Wildernesses Sentence Examples
Every monastery erected in the Magyar wildernesses was not only a centre of religion, but a focus of civilization.
The rock walls harbour some rock plants, but many absolutely barren wildernesses of stone occur.
These blocks of shrubbery have been called wildernesses.
They are regarded by the orthodox Hindus as little better than the beasts of the wildernesses which they inhabit.
Often the word thus extruded is irrecoverable; Ginevra, 125 sqq., "The matin winds from the expanded flowers I Scatter their hoarded incense and awaken I The earth, until the dewy sleep is shaken From every living heart which it possesses I Through seas and winds, cities and wildernesses"; the second "winds" is a repetition of the first, but what should stand in its place, - "lands" or "strands" or "waves" or something else - no one can say.
The city hall, with park and volunteers' monument, are on the same street, while the lofty Union Bank, McIntyre, and Bon Accord blocks are here wildernesses of offices of every description.
The missions will take you to a wide variety of locations; the city, dark caves, strange wildernesses and alien spacecraft.