Wing Sentence Examples
It contained a sofa, two wing chairs, a queen size bed, a fully stocked wet bar, kitchenette, bathroom, wide screen TV, books, and magazines.
The wing, when not in use, is folded d Pupa of Dyticus.
Instead he strode through the bright hallways into the women's wing and into the first room.
On its right wing the I.
According to this, the Austrian troops already in Bohemia, 1st corps, Count Clam-Gallas, 30,000 strong, were to receive the Saxons if the latter were forced to evacuate their own country, and to act as an advanced guard or containing wing to the main body under Feldzeugmeister von Benedek (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 10th corps) which was to concentrate at Olmiitz, whence the Prussian staff on insufficient evidence concluded the Austrians intended to attack Silesia, with Breslau as their objective.
Had the Austrians attacked on both flanks forthwith, the Prussian central (I.) army could have reached neither wing in time to avert defeat, and the political consequences of the Austrian victory might have been held to justify the risks involved, for even if unsuccessful the Austrians and Saxons could always retreat into Bavaria and there form a backbone of solid troops for the 95,000 South Germans.
The facade is a triumph of graceful elegance; so light is the tracery, so rich the decoration, so successful the breach of symmetry which gives us a wing upon the left-hand side but none upon the right.
A "crested" furrow is obtained by the use of a share, the wing of which is set at a higher altitude than the point, but this type of furrow is less generally found than the "rectangular" form obtained by a level-edged share, which leaves a flat bottom.
The seeds are provided with a long membranous wing.
The largest bird is the condor, and there is another bird of the vulture tribe, with a black and white wing feather formerly used by the Incas in their head-dress, called the coraquenque or alcamari.
AdvertisementThe infantry in the centre was arrayed in the small and handy battalions then peculiar to Gustavus's army, the horse on either wing extended from opposite Li tzen to some distance beyond Wallenstein's left, which Pappenheim was to extend on his arrival.
The plan was to attack first with the right wing of the XI.
The main median nervure, and usually also the sub-costal become united with the radial, while the branches of radial, median and cubital nervures pursuing a transverse or recurrent course across the wing, divide its area into a number of areolets or " cells," that are of importance in classification.
The Heteroptera can be traced back farther than any other winged insects if the fossil Protocimex silurica Moberg, from the Ordovician slates of Sweden is rightly regarded as the wing of a bug.
The battle of Gettysburg began on the 1st of July with the defeat of the left wing of the Army of the Potomac and the death of General Reynolds.
AdvertisementDuring the second day's battle he commanded the left centre of the Union army, and after General Sickles had been wounded, the whole of the left wing.
At the Wilderness he commanded, during the second day's fighting, half of the Union army; at Spottsylvania he had charge of the fierce and successful attack on the "salient"; at Cold Harbor his corps formed the left wing in the unsuccessful assault on the Confederate lines.
On the 2nd-13th of August 1704 Eugene and Marlborough set their forces in motion towards the hostile camps; several streams had to be crossed on the march, and it was seven o'clock (five hours after moving off) when the British of Marlborough's left wing, next the Danube, deployed opposite Blenheim, which Tallard thereupon garrisoned with a large force of his best infantry, aided by a battery of 24-pounder guns.
Tallard therefore had a few horse on his right between the Danube and Blenheim, a mass of infantry in his centre atBlenheim itself, and a long line of cavalry supported by a few battalions forming his left wing in the plain, and connecting with the right of Marsin's army.
The right wing under Eugene had to make a difficult march over broken ground before it could form up for battle, and Marlborough waited, with his army in order of battle between Unterglau and Blenheim, until his colleague should be ready.
AdvertisementLord Cutts, with a detachment of Marlborough's left wing, attacked Blenheim with the utmost fury.
His infantry was arranged in five huge oblongs, four of which (in lozenge formation) formed the centre and one the right wing at Liitzen.
The king himself commanded the right wing, which had to wait until small bodies of infantry detached for the purpose had driven in the Imperialist skirmish line, and had then to cross a ditch leading the horses.
The right wing, of the French cavalry was swept off the field by Johann von Weert's charge, but the German troopers, intoxicated with success, dispersed to plunder.
Fighting cautiously at first with his leading line to gain time for his second to come up, he then charged and broke up the hostile right wing of cavalry, while some battalions of infantry scaled the hill and captured the Bavarian guns.
AdvertisementGraceful in form and active in motion, sun-birds flit from flower to flower, feeding on small insects which are attracted by the nectar and on the nectar itself; but this is usually done while perched and rarely on the wing as is the habit of humming-birds.
As the foe would lie away to his right and left front after he had passed the Sambre, one wing would be pushed up towards Wellington and another towards Blucher; whilst the mass of the reserve would be centrally placed so as to strike on either side, as soon as a force of the enemy worth destroying was encountered and gripped.
To this end he had, on the 14th, massed his left wing (Reille and D'Erlon) around Solre, and his right wing (Gerard) at Philippeville; whilst the central mass (Vandamme, Lobau, the Guard and the Cavalry Reserve) lay around Beaumont.
When the French left wing and centre reached the Sambre bridges, at Marchienne and Charleroi, they found them held and strongly barricaded, and the cavalry were powerless to force the passage.
The left wing was directed to push up the Gosselies-Quatre Bras road, and Pajol's cavalry followed the Prussians who retired along the Gilly-Fleurus road.
Marshal Ney joined the army, was given the command of the left wing, and ordered to drive the Prussians out of Gosselies, and clear the road northward of that place.
When he had left for the front, the emperor proceeded with Grouchy to reconnoitre the Prussian position at Gilly; and handing over the command of the right wing to the marshal, whom he ordered to capture Gilly, Napoleon returned to Charleroi, to hasten the passage of the French army across the Sambre and mass it in the gap between the allies.
Consequently, as Ney's wing advanced northward from Gosselies along the Brussels road, it came upon an advanced detachment 6f this force at Frasnes.
The right wing, under Grouchy, had come to a halt in front of Fleurus.
Napoleon had now perfected his arrangements for the invasion of Belgium, and his army was organized definitely in two wings and a reserve; the latter being so placed that it could be brought "into action on either wing as circumstances dictated."
The Guard will form the reserve, and I shall bring it into action on either wing just as circumstances dictate....
