Wildest Sentence Examples
The wildest scenes had become unaccountably familiar.
Never in her wildest dreams would she have considered her taste stylish or elegant.
Durango, Colorado, once one of the wildest cities in the old west, was now the home of 12,000 citizens and one of the country's last narrow-gage railroads.
Never in her wildest dreams would she have expected him to react so strongly.
Then came the news of the Five Days of Milan, which produced the wildest excitement in Turin; unless First war the army were sent to assist the struggling Lombards of Italy at once the dynasty was in jeopardy.
Having become one of the chief inspirers of the imperial policy, Marsilius accompanied Louis of Bavaria to Italy, where he preached or circulated written attacks against the pope, especially at Milan, and where he came within the sight of the realization of his wildest utopias.
The truth seems to be that native opinion throughout India was in a ferment, predisposing men to believe the wildest stories, and to act precipitately upon their fears.
The wildest confusion prevailed, and the lazzaroni massacred numbers of persons suspected of republican sympathies, while the nobility and the educated classes, finding themselves abandoned by their king in this cowardly manner, began to contemplate a republic under French auspices as their only means of salvation from anarchy.
Among the wildest of them head-hunting is still a common practice; but the majority are industrious farmers laying out their fields on artificial terraces and constructing irrigation canals with remarkable skill.
One of the striking features in the geology of Arran is the remarkable series of intrusive igneous rocks of Tertiary age which occupy nearly one-half of the area and form the wildest and grandest scenery in the island.
AdvertisementThe results obtained by the growth of these schools were speedy and successful beyond the wildest hopes of their founder.
This river, called Nam Kong by the Shans, Thanlwin by the Burmese, Lu Kiang, or Nu Kiang, or Lu Tzu Kiang by the Chinese, is the longest river in Burma, and one of the wildest and most picturesque streams in the world.
The wildest animals do not repose, but seek their prey now; the fox, and skunk, and rabbit, now roam the fields and woods without fear.
But the next twelve years was a period of the wildest anarchy.
The wildest stories were circulated in the press about the oppressive character of the Venizelist regime of 1917-20.
AdvertisementThe press promulgated the wildest alarms as to the intentions of Louis Napoleon, who was represented as contemplating a sudden and piratical descent upon the English coast without pretext or provocation.
He recognized that, even at this early stage of their history, the Transvaal Boers were filled with the wildest ideas as to what steps they would take in the future to counteract the influence of Great Britain.
The wealth which was pouring into the Boer state coffers exceeded the wildest dreams of President Kruger and his followers.
Roads with post-houses at intervals were made over the wildest mountain-ranges and the bleakest deserts for hundreds of miles.
During this time Rome was horrorstruck by the mysterious murder of the young duke of Gandia, and the bereaved pope mourned his son with the wildest grief.
AdvertisementBut the remainder of the troops had to be withdrawn, and confusion breaking out in their rear, exposed to all the random bullets and shells of the French, a panic ensued, thousands of men breaking away and flying in wildest confusion through Gravelotte towards the west.
To the north-west of Pinerolo, up the Chisone valley, there opens at Perosa Argentina the valley of St Martin, another important Waldensian valley, which is watered by the Germanasca torrent, and at Perrero splits into two branches, of which the Prali glen is far more fertile than that of Massello, the latter being the wildest and most savage of all the Waldensian valleys.
This incident provoked the wildest indignation, and Russia was for some days on the verge of war with England.
The higher summits, which often reach a height of 7000-8000 ft., are usually covered with snow until July or August, and the whole region is one of the wildest and most picturesque parts of Spain.
These favourites, not content with pushing their fortunes in the English court, encouraged the king in the wildest designs.
AdvertisementIn addition to these affronts upon the state religion, he insulted the intelligence of the community by horseplay of the wildest description and by childish practical joking.
Taking the Rind Baluch as the type opposed to the Afridi Pathan, the lialuch is easier to deal with and to control than the Pathan, owing to his tribal organization and his freedom from bigoted Pathan tribes of the Suliman hills are held in check by the occupation of the Zhob valley; whilst the central dominant position at Quetta safeguards the peace and security of Kalat, and of the wildest of the Baluch hills occupied by the Marris and Bugtis, no less than it bars the way to an advance upon India by way of Kandahar.
