Windows Sentence Examples
A town car with darkened windows awaited them.
The windows were open and the sky beyond the trees dark.
I'm more used to country property where doors and windows are left open, making my life oh so easy.
The old house with its dark blank windows was eerie.
If only there were some curtains on the windows and rugs on the floors.
Large windows framed a picturesque pond, boarded by tall pines.
Deidre emerged into the living room and turned around once completely, not expecting the views of the city from the bank of windows along one wall.
She paced and caught sight of her reflection in the windows.
The windows were open with no glass, and heavy iron chandeliers hung from thick wooden rafters and were burning real candles.
They emerged in a small conference room with one wall made of windows.
AdvertisementShe gazed out the windows, unease making her stomach churn.
As the wheels rolled softly over the straw beneath the windows, Anna Mikhaylovna, having turned with words of comfort to her companion, realized that he was asleep in his corner and woke him up.
The windows in the car would be broken, and everything would get soaked.
The windows were all broken and the front end was smashed back to the windshield.
Rain splattered hard against his windows, drawing his gaze to the windows.
AdvertisementThe room was dark, the floor-to-ceiling windows displaying the incredible views of the Eiffel Tower, whose frame was outlined by lights against the dark Parisian sky She was about to step onto the balcony when a knock at the door drew her attention.
He guided her through the fog, and they emerged in a dark room with the light of streetlamps filtering through two windows across what looked another hotel room.
The windows all faced east, over another valley, and a terrace was decorated with dainty iron-scrolled chairs.
Kiera followed as Evelyn turned toward the main house, a sprawling, single-story compound made of brilliant white stone and dotted with hundreds of glass-less windows.
A midmorning breeze drifted through the windows to her right, and she closed her eyes.
AdvertisementShe set about wandering the halls once more, pausing to look out of large windows onto expanses of grass.
Leaving the command center for his quarters, he glanced out the windows as he strode through the compound.
She stared at the ceiling, enjoying the breeze skating through the windows.
They reached the top, where another set of low buildings were carved from the rock, their doors and windows glowing.
She stared out the windows at the telephone poles as they approached and sped off in a blur.
AdvertisementThere were no windows on the tiny craft, only the two of them and two benches long enough for them to stretch out on.
Due to its location in the center of the building, there were no windows.
The icicles are prison bars on our windows, trapping us, prisoners to this life of sin and degradation...
He cleaned the kitchen, dusted the entire downstairs and, as the weather remained mild, even washed the first floor windows, hoping when and if Cynthia saw them it would not be in the sun.
She moved off to examine the other windows as Dean knelt to do her bidding.
Jackson had hoped to make plans with Elisabeth, but he couldn't very well ask her over and say, "Don't mind the steel shutters on all the windows."
Pressing her thumb to her door, she realized there was light lining the windows of the condo beside hers.
The only difference was the boards hammered over each of the windows, and the weapons sitting beside Mrs. Watson's rocking chair and stacked on the couch.
When dawn outlined the boards hammered across the windows, she rose.
A tingle of alarm went through Rhyn, but his head was too heavy for him to process it. Instead, he focused hard on containing the power within him. When he felt he wouldn't explode, he looked around. Darkyn had claimed Kris's library and stood near a pane of windows overlooking the snowy Alps.
Everyone lolled around the squad room, shirt collars and windows open, and neither providing much relief.
When he reached her vehicle, he could hear her anguished sobs through the closed windows.
Lightning flashed so bright that the room lit up, and shortly afterward it thundered so loud that the windows rattled.
The white block walls of the dairy remained solid, but the windows were dark.
A week ago she and Alex had been down to open some windows, but the house still smelled stale.
A crew was supposed to be out in the next week or so to do the work, but she wanted to measure the windows for curtains.
He retreated obediently to Rissa's quarters and crossed to close the opened windows.
The windows were blank.
The exterior is adorned with niched statues and beautiful iron trellis work round the windows.
It seemed to me that I never had heard the town-clock strike before, nor the evening sounds of the village; for we slept with the windows open, which were inside the grating.
Dusty stood in the corner of a small hotel room, peering out the windows.
His magic filled the air around him, flinging the living room furniture against windows and walls in a fit of fury.
He crossed to the windows and opened them, assessing it to be only a few hours before dawn.
Taran lowered his eye-band at the bright light streaming through her windows.
The walls were of stained pine, shellacked to a glow that reflected every ray of light that entered the large windows.
As she moved around the cabin opening windows, she examined every inch of the floor for possible entry routes a snake might utilize.
The doors and windows securely closed and locked, she settled down on the bedroll to read a book.
The wind screamed around the eves and pounded on the windows.
He checked the windows while she followed his instructions.
California sunlight and an ocean breeze streamed in through open windows of Xander's spacious condo.
The wall opposite her was all windows, with a beach on the other side.
Purple light arced through the broken glass windows, high above.
She stood in the center of what looked like a ski lodge with one massive wall of windows overlooking the mountains.
The foyer extended from the front door to the windows, with multiple hallways and a stairway running deeper into the place.
Jonny left her in front of the windows and strode towards one hallway.
Visually exploring the interior of the stone cellar, she was unable to find any sign of windows in the wall.
There is what looks like an excellent contemporary portrait in one of the windows of All Souls College, which is figured in the Victoria County History for Hampshire, ii.
His first known occupation was that of a glass-painter; in 1522 he painted windows for the church at Enkhuizen, North Holland (the birthplace of Paul Potter).
In the years1471-1472to 1474 Waynflete was largely engaged in completing the church, now called chapel, at Eton, his glazier supplying the windows, and he contracted on the 15th of August 1475 for the rood-loft to be made on one side "like to the rode lofte in Bishop Wykeham's college at Winchester," and on the other like that "of the college of St Thomas of Acres in London."
