gone, devoured by some large animal that has visited his traps before him.
They drive electric generators, and the current so produced is taken at a pressure of 22,000 volts on overhead wires a distance of 35 m.
Hall proposed to overcome this difficulty by coating the plate thickly with copper on both sides, and deducing the difference of temperature between the two surfaces of junction of the iron and the copper from the thermo-electric force observed by means of a number of fine copper wires attached to the copper coatings at different points of the disk.
The temperatures indicated by the different pairs of wires differed by as much as 10 %, but the mean of the whole would probably give a fair average.
The temperature at different heights was measured by iron wires forming thermo-junctions with the mercury in the inner tube.
The gold and silver wires used in the manufacture of these fabrics are drawn with considerable care and skill; and in order to secure the purity of the metals employed for their composition, the wire-drawing under the native rule was done under government inspection.
A number of metallic points, supported on insulators, were connected by wires enclosing several hundred square metres on the top of a hill.
Beads were made by winding thin threads of glass on copper wires, and the greater contraction of the copper freed the bead when cold.
This work also requires frequent annealing, for otherwise the wires or tubes would rupture.
The peculiar form of the tube is eminently suited for rigid preservation of the relative parallelism of the axes of the two telescopes, so that,;i the image of a certain selected star is retained on the intersection of two wires of the micrometer, by means of the driving clock, aided by small corrections given by the observer in right ascension and declination (required on account of irregularity in the clock movement, error in astronomical adjustment of the polar axis, or changes in the star's apparent place produced by refraction), the image of a star will continue on the same spot of the photographic film during the whole time of exposure.
The lamp near the eye-end illuminates the field or the wires at pleasure, as well as the position circle of the micrometer and the declination circle; a separate lamp illuminates the hour circle.
The heavy mist, and the fact that the weight of the enemy bombardment had worked great destruction among the telephone wires, combined to prevent any effective reply on the part of the Italian guns.
Watson carried out elaborate experiments to discover how far the electric discharge of the jar could be conveyed along metallic wires and was able to accomplish it for a distance of 2 m., making the important observation that the electricity appeared to be transmitted instantaneously.
Having thus succeeded in drawing the electric fire from the clouds, Franklin conceived the idea of protecting buildings from lightning by erecting on their highest parts pointed iron wires or conductors communicating with the ground.
William Nicholson (1753-1815) and Sir Anthony Carlisle (1768-1840) in 1800 constructed a pile of silver and zinc plates, and placing the terminal wires in water noticed the evolution from these wires of bubbles of gas, which they proved to be oxygen and hydrogen.
The phenomena connected with the propagation of electric signals by underground insulated wires had already engaged the attention of Faraday in 1854, who pointed out the Leyden-jar-like action of an insulated subterranean wire.
Edison in the United States, were engaged in struggling with the difficulties of producing a suitable carbon incandescence electric lamp. Edison constructed in 1879 a successful lamp of this type consisting of a vessel wholly of glass containing a carbon filament made by carbonizing paper or some other carbonizable material, the vessel being exhausted and the current led into the filament through platinum wires.
Marconi applied a modified and improved form of Branly's wave detector in conjunction with a novel form of radiator for the telegraphic transmission of intelligence through space without wires, and he and others developed this new form of telegraphy with the greatest rapidity and success into a startling and most useful means of communicating through space electrically without connecting wires.
Blaeu's improvement consisted of putting the spindle of the screw through a square block which was guided in the wooden frame, and from this block the platen was suspended by wires or cords.
The opposite quadrants are connected together by thin platinum wires.
The framework carrying the clamps is arranged so that a number of determinations may be made at one time, the wires from the clamps running from a rheostat, so arranged that currents of any strength may be used simultaneously.
The bodies, frames and aeroplanes of the aerodromes were strengthened by vertical and other supports, to which were attached aluminium wires to ensure absolute rigidity so far as that was possible.
They were carefully stayed by steel wires to their shafts, or the first revolution would have snapped them off short.
All the wires and ties were of the best steel, capable of standing a strain of 100 tons to the square inch.
Computations are made with it by means of balls of bone or ivory runp ing on slender bamboo rods, similar to the simpler board, fitted up with beads strung on wires, which is employed in teaching the rudiments of arithmetic in English schools.
He received a scanty education; worked as a carpenter in Syracuse and as a machinist in Ithaca; became interested (about 2842) in the development of the electric telegraph; and after unsuccessful or over-expensive attempts to ground the telegraph wires in 1844 solved the difficulty by stringing them on poles.