According to circumstances I shall weaken one wing to strengthen my reserve...."
Only on the wing on which the reserve is brought into action will a decisive result be aimed at.
The centre and left wing together would then make a night-march to Brussels.
Napoleon now awaited further information from his wing commanders at Charleroi, where he massed the VI.
The wonder is that he did not now order Lobau to move to some intermediate position, such as Wangenies, where he would be available for either wing as circumstances dictated.
Whichever wing succeeded first would then wheel inwards and help the other.
In other words, Ney had merely to hold Wellington with part of the French left wing all day, and detach the remainder of his force to co-operate in the deathblow at Ligny.
Repeated orders sent to the commander of the division left by D'Erlon failed to induce him to engage his command decisively, and thus Napoleon obtained no direct co-operation from his left wing on this, the first decisive day of the campaign.
Under the circumstances, the late hour, the failing light and the lack of information as to events on the left wing, immediate pursuit was out of the question.
A few words may now be bestowed on Marshal Grouchy, commanding the right wing.
At the battle of Caporetto, Badoglio commanded the same corps, the left wing of which was broken by Otto von Below's attack from the Tolmino bridgehead.
The permanent issues of the Gainsborough-Amsterdam church are connected with the origins of the Baptist wing of Congregationalism, through John Smyth and Thomas Helwys.
So was it in the long run with the Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion, springing from Whitefield's Calvinistic wing of the Revival, not to mention the congregational strain in some minor Methodist churches.
The 2nd and 4th Armies were the left wing of a widespread converging movement on Liao-Yang.
On his left wing the attacks of the Guard and 2nd divisions (action of Yang-tzu-ling) on the Russian front and flank failed, the frontal attack because of the resolute defence, the flank attack from sheer fatigue of the troops.
At night, discouraged on each wing by the fall of Count Keller and the fate of the 35th and 36th, the whole Russian force retired on Anping, with a loss of 2400, to the Japanese r000 men.
The Russian left wing observed the movement all day, and within its limited local resources made dispositions to meet it.
Kuropatkin's intention was to work round the Japanese right on the hills with his eastern wing (Stakelberg), to move his western wing (Bilderling) slowly southwards, entrenching each strip of ground gained, and finally with the centre - i.e.
After Mr Blaine's nomination, however, he supported him in the campaign as the chosen candidate of the party, in spite of the fact that an important wing of the Republican party "bolted" the nomination and espoused the candidacy of Grover Cleveland, who was elected president.
In one of the most esteemed varieties, the wing and tail feathers are at first black - a peculiarity, however, which disappears after the first moulting.
In December he was exchanged, succeeded General Charles Lee in command of the right wing of Washington's army, in the battle of Trenton led an attack on the Hessians, and led a night attack against British and Loyalists on Staten Island, on the 22nd of August 1777.
After British annexation it became an important military cantonment; but only the wing of a European regiment is now stationed here.
Returning to France in 1815, he commanded a division on the French left wing at Waterloo and attacked Hougomont with great pertinacity.
This tower lies behind the extremity of the left wing of the building.
The left wing of the party,-22 deputies and 5 senators - after a somewhat violent quarrel, then broke away and formed an independent organization owing allegiance to the Third (Moscow) International.
General McClellan had captured the passes of South Mountain farther east on the 14th, and his Army of the Potomac marched to meet Lee's forces which, hitherto divided, had, by the 16th, successfully concentrated between the Antietam and the Potomac. The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia occupied a position which, in relation to the surrounding country, may be compared to the string of a bow in the act of being drawn, Lee's left wing forming the upper half of the string, his right the lower, and the Potomac in his rear the bow itself.
The right wing of the position was covered by the Antietam as it approaches the Potomac, the upper course of that stream formed no part of the battlefield.
Early on the 19th the corps of Sumner and Mansfield followed Hooker across the upper stream whilst McClellan's left wing (Burnside's corps) drew up opposite Lee's extreme right.
Burnside, on the southern wing, had received his orders late, and acted on them still later.
The battle was over on the right before he fired a shot, and Lee had been able to use nearly all his right wing troops to support Jackson.
He founded or endowed various professorships, including those of Hebrew and Arabic, and the office of public orator, encouraged English and foreign scholars, such as Voss, Selden and Jeremy Taylor, founded the university printing press, procuring in 1633 the royal patent for Oxford, and obtained for the Bodleian library over 1300 MSS., adding a new wing to the building to contain his gifts.
Abbey, who painted a series, "The Development of the Law," for the Supreme Court room in the eastern wing and decorated the rotunda.
The whole of the Southern army in the west swung round on its left wing as the pivot, and Buell only just reached Louisville before his opponent.
On the 24th of August Lee ordered Jackson to march round Pope's right wing and descend on his rear through Thoroughfare Gap on Manassas and the old battle-ground of 1861.
Grant, astonished perhaps, but here as always resolute, tried again to reach Lee's right wing, and on the 8th another desperate battle began at Spottsylvania Court House.
Jackson had preceded his troops in order personally to confer with Lee, and had then appointed the morning of June 26 for his appearance north of the Chickahominy to lead the march and attack McClellan's right wing under General FitzJohn Porter.
Lee's right wing had in the meantime demonstrated against the main body of the Federals about Fair Oaks, on the south bank of the river.
At Fredericksburg his wing of Lee's line of battle was heavily engaged, and his last battle, before Chancellorsville, in the thickets of the Wilderness, was his greatest triumph.
The fruits are free in clusters, and each is drawn out into a long wing with the seed in the middle.
When the Democratic national convention met at Cincinnati in June 1856, Pierce was an avowed candidate for renomination, but as his attitude on the slavery question, and especially his subserviency to the South in supporting the pro-slavery party in the Territory of Kansas, had lost him the support of the Northern wing of his party, the nomination went to James Buchanan.
He led the left wing in the battles of the Granicus, Issus and Gaugamela.
At the base of each wing projects a dorsal lobe - the jugumand the neuration is predominantly longitudinal, resembling so closely that of the lower Lepidoptera (q.v.) that a nearer relationship of the Trichoptera to that order than to any group of the old Linnean Neuroptera is certain.
The battle of the first day began late in the afternoon, for Schwarzenberg waited as long as possible for the corps of Klenau, which formed his extreme left wing on the Freiberg road.