It was not completed, however, till the 19th century, when the west portal and towers and two bays of the nave were added, according to the plans of Violletle-Duc. The fine stained glass of the windows dates from the 13th to the 15th centuries.
The old church of Mortlach, though restored and almost renewed, still contains some lancet windows and a round-headed doorway, besides monuments dating from 1417.
It has 1500 windows.
The small cathedral of St Aurea, also an early Renaissance structure, with Gothic windows, is by some ascribed to Meo del Caprina (1430-1501).
There is an example of flamboyant tracery in one of the windows.
Windows have a chilling effect on a room, and in calculations extra allowance should be made for window areas.
Unless suitable fresh air inlets are provided, this form of stove will cause the room to be draughty, the strong current of warm air up the flue drawing cold air in through the crevices in the doors and windows.
The houses, built of stone and whitewashed, are square, substantial, flat-topped buildings, presenting to the street bare walls, with a few slits protected by iron gratings in place of windows.
Thus if the instrument depends on the pressure or suction effect alone, and this pressure or suction is measured against the air pressure in an ordinary room, in which the doors and windows are carefully closed and a newspaper is then burnt up the chimney, an effect may be produced equal to a wind of io m.
Much has been done in keeping out the insects by fine wire netting placed on the windows and the doors of houses, especially in the railwaymens cottages.
The curious signs on the coloured carboys in chemists' windows, which were commonly to be seen until the middle of the 19th century, were signs used by the alchemists to indicate various chemical substances.
A small apartment is by immemorial tradition shown as his birth-room, bearing on its whitewashed walls and its windows innumerable signatures of visitors, among which such names as Walter Scott, Dickens and Thackeray may be deciphered.
As regards water, its deficiency or excess is a relative matter, and although many of the minor maladies of pot-plants in windows and greenhouses controlled by amateurs depend on its misuse, water alone is probably never a primary cause of disease.
The cells of the Inquisition were, as a rule, large, airy, clean and with good windows admitting the sun.
Of the other thirty-three churches in the city those of St Foillan (founded in the 12th century, but twice rebuilt, in the 15th and 17th centuries, and restored in 1883) and St Paul, with its beautiful stained-glass windows, are remarkable.
The town-hall, built in 1881, contains several stainedglass windows, two of which were the gift of citizens of Amsterdam and Hamburg, in gratitude for services rendered by the islanders to fishermen and seamen of those ports.
Gradually, however, the accommodation improved, and by the middle of the 19th century second-class passengers had begun to enjoy " good glass windows and cushions on the seat," the fares they paid being about 2d.
It has an Evangelical church with painted windows representing scenes in the life of Charlemagne, a Roman Catholic church and a synagogue.
Above this comes a row of circular shields, adorned with intricate arabesques, while bands and wreaths of lilies are everywhere scupltured on the windows, balconies, tambours and cornices, adding lightness to the fabric. The whole is raised on a platform 7 ft.
In the malarious islet of Asinara a pond of stagnant water was treated with petroleum and all windows were protected with gauze.
When a place cannot be kept free from mosquitoes the house may be protected, as in the experiments in Italy, by wire gauze at the doors and windows.
Some pre-Norman work appears in the western wall, the tower arches and south porch are Norman, and there are an Early English chapel and some Decorated windows.
The Early English style is on the whole less well exemplified in the county, but Ashbourne church, with its central tower and lofty spire, contains beautiful details of this period, notably the lancet windows in the Cockayne chapel.
The ordinary country-houses are pitiful cots, built of stone and covered with turfs, having in them but one room, many of them no chimneys, the windows very small holes and not glazed.
After 1600 B.C. the palaces in Crete had more than one story, fine stairways, bath-chambers, windows, folding and sliding doors, &c. In this later period, the distinction of blocks of apartments in some palaces has been held to indicate the seclusion of women in harems, at least among the ruling caste.
The Mandaean places of worship, being designed only for the priests and their assistants (the worshippers remaining in the forecourt), are excessively small, and very simply furnished; two windows, a door that opens towards the south so that those who enter have their faces turned towards the pole star, a few boards in the corner, and a gabled roof complete the whole structure; there is neither altar nor decoration of any kind.
The prevalence of sunlight led to a restriction of the windows and exaggeration of wall space.
The development of tracery was hindered both by the material and by the relative insignificance of the windows.
Above this is a lofty third storey, pierced with a few large windows, with pointed arches once filled with tracery, which is now lost.
Special notes of the style are the central grouping of the windows, leaving comparatively solid spaces on each side, which gives the effect of FIG.
The facade has the characteristic circular pediment with a large west window surrounded by three smaller windows separated by two ornamental roundels in coloured marble and of geometric design.
Two of the bays contain round-headed windows; the other three are filled in with white marble adorned by crosses and roundels in coloured marble.
Giovanni e Paolo, which has six semicircular pediments of varying size crowning the six bays, in the upper order of which are four noble Romanesque windows.
The Palazzo Dario with its dedication, Urbis genio, the superb Manzoni-Montecuculi-Polignac, with its friezes of spread-eagles in low relief, and the Vendramini-Calergi or Non nobis palace, whose facade is characterized by its roundheaded windows of grouped twin lights between columns, are among the more important; though beautiful specimens, such as the Palazzo Trevisan on the Rio della Paglia, and the Palazzo Corner Reali at the Fava, are to be found all over the city.
The columned, round-headed windows are set in deeply between the pillars which carry the massive entablature, and this again is surmounted by a balustrade with obelisks at each angle and figures marking the line of each bay.
It has small angle-windows to light the interior inclined plane or staircase, and is not broken into storeys with grouped windows as in the case of the Lombard bell-towers.
The art of making stained xxv11.3 2 a glass windows was not practised by the Venetians; almost the only fine glass in Venice is that in a south transept window in the Dominican church, which, though designed by able Venetian painters, is obviously the work of foreigners.