Wires are frequently stretched across a room overhead, probably with the idea that they will prevent the voice from reaching the roof and being reflected there, but there is no reason to suppose that they are efficient.
By the addition of a small quantity of silicon the tensile strength of copper is much increased; a sample of such silicon bronze, used for telegraph wires, on analysis was found to consist of 99.94% of copper, 0.03% of tin, and traces of iron and silicon.
This law is commonly applied in connecting a thermocouple to a galvanometer with coils of copper wire, the junctions of the copper wires with the other metals being placed side by side in a vessel of water or otherwise kept at the same temperature.
The balance is adjusted by shunting either AD or BD with a box, S, containing 20 to Ioo ohms. All the wires in the quadrilateral must be of the same metal as AB, to avoid accidental thermoelectric effects which would obscure the result.
In some places the telegraph wires are placed 16 ft.
To this is attached a mirror; hence, if a current goes up one side of a loop and down another, the wires are oppositely displaced in the field.
In this instrument the periodic current, the time variation of which is being studied, passes through a pair of fine wires or strips, going up one wire and down the other.
These wires are also traversed in the same direction by a constant current from a battery.
Electric current ampere A The current which produces a specified force between two parallel wires which are 1 meter apart in a vacuum.
With a crossover cable, two pairs of wires are reversed at one connector end.
The overhead catenary is being revamped, with new wires going in around the depot building at the left hand side of the layout.
Using colorful wires, learn how to make a beautiful choker or bracelet.
The main stair tower is clad with the rendered insulation system for its full height, and vertical wires will support an evergreen clematis.
Square Favor Box with Jewels These gorgeous favor boxes have jewels on gold color wires on the lids and contain confectionery of your choice.
Some people with limited dexterity or poor grip found a fixed switch easier to use than a handheld control which was attached by wires.
The dark green PPE coating is fused to the metal wires ensuring an extremely durable finish that looks great.
Now, poachers also electrocute the animals by dangling wires connected to high tension powerlines across rhino paths.
Although there are no magical elixirs, the news wires are, unfortunately, littered with stories about the dark underside of man.
He imagined opening it and letting out a nexus of multi-coloured wires, or bloody entrails.
Wires and candles stuffed into a jacket made it look like he was carrying explosives.
A series of shackles and wires are attached and the buoy is pulled in using the stern gantry.
This netting is temporarily pegged onto the straining wires and can be removed easily when the weather turns inclement.
Even straight wire has some inductance, and there is always at least some capacitance between two wires in proximity to each other.
Two precious metal wires (item 2 ), electrically insulated from each other, are wound around the glass wool hose.
At Fuller's house, Uri stroked the three wires in his usual manner and produced sharp kinks in each.
Run the wires through this and into to the boot lid.
These come from overheating, broken covers and exposed live wires.
No threads No wires No magnets use the matchboxes provided or two of your own.
The carrier signal modulated by the police officers voice or siren control signal is sent over these same wires back to the exchange.
The wires joining each eye to the brain are called the optic nerves.
An alternative method of erecting chestnut paling is to fasten it to strained wires.
Till the swap's done He sits like a yoga Straining the wires of strangeness - After all, he does have perfect pitch.
Tie new summer raspberry canes to the wires, spacing them about 10 cm (4 in) apart.
The pellet wire is shackled to the pellet or drum and the dan and picking-up wires shackled together are also shackled to the drum.
The wires are then jointly covered by the outer sheath.
We presume the wires are for canoe slalom course.
Pull the mounts off the front of the car, then snip the wires to the spotlights.
The sternum is rejoined using wires and the skin on the chest is closed with dissolvable stitches.
After that, dropper wires needed to be connected and the isolating switches and controller fitted.
Also seen at several inland locations, perched on roadside telegraph wires.
These are made from 25 µm (or optionally 125 µm) diameter tungsten wires with 4 mm spacing.
Select and display the waveform at the circuit input, the first, second and third inverter output wires and the final circuit output.
These wires are strong and withstand normal wear and tear.
You can get away with three wires, three link jumpers and no trying to solder two wires to one link jumper.
Electric trains with overhead wires came in the early 1920s.
Also bare live wires were also found which supplied the hob.
At the focus of his telescope he placed fine silver wires at right angles to each other, which, by their intersection, formed a network of small squares.
