Willingness Sentence Examples
The next step was informing Mr. Cooms of our willingness to proceed with his offer.
Yet among the so-called sophists there were two who had philosophical leanings, as appears in their willingness to be called by the title of philosopher.
She more than once expressed her willingness to confer with the daughter Presbyterian churches, with a view to their sharing with her the benefits of her position.
They should show their willingness to reunify the country.
The success of therapy depends largely on the stutterer's willingness to work at getting better.
The High Priestess Reversed The Priestess reversed represents uncontrolled sensuality, conceit and a willingness to accept the superficial.
We must respond to well-founded criticism with a willingness to change.
Be sure to inform them of your willingness to remain in good standing.
But, it does require an open mind and a willingness to learn.
It also expressed willingness that the companies should have rights of way in the streets.
AdvertisementOn the other hand, there were signs of a greater willingness among the Socialists to co-operate with their old enemies the Liberals.
All it takes is a little know how and some willingness to search.
There are plenty of jobs for people who do not have college degrees that have potential for upward movement; it just takes hard work and a willingness to learn in order to move up.
However, it can still demonstrate your abilities and your willingness to do well.
No artistic ability necessary to attend, just willingness to work with own personal self-development.
AdvertisementA willingness to call the Virgin Mary Theotokos is an important shibboleth for Christological orthodoxy.
It has also clearly demonstrated its contempt for democracy through its willingness to ignore the democratically expressed wishes of the electorates in member states.
Free help with debt comes with your willingness to create and stick to a spending plan.
Home-life and peer pressure also affect a teenager's willingness to stay in school.
Third, he had erred in his willingness to sustain the res judicata plea.
AdvertisementFeminist theologians will also want to question Lot 's apparent willingness to hand his daughters over to a mad crowd to face certain death.
In the willingness to have the heart be broken a million, trillion, zillion times, true love is revealed.
Personalized gifts for baby are really limited only by your imagination and your budget (or your time and willingness to do something yourself).
You'll need a strong base knowledge of wine or the willingness to carefully research each investment.
Various regulatory bodies have indicated willingness to allow low levels of GM adventitious presence in seed lots.
AdvertisementFeminist theologians will also want to question Lot's apparent willingness to hand his daughters over to a mad crowd to face certain death.
His flair for the essentials in his problem, his subtlety of analysis, his patient willingness to return upon a difficulty from a fresh and still a fresh point of view, and finally his fineness of judgment, make his logic 2 so essentially logic of the present, and of its kind not soon to be superseded, that nothing more than an indication of the historical significance of some of its characteristic features need be attempted here.
The students themselves model care and concern for the environment and a willingness to undertake whatever needs doing.
Their willingness to give of their time and their unfailing good humor make them a delight to work with.
There is more of a public and private willingness to incur debt.
Each parent's willingness and ability to encourage a close and continuing relationship between the other parent and the child.
The common thread is a passion for style and design and a willingness to be continually learning.
That said, with a little patience and willingness, you can really punch up the design of your rooms on a small budget.
Depending on your level of experience and willingness to play around with color and shape, you can choose a single eye shadow color, or choose a four-shadow palette.
This look requires some heavy drama and a willingness to wear plenty of deep, bold shades.
This willingness to work towards improving oneself is essential for growth and change when it comes to changing the way you respond to stressful situations.
The willingness to use one illegal substance may serve as a gateway to alcohol or harder drugs.
You can get out of the house and either work part -time (showing maturity and willingness to financially contribute to your education, a very adult thing to do) or volunteer for a charity part-time.
With proper preparation and the willingness to experiment with new experiences, and your cruise vacation is bound to be a success.
Above all, a willingness to learn and make sure that the passengers aboard the ship are taken care of are essential qualities to bring to the job.
A willingness to commit to a long term contract is also highly desirable because cruise ships prefer to employ persons who can take the time to learn procedures well and will be able to serve the cruise line for an extended period of time.
Hard work and a willingness to learn may one day get you all the way to Best In Show.
This activity led to the selection of spirited breeding stock that also evidenced a willingness to cooperate with their human counterparts.
Watch for changes in your bitch, ask for you vet's help if neccessary and really pay attention to the stud dog's attitude and willingness to breed.
Middle schools are often larger and more intimidating then their elementary school counterparts, and an unsafe, dangerous bus ride can inhibit students' willingness to learn and work their hardest in middle grade levels.
All you need is information and a willingness to share.
Your ability to trust your doctor and feel comfortable with their diagnosis will be instrumental in your willingness to follow the treatment which is recommended.
Willingness to work with sleep doctors - Your sleep doctor can provide your sleep dentist with the particulars of your sleep disorder as well as details about the amount of blockage in your airway during sleep.