It has windows by La Farge, William Morris, Burne-Jones and others.
The explosion created a percussion that broke the windows.
It is remarkable for a porch ornamented in the richest Gothic style, and for its stained windows of the 16th century.
Ignatius, however, says nothing about so important a matter; indeed he understood the vision to mean that many things would be adverse to them, and told his companions when they reached the city that he saw the windows there closed against him.
The level of the roadway is considerably lower than the ground-floors of the houses, which have generally arched rooms in front, with little shops behind them; and above these they are richly embellished with verandahs, galleries, projecting oriel windows, and very broad overhanging eaves supported by carved brackets.
It was an assessed tax on the rental value of the house, levied according to the number of windows and openings on houses having more than six windows and worth more than £5 per annum.
Owing to the method of assessment the tax fell with peculiar hardship on the middle classes, and to this day traces of the endeavours to lighten its burden may be seen in numerous bricked-up windows.
There were in England in that year about 6000 houses having fifty windows and upwards; about 275,000 having ten windows and upwards, and about 725,000 having seven windows or less.
In France there is still a tax on doors and windows, and this forms an appreciable amount of the revenue.
The windows in the outer walls are filled with pierced stone screens of geometrical design.
St Lubin-desJoncherets has a handsome church of the 11th century, in which there are stained-glass windows dating from the 16th century.
As it stands it is of the highest interest, showing remarkable Decorated work, with windows of beautiful and unusual design, and a magnificent series of canopied tombs.
The streets are unpaved and in many places so narrow that two horsemen can scarcely pass each other; as it is seldom that the houses have windows facing the thoroughfares, and the doors are small and mean, they present on both sides the gloomy appearance of dead walls.
The remainder of the day, so far as family life is concerned, is spent in the serdab, a cellar sunk somewhat below the level of the courtyard, damp from frequent wettings, with its half windows covered with hurdles thatched with camel thorn and kept dripping with water.
There are seven towers, fifteen gateways and, according to Los Santos, no fewer than 12,000 windows and doors.
The people, headed by John Lizka (1376-1424), threw the burgomaster and several town-councillors, who were the instigators of this outrage, from the windows and they were immediately killed by the crowd.
On account of its transparency and its resistance to fire and sudden changes of temperature, mica has been much used for the windows of stoves and lanterns, for the peep-holes of furnaces, and the chimneys of lamps and gas-burners.
The Pointed arches rest upon pillars, possibly Norman, and above them, below the Decorated clerestory windows, is a series of semicircular arches with flamboyant tracery, a remarkable feature.
Near it is the parliament .and banqueting hall, restored (1889-1892) by the generosity of William Nelson (1817-1887) the publisher, which contains a fine collection of Scottish armour, weapons and regimental colours, while, emblazoned on the windows, are the heraldic bearings of royal and other figures distinguished in national history.
The back of the obelisk is plain, but the front and sides are subdivided into storeys by a series of bands and plates, each storey having panels sunk into it which seem to represent windows with mullions and transom.
The building as completed consisted of a temple of the ordinary type, opening by a door and two windows to the east front, before which stood a portico of six Ionic columns.
The west end appears to have been damaged in Roman times and to have been replaced by the attached columns with The Paadroaeion ' 'Erechtheum -e Ma?ple windows between them which appear in old drawings and are still partially extant.
There were very few slaves in the state, and the tax was accordingly assessed upon dwelling-houses and land, the value of the houses being determined by the number and size of the windows.
There are interesting remains of medieval architecture in the closely built town with its narrow streets; the beautiful 14thcentury windows of the Palazzo Montalto may be especially noticed, and also the 13th-century Castello Mainace at the southern extremity of the island.
It grows on the four-horned altar before the house, or in a pot placed in one of the front windows, and is worshipped every morning by all the female members of every Hindu household.
The Bank is a characteristic building, quadrilateral, massive and low, but covering a large area, without external windows, and almost wholly unadorned; though the northwest corner is copied from the Temple of the Sibyl at Tivoli.
The streets were hung with rich cloths of silk arras and tapestry; the aldermen and principal men of the city threw out of their windows handsful of gold and silver, to signify their gladness at the king's return; and the conduits ran with wine, both white and red.
Crown-glass has at the present day almost disappeared from the market, and it has been superseded by sheet-glass, the more modern processes described above being capable of producing much larger sheets of glass, free from the knob or " bullion " which may still be seen in old crown-glass windows.
The production of coloured glass for " mosaic " windows has become a separate branch of glass-making.
Charles Winston, after prolonged study of the coloured windows of the 13th, 14th and i 5th centuries, convinced himself that no approach to the colour effect of these windows could be made with glass which is thin and even in section, homogeneous in texture, and made and coloured with highly refined materials.
It is true that the use of glass for windows was only gradually extending itself at the time when Roman civilization sank under the torrent of German and Hunnish barbarism, and that its employment for optical instruments was only known in a rudimentary stage; but for domestic purposes, for architectural decoration and for personal ornaments glass was unquestionably much more used than at the present day.
It was used in windows, though by no means exclusively, mica, alabaster and shells having been also employed.
Glass, in flat pieces, such as might be employed for windows, has been found in the ruins of Roman houses, both in England and in Italy, and in the house of the faun at Pompeii a small pane in a bronze frame remains.
St Sofia when erected by Justinian had vaults covered with mosaics and immense windows filled with plates of glass fitted into pierced marble frames; some of the plates, 7 to 8 in.
Thenceforward the manufacture continued to grow in importance; glass vessels were made in large quantities, as well as glass for windows.
In 675 Benedict Biscop, abbot of Wearmouth, was obliged to obtain glass-workers from France, and in 758 Cuthbert, abbot of Jarrow, appealed to the bishop of Mainz to send him artisans to manufacture " windows and vessels of glass, because the English were ignorant and helpless."