The mutual distances of the intersecting wires he determined by counting, with the aid of a pendulum clock, the number of seconds required by an equatorial star to pass from web to web, while the telescope was adjusted so that the star ran parallel to the wires at right angles to those under investigation.
In 1813 Wollaston proposed fine platinum wires, prepared by surrounding a platinum wire with a cylinder of silver, and drawing out the cylinder with its platinum axis into a fine wire.
A wire st is stretched across the centre of the field, perpendicular to the parallel wires.
The great improvement now introduced into all the best micrometers is to provide a screw s, which, not as in the Fraunhofer micrometer, moves only one of the wires, but which moves the whole micrometer box, i.e.
Thus the fixed wire can be set exactly on star A by the screw s, while star B is simultaneously bisected by the movable wire, or vice versa, without disturbing the reading for coincidence of the wires.
Each wire was to be used for the transmission of one letter only, and the message was to be sent by charging the proper wires in succession, and received by observing the 1 From correspondence found among Sir David Brewster's papers after his death it seems highly probable that the writer of this letter, which was signed " C. M.," was Charles Morrison, a surgeon and a native of Greenock, but at that time resident in Renfrew.
The great advantage of this air insulation is that the electrostatic capacity of the wires is low (about one-third of that which would be obtained with gutta-percha insulation), which is of the utmost importance for high-speed working or for longdistance telephonic communication.
The one disadvantage of paper cables is the fact that any injury to the lead covering which allows moisture to penetrate causes telegraphic interruption to the whole of the enclosed wires, whereas if the wires are each individually coated with gutta-percha, the presence of moisture can only affect those wires whose covering is defective There is no reason for doubting, however, that, provided the lead covering remains intact, the paper insulation is imperishable; this is not the case with gutta-percha-covered wires.
Before reaching the paper the light passes through perforations in two iron plates which are, in fact, the pole pieces of a strong electromagnet; between these is an aluminium shutter which is attached to two parallel wires or thin strips.
Telegraphic money orders were established in 1850; a cable was laid between Dover and Calais, and in November 1851 the stock exchanges of London and Paris were able for the first time to compare prices during business hours of the same day; numerous companies were formed, some of which were independent of the railways, and keen competition led to considerable extensions of wires and reduction of tariffs, with the result that a large increase in the volume of business took place.
In addition to the undertakings of the telegraph companies the government had to purchase the reversionary rights of the railway companies which arose out of the circumstance that the telegraph companies for the most part had erected their poles and wires along the permanent way of the railways under leases which in 1868 had still many years to run.
The government acquired the perpetual and exclusive wayleaves for telegraph lines over the railways, but the monopoly of the Postmaster-General does not apply to those numerous wires which are required for the protection of life on railways.
It had to extend the hours of business at all the offices; it had to extend the wires from railway stations lying outside of town populations to post offices in the centre of those populations and throughout their suburbs; it had also to extend the wires from towns into rural districts previously devoid of telegraphic communication; it had to effect a complete severance of commercial and domestic telegraphy from that of mere railway traffic, and in order to effect this severance it had to provide the railways with some 6000 m.
It has sometimes been claimed that Edison's proposed elevated plates anticipated the subsequent invention by Marconi of the aerial wire or antenna, but it is particularly to be noticed that Edison employed no spark gap or means for creating electrical high frequency oscillations in these wires.
There is no doubt that the transmission of articulate sounds and speech over long distances without wires by means of electric waves is not only possible as an experimental feat but may perhaps come to be commercially employed.
Telephone subscribers may telephone ordinary messages to any post office which may be reached through the local exchange system, or by means of the trunk wires, in order that the messages may be written down and forwarded as telegrams or express letters or ordinary letters.
Carlisle found that hydrogen and oxygen were evolved at the surfaces of gold and platinum wires connected with the terminals of a battery and dipped in water.
Joule also made experiments upon iron wires under tension, and drew the erroneous inference (which has been often quoted as if it were a demonstrated fact) that under a certain critical tension (differing for different specimens of iron but independent of the magnetizing force) magnetization would produce no effect whatever upon the dimensions of the wire.
Hoisting ropes are weakened by deterioration and breakage of the wires, due to corrosion and repeated bending, and should be kept under careful inspection.
In this case both the fixed and movable circuits consist of fine wires, and the instrument is constructed and used in a manner similar to the Siemens dynamometer employed for measuring continuous alternating current (see Amperemeter).