The only trace we can find at present is in ethyl bromide, in which the radical band about 90o is curtailed in one wing.
Berhampur had a military cantonment, sometimes distinguished as Baupur, containing a wing of a native regiment; but the troops have been transferred elsewhere.
His son Walter, sixth steward, who had joint command with Sir James Douglas of the left wing at the battle of Bannockburn, married Marjory, daughter of Robert the Bruce, and during the latter's absence in Ireland was entrusted with the government of the kingdom.
The left wing, the Second Legion (under Vespasian, afterwards emperor), subdued the south; the centre, the Fourteenth and Twentieth Legions, subdued the midlands, while the right wing, the Ninth Legion, advanced through the eastern part of the island.
But all these details, upon which it is not necessary to dwell, are overshadowed beyond all doubt by the one great fact that the ecclesiastical regime had not only taken under its wing the solution of social questions, but also claimed that political action was within the proper scope of the Church, and, moreover, arrogated to itself the right of interfering by means of " Directives " with the political life of nations.
During the winter campaign of 1848-49 he commanded, under Windischgratz, the Austrian right wing, capturing Magyar-Ovar and Raab, and defeating the Magyars at Mor.
It sits crouching on the ground during the day, with its bill pointing in the air, a position from which it is not easily roused, and even when it takes wing, its flight is neither swift nor long sustained.
If they flew like ordinary flies their resemblance to Hymenoptera would be obscured by the rapidity of their flight and they might be caught on the wing by insectivorous birds or other insects; but when poised they display their coloration.
The wings are transparent and are black-bordered and black-barred, the anterior wing having two black bars and the posterior one.
So alike in form, colour and mode of flight are those Lepidoptera that when on the wing it is almost or quite impossible to distinguish one from the other, and the resemblance between members belonging to different sub-families cannot be assigned to affinity.
The hyphae will also dissolve their way through a lamella of collodion, paraffin, parchment paper, elder-pith, or even cork or the wing of a fly, to do which it must excrete very different enzymes.
They seem also never to walk or run when on the ground, but always to hop. The bodyfeathers are commonly loose and soft; and, gaily coloured as are most of the species, in few of them has the plumage the metallic glossiness it generally presents in the pies, while the proverbial beauty of the "jay's wing" is due to the vivid tints of blue - turquoise and cobalt, heightened by bars of jet-black, an indication of the same style of ornament being observable in the greater FIG.
Again in the "Queen's Megaron" in the east wing of the Great Palace it was found that the exposure of the remains to the violent extremes of Cretan weather must soon prove fatal to them.
The left wing of cavalry was to move under cover of woods, houses and hollows to gain Wangenies, where it was to connect with the frontal attack of the French centre from Fleurus and to envelop Waldeck's right.
Luxemburg himself with the right wing of cavalry and some infantry and artillery made a wide sweep round the enemy's left by way of Ligny and Les Trois Burettes, concealed by the high-standing corn.
But Waldeck, hoping to profit by this momentary success, sent a portion of his right wing towards St Amand, where it merely shared the fate of his left, and the day was decided.
The whole party had voted against the Franckenstein Clause, but a few days later fifteen of the right wing left the party and transferred their support to the government.
In the meanwhile the French feudatories on the left wing had thoroughly defeated the imperialists opposed to them, and William Longsword, earl of Salisbury, the leader of this corps, was unhorsed and taken prisoner by the warlike bishop of Beauvais.
Victory declared itself also on the other wing, where the French at last routed the Flemish cavalry and captured Count Ferdinand of Flanders, one of the leaders of the coalition.
Their ordinary food is small reptiles and fruits, and insects caught on the wing.
Later in the year he was appointed "agent and corresponding secretary" of the extreme wing of the Reform party, and more and more openly, in his speeches throughout the province, advocated armed revolt.
The Macdonald tradition is that their clan was on the right wing, under Angus Og; the old accounts place them with Bruce's reserves.
Hawley's guns were never in action, the Macdonalds charged and scattered his cavalry on the right wing, but pursued too far, and as the pipers had gone in sword in hand, they could not be recalled.
Here for the first time the highlanders were under heavy fire of grape and roundshot, to which they could not reply, and though the right wing and centre, Camerons, Atholl men, Macleans, Clan Chattan, Appin Stewarts, under Lord George and Lochiel, fought with even more than their usual gallantry and resolution, the Macdonalds on the left, discouraged by the death of Keppoch, Scotus and other officers in the advance, never came to the shock.
Though outflanked, enfiladed and met by heavy musketry fire in front, the right wing broke Barrel's regiment and passed the guns, but the attack was checked by the bayonets of the second line and a rapid retreat became general.
They have been reckoned an extreme left wing of the Reformation, because for a time they followed Luther and Zwingli.
He rode about Epping Forest, sometimes in a toy suit of armour, became a close observer of animal nature, and was able to recognize any bird upon the wing.
This attack was to have, beside its own field artillery, the support of fifty-four heavy guns, and the Russian left wing on the Balaklava battleground was to keep Bosquet occupied.
Soimonov himself, however, formed up some 9000 men, who drove back the British left wing - for the whole of Pennefather's force at the time was no more than 3600 men.
But the right wing, not as yet attacked, either by Soimonov or by Pavlov, held on to its positions on the forward slope, and a column of Russian sailors and marines, .who had been placed under Soimonov's command and had moved up the Careenage Ravine to turn the British left, were caught, just as they emerged on to the plateau in rear of Pennefather's line, between two bodies of British troops hurrying to the scene of action.
The right wing was defended by some 700 men of the 2nd Division, who were reinforced by 1300 of the Guards.
The crest of the position was laid open and parts of the Russian right wing seized it.
His faith in Federalism was weakened by the party's opposition to the War of 1812, and he gradually became associated with the Jacksonian wing of the Republican party.
The name of Archaeopteryx litho graphica was based by Hermann von Meyer upon a feather (Gr.irrEpv, wing) found in 1861 in the lithographic slate quarries of Solenhofen in Bavaria, the geological horizon being that of the Kimmeridge clay of the Upper Oolite or Jurassic system.
The whole wing is consequently, although essentially avine, still reptilian in the unfused state of the metacarpals and the numbers of the phalanges.
On the other flank the right wing, its flank march completed, charged with the same result.