About 1350 considerable quantities of colourless flat glass were supplied by John Alemayn of Chiddingfold for glazing the windows in St George's chapel, Windsor, and in the chapel of St Stephen, Westminster.
In 1447 English flat glass is mentioned in the contract for the windows of the Beauchamp. chapel at Warwick, but disparagingly, as the contractor binds himself not to use it.
In 1567 James Carre of Antwerp stated that he had erected two glass-houses at " Fernefol " (Fernfold Wood in Sussex) for Normandy and Lorraine glass for windows, and had brought over workmen.
The chronicle of the Sinhalese kings, the Mahavamsa, however, asserts that mirrors of glittering glass were carried in procession in 306 B.C., and beads like gems, and windows with ornaments like jewels, are also mentioned at about the same date.
These probably date from the 17th century, for Chardin tells us that the windows of the tomb of Shah Abbas II.
He devoted himself in_ 1335 to the completion of the choir of Beauvais Cathedral, the enormous windows of which were filled with the richest glass, But this building activity, which has left one of the most notable Gothic monuments in Europe, was broken into by the Hundred Years' War.
The building is one of three storeys each with ten pointed windows forming the facade facing the square.
Here the traveller ascending from the coast sees the first example of the jebel or highland towns, with their high three-storeyed houses, built of quarried stone, their narrow façades pierced with small windows with whitewashed borders and ornamented with varied arabesque patterns; each dar has the appearance of a small castle complete in itself, and the general effect is rather that of a cluster of separate forts than of a town occupied by a united community.
The resting-place of `Ali is represented by a silver tomb with windows grated with silver bars and a door with a great silver lock.
The lowest range of semicircular arches consists of twenty columns and the second of sixty; and above this is a row of eighteen windows in the same style separated by as many pilasters.
On the adjacent Marienplatz are the old townhall, dating from the 14th century and restored in 1865, and the new town-hall, the latter a magnificent modern Gothic erection, freely embellished with statues, frescoes, and stainedglass windows, and enlarged in 1900-1905.
The parish church of Au, in the Early Gothic style, contains gigantic stained-glass windows and some excellent wood-carving; and the church of St John in Haidhausen is another fine Gothic structure.
A similarly variegated effect in red and white is produced by building the arches of windows and doors with alternating voussoirs in brick and marble.
Zeno and the cathedral, both of which were mainly rebuilt Arci?i in the 12th century, are noble examples of the Lombardic style, with few single-light windows, and with the walls decorated externally by series of pilasters, and by alternating bands of red and white, in stone or brick.
Wooden doors swung on a kind of hook; the windows were mere holes in.
The intercolumniation is regulated by a standard of about six or seven feet, and the general result of the treatment of columns, wall-posts, &c., is that the whole mural space, not filled in with doors or windows, is divided into regular oblong panels, which sometimes receive plaster, sometimes boarding and sometimes rich framework and carving or painted panels.
From these doorways, generally left open, the interior light is principally obtained, windows, as the term is generally understood, being rare.
Queen Victoria gave two memorial windows to Crathie church as a testimony of her admiration for his work.
The church of St Bartholomew is remarkable for a fine Early English tower surmounted by a Decorated spire; there are also beautiful Decorated windows and details in the body of the church, and a richly carved octagonal font.
Maria del Calcinaio, a fine early Renaissance building by Francesco di Giorgio Martini of Siena, with fine stained glass windows.
The exterior is well preserved, and is largely decorated with interlacing pointed arches; the windows also are pointed.
The Bhutias are neat joiners, and their doors, windows and panelling are perfect in their way.
Among its ecclesiastical edifices (nine Roman Catholic and four Protestant churches) the most noteworthy is the Roman Catholic cathedral, with huge pointed windows, slender columns and numerous flying buttresses, which, begun in the 13th century and consecrated in 1546, belongs to the period of the decadence of the Gothic style.
Amongst its benefactors were many Catholic Scots and English peers and gentlemen whose arms are emblazoned on the windows of the spacious refectory hall.
The church of St Mary is cruciform, with a low square tower, and is largely Early English, with some richly decorated windows in the chancel.
In its centre lies the Markt Kirche, a red-brick edifice of the 14th century, containing interesting monuments and some fine stained-glass windows, and with a steeple 3 10 ft.
It is mainly Early English, and a fine example of the style; but some of the windows including the nave clerestory, and the beautiful carved wooden roof, are Perpendicular.
Has the soul windows ?
Sainte-Marie contains many artistic treasures, the chief of which are the magnificent stained-glass windows of the Renaissance which light the apsidal chapels, and the 113 choir-stalls of carved oak, also of Renaissance workmanship. The archbishop's palace adjoins the cathedral; it is a building of the 18th century with a Romanesque hall and a tower of the r4th century.
Since 1861 a return has been called for in Scotland of the number of rooms with one or more windows, and that of children of school-age under instruction is also included in the inquiry.
His opposition to the extreme democratic and revolutionary party made him unpopular with the mob, who broke his windows, as his liberalism made him suspected at court.
Other buildings are the Gothic church of St James, with curiously carved altars and beautiful stained-glass windows, and containing in the Toppler chapel the tomb of the burgomaster, Heinrich Toppler; the 15th-century church of St Wolfgang; the Franciscan church; and five other churches.
In 1867 a Melanesian mission station was established at St Barnabas, and in 1882 a church was erected to the memory of Bishop Patteson, with windows designed by Burne-Jones and executed by William Morris.
As the superstructures are mostly gone, there is no evidence as to the position and form of the doorways, or the size, number and position of the windows, if there were any.