The city was one of the first in the country to build a municipal subway for electric light, telephone and telegraph wires.
In the electrical building we examined the telephones, autophones, phonographs, and other inventions, and he made me understand how it is possible to send a message on wires that mock space and outrun time, and, like Prometheus, to draw fire from the sky.
I could not follow with my eyes the geometrical figures drawn on the blackboard, and my only means of getting a clear idea of them was to make them on a cushion with straight and curved wires, which had bent and pointed ends.
It began to pull and tug, and lo, the wires broke, and off went the great red dragon, and poor Dr. Bell stood looking forlornly after it.
We have in stock a small number of Tiger Moth center section streamline rigging wires, Pt.
The difference between the trailing ends of both wires shown in the photograph on the left is the scaphoid length.
However, there is no need for DSI wires to be screened or segregated in any special way from power or other cables.
Silver-plated conductor wires, enhanced by deep Cryogenic Treatment and insulated in PTFE.
Having stripped the wires ready, slacken the screw of the appropriate connection terminal.
Instead, you solder the new wires on to the loom.
Connect the male spade connector to the brown wires you have just removed.
Brendon my eldest son training to be an electrician made sense of the spaghetti of wires we had inherited.
Replaced all of the spark plug wires and the coil wire, and have n't had the problem since.
Time proven method combined with cutting edge technology to straighten teeth without wires or brackets.
An additional feature is that much higher currents can flow through some superconductor materials than through normal metal wires.
Each course is composed of a network of aerial rope bridges, tarzan rope swings, zip wires, swings and slides.
These routes had no low bridges, telegraph wires or tight corners.
I also have this amazing costume, which has all these wires coming out of it, with these long tendrils of black silk.
High tensile wires permit a larger spacing between posts.
Or alternatively can utilize optional wireless technology to save trailing wires around the house.
Finally, don't let your baby play with the monitor, accessories, and wires or cords!
Your best bet is to purchase gowns and sleepers to keep your baby warm and to allow plenty of room for any wires or tubes.
You might actually see hazards such as nails under a windowsill, light cords, frayed wires, sharp springs under a chair or lamps that could be pushed/pulled over.
Most preemies spend some time in the NICU, so choose a swaddling wrap that won't interfere with any necessary tubes or wires, IVs or pipe lines.
Wires and medical attachments get in the way of most infant apparel, leaving baby in the buff for longer than most new parents would like.
Arrange the sock buds into a corsage by pulling the wires together and taping them.
Wire-free designs-While bras are created to provide comfort, support, and style, they do not contain wires, which can impede milk production and clog milk ducts.
It is important to have a stealthy installation, because otherwise it would be far too easy for a thief to pop your hood and clip a couple of wires.
You must match up the plug exactly (red and black wires or read and white wires), otherwise your phone will malfunction.
A wireless card for accessing the Internet without wires.
Although the main appeal of a wireless network is to be able to access the network without wires, there are still circumstances where a cabled connection is preferable.
The first is that he chews through strings and wires.
As time ticked on, the team had to leave wires exposed, cabinet door unaligned, tiling uncaulked, and the new marble countertop unsecured.
Turn off the power at the main supply and attach the wires of the chandelier to the existing wires in the electrical box.
More advanced beds have aelectric wires (well padded and hidden in the design) that deliver low-level heat and have a control much like a human electric blanket.
Grape vine roots can spread out in a circle as large as six feet in diameter, so make sure you plant vines well away from underground wires, pipes, and other things that roots can interfere with.
He'll need to run the wires and install an electrical box before you can hang the track lights.
A suspended ceiling hangs and hides pipes, ducts, wires, etc., but it also takes away eight inches from the height of the room.
If you do not want to see wires, you will need to run the electrical wires for the motor through the ceiling and wall.
Use a coat hanger to pull the wires through.
Cut the suspension wires to the appropriate length.
Secure the suspension wires to the main tees with screw eyes and screw hooks.
An important consideration when you're drilling holes through your studs in order to pass wires or pipes through - most local codes require that you drill holes a certain distance (usually halfway) from the edge of the stud.
Have an electrician wire your ceiling and cap off the wires and you can install a track kit yourself in a matter of hours.
Electric radiant flooring uses mats with wires embedded in them.
If cross-bracing or wires are in an area, keep the blower close to the floor so insulation can get underneath them.
