Window Sentence Examples
She glanced out the window, still smiling.
He got up and went to the window to open it.
A glance out the window revealed that the snow had piled up to four or five inches.
Actually, I never gave it much thought until I found the window open.
The count stood by the window and listened without turning round.
Pierre jumped upon the window sill.
She stared through the window at the trail.
Light glowed through the hazy window overhead.
Correct. He made it to an open window on the first floor.
From the window of his office, the path was clearly visible.
AdvertisementA deep furrow ran across his forehead, and standing by a window he stared over his spectacles seeing no one.
She sat on the bed and watched the sunset through the window.
A few minutes later Prince Andrew rang and Natasha went to him, but Sonya, feeling unusually excited and touched, remained at the window thinking about the strangeness of what had occurred.
The phœbe had already come once more and looked in at my door and window, to see if my house was cavern-like enough for her, sustaining herself on humming wings with clinched talons, as if she held by the air, while she surveyed the premises.
The sun had reached the other side of the house, and its slanting rays shone into the open window, lighting up the room and part of the morocco cushion at which Princess Mary was looking.
AdvertisementI kept seeing little Nick's face in the window when they left the house.
Do you like to look out of your window, and see little stars?
Lisa stared out the window.
To the left was a tall narrow window, bare to the coldness of the room.
But before he reached them Pierre stopped beside a very handsome, dark man of middle height, and in a white uniform, who stood by a window talking to a tall man wearing stars and a ribbon.
AdvertisementPrince Andrew stood by a window talking to the ladies and listened to her.
Jonathan was staring out the window and Alex was playing with Destiny.
The next morning she woke to the first ray of light through the window.
Sometimes one came near to my window, attracted by my light, barked a vulpine curse at me, and then retreated.
His empty gaze shifted momentarily from the window to her face.
AdvertisementCynthia closed the book and gazed out the window.
It's a very small window.
He crossed to the window.
The shutters were all closed, except at one window which was open.
Natasha stepped up to the window and pondered.
With everything ready, they sat on the window seat and watched for Alex.
Rolling down the window, she backed out of the garage.
Again she saw Nick's face in the car window.
He walked around it and then leaned down to look in the window.
Leaping on the bed, which was now in her room at the Giddon home, she bounced up to the window.
Escape was hampered by the fact that the window wouldn't open.
A quick glance through the window revealed the black car stopping beside the building.
Yancey stepped out and glanced out the window.
A small frosted window allowed light to enter the room that was obviously a storage space for heirlooms.
You know, this house wouldn't be as cold if there were some curtains on the window and some rugs on the floor.
She crossed to the window and stood watching another majestic sunset.
She dressed as the sun was sending its first rays through the bathroom window.
He stared absently out the window and continued.
I reached under the seat for the gun as I rolled down the window.
I crossed the mighty Missouri River, leaving agrarian Nebraska in my rear view window.
The details are just now being posted but the murder occurred so long ago, I think it's outside your window.
The intruder fell back out the window.
Once there however, Quinn had nailed the time perfectly as Howie saw our target approach the window!
The warmth was nearly enough for me to nod off when I heard a honk and Molly waved from Betsy's side window as she slowly circled.
I was fumbling with the window when I heard heavy footsteps move close to my door.
Unlatching the window, I tried desperately to raise it!
I started to open the window to get out of there but I guess he heard me because he kicked down the door and grabbed me and cut me.
The vehicle has a Wall Drug bumper sticker and an emblem from a Kansas campground in the back window.
We're following a hunger and when it's ripe, all common sense and caution fly out the window.
I was there when Quinn hid it after Martha locked them out and he had to pry a window.
Green-eyes stepped between Bianca and Purple-eyes, and Purple-eyes backed towards the window again.
She was staring out the window.
Jonny's gaze darkened, and he rose, pacing to the window.
He pushed himself out of bed and stood for a long moment, gazing out the window at the fields of winter wheat glowing in the moonlight.
George gave a long, noisy sigh and turned, pointing out a window.
The window rolled down, and his chief assassin glared at him.
The woman was halfway out the window on the opposite end of the firelit room.
He snatched the phone and rolled down the window, tossing it.
At the far end of the main floor of Jonny's new home glowed a panoramic window fitted into the mountainside.
Chairs lined the window, and she saw why.
The window overlooked the neighboring mountain, coated in white with clouds clinging to its peak.
Jonny had been drawn to the view as she was and stood before the window.
Satisfied to have found his room, Jenn made her way back to the window, where Jonny remained.
He sat and stared out the window while nibbling on a piece of cheese from the plate of cheese and crackers on a small table at his side.
The window was open, assuring her it was neither cold nor raining.
Han chuckled from his position near the window.
She stood before the window, feeling very much like a prisoner in her new world.
He rose, as if on autopilot, turned, and faced the window.
Sofia gazed out the window, mulling over the night.
She unraveled herself from her favorite chair near the window.
There was no backdoor in the kitchen, but Traci had wedged the window over the sink open.
She waved Sofia over frantically before climbing on top of the sink and wriggling through the window.
Damian appeared, a fragmented vision, as if the vamp had been peering through a foggy window.
The next morning, the sight of snow falling outside her window drew her gaze as she packed for the evacuation.
She approached the window, amazed at the snow, until her gaze fell to a figure kneeling like a dark gargoyle in the middle of the white lawn.