Increasingly, social competence involves the willingness and ability to share thoughts and feelings with one another, especially for girls.
However, only 10 percent of deaf children are born to deaf parents, so hearing parents must show a commitment and willingness to learn sign language.
Cooperate with, show tact towards, and compromise with other children, demonstrating the willingness to subordinate the self by modifying behavior and opinions in the interests of others.
The two prerequisites for this form of maltreatment are sexual arousal towards children and the willingness to act on this arousal.
Factors that may contribute to this willingness include alcohol or drug abuse, poor impulse control, and a belief that the sexual behaviors are acceptable and not harmful to the child.
Pacifiers also can interfere with children's willingness to talk and the development of their social skills.
A parent's willingness to listen to and sympathize with a child's fears provides a necessary validation of the child's experience and helps to calm the child's anxiety.
With a little research and a willingness to read reviews and seek out word-of-mouth experiences, you can find a high-qualiy salon certain to meetyour hair care needs.
If taken with a light-hearted approach and a willingness to skip over the less-popular books and savor the favorites, this doesn't need to be a serious concern.
Rather than making financial contribution, which is costly and can have gift tax implications, family members can use their own creditworthiness and willingness to assist relatives simply by agreeing to a co-borrower arrangement.
Can the office give you the names and contact information of patients who have received implants and who have expressed willingness to give a reference for the dentist.
Ever since the advent of the bikini, parents have grown increasingly appalled at their daughters' willingness to flaunt their flesh in public.
Those slumps come and go, but you can combat them with just a bit of creativity and willingness to try something new.
Even her promise of wanting to change and willingness to work on her self should you get back together is not enough of a reason.
To do this takes some risk and a willingness to lead with your heart.
Recognizing this is wonderful and demonstrates a willingness on your part to take action!
I want to congratulate you for your willingness to live with integrity.
This suggests a willingness of two people to commit to each other and that is a good place to be when thinking about how to make a marriage work long distance.
A willingness to step into your sweetheart's inner circle may mean you have been hit by Cupid's arrow.
The willingness to compromise means that you are not going to leave the person just because he doesn't agree with you.
Your willingness to watch something out of the ordinary will touch her heart and all the effort that went into celebrating her birthday will make her feel so appreciated.
She must have strong communications skills, an excellent grasp of the English language, the ability to research difficult topics, a willingness to revise her work upon request, and a commitment to meeting project deadlines.
Gluten-free restaurant menus show a willingness on the part of business owners to reach out to gluten-sensitive individuals by offering foods which are gluten safe.
The fact that fast food restaurants provide food allergen information is certainly helpful and demonstrates a willingness to accommodate people with special needs.
This willingness to embrace other aspects of the fashion world demonstrates how in touch Juicy Couture is with the hippest trends, and how the company is willing to expand to meet their customers' needs and desires.
Among Virgo's virtues are a charming, if somewhat reserved, nature and a willingness to help others.
However there will be a willingness to talk out disputes.
No matter your sign, if you have patience and a willingness to truly understand the Virgo man, it is possible to make a lasting match with the sixth sign of the zodiac.
Nothing is more rewarding than setting your mind on a goal and achieving it through determination and the willingness to put forth your best effort.
No matter how many positive parenting skills you have, none can rival your ability and willingness to love your children.
Many cite Nolan's interviews of the process behind The Dark Knight to indicate a willingness to continue with the Batman saga.
A willingness to explain the meaning of each pose?
Just as with any form of exercise, prayer practice or diet, the efforts made by the practitioner and the willingness to approach all things with a positive attitude greatly affect the results.
They will look for the child's willingness and ability to make eye contact.
Offer the reader your willingness to answer questions by providing a telephone number for further questions.
This means you need to be prepared for hard work, starting with research and planning as well as the willingness to devote time, energy, and financial resources to accomplishing your long term goals.
His professionalism, positive attitude and willingness to learn are beneficial to any organization.
Titans cheerleaders come from all walks of life, but one thing they all have in common is a passion for Titans football and a willingness to practice rigorously.
Without a warm up, you are much more likely to experience during workout pain and post exercise soreness, which can inhibit your ability and willingness to work out.
This personal choice may impact your willingness to pay more for a policy.
One of the reasons attributing to this success is their willingness to provide competitive insurance rates.
They claim superior service to similar property and casualty insurance firms due to their years of experience and their willingness to resolve claims quickly and effectively.
However, some guys end up having a lot of fun with their partners once they see how much their willingness to participate is appreciated.
It need hardly be said that this is only effective with an independent shop - big box or other large stores do not have the capacity or willingness to deal with an individual in this way.