The cantonment contains the wing of a British battalion and a native regiment.
The national museum (founded in 1830) and public library (founded 1833) are in one wing of the Solis theatre.
The right wing of the army, occupying the Val Sugana sector (extending to the Val Cismon), consisted of the XVIII.
When the right wing had made sufficient ground the left wing was to come into action against the Italian line in the Seven Communes, north of the Upper Astico.
The course of the battle, with the necessity of bringing up reserve divisions, led to a reorganization of the attacking forces, von Koevess taking command of the left wing and Dankl of the right.
On May 24 a desperate effort was made to storm the Passo di Buole and Pasubio, but the Sicilia and Taro Bdes., who held the Zugna ridge, and the right wing of the 44th Div.
The left wing of the division was not attacked in force and Bertotti was able to assist Ricci Armani with his guns.
Pasubio was the key of the situation, and the Austrians hammered unceasingly against Bertotti's right wing.
Contact was lost with the left wing of the XVIII.
Corps in the Val Sugana, and the Austrians turned the right wing of the division by a bold and skilful advance by way of the Porta Manazzo.
On May 27 Dankl's left wing was down in the Astico valley and close upon Arsiero, and on the following day his centre crossed the Posina in force and attacked the Italian 27th Div.
The first reinforcements had to be sent to strengthen the left wing.
Bertotti was confident that he had the measure of his adversary in the Pasubio sector; the others felt themselves still hard pressed by the Archduke Charles and von Koevess's right wing.
Jefferson's peace policy - or, more correctly, Madison's peace policy - of commercial restrictions to coerce Great Britain and France he continued to follow until 1812, when he was forced to change these futile commercial weapons for a policy of war, which was very popular with the extreme French wing of his party.
There is a charge, which has never been proved or disproved, that Madison's real desire was for peace, but that in order to secure the renomination he yielded to that wing of his party which was resolved on war with Great Britain.
Bautzen itself was held as an advanced post of the left wing (Russians), the main body of which lay 2 m.
The " King and Wing " rescued the survivors on Wrangell I., and the " Bear " brought them to Nome.
Corps, whose left wing held the Plezzo basin and was in contact with the Carnia Force on Monte Rombon.
Corps, whose left wing, the 19th Div., raised to the strength of an army corps, held the lines opposite Tolmino.
Krauss's Bosnians had met with no success against the left wing of the Italian 43rd Div., being driven back by counterattacks after capturing the front lines, but Stein's group had carried all before it.
This line, running up to Monte Plezia, had been held, until the eve of the battle, by a Bersaglieri brigade which formed the extreme right wing of the IV.
Meanwhile the Alpenkorps, Berrer's two divisions, and Scotti's right wing were breaking up Badoglio's left, while the latter's right, across the river, and Caviglia's XXIV.
Corps were being strongly attacked by Scotti's left and the right wing of Henriquez's II.
By evening the magnitude of the initial enemy success was clear, though it was not yet clear to what extent the whole Italian left wing was crumbling.
The right wing of the 19th was still holding on Globocak and had been reinforced by the ist Bersaglieri Brigade; Alpine troops still held a line down to the river, though they had been driven off their original positions on Krad Vrh, and troops of the 64th were being brought back from the left bank to strengthen this line.
At this moment the most dangerous point appeared to be the extreme left wing, where the 50th Div.
It was an extraordinary case of collective deception, which hastened the break-up of Capello's whole left wing.
Army was obviously too large for movement, the left wing was given to Gen.
Krauss tells a remarkable story according to which both Below, with Scotti's group, and later, Goiginger, with the right wing of Henriquez's army, wished on reaching the Tagliamento to swing S., and cut off the Duke of Aosta's army, which, Krauss maintains, was still some distance to the east.
It was natural, perhaps, that he should not have realized fully and at once the urgent necessities of the situation, but his hesitation to act promptly in accordance with Cadorna's instructions exposed him to the danger of having the retreat of his right wing cut off.
For the safety of his route to the new positions assigned to his army depended now on the ability of the left wing of the worn-out II.
Army and try once more to envelop the Italian left wing.
The line chosen to defend the fortunes of Italy implied a withdrawal of the right wing of the I.
He opened his attack on Dec. z i by a push on each wing of his front, from the Brenta valley and Monte Pertica against Col della Berretta, and against both sides of the Solarolo salient.
Krauss had better success with his right wing.
The Capitol faces east, and on this side is a richly sculptured 3 portico with Corinthian columns leading to the rotunda under the dome, a sculptured Corinthian portico leading to the Senate Chamber in the north wing, and a plain Corinthian portico leading to the Hall of Representatives in the south wing; there is also a portico at each end and on the west side of each wing.
One wing of the Capitol and the President's House were nearly completed, but much of the land surrounding the Capitol was a marsh; there were no streets worthy of the name, the roads were very bad, and the members of Congress were obliged to lodge in Georgetown.
It was, however, never so abundant as its smaller congeners, the so-called common and the arctic tern - two species that are so nearly alike as to be beyond discrimination on the wing by an ordinary observer, and even in the hand require a somewhat close examination?
In 1899 he qualified as a lawyer, and speedily became a prominent agitator on the extreme Left wing of the Socialist party.
It consists of three main wings, and a fourth and smaller wing, and is built round a courtyard.
The most interesting portion is the north-west wing, which was erected by Francis I., and contains the room where Henry, duke of Guise, was assassinated by order of Henry III.
The north-east wing, in which is the entrance to the castle, was built by Louis XII.
Opposite is the Gaston wing, erected by Gaston, duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIII., which contains a majestic domed staircase.
Thus, the species inhabiting Sumatra, Java and Borneo are almost always much smaller than the closely allied species of Celebes and the Moluccas; the species or varieties of the small island of Amboyna are larger than the same species or closely allied forms inhabiting the surrounding islands; the species found in Celebes possess a peculiar form of wing, quite distinct from that of the same or closely allied species of adjacent islands; and, lastly, numerous species which have tailed wings in India and the western islands of the Archipelago, gradually lose the tail as we proceed eastward to New Guinea and the Pacific.
At Arsuf the Christians fought coherently; here the battle began with a disjointed combat between the Templars and Saladin's right wing.
No connected resistance was offered, and the Turks slaughtered the fugitives until checked by the fresh troops of the Christian right wing.