He looked away, towards the window, hands on his hips.
The window was open to the summer evening and the bottle-opening revelers could be heard clearly as he sat on their bed.
Between bites, Martha regaled the few late rising guests that lingered around the dining room with stories of her adventure and the bus window sights she'd visited.
He led her to the window.
She crawled up on the window seat and curled into a ball.
He's outside my window.
It might have even blown in the open window from a passing car.
I like that place over there by the window.
The abbey, though greatly mutilated, is full of interesting details, and includes a lofty tower, a marble screen, a chapter-house, a notable east window, several fine tombs and an altar of St Francis.
On the morning of the 7th of November Katte was beheaded before Frederick's window, after the crown prince had asked his pardon and received the answer that there was nothing to forgive.
He remembered that close by his window there was a climbing vine filled with beautiful sweet flowers.
Once there were eleven tadpoles in a glass globe set in a window full of plants.
As I sit by the window writing to you, it is so lovely to have the soft, cool breezes fan my cheek and to feel that the hard work of last year is over!
She stumbled upon Belle, who was crouching near the window where Captain Keller was standing.
When the sun got round to the window where she was sitting with her book, she got up impatiently and shut the window.
One pleasant morning in the beautiful springtime, I thought I was sitting on the soft grass under my dear mother's window, looking very earnestly at the rose-bushes which were growing all around me.
Anatole brought two candles and placed them on the window sill, though it was already quite light.
Everyone crowded to the window, the Englishman in front.
One hand moved as if to clutch the window sill, but refrained from touching it.
Boris and Natasha were at the other window and ceased talking when Vera entered.
Coming out of Kutuzov's room into the waiting room with the papers in his hand Prince Andrew came up to his comrade, the aide-de-camp on duty, Kozlovski, who was sitting at the window with a book.
He took out a notebook, hurriedly scribbled something in pencil, tore out the leaf, gave it to Kozlovski, stepped quickly to the window, and threw himself into a chair, gazing at those in the room as if asking, "Why do they look at me?"
Rostov looked out of the window and saw Denisov coming home.
Princess Mary shuddered; her nurse, putting down the stocking she was knitting, went to the window and leaning out tried to catch the open casement.
As she was crossing the anteroom she saw through the window a carriage with lanterns, standing at the entrance.
Rostov moved to the window to see whom he was speaking to, and saw the quartermaster, Topcheenko.
Just before the window was a row of pollard trees, looking black on one side and with a silvery light on the other.
Prince Andrew leaned his elbows on the window ledge and his eyes rested on that sky.
He recognized her, guessed her feelings, saw that it was her debut, remembered her conversation at the window, and with an expression of pleasure on his face approached Countess Rostova.
Nastasya Ivanovna the buffoon sat with a sad face at the window with two old ladies.
Chernyshev was sitting at a window in the first room with a French novel in his hand.
Alpatych looked out of the window and went to the door.
She sat by the window listening to his voice which reached her from the garden.
Unconsciously she sat up, smoothed her hair, got up, and went to the window, involuntarily inhaling the freshness of the clear but windy evening.
He is gone and no one will hinder you, she said to herself, and sinking into a chair she let her head fall on the window sill.
For a long time that night Princess Mary sat by the open window of her room hearing the sound of the peasants' voices that reached her from the village, but it was not of them she was thinking.
The count stood still at the window and listened.
That old man noticed a face thrust out of the carriage window gazing at them, and respectfully touching Pierre's elbow said something to him and pointed to the carriage.
Natasha's face, leaning out of the window, beamed with quizzical kindliness.
Natasha continued to lean out of the window for a long time, beaming at him with her kindly, slightly quizzical, happy smile.
You can see it from the window, she said to her cousin, evidently wishing to distract her mind.
And as if in order not to offend Sonya and to get rid of her, she turned her face to the window, looked out in such a way that it was evident that she could not see anything, and again settled down in her former attitude.
Through the open window the moans of the adjutant could be heard more distinctly.
There! shouted the Frenchman at the window, pointing to the garden at the back of the house.
Jule rose and paced to the window.
And when my father finds you lurking in the bushes beneath my window?
Light poured in from a large window, and a fan overhead made the curtains flutter.
Damian crossed to his window and gazed out at the setting sun.
Moonlight drifted in through a window, and she stared in confusion.
Her window was on the other side of her room.
The men were dispersing, and her heart leapt when she saw Damian's gaze riveted to her window.
The window to a balcony was open, allowing in a cool night breeze that made the fire in the hearth dance.
She suddenly realized the curtains were open, and the sun streaming into her window didn't hurt her eyes.
She looked again at the sunlit courtyard beyond her window.
Damian crossed to the window.
Sofia jerked from her place beside her window, not sure which voice came from her head and which from the handsome man before her.
Dean rolled down his window to let out the smoke.
Pushing himself away from the book that would reveal nothing he sought, he went to the small, square window overlooking the stone structure of the Sanctuary.
He went to the window opposite the figure and closed his eyes, then whipped the curtain open.
Movement outside the window caught Carmen's attention.
His attention was immediately drawn to the car outside the window.
Later that evening, Carmen was reading a book to Destiny and Jonathan was sprawled out on the window seat, reading a book about horses.
He leaned his head into the window to look at the odometer.
Through the window she saw Alex vault the fence and hit the ground running.
She placed her hands on the window and leaned her forehead against the cool glass.