Etymology was pressed into the service, and the wildest conjectures as to the meaning of names did duty as a basis for mythological explanations.
Thus arose the foundations of the modern " germ theory of disease;" and, in the midst of the wildest conjectures and the worst of logic, a nucleus of facts was won, which has since grown, and is growing daily.
It was some time in the year 1337 that he established himself at Vaucluse and began that life of solitary study, heightened by communion with nature in her loneliest and wildest moods, which distinguished him in so remarkable a degree from the common herd of medieval scholars.
The Veddahs exhibit the phenomenon of a race living the wildest of savage lives and yet speaking an Aryan dialect.
Almost any system of morality or immorality might find some justification in Nietzsche's writings, which are extraordinarily chaotic and full of the wildest exaggerations.
The characteristics of this Western school are no doubt the result of the contact of Scandinavian colonists of the Viking-tide, living lives of the wildest adventure, with an imaginative and civilized race, that exercised upon them a very strong and lasting influence (the effects of which were also felt in Iceland, but in a different way).
He accordingly returned to New York in December, and was received with the wildest display of popular enthusiasm.
In a short time the crest was stormed, and after a last attempt at resistance the enemy's centre fled in the wildest confusion.
It takes its rise in a mountainous region which is described as the wildest of all wild parts of the Central Provinces, crosses the Bilaspur boundary near Seorinarain, and after a course of 25 m.
Can you in your wildest dreams imagine the Times being so candid in the same position?
Of course, in 1933 no-one ever imagined in their wildest dreams that he might actually try to murder them all.
The possibility of whatever enters into the wildest imagination to conceive is thus triumphantly vindicated.
In spite of the fact that in a few of its later representatives Gnosticism assumed a more refined and spiritual aspect, and even produced blossoms of a true and beautiful piety, it is fundamentally and essentially an unstable religious syncretism, a religion in which the determining forces were a fantastic oriental imagination and a sacramentalism which degenerated into the wildest superstitions, a weak dualism fluctuating unsteadily between asceticism and libertinism.
He possessed some oratorical ability and adopted a very theatrical style of elocution, "tuning his voice and balancing his hands"; and his addresses were a strange medley of solemnity and buffoonery, of clever wit and the wildest absurdity, of able and original disquisition and the worst artifices of the oratorical charlatan.
The crisis culminated on a day, each event of which is surrounded in the Buddhist accounts with the wildest legends, on which the very thoughts passing through the mind of Buddha appear in gorgeous descriptions as angels of darkness or of light, To us, now taught by the experiences of centuries how weak such exaggerations are compared with the effect of a plain unvarnished tale, these legends may appear childish or absurd, but they have a depth of meaning to those who strive to read between the lines of such rude and inarticulate attempts to describe the indescribable.
This book is about that future and what it is going to look like—how it will be a place glorious and spectacular beyond our wildest hopes.
They had reached the very wildest and most desolate portion of the pass when the girl gave a startled cry, and pointed upwards.
Exotic wedding cakes allow for the most creativity and the wildest ideas.
Different design modes let players complete scenarios or build the wildest coasters they can imagine.
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Wicked Weasel Swimwear creates some of the wildest swimsuits on the market.
Role playing costumes are a great way to add an element of authenticity to your wildest fantasies and imagination.
Fans of the popular Sims franchise can add University Life to their collections by sending their young adult Sims to live out their wildest fantasies on campus.
Finally, Kids' WB offers us the adventures of Johnny Test and his superhuman sisters Susan and Mary who help his wildest dreams come true.
Even the wildest party should be a safe one, and pools can be dangerous if proper behavior is not observed.
If you want to add an animalistic vibe to your manicure, zebra nail art is the wildest way to go.
The period from 1860 to 1864 was one of rapid development accompanied by the wildest speculation.
The defenders were dispirited and torn by sedition and dissensions, and the emperor could rely on little more than 8000 fighting men, while the assailants, 200,000 strong, were animated by the wildest fanatical zeal.
The greater part is a rock destitute of soil, and presenting the wildest aspect; the ground is cold, poor and sterile; and the whole face of the country bears marks of volcanic action.
Do I need to prove we have an explosion of technological progress dwarfing the wildest dreams of any age?