Of the apartments, all of the finest Gothic architecture, the chief are the refectory, divided down the centre by columns and lighted by large embrasured windows, and the knights' hall, a superb chamber, the vaulting of which is supported on three rows of cylindrical pillars.
The church, which rises high above the buildings clustering round it, consists of transepts and four bays of the nave of Romanesque architecture and of a fine choir (1450 - I 521) in the Flamboyant Gothic style with a triforium surmounted by lofty windows.
The inside cleaning of windows belongs to the lord chamberlain's department, but the outer parts must be attended to by the office of woods and forests, so that windows remain dirty unless the two departments can come to an understanding."
Stone church, near Dartford, a late example of this style, transitional to Decorated, is very fine; and among Decorated buildings Chartham church exhibits in some of its windows the peculiar tracery known as Kentish Decorated.
The interior is spacious and contains some fine 14th-century sculptures, those of the high altar, which contains the tomb of St Donatus, the patron saint of Arezzo, being the best; very good stained-glass windows of the beginning of the 16th century by Guillaume de Marcillat, and some terra-cotta reliefs by Andrea della Robbia.
In many of the windows there are figures of leading members of the houses of Burgundy and Habsburg.
Of the intestines they make masks or covers for their faces, to protect them from the glare of the sun in the spring, and use them as a substitute for glass, by extending them over their windows.
The houses are built with thick walls of stone and brick round open courts, in the Moorish style, and their ironbarred doors and windows give them the appearance of being a part of the fortifications.
Decorated windows occur in the east cnd, beyond which a chapel in this style formerly extended.
The exterior, flanked at the western end by a lofty tower and pierced by high, narrow windows, is devoid of ornament.
There is no triforium, but a high clerestory with wide two-light windows, with simple tracery like those in the nave-aisles and throughout the church, which give sufficient (if anything too much) light.
The interior is richly adorned with stained-glass windows of modern date, costly shrines, paintings and tombs.
But perhaps the most unique sight in Ahmedabad is the two windows in Sidi Said's mosque of filigree marble work.
The windows were to be plain and undivided, and it was forbidden to decorate them with stained glass.
The windows are unornamented, and the nave has no triforium.
Among several places of worship the chief is St Mary Magdalene's church; this has a north porch and windows dating from the 14th century, besides a lofty and slender spire; but it has been much altered by restoration.
Marshal Marmont, who commanded the scattered troops in Paris, had received no orders, beyond a jesting command from the duke of Angouleme to place them under arms "as some windows might be broken."
He was hooted by the mob on the anniversary of Waterloo, and considered it necessary to protect the windows of Apsley House with iron shutters.
In the interior of the church are some beautiful stained glass windows, both ancient and modern, the tombstones of several of the dukes of Zahringen, statues of archbishops of Freiburg, and paintings by Holbein and by Hans Baldung (c. 1 47 0 - 1 545), commonly called Griin.
As an architectural term "bevel" is a sloped or canted edge given to a sill or horizontal course of stone, but is more frequently applied to the canted edges worked round the projecting bands of masonry which for decorative purposes are employed on the quoins of walls or windows and in some cases, with vertical joints, cover the whole wall.
The windows must have been mere openings in the walls or roof, for glass was not used for this purpose before the latter part of the 7th century.
The constructional choir is often wanting, the whole church forming one uninterrupted structure, with a continuous range of windows.
At the Grey or Franciscan Friars, the church followed the ordinary type in having two equal bodies, each gabled, with a continuous range of windows.
Its stained glass windows are among the finest in Spain, and it possesses archives of great value.
The Orthodox Greek churches are generally small, with very narrow windows, and are built of brick in a modified Byzantine style.
In Frankfort the women were allowed to open their lattice windows in the synagogue in honour of the deliverance brought about by Esther.
With its Renaissance windows and portals this facade, though good in itself, was utterly out of keeping with the general style of the church, and in 1900 the removal of the inharmonious features was begun, to be replaced in a style strictly in accordance with the Gothic style of the rest of the building from the designs of Giuseppe Brentano.
The roof is supported by fifty-two pillars with canopied niches for statues instead of capitals; the great windows of the choir, reputed to be the largest in the world, are filled with stained glass of 1844.
Some of the fine windows with their terra-cotta decorations are preserved.
These were, however, ill adapted for the growth of plants, as they consisted of little else than a huge chamber of masonry, having large windows in front, with the roof invariably opaque.
When the flower garden is to be seen from the windows, or any other elevated point of view, the former is to be preferred; but where the surface is irregular, and the situation more remote, and especially where the beauty of flowers is mainly looked to, the choice should probably fall on the latter.
In March flower seeds and vegetable seeds may be sown in boxes or flats in the greenhouse, or in residence windows, or near the kitchen stove.
On the side of the fixed disk next the rotating disk were pasted two sectors of paper A, A, with short blunt points attached to them which projected out into the windows on the side away from the rotating disk.
Within the enclosure stands a church, dating from the reign of Stephen Dushan (1336-1356), with beautiful rose windows and with imperial peacocks, dragons and eagles sculptured on the walls.
The graceful west front has a deeply recessed Early Pointed doorway, surmounted by traceried windows and, above these, by a handsome Decorated stained-glass window of fire lights.
Maria in Trivio, erected in 1353 in gratitude for the liberation of the city from a plague which devastated it in 1348, is in the style of contemporary brick campanili in Rome, but built mainly of black selce, with white marble columns at the windows.
The very numerous and richly-coloured windows, presented at various times to the cathedral, add greatly to the imposing effect of the interior.
The windows, as already mentioned, were generally small and insignificant, and contributed nothing to the external decoration or effect of the houses, which took both light and air from the inside, not from the outside.
The design was chiefly used in windows.
The decoration is in the richest Gothic style, and is especially admirable in the case of the windows.