Carmen peeked out the window and saw the blue BMW.
As she put the car in drive, something smashed the back window with a loud crash.
All of them screamed, and a frantic backward glance revealed the back window shattered and ready to fall in.
As the patrol car came over the hill, she rolled down her window and waved.
The patrol car came to a stop beside her, the window down.
While her car was in the shop getting a new back window, Carmen drove a rental car.
Sometime in the night Alex came and lifted her off the window seat.
Through the window she watched him stand and walk over to the porch rail, watching them intently.
That night she slept on the window seat, and he didn't come get her.
Curling up on the window seat, she gazed out at the moonlit scene on the valley below.
She sat up, peering out the window.
The balmy morning breeze drifting in from the small window was fragrant with the scents of the ocean and bread from the Sanctuary's kitchens.
Warmth bloomed within her while her heart beat with more excitement than a moth outside a lighted window.
Moonlight streamed through one window while the rest of the house was dark.
He glanced around the penthouse decorated in dark colors with flashes of burgundy and brown, attention settling on the familiar skyline visible through the window.
She caught sight of herself in a store window.
She rolled up her window, watched him return to his car, and cursed.
As usual, the next stop filled the train, and she looked with some irritation at a five-year-old who shoved by her legs to stand next to the window beside her.
He was dressed in worn clothing and shoes and flattened his palms against the window, as if he'd never been on a train before.
He turned to her twice and pointed out the window as the scenery whizzed, but she ignored him, reading instead.
A car approached, and a window lowered.
He led her to the window overlooking the street.
His clothing was thick and heavy this night, as if he expected to be standing outside her window until dawn.
She followed, intent on having her tea by the window as she did every morning.
The air was chilly, but she left the window open to the street sounds and the cold, wanting to feel normal.
Wiggling her toes in the plushest carpet she'd ever felt, she leaned against the window sill, exhausted yet wired.
Another boom, another flash of light outside the window, another shudder as the building struggled to stand upright.
She tiptoed through the glass and leaned out the window, eyeing the wide ledge.
The Irish rock blaring from the bar below was loud enough, and cigarette smoke already curled in through the window.
He ignored her and tossed it out the opened window.
She took a step back, but he only snatched the scarf and flung it, too, out the window.
The other pen and pad of paper went flying out the window.
He took the bottle and tossed it out the window.
He didn't answer but crossed to a window and flipped on a light.
He sat at the window overlooking the street two dozen stories below.
I should've asked first, Gabriel said with a glance toward the window.
Gabriel crossed to the window and stared at where the dark ocean and night sky met in the distance.
She glanced out the window and spotted the Arch.
The wooden door and whitewashed walls --along with the open window above the bed allowing in balmy air --soon brought to mind a more tropical place.
A storm brewed on the horizon, visible through the window behind Death.
Rhyn emerged from the shadows near the window, dressed in black with his hair tied back.
She exited the brightly lit room into the hallway, crossing to look out the nearest window at the falling snow.
He took a sip, gaze going to the snow falling outside the window.
Jade crossed to the window and looked out, formulating a plan to let the demons into the castle using Sasha.
Rhyn trotted to a window.
Hannah, you have to trust me when I tell you jumping out that window is a better death than what this thing will do to you!
Katie said, dragging her sister toward the window.
The first light of day filtered in through the small square window above her bed.
He tossed the last one out the window.
Kris.s gaze darkened, and he stood, pacing to the window.
The window of her weakness was short, only a week in mortals. time, but long enough for him to act.
Today she wanted to see the window to space in the galley Evelyn wanted her to see.
The massive warrior paced to the window.
She'd expected him to go out the window to avoid detection.
The prisoner squatted below a window and appeared to be listening for signs of pursuit.
Evelyn sat at the window seat, gazing at the dark sky as she had every night since Kiera disappeared.
She went to the window at his words.
The pale glow of the moon shone through the uncurtained window, casting an elongated shadow from the overturned chair.
She pivoted around, as far as her seatbelt allowed, practically hanging over the seat as she looked out the back window.
She was easily recognizable, her dark hair streaming in the breeze of her partially open window.
The small undated photo was quite dark but showed a couple, perhaps in their thirties, standing before a church window.
She was promptly chased away by the mourning women and sulked off to her spot in the window.
To Dean, she seemed a tad pensive as she sat next to the window.
Donnie wouldn't respond, turning away from his father toward the window.
I gaze from my window to the hill as I watch the warm glow from his home and pray he perhaps is thinking of me as I am thinking of him.
In spite of the cold, I try to open the window to rid this room of the smoke and whiskey breath of those who visited here, but the frame is frozen fast.
I gaze out my window as the moon is slowly slipping away and I long for the warmth of the morning.
Shadows danced in tune with a slight breeze from the inch of open window and a sentinel pine tree beyond.
The snow seems to trap me, as it does with the small squirrel I am watching from my window.
A woman, dreaming of her pending marriage, scratched in tiny letters with her diamond, 'So in love, says everyone,' on the pane of her bedroom window.
I took the ring you gave me and I too scratched that identical message on my bedroom window, the very same room where you and I have stolen our few hours together.
Her door was ajar and the chill from an open window washed over him.
If it was Bird Song where Annie lived, perhaps the scratched window pane is still here!
Would you scratch that on a window pane for me? she teased.
I don't know, something innocuous like pour a glass of wine and dump it down the sink, or open and close a window.