This will expose the individual wires within the cable.
Do the same thing for the white wires and again for the ground wires.
When you pull, you'll be stretching the thick electrical wires.
Using your screwdriver, unscrew each of the wires and make note of where each color wire is connected.
You'll typically see the black, or "hot" wire, connected to a darkly colored screw and the neutral wires (green and white) connected to lightly colored screws.
There could be six wires rather than three if the outlet is in the middle of a circuit.
Note where the wires were attached before disconnecting.
Connect each wire in the same way you disconnected the old outlet, with the black wire around the darker screws and the neutral and common wires around the lighter screws.
While detaching wires, pay close attention to the wire coloring and where they are connected.
Black wires can also be blue and neutral might be gray rather than white.
Make note of how the colored wires are connected to the old switch.
Switches are made to connect hot wires whenever the switch is turned on.
So, you'll see either two hot wires on the switch terminals, if you see a white wire it's actually serving as a black wire from a light or outlet.
Disconnect the hot wires from the switch.
The white and ground (green/copper) wires will already be connected together in the box; leave those wires as is.
Connect the two black wires to the brass screws on your new switch, push the switch back into the box and attach with the two screws.
Some jewelers like to work with a combination of colored golds, and 14k oval hoop earrings made with different colored gold wires look stunning as well as complimenting a range of other jewelry types.
Coated copper wires, which are often referred to as craft wires, are available in a wide range of colors and thicknesses.
There are other ways of fastening hoop earrings, however, including hinges, clips and wires.
The ear wires are sold separately to the ear drops, and the drops are fitted by simply threading these onto the ear wire.
Check earrings before wearing them to ensure that the posts or ear wires look clean and are free from damage.
As for earrings, the posts, lever backs and French wires are all made out of sterling silver.
In fact, tailors of the time were very adept at creating very bright and extravagant cuts of clothing, using padding and even wires and laces to evoke all sorts of moods.
All of LA Baby mattresses can be manufactured as full or non-full size mattresses with options for coils, border wires, insulator pads, and more.
All passageways, hallways and any other areas where people walk should be free from any type of clutter, debris or tripping hazards, such as extension cords or electrical wires.
Either manually hold the other set of wires to the top of the battery to operate the LEDs, or wire it through a switch that you can attach to the sunglass frames.
Run the small LED wires back along the frame.
Place one wire from each LED to the bottom of a 3 volt watch battery, and glue the battery and wires to the side of your frames.
Then, twist the other set of wires together so you have one contact wire for the top of the battery.
Most of us know that information sent over Internet wires can be used by individuals who have nefarious intent in mind.
The levels consists of ledges, wires you glide on, trampolines and other similar staples of the action-platformer genre.
Tired of the wires, but want to hook your 360 to your network?
In a nutshell, an electronic current is passed through intersecting wires.
These wires are made of different types of metals.
Various styles of doll hats have wires around the outer edge to hold the hat's shape and to allow the hat to be posed in the best position.
Read our article on Cell Phone Headsets for more details, but if you want to have the best experience possible, you should consider a higher quality Bluetooth A2DP headset that will give you stereo sound and without wires!
Bear in mind that these headsets are typically quite expensive (more than $100), but that's the price you pay to cast those pesky wires aside.
Talk without wires and consider a Bluetooth headset.
In many ways, you could say that Bluetooth is similar to a Wi-Fi connection in your home, because it gives you the ability to "pair" two devices together, sharing information without wires.
Stents are small metal tubes or wires that are inserted into damaged blood vessels to hold them open.
The needle is attached by wires to a recording machine.
Springs and wires put pressure on teeth in order to straighten them.
They consist of wires and springs that are held in place by small brackets glued to the outside surfaces of the incisors and sometimes the premolars.
The wires, springs, and other devices attached to the brackets or bands put pressure on the teeth, gradually shifting them into new positions.
The nickel-titanium wires are very light, and some are heat-activated.
Electric current can be described as the flow of microscopic particles called electrons through wires and electrical appliances.
Electric current can also be described as the flow of microscopic particles called electrons flowing through wires and electronic components and appliances.
The jaw is properly aligned and secured with metal pins and wires.
To maintain the proper spinal posture before fusion occurs, metal rods are inserted alongside the spine and are attached to the vertebrae by hooks, screws, or wires.
A broken jaw must be set back into its proper position and stabilized with wires while it heals.