At York he renewed Paulinus's old church, roofing it with lead and furnishing it with glass windows; at Ripon he built an entirely new basilica with columns and porches; at Hexham in honour of St Andrew he reared a still nobler church, over which Eddius grows eloquent.
Apart from the Hotel des Monneyroux (used as prefecture), a picturesque mansion of the 15th and 16th centuries, with mansard roofs and mullioned windows, Gueret has little architectural interest.
Lady Godiva took him at his word, and after issuing a proclamation that all persons should keep within doors or shut their windows, she rode through, clothed only in her long hair.
While the houses of the poorer classes are mean and too often dirty, in marked contrast are the houses of the wealthier citizens, built generally in a style of elaborate arabesque, the windows shaded with projecting cornices of graceful woodwork (mushrebiya) and ornamented with stained glass.
The principal apartment is generally paved with marble; in the centre a decorated lantern is suspended over a fountain, while round the sides are richly inlaid cabinets and windows of stained glass; and in a recess is the divan, a low, narrow, cushioned seat.
The external form is that of a great temple, with windows added along the top; while internally it was a Christian church.
The British resident, Major Missett, having represented the importance of taking Rosetta and Rahmanieh,to secure supplies for Alexandria, General Fraser, with the concurrence of the admiral, Sir John Duckworth, detached the 31st regiment and the Chasseurs Britanniques, accompanied by some field artillery under Major-General Wauchope and Brigadier-General Meade, on this service; and these troops entered Rosetta without encountering any opposition; but as soon as they had dispersed among the narrow streets, the garrison opened a deadly fire on them from the latticed windows and the roofs of the houses.
In the carving of windows, aisles, cloister, capitals, bosses and doorheads no design is repeated.
The doors and windows have become lozenge-shaped, the walls bulged and the floors crooked.
Underneath it, to the right, was the principal entrance, and over it are three elegant windows with arches and miniature pillars.
This room is a perfect square, with a lofty dome and trellised windows at its base.
In June 1149 the admiral appeared before Constantinople and defied the Basileus by firing arrows against the palace windows.
The law in regard to images, which in this connexion include pictures and stained-glass windows, but not sculptured effigies on monuments or merely ornamental work, is contained in various judicial decisions, and is not defined by statute.
Among its ancient buildings must be mentioned the Reinoldikirche, with fine stained-glass windows, the Marienkirche, the nave of which dates from the I Ith century, the Petrikirche, with a curious altar, and the Dominican church, with beautiful cloisters.
The recumbent monument placed upon the spot, and the windows in the chapter-house of the abbey, one of them a gift from Queen Victoria, were a tribute to his memory from friends of every class in England and America.
Of Dalton Castle there remains a square tower, showing decorated windows.
The whole structure was enclosed within one great wall, pierced with numerous windows.
Hegel the tourist - recalling happy days spent together; confessing that, were it not because of his sense of duty as a traveller, he would rather be at home, dividing his time between his books and his wife; commenting on the shop windows at Vienna; describing the straw hats of the Parisian ladies - is a contrast to the professor of a profound philosophical system.
The family gathered in this three-storeyed building, with its back windows looking over the Elbe and its front door opening on a great garden, was latterly Luther and his wife, their three sons and two daughters, Magdelena von Bora, Catherine's aunt, two orphan nieces and a grandniece.
At this period wrought iron came into general use in the form of screens for chapels and tombs, and grills for windows.
Most of the houses, and especially those of the planter aristocracy, are massively built of stone, with large grated windows, flat roofs with heavy parapets and inner courts.
Long strings of camels may still be seen from the train windows patiently treading their slow way over the Khojak pass to Kila Abdullah, whilst the train alongside them rapidly twists through the mountain tunnel into the Peshin valley.
The exterior is simple, but the buildings which surround the main courtyard have high-pitched roofs surmounted by numerous dormer windows with decorated gables, recalling the Flemish style of architecture.
It has an arcade with frescoes, restored by modern Munich artists, and contains a magnificent hall - the Fiirstensaalrichly decorated with wood-carving and stained-glass windows.
The church of San Lorenzo (1270-1300) is noteworthy for the beautiful tracery of its Gothic windows; its nave is said to have been a Roman temple, converted by the Moors into a mosque and by Ramon Berenguer IV., last count of Barcelona, into a church.
Many of the houses have large projecting wooden windows or balconies, richly carved.
The grand old patrician houses of the days of its Hanseatic glory, with their lofty and often elaborately ornamented gables and their balconied windows, are the delight of the visitor to the town.
Ste Marie contains glass windows of the 15th and 16th centuries and other rich decoration.
A praiseworthy desire to maintain the picturesqueness of the town has led most of the builders of new houses to imitate the lofty peaked gables, oriel windows and red-tiled roofs of the older dwellings.
The church of Our Lady possesses some fine old stained-glass windows and some paintings by Michael Wohlgemuth.
In districts like that of Cripple Creek their enormous ore "dumps" dot the mountain flanks like scores of vast ant-hills; and in Eagle River canyon their mouths, like dormer windows into the granite mountain roof, may be seen 2000 ft.
The north transept, with early Decorated windows, has been covered in and walled off, and is the burial-ground of the Kerrs of Fernihirst, ancestors of the marquess of Lothian.
Pont de l'Arche has a fine Gothic church, with stained-glass windows of the 16th and 17th centuries; the church of Tillieres-sur-Arvre is a graceful specimen of the Renaissance style.
Of the nave three bays of the south side are still standing, and the windows have pointed arches externally and semicircular arches internally.
The Round Tower, called the High Tower in Wykeham's day, is the Norman Keep. It was being refitted for apartments for the king and queen a little before Wykeham's time, and his first accounts include the last items for its internal decoration, including 28 stained glass windows.
The Hussites, led by John Zizka, stormed the town-hall and threw the magistrates from its windows.