Jackson sat in the chair by the window, taking in the landscape.
When Sarah returned to Jackson's room he still sat at the window.
It has the bay window, great natural light.
Elisabeth walked him to his car as Miriam watched from the window.
She tapped on the window and Katie rolled it down.
He was gazing down at her, their faces illuminated by light coming through the window in the door.
Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Carmen trudged across the room and drew the curtains back from her window.
She slammed the coffee cup in the sink and the hot liquid splashed against the window.
He gazed out the window at the winter scene.
Carmen woke to a dim light shinning through her bedroom window - only the window was in the wrong place - and the bed was hard.
The next time she opened her eyes, sunshine filtered through alabaster blinds on a hospital window.
His words were like a ray of sunshine through the window on a cold winter morning.
A large bay window sported a roomy window seat.
I like the window seat.
His voice was husky as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the window seat.
He rose from the window seat and turned to face her.
He led her to the window seat again, and they sat there watching the sun set.
A window in the ceiling opened.
Lana asked, eyes on the window.
Brady's gaze went to the window.
You can influence anything, Tim, so I assume this is your idea and your window.
He looked away, at the blue sky visible through the window.
Gabriel gazed out the window of the small room, thinking.
In Hell, Darkyn stood before the hourglass perched on a window sill in his study.
The black sand had run out. He'd missed his window. Rather, he missed this window. He looked over at the demon standing before him. At least one of his super-demons had survived. This one still wore half a face, that of Death's favorite assassin, Gabriel.
The super-demon bowed his head and left. Darkyn watched him go then looked again at the hourglass. He hadn't expected Death to quit, but she was about to give him a new window of opportunity, one that might be more powerful. He might soon take over the underworld and its army of souls.
Any suggestion of an open window shade or even a night-light was summarily dismissed.
Or maybe that half blew back in the window when someone tore it in two and tossed it.
Dean walked up to the open driver's side window, startling the man behind the wheel, mid-bite in his hamburger.
Dean turned the car away from town, opened the window to let in the fresh May night, and headed south toward route 309 and Whitney's Motel.
A waitress wearing a lace cap denoting her Pennsylvania Dutch heritage seated him at a small corner table by the window.
When Cynthia saw the word "Morgue" in gold letters on the frosted window, Dean thought he was going to lose her completely.
At first it didn't register but then he quickly crossed to the window and looked out.
Any hint that we're looking at Byrne or anyone else as having taken that money stops the war and our leverage goes out the window.
Ethel was standing by the window, handkerchief in hand, looking like an Indian mourner at her husband's pyre.
Biting her lip, she turned away from him and stared out the window.
She turned her head to the window.
Burgess rose and crossed to the window.
Once again he moved to the window and looked out.
Alex paused, staring wistfully out the window.
Watching the house on the hill from the kitchen window, she knew a moment of regret when his lean silhouette disappeared into his house.
Later, when she glanced out the window, he was gone.
From the kitchen window she stared at his house.
In the house, she stared at the wild scene through the bay window.
He walked to the window seat and looked out the bay window.
She was too sleepy to bother Alex, so she moved to the window seat and curled up against the chill.
Rolling over on her back, she looked out the window.
Throwing back the covers, she slid off the window seat and headed for the door, using her fingers as a comb to put her hair in some kind of order.
He had one recliner in the living room, plus the window seat.
She walked to the window and looked out.
She stared out the window.
Besides, She glanced out the window at the drive.
Through the living room window Carmen saw a white truck slow down to pull in the drive.
Gripping the door handle as if she intended to jump out, she stared out the window.
He motioned to the window seat.
Sensing motion, she opened her eyes to find Alex leaning across her, placing a long stemmed glass on the window sill beside her.
He sat his glass on the window sill and stretched out his legs.
Taking her hand, he led her to the window seat and kicked off his boots.
That evening she was fixing supper when she glanced out the window in time to see a white truck pull up at her house.
She sat down on the window seat and watched as the men walked up the hill with rifles.
Bedtime began with their ritual of sitting on the window seat in each other's arms, watching their farm in the growing darkness.
Carmen Barnett curled up on the window seat and watched from the bay window as the sun cast its first rays on the farmstead below.
When the Elk grazed on this hill, they could be seen from the bay window.
She and Alex spent a lot of time on that window seat, admiring their combined efforts and property.
She glanced out the window.
Alex was at the last window, blowing her a kiss.
Sleep finally came, though, and next morning she woke to the sound of birds outside her window.
Carmen's attention drifted from the boys and she gazed out the bay window at the old farmhouse.
Through the bay window she could see Josh standing on the porch.
She mopped up the water and sat down on the window seat.
She leaped off the window seat and dashed for the phone, catching it on the second ring.
He glanced around at the single window and the 3/4 bed.
She went to the window and stared down at the flowers.
Like throwing that kiss from the airplane window — and I just stared.
Without a word, he carried her to the window seat.
His chest felt warm against her back as she stared blindly out the window.
Finally he lifted her from the window seat and carried her to their bed.
He twirled his fork in the spaghetti and glanced out the window.
She wandered into the living room and stared out the bay window.
From the window a flower box was visible, overgrown with weeds.
A bird's nest was built on one end and cobwebs covered the window.
She had a feeling of being watched and glanced up to find Alex lounging on the window seat, watching her reflectively.
He dropped a leg off the window seat to make room for her and she sat down in front of him.