Into this fight Guy's reserve, charged with holding back the Saracens in Acre, was also drawn, and, thus freed, 5000 men sallied out from the town to the northward; uniting with the Saracen right wing, they fell upon the Templars, who suffered severely in their retreat.
In the north-east wing is a museum of armour and costume, one of the finest of the kind existing.
The wali of Arabia commanded the right, and the itimadu d-daulah, or prime minister, the left wing.
The wali of Arabia commenced the battle by attacking the left wing of the Afghans with great fury, routing it, and plundering their camp. The prime minister immediately afterwards attacked the enemys right wing, but was routed, and the Afghans, taking advantage of the confusion, captured the Persian guns and turned them on the Persian centre, who fled in confusion without striking a blow.
The adult plumage is of a uniform black, with the exception of a frill of white feathers nearly surrounding the base of the neck, and certain wing feathers which, especially in the male, have large patches of white.
They are unable to fly till nearly two years old, and continue for a considerable time after taking wing to roost and hunt with their parents.
The white ruff on the neck, and the similarly coloured feathers of the wing, do not appear until the completion of the first moulting.
Having feasted themselves to excess, they are set upon by the hunters with sticks, and being unable, owing to the want of space within the pen, to take the run without which they are unable to rise on wing, they are readily killed or captured.
On wing the movements of the condor, as it wheels in majestic circles, are remarkably graceful.
The eldest of these, Count Antal (1676-1722), distinguished himself in the war against Rakoczy in 1703, but changed sides in 1704 and commanded the left wing of the Kuruczis at the engagements of Nagyszombat (1704) and Vereskii (1705).
It is lavishly bestowed on the tombs themselves and the screens which surround them, but more sparingly introduced on the mosque that forms one wing of the Taj, and on the fountains and surrounding buildings.
If the road system was judged by the staffs sufficient to permit of the augmentation of the left wing, this was to be made up of 2 Serbian and 3 Bulgarian divisions - a force equivalent to to Turkish divisions, while the other 5 Serbian divisions (equal to about 8 Turkish) descended from Vranya upon Kumanovo.
The striking wing of the allied army - that which, directed upon Shtip, would have come in upon the rear of the Turkish positions on the Ovche Polye - was thereby deprived of a force of about 80,000 men.
Of this army, however, one division only was involved in the frontal fight, and it became evident to the Turks in the afternoon of the 30th that enough enemy forces remained over to roll up their left wing and interpose between the main body and Constantinople.
A line of "pottes" (military pits) had been previously dug to give additional protection to the front, which extended for about one mile from wing to wing.
Proctor (1787-1859) with a force of British and Indians surprised the Americans, defeated their right wing, captured General Winchester and obtained from him an order for the surrender of his entire force.
Of about the size of a turkey, it is remarkable for the curious " horn " or slender caruncle, more than three inches long, it bears on its crown, the two sharp spurs with which each wing is armed, and its elongated toes.
The fact that in certain rare cases among insects a leg may apparently be replaced by a wing tends to show that under exceptional conditions similar forms may be assumed by non-homologous parts.
While, however, diminishing the surfaces of the flying animal as a whole, she increases as occasion demands the active or wing surfaces by wing movements, and the passive or dead surfaces by the forward motion of the body in progressive flight.
The wing would have much less purchase on fig.
In none of Leonardo's manuscripts, however, and in none of his figures, is the slightest hint given of his having any knowledge of the spiral movements made by the wing in flight or of the spiral structure of the wing itself.
It is claimed that Leonardo knew the direction of the stroke of the wing, as revealed by recent researches and proved by modern instantaneous photography.
As a matter of fact, Leonardo gives a wholly inaccurate account of the direction of the stroke of the wing.
He states that the wing during the down stroke strikes downwards and backwards, whereas in reality it strikes downwards and forwards.
There is nothing in Leonardo's writings to show that he knew either the anatomy or physiology of the wing in the modern sense.
These nervures taper towards the extremity of the wing, and are strongest towards its root and anterior margin, where they supply the place of the arm in birds and bats.
The neurae are arranged at the axis of the wing after the manner of a fan or spiral stair - the anterior one occupying a higher position than that farther back, and so of the others.
The wing in the insect is more flattened than in the bird; and advantage is taken on some occasions of this circumstance, particularly in heavy-bodied, small-winged, quick-flying insects, to reverse the pinion more or less completely during the down and up strokes."
The posterior margin of the wing is made to rotate, during the down stroke, in a direction from above downwards and from behind forwards - the anterior margin travelling in an opposite direction and reciprocating.
The wing may thus be said to attack the air by a screwing movement from above.
As the tip of the wing is mid-way between its margins, a line between the continuous and dotted lines gives the figure-of-8 made by the tip. The arrows indicate the reversal of the planes of the wing, and show how the down and up strokes cross each other.
Although the figure-of-8 represents with considerable fidelity the twisting of the wing upon its axis during extension and flexion, when the insect is playing its wings before an object, or still better when it is artificially fixed, it is otherwise when the down stroke is added and the insect is fairly on the wing and progressing rapidly.
In this case the wing, in virtue of its being carried forward by the body in motion, describes an undulating or spiral course, as shown in fig.
This figure shows how the wing twists and untwists when in action, and how it forms a true screw.
The wing of the bird, like that of the insect, is concavo-convex, and more or less twisted upon itself when extended, so that the anterior or thick margin of the pinion presents a different degree of curvature to that of the posterior or thin margin.
This twisting is in a great measure owing to the manner in which the bones of the wing are twisted upon themselves, and the spiral nature of their articular surfaces - the long axes of the joints always intersecting each other b FIG.
The arrows indicate the direction in which the wing is spread out in extension and closed or folded in flexion.
It in fact ensures that the wing, and the curtain or fringe of the wing which the primary and secondary feathers form, shall be screwed into and down upon the wind in extension, and unscrewed or withdrawn from the wind during flexion.
The great velocity with which the wing is driven converts the impression or blur made by it into what is equivalent to a solid for the time being, in the same way that the spokes of a wheel in violent motion, as is well understood, more or less completely substance of the wing.
They counteract in some measure what may be regarded as the dead weight of the wing, and are especially useful in giving it continuous play.