Many accounts attest to her ambition and willingness to stop at nothing to achieve fame.
Her soulful, driven music and willingness to sing about painful and even controversial issues have earned her a broad fan base among both youth and adults.
Her willingness to do so was based on your behavior in the social setting known as the tea party.
The tools are free and only limited by your imagination and willingness to use them to create your own social networking home on the web.
The great reflecting telescope at Dorpat was manufactured by him, and so great was the skill he attained in the making of lenses for achromatic telescopes that, in a letter to Sir David Brewster, he expressed his willingness to furnish an achromatic glass of 18 in.
With both he took all imaginable pains to avoid offending the censorship; for Voltaire had, more than any other man who ever lived, the ability and the willingness to stoop to conquer.
He soon showed a willingness to rule as a non-partisan, and favoured the re-enfranchisement of white citizens.
She purposely kept her thoughts of what was to come—and her fear for Jule—at the back of her mind, instead filling it with her willingness to learn her trade.
Kiera was dumbstruck both by his willingness to teach her and his touch.
Its fear of the class below it now outweighed its willingness to fight for its democratic birthright.
It lies in our willingness and capacity to create global catharsis in a creative way, to precipitate change by choice.
Further, there must be the willingness for give and take on both sides, founded upon a truly equitable agreement.
These codes show the willingness of boards to regulate themselves, thus forestalling the need for government to intervene with codes of its own.
Maybe part of being liberal is a willingness to question every part of faith at the risk of being called a heretic.
Samuel Hopkins laid even greater stress than Edwards on the theorem that virtue consists in disinterested benevolence; but he went counter to Edwards in holding that unconditional resignation to God's decrees, or more concretely, willingness to be damned for the glory of God, was the test of true regeneration; for Edwards, though often quoted as holding this doctrine, protested against it in the strongest terms. Hopkins, moreover, denied Edwards's identity theory of original sin, saying that our sin was a result of Adam's and not identical with it; and he went much further than Edwards in his objection to " means of grace," claiming that the unregenerate were more and more guilty for continual rejection of the gospel if they were outwardly righteous and availed themselves of the means of grace.
It was, then, to a good subject that Miss Sullivan brought her devotion and intelligence, and fearless willingness to experiment.
Design flexibility and a willingness to consider alternatives will help couples find a perfectly pink wedding ring.
Arneth was an indefatigable worker, and, as director of the archives, his broad-minded willingness to listen to the advice of experts, as well as his own sound sense, did much to promote the more scientific treatment and use of public records in most of the archives of Europe.
On the tenth day of the last month of the year the Great Festival (Al-id al-kabir), or that of the Sacrifice (commemorating the willingness of Ibrahim to slay his son Ismailaccording to the Arab legend), closes the calendar.
Lastly, he had the spirit of lively satire and of willingness desipere in loco which frequently goes with the love of books.
Weakness. Willingness to negotiate.
With the declaration of peace the president again gained a momentary popularity much like that he had won in 1809 by his apparent willingness at that time to fight France.
A pestilence that ensued being attributed to this crime, the Delphians declared their willingness to make compensation, which, in default of a nearer connexion, was claimed and received by Iadmon, the grandson of his old master.
Many unfounded rumours of a willingness on the part of the Confederate States to make peace were circulated to weaken the Union war spirit.
The first is a new method for educating and reforming young offenders, already on the frontiers of habitual crime, no longer children, but at an age still susceptible of permanent improvement; the second is the legal acceptance of the principle of indefinite detention, the willingness to inflict an indeterminate sentence on those who have already forfeited the right to be at large.
Membership in the association is open to all Germans who are Protestants and declare their willingness to co-operate in promoting its objects.
Being next asked to make an unqualified submission to the council, he expressed himself as unable to do so, while stating his willingness to amend his teaching wherever it had been shown to be false.
Beyond the limits of New England the progress of the denomination as such was, as we have seen, a good deal hindered for a long period by the willingness of New Englanders going West either to join the Presbyterians, with whom they were substantially agreed in doctrine, or to combine with them in a mixed scheme of policy in which the Presbyterian element was uppermost.
The Virginia authorities expressed a willingness to grant the demand provided Congress would admit the new district into the Union as a state.
Though commonly denominated a Presbyterian, he had no exclusive attachment to Presbyterianism, and often manifested a willingness to accept a modified Episcopalianism.
He knew absolutely no social distinctions in his willingness to perform services for the deserving.
But, though in 1680 he published his Unreasonableness of Separation, his willingness to serve on the ecclesiastical commission of 1689, and the interpretation he then proposed of the damnatory clauses of the Athanasian creed, are proof that to the end he leaned towards toleration.