She rested her hands on his arms and they gazed out the window, watching the shadows darken on the farmstead.
He shifted his attention to the darkness outside the window.
When he returned, Alex moved over to the window with his back to her.
She went to the window seat and stared past the old tree at the Farmstead, but it no longer beckoned.
Carmen was sitting on the window seat when Alex drove up Monday evening.
He crawled onto the window seat opposite her and crossed his legs, laying the clipboard on them while he scanned through her plans.
She sat on the window seat and touched his arm.
He stretched his legs out and slid them off the window seat.
She avoided the recliner, choosing the window seat instead.
Why don't we ever sit on the window seat any more?
But I thought the window seat was your favorite place.
He took her hand and led her to the window seat.
She sat down on the window seat and he crawled up beside her.
For a little while, she even forgot about the fear, but as they rose from the window seat, her gaze was drawn back to the chair.
Turning from the window, she spotted Jonathan climbing the stairs.
Strong warm arms lifted her gently from the chair and she clung to Alex as he carried her to the window seat.
She leaned against his chest, staring out the window with bleary eyes.
Jonathan climbed onto the window seat with them and wrapped his arms around them.
Alex took her arm and led her to the window seat, where he sat down beside her and took her hand.
Carmen stood at the nursery window, watching the baby for a long time before Alex came to get her.
The tiny main room of the small dwelling was lit by one window.
She stood before the panoramic window of his lair, gazing at snowfall so thick, it hid the nearby mountains from sight.
Jenn rolled her eyes at the window.
Instead, she'd slept with her back to the panoramic window with her down vest and boots on for warmth.
Jenn placed the blade of a knife between her teeth and pried the window of her bathroom open.
As she did every day, she wriggled out onto it and crept the length of the ledge to the neighboring window.
She pulled the window open and dropped in, glancing around to make sure she was alone.
She'd been sleeping somewhat well beside the panoramic window when purple light lit up the foyer.
She Traveled back to the panoramic window, where her nest of blankets wasn't the only thing waiting for her.
They Traveled to see Jonny pacing in front of Jenn's window.
She trotted down the stairs to her window and paused.
She picked up a pillow and two blankets, spreading one on the floor a foot from the window before plopping her pillow down.
She pulled on her knit hat and braced her bag of weapons between her body and the window before lying down on her back.
Darian peered out the window, where he had a good view of the barn that had been converted into a gym.
The sagging bed, moldy smell, and cracked window did nothing to settle her nerves.
The muffled ring of his new phone woke him just as dawn's light crept through the window.
One small window was high up against the nine-foot ceiling, barely wider than the span of her two hands.
Jenn considered, her gaze going to the small window above them.
Glancing out a window, she confirmed they were in the city, somewhere near the center.
The Watcher turned away from the window, surprise on its face.
Taran stepped into a cavernous bedchamber lit by low burning hearths and scented by the white flowers sitting in each window.
A small window overlooking the city was too small to squeeze through, and he saw no weapons.
When a strip of yellow lit the edge of the night sky, Taran returned to his perch in a large window facing the sunrise.
Moonlight filtered in through the open window.
What he needed was that window.
He dragged her to a window and the bright midday sun.
Two of us… He trailed off, his gaze turning to the sky peeking through the window.
The warrior led her to a wooden wagon, enclosed on all sides except for a small window.
Jonathan stared out the window for a while.
Inside, she sat down on the window seat with him.
She set one steaming cup on a coaster beside him and placed hers on the window sill.
Sinking to the window seat, she watched him read the paper.
Placing the coffee cup on the window sill, he ran a hand through thick black hair that curled in all the right places.
He kicked his shoes off beside the window seat and sat down on the opposite end from her.
He took another sip of his coffee and then absently set it on the window sill.
He shifted his attention to the window and stared out into the moonlit night.
She sighed again and leaned back against the wall, gazing out the window at the old renovated house.
He sat up straight and motioned her to join him on his side of the window seat.
It was in the way he stood, gazing absently out the window for long periods of time.
She returned and sat on the window seat beside Carmen, putting an arm around her shoulders.
He leaned on his desk, gazing absently out the window.
Without responding, he walked over to the window and stood.
He turned from the window, focusing on her.
He closed the book and gazed out the window.
The lady nodded and returned her attention to the window.
For the rest of the trip she read her book or gazed out the window.
Megan took a table near the window and ate the food while she watched the sleepy town.
He ran out to his bicycle and pushed the kickstand back while he peered through the window.
Bright sunshine beat down through the bedroom window, heating her bedroll until she was drenched with sweat.
She rose and opened the window, but a breeze didn't stand a chance with the forest surrounding the cabin.
Through the window the forest invited, but what about snakes?
As she shut the door, she leaned over, looking through the open window at him.
With the door closed, she ran to the window to gaze in horror as the trees tossed their limbs in protest of the wind.
She dashed around, pausing to gape at the storm as she closed each window securely against its fury.
He was moving quickly toward a window as he spoke.
She ran to the bedroom and grabbed the flashlight, pausing only long enough to check the window there.
As she filled the coffeepot, she glanced out the window.
She flinched and moved away from the window to put the pot over a fire on the range.
The tree limbs visible through the kitchen window were still.
A hollow tearing sound was followed by a horrendous crash outside the kitchen window.
The window ruptured, spraying glass across the kitchen floor.