That this shape is intimately associated with flight is apparent from the fact that the rowing feathers of the wing of the bird are every one of them distinctly spiral in their nature; in fact, one entire rowing feather is equivalent - morphologically and physiologically - to one entire insect wing.
The movement of the bat's wing in extension is a spiral one, the spiral running alternately from below upwards and forwards and from above downwards and backwards.
The figure-of-8 and kite-like action of the wing referred to lead us to explain how it happens that the wing, which in many instances is a comparatively small and delicate organ, can yet attack the air with such vigour as to extract from it the recoil necessary to elevate and propel the flying creature.
As will be seen from these figures, the wing during its vibration sweeps through a comparatively very large space.
This space, as already explained, is practically a solid basis of support for the wing and for the flying animal.
The wing attacks the air in such a manner as virtually to have no slip - this for two reasons.
The wing reverses instantly and acts as a kite during nearly the entire down and up strokes.
The conformation of the wing is such that it presents a waved appearance in every direction - the waves running longitudinally, transversely and obliquely.
The greater portion of the wing may consequently be removed without essentially altering either its form or its functions.
This is proved by making sections in various directions, and by finding that in some instances as much as two-thirds of the wing may be lopped off without materially impairing the power of flight."
Dorsal and ventral aspects as seen from behind; showing auger-like conformation of wing.
These show the screw-like configuration of the wing, and also how the wing twists and untwists during its action.
The increase and decrease in the angles made by the wing as it hastens to and fro are due partly to the resistance offered by the air, and partly to the mechanism and mode of application of the wing to the air.
The wing, during its vibrations, rotates upon two separate centres, the tip rotating round the root of the wing as an axis (short axis of wing), the posterior margin rotating around FIG.
These figures illustrate the various angles made by the wing with the horizon as it hastens to and fro, and show how the wing reverses and reciprocates, and how it twists upon itself in opposite directions, and describes a figure-of-8 track in space.
The wing is really eccentric in its nature, a remark which applies also to the rowing feathers of the bird's wing.
The compound rotation goes on throughout the entire down and up strokes, and is intimately associated with the power which the wing enjoys of alternately seizing and evading the air.
The compound rotation of the wing is greatly facilitated by the wing being elastic and flexible.
It is this which causes the wing to twist and untwist diagonally on its long axis when it is made to vibrate.
The compound rotation of the wing, as seen in the bird, is represented in fig.
Thus, when the wing descends it draws after it a strong current, which, being met by the wing during its ascent, greatly increases the efficacy of the up stroke.
Similarly and conversely, when the wing ascends, it creates an upward current, which, being met by the wing when it descends, powerfully contributes to the efficiency of the down stroke.
The wing to act efficiently must be driven at a certain speed, and in such a manner that the down and up strokes shall glide into each other.
The rapidity of the wing movements is regulated by the size of the wing, small wings being driven at a very much higher speed than larger ones.
The different parts of the wing, moreover, travel at different degrees of velocity - the tip and posterior margin of the wing always rushing through a much greater space, in a given time, than the root and anterior margin.
Short axis of rowing feathers of wing.
Long axis of rowing feathers of wing.
The rotation of the rowing feathers on The rapidity of travel of the insect wing is in some cases enormous.
Quick as are the vibrations of natural wings, the speed of certain parts of the wing is amazingly increased.
As a consequence, a comparatively slow and very limited movement at the root confers great range and immense speed at the tip, the speed of each portion of the wing increasing as the root of the wing is receded from.
In this figure the rod a, b, hinged at x, represents the wing.
When the wing is made to vibrate, its several portions travel through the spaces d b f, j k 1, g h i, and e a c in exactly the same interval of time.
The part of the wing marked b, which corresponds with the tip, consequently travels very much more rapidly than the part marked a, which corresponds with the root.
The power is represented by the wing, the fulcrum by the air, and the weight by the body of the flying animal.
In this instance a very slight movement at the root of the pinion, or that end of the lever directed towards the body, 1 is followed by an immense sweep of the extremity of the wing, where its elevating and propelling power is greatest - this arrangement ensuring that the large quantity of air necessary for support and propulsion shall be compressed under the most favourable conditions.
As already stated, however, it ought never to be forgotten that even the lightest insect, bird or bat is vastly heavier than the air, and that no fixed relation exists between the weight of body and expanse of wing in any of the orders.
When the wing ascends as shown at p, the air (fulcrum f) resists its upward passage, and forces the body (b) or its representative (w) slightly downwards.
When the wing descends as shown at p', the air (fulcrum f) resists its downward passage, and forces the body (b) or its representative (w') slightly upwards.
From this it follows that when the wing rises the body falls, and vice versa - the wing describing the arc of a large circle (f f), the body (b), or the weights (w, w') representing it, describing the arc of a small circle.
While, therefore, there is apparently no correspondence between the area of the wing and the animal to be raised, there is, except in the case of sailing insects, birds and bats, an unvarying relation as to the weight and number of oscillations; so that the problem of flight would seem to resolve itself into one of weight, power, velocity and small surfaces, versus buoyancy, debility, diminished speed and extensive surfaces - weight in either case being a sine qua non.
The inference to be deduced from the foregoing is plainly this, that even in large-bodied, small-winged insects and birds the wing-surface is greatly in excess, the surplus wing area supplying Not, FIG.
The way in which the natural wing rises and falls on the air, and reciprocates with the body of the flying creature, has a very obvious bearing upon artificial flight.
The wing and body are consequently always playing at cross purposes, the wing rising when the body is falling and vice versa.
The alternate rise and fall of the body and wing of the bird are well seen when contemplating the flight of the gull e ?
As will be seen from this figure, the wing advances both when it rises and when it falls.
If, for instance, the wing is suddenly depressed in a vertical direction, as at a b of fig.
If, again, the wing be suddenly elevated in a strictly vertical direction, as at c d, the wing as certainly darts upwards and forwards in a double curve to e, thus converting the vertical up strokes into an upward, oblique, forward stroke.
The same thing happens when the wing is depressed from e to f and elevated from g to h, the wing describing a waved track as at There are good reasons why the wings should always be in advance of the body.
The dead natural wing and a properly constructed artificial wing act in precisely the same way.
If the wing of a gannet, just shot, be removed and made to flap in what the operator believes to be a strictly vertical downward direction, the tip of the wing, in spite of him, will dart forwards between 2 and 3 ft.
