Wind-speed Sentence Examples
For more accurate information you may also choose to install an anemometer mast to gage wind speed data over a given period.
When you do this, you disable the power meter, map, and wind speed indicator.
They may also need to erect a wind speed mast.
It is found that the occurrence of absorption pulsations is increased during episodes of high solar wind speed.
I use one when descending slippery slopes and when wind speed is above 40 mph to help balance.
We measured the wind speed using an anemometer - see how we made our own here.
Most weather stations measure wind speed using a spinning cup anemometer, which rotates depending on the wind.
Sources are provided of extreme wind speed data in other countries.
The changes in wind speed then create a vortex.
Our boat speed at times matched our wind speed of 1 or 2 knots which showed our crew 's skill.
AdvertisementThe cycle can be linked to other factors eg. wind speed, the piece includes a wind speed gage.
When considering wind power for your home, wind speed should be at least 10 mpg on average.
Harnessing wind energy is only feasible if the area experiences a minimum of ten miles per hour average wind speed.
Selection of a system depends on the weather conditions, since wind speed and direction, humidity and air temperature can all affect the snow making process.
More rapid changes in wind speed may be measured using a ` hot wire anemometer ' .