The sound began as light pecks on the window, and quickly grew to a crescendo of crashing rocks.
She lifted her face from his chest long enough to glance through the kitchen window and saw the huge white chunks of ice plunging to the ground.
She slid out from under the table and stood, hugging herself and shivering violently as she peered out the kitchen window into the darkness.
I'm going to see if I can find something to cover that window.
He nailed the wood over the window while she cleaned the rest of the glass from the counter.
She climbed stiffly from the bench and went from window to window, studying the area around the cabin.
She pulled the curtain back from the window on the door.
A window air conditioning unit hummed, and when he opened the door to the apartment, a surge of cool air invited them in.
From the airport window, she watched a cloud bank build in the northwest.
Her mind went to the quadruple locks on the front door and bars on the window.
A decal with the symbol of the White God – a sun and moon with an arrow through it – was in the corner of one window.
Jessi stared out the window.
His gaze caught on something out the window, and it sharpened.
His gaze was out the window, and he gave no sign he was deceiving her.
Jessi looked around for a phone or window.
The wall met another, and she quickened her step, scouring the area above her for some sign of a window.
The church of St Lawrence has Norman portions, and an arch and window apparently of pre-Conquest date.
On the 23rd of August 1480, the college being completed, the great west window being contracted to be made after the fashion of that at All Souls' College, a new president, Richard Mayhew, fellow of New College, was installed on the 23rd of August 1480, and statutes were promulgated.
The staircase leads either to a platform on the top of the nuraghe or, more frequently, to a second chamber concentric with the first, lighted by a window which faces, as a rule, in the same direction as the main doorway.
Windows have a chilling effect on a room, and in calculations extra allowance should be made for window areas.
Specially serious damage was done in the immediate neighbourhood of the chapel, but the finely moulded arches and the magnificent tracery of the east window survived in great part.
They include the land tax,1 the personal and habitation tax (contribution personnelle-mobihre), and door and window tax.
Evidence of the intense interest taken by American visitors in Stratford is seen in the memorial fountain and clock-tower presented in 1887, and in a window in the church illustrating scenes from the Incarnation and containing figures from English and American history.
The latter, according to Petahiah, had a learned daughter who "gave instruction, through a window, remaining in the house while the disciples were below, unable to see her."
The ruins are scanty, but the east window is preserved, and the present church incorporates remains of the ancient resthouse for pilgrims. The church has a peculiar music gallery, entered from without.
The facade has the characteristic circular pediment with a large west window surrounded by three smaller windows separated by two ornamental roundels in coloured marble and of geometric design.
The art of making stained xxv11.3 2 a glass windows was not practised by the Venetians; almost the only fine glass in Venice is that in a south transept window in the Dominican church, which, though designed by able Venetian painters, is obviously the work of foreigners.
The castle was erected by Alphonso of Aragon; the cathedral, consecrated in 1088, has a rose window and side portal of 1481.
The restored church of St Nicholas, dating from the 13th century, though much altered in the 15th, contains'a window given by Queen Victoria in 1866 in memory of her father, the duke of Kent, who lived at Woolbrook Glen, close by, and died there in 1820.
Only occasionally is light let in to mitigate the horror of the gloom, and then not so much through a window as through a hole.
Window glass exposed to alkaline vapours often shows a thin iridescent surface film which is supposed to be due to crystallization; the same change is found in pieces of Roman glass which have been dug out of the ruins of Pompeii.
The western gable with its flamboyant window and Gothic door and the massive square tower are all that is left of the original edifice.
At one time it was used for window panes of houses and the port-holes of Russian men-of-war, being commonly known as "Muscovy glass."
The great hall, with its fine open-timbered oak roof, is adorned with a splendid stained-glass window and several statues of notable men, including one (by Louis Francois Roubiliac) of Duncan Forbes of Culloden, lord president of the court of session (1685-1747), and now forms the ante-room for lawyers and their clients.
There are various Norman fragments, including a fine early window in the chancel.
When the window openings were large, as was the case in basilicas and other public buildings, and even in houses, the pieces of glass were, doubtless, fixed in pierced slabs of marble or in frames of wood or bronze.
In 1634 there were two glass-houses in Rome and one in Florence; but whether any of these produced ornamented vessels, or only articles of common use and window glass, would not appear to have as yet been ascertained.
In 1302 window glass, probably crown-glass, was made at Beza le Foret in the department of the Eure.
The choir was lengthened and the beautiful eastern rose window added by Bishop Stewart in 1511, and the porch and the western end of the nave were finished in 1540 by Bishop Robert Reid.
Almost in the centre of this south facade is an exquisitely sculptured window, from which letters from the Greek patriarch at Constantinople used to be read.
A few disciples dragged their beloved master to the inner library and urged him to escape by the window.
This is the time of two of his rare, privately printed pamphlets, The Window; or, the Loves of the Wrens (1867), and The Victim (1868).
They became feeble copies of Venetian palaces, in which one form of window, with an ogee arch, framed by the dentil moulding, is almost always used.
Domenico has a fine rose window.
This journey forms the subject of a window in the cathedral of Chartres, and there was originally a similar one at Saint-Denis.
The old Spanish edifices were very solidly constructed of stone, and private residences were provided with iron gates and window guards strong enough to withstand an ordinary assault.
Among numerous Norman examples the first in interest is the small church at Barfreston, one of the most perfect specimens of its kind in England, with a profusion of ornament, especially round the south doorway and east window.