Braces consist of brackets cemented to the surface of each tooth and wires of stainless steel or nickel titanium alloy.
When the wires are threaded through the brackets, they exert pressure against the teeth, causing them to gradually move.
Braces-An orthodontic appliance consisting of brackets cemented to the surface of each tooth and wires of stainless steel or nickel titanium alloy.
One of the oldest manipulatives you're probably familiar with is the abacus, the ancient counting device in which beads strung on wires are used to represent single digits and groups of numbers.
Be careful upon opening a door to the outside world, for your never sure what awaits you as far as structural damage to the ground, electrical wires, and surrounding buildings goes.
The best blouson swimsuits include under wires and this is important because lifting the breasts holds the fabric further away from the tummy, further disguising any figure problems.
You can find them with and without wires and with tummy control if you desire.
Stick the wires of the flowers into the Styrofoam or use hot glue to attach the smaller decorations.
No wires plugged into sockets - unlike candles that are powered by mains electricity, solar candles are only wired to the solar panel that powers them.
Pre-lit trees are now extremely popular both to save the time and hassle of stringing your own Christmas tree and because high-quality pre-lit Christmas trees are professionally strung to minimize dangling wires.
The receiver had a design where you would place the small, walkman sized box in your jacket pocket and the wires would run down the inside of your sleeve and to your wrist.
There were also wires up to the headphones.
Because these frequencies are limited, several wires can be bound into huge cable pairs without cross-connections in the transitions of analog data.
When you have your mechanic perform your regular lube-oil-filter service, ask them to check your ignition switch and the wires surrounding it.
If you check the spark plug wires that are connected to the distributor cap and they are secure and your car still won't start, you probably need new spark plugs.
Corrosion - If you look under the hood of your car, there are many cables and wires.
Often, wires and cables can become corroded and you may need to have them replaced before you can get your car back on the road.
The ignition system involves the spark plugs, the plug wires, and sometimes even a distributor or fuel injection system.
To check the plug wires with very little effort, just bring the car into a very dark area and run the engine.
If there are any cracks in the old plug wires, you'll see very faint sparks in the dark.
Regardless the cause, if the engine is losing power, you should ask your mechanic to take a look at the plugs and wires because your engine may be due for a tune-up.
Beading hoops are small metal wires pre-bent to allow the jewelry-maker to put beads on them.
Larger kits often include enough beads for five to 10 projects, as well as a jump rings, ear wires, clasps, and other jewelry findings.
That's why so many women buy them, and why most larger-size bras have wires.
On the other hand, plenty of women complain about the wires being uncomfortable, digging into ribs and breasts, and leaving red marks on the skin.
Apparently the bras cause the breasts to sit directly on the wires, instead of distributing the weight across shoulders, back and chest.
If so, then you're all set.If not, ask a salesperson about bras designed to act like underwire versions without the actual wires.
Usually, fabric panels and other design elements replace the stiff wires, but the way they work is essentially the same.
Encapsulation bras have separate cups and most have under wires for extra support.
Others find that the stiff wires dig into their breasts or leave painful indentations just below them.
Check for secure seams, sturdy wires, and a fit that will stay in place throughout the day.
The Blaster Beam is constructed of a 15 to 20 foot metal beam that has a number of taut wires with electric guitars pickups hanging from the end.
There were three metal objects with dials and switches; machines I'll call them, from which the wires ran.
There was no other purr aside from the constant, low hum similar to the hum surrounding electric wires.
She has all these tubes and wires coming out of her.
The cabin swayed, and Lana caught the image of wires and far below, water.
Our helo went down and got tangled in the bridge's support wires.
In the earliest the conductor was represented by long metal wires, supported by silk or other insulating material, and left to pick up the air's potential.
The micrometer of Auzout and Picard was provided with silk fibres or silver wires instead of the edges of Gascoigne, but one of the silk fibres remained fixed while the other was moved by a screw.
As the powers of the telescope were gradually developed, it was found that the finest hairs or filaments of silk, or the thinnest silver wires that could be drawn, were much too thick for the refined purposes of the astronomer, as p p they entirely obliterated the image of a star in the more powerful telescopes.
To avoid such error Dawes used double wires, not spider webs, placing the image of the star symmetrically between these wires, as in fig.
The galvanometer being so adjusted that a current of definite strength through one of the coils gives a definite deflection of the needle, the amount of leakage expressed in terms of the insulation resistance of the wires is given by the formula.