Wireless broadband Sentence Examples
Big cities are long distance business call long distance business call getting into municipal wireless broadband.
We also offer free wireless broadband internet coverage to all our guests.
In these days of the Internet, online collaboration, wireless broadband and wireless phones, I could be working anywhere.
This is the primary reason why someone would be interested in a mobile phone with wireless broadband technology.
Make sure that you have an adequate data plan before proceeding, but you can see how wireless broadband is a quantum leap in robustness above older wireless technologies like GPRS/EDGE.
In effect, it could take the 3G wireless broadband connection of the cell phone and convert it into a Wi-Fi signal that could then be picked up by nearby laptops and other supported devices.
Tethering is the act of using the wireless broadband connection on your cell phone to surf the web on your laptop.
A wireless broadband connection uses area cell towers to connect to the Internet.