The body of the church, however, is mainly transitional Norman with additions principally Decorated, including a beautiful east window, much ancient woodwork, and other details of interest.
On the 27th of August 1830 he was found hanged on the fastening of his window.
On the 12th of May, at Strafford's request, the archbishop appeared at the window of his cell to give him his blessing on his way to execution, and fainted as he passed by.
There is a fine Perpendicular east window of circular form.
A popular legend represents the bishop as descending from the window of his cell by a rope which friends had conveyed to him in a cask of wine.
As rotifers are common in ponds, the first workers with the microscope observed them repeatedly, the first record being that of John Harris in 1696, who found a Bdelloid in a gallipot that had been standing in his window.
The grand entrance was by the richly carved west door, above which was the Alpha window.
The term is sometimes applied to the splaying of the edges of a window on the outside, but the wide expansion made inside in order to admit more light is known as a splay.
Smaller objects abound - coins, pottery, window and bottle and cup glass, bronze ornaments, iron tools, &c. - and many belong to the beginnings of Calleva, but few pieces are individually notable.
On the Pocono plateau is a large deposit of a finegrained dark-blue stone of the Devonian formation which is known as the Wyoming Valley stone, and, like the New York " bluestone," which it closely resembles, is much used for window and door trimmings, steps and flagging.
Within are monuments to the Glanville and Bourchier families, besides some good stained glass, one window being the work of William Morris.
The church of St Mary was built mainly c. 1817, but the chancel belonged to a former church, and retains a Decorated east window and other good details.
When in use, it is held at right angles to the periscope above the upper window by a bayonet catch; when not in use, it is lowered and sprung round the body of the periscope just below the upper prism box.
The top is closed by a pressure-tight window, inside of which is a prism which reflects the light rays vertically down the tube to a prism at the bottom end, where they are reflected in a horizontal direction and focussed in an eyepiece attached to the bottom of the tube.
At the Roberts hotel is shown on a window pane the supposed signature of Wellington.
From the violence of a multitude in which women of the worst class were more furious than the men she was sheltered in the house of the provost, where she repeatedly showed herself at the window, appealing aloud with dishevelled hair and dress to the mercy which no man could look upon her and refuse.
Nummularia, much used for trailing over rockeries and window boxes, with bright yellow flowers.
When the greenhouse is not to be used during the summer months, camellias, azaleas and plants of that character should be set out of doors under partial shade; but most of the other plants usually grown in the conservatory or window garden in winter may be set in the open border.
Empusa Muscae causes the wellknown epidemic in house-flies during the autumn; the dead, affected flies are often found attached to the window surrounded by a white halo of conidia.
The graceful west front has a deeply recessed Early Pointed doorway, surmounted by traceried windows and, above these, by a handsome Decorated stained-glass window of fire lights.
The restored north transept has a window of remarkable beauty.
The parish church, of mixed architecture, including the Norman nave of the old priory church, and containing some of the most beautiful examples of window tracery in England, was restored in 1866, and enlarged by the addition of a south nave in 1879.
The great east window at Wells and the window at the west end of the nave at Chartres are fine examples.
There is a 16th-century Jesse window from Mechlin in St George's, Hanover Square, London.
The Jesse window in the choir of Dorchester Abbey, Oxfordshire, is remarkable in that the tree forms the central mullion, and many of the figures are represented as statuettes on the branches of the upper tracery; other figures are in the stained glass; the whole gives a beautiful example of the combination of glass and carved stonework in one design.
Among its manufactures are machine-shop and foundry products, window glass and pressed glass ware, and grist mill and planing-mill products.
Dugdale (1656) says that a window, with representations of Leofric and Godiva, was placed in Trinity Church, Coventry, about the time of Richard II.
In Ardnaree is the Roman Catholic cathedral (diocese of Killala), with an east window of Munich glass, and the ruins of an Augustinian abbey (1427) adjoining.
Sir Walter Scott has immortalized the east window, in The Lay of the Last Minstrel, but the south window with its flowing tracery is even finer.
He had only held this post for a few weeks when, in consequence of his refusal to vote with the government against the abolition of the house and window tax, he resigned both his office and his seat ' in parliament.
The parish church of St Lawrence is a cruciform Perpendicular building, with a lofty central tower, and a noteworthy east window, its 15th-century glass showing the martyrdom of St Lawrence.
The Romanesque cathedral has a simple façade (partly of the 11th, partly of the 14th and i 5th centuries), with a fine portal and rose window.
Jesus in the painted window of Mansfeld church, stern of face, sword in hand, sitting on a rainbow, coming to judge; an altarpiece at Magdeburg, in which a ship with its crew was sailing on to heaven, carrying no layman on board; the deeds of St Elizabeth emblazoned on the window of St George's parish church at Eisenach; the living pictures of a young nobleman who had turned monk to save his soul, of a monk, the holiest man Luther had ever known, who was aged far beyond his years by his maceration; and many others of the same kind.
While most of the species are of interest chiefly to the conchologist, there are a number of edible forms. The shells of Placuna placenta, L., split into thin flat plates and, cut into small squares, are almost universally used in place of window glass.
At another time Clarke on looking out at the window saw a grave blockhead approaching the house; upon which he cried out, "Boys, boys, be wise; here comes a fool."