At Worms he showed some signs of a willingness to compromise, but at Regensburg his old violence reasserted itself in opposing all efforts at reconciliation and persuading the Catholic princes to reject the Interim.
Charles expressed his willingness to consent to the handing over of the administration to the control of a Protestant, in the case of a Roman Catholic sovereign, but the Opposition insisted on Charles's nomination of Monmouth as his successor, and the parliament was accordingly once more (28th of March) dissolved by Charles, while a royal proclamation ordered to be read in all the churches proclaimed the ill-deeds of the parliament and the king's affection for the Protestant religion.
Although he had been most violent in denouncing the anti-clerical policy of the Combes cabinet, he now announced his willingness to recognize a new regime to replace the Concordat, and gave the government his support in the establishment of the Associations cultuerles, while he secured some mitigation of the severities attending the separation.
She purposely kept her thoughts of what was to come—and her fear for Jule—at the back of her mind, instead filling it with her willingness to learn her trade.
He appeared on the 6th of March before the standing committee of the two Houses to explain his conduct, when he stated that he had come over because he saw danger to the Protestant religion in the king's service, and expressed his willingness to take the Covenant.
In spite of the official rebuff received from the mother-country, the Australian ministry, in drawing up the new Federal tariff, gave a substantial preference to British imports, and thus showed their willingness to go farther.
There was an anxiety to avoid articles of dress peculiar to other religions, especially when these were associated with religious practices; and there was a willingness to refrain from costume contrary to the customs of an unsympathetic land.
And, when the Franciscan declared that he would enter the fire with Savonarola alone, Fra Domenico protested his willingness to enter it with any one in defence of his master's cause.
His youth was marked by a constant willingness to rebel against merely official authority; to genuine excellence, whether moral or intellectual, he was always ready to pay unbounded deference.
Mill had suggested to Comte that he should write articles for the English periodicals, and expressed his own willingness to translate any such articles from the French.
He had promised to fulfil men's highest expectations, if only they would not doubt His willingness and power.
Hither he summoned a general council, which met in June 1245; but although Frederick sent his justiciar, Thaddeus of Suessa, to represent him, and expressed his willingness to treat, sentence of excommunication and deposition was pronounced against him.
This wily chief professed his willingness to obey the commands of the Porte, but stated that his troops, to whom he owed a vast sum of money, opposed his departure.
The committee were of opinion that a central board, consisting of representatives of the Board of Education and the different examining bodies, should be established, to co-ordinate and control the standards of the examinations, and to secure interchangeability of certificates, &c., as soon as a sufficient number of such bodies signified their willingness to be represented on the board.
When Major Richard Ingoldsby arrived with two companies of the king's soldiers and demanded possession of the fort, Leisler refused although he still professed his willingness to deliver it to Sloughter.
Admission is granted to any Druse of either sex who expresses willingness to conform to the laws of the society, and during a year of probation gives sufficient proof of sincerity and stability of purpose.
Once a nation shows its willingness to seize foreign-owned property at will, foreign investors are reluctant to do business there again.
As a general on duty on Kutuzov's staff, he applied himself to business with zeal and perseverance and surprised Kutuzov by his willingness and accuracy in work.
The legislature of Georgia remonstrated but expressed a willingness to cede the land to the United States, and in 1802 the cession was ratified, it being stipulated among other things that the United States should pay to the state $1,250,000, and should extinguish " at their own expense, for the use of Georgia, as soon as the same can be peaceably obtained on reasonable terms," the Indian title to all lands within the state of Georgia.
By 1907, however, the greatly increased production in India and Ceylon, with the willingness of many nations to drink such teas, in preference to those of China, had left to her Russia as a customer for nearly half her export of the article, a proportion rapidly diminishing, as that country too turned in the direction of using the stronger varieties.
In accordance with this proposal, the two Lower Estates, on the 16th of September, subscribed a memorandum addressed to the Rigsraad, declaring their willingness to renounce their privileges, provided the nobility did the same; which was tantamount to a declaration that the whole of the clergy and burgesses had made common cause against the nobility.
His vanity, however, as has been admirably remarked, is essentially that of " the peacock, not of the gander," and is redeemed by his willingness to raise a laugh at his own expense (Strachan-Davidson, p. 192).
When the Second Civil War began he was distrusted by the Independents and removed from his command, though he confessed his continued willingness to serve the state.
The vicomte bowed and smiled courteously in token of his willingness to comply.
The assembly of 1601 declined to alter any of the existing prayers but expressed a willingness to admit new ones.
Thus, as Harnack points out, "there is no trace of a theological difference between Severus and Leontius," only a difference of terminology and of degree of willingness to assent to the formula of Chalcedon.