Finally these two councillors, together with Fabricius, secretary of the royal council, were thrown from the windows of the Hradcany into the moat below - an event known in history as the Defenestration of Prague.
He was a faithful servant of the house of Habsburg, and one of the government officials who were thrown from the windows of the Hradcany palace in 1618, at the beginning of the Bohemian uprising.
Io in., with but two small windows, where they were left for the night.
The city has a well-built and substantial appearance, its chief attraction lying in the numerous churches, which belong in the main to a well-marked basilican type, and present almost too richly decorated exteriors, fine apsidal ends and quadrangular campaniles, in some cases with battlemented summits, and windows increasing in number as they ascend.
Near Albert Harbour stands the old west now the north parish church (a Gothic edifice dating from 1591) containing some stained-glass windows by William Morris; in its kirkyard Burns's "Highland Mary" was buried (1786).
The people of Malines gained in the old distich - "gaudet Mechlinia stultis" - the reputation of being "fools," because one of the citizens on seeing the moon through the dormer windows of St Rombaut called out that the place was on fire, and his fellow-citizens, following his example, endeavoured to put out the conflagration until they realized the truth.
We have to scale the walls, open the windows, and explore the castle before crying out that it is so marvellous that it must contain ghosts.
He began by compelling the people of Madrid to give up emptying their slops out of the windows, and when they objected he said they were like children who cried when their faces were washed.
The interior is fitted with magnificent wood carvings and stained glass windows illustrating the principal scenes of "Carmen Sylva's" writings.
The Gothic Palazzo Vitelleschi (1439) contains remarkably rich windows.
The introduction of steel construction has simplified many details of architectural treatment, such as projections for cornices, bay windows and galleries.
Still he remained as sunny and genial as ever, looking from his Cambridge study windows across the Brighton meadows to the Brookline hills, or enjoying the "free wild winds of the Atlantic," and listening to "The Bells of Lynn" in his Nahant home.
He never, as long as he could write, was known to refuse his autograph, and so far was he from trying to protect himself from intruders that he rarely drew the blinds of his study windows at night, though that study was on the ground floor and faced the street.
The large church of St Mary, at the top of the steep High Street, has fine clerestory windows, clustered columns and an elaborate carvedoak ceiling of the 15th century; it contains several interesting monuments of the 17th and 18th centuries, some of which commemorate'members of the family of Philipps of Picton Castle.
It is a beautiful room, with open timber roof, windows partly of stained glass, and walls tapestried and panelled.
On the 23rd of May 1618 the Protestant nobles of Bohemia threw from the windows of the council chamber of the Hradcany palace two of the Imperial councillors who were accused of having influenced in a manner unfavourable to the Bohemians the emperor Matthias, who was also king of Bohemia.
Near the Karlov church is the Karlovo Namesti (place of Chat les), in which is situated the former town hall of the " new town," from the windows of which the councillors were thrown at the beginning of the Hussite wars.
The carved wooden doors of both the north and the south portals are masterpieces respectively of Gothic and Renaissance workmanship. The church possesses an elaborate astronomical clock (1866) and tapestries of the 15th and 17th centuries; but its chief artistic treasures are stained glass windows of the 13th, 14th and 16th centuries, the most beautiful of them from the hand of the Renaissance artist, Engrand Le Prince, a native of Beauvais.
The mosque is enclosed by houses with windows opening on the arcades and commanding a view of the Ka`ba.
The general aspect of the town is picturesque; the streets are fairly spacious, though ill-kept and filthy; the houses are all of stone, many of them well-built and four or five storeys high, with terraced roofs and large projecting windows as in Jidda - a style of building which has not varied materially since the Toth century (Mukaddasi, p. 71), and gains in effect from the way in which the dwellings run up the sides and spurs of the mountains.
Long before Mahomet the chief sanctuary of Mecca was the Ka`ba, a rude stone building without windows, and having a door 7 ft.
Modern writers describe the place as windowless, but Ibn Jubair mentions five windows of rich stained glass from Irak.
The principal buildings are the fine Gothic church of St Peter and St Paul, dating from the r5th century, with two stately towers, a famous organ and a very heavy bell; the Frauen Kirche, erected about the end of the 15th century, and possessing a fine portal and choir in pierced work; the Kloster Kirche, restored in 1868, with handsome choir stalls and a carved altar dating from 1383; and the Roman Catholic church, founded in 1853, in the Roman style of architecture, with beautiful glass windows and oil-paintings.
All impediments to clerical marriage were Establish- removed, altars and organs were taken down, old ment of service books destroyed and painted windows broken; Protest- it was even proposed to explain away the kneeling at ansm.
He was beheaded on a scaffold outside the windows of Whitehall (1649).i The government set up was a government by the committees of a council of state nominally supporting themselves on the House of Commons, though the members who still The retained their places were so few that the council of state was sufficiently numerous to form a majority in the House.
The profusion of turrets, pinnacles, and dormer windows which decorates the roof of this, the chief portion of the château, constitutes the main feature of the exterior, while in the interior are a well-preserved chapel of the 16th century and a famous double staircase, the construction of which permits two people to ascend and descend respectively without seeing one another.
The nave (the West church), divided from the aisles by a double row of massive round pillars, is a transition between Romanesque and Gothic, with pointed windows.
The venerable structure is maintained by the commissioners of woods and forests, and private munificence has provided several stained-glass windows.
Men maketh now great stonen houses full of glasen windows, and clepeth thilke thine houses and churches.
The village consists of wooden cottages with an inn (gdstgifvaregard), a church, and frequently a collection of huts without windows, closed in summer, but inhabited by the Lapps when they come down from the mountains to the winter fairs.
Its church of St Gommaire was finished in 1557 and contains three fine glass windows, the gift of the archduke Maximilian, to celebrate his wedding with Mary of Burgundy.