The same thing happens with a properly constructed artificial wing.
The down stroke with the artificial as with the natural wing is invariably converted into an oblique, downward and forward stroke.
It only remains to be stated that the wing acts as a true kite, during both the down and the up strokes, its under concave or biting surface, in virtue of the forward travel communicated to it by the body of the flying creature, being closely applied to the air, during both its ascent and its descent.
The natural kite formed by the wing differs from the artificial kite only in this, that the former is capable of being moved in all its parts, and is more or less flexible and elastic, whereas the latter is comparatively rigid.
The flexibility and elasticity of the kite formed by the natural wing are rendered necessary by the fact that the wing, as already stated, is practically hinged at its root and along its anterior margin, an arrangement which necessitates its several parts travelling at different degrees of speed, in proportion as they are removed from the axes of rotation.
This begets a twisting diagonal movement of the wing on its long axis, which, but for the elasticity referred to, would break the wing into fragments.
The elasticity contributes also to the continuous play of the wing, and ensures that no two parts of it shall reverse at exactly the same instant.
If the wing was inelastic, every part of it would reverse at precisely the same moment, and its vibration would be characterized by pauses or dead points at the end of the down and up strokes which would be fatal to it as a flying organ.
The kite-like surfaces and angles made by the wing with the horizon (a, b) during the down strokes are indicated at c d e f g, j k l m, - those made during the up strokes being indicated at g h i.
As the down and up strokes run into each other, and the convex surface of the wing is always directed upwards and the concave surface downwards, it follows that the upper surface of the wing evades in a great measure the upper air, while the under surface seizes the nether air.
It is easy to understand from this figure how the wing always flying forwards furnishes a persistent buoyancy.
The elastic properties of the wing are absolutely essential, when the mechanism and movements of the pinion are taken into account.
A rigid wing can never be an effective flying instrument.
We are now in a position to enter upon a consideration of artificial wings and wing movements, and of artificial flight and flying machines.
If a rigid rod, or a wing with a rigid anterior margin, be made to vibrate, the vibration is characterized by an unequal jerky motion, at the end of the down and up strokes, which contrasts strangely with the smooth, steady fanning movement peculiar to natural wings.
That the posterior margin of the wing yields to a slight extent during both the down and up strokes will readily be admitted, alike because of the very delicate and highly elastic properties of the posterior margins of the wing, and because of the comparatively great force employed in its propulsion; but that it does not yield to the extent stated by Marey is a matter of absolute certainty.
If any one watches the horizontal or upward flight of a large bird he will observe that the posterior or flexible margin of the wing never rises during the down stroke to a perceptible extent, so that the under surface of the wing, as a whole, never looks backwards.
On the contrary, he will perceive that the under surface of the wing (during the down stroke) invariably looks forwards and forms a true kite with the horizon, the angles made by the kite varying at every part of the down stroke, as shown more particularly at c d e f g, i j k l m of fig.
Borelli's artificial wing, it will be remembered, consists of a rigid rod in front and a flexible sail behind.
According to Chabrier, the wing has only one period of activity.
He believes that if the wing be suddenly lowered by the depressor muscles, it is elevated solely by the reaction of the air.
In his theology of nature he describes a schematic wing as consisting of a rigid ribbing in front, and a flexible sail behind.
These two parts of the wing, moreover, are equally indispensable to each other.
He describes two artificial wings, the one composed of a rigid rod and sail - the rod representing the stiff anterior margin of the wing; the sail, which is made of paper bordered with cardboard, the flexible posterior margin.
The other wing consists of a rigid nervure in front and behind of thin parchment which supports fine rods of steel.
He states that if the wing only elevates and depresses itself, " the resistance of the air is sufficient to produce all the other movements.
In effect (according to Marey) the wing of an insect has not the power of equal resistance in every part.
During the vigorous depression of the wing, the nervure has the power of remaining rigid, whereas the flexible portion, being pushed in an upward direction on account of the resistance it experiences from the air, assumes an oblique position which causes the upper surface of the wing to look forwards."
The reverse of this, in Marey's opinion, takes place during the elevation of the wing - the resistance of the air from above causing the upper surface of the wing to look backwards....
It lowers itself - the front part of the wing strongly resists, the sail which follows it being flexible yields.
The wing continues its movements of depression inclined to the horizon; but the impulse of the air, FIG.
The artificial wing recommended by Pettigrew is a more exact imitation of nature than either of the foregoing.
It, moreover, twists and untwists during its action and describes figure-of-8 and waved tracks in space, precisely as the natural wing does.
The twisting is most marked at the tip and posterior margin, particularly that half of the posterior margin next the tip. The wing when in action may be divided into two portions by a line running diagonally between the tip of the wing anteriorly and the root of the wing posteriorly.
The tip and posterior parts of the wing are more active than the root and anterior parts, from the fact that the tip and posterior parts (the wing is an eccentric) always travel through greater spaces, in a given time, than the root and anterior parts.
This wing is made to and by a slight adjustment can be or at any degree of obliquity.
The alternate stretching of the superior and inferior elastic bands contributes to the continuous play of the wing, by preventing dead points at the end of the down and up strokes.
The wing is free to move in a vertical and horizontal direction and at any degree of obliquity.
The oblique line referred to as running diagonally across the wing virtually divides the wing into an active and a passive part, the former elevating and propelling, the latter sustaining.
It is not possible to determine with exactitude the precise function discharged by each part of the wing, but experiment tends to show that the tip of the wing elevates, the posterior margin propels, and the root sustains.
In addition to the foregoing, Pettigrew recommended a double elastic wing to be applied to the air like a steam-hammer, by being fixed to the FIG.
Each wing forms a mobile helix or screw.
During the up stroke of the piston the wing is very decidedly convex on its upper surface (a b c d, A A'); its under surface (e f g h, A A') being deeply concave and inclined obliquely upwards and forwards.
During the down stroke of the piston the wing is flattened out in every direction, and its extremities twisted in such a manner as to form two screws, as seen at a' b' c' d', e' f' g' h', B, B'.
The active area of the wing is by this arrangement considerably diminished during the up stroke, and considerably augmented during the down stroke; the wing seizing the air with greater avidity during the down than during the up stroke.
