Wilson-s-disease Sentence Examples
For example, a disorder known as hemochromatosis leads to iron toxicity, while Wilson's disease results in copper toxicity.
Severe alterations in copper metabolism occur in two genetic diseases, Wilson's disease and Menkes disease.
Children born into families with a history of Wilson's disease should have a blood test for the disease at some point in their second year of life, before symptoms of the disease develop.
In addition to a deficiency in blood plasma of a protein known as ceruloplasmin, Wilson's disease is characterized by gold or greenish-gold discolorations of the cornea of the eye known as Kayser-Fleischer rings.
The clinical symptoms of Wilson's disease do not appear in young children; however, measurements of serum ceruloplasmin can be taken in children over 12 months of age if a family history of Wilson's disease is a risk factor.
With regard to disorders of copper metabolism, Wilson's disease can be successfully controlled by lifelong treatment with d-penicillamine, trientine, and zinc acetate.
After an initial period of treatment with penicillamine, Wilson's disease may be treated with zinc (150 mg oral Zn/day).
Patients with this disease must, however, comply with treatment for the rest of their lives, as untreated Wilson's disease is invariably fatal.
Children or adolescents diagnosed with Wilson's disease must observe the dietary limitations described earlier.
Such genetic diseases as Wilson's disease and Menkes disease cannot be prevented as of the early 2000s.
AdvertisementIn some cases, however, the doctor may order a blood test to rule out Wilson's disease or other metabolic disorders, or order a throat culture if the child has recently had strep throat.