It is chiefly characterized by the almost universal employment of the pointed arch, not only in arches of wide span such as those of the nave arcade, but for doorways and windows.
The arches are sometimes cusped; circles with trefoils, quatrefoils, &c., are introduced into the tracery, and large rose windows in the transept or nave, as at Lincoln (1220).
The town hall dates from 1844, and contains a beautiful hall with rich stained glass windows.
The tower, Decorated, with arcading pierced with windows, and the east wall of the south wing remain.
Examining the light reflected from the windows of the Luxemburg palace with a doubly refracting prism, he was led to infer (though more refined experiments have shown that this is not strictly the case) that light reflected at a certain angle, called the polarizing angle, from the surface of transparent substances has the same properties with respect to the plane of incidence as those of the ordinary stream in Iceland spar with respect to the principal plane of the crystal.
It is quadrangular in form, with a dead wall outside; this wall has small windows high up, but in the lower parts merely a few narrow air-holes.
The fine sculptures of the façade, with its beautiful windows, as also the octagonal dome, all belong to this period; Meliorantius, the sculptor of the portal of the cathedral (after 1155), took his inspiration hence.
There are no windows, but large doorways.
The original edifice being left intact, it was a difficult question how to deal with the windows and the Gothic arches of the interior.
It was bright, the windows open to the soft underworld breeze and curtains fluttering.
The building shuddered, one explosion hitting close enough to her room that her windows shattered.
The room she stepped into was triangular shaped, consisting of a wall of angled windows, small tables against the other wall, and round seats facing the windows.
He sat with his sisters and mother beneath a brilliant sky atop the small rise overlooking Anshan Palace with its white columns and myriad of windows.
The icicles are prison bars on our windows, trapping us, prisoners to this life of sin and degradation, giving miners a few minutes of pleasure for the pittance of coins it takes them weeks to earn in the bowels of the earth, performing unspeakable labors for the wealth of others.
Meanwhile, the wind whistled around the eaves and rattled the plastic covering on the windows, persistently seeking a port of entry.
But wouldn't a fireplace and central heat be nice - and windows that would permit the light to brighten a room without seeping cold air - a place like Josh's?
He found himself on the Caribbean Sanctuary, in the small chamber with the Oracle book. Sea breeze swept through the small windows of the room, and he took a step towards the lectern on which the open book rested. The pages displayed had a few words written on them rather than the constantly shifting writing that normally scrawled itself across the pages. He felt himself compelled towards the book even as his fight-or-flight instinct reared up.
Jenn crossed her arms, irritated that the vamps had opened her windows, too, as if to make her room more uncomfortable for her.
He not only failed to wake anyone, but bypassed the quadruple-locked front door and the barred windows.
When the door opened, there were weapons trained on him from the Guardians watching from the windows.
This will absolve governments from making sure Microsoft does not use its Windows monopoly to unfairly muscle its way into other markets.
Most windows have the bead fitted internally; however there are still some companies who fit the beading externally.
To keep your windows looking contemporary include current trends such as the film Memoirs of a Geisha.
Promote by word of mouth or by putting up posters in shop windows.
All villas offer spacious living accommodation, with French windows leading to outside terraces.
An optional add-on 3D molecule viewer is available for Windows users - see below.
The Venetian windows at the front are much admired.
Doors are intricately carved with Mayan motifs; stained glass windows set the rooms aglow with understated colors.
Other items include Climatic semi-automatic air conditioning, remote central locking with alarm, electric windows and mirrors and a radio/CD player.
On Windows, you can press alt + the access key - on Mac you can press Control + the access key.
To use these keys on windows, press alt + the access key, on a Macintosh, press CONTROL + the access key.
Windows, thought the man with growing amazement at his luck.
Some things you might miss there are the old /closemsg command since the /close handles closing query windows A-OK.
It proves once again that learning low-level Apis in detail is still a good way to learn Windows programming.
One 14th century window has an elegant curved ogee arch and there are attractively carved corbels around other windows.
Features are either compressed or elongated and so architectural detail, such as windows and doors, can look rather odd.
A special feature are the high windows, boasting fine Malaysian wooden architecture.
The windows are framed by molded stone architraves with key blocks.
The three central windows on the floors above have architraves.
The windows are 12 light sashes with lugged stone architraves.
Click here to download a zip archive (unpack using WinZip) containing the Windows example files.
The windows and rooflights are softwood frame with double glazed argon filled low emissivity glass.
Also, interesting testimony, how windows is best, and impending Armageddon.
The electric windows and door mirror control are sensibly place in the driver's armrest.
It runs on the IIS Web server side-by-side with classic asp on Windows 2003 platforms.
I wish I knew of something similarly powerful for Windows (I'm spending a lot of time atm on a Windows laptop ).
Their house, known as The Court House, looks very austere with square headed, lead lined, stone mullioned windows.
The local children found this a highly amusing sight and flocked to the windows of the corridors to watch in silent awe.
Your house will look more beautiful if your windows are well decorated, while your balconies and terraces will be well covered by awnings.
Nowadays, BO and other windows backdoor scans, or netbios sweeps are occurring very frequently on most dialup host subnets.
Living room with dining area and French windows leading to enclosed balcony.
Making NTFS essentially a device driver layer add-on drives Windows compatibility into a whole new ballpark.
Windows will give you a lot of popular game options, and word processing is a pretty basic option on any OS.
The huge basilica has magnificent stained glass windows which are awe inspiring for both the believer and the non believer.
It is preferable for the windows to be fitted with internal beading to avoid the possibility of the glass being removed from the outside.
Things like windows, etc. should be cleaned by bedders?
Peering through those windows, families can be seen gathering round the log fire, with the room bedecked with evergreens and red ribbon.
Even today, Windows file systems exhibit the same behavior.