Devoted to astronomy from his earliest years, he eagerly observed the heavens at a garret window with a telescope made by himself, and at nineteen began his career with the publication of a short work on the solar eclipse of the 5th of August 1766.
As the hole is made larger the illuminated portions from different sources gradually overlap; and when the hole becomes a window we have no indications of such a picture except from a body (like the sun) much brighter than the other external objects.
Here the picture has ceased to be one of the sun, it is now a picture of the window.
When detached clouds are drifting rapidly across the sun, we often see the shadows of the bars of the window on the walls or floor suddenly shifted by an inch or two, and for a moment very much more sharply defined.
The city also manufactures cigars, cigarettes, snuff, a fertilizer having tobacco dust as the base, cotton goods, lumber, window sashes, blinds, drugs and hosiery.
Ruskin considered that there was "nothing so perfect in its simplicity" as the west window, the design of which resembles a leaf.
The west front contains a great Norman porch and a fine wheel window.
On his way he came to the town of Yezdikhast, where he demanded a sum of money from the inhabitants, claiming it as part of secreted revenue; the demand was refused, and eighteen of the head men were thrown down the precipice beneath his window; a saiyid, or holy man, was the next victim, and his wife and daughter were to be given over to the soldiery, when a suddenly-formed conspiracy took effect, and Zakis own life was taken in retribution for his guilt (1779).
He was chief mason for Wykeham's works at Winchester Cathedral and for Winchester College, where his portrait may be seen in the east window of the chapel, and where his contract with the clerk of the works, an ex-scholar of the college, for the building of the outer gate, is still preserved.
It previously consisted of a tower and chancel (with a fine Decorated window) built by Bishop Gower, the piers of the chancel arch being partly built on earlier Norman work, the Herbert Chapel (originally St Ann's) of about the same date as the chancel and rebuilt in the early part of the 16th century, and a nave built in 1739.
The remains of the abbey chiefly consist of the shell of the beautiful Cruciform church, with a central saddleback tower rising from the transepts to a height of over 90 ft., and a graceful rose window at the west end of the nave.
The high Frick Office building has exterior walls of white granite; in its main hall is a stainedglass window by John La Farge representing Fortune and her wheel.
A large stained-glass window commemorates the taking of the oath by Queen Wilhelmina in 1898.
One window contains the arms of the burgomasters of Amsterdam from 1578 to 1767.
A pen-drawing representing a ringleader of the Pazzi conspiracy, Bernardo Baroncelli, hung out of a window of the Bargello after his surrender by the sultan at Constantinople to the emissaries of Florence, can be dated from its subject as done in December 1 479.
In France there is a group of taxes known by that name - a land tax,, a personal and furniture tax, a door and window tax, and a trade licence tax.
The house duty replaced a window tax and other charges which were formerly not unimportant, especially in the interval between 1815 and 1843, when there was no income tax.
It is entered by three richly sculptured portals, over the middle and largest of which is a rose window; over the north portal rises a massive tower, but that which should surmount the south portal is unfinished.
On the flat panelled ceiling of the nave are the heraldic shields of the princes, noblemen and bishops who shared in its erection, and the great west window contains modern painted glass of excellent colour and design.
He was then found guilty of high treason and sentence of forfeiture pronounced; but there is reason to suspect that the whole case was trumped up. The old church escaped demolition at the Reformation and even the fine east Leixoes window was saved.
One of the halls has interesting paintings of1377-1380on its wooden ceiling; and in the upper storey of the court is a splendid three-light Gothic window.
The church of St Lawrence, founded from Battle Abbey in Sussex, is Decorated and Perpendicular and its east window, of the earlier period, is specially beautiful.
At the south-eastern corner of the palace, close to the bridge, is the tree under which petitioners waited for the answer to their grievances, which Frederick the Great gave from an opposite window.
Of the monastery there still remains the south wall of the refectory, with a fine window.
The commercial grades are numerous, ranging by letters from A, the darkest, to N, extra pale, - superior to which are W, "window glass," and WW, "water white" varieties, the latter having about three times the value of the common qualities.
The remains include the vestry, the southern transept (the famous rose window of which is still entire), part of the chancel, the southern wall of the nave, part of the entrance towers and the western doorway.
These comprise portions of the church, including the fine west front, arcaded, with three Norman doors and a Perpendicular window, with the chapter-house, cloisters and conventual buildings.
The actual introduction of the pointed arch took place at a much earlier date, as in the nave arcade of the Cistercian Abbey of Buildwas (1140), though the clerestory window above has semicircular arches.
There remain a fragment of the south wing of the transept, two sides of the decagonal chapter-house (1282) and the beautiful west gate-house, Early Perpendicular (1332-1388), with an oriel window on the east.
It is in the Kansas natural-gas field, ships large quantities of grain, and has a large zinc oxide smelter and a large oil refinery, and various manufactures, including vitrified brick and tile, flour, lumber, chemicals, window glass, bottles, pottery and straw boards.
The entrance window is then the real image of this diaphragm projected by the objective in the surface conjugate to the plane focused for, and the exit window is the image projected by the eyepiece; this happens with the image of the object lying at infinity.
Previous to the king's dismissing us, he carried the duke and me to the open window.
Señor Medena was watching Alex, but from the corner of her eye Carmen could see Alex was looking out the window.
The conversation drifted on, with Jonathan occasionally contributing, but Alex was stoic in his position at the window.