The Logis du Roi, the most important portion, was the work of Charles VIII.; the other wing was built under Louis XII.
They also decrease the specific gravity, so that the grain is more readily carried by the wind, especially when, as in Briza, the glume has a large surface compared with the size of the grain, or when, as in H olcus, empty glumes also take part; in Canary grass (Phalaris) the large empty glumes bear a membranous wing on the keel.
Duluth, Superior, Port Wing, Wis., Ontonagon, Mich., and Grand Marais, Mich., are harbours with entrances formed by parallel jetties extending across obstructing bars.
On the Royalist right was half the cavalry under Rupert; the infantry was in the centre in two lines and the left wing of cavalry was under General (Lord) Goring.
On the other side the cavalry of the Eastern Association under Lieut.-General Cromwell and that of the Scots under Major-General Leslie (Lord Newark) formed the left, the infantry of the Eastern Association under Major-General Crawford, of the Scots under Lord Leven, and of the Yorkshire Parliamentarians under Lord Fairfax was in the centre and the Yorkshire cavalry under Sir Thomas Fairfax was on the right wing.
But seeing this Cromwell instantly advanced his wing to the attack (5 p.m.).
After a pause in the operations McClellan felt himself ready to attack at the moment when Lee, leaving a bare handful of men in the Richmond lines, despatched twothirds of his entire force to the north of the Chickahominy to strike McClellan's isolated right wing.
He was second in command at the battle of Belmont (Missouri) in November 1861, and commanded the right wing at Fort Donelson.
As the supply of sodium was increased, the lines, besides becoming broader, did so unsymmetrically, and a shaded wing or band appeared on one side or the other according as the beam impinged on one side or the other of the flame.
The Russian commander massed his troops in heavy columns after the fashion of 1813, and drew in his left wing so that it should as far as possible be out of range of the allied men-of-war, which were sailing down the coast in line with their land forces.
The allied generals decided that the French (right wing) and the Turks should attack Menshikov's left, while the British, further inland, were to assault the front of the Russian position.
He adhered to the moderate wing of the Liberal party until the revolution of 1862 and the dethronement of King Otto, when he was minister of justice in the provincial government.
King's forms a quadrangle with interior court, two sides of which have been rebuilt, and a library wing has been added.
The city has six public parks, Lord's Park containing 112, and Wing Park 121 acres.
Its strength of wing is very great.
It has even been said to sleep on the wing, and Moore alludes to this fanciful "cloudrocked slumbering" in his Fire Worshippers.
Karlsruhe possesses further the Zahringen museum of curiosities, which is in the left wing of the Schloss; an architectural school (1891); industrial art school and museum; cadet school (1892); botanical and electrotechnical institutes; and horticultural and agricultural schools.
It was his resolute and energetic leading that contributed mainly to the victory of Spicheren (6th August), and won the only laurels gained on the Prussian right wing at Gravelotte (18th August).
Red Wing is the seat of the Lutheran Ladies' Seminary (1894) and the Red Wing Theological Seminary (Lutheran, 1885), and in the vicinity is the State Training School for Boys and Girls, originally the Minnesota State Reform School.
Red Wing is an important wheat market and shipping point.
An Indian village occupied the site of Red Wing probably for many years before the arrival of the first whites, two Swiss missionaries, Samuel Denton and Daniel Gavin, who maintained a mission here in 18374 6.
Red Wing (named from an Indian chief) was platted in 1853 and was chartered as a city in 1857.
Next in rank, and equally supporting the throne of the Almighty, are four Ministering Spirits, the Soul, the Word, the Right Wing and the Left Wing, who, in Hakim's time, were embodied respectively in Ismael Darazi, Mahommed ibn Wahab, Selama ibn Abd alWahal and Baha ud-Din; and beneath these again are spiritual agents of various ranks.
The rationalist wing resolve Incarnation and still more Atonement into symbols of philosophical truth.
The left wing of the Roman army was retiring in confusion before the Macedonian right led by Philip in person, when Flamininus, leaving them to their fate, boldly charged the left wing under Nicanor, which was forming on the heights.
Before the left wing had time to form, Flamininus was upon them, and a massacre rather than a fight ensued.
He was always a violent partisan, and was identified with the radical wing of the Republican party.
A History of the Navy of the United States (1839), supplemented (1846) by a set of Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers, was succeeded by The Pathfinder (1840), a good "Leatherstocking" novel; by Mercedes of Castile (1840); The Deerslayer (1841); by The Two Admirals and by Wing and Wing (1842); by Wyandotte, The History of a Pocket Handkerchief, and Ned Myers (1843); and by Afloat and Ashore, or the Adventures of Miles Wallingford (1844).
In politics he was a staunch Federalist, and with Fisher Ames, Timothy Pickering and Theophilus Parsons (all of whom lived in Essex county, Massachusetts) was classed as a member of the "Essex Junto," - a wing of the party and not a formal organization.
They were fettered by the dissatisfaction of the Left wing of their own party.
Behind that again is the academy of art, one wing of which accommodates the industrial art school; and close beside it are the school of technical arts and the conservatoire of music. Between the university library and the new Gewandhaus stands a monument of Mendelssohn (1892).
Another wing of this building contains the municipal library of 40,000 volumes and valuable manuscripts.
The tower, Decorated, with arcading pierced with windows, and the east wall of the south wing remain.
There remain a fragment of the south wing of the transept, two sides of the decagonal chapter-house (1282) and the beautiful west gate-house, Early Perpendicular (1332-1388), with an oriel window on the east.
His plan was that Thomas in the Chattanooga lines should contain the Confederate centre on Missionary Ridge, while Hooker on the right at Wauhatchie was to attack Lookout Mountain, and Sherman farther up the river was to carry out the decisive attack against Bragg's extreme right wing at the end of Missionary Ridge.
After many years the larva is transformed into the pupa or nymph, which is distinguishable principally by the shortness of its antennae and the presence of wing pads.
Consequently, on the roof being raised B the bees can take wing if not prevented from doing so.
On the 16th the Union army deployed in front of him, again over-lapping his left flank, and although a frontal attack was repulsed, the extension of the Federal right wing compelled Hood to extend his own lines more and more.
In 1907 he was elected member of the third and subsequently of the fourth State Duma, where he joined the left wing of the Octobrist (Moderate Liberal) party.